• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 3,279 Views, 280 Comments

Rainbow Sentai Harmonyranger - Xero Key

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Good as Gold part 2

(Power Rangers and Equestria Girls are owned by Saban/Toei and Hasbro Ltd. respectively. I own nothing but the plot and original characters. Please support the official release.)

Good as Gold part 2: Secrets and Truths: by Xero Key and ShadowDJ

It began, as so much does, in darkness.

Running through a forest/city. Jumping to void the fallen logs/shopping carts. Dodging to the side to just barely miss a boulder/shopper.

My/Her/Our darkness.

A bright light as the sky seems to stop/a bright light by narrowly avoiding a speeding vehicle.

Is this all I am/She is/We are?

A mirror showing potential/a puddle showing destruction.

What could have been?

A bright rainbow swirled into the sky and struck me/her down. I knew my future from then on.

A mere reflection?

*Klang!* A golden sword meets a black and silver scythe as sparks fly. Beneath their helms, the two combatants glare at each other.

No matter what, this ends here!

Power Rangers

Sunset growled as she pushed back against Nightmare Moon, who glared darkly as she kicked her away. “Heh...lets see how you deal with me.” Nightmare Moon said calmly as she advanced, the Sirens laughing evilly as they appeared, their eyes glowing.

“Heh, this should be fun.” Adagio said with a grin as Sonata sat down, munching on some popcorn as the two fought each other.

“Though where’d she get the gems to make that armor?” Aria asked, rubbing her chin in confusion as Sunset looked between them and the Rangers suspended above and got an idea, smirking under her helmet.

Sunset parried a slash from the scythe and jumped back to get some room between them as she got her blaster out. “Ooh, looks like someone is going to get trigger happy.” Sonata said as Sunset looked around and saw a near by crane and fired at it, smashing it. The suspended Rangers came downt, the orbs shattering on impact as the Rangers gave a groan.

“Sonata, I told you to make sure that was secure!” Adagio said to Sonata, annoyed as Sonata put her hands up.

“How was I supposed to know she would get a bigger gun?!” Sonata defended, putting her hands up as the others looked at the area.

“Wait, what’s-Sunset?” Rainbow asked, seeing Sunset in the Gold Ranger armor, shocked as the others looked at the new Ranger with confusion/awe.

“Yeah, it’s me. You girls take on the Sirens, I got Nightmare Moon.” Said Sunset as the Rangers nod, getting their morphers out.

“It’s Morphin’ Time!” Said Rainbow as the Rangers got into their pose. “Power Rangers, Harmonize!”

“Waves of sound, Crash down!” The Sirens called at once, going into their own pose. Flashes of light filled the air as the 8 girls were now powered up and in battle pose.

Rarity and AJ charged as Aria jumped down at the two, glaring as she got sent a kick to Rarity, who ducked around and had AJ throw a punch her way, the violet villain glaring darkly at this.

Sonata came down as Pinkie and Fluttershy got ready, Sonata giggling as she says, “Oh this should be fun.” She then ran forward, sending a kick their way as Pinkie ducked around it and sent her own kick her way, Sonata blocking with a quick movement of her arm, but cringed when Fluttershy got a good hit in.

“Oh, sorry. I mean...Take that.” said Fluttershy, quickly correcting herself at the last moment as she Sonata’s eyes narrowed.

Adagio and Rainbow traded blows as Sunset and Nightmare Moon continued to fight in the back ground, dark and golden light clashing.

Adagio ducked around a kick from Rainbow as she says, “Heh, it is usually tradition the head of the villain’s main fighters to take on the Red Ranger.”

“Yeah, but I don’t remember the comic relief ever helping in a fight.” Dash joked as Adagio glared as she kicked her back. AJ and Rarity both kicked at once, sending Aria back a bit as she glared darkly.

Nightmare slashed with her scythe, Sunset blocking with her sword as she pushed back. A cry of ‘Rock and Load’ is heard as the Rangers summoned their weapons.

“take dis, ya no good harlot!” AJ as she swung her hammer, Aria jumping back as she looked at her oddly.

“‘Harlot’? WOW, that is old school...and VERY rude.” Aria said, giving a glare to AJ as Rarity aimed her keytar and fired at her, which she flipped away from. “Heh, you got some bad aim.”

“Actually, that was a distraction shot. THIS is a real one.” Rarity said as she fired a blast, hitting Aria in the chest, sending her back a bit.

Pinkie giggled as she twirled her nunchucks around and created different clouds to surround Sonata, who glared as she tried to kick one, making it stick. “What the?” She asked, trying to shake her leg off of the mass.

“Hehe, sorry Sonata. I made sure to get the sticky clouds.” said Pinkie with a giggle as Sonata still tried to shake it off. “WHICH makes a good distraction for that.”

Sonata looked behind her to get hit by a pirouette, making her yell out as she got sent back from Fluttershy’s rapid attack.

Adagio grunts as she pushed back from an attack from Rainbow’s axe, who glared as she jumps back. “Lets try this!” Rainbow strums her guitar a bit and gave a ripcord, creating an electrical shock wave, hitting Adagio and sending her back to her sisters.

“Hmm...seems the girls are tougher than before...must be a second wind thing.” Adagio said with a scowl as she gave the other two a nod. The three then began to vocalize, making the five yell out as their suits were getting affected again.

“Girls!” said Sunset in shock as she went to help, but got blasted for her troubles, making her get sent back as Nightmare Moon tsked a bit.

“Don’t be so easy to be distracted, little thief.” Nightmare Moon warned as she got her scythe out.

Rainbow groaned as she says, “Girls...safety mode...now…” The rangers reached their morphers and activated them again, all of them panting as they nod to each other and got their weapons ready.

“All at once!” said Rainbow as the five fired out five elemental blasts: RD fired lightning, AJ fired a barrage of stones, Rarity a blast of water, Pinkie a burst of wind and Fluttershy a barrage of pedals, making the Sirens yell out as they were hit.

the three were sent back, but were still in one piece a they glared, their eyes glowing a bit as Adagio says, “We’re a lot tougher than your average everyday monster, girls.” the two nods as they went to power up, but groaned a bit.

“Heh, you may be tougher, but those are still a lot of attacks to take at once.” Rainbow pointed out as they glared, hearing the clashing as the others turned to see Sunset sending a vocal blast at Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare glared at this as she slashed forward, a blast of darkness nearly hitting her target as Sunset ran towards her. “Time to end this, you little thief.”

“Not just yet.” Sunset said as she got her sword into a ready position. Sunset’s sword began to glow and she swung in an under-curve, after images following along. The blade hit Nightmare’s scythe and knocked it back, forcing Nightmare to fall backwards. Nightmare’s head was covered by her cape of feathers, her helmet having been knocked off to the side. The other Rangers joined Sunset’s side as Nightmare grabbed her helmet, raising herself up. Turning fully to the Rangers, Nightmare revealed her face. It was Sunset Shimmer’s, aged nearly twenty years, her hair a dark indigo where the yellow was on Sunset..

“What? You’re...me? This world’s Sunset Shimmer?” Sunset asked, stepping back in shock as the other Rangers were flabbergasted, while the Sirens were confused, looking at each other with expressions of shock..

“I was, once.” Nightmare said. “Until you stole it from me.” With a wave of her fingers, the shadows formed a screen displaying Nightmare’s memories. “I ran away, to avoid the so-called family I had, always holding me back and coddling me. When I was at my lowest, I heard about ‘Sunset Shimmer: Star of Canterlot High.’ I tracked you down on the night of the Fall Formal, and saw the power you gained then lost.” Nightmare’s eyes narrowed in absolute disgust. “You took what should have been mine!” She raised her arms up to encompass the image of Demon Sunset displayed. “My name! My life! My power!”

“That power nearly destroyed the world. I wasn’t worthy of it!” Sunset said, trying to reason with her but a death glare from her counterpart caught her her off guard, the near-by torches growing in height from her rage.

“Worthy by such weak standards as ‘Friendship.’ But true power is what you had, the power to rule!” Nightmare scowled at the Rangers, placing her hand over her eye-like brooch. “The Nightmare Forces came to me. After two defeats to the Elements, they wanted revenge. And I wanted power.” Holding her helmet up, she altered it to become more like a crown combined with a mask, metal sides protecting the cheek area and a nose cover. “But now I see that Sunset Shimmer is weak. Friends? Light? Useless in the face of true power!” She put the helm on, her hair becoming a dark starfield. “Now and forever, I am Nightmare Moon! And you will never defeat me.” She said raising a finger to the Rangers, a bolt of darkness forming on it. Before the bolt could strike, the Rangers were teleported away in a flash of purple light. “What!? NOOOOOOOOOO!!” Nightmare Moon screamed in rage as her vengeance was denied to her.

The Rangers were deposited inside the command center, groggily getting back to their feet because of the teleport. Taking off their helmets they took in their surroundings. “Uh..Am I seeing double?” Rainbow Dash asked. Before the Rangers by the computers were two Twilight Sparkles. One seeming to be recovering from an existential crisis, the other calmly holding her hands by her front, a distinctive five pronged crown on her head. “Princess Twilight!” The Rangers said coming to hug her.

“Hello everypo- I mean everyone.” Princess Twilight lowered her head in sadness. “I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with my mistakes.”

Sunset placed her helmet under one arm and a hand on the Princess’s shoulder. “Don’t be. You had no way of knowing what would happen.” Princess Twilight nodded at this.

“I can’t stay too long,there are things I must take care of in Equestria, but for now…” Princess Twilight raised her hand, taking on a purple glow. In a flash, the statue from outside of Canterlot High was inside the command center. “I’ve replaced it with a replica and locked the portal to this one. It’s not a permanent connection, you can’t open it from this side, but you can call me or my friends to open it for you.” As she stepped to the statue and placed one hand in, she stopped and turned to Sunset. “Tell them exactly what the stakes are Sunset, they deserve to know the truth.” And with that the pony princess went back to her world.

“What is she talking about?” Applejack asked.

Sunset and Vinyl looked nervous before sighing together. “It all started, as so much does, with a tree…”

Author's Note:

(DJ: Well, talk about a twist. :P Hope you guys don’t mind us making Nightmare Moon the Jarod of this series. Well, more of the Dai Shi, but still it’s fitting, given the comics. And yes, there IS some things from the comics we are keeping….well, plot important parts anyway.)

(XK: We’ve got another treat for you guys coming up soon. But here’s a riddle for you Power ranger wiki goers may be able to guess: Now that we have six, what shape do they make? See you next time!)