• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 3,280 Views, 280 Comments

Rainbow Sentai Harmonyranger - Xero Key

  • ...

Good as Gold part 1

(Power Rangers and My Little Pony belong to Saban/Toei and Hasbro Ltd. I own nothing and am merely playing with their toys. Please support the official release.)

Good as Gold part 1: Inner Secrets: by Xero Key

It was a bright day in Canterlot and the Power Rangers were relaxing at the Youth Center.

“OK, I have been thinking of a new way to work on the energy output on the suits.” Twilight said, showing them news footage of the Rangers morphing, including the explosions. “The City is getting annoyed with the explosions that always happen when you guys do these poses.”

“Ah come on, they look awesome.” Dash said, giving an annoyed look as Sunset rolled her eyes, chuckling at this.

“Sunset? Baby, is that you?” A motherly voice called out. Sunset turned from their table and saw two adults that looked suspiciously like her; the woman having the same fiery-styled hair but yellow skin, while the father had a red-orange tone and short red and black hair under a black hat. “Oh it is you! Honey, look, our daughter is ok!” The woman ran to Sunset and lifted her out of her seat in a bone crushing hug. “I thought we lost you when you ran away. And now we finally found you!” The woman cried through tears.

The man stepped forward and removed his hat. “We know we didn’t pay attention to you Sunset, but we’re here now.” He put a hand on Sunset’s shoulder as his wife set her down. “We’ve decided to move to Canterlot so you don’t have to leave your friends.” The woman and the man engulfed Sunset in a hug. “We can be a family again.” Sunset awkwardly returned the hug and from the view of Twilight Sparkle, she was grimacing.

Power Rangers

In the command center, everyone was gathered at the computer. “So, your parents…I knew you were a runaway, but didn’t expect to see them.” Vinyl said.

“They’re not mine.” Sunset said while turned towards the wall.

“Then whose are they?” The group turns toward the voice, seeing Twilight Sparkle walking up the stairs from the vehicle bay. “Because I’m certain they match your physical characteristics enough to be them.”

“Uh...You see, it’s a VERY long story.” Dash said sheepishly, as Twilight crossed her arms.

“Well, I’m listening.” Twilight said as the girls looked at each other nervously as Rarity gave a nervous giggle.

“One moment, dear.” the fashion-savvy ranger said as she motions the others into a huddle.

“So what do we do now? We already told her ‘bout all da magic stuff and how we got it.” AJ said, looking at the others.

“But we never DID tell her about MY past...though that is still a touchy subject…” Sunset said, looking down at this.

“Well, no time like the present.” Vinyl said as Twilight tapped her foot, crossing her arms.

“Ahem.” Twilight adjusted her glasses as the attention was redirected to her. “Once more, how can they not be your parents?”

The Rangers all shyly looked over to Sunset, after all it is her story to tell. “I’m from Canterlot, but not this Canterlot.” Sunset walked over to the curtain hiding the Tree of Harmony. “I’m from another reality, one where everyone is what Earth considers mythical creatures.” Sunset looked to the sky as if watching a memory play out on the ceiling. “I was born a unicorn and was extremely gifted in magic. Too gifted really. I grew so arrogant that I turned to dark magic to achieve my goals.” She turned back to the humans. “When I was discovered, I ran through a mirror to this world. And like a mirror, everything was reflected. Everyone has a counterpart.” She opened her arms in a gesture of surrender. “I always assumed my counterpart was dead or so far away that we’d never have our lives meet. I should have known better.”

“Shouldn’t be too shocked, Twi. Given what we just experienced, this isn’t the weirdest thing to happen. Heck, Sunny here kind of started this whole magic broo-haha, remember? We told you about the crown thing.” Vinyl said, as Twilight gave a nod.

“So how are we gonna explain it to them that you are not the Sunset they know?” Asked Twilight, as Sunset sighed.

“I-I don’t know...that’s the thing...I don’t know WHAT To tell them. How am I going to explain that to them?” asked Sunset. “‘Sorry to disappoint you two, but I am not your daughter, I’m the daughter of your inter-dimensional counterparts from a world where magic talking horses are the dominant species of a world of magic.’ Even I think that sounds insane to tell someone, and it’s the truth.” Sunset said, gripping her head.

Suddenly the alarms in the base went off and Vinyl opened up the alert file. “We got an attack going on downtown. Riders are down for repair so you’ll have to take the jeep.”

“Right, I’m driving.” Sunset said taking out the keys.

“Now?” Rarity asked.

“I need to punch something, and Terrorvons are perfect.” Sunset said, a frown forming on her face as the others looked concerned, Vinyl sighing as they headed out, heading to her lab.

“Where are you going?” Monarch asked, confused.

“To work on something. I’ll be right back.” Vinyl said as she headed into the workshop and sat down and got her tools out, working on what looked like an odd-looking watch set, which were still in pieces but in a finishing touches, both of which were pitch white at the moment but had the red crystals from Equestria. Behind them was schematics hidden under a pile of other blueprints, which had a picture of a new ranger suit.

Downtown, the Sirens were smirking as they lead a group of Terrorvons, all growling at the people who backed away in fear as the Jeep arrived, five energy surges coming out as the Rangers all jumped out, in full uniform and ready to go.

“Ah, so the Rangers arrive just in time.” Adagio said with a smirk.

“Duh, you said they would.” Sonata said, also smirking as she put her hands on her hips as Aria just chuckled.

“They are kind of predictable after a while. Cause some havoc, and they’re here like a dog looking for a treat.” Aria said as the three shared a laugh, the Rangers just giving them glares under their visors.

“What’s your game this time, Dazzilings?” Rainbow asked, the rangers aiming their guns as the Sirens vocalized, making the Ranger yell out as their suits began to malfunction on them.

“Girls, try the safeties!” Sunset said as the Rangers pressed on their morphers, creating a rainbow aura on them, as Adagio raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, how cute; a firewall. Lets see how much punishment they can take.” Adagio said, as the three began to vocalize more, their voices becoming louder as the Rangers got pushed back from the force of the vocalization as three familiar auras came around them.

“Wait, what is that?!” asked pinkie in shock as the Aura-Sirens arrived, all three growling as they glared, as they sent out red energy burst from their mouths in the forms of sound waves, making the Rangers get pushed back, sending them flying backwards from the force of the sound.

“Ugh...OK, that was not fun.” Rainbow said, rubbing the area her ears would be on the helmet as they got up, glaring up towards them as the Dazzilings all smirked.

“Well, I hope you enjoyed your warm up.” Adagio said as the other two smirked as well. “Because NOW it’s the main event!” The three flew up onto a near by skyscraper as the sky began to darken, the full moon starting to come into the sky.

“What in the world…?” Twilight asked, seeing news feed from this. “How is-who is doing that?”

“I think we’re about to get the Queen of Darkness herself…” Monarch said nervously, as Vinyl saw this from her lab, a frown forming on her face as the sky grew dark.

Everyone on the streets look up in fear as a small twister of dark energy formed, the dark blue haze filled with miniature stars as a dark laugh is heard, as Nightmare Moon herself came into form, her cyan eyes glaring down to the people below.

“Hello everyone, it is so nice to see you are all here.” Nightmare Moon said, as she flew down to the ground below, her tone dark as people took notice to her face; under the helmet, over her mouth area, was a face mask akin to the front of a horse’s mouth, which kept her face hidden except for her eyes, which narrowed at the sight of the rangers, her lips visible with a sneer due to the opening of the mask.

“So, you decided to take us on instead of sending goons after us, huh?” Rainbow said as Nightmare Moon just gave a dark chuckle, as she looked at them.

“More that I feel I have wasted enough effort on you.” Nightmare said, giving a faint shrug. The Rangers glared as they drew their blasters and fired...which Nightmare just casually blocked all the hits with her free hand.

“...OK, so she dresses like Vader AND does dat laser block thing too?” AJ asked in a flat tone.

“Oh, it wouldn’t be that unless I did...oh, THIS.” Nightmare Moon said as a dark aura came around their blasters and they were suddenly disarmed.as she tosses them aside. She then sent a telekinetic burst of energy towards them, making the Rangers cry out as they were sent flying back.

The civilians looked in shock as the Rangers were just taken on with a single hit as Nightmare Moon gave a laugh. Rainbow glared as she nods to the others, who nod back. “ROCK AND LOAD!” The Rangers cry out at once, getting their weapons out.

“Hmm...this should be interesting.” Nightmare Moon said as she got her scythe out and ready. AJ ran forward first and swung her hammer, which Nightmare blocked with a quick move with her scythe, slashing forward as she ducked around a few blasts of energy from Rarity’s keytar.

“Hey, hold still!” said AJ as she slashed with her axe, Nightmare Moon blocking with the pole of her scythe before kicking her away, keeping her blade down as she smacked both Pinkie and Fluttershy aside before they could get near her.

“She is quite skilled…” Rarity mutters as she aims her blaster and powers it up. “But lets see how well you can take this.” She then fired a more powerful burst of energy from her keytar, which sent an explosion around her.

“Oh yeah!” said Dash with a grin...before the smoke cleared and showed a mostly unphased Nightmare Moon, whose eyes narrowed darkly. “Oh no…”

“Enough of this nonsense!” said Nightmare Moon, slamming her scythe down as a dark shock wave came out, sending the Rangers flying back again, this time into walls or cars around them, making them groan as they demorphed.

“Girls!” Sunset said as she came out of the jeep, but was suddenly forced against it by a dark aura, Nightmare Moon’s gaze pointed right at her.

“Well, well...if it isn’t the Thief…” Nightmare said, her eyes narrowed as she made her hold tighter, making Sunset yell out in pain.

“Wha-what are you talki-” Before Sunset could finish, she was pushed back harder against the telekinetic force, the alicorn-empowered woman glaring darkly at her.

“Do NOT talk back to me, girl.” Nightmare snarled, making many people back up nervously as Sunset gave a pained look as Nightmare Moon looked her over. “Peh...you are a lot of trouble, you know that? You make this pathetic group of cosplaying mystics with the powers of the Elements of Harmony and for what? Some sort of ill-attempt to try and ‘make things right’? Is that it? You feel guilt over some past action?”

“I don’t...have anything to say to you….you nutcase…” Sunset strained as her eyes flashed a bit, as Nightmare chuckled.

“Oh...but I think a part of you does…” said Nightmare Moon said with a dark smirk as she snapped her fingers. Suddenly a rattling sound is heard as various pieces of glass came out, twirling around in a twister.

A dark chuckle is heard as the shards smoothed out in the twister, turning into a humanoid being made of dark metal and glass, appearing to be a humanoid being with a mirror for a face and two shields on his arms and legs, the arm ones appearing to be rounded mirrors and the ones on the legs being oval-shaped, as a faint image of a theater mask-like face appeared on the image of the mirror that made it’s face.

“Bwhahahaha! I am here to serve, my queen of darkness!” the mirror creature sad with a dark chuckle as Nightmare Moon gave a smirk as she showed Sunset to the creature.

“Reflecton, show miss Shimmer her true self.” Nightmare Moon said as the mirror gave a chuckle.

“With pleasure, my dark mistress.” he said, giving her a small bow as his face changed to Sunset’s...which began to change and shift, turning into a familiar red-faced demon with elf ears and flaming hair and eyes, who gave a demonic laugh as the image began to glow brightly as clawed hands came out, Sunset’s eyes widening in shock as she gave out a pained yell, feeling some aura being sucked out of her.

Everyone looked in horror as a large, red skinned humanoid came out, giving a crazed laugh as she says, “I’m FREE!” She gave a sinister laugh, large bat-like wings on the forefront as her attire formed into a dress made of solid fire.”Behold Canterlot, the inner evil of Sunset Shimmer.” She said, giving a bow as she laughed.

“Wha...I thought...ugh…” Sunset said as she was dropped, her fiery double coming down and cupping her face.

“Aww, what’s wrong? You thought just because I got blasted by a rainbow I’d go away? Please, I’m your darkness...I’m always there!” Demon Sunset said, as she shoved her down, glaring darkly at her. “Everyone denies it, but there is darkness in EVERYONE, it is our true Essence! You knew this better than anyone, but now even you deny that there is darkness in anyone.” She spat, glaring at her.

At the HQ, Twilight was gobsmacked as she asks, “What...is that?”

“THAT would be what happens when you get someone who decides to put on a magic relic without thinking of the consequences…” Said Vinyl, sighing as she saw that image return, the one of the Fall Formal.

Demon Sunset looked at the Rangers, glaring darkly at them as she lifted them up with her own telekinesis.”Peh...you girls were a thorn in my side back when I was more dominant. Everyone was so happy and carefree... UGH...that just makes me mad.” Sunset looked at this, confused as Rainbow saw this, looking between the two.

“Wait...how did….where did you come from?!” asked Dash, looking at the Demon Sunset with shock as the others looked equally surprised.

“I thought we blew you up!” said Pinkie as Demon Sunset just gave an annoyed eye roll.

“Weren't you paying attention? I am the darkness inside Sunset’s heart, the one who bullied you for some time. You really are dumb aren’t you?” Demon said. “And now because of you, she rejects me...tries to hide me away. *Sniff* I only wanted to help *Sniff*. Of course, you deny any darkness in your hearts as well...all beings do. People and Equines alike love to deny this fact.” Demon said, looking down at this but her eyes harden, becoming a far more evil version of Sunset’s old glare. “And now it’s time to reveal the truth. BUT first, to get rid of you five.”

“Agreed.” Said Nightmare Moon said, chuckling as Reflecton gave a laugh as he vanished in a shimmer of light, the Dazzilings following suit as dark blue smoke formed around Nightmare Moon and the Rangers, as Demon Sunset burst into flames and vanished as the smoke dissipated, a ring of dark laughter ringing in Sunset’s ears as she passed out with a groan, drained of her energy from all that happened.

Later, she gave a groan as she woke up in the back seat of a car, rubbing her head with a faint groan...but then noticed she had a blanket on, confusing her greatly as she sat up. “Don’t over exert yourself, dear.” said a voice as she saw the face of her-This world’s Sunset’s mother, looking at her with concern.

“...Uh...thanks...Mom…”Sunset said, rubbing her head as her father looked at her.

“OK little lady, you may want to explain what that thing was.” her father said, as Sunset gulped a bit, now nervous.

‘OK...if my counterpart IS...gone...I need to make up something to keep them from being the wiser….but I can’t just LIE to them...let’s see...’ Sunset then got an idea as she sighed. “Mom...Dad...I’m gonna come clean...when I ran away, I found this...weird mirror.”

“What do you mean?” asked her mother, confused as they parked to talk.

“You see, after I ran away, I came to this city after some traveling and in front of the local high school I found this weird mirror that opened up. Then I went to this strange and mystical world called ‘Equestria’. It’s basically like this world, only filled with magic of all kinds and home to many mythical creatures.”

“That explains all that went on, but how did you get back?” her father asked, as Sunset sighed.

“You see...I became a student to the monarch there; Princess Celestia, that world’s counterpart of the Principal here. There she’s essentially a god who can control the sun and has a vast amount of spells. She sensed a lot of potential in me for the mystical arts so...for a long time, I trained with her. I got really good at what I did...I kind of...told her that I didn’t have parents...so she wouldn’t get suspicious.” Sunset said, feeling a bit guilty at the half truth as her parents looked disheartened at that. “But...I guess that it wasn’t good enough to just know the spells...I wanted to be like her...her equal.”

“You wanted to be like this Celestia woman in this other world? What do you mean?” Asked her mother, confused.

“I found out that if I did something amazing with magic, I could become like her.” Sunset explained, as she looked at them. “She’s not a woman though...she’s an alicorn, a unicorn with wings...and...I wanted to become a God.”

Sunset sighed “But...let’s just say the two of us had a falling out...so when the mirror reopened four years ago, I came through with what I could carry from that world and came back. I lived here and started coming to school here. Turned out that my aging wasn’t all that fast...I was essentially an adult there but when I came back, I was no older than a 14 year old freshman.”

“Sounds like that weird book involving that magic closet...what was that called again?” her father said, rubbing his chin with a bit of thought.

“And I guess I was still...very upset after what had happened...I lashed out against the people who accepted me at the high school. Everyone seemed to like me at first, always praising me for how smart I was and how much I knew...I guess part of me liked all the attention. But then...I felt a presence going on the other end of that mirror. I guess after spending so many years in Equestria, I got sensitive to it. I found out when I came back, the elements of Harmony, powerful relics were rediscovered by Celestia’s new student and her five friends….whose counterparts are now my friends.“

“I went there and well...I kind of stole the Element of Magic, which looked a lot like this year’s fall formal crown. I went to switch them and, well...that world’s Twilight followed me back here. Hijinks ensued, we had a fight and I put on the crown to get it’s power...and well, that just revealed how unworthy I was of that element..Ii became that...THING and well...I guess you can guess what happened since then. I got rainbow blasted and I got accepted by the girls I bullied…” Sunset said, putting her knees up near her chin. “I guess...a part of me is still upset I lost...and that’s where that thing kept hidden in me...but I don’t want to be that girl anymore…”

Sunset’s parents looked at each other with concern as her mother put a hand on her knee. “Don’t worry Sunny, we won’t let anything bad happen to you, OK?” her mother said, giving her a soft smile as Sunset smiled back, thankful for that as her phone rang, looking at it with confusion as she opened it up.

’Sunny, I got something for you. Get to the command center ASAP.’ the text said, Vinyl’s image near it as Sunset looked at it.

“Mom...Dad...can you take me to Crystal Caves Park?” Sunset said looking up from her phone. “There are friends of mine who need my help there.” The two looked at each other at this, concerned. “Look, I know you will be worried about me, but I have to help my friends. Please…”

Her father sighed as he says, “I guess we have no choice...just...make sure to come back safely, OK?” Sunset gave a nod as she looked at the two as they drove back towards the park.

when they arrived, they drove into the Command Center, her father looking surprised. “...Wow...so this is where you been doing this stuff?”

“Yeah…” said Sunset sheepishly, coming out of the car as Monarch was hiding at this moment, unsure of how to approach them as Vinyl came out, holding something behind her back.

“Hey Mr. and Mrs. Shimmer...heh...s’up? I’m Vinyl Scratch, I kind of help make all the stuff.” Vinyl said sheepishly as she got out a box. “Here’s something that could help take on those freaks.” She opened it, revealing two white Morphers. “They kind of need a charge though.”

“Hmm?” asked Sunset as she realized what she meant. “Wait...those are...mine? But I-”

“Don’t give me ‘buts’, Sunny. I saw you change too, so that means you got SOME element magic in you as well. So get some of that mojo on and power up. They need time to charge though, so just put enough that would usually go into your anthro form.” Vinyl said as Sunset nods, taking them and putting them on.

Sunset took a breath as she gave a soft hum, as she was one of the main singer’s of the Rainboom, thus knowing she made it to work with her voice. Her body gave off an orange aura as it took a golden glow, the morphers turning into a set of dual colored morphers; the left hand having a yellow-orange color scheme while the other had a red-orange color scheme, making it look similar to her cutie mark.

She nods as she says, “OK, they’re charged. Now for surprise number two…” Vinyl motioned for Monarch to come out, and she brought a silver mechanical horse with her. “This is SIlvermane, and he is supposed to be Dash’s battlizer...but...you need him right now.”

Sunset nods as she says, “And I think I know where they may have put the others...likely near the Quarry.”

“Why the quarry?” Asked her mother, confused.

“Let’s just say we do a lot of our big battles there. It keeps the city from being targeted and leaves less damage.” Sunset explained, as the two gave an ‘ahh’ expression, understanding. She looked at Vinyl and asks, “Where’s Twilight?”

“She’s making sure their families don’t get heart attacks over the fact that they’re captured by Nightmare Moon...I think she’s gonna have a LOT of trouble with that…” said Vinyl, a faint cringe on her face.

“...I better be quick then.” Sunset said with a nod as she got onto Silvermane’s back. “Hi ho Silvermane…” and they ran out, his mechanical hooves clicking on the ground.

“...I just realized some irony here, but I don’t want to say what.” Vinyl said as she gave a ‘shush it’ look to Monarch before she mentions it.

Sunset rode Silvermane to the quarry where an army of Terrorvons awaited her. She drew two blasters from her jacket pocket and fired into the crowd. When streaks of smoke were fired back at her, she leapt off the horse and spun in midair, firing down on the creatures. She landed feet first and upright onto the horse as it continued to ride, firing the blasters as they charged into the crowd.

“Ok...actually kind of impressive…” Demon Sunset said stunned at the supposedly impossible display. Reflecton just rolled his would-be eyes at this as he looks at her.

“Don’t just stand there like a gargoyle, creature, ATTACK!” Reflecton as he was suddenly hoisted into the air by a growling Demon Sunset.

You do NOT give me orders, got that?!” Demon Sunset said in a dark tone, her eyes narrowed in anger as the fire on her body glowed,Reflecton nodding nervously.

“Yes ma’am, sorry ma’am.” he said, clearly scared.he was then dropped as Demon Sunset flew down, glaring darkly at her good counterpart.

“Hmm...I take it you are not here to surrender?” Demon Sunset said, as Sunset glared back. “Heh, guess that’s something we do have in common then.”

“Not a chance. It’s Morphin’ Time!” Sunset revealed the two halves of the morpher Vinyl gave her. “Power Rangers!” she cried raising one arm up over her head and the other pointed towards the ground. “Harmonize!” she connected the two halves with a yell “Ha!” The orange-gold streaks on Sunset’s Morpher glowed, engulfing Sunset in light. Sunset began to float and spin as her body took on a dark-purple body suit, with golden light forming wristbands, boots, finger plating, and her breast plate. Opening her eyes sharply, Sunset’s head was covered by a gold helmet, the sound of a horse neighing echoing. She landed on a cliff above a ocean at sunset as waves crash behind her.

On her chest was a gold variation of the female Samurai Mega-mode chestplate, over a dark-purple body suit. Her helmet was a golden horse head like the other rangers, but had a red diamond in the center of the head. Her wrists and boots had golden bracers like the Mighty Morphin' White Ranger’s wristbands, with the boot having a gold sheen, and the back of her hands and fingers in golden shields, like Alpha-5’s hands. Her belt was silver connected by a ruby and gold version of her cutie mark. On her left hip was a blaster and on her right was a golden dual-sided sword with a slight hook at the tip and a microphone attached to the handle, with what appeared to be buttons on the front.

Sunset raised one arm upwards like preparing for a chop, while her other went to the hilt of her sword. “Walking the path of Redemption!” she said bringing her hand down and one leg back. “Gold Harmony Ranger!” A burst of orange smoke and confetti exploded behind her and rained down around her.

Demon Sunset gave a gasp in surprise. “Well...this is an interesting turn of events.” She said with a chuckle as she circled around, Sunset doing the same. “So I take it we trade blows now?”

“Oh yeah.” Sunset said with narrowed eyes as the two charged towards each other. Sunset gave a roundhouse kick, which her demon counterpart dodged and retaliated with a slash from her claws, which Sunset jumped back from.

Reflecton sat down and watched with interest, as Sunset rolled back as fire blasts came down from her evil half’s hands, dark energy forming over her as she roared out, sending down a large blast.

Sunset got her sword out and powered it up and gave out a short vocalization, sending out a burst of sound that countered against the energy attack, the two glaring at each other. “It seems we’re even...despite the fact that I was empowered by the Element of Magic.”

“So am I. But unlike you, I’m not powered by evil.” Sunset said, giving a glare as the two glared each other down.

“Evil? I’m you, the true you! The you you hid away and deny, for no reason besides your own fear!” Demon Sunset yelled.

Sunset lowered her sword. “Yes I was afraid. Afraid of myself and everything I could do, everything I did.” She raised her head to stare directly into Demon’s eyes. “But...I guess I was suffering because of it.”

“Yes, I was! I was locked away, ignored and forgotten! I was your strength!” Demon cried, tears of fire streaming down her face. “Why did you abandon me?! Just like everyone else!”

“I’m sorry.” Sunset said sheathing her sword. “I did abandon you, after you helped me survive.” Sunset opened her arms as if wanting a hug. “Forgive me...please.”

Reflecton did a double take as he asks, “Wait, what?” as he saw the two hugging, as he says, “Wha-what jus-WHAT IS THIS!? You moronic Gargoyle, you were supposed to kill her, not hug her!” He said, fire forming in the glass.

Demon growled at that as she says, “Shut up!” She powered up an aura, dragging Reflecton down onto the ground below, making him gulp nervously as the two gave each other smirks.

“Shall we?” Sunset asked as she got her sword out as Demon Sunset nods.

“We shall.” said her darker half as her hands ignited with flames. Reflecton looked on nervously at this.

“...This will hurt OH so much…” Reflecton said with fear in his voice. He powered up his shields to protect himself as Demon fired energy blasts at the mirrors, which they absorbed and redirected, but Sunset slashed through the energy with a quick swipe of her sword.

“Try this on for size.” Sunset said as she ran forward, giving a few slashes his way, making Reflecton spark up from the blows before Demon Sunset swooped in and threw him into the air, before quickly flying up and slamming him down with her ponytail, making him smash into the ground.

Suddenly a dark lightning bolt formed as Reflecton grew to his giant size, roaring out. “You will pay for your insolence!” Though they did notice something off; his face was cracked. Demon Sunset looked at her other half and flew down.

“Together then.” the two halves of Sunset said in unison, Demon Sunset fading to transparency and overlaying herself with Gold Ranger Sunset before vanishing, returning to Sunset.

“Release the Darkness inside!” Sunset yelled in a dual voice, her visor cracking before shattering along with her uniform, revealing her demon from beneath. She began to grow to giant size as the shards from her uniform fused with Silvermane, turning it gold. The horse then grew alongside her, transforming and separating into multiple pieces. Sunset gained a chest piece and skirt combination like a Roman centurion’s armor. The horses’ head shifted to reveal a curved black sword with a golden edge. “Fallen Paladin Mode!”

“Wait, you can turn into a giant!?” Reflecton asked, shocked.

Watching this, Vinyl whistled. “WOW...I didn’t see that coming.” Said Vinyl, chuckling at this sight.

Sunset glared at Reflecton and ran forward, giving him a roundhouse kick, making him yell out as he says, “Time for me to give you 7 years bad luck, girly!” He fired an energy blast from his shields, Sunset rolled out of the way as the explosions happened behind her.

“Ugh…” Sunset groaned, as she rubbed her shoulder. “OK, this still has some getting used to.” She was then punched, sending her back a bit as Reflecton smirked, glaring at her as he got into a pose.

“OK...time for me to make this end…” Said Sunset, glaring at her as Reflecton powered his facial area mirror, as he fired it out. Sunset yelled out as she was hit, making her growl in anger. “OK...time for me to end this!” She raised her hand into the air as a golden solar aura came over her hand, ending the eclipse that Nightmare Moon brought out originally as her sword returned, the hilt having an appearance of an alicorn now as she got into a stance. She raised her sword above her head in two hands, and the sword began to glow with a golden light. The light extended up out of the Earth’s atmosphere. Sunset swung it down at Reflecton, and he was obliterated.

Sunset shrunk back down, panting a bit as she pets Silvermane, who gave a smile in return as a blue smoke went over her as well. “What in the-” before she vanished from sight, making the command center lose visual.

“Hey, what the?” asked Vinyl asked, typing away in confusion. “Where the heck did Sunset go?” She frowned and says, “Dang it! Nightmare Moon’s got her now!”

“Can’t you find her and the others then?” Sunset’s mother asked, as Vinyl sighed.

“I...think so...she’s got her full power back, including that dark magic she used to repress...I think I can track that.” Said Vinyl as she began to type. “Hopefully…”

In a dark room, Sunset appeared with a surprised look, showing she was in a throne room. “Where am I?”

“You ask a lot of stupid questions, thief.” a voice said as Nightmare Moon walked out of the shadows, scythe in hand.

“Where are my friends, Nightmare Moon?” Sunset demanded, glaring daggers at this.

“oh...they’re around. Just not in this room.” said Nightmare Moon with a dark laugh. “You want them? You have to prove your mettle.” She said with a dark laugh, turning into mist, leaving Sunset in the throne room, her eyes narrowing under her visor as she chased after it, sword now out.

Sunset looked through the halls of the dark castle as she passed by various rooms and chambers, running through the old building. ‘where the heck did they find this castle, anyway? There’s no castles in California.’ she thought, a frown on her face as she looked around, trying to find any clue to where they currently are but found nothing.

She then saw a large door ahead and got her blaster out and fired, blasting the door open. In there was Nightmare Moon, who had crossed her arms.

“There were handles, you know.” nightmare Moon said flatly as she chuckled darkly, Sunset glaring.

“I am TIRED of games, Nightmare Moon. where are my friends?!” Sunset demanded, glaring.

“Look up.” Nightmare Moon said as Sunset did so and gasped; above her were her friends in dark orbs, appearing to be asleep. “Suspended animation is quite an interesting thing, yes?” Nightmare Moon asked as she summoned her scythe.

“Alright...you are SO going to get it.” said Sunset with a glare.

“Indeed I am...what you have taken from me that is!” said Nightmare Moon as the two charged at each other.

Author's Note:

(DJ: AND CLIFFHANGER! Sorry about that, but you know how drama is, folks XP It’s always needed in these two parters)

(XK: Indeed. Next Time: Good as Gold part 2: the Truth of Nightmare Moon!)