• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 3,281 Views, 280 Comments

Rainbow Sentai Harmonyranger - Xero Key

  • ...

The Best

(As I've forgotten to do this on this story, neither me nor Shadow-DJ own Power Rangers/ Super Sentai or My Little Pony: Equestria Girls. We only own our OC's and current plot.)

The Best: by Shadow-DJ

At the Wonder dome, the Rainbooms watched eagerly at Motorcycle Derby going on, as Applejack elbows Rainbow a bit, smirking at her. “Thanks for da tickets, Dash.” She told her, watching the Wonderbolts ride out on their motorcycles, showing great skills while flying.

“No problem, I can’t help it if I’m awesome.” Rainbow said with a smirk, as the cowgirl just rolled her eyes. “Just glad we were able to get this gig.” She then cheered loudly as she saw one of the Wonderbolts do a flip on the motorcycle.

“Indeed, it is quite exciting to see the Wonderbolts in full form. And I have to say, I LOVE the designs of the jumpsuits. Especially on...Soarin…” Rarity said, her eyes suddenly getting dreamy as she stared at one of the male members of the Wonderbolts, who was casually leaning back with the others as they watched the newest member riding along, his helmet by his side. The young man in question, only about collage age if one could believe it, was a handsome young man with spikey blue hair and wearing a Wonder Bolt uniform, with a lightning bolt shaped badge on his shirt.

“Easy there, Rare.” Sunset said with a laugh. “Remember why we’re really here; we were hired by the Wonderbolt’s captain, Spitfire, to do the halftime show.”

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t worry, Sunset, we got our band equipment in the back, don’t you remember? Vinyl put it there earlier. Plus you got to admit, it’s really cool! And after halftime, it’s the race!” Rainbow gave a fan-girly squeal at this, which she caught and cleared her throats before relaxing…while putting her hoodie over her head to hide her blush, making the others chuckle.

Unbeknownst to them, watching from afar, was the Twilight Sparkle, who had also gotten tickets to watch the girls in action, a tape recorder near her mouth as she adjusts her thick glasses. “Day three of my research of Subject: Power Rangers. So far, when not on duty, they appear to be your average, everyday group of teenage girls. But what secrets can they be hiding?”

“HI TWILIGHT!!” said a voice, making Twilight jump a bit, turning ot see a grinning Pinkie Pie.

“Wait, how did-when did-where did you come from!?” asked Twilight in shock, looking at her with a surprised look. “…And how do you know my name? I've never met you personally.”

“…Ooh…whoops. Sorry, I forgot you’re not the Twilight I know; you’re the new Twilight. So HI new Twilight!” Said Pinkie, giving her a hug, surprising the girl greatly as she says, “You better get into your seat, the Halftime show is gonna be up after this.” She hummed as she went along, leaving the frazzled Twilight with her glasses askew and her hair a little messy, as she quickly fixed her bun, clearing her throat as she adjusted her glasses.

“Ahem…and Subject: Pink Ranger…knows nothing about personal space.” Twilight said flatly as she looked at the group curiously but shakes it off as she went back to observing them.

Power Rangers

Later, the Rainbooms were getting all set up on stage as people were getting popcorn and other treats, Vinyl checking the sound system of the stage that will be rolled out as she gave a thumbs up.

“We are good here, gals.” Vinyl said with a smirk as she says, “Though I am thinking of getting you girls some sweet rides as well. I’m just lucky our last couple gigs got us enough cash to do that.”

“Yeah, it’s not easy getting money for this kind of work.” Sunset said with a nod, sighing a bit as she stretched out a bit. “So…how soon are the Harmony Racers are done?”

“Harmony Racers? Come on, Sunset, you can do better than that.” Rainbow joked as Sunset gave her a smirk.

“And what would you call it?” Sunset asked as Rainbow as about to say something, but then Pinkie came out.

“I know! I know! The Rainboom Riders!” Pinkie said with a dramatic hand wave, as the others thought it over.

“Hmm…I think we got a winner there.” Said Vinyl with a smirk. “And to answer your question Sunny, they’re almost done. Just need to give them their power source and Bada-boom, we got Five new rides for our girls to ride into action with. Plus with the weapons on it, it’d be a big help in the long run.”

“I’ll say. Havin’ ta run to every battle or use the Jeep? Dat’s gonna take a lot of our energy AND gas money to get to them with both.” AJ said as the others nod in agreement.

“Rainbooms, you’re on in a few minutes.” Said a voice as a yellow skinned young woman with fiery yellow and orange hair came in, giving them a smirk. “And Dash…I know I graduated a couple years ago, so don’t let me down, OK?”

“Gotcha, Spitfire. Alright girls, lets ROCK!” Rainbow Said with a smirk as they all nod in agreement.

Elsewhere, in another part of the stage, Fleetfoot, a fusia skinned young woman with wild white hair and wearing the standard uniform, hung out with Soarin’ and a red haired young man named Fire Streak, who looked over the bikes, before slamming onto it.

“It’s a great practice guys, but we’re almost out of juice in our bikes. They won’t be fast enough for the show.” Said Fire Streak as Fleetfoot groaned

“You’re right…we can’t go out there if our rides aren’t up to snuff. How are we gonna give them a good race?” Fleetfoot said as she crosses her arms, annoyed.

“Come on, we’re the best out there. WE can figure something out.” Soarin’ said with a smirk as three giggles can be heard.

“ I think we can help with that..” said a voice as The three turn to three girls dressed in over alls and wearing caps that obscure their hair and eyes, all smirking as they kept mostly to themselves.

“And what do you want? How did you get back here?” Fleetfoot asked as one of them giggled at this.

“ We got some new bikes if you're interested.” Said the girl the girl on the right as the one on the left nods in agreement, smirking.

‘Yeah, our boss wanted the best to try them out.” She said, as the three looked at each other quizzically.

“OK...? What did you have in mind?” asked Streak, as the middle girl just smirked.

“Say hello to the newest brand of motorcycles: The CycloRiders.” The three moved aside, revealing three Motorcycles: one red, one green and one blue, each with an outfitted insignia of each rider. The bikes themselves looked like a Harley Davidson with the fronts taking the shape of three different birds: The red one one was an eagle, the Blue one was a Hawk and the Green one was a Falcon.

Soarin’ was in we as he went to the blue one. “whoa! Sweet ride, girls!” The three just gave proud smiles as Soaring looked it over, Fleetfoot going to the green and Fire Streak to the Red one.

Fleetfoot looked it over and shrugs. “Hmm...yeah, I guess.” She said, trying to not sound impressed. The girl on the right was about to say something, but the girl on the left covered her mouth and shook her head ‘no.’

Fire Streak looked them over and asks, “OK, what’s your price for them?”

The girl on the right just giggled. “Oh, nothing much, except maybe your undying gratitude and maybe working with us.”

Fire Streak and the others looked confused as he asks, “What?” The other girl just covers the her mouth, as the middle one quickly stepped up.

“ What she means is that we are hoping to work with you...we want to see if the bikes are good before they are sold out to the public.” Said the girl as the other two nod, as they looked at each other.

Fleetfoot and the others shrug as each of them get on the bike, as a sudden dark blue energy went into their eyes, making them flash yellow before turning back to normal, as a whispering voice went through their minds.

“Hello...my dears...” The voice said as the image of Nightmare Moon appeared before them as they all nod numbly.

“Yes Nightmare Moon...” the three said in unison, clenching the handles tightly as the three girls smirked as they removed their hats, revealing themselves to be the Dazzlings.

“Time to make your lives worthwhile, as you all wish to be the best. And you shall be...as my newest monsters: The Shadow Bolts!” Suddenly blue lightning went over the three, giving them black jumpsuits with yellow lightning lining on the neck and gloves, a purple torso and legging area and black boots with white pegasai wings on the end of them and helmets akin to the Ranger's, only with blue spikes coming out of them to represent manes

Fleetfoot looked at the two and nods, “Lets Ride, boys!” She said in a distorted voice as the two guys nod in agreement as they ride off, the Sirens smirking evilly at the sight of this, with Terrorvons appearing from smoke as they went with them.

Back outside, the Rainbooms finished their song as Rainbow strummed her guitar a bit before doing a loud strum as the girls all posed as fireworks came out of the back, the crowd cheering for them, their ears and tails now showing after their song ended.

“And there you are! The Rainbooms/Power Rangers will be signing autographs in the main hall. But now here comes the moment you’ve all been waiting for!” The crowd cheered more as Twilight put down her phone and replayed parts that showed the girls changing.

“Hmm…that’s curious…” Twilight mutters, rubbing her chins. “They grew Equine ears and, in the guitarist and back up vocalist’s case, wings…how is that possible?” Twilight asked as she saw 8 Riders coming out, each with different looking bikes.

Rainbow then noticed one of the riders nearest to them with the new look. Shadow Leader, aka Fleetfoot, looked at Shadow 2 and Shadow 3 and both nod to her, who nods back as they got ready.

“Ready set…GO!” said the announcer as they nod and the other three cycles suddenly sped forward, sending out a shock wave that caused the other riders to fall out of their bikes, making them cry out as they got knocked over, the Terrorvons appearing.

“Ah man…just when the race was starting.” Rainbow said with a groan as Sunset scowled.

“Vinyl, come on! We got to help get these civilians out.” Vinyl nods as they ran off, Twilight watching with shock as she stayed hidden, as the people began to run away screaming.

“Come on, we gotta help!” Said Dash as the girls nod as they got their morphers out. “Power Rangers! Harmonize!” The Five yell out at once.

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lighting stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between he fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled he head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

A green light pulsed from Applejack’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying ‘don’t talk to me’ to two people.

The Five rangers yell out at once as they charged at the Terrorvons, ducking from swipes as Rainbow Dash blocks a swipe from one and flips him over her shoulder before giving a kick to the one behind her.

Pinkie, giggling, jumped over one’s head. “LEAPFROG!” She squealed as she knocked him down due to that before skipping over to another and giving him a bit of a tap before shoving him away.

Applejack ducks behind one of the ramps before getting her dagger out and firing at several of them, giving a ‘Yeehaw!’ as she kept shooting before blowing into the smoking nozzle, smirking under her helmet.

Rarity ducks as she did a back flip before two of them grabbed her. “Oh, how rude!” she then flips the two over onto the ground before kicking one away. Fluttershy yelped as she ducked a way from one of them, making him crash into one of his friends.

“Oh, sorry.” She said as she yelps and smacked another one that was getting too close. Twilight watched this, recording the footage.

“Interesting…the girls seem to have been able to call upon their power by some sort of battle cry…and are now physically stronger…must be some sort of nanotechnology.” Said Twilight as Vinyl suddenly came out of nowhere.

“Hey, are you stupid or something? You gotta get out of here before those psycho bikers see ya.” Vinyl said as she began to shove Twilight, making her yell out.

“Hey, quit it!” Twilight said as Sunset sighs, rubbing her temples.

“Ah boy…” She then noticed Spitfire leading some of the men out, as the Shadow Bolts saw her and drove towards her.

“Lets get her!” said Shadow Leader as the CycloRiders aimed their blasters as Rainbow noticed.

“Girls, those bikers!” said Rainbow as all five of them got their guns out. “FIRE!” They all fired their blasters, making the three riders yell out in shock as they glared in their direction and then swerved and drove right over to them, making the five jump to the side as the three rode off.

“See you later, Power Geeks!” Said Shadow Two as the three laughed evilly as they rode off, cheering as they left.

“’Power Geeks’? How droll...” Rarity mutters as Pinkie nods.

“Yeah, who do they think they are, Rita? That joke is SO old.” Pinkie said as they nod, Fluttershy going over and helping Spitfire up.

“Are you alright, Spitfire?” Fluttershy asked as Spitfire nods, sighing a bit.

“We better get back to the command center.” Rainbow said as the girls all nod in agreement.


At the Command Center, the girls all sat down, looking over the screens as scenes of the Shadow Bolts going on a rampage are shown, as Rainbow groaned. “Who are these guys?”

“I’ve done some analysis on their physiques and, well…they’re a match to three of the Wonderbolts.” Vinyl said as she showed the three Shadow Bolts and showed their true faces.

“Fleetfoot, Fire Streak and…Soarin’?!” asked Rainbow with shock. They all gasp in shock at this.

“Three of the best stunt riders out there.” Sunset said with a nod. “Ugh…Nightmare Moon makes me sick…she’s using innocent civilians now!”

"They’re likely controlled by her magic…ma-maybe we can talk them out of it?” Fluttershy asked, looking concerned.

“I say we gotta out-ride them and get them off of those bikes.’ Said Rainbow with a punch into her palm, as Vinyl smirked.

“I thought you’d say that, Dash.” Vinyl said as she got up and opened up an garage, revealing…five medium-sized Monocycles, which each had large white tires going around it with each of the five’s color schemes and their handles being akin to the rainbow form’s hair coloring; Rainbow’s was red with rainbow styled handles, AJ’s was Green with yellow, dark pink and red handles, Rarity’s was Blue with purple, yellow, blue and yellow handles, Fluttershy was yellow with pink, dark red and teal and cool green handles, and finally Pinkie’s was Pink with dark-pink, orange, yellow and blue handles.

“Ooh…very wheelie!” Said Pinkie with a huge grin. The girls got into their bikes and noticed a special slot in the middle of the handle bars shaped like their belt buckles.

‘”What’s that?” Asked Fluttershy asked as Vinyl shrugs, giving the girls a smirk.

“I found out a way to power it. Remember how it’s powered by the Elements of Harmony? WELL…that’ll be the power source for these. Sunny told me how to hard wire it like that on the way here.” Vinyl said as they nod, getting their crystals into the slot and then they rode off, heading out towards the city.

The people ran away, screaming as the Shadow Bolts riding ahead, firing energy until Five streaks of light came by surprising them Red, Blue, Yellow, Green and Pink streaks raced by them as Pinkie gave an enthusiastic wink and Rarity teasingly blew them a kiss from her helmet before riding ahead.

Shadow Leader’s eyes narrowed as she says, “After them! NO ONE out rides the Shadow Bolts!” They nod as they followed, heading out of town.

“So what’s the plan?” asked AJ as she looks towards Dash, who just looks ahead.

“We head to the Quarry and get them off of those bikes.” Dash said as Rarity looked behind her and went wide eyed.

“Well, we better hurry! They’re on our tails!” Rarity said as Pinkie, looking confused, looked behind her with confusion. “It’s an expression, darling.”

“OOH, my bad.” Pinkie said sheepishly as Dash just face palmed as the three bird-faced motorcycles grew closer.

“Shadow Lightning strike!” The Shadow Leader called a the three bikes fired out blasts of dark blue lightning out of their eyes as they swerved off a bit to dodge, as Dash glared back.

“Come on, speed up!” Dash said as they sped faster, making the Shadow Bolts growl in anger as they sped up as well, the road under them cracking from their anger as negative energy began to feed the bikes, which glowed brightly as they sped up more.

They approached the Quarry as Dash nods to the others. “NOW!” She said as they did a quick turn, spinning around before turning towards them and speeding right at them.

“Wait, what are they doing?” Asked Shadow 3 with confusion as Shadow Leader and Shadow 2 shrug.

“Whatever, FIRE! Shadow Lightning strike!” Fleetfoot said as they fired but the blasts missed, as Shadow Leader growled. “How the heck did we miss?! They were literally coming right at us!?”

At the castle, Sonata whistled a bit as Aria and Adagio gave her death glares. “heh…I MAY have forgot to put in the aiming thingy-magig when helping put these bikes together…heh…”

“You’re the worst, Sonata…” Aria mutters as Sonata stuck her tongue out.

At the battle field, Dash nods as they cry out, “Harmony Prism lasers! Fire!” Suddenly the turrets on the top of the metal keeping the tires up fired out multi-colored energy, hitting the Shadowbolts point blank, making them yell out as they were sent off of the bikes. The five rangers ran over to the three as the bikes ended up rolling around, being busted in the process.

The Shadowbolts groaned a bit, their costumes turning back to their usual attire, as Fleetfoot groaned. “What happened…” she asked with a daze as she saw the Rangers coming over.

“You were taken over by Nightmare Moon.” Dash said as the Three Sirens groaned at the pool, but Nightmare Moon smirked.

She waved her hands as she says, “My three warriors, you have turned the tide…now come back to fight, and RIDE!” Nightmare Moon fired energy, as the three bikes glowed.

“Ah horse apples…” AJ said as the group turned to see the bikes suddenly fuse together, turning into a freakish combination of the three bikes with the Eagle, Falcon and Hawk heads on it’s torso, wheeled hands and feet and three headlights for eyes.

“I am CycloRider! I’m not gonna be beaten by a bunch of cosplayin’ brats!” the robotic villain said as it glowed. “Eat this! Shadow Lightning blast!” he fired out giant blasts from his chest as they dodged, knocking them aside.

“Get out of here, now!” Said Fluttershy in a surprisingly firm as they went to their bikes, the three Wonderbolts nodding as they went out of there, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire.

“Alright…lets show this thing how REAL Riders do things!” Said Rainbow as the five drove around in a circle, akin to shark surrounding it’s prey as they fired at it, making him cry out to the heavens.

“My empress, empower me!” The machine said as a blast of energy came down, and the CycloRider suddenly grew into it’s giant form.

“Ah nuts…Vinyl, send the zords now!” said Dash as the Five zords came in, the girls jumping right in and changing into the Harmony Megazord right away. The fire truck the extended its rear parts and moved its twin blasters forwards, then the motorcycle and tank extended parts of themselves to attach to the truck. The truck then suddenly braked as the two new parts accelerated, lifting the truck into the air in which it turned around and a head popped out of the top of the new torso. The jet and helicopter flipped themselves till they were perpendicular to the ground, and their fronts twisted in on themselves to reveal hands. As the two attached and formed arms, the wings crossed each other over the chest to create a breast plate. The head then glowed as a black helmet and facemask appeared. The Rangers then were teleported into the head with a five person cockpit. As one they shouted “Harmony Megazord!”

CycloRider growled as he says, “Take this!” he then rode over on his wheel-like feet and punched at the Megazord, spinning it’s tire-like hands to enhance the punches, making them yell out.

“ugh…Rotor Sword!” Fluttershy said as the slashing of the blade hit it, making it roar out as it was hit.

“Knee Cannon!” Said Pinkie as it sent the Robotic villain flying back, who growled in anger at this.

“That’s it…Cyclone Wheel Charge!” He drove quickly towards them as the Rangers got pushed back from the frst charge as he got up and rode forward for a second one.

Pinkie giggled as she nods to them, who nod back as Dash got out her buckle and put it in, creating the Stratos Shield, which blocked the attack and pushed him back before making it turn into a boomerang and throwing it, slashing through the CycloRider, making it yell out as it sparked up as the Zord posed in front of it, making it explode.


“Hey, thanks for helping us out there.” Soarin’ said to the rangers, who were now back at their garage.

“No problem. Just glad I-I mean, we could help.” Dash said, as the others laughed at her misuse of words.

“Listen, if you want, you guys can hang with us for awhile. We kind of had to explain to the press earlier about how that Nightmare chick brainwashed us.” Fleetfoot said as they nod.

“Sure. Come on, lets head to Sugar Cube Corner, my treat!” Pinkie grinned as the girls all got into their bikes as the Wonder Bolts got their own bikes, which was fixed up after they got back.

They rode off at this, a new day ahead.

In a near-by apartment, Twilight was working on some footage, looking at the concert and comparing it to when the rangers were morphing and took notes.

“I’ll figure out how this magic works…no matter what.” Twilight said, adjusting her glasses.

Author's Note:

DJ:AND DONE. Man, this is a lot to work with, but it can’t be that bad, right? Well, I hope you all enjoy it! :D

XK: Tell me about it partner. Thanks for this. Everyone enjoy the second writer who kinds of just jumped on. He'll handle filler stuff and me the main plot. Hopefully now we both have an editor so the quality of our chapters should jump. Also, enjoy the third chapter in a day.