• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 3,279 Views, 280 Comments

Rainbow Sentai Harmonyranger - Xero Key

  • ...


(Neither myself or Shadow DJ own Power Rangers or MLP; they belong to Saban/Toei and Hasbro respectively. Please support the official products.)

Power by: Xero Key

Sunset opened her eyes groaning but blinked as a bright light was put into her face.

“Hello Ms. Shimmer.” A deep voice said beyond her line of sight.


“Now now, you know why you are here Ms. Shimmer. Technology you should not have.” The light in Sunset’s eyes was obscured as a man’s face came into her vision, silhouetted so that she could not identify him. “Why don’t you tell me what I want to know.”

Outside of the room the two were in, some guards flinched as the lights began to flicker, the sounds of a young girl screaming echoing through the halls.

Power Rangers

“Has anyone seen Sunset? She missed every class.” Rarity said as the final bell at Canterlot High rang.

“Not me, haven’t seen her all week.” Applejack said. The girls looked around at the school, Fluttershy holding her books close.

“You think something happened?” Fluttershy asked, sounding nervous.

“Attention: Will Rainbow Dash, Rarity Belle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack Smith, and Fluttershy please report to the Principal's Office. Repeat: Will the Power Rangers please report to the Principal's Office.” Celestia’s voice came over the intercom.

They passed by Derpy at the front desk sorting the last of the mail, who smiled and waved, before going back into Principal Celestia’s personal office.

Celestia sighed as she says, “I was given a phone call from a man named Eiling who wishes to talk to you girls about your activities. I have told him about how much good you are doing, but he doesn't seem interested in the good you have done, but more interested in the technology. He believes the Military can benefit from it.”

“But it ain’t just tech though. These things are connected to our Elements of Harmony. And if da Military gets it, who knows what could happen.” AJ said, as Rarity nods.

“Indeed. We cannot be part of any military group yet, as we are just trying to keep the magical threats from expanding outside of Canterlot. They seemed focused here.” Rarity said as Dash crossed her arms.

“So I don’t care what they do, but we can’t just give them our morphers. If we did that, Nightmare Moon would just have MORE people to attack or take over.” Rainbow said with a scowl.

Just then Vinyl came running in, banging the door open. “Guys, we need to get to the command center! I think Sunset’s in trouble!” The Rangers turned to her, surprised to say the least.

“What do you mean?” Rainbow asked, concerned as Vinyl pants.

“Lyra said she saw Sunset get taken by some guys with a black van. But knowing her, she could be wrong...but if Celestia had to call you guys up, she must be onto something. We gotta get out of here. I do NOT Want to end up vanished.” said Vinyl.

“Va-va-vanished?” Fluttershy asked in fear, her pupils shrinking to the size of dimes.

“Oh come on, you can’t believe that whole ‘Government kidnaps people’ thing, right?” asked AJ as Vinyl gave her a flat look, lowering her sunglasses. “...OK, that is a dumb question. We better move. Tell dis ‘Eling’ guy we will meet him in a private spot. HEre.” She gave a number to CElestia. “Just have him call this number. And he bettah come alone.”

“Yeah.” Rainbow said with a nod as they headed out, Celestia giving a soft sigh.

Sunset was in a dark room, taken in with her head covered like usual, but this time her usual interrogator didn’t come in. The door opened and Sunset’s eyes widened as the Sirens walked in, dressed in military uniforms. She opened her mouth to speak but Adagio stopped her. “Don’t bother, they can’t hear you.” Sunset looked over towards the window and saw a small flashing blue light, the Sirens didn’t seem to notice.

‘Have to get them to talk’ ”What’s going on?”

“Confused? Oh let me explain, I do owe you that at least. We are doing our patriotic duty.” Adagio said pacing the room. Sonata and Aria leaning against a table chuckling evilly. “Do you know how long we’ve been out of Equestria? Don’t answer. It has been over One Thousand Years. We arrived in the Tenth Century, just before the kingdom of Al-Andalus, modern day Spain, was founded.”

Adagio paced towards the one-way mirror in the room and stared into the reflection. “We began to seed tension into society so that we may feed. We traveled over the mainland of Europe, following the stories of the greatest powers in the world.” Adagio’s reflection grew sinister as her eyes closed, her face joyful as the memories returned. “The Vatican was so simple. A little tension along the way and...poof. The Crusades. We went with the knights as ‘entertainment’ and they worshipped us.”

‘I don’t want to know the type of entertainment they could give when they are in the bodies of teenagers...’ Sunset thought to herself, keeping it best that she stayed silent.

Adagio turned and came up into Sunset’s face. “After that there were so many wars and Inquisitions! Oh the hatred tasted so wonderful!” Her smile softened as her eyes sharpened. “Then we heard of a new continent. A fresh start where we could be worshipped...as gods!” Adagio began to pace again as Sonata and Aria mimed a fife and drum, Sunset shaking her head at the odd sight. “Revolution.” Sonata danced a stereotypical Indian dance and pretended to be shot by Aria’s gun, Sunset suddenly wearing a feathered hat, which she just took off with an annoyed look. “Conquest.” Aria acted like she was in chains as Sonata pretended to whip her, making Sunset cringe at this sight. “Injustice. Oh it was wonderful. But then something glorious happened.” Adagio stopped the others. “Humans did the work for us and plunged the entire world into our feeding ground.” Adagio’s smile turned wicked. “Total War.”

“Ah the First World War. after it finished we needed more. The sheer hatred from it made us nearly as powerful as before we were banished. We went to Europe to...inspire a certain individual. Take a guess who?” Sonata put one finger below her nose like a mustache, making Sunset’s eyes shrink in horror. “Aria went East, to the Rising Sun, Sonata to the West and ‘freedom fighters.’ I stayed here and helped a special Project...such a Big Boy!”

Sunset gasped. “No…”

“Yes.” Adagio’s smile vanished as her face turned sorrow. “But then they didn’t have the decency to use it again!” Her face twisted into a snarl as she shook Sunset’s chair. “That much hatred and fear would have allowed us to reach back into Equestria, but even that pawn McCarthy was useless.” Adagio began to pace again, this time in anger. “Civil Rights: he got a holiday for dying! The President: still no war!” Adagio began to pull at her hair. “No matter what we did, our food supply was drying up!” Her face calmed and became stone like. “Even with recent events like New York we barely feed off the residual anger.”

“Yeah, the most we get is off a flame wars or nerd fights. Silly little fights like that, nothing too big.” Sonata said before getting slapped upside the head by Aria.

“As soon as we felt your magic that day, we saw our chance...And then you took our lives from us!” Adagio screamed in Sunset’s face. She pulled down her collar to reveal a green crystal. “The red ones, the ones you broke, they were how we processed magic to live. If Nightmare Moon hadn’t rescued us, we would have turned to dust. Our deaths on your hands.” Adagio’s smile returned, as sinister as ever. “But now we have a new chance, and we are going to take it!” With that all three of the Sirens began to laugh, and Sunset’s soul wept in fear.

Back in Canterlot, the Rangers rode on the Jeep to the Command Center, running inside as Monarch was looking all over the computers, trying to find Sunset. “No, not there...no, not there either.” The humanoid butterfly squeaked a bit, showing clear signs of nervousness.

“Find anything, Monarch?” Vinyl asked as Monarch shook her head.

“No, I can’t find her cell phone anywhere. I don’t know where they could have taken her.” Monarch said, as she says, “But there is that detective guy or that Twilight girl...from what I read, this Twilight Sparkle girl that you’ve met could have an idea.”

“How are we gonna get her from Equestria?” AJ asked, as Monarch gave a nervous chuckle.

“I...didn’t say Princess Twilight, now did I?” Monarch said sheepishly as they had a realization there.

“Human Twilight. The one from here. Man...I almost forgot about her...but she’s been following us for awhile now. How do we know she didn’t tell them about us?” Rainbow asked, concerned for Sunset’s safety more so than if this Twilight did or not.

“I doubt she would. She showed trust in us when Blunt Facts was in town, and she may know something if the government is involved.” Rarity said...as she adds, “Oh wait, she’s around our age. Why would they ask her for anything?”

“Maybe she could help us narrow things down? I don’t know if there’s any Military bases in town.” Rainbow Dash said as the phone rang, catching their attention as Monarch put it on speaker.

“This is General Eiling, Rangers. Your Principal has given me this number and I will ask for you to come quietly. I just want to talk about this ‘magic world’ that is mentioned several times, and also a comment on these strange events going on in this town.Come quietly and I will make sure we remain civil. I will meet you at the Quarry if that is fine. I do not wish to make a scene.” Eiling said as the Rangers looked at each other as Rainbow walks up.

“Alright...BUT we want to see if Sunset is alright, got it? Because if she is hurt in anyway...lets just say I don’t care if you guys are part of the military, NO ONE hurts my friends!” Rainbow warned, as Eiling chuckled.

“Guess that ‘loyalty’ thing is spot on with you, little girl. I could have used you in the service of this great nation, you’d make a fine soldier.”

“Thanks, but in all seriousness, I just want to make sure she’s alright.” Rainbow said as Eiling gave a small grunt, showing he was nodding on the other end.

“Alright, see you then.” Eiling said as the connection ended, Monarch having been following the signal, frowned.

“Couldn’t finish the trace…” Monarch said with a sigh, as she says, “Of course, it IS a military-based call, it’d make sense.”

“Come on girls, lets head out.” Rainbow said as she put on a bike helmet, the others doing the same.

“You sure about this?” Vinyl asked as they shook their heads ‘no’ at this.

“But we can’t let them be in any danger. Come on, let's ride.” Rainbow said as they got onto their motorcycles and drove off, heading out of the Crystal caves, unaware of a certain violet-skinned individual seeing them leave, having followed the Jeep here on a bike.

“Hmm…” she tapped her chin curiously at this sight, looking towards the cave with a curious gaze.

At the quarry, the Rangers got off of their motorcycles and lined up opposite to contingent of soldiers. Dash’s eyes scanned the crowd. “I thought you would be bringing Sunset?”

“I agreed to let you make sure she was safe, she is, you have my word.” Eiling said stepping forward. “Now if you will come with me, we can negotiate her release.”

Fluttershy’s eyes narrowed as she stomped towards the general, ignoring the rifles being raised as Eiling motioned for them to stand down. “Now you listen here you big meanie! You give us our friend back!” She said poking Eiling in the shoulder so that he would step back, slightly off balance.

“That...Is Assault on an Officer of the United States armed Forces. You are hereby placed under arrest.” With a wave of his hand the soldier’s rifles were leveled on the Rangers.

“She just tapped you!” Rainbow with an annoyed tone, hands on the morphers. “BUT If you want assault...we can give it to you.” She then nods at this, as the others got ready. “It’s Morphin’ Time! Power Rangers, Harmonize!” Five bright glows came out as the Rangers stood powered up, their eyes narrowed beneath their visors.

“Take them down!” Eiling ordered and the soldiers opened fire. The Rangers ducked around as they got their own blasters out and fired, aiming right for their guns away from any vital areas.

A soldier yelled out as he was hit and ran forward, going for a punch towards Rarity, who ducked around it as she says, “How rude.” as she kept mostly to the defensive as the other Rangers took on the other soldiers.

Fluttershy tried her best to keep up, but two soldiers grabbed her arms and restrained her, making her cry out. Pinkie Pie jumps in and tried to kick them but four of them were abled to get to her, ducking around her more frantic movement before one landed a good punch on her helmet, making her shake up a bit before they got her as well. The soldiers knocked both of them out, forcing them to demorph.

Rarity kept herself pretty safe as Dash ducked, giving one of the soldiers a solid kick to one of them while AJ was going two to one on several other soldiers, grunting as she was able to at least keep up.

Rarity cried out as she was hit by one of the soldier’s kicks, sending her down as she groaned a bit, as she was about to get up but one of them pressed down on her neck, knocking her out, demorphing her as well. “Rarity!” Dash said as she saw Pinkie and Fluttershy were also restrained, both out cold.

AJ and Dash glared at Eiling as he says, “You two are out manned, Rangers. Be reasonable about this.” The two looked at each other as they looked down, demorprhing. “Good. Cuff ‘em.” Rainbow Dash and AJ were handcuffed and led to a military truck. “Secure their morphers, we don’t need them being tracked.” The morphers were removed from the Ranger’s wrists and placed in a lead box.

The Rangers were lead into a vehicle, their motorcycles brought into another vehicle as they drove off.

In the base, Sunset was with her original interrogator. “So...you are telling me that all the stuff going in that town is from a would-be goddess from a place called...’Equestria’?”

“You have seen our footage from our concerts. That’s how we change into our Anthro forms and how the Ranger forms are created is because of these artifacts called the Elements of Harmony. They are meant to bring peace, not destruction.” Sunset explained, as the man looked at her oddly.

“And...you are not human, but instead you are actually...a pony?” He asked, clearly not believing her.

“...You are kind of skeptic about it, given we were visited by royalty from that world.” Sunset said flatly in return, as he just nods, writing that down.

“And you’re telling me that there are counterparts for most of the human population there in some way?” the doctor asked, sounding curious at this.

“Yep. I am a unicorn there, given that’s what I’m naturally. According to Princess Twilight, my friends are Earth Ponies, Pegasai and Unicorns as well. And she’s an Alicorn, a sort of monarch in my world.”

The interrogator did not seem convinced and pressed a symbol on his tablet, brightening the room by turning on more lights. “Tell me how many lights are behind me?”

Sunset scowled, which was difficult considering her bruising. She looked at the lights then the interrogator. “I’ve seen this episode of Star Trek, it doesn’t matter how I answer.”

The Interrogator smiled. “True.” Another press on his tables and Sunset was shocked again, barely grunting this time. “Your resistance is impressive.”

“You know...I am pretty sure torture is an illegal way to get information out of me, especially since i’ve told you everything I know about the Elements and Nightmare Moon.” Sunset grunts, her eyes narrowed.

“I am just making sure you don’t try anything.” He reassured her as Sunset gave a flat look.

“I don’t have a morpher and my magic only activates when I play a song. I doubt I could break out of here in my own free will if I tried. besides, YOU guys jumped me. So kidnapping and torture...you are doing your country proud, soldier.”

The man smiled. “Truthfully, I’m not a soldier, I merely work for them.” Sunset just glared at this as she situates herself.

“Doctor. She’s done, we have the others, bring her out.” Eiling’s voice came over the PA for the room. The Man nods as he got up, leaving the room as Sunset glared at this, groaning a bit given her injuries. She was taken to a different room, where she found her friends handcuffed to chairs.

“Girls! Let them go, now!” Sunset demanded, her tone angry at how they were treated like criminals.

“Stand down, ma’am.” Eiling said, going to calm her down but Sunset just glared.

“OK, where do you get off on this? First you kidnap me, then you have that psycho doctor electrocute me and all this other stuff. what kind of military officer are you?” Sunset asked, sounding like she was getting to her limit with this, her eyes flashing a black and blue color.

“Wait, what happened?” Eiling asked, hearing the part about the electrocution.

“Oh don’t play dumb. That nutcase said he was given orders to get the answers out of me ‘at any cost’. Apparently he thought it was OK to use old school torture on a TEENAGER.” Sunset said, her tone sounding like she was on the point of a tirade. “And now I see that you also captured my friends?! What in Tartarus is with this world’s military!”

Eiling frowned at this as he put a hand on her shoulder as he lead her to a seat next to Dash, who looked at her with concern as the other Rangers were looking down. “Look, I don’t like this any more than you do. Trust me, I can tell you girls aren’t trying to do any harm. But I have the public’s safety to think about. I’ll have a talk with the doctor about this, don’t worry”

Sunset just scowled, as AJ asks, “So, why do you want us here?”

“I just want to ask you this: Why is all of this insanity happening? I am curious on why these creatures are appearing recently.” Eiling said as he sighed. “My commanding officers up top are asking questions and I want the answers, alright?”

“Ya want the truth? Here it is: The five of us are the living representations of the Elements of Harmony in this world.” Rainbow said as Eiling frowned.

“And who chose you for this position? Why do this without any real training? Without any real combat experience outside maybe learning some karate and what not? This is needlessly unsafe for a group of teenagers to deal with.”

Sunset’s face became solid. “Because we have to. Because there is no one else. Our powers are tied to our soul, they wouldn’t work for anyone else. That’s why. It’s not that we want to fight, look at us!” Sunset said gesturing with her head to the Rangers. “The weight of the world has been on our shoulders for only a short time, but we feel it every day.” She sighed and closed her eyes. “If there was another option we would take it in a heartbeat.”

Eiling rubbed his chin at this, as he gave a nod. “Alright...but I cannot, in good conscience, have you keep fighting like this. It could lead to you kids dying out there, so I want to at least find something to work with here.”

“How do we know we can trust you?” AJ asked, but before Eiling can ask, an eerily familiar music filled the room, making the Rangers glow faintly, showing they were putting an instinctive protective spell on themselves to keep the spell off of them.

“No way…” RD said as Eiling looked up, a frown forming but saw he had a glow on him and saw that Sunset was focusing on him, putting the protection on him as well. They nod as Eiling was quick to move as he saw his men were groaning, as if being put under a trance.

“Bu-but I thought their magic was gone…” Fluttershy said as Eiling took the keys from one of the soldiers and unlocked their handcuffs.

“We better get out of this area. It’s not safe here.” Eiling said, getting his gun out after unlocking the others handcuffs, making them rub their wrists as they followed.

“You’re right about that. Look!” Rarity screamed as they saw several soldiers pointing their guns at them, as three voices vocalized more, familiar silhouettes walking up as Adagio smirked, removing her military cap as Sonata and Aria smirked as well.With a wave of their hands, a shockwave began to shake the building they were in. “We need to move now!”

The Rangers were able to escape the collapsing building and reach the main courtyard. The Sirens hovering above them laughing. “And now Rangers,we have a surprise for you.” Adagio said as all three moved their hands to cup the green gems on their neck. “Wave of Sound! Crash Down!” They cried spreading out their arms.

The Sirens were covered in a dark miasma, their forms completely obscured. The orbs of darkness took on cracks of light, like shells opening to give new life. When the orbs shattered, the Sirens were revealed in their new forms, spiritual versions of their true bodies forming around the three.

the Rangers looked on as the Sirens flexed their new forms. They were now wearing finned helmets akin to seahorse heads, their mouths covered by a solid piece of metal, their eyes seemingly been replaced by yellow visors. All three were wearing black gothic-style dresses, with differences in colored outlines. Adagio had burnt orange, Sonata had light blue, and Aria had dark purple.

“No way...they can morph now!?” Asked Dash, shocked. “When could they do that?”

“It’s from studying how your morphers work...you did steal our crystals to make them, after all.” Adagio scowled as Aria smirked behind their masks.

Eiling fired his gun at the three, as Sonata giggled and waved her hand, creating a blue shield to deflect the bullets. “Too bad, so sad!” She giggled as Aria smirked, sending a wave towards them, making the seven yell out as they got knocked back and sent flying into the air.

Eiling groaned a bit, rubbing his head as he noticed one of the near-by vehicles and went there, grabbing the lead box and tossing it over to a groaning Sunset, as she saw it and opened it, revealing the Morphers. “Girls! It’s Morphin’ Time!”

The Rangers took their morphers back and activated them. “Power Rangers! Hamonize!”

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lighting stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between he fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

A green light pulsed from Applejack’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying ‘don’t talk to me’ to two people.

Rainbow slapped her chest. “Element of Loyalty: Red Harmony Ranger!” She called as she posed like she had finished her morphing sequence. A cloud of red smoke exploded behind her.

Applejack mimicked her. “Element of Honesty: Green Harmony Ranger!” She posed in a boxing stance and green smoke exploded behind her.

“Element of Generosity: Blue Harmony Ranger!” Rarity said. She posed and blue smoke appeared behind her.

“Element of Laughter: Pink Harmony Ranger!” Pinkie posed and pink smoke appeared behind her.

“Element of K-Kindness: Y-Yellow Harmony Ranger!” Fluttershy said as the yellow smoke exploded behind her and she posed.

Rainbow and the others then posed together with arms in a V shape crying out “Harmony Rangers!” as an explosion of fire appeared behind them.

Behind them, Sunset had clasped her hands in prayer, unknowingly causing them to glow orange.

“We aren’t going to let you get away with this Sirens!” Dash said drawing her blaster. “We’ll stop just like every other time!”

“Oh no, she has gun, whatever will we do?” Adagio mocked before she and her sisters joined hands pushed out a wave of dark energy at the Rangers,causing an explosion to knock them back.

“Rock and Load!” The Rangers cried out to summon their weapons, but the Sirens waved their hands and harmonized their voices, causing the weapons to vanish and the Rangers to collapse in pain.

“Suprised? You shouldn’t be. As we’ve already established, you are using OUR crystals to make your morphers work. Now that we have our full power back, we can take control!” Adagio said turning her eyes red.

“What a bunch of losers.” Aria said.

“We’re gonna win! We’re gonna win!” Sonata danced happily.

The Sirens opened their mouths and began to sing a song without words, but still caused the Rangers incredible pain. Sunset dropped to her knees, praying that the Rangers would be safe because she couldn’t help them. The orange glow of her hands began to encompass her entire body before spreading out to engulf the Rangers. Deep within their uniforms, dark red crystals were sparking with red lightning. When the orange light touched the crystals, they began to glow with a bright, white light. The Rangers themselves began to glow with their own color and were able to stand up against the power of the Sirens.

“We told you! We’ll never let you win, Never!” Dash said placing her hand over her heart. “Our Friendship is stronger than you will ever be!” The Rangers all cupped their hands above their hearts pulled, an orb of light coming with them. Together they threw the orbs at the sirens, causing a massive explosion that shook the Earth.

When the light of the blast faded, a shifting wall of black light was between the Rangers and the Dazzlings, who were on the ground, reduced to their human forms. As the wall fell, the Rangers could make out a woman in dark armor holding a scythe.

“Is that...Nightmare Moon?” Applejack asked.

The woman spoke to the Sirens behind her while facing the Rangers. “You have disappointed me Adagio, Aria, Sonata. I expected you to wait for my permission before engaging the Rangers with your new abilities.” Adagio looked up in shock. “Yes I knew about them, did you really believe you could keep it secret from me?” Adagio and sisters looked back to the ground humbled as Nightmare Moon turned her attention back to the Rangers.”And as for you…Power Rangers...You have something I want.” She raised a finger to point at Sunset. “And you Little Thief, will not deny me this time.” With that she stamped the end of her scythe into the ground, engulfing the Sirens and herself in a black sphere that sank beneath the earth.

Eiling had saw this, shocked to say the least as he saw Sunset groaned, passing out there, having used up a lot of energy. “Sunset!” The girls all yelled out at once as they went to check on her, all worried. Eiling watched this as he nods.

“Hmm...I guess there is some potential in these girls.” Eiling said as he got a phone out. “Sir, yes. This is me. I saw these girls in action. I think it’s best we give them some support...and I doubt we can do much with them anyway. The best we can do...is given them anything they need to keep our country safe. Yes sir, understood.” He then hung up, looking at the group at this.

Later that day, Sunset groaned a bit as her vision was blurry, before noticing she was in a hospital bed. “Wha…? Where am I?” she asked with a groan before a hand touch her shoulder.

“It’s OK, Sunset. We’re here.” Vinyl said as she saw that she was in the hospital, the others looking over her with AB, Sweetie, Scootaloo and some of her other friends in the room.

“take it easy, everyone. Remember, do not over do it.” Nurse Redheart said as they all nod.

“Gotcha.” a light orange skinned young man said, adjusting his jacket as he looks over at Sunset. “Hey Sunset, you doing OK?”

“I guess...thanks Flash.” said Sunset, giving her ex a small smile but groaned a bit, rubbing her head.

“easy now, Sugarcube. Don’t go pullin’ something.” said Granny Smith, her tone chiding as Sunset chuckled, giving her a smile.

“Got it, Granny Smith.” said Sunset as she saw all the people there. ‘They were all...worried about me…?’ She gained a soft smile at this as they saw Monarch arrive, surprising many people.

“Uh...Miss Shimmer? I believe I have someone who wants to talk to you in private.” she said sheepishly. The others nod at this, as they headed out to give her some alone time with the person in question.

Sunset looked confused as the Nurse left, writing down final parts of her notes to give to the doctor as the person came in, revealing herself to be the Human Twilight Sparkle, who adjusted her glasses.

“Hey, you doing OK?” she asked, rubbing her head a bit as Sunset just nods.

“Uh...yeah. What is it?” Sunset asked, as Twilight sat down.

“OK, I kind of followed your friends to your...what is it? Bat cave or something like that?” Twilight asked, as Sunset just chuckled.

“Command Center. So you saw the Crystal caves, huh?” Twilight nods as Sunset sighed a bit. “So...what do you want to know, Dr. Twilight?”

“Well...I am thinking that, given all that’s going on, I’d be glad to help.” said Twilight, as Sunset gave her an odd look. “Yes, I know how it sounds, but hear me out: I have majors in various sciences, including physics, quantum mechanics, chemistry and what not. I think I will be of great help to you when fighting these villains. Plus I noticed your technology tends to make a lot of...damage. So I think I can help with keeping the power outputs keep from discharging.”

“Hmm...alright. But you do know this means you have to socialize with the other girls, right?” Sunset asked, giving her a faint smirk as Twilight looked a bit nervous.

“Well...that could be a problem, I’m not the most social of people. In fact, I mostly talked with my dog, Spike.” Twilight said sheepishly as Sunset smirked.

“Then I guess the biggest step you got is to be able to make friends. After all, you did study us...but now you get a chance to KNOW us.” said Sunset as Twilight adjusted her glasses, giving a nod.

“I’m in, if you will have me that is.” said Twilight as Sunset put a hand out, giving her a smile.

“Welcome to the team, Miss Sparkle.” Sunset said as the two shook hands, unknowingly to the two, a faint energy formed between them; one purple, one orange.

At the military base, repair teams were working to clear away the debris, General Eiling oversee the work. His attention was drawn to a black car driving up into the yard. Man with an umbrella stepped out of the car, followed by a young woman in all black wearing sunglasses. “This is a restricted area, no unauthorized personnel.” Eiling said.

“I think you’ll find that we clearly authorized.” The man said giving Eiling a sealed envelope. The general opened it and read the first page, eyes widening with every line. “Now, I believe you can work together, don’t you agree?” The man said holding out his hand. Eiling took it.

Author's Note:

(XK: My most anticipated episode done, I have been looking forward to this.)

(DJ: And now Twilight is part of the team as one of the tech-people, sort of like Dr. K or Billy during Zeo. We’ll see how that will turn out in the future. GIven this is pre-development Twilight, this should be fun.)

(XK & DJ: See you next time!)