• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 3,280 Views, 280 Comments

Rainbow Sentai Harmonyranger - Xero Key

  • ...

Old vs New

Author's Note:

You'll notice that this may have come up again on your updates. Well I was not satisfied with the product I put out. The lack of a final fight scene kept nagging at me, so I had to edit it back in.

Also, if you follow the music link and read through the morphing and call out scene quickly, you can finish just as the lyrics start, perfectly timed huh?

(I own nothing that appears in this story. Everything belongs to their respective owners.)

Old vs. New: by Xero Key

“Canterlot PowerCon!

Do you want to see real Power Rangers live on stage?

Do you want to see them do epic stunts? Do you want to see them play epic music? Do you want to hear them talk about what it means to be a Ranger?

Then come on down to the Canterlot Convention Center this weekend to see it all!

Canterlot PowerCon! The Real Con for Real Rangers!”

Vinyl turned off the radio she had playing in the rarely used tour bus, before turning back to check on her passengers. All seven Rangers and Spike were sleeping soundly.

“Aww, all tuckered out from fighting evil. How cute!” She turned back to actually drive the bus, not that she really had to. “Ugh, one in the morning and still traffic on the highway.” Vinyl was in the one lane marked with a road alert sign ‘Canterlot Convention Center 1 mile, 5 hours from this point.’ Vinyl looked out as best she could at the single lane on the highway that wasn’t moving. “Should have left last night.”

Power Rangers

At the convention, seven friends were walking around the vendor area. Each of them were wearing a mass produced Mighty Morphin’ costume they ordered online, the kind that are only bodysuits and face masks. Antony was leading the group in his White Ranger outfit; while his girlfriend Aisha was in the Pink Ranger costume. Jake and Dante were wearing the Blue and Black Ranger outfits respectively, Celine was wearing the Yellow Ranger outfit, which went well with her blonde hair. And wearing the Red and green Ranger outfits were twin exchange students from Japan, Shinji and Minato.

“Can you believe how awesome this is!? Real Power Rangers….At our convention!” Aisha squealed. “Oh I am so nervous to meet them! And excited! Nervouscited!”

“Isn’t the Pink one supposed to be calm, ma chere?” Celine asked.

“Not ours.”

“I still can’t believe that I’m not dreamin’ man. I mean...Power Rangers man.” Jake said, lagging behind to look at the various vendor booths.

“Truthfully, I’m only curious as to how they were able to use their technology. It would take massive amounts of energy to teleport their costumes…” Dante started rambling.

“No technobabble Dante. You’ll just get lost in your own little world.” Antony says.


“No, tech tech. Capisce?” Tony said raising his clenched hand.

“Excuse me, could we get a photo?” A sultry voice asked. The seven turned around, Shinji and Minato immediately rushing over to the trio now before them.

“Ooh...nice costumes. Dazzlings right? They are…” “...The Rangers arch rivals right?” Shinji and Minato finished each others thoughts.

“Yes, costumes.” Adagio said. “Anyway, we were wondering if we could get a few action shots with the Originals, maybe them fighting us?” She asked holding up a camera.

“Zyuranger was the fifteenth…” “...Not the first.” Shinji and Minato clarified.

“I think she means Power Rangers dudes.” Jake said.


Aria stepped up with a box. “Actually, we were hoping that we could get the actors but they aren’t here, so maybe you could use these.” She opened the box to reveal seven Mighty Morphin’ morphers and power coins.

“Yeah, that’s a great idea!” Sonata said grabbing the morphers and passing them out to their respective colored teen. “One nice shot of the Originals morphing!”

The seven looked at each other, shrugged and put their masks on. They fell into the most accurate formation possible with seven Rangers: Tony center with Shinji on his left and Minato on his right, followed by Jake behind Shinji and Dante behind Minato, and Aisha came behind Jake while Celine was behind Dante. They held the morphers behind their backs and spread their legs shoulder width. The Dazzlings raised their camera. “It’s Morphin’ Time!” Tony shouted as they thrusted their morphers forward.

The power coins flashed black as the teens began to writhe in pain, sparks of negative light danced around their bodies as smoke billowed around them. The morphers attached themselves to their waists, causing mores sparks that created armoring. The seven screamed in pain as they held their heads, their masks becoming fuller. The smoke completely enveloped them, giving them silhouettes of helmeted figures. The camera flashed and Sonata looked at the dissipating smoke. “I can’t tell if their smiling.” All that answered her was dark laughter.

The Harmony Rangers rushed outside of the building as the explosions began as they saw the figures slowly turn over to them, glaring under their helmets as they were introduced to…”Wait, aren’t those…?” Pinkie began as Dash nods.

“Yep...the Mighty Morphin; Power Rangers…” said Dash with a cringe as they turned to them.

“So, looks like Rita and Zedd decided to make some new fake Rangers, huh?” the Red ranger said as they got into their stances.

“we’ll take these fakes out no problem.” The Black Ranger said as Sunset frowned.

“Whatever happened to them, it brainwashed them. They think they’re the heroes from the show...so we better be careful.” said Sunset as the rangers got into a stance as their weapons were summoned.

“Power Sword!” Said the Red Ranger with a glare, his sword at the ready.

“Power Bow!” The Pink Ranger said as her bow got out.

“Power axe!” The Black Ranger said as he flexed his axe a bit.

“Power Lance!” The Blue Ranger said with a twirl of the lance.

“Power Daggers!” The Yellow Ranger said as her daggers were at the ready.

“Dragon Dagger!” The Green Ranger said as he got the infamous dagger out.

“Saba!” Said the White Ranger as the seven rangers glared at the Rangers in front of them as Dash glanced t her team.

“This isn’t gonna be an easy fight, is it?” Dash asked as the others shook their heads at this as she glared ahead. “We better get them out of those costumes. Ready?” They nod as they call out “It’s Morphin Time! Power Rangers, Harmonize!” They all glowed as they gained their Ranger forms.

“Anyone got popcorn?” Sonata asked the other Sirens as they watched from behind a pillar...Aria bonked her head, making her cringe as she rubbed the sore spot.

“So...we fight our counterparts?” AJ asked as Sunset nods.

“Sounds like a plan to me. Everyone, weapon up!” They all nod as they yell out “Rock and Load!” As their weapons arrived.

“Come on Rangers, take them out!” the White Ranger said as the Mighty Morphin’ team nod as they ran forward, weapons out as the Harmony Rangers ran forward as well.

Dash ran towards Ranger Red as he slashed at her with the Power Sword, but her axe blocked it as she kicked him in the side with a grunt. Fluttershy squeaked in fear as she used her tambourine to block off slashes from the Power Daggers.

“Try and catch me if you can~!” Pinkie Pie teased as she hopped from cotton candy cloud to another as the Pink Ranger fired at her with her bow who was growling in annoyance.

“Hold still! Ugh, you are so annoying.” the Pink Ranger said as Pinkie gave a teasing wink under her helmet as AJ ducked around the Green Ranger’s Dagger as Twilight was fighting against the Black Ranger with her magic as he dodged and slashed with his axe.

“Shouldn’t you fight the Black Ranger?” asked Twilight in confusion as AJ shrugs.

“Good point. Wanna switch dance partners?” AJ asked as she nearly got stabbed by his dagger but was able to block it with her hammer.

“Uh...maybe later?” Twilight asked nervously as Rarity fired her Keytar at the Blue Ranger, who did a few flips before separating his lance and slashed at Rarity, who yelled out as she ducked back.

“And here I thought the Blue Ranger was supposed to be one of the nice ones!” Rarity said as Sunset and the White Ranger clashed swords with a grunt from each.

“Listen! I don’t know what’s going on with you, but you need to fight it! We’re the good guys! if you’re anything like the other rangers from the show, you should know that!” said Sunset as the White Ranger kicked her back as he glared.

“Sorry, but I don’t take orders from a Putty! Hiyah!” White Ranger thrust Saba forward, hilt up, and fired lasers at Sunset that sent her flying.

Sunset growled as she got up as she says, “I’m not a Putty, you moron. I’m a person like you! The Sirens got you under a spell!”

“Likely story.’ said the Red Ranger, hearing that from his fight with Rainbow Dash as he slashed forward, but she blocked it.

“Take it from the Element of Honesty; We’re tellin’ da truth!” said AJ as she kicked the Green Ranger back as the Black Ranger and Green charged as AJ and Twilight looked at each other and nod as they rolled away, causing the two to crash into each other, making them yell out at that.

“OK, I am surprised that worked.” Twilight said in shock as she saw something...surprising: Pinkie Pie took the Pink Ranger’s bow and was hopping around as the Pink Ranger was chasing her, annoyed.

“Give that back!” the Pterodactyl-themed ranger said in annoyance as Pinkie giggled up a storm.

“Gotta catch me first!” Pinkie said as Twilight just groaned aloud. The Yellow Ranger saw this and growled, drawing her blaster. “AJ, catch!”

Applejack caught the bow and was able to fire off a few energy blasts at the enemy Rangers, before being tackled by Original Pink Ranger.

“We don’t have time for this! Let’s put ‘em together!” Red yelled. The other Rangers untied their weapons into a single cannon.




As the Harmony Rangers flew back from the explosion, they were forcibly demorphed and revealed their human selves beneath.

“What? Boss, aren’t Putty Rangers supposed to return to normal or be destroyed when no longer morphed?” Blue asked White.

“Yeah….Could they be…?” White pondered.

“Ahem, excuse me! Could you get on with the elimination of our enemies? Kind of important!” Adagio called down from where she and the Sirens were resting on the roof.

“Not happening, lady!” Red shouted back, pointing at them dramatically. “If these are humans, then their on our side!”

Aria rolled her eyes. “Ugh. Plan B it is.” And with that, the Sirens began to sing. The haunting tune enveloped the Mighty Morphin’ Rangers, and consumed their thoughts. “Now, do your job puppet.”

“Yes, mistress.” The rangers monotonously said before raising their weapons high to deliver a final blow to the Harmony Rangers. *Honk! Honk!* The rangers turned in time for them to see the large bus that ran them over.

The door opened to the downed Rangers, revealing Vinyl sitting at the wheel. “Come with me if you want to live!” The Rangers rushed on board and the bus drove off. The Mighty Morphin’ Rangers stood up and watched them leave, snarls coming from beneath their helmets, tire tracks covering their armor.

“I can’t believe they got away!” Sonata exclaimed later in the castle. “We…” She glanced over to White and Green sparring. “...I mean they had them!”

Unikahn brooded as he looked out the window into the void.”They are annoyances, unworthy of the Empress’ time.”

“Then why would she focus on them? Face it Unikahn, you’re jealous of the Red Ranger.” Adagio said, lounging on a chaise. Red looked down from waving a fan above her. “Not you honey.”

“How dare yo wench!” Unikahn said as he stalked towards Adagio, mace drawn.

“Enough!” Nightmare Moon said from her throne. “White Ranger?”

White stopped his fight with a wave of the hand. “Yes, Mistress?”

“I sense the Rangers are preparing for another confrontation. Destroy them.”

“As you command.” With a motion, the Evil Rangers vanished in a flash of light.

“Now for us… I believe a symbolic strike is best. Hmm?” Nightmare waved her hand above the scrying pool. Within it, an image of what is popularly known as the Command Center appeared. “Ah yes, The Brandeis-Bardin institute’s House of the Book in Simi Valley, California? The irony of having the Original Power Rangers destroying that would be exquisite!”

In the desert, the Evil Rangers faced off against the Harmony Rangers. “Ready to die?” White asked.

“Not a chance.” Rainbow Dash answered. “Power Rangers! Harmonize!”

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lightning stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between he fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled he head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

A green light pulsed from Applejack’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying ‘don’t talk to me’ to two people.

The orange-gold streaks on Sunset’s Morpher glowed, engulfing Sunset in fiery light. Sunset began to float and spin as her body took on a dark-purple body suit, with golden light forming wristbands, boots, finger plating, and her breast plate. Opening her eyes sharply, Sunset’s head was covered by a gold helmet, the sound of a horse neighing echoing. She landed on a cliff above a ocean at sunset as waves crash behind her.

The tip of the phone-wand sparked with a purple light and shot into the sky, as Twilight was dragged into a spin upwards. She balanced on top of a spiraling galaxy in a purple body suit-and-skirt and snapped out her hands to form gloves. Slight kicks to the side formed her boots, and a snap of her fingers near her neck formed a silver cape and collar. The purple light from her morpher fell into her outstretched hand and became a staff. A shooting star crashed into her head with a neigh echoing to form her helmet. She posed with one hand outstretched and palm forward, and her staff held parallel to the ground behind her.

“Rangers, strike the coins!” Dash ordered. The Harmony Rangers ran forward, an act that surprised their counterparts. Each Ranger went for their opposites’ Power Coin. Reaching deep within themselves, the girls forced their magic into the coins, demorphing their opposites into civilian garb, and taking their coins.

Jake was the first to come out of the spell. “What happened?”

“You were dragged into our war.” Sunset said, holding out the White Tiger coin in the open palm of her glove, her team copying her.
“Up for one last battle soldier?”

The formerly controlled Rangers glanced around at each other, before reaching for the coin in their counterpart’s outstretched hand.

Beneath her helmet, Sunset smiled. “Back to Action!”

Outside the famous House of Book, Nightmare Moon’s forces greet the approaching Rangers. “At last, my true warriors arrive!” Nightmare Moon said, indicating the approaching Mighty Morphin’ Rangers...unmorphed. “Have you successfully destroyed those annoyances?”

“Not yet. They’re still pretty annoying.” Tony said, as the other Rangers chuckled.

“You dare return to me with failure and levity!?”

“Jobs not done…” “...Thought you’d want…” “...A front row seat.” The twins explained.

Nightmare raised an eyebrow in confusion as a wave of mist washed over the area.From within, seven voices began to sing a haunting tune. Out of the mist, behind the Mighty Morphin’ Rangers, came the Harmony Rangers.The mist faded away to show all fourteen lined up opposite of Nightmare Moon’s forces.

“What?” “Uh oh.” “I don’t feel too good…” The sirens said looking at the now obviously heroic assembly.

“Tony, would you care to do the honors?” Sunset asked flippantly.

“Our pleasure. Ready?” Tony asked.

“Ready!” The other thirteen shouted.

“It’s Morphin’ Time! White Tiger!”




“Saber-Tooth Tiger!”



“Power Rangers! Harmonize!”

With a flash of nine colors:Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink, Orange-Gold, Purple, Black, and White; the Rangers stood united.

“White Ranger Power!”

“Green Ranger Power!”

“Pink Ranger Power!”

“Yellow Ranger Power!”

“Black Ranger Power!”

“Blue Ranger Power!”

“Red Ranger Power!”

“Hiyah!” The seven Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers posed before their enemies with a yell.

“Red Harmony Ranger!”

“Green Harmony Ranger!”

“Blue Harmony Ranger!”

“Yellow Harmony Ranger!”

“Pink Harmony Ranger!”

“Purple Harmony Ranger!”

“Gold Harmony Ranger!”

“Hiyah!” The Harmony Rangers posed in their signature stances.

“United Together! Rangers Forever!” All fourteen Rangers called as colored smoke burst behind them, cleared away by an explosion of fire.

The Rangers charged at the alliance of evil, pairing up with their counterpart or as close to, and attacked. Shinji and Dash attacked Unikahn; while Dante, Applejack, Twilight, and Minato attacked Doomitaur. Rarity and Jake took on Aria, Pinkie and Aisha charged Sonata, while Fluttershy and Celine attacked Adagio. Nightmare Moon charged the remaining two Rangers, Sunset and Tony.

The two Reds landed the first hits on their enemy, tagging each other in and out of melee and range. When Unikahn swiped at Rainbow with his mace, Shinji caught with his sword and gave Dash the time to cut Unikahn's legs from beneath him with her axe. She then played a riff to shoot lightning at the Power Sword, and Shinji cut through Unikahn's armor like butter. He blasted the two Rangers back, but they managed to flip out of the explosion by leaping off each other. While in the air they switched weapons, Shinji rocking out to send lightning at Unikahn while Rainbow went for a leaping stab with the sword.

The sound of trumpets rang as green bolts lifted Doomitaur into the air, followed by purple-black energy blasts. Applejack slammed her hammer into the ground to create a mesa that lifted Twilight into the air, where she fired down a rain of fire and lightning, forcing the skeletal minotaur to the ground. Dante wrapped his axe around Doomitaur and flung him towards Minato while cutting him. Doomitaur was able to recover from the spin with a stumble and attempted to chop Minato's shoulders, but was blocked by his golden shield. Minato punched him off into the air and roundhouse kicked him back, where Applejack was waiting to hammer him into the ground.

Pinkie used her nunchuck like a whip to wrap Sonata up, then pulled to force her into a spin as Aisha fired energy arrows. Grabbing Aisha, Pinkie bounced upwards into the sky in complete defiance of even Ranger physics and immediately dropped them straight down onto Sonata's head in a four boot kick. Aisha then used her bow as a staff and knocked Sonata around until Sonata caught and flung Aisha towards Pinkie. Pinkie jumped over her counterpart, while using her nunchuck to pull Aisha back to her feet, before punching Sonata with a haymaker.

Jake stabbed forward at Aria as Rarity fired off shots to keep her pinned. Aria took the blow from the lance, but grabbed on to spin Jake around. Jake however used the momentum to slide down the staff to kick Aria in the chest and send her flying to Rarity. Rarity double kicked Aria up into the sky and sent energy diamonds to collide with her, after which Jake used his lance like helicopter blades to fly up and cut the siren. He ended their short lived flight with an elbow to the stomach and threw his lance behind her, pinning her arm as diamonds pinned the rest of her limbs.

Fluttershy spun in her hoop at Adagio, Celine holding on to the side with her arm as her dagger was held out in the other. The spinning stab sent the siren flying, followed by the two Yellows coming down with a double karate chop. Adagio sent out blasts of energy, but Fluttershy was able to use her hoop to redirect them away, giving Celine an opportunity to stab the siren in the back with both of her daggers. Kicking Adagio over her head, Celine rolled to Fluttershy and they both drew their blasters, firing and damaging the still airborne siren.

Sunset and Tony fired off blasts of energy, but Nightmare canceled the attacks with her own wave of darkness from her scythe. However the blast caused a smoke cloud that obscured her vision, which allowed the White and Gold Rangers to leap out of the cloud. Spinning in the air with their swords outstretched, the Rangers struck out Nightmare Moon, actually succeeding in breaking her staff into two.

"Tony, give me to Sunset!" Saba the Sword said.

"Got it. Sunset, Catch!" Sunset caught the scimitar and performed a flaming double cut on Nightmare Moon, causing a giant cross of fire to fly across the field.

"I've had enough of this! Two teams of Rangers is too much! Retreat!" Nightmare yelled before vanishing in smoke, the Sirens and Unikahn doing the same. The only monster that remained was Doomitaur, who was just now digging himself out of the ground.

"Uh Oh..." Doomitaur said as he noticed his situation.

“Let’s put ‘em together!” Dash and Shinji shouted.

“Power Axe!”

“Power Bow!”

“Power Daggers!”

“Power Lance!”

“Power Sword!”

“Dragon Dagger!”


The weapons united once more, but this time combined with the Wub Cannon.



“Fire!” The Rangers spread their arms into V’s as the cannon launched a powerful energy blast that disintegrated Doomitaur in a single blast.

Later that day, outside of the Canterlot Convention Center, the Rangers were saying goodbye to their new friends. “Never thought this would happen in my life.” Tony admitted, rubbing the back of his head.

“We are sorry, but thank you for helping us.” Sunset said.

Vinyl gave Shinji a wooden box. When he opened it, he found the Power Coins they used. Vinyl smiled sadly. “Bosses say they won’t morph again, so I thought that you guys might want a unique souvenier.”

Thanks and hugs were given, tears welling up in everyone’s eyes. Tony and Minato both took I3 business cards, considering them for the future. Fluttershy put her hand out in front of her, palm down. The others were confused for a fraction of a second, before placing theirs on top of it. Sunset smiled. “Once a Ranger…”

“...Always a Ranger.” Tony finished.

“Go Go Power Rangers!”