• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 3,280 Views, 280 Comments

Rainbow Sentai Harmonyranger - Xero Key

  • ...

Magic of Friendship

(I do not own anything but the plot. Power Rangers, Equestria Girls, My Little Pony, and the OCs all belong to Saban/Toei, Hasbro Ltd., and GIGA-XIBRAXAS. Please support the official release.)

Twilight Sparkle was in the Command Center lower level’s emergency barracks, attempting to levitate cubes resting across from her. Her hand was outstretched and sweat was dripping down her face. After nearly half an hour of not even the slightest shake, she collapsed into her lap.

“Nothing. How can Rarity and Sunset get this so easily?”

“It’s not that easy darling.” Twilight looked up and saw Rarity outside the door of their shared dorm. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you, You just missed lunch...again.”

Twilight checked her phone and noticed that she had indeed missed lunch, for the third time in a week. “Sorry Rarity, I guess I just want to know how to do this…” At that moment, the cubes in front of her became attached to the opposite wall above Rarity’s bed. “...consciously.” She finished deadpan. Rarity only chuckled as she came in to remove the cubes.

Power Rangers
Later that night in the Rangers’ shared kitchen/dining area. Rainbow Dash spoke up. “Okay, why are we staying in the Command Center again?”

“Because it’s safer, people have been going missing and appearing in the desert with amnesia.” Sunset answered while typing away at her laptop.

“We have jobs.”

“That Hexagon was able to put on hold for us.”

“We have lives.”

“We aren’t in lockdown.”

“You’re avoiding the question!”

Sunset looked up over her laptop. “Firefighters do it all the time, it’s just simpler if we all know where everyone is in case of an emergency.” Sunset typed a bit more into her laptop before picking up a radio. “Try it now.”

“Got it.” Vinyl said on the other end. This was quickly followed by a rumble through the base and purple smoke. “Don’t got it.”

Sunset pinched her nose in frustration, closing her computer. “Maybe I should have left this for Hexagon.”

Fluttershy opened her mouth to speak, having tried to avoid either of her teammate’s eyes, but the emergency sirens started to blare. All of the Ranger’s met in the control room, the main viewer displaying KaraTengu-san and an army of Terrorvons attacking one of the town’s Japanese Historical shrines. The Rangers literally leapt into action, dramatically backflipping off the platform and into the team jeep, and raced out of the cave.

“I seriously do not understand them sometimes.” Vinyl said, idly noticing Twilight staring out the Portal Statue. She opened a drawer in the desk to pull out a book with a red/yellow sun emblazoned on the front.

As Twilight stared at the hard marble that made up the statue, she truly wondered what she was meant to do. “Magic, the one thing I can’t understand.” She placed a hand upon the stone, feeling it would not give. “Another me? What’s the point of it all?” Her hand sunk forward and pulled back with a yelp, just before two hands pushed her into the silvery shine of the active portal.

Vinyl lowered her arms to her side, smiling grimly. “Hope you can do something Princess...cause if anyone can talk sense into her, it’s herself.”

The Rangers came to the forest where the monsters, leaping into battle one after the other. “So you’re number three huh?” Dash asked arrogantly.

“Indeed, you have had two chances Rangers, now your time is up. Aria, if you would please?” KaraTengu-san said, turning to the siren.

She smirked. “With pleasure. Ah ah Ahah Ah ah…” she sang few notes which did damage the Rangers, but did not disable them.

“It isn’t as strong without all three, take them down!” Sunset ordered drawing her sword as Aria morphed. Dash and KaraTengu-san squared off against each other, before running towards their sides while firing at each other. Aria engaged Applejack in hand to hand combat while the rest fought off the Terrorvons.

The battle went on for several minutes before KaraTengu-san cast a spell of darkness, knocking out the Rangers out and forcing them to demorph. “And you didn’t lead with that why?” Aria asked. Kara-Tengu-san merely growled before ordering the Terrorvons to tie them up.

Through the looking glass, Twilight Sparkle was waking up from being pushed through. “Oh my head.” She said rubbing her hoof to her horn. “Wait. Hoof? Horn?” Opening her eyes Twilight peered into the reflective surface of the floor she now rested on. Looking back at her was a purple unicorn. “AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!”

“Wow, she’s as loud as you Twilight.”

“Don’t be rude Spike.”

Raising her head, Twilight came muzzle to muzzle with another reflection, this one slightly taller than she was and had large, beautiful wings. “P-Princess?”

“You remember me, that’s great.” The other Twilight smiled kindly, giving the impression of an overjoyed mother. Her eyes turned sad though, when she looked at the open portal. “Do you know why you are here?”

“I was pushed?”

“Not just that.” Princess Twilight helped Twilight stand on her four feet. “You’ve been feeling as though you don’t matter.”

“No, that’s not it at all.” Princess Twilight raised an eyebrow. “I just can’t figure out magic.”

“The more things change… You can’t figure out magic because you are looking at it the wrong way.” Twilight looked confused. “Magic is not something that can be truly quantified, believe me I’ve tried. True magic is the interaction between friends.”

“Friendship... is… Magic?”

“Exactly.” At that moment, a silver and purple flip phone slid out of the portal and clacked against the transformed human’s hoof. “They need you.”

Twilight looked to the open portal, took the phone in her mouth and rushed through.

“Good luck...me.”

In the quarry, the Rangers were locked in a cage, waiting to be executed. “Did she say which order to kill them in?” Aria asked, poking at the cage and pulling back to avoid Pinkie’s bite.

“No, just that the Gold Ranger is hers alone.”

“You aren’t killing anyone today!” Twilight’s voice rang out over the valley. Looking up to the top of a cliff, they saw Twilight Sparkle throwing off her labcoat. She opened the phone, then with a flick of her wrist, revealed a wand function. After inputting some numbers, she crossed her arms. “Power Rangers!” She then pointed the wand skyward. “Harmonize!”

The tip of the phone-wand sparked with a purple light and shot into the sky, as Twilight was dragged into a spin upwards. She balanced on top of a spiraling galaxy in a purple body suit-and-skirt and snapped out her hands to form gloves. Slight kicks to the side formed her boots, and a snap of her fingers near her neck formed a silver cape and collar. The purple light from her morpher fell into her outstretched hand and became a staff. A shooting star crashed into her head with a neigh echoing to form her helmet. She posed with one hand outstretched and palm forward, and her staff held parallel to the ground behind her.

The new Ranger’s body suit was purple with black outlines, silver tights, and a purple skirt. On the chest was the Rainboom band symbol, outlined in black. Her gloves and boots were white with eight pointed, purple stars on them. Her helmet was a purple horse head like the other Rangers, except where Sunset had a gem, Twilight had a silver horn protruding from the helmet. Attached to her shoulders by gold pauldrons was a mid-length silver cape, the image of a prancing unicorn displayed in black on it. Her staff was long and partially segmented, a wheel like structure at its upper tip covered by a crystal eight-pointed star.

Twilight held her staff forwards so that it crossed her left arm, which was outstretched and forming the devil horn sign in her hand. “Magic that Unites us all!” She cried before swinging her staff above her head, bringing it down with a clang to her right side. “Purple Harmony Ranger!” Purple smoke exploded behind her.

“Don’t just stand there, get her!” Kara-Tengu-san ordered to the Terrorvons, who proceeded to rush towards the cliff Twilight was standing atop.

Twilight jumped off the ledge, spinning the wheel portion of her staff. The star at the top gained the image of snowflake. “Rezeef!” she cried swinging her staff in an arc in front of her. A wave of ice and snow crashed into the ascending Terrorvons, freezing them solid so that they fell to the ground and broke with a crash. Twilight landed safely on the ground, just as another wave of enemies rushed towards her. Spinning the wheel again, the staff icon became three commas in a fire pattern. “Unbr!” with a jab forward, the Terrorvons were engulfed in a fireball.

“This is getting ridiculous!” KaraTengu-san turned towards Aria. “Do something!”

“Ugh, fine.” Aria sang a single note that caused a shockwave to knock Twilight back, who recovered by gripping her hand into the ground.

Standing up she spun her wheel again, coming up with an open lily symbol made of tear drops. “Owrg!” Twilight cried slamming the butt of her staff into the ground, from which large vines erupted, sending Terrorvons, Aria, and KaraTengu-san flying.

“Nope, I’m done.” Aria said leaving in a puff of smoke.

“Coward!” Facing Twilight, Kara-Tengu-san gestured his remaining forces into a charge, leading the way himself. “Destroy her!”

Twilight was completely surrounded by the army of darkness, so she spun her wheel one more time. This spin came up with a single dot with three lines coming down from it. Raising her staff above her head she cried “Tihgl!, creating a circle of energy that spread out from her, destroying all of the Terrorvons and knocking KaraTengu-san to the ground.

“You think that you can defeat me? I am invincible! Immoveable! Unstoppable!”

“Consider yourself stopped.” Twilight said spinning her wheel once again, this time coming up with an eight-pointed star. She summoned a starfield around herself and the monster, before directing the stars to crash into it, completely destroying it.

KaraTengu-san grew to giant size, but before the Harmony Zords could be called, the sound of a jumbo jet filled the air. “Hey Doc, little present from Hexagon for ya!” Vinyl said over the radio. Flying above was a single purple and white plane, which Twilight leapt into, attaching her staff to the control console, the crystal displaying a bird.

“Right, Starforce Zord Aerial Mode!” The plane swung around KaraTengu-san, pelting him with missiles and lasers.

“Come down here and fight me!”

“As you wish…” Twilight spun the wheel in the staff, coming up with a sword and shield combination image. “Starforce Zord, Battle Mode!” The plane flew up until it was perpendicular with the ground before beginning to shift. The front changed to form a head like the Astromegazord, while the main bulk of the plane opened up to reveal a feminine figure. The wings settled onto the back, while the rear split and turned to form two legs, with high heels, the leftover bulk becoming a sort of cape. The left arm looked like a normal human’s, but the right became a single large crossbow.

KaraTengu-san attempted destroy the Zord by throwing feathers and casting magic, but the mech covered itself in it’s cape to deflect the blasts away. “Uh oh…”

In the cockpit, Twilight snapped her fingers in a motion of assured victory. “Single Shot.” The Starforce Zord raised its crossbow and pulled back the hammer. “Harmony Arrow Strike!” From the crossbow came a burst of rainbow colored energy, destroying the tengu in a massive explosion.

Later in the command center, the Rangers were all congratulating their newest teammate.

“Way to go Doc!”

“Oh this is so great!”

“Darling you looked simply smashing.”

“Not bad pardner.”

“I-I’m so glad.”

Sunset came up to Twilight and put her hands on her shoulders, before bringing her in for a hug, which became a group hug. “Welcome Home.”