• Published 24th Sep 2014
  • 661 Views, 20 Comments

Equestria Legends Online - Macca's Mission - Merseybeat

An epic quest in the land of the Nervegear - starring an online celebrity impostor.

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21/22 January 2020

Author's Note:

"Me" instead of "My" is just how I talk.

21 January 2020


“Hey, did you want something while I’m in London?”

“What are you going to London for?”

I’m off to get a Nervegear, actually. It’s a device that scans your brainmind and literally puts your mind into the game (or so I heard,) kind of like a fanfic I read 6 years ago, named Minecraft is Magic: Team Hostile.

Damn, I miss MiM.

“I’m going to get a Nervegear, did you need anything?”

“Yeah, get these,” he hands me a grocery list, “and, if you don’t mind, could you get these?” he hands me another list.

-1x Batteries, 9volt, 44pcs.

-1x Guitar supply case

-1x Pick

-1x Instruction manual

-1x Rubber Soul

-1x Help

-1x A Hard Day’s Night (Album and movie preferentially.)

-1x With The Beatles

“I’m going to have to take care of your stuff, aren’t I?”

“I suppose,” I said, thinking about me finances, “After all of this, I’ll have... £250 left.” Damn, do I really have that kind of money? I guess it pays to sell your albums.

Oh yeah, I’m a musician. Did I ever tell you that? No, I don’t think so.

Anyway, I grab me laptop, hop on me bike, say goodbye, and leave.


21 January 2020
On the NCN 5


Hmm, what game(s) should I get? Huh, maybe I’d get Call of Duty. Man, I remember when they were at game #4, now they’re at game #22/23. I can’t even count anymore. Maybe I’d get ELO, I don’t know.

Suddenly, I almost get hit by a pickup truck. Look where you’re going!


22 January 2020
On the NCN 5


All right, almost there. London shouldn’t be too far away. Hm, I should get some sleep. All right. I chain me bike to a tree, chain and lock me bag, and lay on the ground.


22 January 2020
On the NCN 5


I’m checking me bags. Okay, everything’s here.

I get back on me bike, and continue on the road.


22 January 2020
Barnet, London


I’m finally here! London at last! Yes! M. Bison approves!

Anyway, nothing to see here.


22 January 2020
Central London


All right, I’m here. Finally, I’m here.

I ride around, when the thought hit me:

3 Beat Records was back in Liverpool!

Whatever, I look for “Clapsgate Lane,” which is where a Currys was if it’s still there.

And we’re here.


22 January 2020
Inside Currys


All right, it’d be in the “Videogames” section. Well, the equivalent if it’s one of those posh places that say “Entertainment,” but I’m a simpler man than that.

Here it is. How much does it say? Nervegear: £990? I suppose I shoudn’t be that cheap, me wallet’s as filled as if I sold a house in America. All right. I take two in case me roomie gets bored. I look at the games...

-Call of Duty: Soldier of Solitude: Crap.

-Half-Life 2: Episode 2: Actually pretty good. And-wait, Episode 3 still hasn’t been released yet?!

-Rock Band: The Ultimate Concert: Okay? Kind of 1970 The Game, though.

-Age of Empires V: I love the Age series.

-Ace of Spades 2: Loved Spades 0.x, Spades 1.0 was kind of boring.

-Minecraft: Man, didn’t know that Microsoft even allowed this. Wasn’t the Nervegear able to kill people?

-Sword Art Online: The other “X Y Online” title.

And finally,

-Equestria Legends Online: Honestly, I don’t even know how Hasbro accepted this through the pitch. Look, it’s even rated 13+ for mild violence and a “your experience may vary” sticker.

God, so many good games... I pick up Episode 2, Rock Band, Spades, and ELO. I’m sort of a closet Brony? I mean, I’ve seen, like, one season. Of course, I can’t tell Mum this or else she’d freak out.

Anyway, what else did I need? Oh yeah, I have a list.

Well, I don’t think there’s anything here, except... the batteries. I get those, and continue on me merry way.

Oh yeah, I walk over to the movies area, and pick up the 55th anniversary A Hard Day’s Night. On videocassette. Because. Actually, I don’t even know if he accepts videocassette.

I get to the counter, and the cashier looks at me strangely, but does his job, in fear of being fired.


22 January 2020
On the NCN 5


Some things never die. I guess excitement is one of those things. It just gets stronger with time. Of course, there’s an event horizon for everything, and I’d assume that this is it.


23 January 2020
On the NCN 5


Well, I’m surprised I’ve lasted this long. I guess that annual 100-mile BMX race I participate in really pays for itself.

But, I’ve got to stop here. I’m... just going to rest for a while.


23 January 2020
On the NCN 5


Well, the sun has just rose over the horizon, and I’m all rested up, should be a cakewalk.


23 January 2020


Well, I’m here at Dawsons, so I’ll get the stuff.

Now that I’ve got that, I think I remember an old abandoned store somewhere down... here.

I burst inside, and what do you know, 50th anniversary Beatles albums. I take those, and continue on me merry way.


23 January 2020


Here we are, me home. Ain’t you a sight for sore eyes.

I walk in, and I’m greeted with “Did you get the stuff?”

“Yep,” I say, putting the bag on the counter.

“There was an abandoned store, so the albums were free.”


I take one of the Nervegears and Equestria Legends Online, I set up the Nervegear, which was moderately easy, and I start the game.