• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 3,280 Views, 280 Comments

Rainbow Sentai Harmonyranger - Xero Key

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Tactical Nightmare

(Xero Key and Shadow-DJ do not own Power Rangers, MLP or anything else. We only own OCs and the plot ahead)
Tactical Nightmare: by Shadow-DJ

At Canterlot High soccer field, AJ yelled out, while morphed, into a net, making her groan a bit as she got back up, glaring at a new monster in front of her. The monster in question appeared to be made out of a tree and something of a dust-like quality, laughing as it dodged each hit from the other rangers, made out of light purple and black dust in a swirling motion from the chest outward, with a glowing crystal chest spot. Around them many people were asleep.

“Pwahahaha! Let’s see you take me on, little girls. No one can beat Mesmerio.” The monster laughed as he got some sand and threw it out, which explode on contact, sending the Rangers back.

“A’right, time for some tree buckin’.” AJ said as she got her hands out. “Rock and Load!” She summoned her Bass-Hammer and ran forward, swinging the hammer at him as the others cried out ‘Rock and Load’ as Terrovons appeared.

“Rarity, help AJ with that tree. We got these clowns.” Dash said as Rarity nods, her Keytar Blaster at the ready as she aims at the Dust monster’s chest, where a crystal lied and likely was a weak spot.

Pinkie giggled as she played one of the Terrovon’s head like a drum before whipping it around, creating cotton candy clouds to capture them in to keep them at bay as Fluttershy shook up her large tambourine before throwing it out, as it shot out energy blossoms in the form of a giant chakram, slashing through the caught Terrovons as she nods.

“Look out!” Rainbow said as she jumped over Fluttershy and slashed through a Terrovon with her axe.

“Ugh…Their teamwork is getting on my nerves…” Aria said as she watched the battle happening, Adagio studying it carefully as Sonata…just ate popcorn, showing enjoyment in the action before her.

‘Maybe…’ Adagio thought before noticing the two Rangers fighting the monster and noticing Rarity having some trouble.

“Applejack, hold still! I am trying to get a good lock on him.” Rarity said as AJ just rolled her eyes under her helmet as she blocked a slash with her sledgehammer.

“Then stop standin’ around like a statue and get over here and help! I can easily just make this overgrown dust bunny inta powder if ya actually DO something.” AJ said as Rarity gasped at that.

“Well excuse me for wanting to be TACTICAL!” Rarity said as AJ just scoffed at that, jumping away from him.

“What’z dere to be tactical about? It’s a pile of sand! Just blast him and he goes up in smoke! So stop just standin’ around and just DO.” AJ said as Rarity just shook her head.

“THAT is the stupidest plan I’ve ever heard!” Rarity said as AJ just stomped over to her.

“Ya’ll tellin’ me I don’t know how to fight? We’ve been doing this for a couple months now!” Said AJ as the two glared under their helmets.

“I am well aware of that, but we can’t just go into this haphazardly. We both know how dangerous that is.” Rarity said as the Mesmerio looked at the two, showing some confusion at this.

“And so is just standin’ around doin’ nothin’. It just gives da monster more time to do damage and hurt other people.” AJ said as the Mesmerio just looked at the two and slowly backed away before taking off, using this distraction as a way to get out of the battlefield.

“Uh…guys? The monster left.” Rainbow said flatly as the two looked in shock as they saw that, indeed, the tree monster left.

“NOW look what you did!” The two yelled at each other, glaring daggers at the others as the other three rangers looked concerned.

Power Rangers

“Ya should have taken the shot!” AJ yelled at Rarity back at the Crystal Caves, as the others just watched the two go at it, Monarch just reading a magazine, waiting for them to stop.

“You were too close! You should have kept him more still so I could have a clear shot!” Rarity countered as Vinyl just put her headphones on, focusing on something and didn’t want to get distracted.

“Oh, so this is MY fault?!” AJ asked in retaliation, as Sunset groaned.

“OK, ENOUGH.” She said, separating the two. “Look, you two need to cool it. Mesmerio is still out there, and you two need to learn how to work together.”

“What do ya mean?” asked AJ, crossing her arms as Sunset sighs rubbing her temples.

“You two are the most polar opposites of the team. One is into high society, one is more rustic. One is more fashion forward, the other is more on the lines of practical. And in this case, one of you prefers hands-on while the other likes to think it in small steps. Both are good, but if you keep clashing, the monster will get away again.” The two just grunt as they looked away, crossing their arms in the process as Sunset just sighed.

“I swear, those two act like children at the playground.” Monarch said, looking at this scene quizzically.

“You said it…” Dash said with a sigh. “Sure AJ and I get into arguments all the time, but it’s more of a rivalry than that. And yeah, AJ can be a bit stubborn at times, but that’s because she’s usually out doing stuff.”

“And Rarity and I spend a lot of time together, so I know how much little details mean to her, as she needs to know what works and what doesn’t.” Fluttershy said with a nod, as Monarch nods.

“Hmm…Well, if they can’t find a compromise, that monster will just take advantage of it.” Monarch said with a shrug. “They usually do. Not to mention stop him from putting everyone asleep.”

At the castle, the Sirens have told Nightmare moon about the argument and the dark woman just rubs her chin in curiosity. “Hmm…so, the Green and Blue Ranger are at each other’s throats, hmm?”

“Eyeah, they were SO mad.” Sonata said with a laugh.

“I’m wondering what would happen if we would…escalate it a bit with the next battle. You know…have it that they have to be the ones that go against the other.” Adagio smirked as Nightmare Moon nods.

“Mesmerio, come here!” Nightmare Moon said as she gave him a bag. “Use this to capture the Rangers. Those other two will still be at each other’s throats to the point they become easy targets.” Mesmerio nods at this, “As you command Empress!” smirking as he took the bag and vanished in a swirl of dust.

At the Youth Center, Donut Joe was mixing some drinks as he noticed the Rangers sitting…with Rarity and AJ not facing each other, making him blink in confusion. “Don’t ask.” Dash pleaded as he just shrugs, giving them their drinks.

AJ took her’s and began to drink, as Rarity just rolled her eyes. “Fluttershy, please tell Applejack to stop slurping her drink like a five year old?” Fluttershy blinked at this, looking at AJ and then at the others

AJ gave her the stink eye as she says, “Pinkie, tell Rarity ta mind her own business.” Pinkie just sighed at that, not liking this at all.

“…OK, are you two REALLY going there?” Sunset asked, face palming at this. “AJ, Rare, you’re SUPERHEROES and MUSICIANS. Stop acting like little kids who at the playground.”

‘Well, I will…once Applejack apologizes.” Rarity said as AJ just rolled her eyes.

“Only aftah YOU apologize first.” AJ said as Rainbow groaned, with Pinkie sinking in her seat, as well as Fluttershy, both not wanting to get in the middle of this.

Off to the side, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom watched with concern, both of them eating some ice cream with Scootaloo. “Ah Man, I hate it when dey get like this.” AB said, rolling her eyes.

“Yeah, they’re usually good friends…I think the stress could be getting to them?” Sweetie asked, concerned.

“Dash told me they were like that since that whole thing with that talking Tree.” Said Scoots, as the three got an idea.

“Hmm…maybe we could help?” Sweetie asked as AB shook her head at that suggestion.

“Nuh-uh, not aftah that whole thing with Cathulu. It took me weeks to get my arm out of dat
cast.” AB said, as Sweetie Belle sighed.

“Good point…” suddenly smoke appeared as the three went wide eyed. “Uh oh.” The three said in unison as Terrovons appeared.

“Ah man, why did it have to be my shop?” Donut Joe asked with annoyance as the smoke took the Rangers, making them yell out as they were swept up, leaving Sunset with shock.

“Hey!” She said as she ran outside to see the smoke drop the Rangers outside, making them groan a bit.

“Sorry to interrupt, but I don’t like LED lights too much. I prefer the sun.” Mesmerio said, appearing before them as the Five Rangers got their morphers ready. “Nuh-uh…Night-night!” He then threw out dust at them, as Rarity and AJ got out of the way as the dust went onto the other three, making them cough before they got drowsy and fell over, asleep.

“GUYS!” Rarity and AJ yell in shock as the Mesmerio laughed evilly as he opened his bag, taking them in with the other sleeping people he already took.

“Sorry, they can’t be of help right now…they’re kind of stuck inside.” Mesmerio laughed as the two glared daggers at this.

“Power Rangers!” The two yelled at once as they got into a pose each, one trying to step in front of the other. “Harmonize!” The two glowed brightly.

A green light pulsed from Applejack’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

The two yell out as they got into a stance each, Terrovons appearing and charging at the two, who use their different fighting styles to take them on; rarity using her agility and grace to get around them and sending powerful kicks their way, while AJ uses more of her boxing style to take them out.

After they fell, the two glare at Mesmiro, who laughed as Rarity got her blaster out, aiming for his chest as AJ went for the offensive, getting her dagger out as the dust-monster moved out of the way, going between them and firing energy at them, making the two yell out as they were both hit.

“Get your head in da game, Rarity!” AJ said in annoyance as she got up.

“Me? You should focus on your surroundings, not just charging in like a crazy person!” Rarity said as Mesmerio smirked, his jewel glowing a bit at this time.

AB, Sweetie and Scootaloo notice this happening as Apple Bloom says, “We better vamoose before Sandman dere sees us.”

“GOOD idea…” Scootaloo said with a nod as the three made a run for it, which catches Mesmerio’s eye. He smirked as he formed sand in his hand as he looked right at them, which Sunset catches.

“Girls, move!” said Sunset as she went to move them, but ended up getting caught in the dust attack, making the girls cough as they all groaned, falling asleep.

“Huh?” AJ looked in confusion as she went wide eyed seeing AB asleep, as did Rarity when she saw Sweetie there as well.

“Apple bloom/Sweetie Belle!” AJ and Rarity cried out as the monster laughed evilly as the two glared darkly at him.

“What’s wrong? Mad that you can’t protect your little sisters? Mad that the other is just getting in your way? After all…if you two are a real team, you would be able to stand up to me. But sadly, you can’t.” He said as he fired a blast of dust, making the two yell out as they were sent back, making the two hit a nearby car from the hit.

“Ugh…he’s right…” AJ groaned, punching the ground a bit. “And now, my sister is in danger…AGAIN.” Rarity looked at her and sighs.
“It’s not your fault, darling…if anything, it’s mine. Look, we may have different views, but we shouldn’t let that get in the way of our work, right?” Rarity asked as she says, “I’ll admit, I go a bit overboard with the over analyzing thing…it’s just how I am.”

“Eh, it ain’t that bad, I guess…you are a lot more careful than I have been.” AJ said, getting up with a groan.

“How about we just forgive and forget and find out how to beat this dusty abomination before things get too hairy.” Rarity said as she adds, “For our sisters and our friends’ sakes.”

“Agreed.” AJ said as the two nod to each other as they cry out, “Rock and Load!” as their weapons appeared.

Nightmare Moon scowled at this, not liking this development as AJ says, “Aim for da bag! That’s where the others are in! I’ll distract him.” She then ran forward and slammed her Sledgehammer into his chest, making him yell out as he was pushed back, glaring as he fired more energy.

Rarity played a tune before firing, hitting the monster’s hand in the process and incinerating the bag, releasing the energy and the sleeping Rangers.

“Nice, and now…” AJ then swung the hammer right into his chest, making him yell out as his crystal cracked, releasing a yellow sand into the air and woke up the sleeping Rangers and the others in the area.

“Ugh…wha…?” Rainbow asked with a groan as she saw negative energy hit the Sand Monster, making Mesmerio grow into his giant size.

“Ah nuts…” said Pinkie as she woke up. “We better morph.”

“Right!” said Fluttershy and Rainbow as they got their Morphers ready. ‘Power Rangers, Harmonize!” The three glowed at this.

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lighting stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between her fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled he head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cart wheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying ‘don’t talk to me’ to two people.

“Get the Zords here, now!” Said Rainbow as the Zords arrived, changing into their giant robot form as soon as they got up. After the Zord formed, the large Sand monster growled as he fired energy, making the robot get pushed back.
“I’m gonna make you go into an eternal sleep, you pesky brats!” He said in anger as AJ and Rarity shared a smirk.

“Rarity, if you don’t mind?” asked AJ as Rarity gave a ‘go ahead’ nod as AJ got her crystal and put it in, getting the apple Ball-and-chain out, and swung it at the monster’s head, making it yell out at that blow before slamming it down onto the ground, creating a shockwave that caused the sand monster to groan.

“Now lets finish this!” Said Rainbow as the giant Robot’s cannons formed. “Harmony Cannons ready!” The energy formed as they yell at once; “FIRE!” The energy fired at this, making it yell out as the large machine posed with the mace in hand, as the monster exploded into giant piles of yellow sand, which dissipated and woke up all the people who were asleep.

At the castle, Nightmare Moon yelled out in rage as the Sirens quickly hid, not wanting to get in the middle of her little tirade, as Adagio rubbed her chin in thought, as she says,

“Well…at least we know that they can still fight…we just need to take advantage of that, My Queen.” Nightmare Moon panted as she nods.

“Agreed…” Nightmare said with a scowl as she sat down at her throne, regaining her composure.

At the command center, the others were relaxing as Monarch watched AJ and Rarity talking again. “Well, at least they are getting along again.”

“Yeah, but I’m just hoping we don’t have to worry about more things popping up.” Vinyl said with a shrug, as the other Rangers nod in agreement.

“But I can say this at least.” AJ said as she gave Rarity a smile. “While Rare and I don’t always see eye ta eye, we have to get over our differences if we want to succeed.”

“Agreed, friends have to find a compromise in their mindsets or else things won’t get done, or worse, something bad might happen.” Rarity said as Sunset wrote that down to send to Twilight.

“I’d say that’s a good lesson to learn. Come on, lets head out to Sugar Cube Corner, after today, I need some coffee.” Said Rainbow as she yawned a bit.

“Eyeah, I’m SUPER sleepy from that monster’s last attack.” Pinkie said as they all headed out, laughing a bit at that.

Author's Note:

DJ: AND done. Well, I hope this helped get some good character insight and hopefully helps build the girls up a bit in terms of conflict. And if you have any monster ideas out there, let us know.

XK: Seriously, a monster alone with its description can set up an entire plot. We will credit you of course. Have fun!