• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 3,280 Views, 280 Comments

Rainbow Sentai Harmonyranger - Xero Key

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(Neither Shadow-DJ nor myself own Power Rangers or Equestria Girls. They are owned by Saban/Toei and Hasbro Ltd. Please support the official release. Monsters are OCs altered and used with permission by GIGA-XISBASS.)

Hexagon: by Xero Key

Canterlot High School
Sunset Shimmer was walking down the halls of her school, hoping for a relaxed day where her friends are not out risking her lives. As she came upon her locker, she ran into a familiar blue face. “Oh, Trixie. How are you? We haven’t talked since the whole Kamen Rider incident.”

“Trixie is fine, as you can see.” She fumbled with her collar a little bit, rubbing her thumb and forefinger over a silver pin. Sunset’s sharp eyes caught the motion. The pin was a silver hexagon, with six distinct lines separated by small gaps surrounding a lowercase letter ‘eye’ and a number three.

“Did you join a club?” Sunset asked.

Trixie blinked then dropped her hand into her hoodie pocket. “Um, yes.” She then smiled. “Actually, my…club president has an interest in you and the Rangers, actually.”

Sunset’s eyes narrowed. “Really?”

“Indeed…” The school bell rang signaling the end of the day. “However, we still need to get things ready, so the invitation won’t be for a while. Ciao.” And with that Trixie left the school, leaving Sunset suspicious of what Trixie may be planning.

Power Rangers
In the Ruined Castle, Adagio and Aria came across Sonata playing with action figures. “Really Sonata?”

“What? They look so cool?”

“Ugh, you are the worst.”

“Is there a problem?” A seductive voice called from the shadows. The Sirens jumped, the toys scattering, as Nightmare Moon entered the room.

“No ma’am. Just…” Adagio leaned down and picked the figurines up. “…Cleaning up some trash.” She said glaring at Sonata, who was clawing at the toys in Adagio’s arms. Nightmare raised a brow and with a wave of her hand, the figurines levitated in front of her.

“These toys…they seem interesting. Where did you get them Sonata?”

“Oh so I was taking a shopping trip in disguise, cause I really didn’t want to deal with Rangers, then I ended up at this nerd shop and saw these mix-match toys in the window, they looked cool soItookthemand…”

“Sonata!” The Siren stopped rambling. “I have an idea.” She telekinetically moved the figurines into the scrying pool. “Warriors from beyond this space, rise and fight in your Empress’ place!” A burst of smoke enveloped the room, forcing the Sirens to cover their eyes.

“Ha ha ha ha ha.” Five male voices laughed from the smoke, as terrifying silhouettes appeared in the clearing smoke.

Canterlot City: New District
Sunset Shimmer is cartoonishly stalking Trixie as she goes around the San Fransokyo inspired area of the city, built before the Ranger’s made their appearance.

“Personal Log: Trixie seems to just be wandering with no clear goal in mind.” Sunset looks through binoculars as Trixie sits on a bench. A few minutes later a man in a dark suit and sunglasses with blonde sat down next to her. Sunset’s eyebrow raised. The two did nothing for a few minutes and the man eventually made an action like he noticed someone, waving and standing up as he walked off. Trixie got up not long after, sliding a newspaper the man left behind into her pocket. “Playing secret agent Trixie?”

Sunset’s phone then rang with the Ranger communications tone. “Shimmer.”

“Get to the desert outside of town. We got trouble.”

“On my way.” Sunset said with a nod as she looked to where Trixie was before heading out, her morpher at the ready.

In the Desert, the Rangers were in full costume against a new monster, who smacked Rarity and Fluttershy aside, making the two yell out as they were sent flying back.

The monster laughed heartily as it walked up, dusting off sands from his furry hide. “Did you really think you could stop me, you little girls?” He asked, pawed hands clapping off dust as RD glared.

“And who the heck are you supposed to be?” Rainbow asked as the creature cracked...it’s three necks at once as it looked like a three-headed biped that had three dog-like heads; the one on the right appearing to be more wolf-like, the one on the left appearing to be akin to a Jackal and the one in the middle appearing to be like a Coyote. The beast’s fur was dark brown and bristled, wearing what looked like Obsidian-black rock armor over hi fur.

“I’m Charberus! And with my three powerful jaws, you can't beat me!” He howled as AJ got up with a groan.

“Please, Winona is a toughah dog than you are, and she’s only up ta my knee.” AJ said as she ran forward, slamming her sledge hammer but he caught it with his paw and snapped at her with his wolf-like head, making her go back a bit before he bit her head off.

“Man, where’s Sunset at?” Pinkie asked with a pout under her helmet, as Rarity got up and helped Fluttershy back up.

“It is a long drive...maybe we can try to reason with him?” Fluttershy asked as Rarity went wide eyed.

“Big rock!” Rarity yelled out as the group jumped away from the clearly-tossed boulder heading their way as the tri-headed hound howled.

“How rude!” Fluttershy said in a rare show of rage, irritated by that act as Rarity aimed her Keytar cannon and fired barrages at the wolf as he rolled out of the way and ran forward on all fours.

“Right where I want you, fido!” Rainbow said as she ran forward and sent a kick at the middle head, making it roar out at that as he got sent back, growling as he ran at the red ranger, but got blasted by Rarity again as Fluttershy snuck up behind him as they did this.

“Hey barky!” said Pinkie as she and AJ jumped forward and jumped kicked him over a crouching Fluttershy, making him trip over her.

“Sit!” AJ said as Charberus growled, getting back up with a snarl as the sound of an engine caught his three set of ears as he looked to the left to see another Rainboom Rider coming in, this one dark orange with yellow and red accents, the familiar sight of the gold ranger riding in as Sunset glared under her new visor before getting off.

“You girls called?” Sunset asked, glaring at Charberus. “Looks like someone is in need of some obedience training.”

Charberus growled as he says, “You think you can defeat me, Gold wench?” He snarled, glaring darkly at this.

“Yep, you definitely work for Nightmare Moon…” Sunset muttered with a sigh as she got her sword out and got it ready. “OK girls, lets show this mutt what teamwork can do.” The other five rangers nod at this.

“Lets try the new formation! The Delta Stream!” Rainbow said as Sunset nods in agreement. Fluttershy spun her tambourine a bit and sent out a barrage of flowers that spun like dics as Sunset slashed forward as Pinkie used her own magic to create a gust of wind to increase the flame, making the two hits make contact, making it howl out.

The other three nod as AJ slammed down while Rarity played a tune and fired down water at the newly formed ditch as RD slammed her guitar-axe down Rockstar-style, releasing a blast of electricity that electrocuted Charberus, making him howl out in shock as he howled out in pain from the electrocution. However, as the smoke cleared, Charberus seemed unharmed.


Charberus began to laugh, his voice being joined by others as pools of darkness rose from the ground. As the darkness faded, the Rangers were facing five enemies instead of one: Charberus, a skeletal minotaur, a tengu in monk robes, a humanoid scorpion, and a knight in Sauron-like armor bearing the crest of a unicorn. The knight flung his hand forward a bolt of energy knocked the Rangers back.

“I am Unikahn, leader of the Empress’ Knightmares. You have been a thorn in her side for far too long Power Rangers.” The knight said closing his fist before his face.

“...Unikahn?” Rainbow asked, clearly trying not to laugh at the name. Sunset gave her a look that basically said ‘now’s not the time’ as she got ready

“KaraTengu-San, Scorpidark...Eliminate them.” Unikahn’s voice cold and empty, but carrying unmatched charisma.

Scorpidark nods as he fired out an acidic blast from his pincers as KaraTengu-san got some feathers out and threw them like throwing knives at them. The two combined attacks headed for them as the rangers went to dodge, but the feathers exploded upon contact with the acid, making the Rangers yell out as they got sent flying backwards.

Charberus growled before all three heads powered up before firing out fiery blasts of energy towards them, Rarity quickly using her water blasts to counter against it but the flames vaporized the water upon contact, making the rangers yell out as they got sent back.

“Okay, now I’m mad!” Dash said, summoning her axe. With a fierce yell she charged at the unicorn-styled knight.

“Foolish.” Unikhan said in annoyance, getting his mace ready as Dash got up and ran forward, but the minotaur caught the axe mid-swing before shoving her away. Unikahn raised his hand. “No Doomitaur, the Red Ranger is mine.” Resting his weapon upon his shoulder, he calmly stalked forward, deflecting any stray shots near him behind,causing minor explosions. “Do keep this interesting, won’t you?”

Rainbow glared at him as she ran forward, slashing at him as he caught each slash with his mace, blocking all of the hits with his mace, as she glared at him. “Ugh…” Rainbow said as Unikahn frowned.

“Is that it? how disappointing.” He said plainly as he concentrated, his mace glowing with electricity before slamming down, making a shockwave hit the rangers, making them all yell out as they got sent backwards from the force of the shock.

Doomitaur growled as he snorted a bit, ready to charge as Unikahn put his hand up. “Come on, I want to smash them too.” the bull-like beast said with a growl.

“Fine.” Unikahn dismissed his mace and turned his back to the Rangers, crossing his arms. “They were unworthy of my efforts. Do as you wish.” he said walking away.

Rainbow growled at this as she says, “Hey, get back here...I’m not done…”

“But I am. Bury them.” Unikahn said calmly back to her as the other monsters growled and stalked forward.

“Unikaaaaaahn!” said Rainbow in anger. “Unikaaaaaaahn!” she yelled to his retreating back as the other four monsters powered up their attacks; Charberus’s flames, Scorpidark’s liquid-based claws leaking as they were powering up, KasuTengu-San getting some feathers out and Doomitaur’s horns glowed, an energy sphere forming as they empowered their next attack.

Suddenly energy hit the four, making them yell out in shock from the sudden attack. “What in the-” KasuTengu-san asked, clearly confused

“Raida Kick!” A mechanical voice called, followed by a feminine scream of rage from above. A ball of roaring blue flames crashed into the four, causing a miniature nuclear explosion. As the flames died away, Kamen Rider: Great Illusionist was standing before them with her arms crossed, an operatic mask added to her helm, and yellow eyes shining beneath.

“What the…?”Sunset asked, shocked to see the new arrival.

“Trixie? What’s she doing here?” Pinkie asked, clearly confused.

“Is there any reason to complain now?” Rarity asked as they got up, groaning a bit.

“We need to move, we can’t fight them now.” Trixie said sternly. the Rangers were ready to protest when Trixie raised her hand above her head. “Clearing Rounds: Fire!” She cried bring her hand down. From all around, soldiers in armor appeared firing lasers at the Knightmares. When the dust cleared, Trixie and the Rangers were gone, along with the soldiers.

Unikhan growled at this, “What was that?” The other just shrug, clearly confused as he was as they looked to where the Rangers used to be.

In a tunnel beneath the city, Rainbow took off her helmet as she asks, “What the heck, Trixie?! We had them!” Upset at having been removed from battle.

“Yes, you clearly had them when you were all on the ground at the mercy of FOUR monsters.” Trixie said, sarcasm clear in her tone. “Or when that knight was knocking you around with ease.”

“‘ey, we didn’t get killed did we?” Applejack asks indignantly.

“True, thanks to our efforts.” A cultured voice echoed through the tunnel from speakers. A wall in the tunnel opened up, revealing a computer center far more advanced than their own. A man with pale skin and blue hair wearing a monocle and twirling an umbrella walked out. “I am Fancy Pants, director of this facility. And I believe a thank you is in order.”

“Oh, and why is that?” Sunset asked, like the others having removed her helmet.

Fancy Pants chuckled, leading them inside the facility, the wall closing behind them. “Tell me Rangers, what do you know of Aliens?” He asked.

“They aren’t real?” Fluttershy said hesitantly.

Fancy raised an eyebrow and pointed his umbrella at Sunset. “Then what is she?” The Rangers began to move defensively, right until Fancy lowered the umbrella. “Now now, I don’t mean harm. I suppose that even an internet generation can be out of the loop.” Fancy strolled over to a computer and inputted commands, causing an a video of the United Nations to appear on screen. “The United Nations instituted First Contact Protocols in the event intelligent life was discovered. However...not all life on Earth is friendly, so we cannot assume it would be different beyond.”

A new image, the logo the Rangers had noticed around the facility, was now displayed on the screen: a lowercase letter ‘eye’ with a small number three floating above it. “So, a group of wealthy and concerned citizens formed the International Incursion Initiative; a paramilitary organization dedicated to the defense of Earth from all threats Extra-Terrestrial, Dimensional, and Astral. With full backing of the UN Security Council of course.” Fancy chuckled out. “When you Rangers appeared, it was decided a new division was needed. One to develop and train Power Rangers for the future.” The Screen changed again, the I3 symbol becoming surrounded by six colored bars: Red, Blue, Green, Pink, Yellow, and Orange. “This is Hexagon!”

The Rangers were shocked, hearing about an organization dedicated to making Power Rangers in case they fell, was actually heartwarming. “Wait...that symbol. Trixie was wearing it on a pin.” Sunset said.

“Well I did make a morpher. Not long after, The Director offered me a position.” Trixie said, having demorphed. “I may not be a team player...but we are on the same side.”

“Indeed.” Fancy spoke up. “However...we are not ready to aid you fully yet.” He raised his hand to silence the Ranger’s oncoming questions. “Though obviously advanced, Hexagon does not have all of the resources it needs to become an active player in the World Defense game. For now we shall be your secret allies, granting you clearance to any and all technologies we develop. Agreed?” He said holding out his hand to shake.

Sunset looked at the other Rangers. Dash was smiling arrogantly, Fluttershy contemplative, Rarity was smirking, Applejack gave a thumbs up, and Pinkie was nodding her head in a blur. Sunset turned back to Fancy Pants “Deal.” She said putting her hand in his.

In Nightmare’s throne room, the generals except for Unikahn were lounging around. Charberus specifically was pacing impatiently. “Why do we have to wait? We should just draw the Rangers out and destroy them!”

Unikhan, who had been staring out one of the windows into the blackened void, didn’t even turn to respond. “The Empress gave her orders and we shall not disobey them.”

Charberus bristled at the rebuke before stomping out of the room. “Well I think some initiative is what we need! Once I destroy the Rangers, I’ll be the Right Hand!”

KaraTengu-san stood to stop him, but was held back by Doomitaur, who pointed towards the still brooding Unikahn. “Let him die.” Unikahn said callously. “Her Dark Majesty has no room for disobedience.”

Back at Hexagon HQ, Fancy Pants was showing the Rangers the first device developed by the organization. “This is the Fusion Executor. It’s still in the preliminary phases, but we believe that it will allow Ms. Shimmer’s monster form to combine with the Harmony Megazord.” Before he could explain further, emergency klaxons sounded throughout the base. “What’s going on?” He asked into a radio.

“Sir, the enemy classified: Charberus has resurfaced in downtown Canterlot.”

“I see...Rangers we need to prepare you...where’d they go?” As soon as the sirens had sounded, the Rangers raced out of the facility, and called Vinyl for their jeep and raced off into the city at high speeds.

In the city, Charberus was causing random destruction. “Come out Rangers! I’m getting bored! You wouldn’t like my imagination when I’m bored! Ha ha ha ha ha!” The monster kept laughing right until he was hit by blaster bolts from behind. Turning he saw the Rangers leaping out of the jeep as it barreled into him at full speed. “Seriously!? You ran me over!?”

“There’s a lot more where that came from. Ready girls?” Sunset said.


“Power Rangers, Harmonize!”
A red light pulsed out of Rainbow’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lighting stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between her fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

A green light pulsed from Applejack’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying ‘don’t talk to me’ to two people.

The orange-gold streaks on Sunset’s Morpher glowed, engulfing Sunset in fiery light. Sunset began to float and spin as her body took on a dark-purple body suit, with golden light forming wristbands, boots, finger plating, and her breast plate. Opening her eyes sharply, Sunset’s head was covered by a gold helmet, the sound of a horse neighing echoing. She landed on a cliff above a ocean at sunset as waves crash behind her.

The Rangers leapt into battle with battle cries and began to fight Charberus, who was smacking them around fairly easily. “Alright, Phoenix Draw!” Sunset said quickly drawing her sword in a slash at point black range of Charberus, the image of a blazing phoenix appearing behind her, a contrail of fire trailing her blade.

Dash got her axe ready for a follow up with a guitar riff that engulfed the weapon in red lightning. “Roc Slasher!” A giant bird made of storm clouds formed as the axe crashed into Charberus.

A bass tone intoned behind Charberus and a green light shined. “Stampede Quake!” Applejack cried, slamming her hammer to the ground. An illusion of hundreds of bison shook the ground and sent Charberus flying.

“Serpent Striker!” Rarity called firing her keytar’s rifle, a snake made of water coming out of the tip colliding with the monster.

Pinkie spun her nunchaku until they somehow formed a bow. “Uenuku’s Calling!” She cried, pulling an invisible string to fire a pink energy arrow, which exploded into clouds.

Fluttershy simply played her tambourine, summoning lights in the form of butterflies and moths. “Wings of Change!” and the constructs took Charberus up into the air and dropped him, causing an explosion.

Charberus got up, but was haggard and damaged, his body barely able to move. “You think this is over!? I’ll show you my true power!!!” And with that he began to grow to giant size.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie spun their vehicles so that they were driving backwards into Applejack’s. The fire truck the extended its rear parts and moved its twin blasters forwards, then the motorcycle and tank extended parts of themselves to attach to the truck. The truck then suddenly braked as the two new parts accelerated, lifting the truck into the air in which it turned around and a head popped out of the top of the new torso. The jet and helicopter flipped themselves till they were perpendicular to the ground, and their fronts twisted in on themselves to reveal hands. As the two attached and formed arms, the wings crossed each other over the chest to create a breast plate. The head then glowed as a black helmet and facemask appeared. The Rangers then were teleported into the head with a five person cockpit. As one they shouted “Harmony Megazord!”

“Release the Darkness inside!” Sunset yelled in a dual voice, her visor cracking before shattering along with her uniform, revealing her demon from beneath. She began to grow to giant size as the shards from her uniform fused with Silvermane, turning it gold. The horse then grew alongside her, transforming and separating into multiple pieces. Sunset gained a chest piece and skirt combination like a Roman centurion’s armor. The horses’ head shifted to reveal a curved black sword with a golden edge. “Fallen Paladin Mode!”

The Harmony Megazord slashed it’s Diamond Sword and blocked a counter with the Stratos Shield as Sunset drew a long strike along Charberus’ back. However, it didn’t take long for the monster to send the Megazord and Sunset onto their backs.

“Rangers, this is Director Fancy Pants. We’re sending you the Fusion Executor. It’s not tested, but it may be your only option!”

“Right. Sunset, we got something coming your way!” Dash said over the loud speaker.

Sunset looked up and caught the device, which looked like the Matrix of Leadership. “Harmony, Unite!” she said thrusting the device forward. From the Executor, six lights shone out, stunning Charberus. Five of the lights joined with the Harmony Megazord, with the last engulfing Sunset. The lights then coalesced into one being, which formed two legs and six arms on its body. The light broke away piece by piece to show off the new form: The upper arms were red and yellow with gold accents, the middle were blue and green with gold accents, and the last were pink and white with gold accents. On it’s chest was a hexagon symbol with six crystal, colored bars: red, blue, pink, green, yellow, and orange; and its head was a crown and visor colored silver. The Rangers were teleported into a large cockpit with six platforms, one for each of them, Sunset appearing in her morphed state. Crossing their arms in unison caused the six arms outside to cross as well. Uncrossing them caused an explosion behind the mech. “Hexagon Megazord!”

The platform Dash was standing on lit up, coinciding with the red crystal on the chest. “I’ll start things off!” She said, as the mech’s red and yellow arms grew blades. It spun around like a tornado, causing massive damage to Charberus. “Fluttershy, you're up!”

“Ok…” she said as the platform beneath her lit. The red/yellow arms transformed into guns, which fired a stream of energy at Charberus that lifted him into the air. “Pinkie!”

“Yepperooni!” The two lower arms became giant fans that caused hurricane force winds to send Charberus flying backwards. “AJ, ride it cowgirl!”

“Thank ya’ kindly.” She said, miming tipping a hat. The fingers of the green/blue arms fired off like missiles at Charberus, making explosions. “Beat that Rarity.”

“I think I shall. Hmph.” she said, mimicking a flip of her hair. The green/blue arms now extended like rubber and began to wrap the monster around and toss him into the conveniently empty buildings. “Sunset, darling, would you mind?”

“Not at all.” she said bringing her hands together like she was holding a ball with both of them. All six arms followed her lead, forming what appeared to be a miniature sun between them. Sunset and the Megazord thrust their arms forward, hurling the fire ball at Charberus, causing a massive explosion. When the smoke cleared, Charberus was sparking but still standing.

“T-Tha-That all you g-got?”

“Not even close...Together girls!” All six lights on the chest piece and all six platforms in the cockpit began to glow. The Rangers began to punch and all six arms were following, each shining with a different light. The punches accelerated until they were practically a blur. Eventually, the Hexagon Megazord turned its back and the collapsing monster, middle arms crossed while the upper and lower were posing, backdropped by Charberus’ explosion.

Nightmare Moon looked on from her scrying pool. “You were right Unikahn, he was far too hasty.” She said to the knight kneeled behind her. “But it worked to our advantage this time. We know the Rangers have allies, powerful ones.” She turned and glared down to him. “Do not let this happen again.”

“As you say, Your Majesty.” Unikahn said with his head bowed.

In the command center, the Rangers were teleconferencing with Hexagon.

“I am sorry we can’t do much more yet. But we will fight by your side and aid however we can.” Fancy Pants said.

“For now that is enough, and pressure off us. Thank you.” Sunset said. The Director nodded and the screen went blank.

“That was so cool!” Dash said pumping her fist into the air.

“It was quite the experience. But I hope we don’t have to do it too often dears.” Rarity said.

“But what about the other...Knightmares…”

“We’ll deal with them as they come sugar.”

“Hey Sunny, you okay?” Pinkie asked.

“Sunset looked up. “Huh?...Oh yeah...I’m fine. You girls head home, I've got work to do here.” The others were hesitant but left, Monarch going with Fluttershy for a sleepover.

Vinyl and Twilight didn't leave. “Seriously, something is bothering you Shimmer. What’s up?”

“Vinyl, she just had her body forcibly merged with a robot, she’s probably just shaken up.” Twilight admonished with her fingers pinching her nose. “And people wonder why I was glad to graduate Crystal Prep early, if this is the average.”

“Don’t worry you guys…” Sunset said looking to the subtle orange glow coming from the Tree of Harmony’s room. “...I’m fine.”

Author's Note:

XK: So DJ got a virus on his computer and won't be able to help for awhile, so it's back down to me for some time now, so don't expect really long chapters. But to tide you over until I can write the next, here are some plot points I will be making (in no particular order):
1. Friendship is Magic: Human Twilight becomes a Ranger.
2. Disharmony: Sunset vs. corrupted versions of her friends.
3. Old Versus New: A convention in town has the Sirens give seven unlucky teens with attitude morphers, Mighty Morphers. Guess what happens.
4. Ascension: Nightmare Moon has just about won, and Sunset has to prove what her destiny really is meant to be.
5. Moonfall Shining: It all ends here.