• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,499 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 15

Abby plopped down on the bed beside Kasai, a sigh of exhaustion leaving her chest. It had been a long time since she’d worked a night shift of any kind and at the moment all she really wanted was to sleep. That is, until Kasai snuggled up beside her. At that very moment... something inside of Abby started to warm up.

“Hmmm, that was a fun night,” Kasai said with a small chuckle. “Stopped a criminal, helped a few drunks, all in all, not too bad.”

“Yeah...” Abby trailed off, her mouth had gone dry for some reason and her tails wrapped around his lower body. “Kasai... um... I really want you right now.”

Kasai blinked. Something about Abby’s voice seemed a little... off to him. It was a bit... deeper and more husky.

“Abby, are you feeling okay?” Kasai asked, his eyes narrowing slightly.

“Yes... yes I’m feeling very good,” Abby said, her tails skittering over him. “Very good.”

Kasai’s eyebrows rose and a low throaty noise rumbled out of his throat. “Abby, what are you doing with your tails?”

“I don’t really know... but it feels right to me,” Abby answered before she glanced over at him, a fire in her eyes, her mouth still dry. “I need you within me right. Now.”

Kasai’s right eyebrow rose. “You sure?”

“Ohhh yes, yes I am,” Abby said with a seductive grin. “Now... shall we? Or are we going to spend the rest of the night talking?”

Kasai blinked and then shrugged. “Of course, My Lady.”

The next morning, Abby woke up with a smile on her muzzle, her head leaning against Kasai’s chin. She felt... refreshed. The night before, it had felt as if there had been a raging inferno inside of her gut, or rather, a bit lower down. The Ninetales thought for a moment, looking for an answer to what that fire had been but couldn’t figure it out. Instead, she just let out a blissful sigh and nuzzled closer into Kasai’s body. Kasai’s right eye blinked open and he bent down to lick her face gently.

“Good morning,” he murmured.

“Morning,” Abby murmured back, snuggling closer into his chest.

Kasai smiled and gave her face another lick. “Tired?”

“Very,” Abby answered, a small smile on her lips. “Last night was... intense.”

“Mhm... heated,” Kasai said, a light chuckle leaving his lips. Then he blinked twice. “Abby...”

“Yes?” Abby inquired, blinking twice.

Kasai was about to answer when the door opened and a certain shiny Flygon walked in. “Abby, Kasai, I must ask, are you trying to have a litter of puppies? You seem to be mating incessantly and I cannot see any other outcome,” Rill stated matter of factly. “Lex and I heard you through the walls last night.”

Abby stared at Rill, her jaw hanging loose. “...”

Rill stared at her, expression unchanged.

“...” Abby’s mouth moved but no sound came out.

Rill continued to look at her, head cocking slightly to the side. “Is she okay? Did I shatter her mind?”


“I can’t see how, it is not as though I used a Psychic move on her.”

Kasai looked down at his mate with a worried expression and nudged her with his muzzle. “Abby? Are you okay?”

“...” Abby looked up at him, her eyes widening and she mumbled something, only the last of which Kasai heard. “...heat.”

“What?” Kasai inquired.

“I...I... I was in heat!” Abby exclaimed. “OhmyArceusIcouldbepregnant!”

“Well yes, that is generally what happens when one mates, is it not?” Rill asked, a small frown on her face. “While it does not happen for Lex and I, I assume you knew it would happen to you.”

“I COULD BE PREGNANT!” Abby shouted, leaping to her paws, her nine tails spreading out around her. “What am I going to do?!”

“Bear children and raise them, I would think,” Rill said matter-of-factly, frowning faintly. “Unless of course you plan to give the eggs away.”

Kasai shot Rill an annoyed glance. “Rill, would you please leave and shut the door behind you? I know that you’re trying to help, but you’re really not.”

Rill frowned but nodded. “Okay, please recover quickly Abby. We will have need of you soon.” The Flygon gave her a smile and then shut the door leaving the pair alone in the room.

Beside him, Abby had begun to shiver violently. Kasai shook his head and nestled himself against her, his head nuzzling her gentle. “Hey, there’s nothing to be worried about Abby... what did you expect after all the mating we did now?”

“...forgot that it could happen,” Abby said with a small shiver. “... I...I...I’m not ready to be a mother!”

The Arcanine frowned a bit. “To be honest... I forgot too... but I do think you’re ready to be a mother. You’ll be a great one, matter of fact!” he assured her.

“I...I...I don’t know,” Abby stuttered, nuzzling into his warm, smokey fur for comfort. “What... what are we going to do? We’re trying to get a new branch of the Rangers going and I’ll be having an egg in a month and a puppy a month after that!”

“Well....” Kasai’s tail tapped beside him as he thought. “I actually really don’t know... planning things out is mostly your job, or your mother’s, but we haven’t found her yet. If she’s here at all that is.”

At the mention of her mother, Abby blinked. “Right... maybe if I can find mom then she can help more with this kind of thing...” Abby let out a small sigh as she thought of her foster mother. “And we need to find Justice too...”

“Yeah... I wonder where he could’ve ended up,” Kasai pondered with a frown.

Several miles away, a large, shiny Braviary eyed a lone female Roc who circled lazily over the planes, his beak lifted up in a smile. That looked like a real challenge for his flight skills.

Abby just shook her head. “Yes... I’m sure he’s fine, he’s larger than the average Bravairy, which is saying something, and knows how to fight...” the Ninetales trailed off and looked at Kasai. “I... I wish I’d been smarter about this Kasai... I’m not ‘upset’ to be carrying your egg... just...”

“Just unprepared... yeah,” Kasai finished with a small nod of his head. “Well, I guess we just have to put the term ‘adapt to the unexpect’ to the test huh?”

Abby nodded her head slightly. That was one of the main tenants the Rangers lived by. Then she let out a long sigh. “Right... and we don’t really know if I’m pregnant... just because you rutted me while I was in heat doesn’t mean that it’s a definite, right?”

“I really wouldn’t know,” Kasai answered. “I’m not a Pokemon Breeder, nor know much about the reproductive system on a Ninetails.”

The Ninetales blinked and then nodded. “Right... right...” she let out a sigh and burrowed into him. “Thanks for... everything you’ve done Kasai.”

He rubbed his head lightly against hers. “You’re welcome Abby, it’s the least I could do.” He took in a deep breath and let it out, his chest rising and falling against her. “Still... maybe we should try find your mother... we might need her help if you are pregnant.”

“Yeah...” Abby nodded and let out a sigh as she leaned against him. “Gotta find Scarlet... but first... I think I need a nap. This little... episode... tired me out.”

“Okay, I’ll stay here to keep you warm then,” the Arcanine said with a light chuckle as he nuzzle her gently. “Have sweet dreams, my Lady.”

Abby leaned into his muzzle and then into his neck itself, letting his smoky scent serenade her off to sleep.

Abby’s fists were clenched in rage. These... these bastards had been abusing the poor Pokemon for only Arceus knew how long and they were going to pay for it. The ‘brothel’s’ workers had no idea who she was but her jaw was clenched so hard that they were giving her odd looks. Up on stage, a woman was screaming with joy as a clearly bored Rapidash rode her and from her spot in a booth, she could see several Blaziken being solicited by various men and women.

Her breathing picked up, her hand clenching around the drink in her hand. She was seventeen, had just passed her final exam and become a ranger, and her parents had died two days ago. As the thought hit her, Abby’s breathing picked up even further, which was not helped in the least by the Machoke that had just sat down across from her.

“Choke?” it directed at her.

“Not interested,” Abby said through clenched teeth as she raised her soda to her lips. “Maybe you should go.”

The Machoke looked at her quizzically, trying to figure out if she was one of the clients who prefered some ‘persuasion’ or not. Then, Abby glared into his eyes and he saw absolute outrage hidden with them.

The Machoke had been raised to be a whore since he was born and in all the years he’d been there, he’d become very good about telling what his ‘clients’ were thinking and at the moment... there wasn’t a fire type in the entire building that had a hotter temper than the woman in front of him.

“Machoke?” it asked quietly.

“Like I said. You should go. A fire is about to start,” Abby replied after a moment. “Do you care about the other Pokemon here?”

The body builder Pokemon thought for a moment before nodding his head. Yes. He wasn’t the one that everyone looked too for answers, but he was definitely someone who had a reasonable amount of compassion for his fellow slaves.

“Good. Get the youngest somewhere safe,” Abby instructed, her voice deadly serious. “You have ten minutes before a Ranger arrives.”

The Machoke’s eyes widened but he nodded and got up from the table, scurrying away.

Abby nodded her head, a single strand of her short blonde hair drifting down in front of her blue eyes. She was wearing what she could only describe as possibly the most slutty piece of clothing she owned, a black fishnet shirt that barely covered anything and pair of short, badly cut up pants.

As she sat there, silently counting down in her mind till it was time to strike, she fingers the three Pokeballs at her side. One held Kasai, her ever loyal Arcanine, the other two held Rill and Axel. At last, her mental timer reached ten and she stood up and reached down into her backpack to pull out a megaphone.

Attention degenerates, I am Ranger Abby Trombley of the Pokemon Rangers and you are all under arrest!

Dead silence met this proclamation, the music stopped and everyone turned to stare at Abby.

Now that I have your attention,” Abby continued. “Know that for any of you who surrender now, you may receive some leniency from the Rangers, those who choose to fight will receive none whatsoever!

Now, the silence was broken by someone laughing. Abby pivoted on her heel to see a man with dark blonde hair laughing at her. He was wearing a dark business suit “Sit down little girl, you’re not fooling anyone, I bet you think that you think this is funny or that it’ll make us care about you a little more as a customer, but it won’t it’ll just make us-”

“Kasai! Body Slam!” Abby shouted as she held out her first Pokeball and the Arcanine’s form burst into the air. A second later, she spun on her heel again so that she was facing the singular door to the brothel and unleashed Axel. “Axel! Guard the door! No one leaves!”

“HAX!” the Haxorus roared as a pair of men tried to run past him, his tail slapping into one’s stomach and sending him flying while the other was caught by the flat of his axe slamming into the shoulder and sending him spinning. Meanwhile, Kasai hit the man who’d been laughing with a body slam strong enough to knock him to the floor.

That was when the screaming started. Men and women began to scurry about the room as the Pokemon who still had their senses about them, saw the perfect opportunity to lash out at their handlers and several dozen men and women in suits went down in a matter of seconds.

Abby was suddenly launched to floor, a pair of sharp jaws at her throat, fire licking at her neck. The woman froze for a moment before her elbow shot up and slammed into the throat of whatever had been grasping her and she heard a choked sound as the jaws retracted and using her training, she rolled out from under the male Houndoom.

Before she had a chance to do anything else, Kasai’s much bulkier form slammed into the Houndoom, a growl of absolute anger leaving the Arcanine’s throat as he tossed the smaller dog away. The Houndoom let out an involuntary yelp as it skidded over a pair of tables and broke a chair before coming to rest in a heap in a pile of splinters.

“Hound!” a man shouted angrily. “You’re going to pay for that you little Ranger bitch!” he shouted as he drew another Pokeball and a Golem appeared standing in front of Kasai.

“GOLEM!” it roared before the man shouted. “Rollout!”

The spherical stone monster withdrew its head and began rolling rapidly towards Kasai.

“Agility!” Abby shouted as in the background she heard Axel roaring and out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of him sending an Absol flying into an overhead light with a single swing of his head. Kasai’s body blurred as he sidestepped the Golem and brought his head around, unleashing a powerful stream of fire on the Golem.

The Golem came to a stop in its roll and popped out of its shell, the flames ineffective. It let out another roar and launched itself at Kasai again.

“Kasai! Agility!” Abby shouted and as before, Kasai dodged out of the way. This time however, the Golem didn’t just roll off into the distance, instead, thanks to Kasai’s careful positioning, it slammed into one of the walls, embedding itself into it. “FIRE BLAST!”

Kasai reared his head back and unleashed an absolutely blinding storm of white fire on the Golem and Abby heard it scream through its shell, even with its typing, Kasai’s fires were intensely hot.

When the flames ended, the Golem forced itself out of the wall, panting heavily, its hide covered in scorch marks.

“Take this bitch and her dog down Golem!” the man shouted in the background. “Use Rock Tomb to slow that mutt down!”

“GOLEM!” the Golem roared as stones rose up from beneath the floorboards and flew at Kasai. The Arcanine’s eyes widened and he barely had time to dodge one before another of the large stones slammed into him and sent him spiraling to the floor, another stone slamming into his side.

“KASAI!” Abby shouted as he struggled to escape from his new, painful, confinement. “RILL!” she shouted again, a beam of light extending from the Pokeball in her hand. “DRAGONBREATH!”

The Shiny Flygon barely had time to process what was going on before she saw the Golem, one of the few Pokemon who were actively fighting against either Abby or the Pokemon trying to take down the men in charge, and unleashed a column of intense blue flames down on the rocky turtle.

It didn’t even manage to withdraw its head before the dragonfire washed over it and cooked it, knocking it out and causing it to fall to its side and roll away. The man across from Abby stared at her as Kasai pulled himself out from under the rocks and advanced on him with Rill at their side.

However, Abby beat either of them to the punch, literally. She closed the distance between the them and her right fist crashed into the man’s jaw, sending him stumbling before she followed up with a police baton to the stomach, her free hand having liberated the collapsible equipment from her back pocket.

The man let out a strangling grunt and Abby was on top of him, baton to his throat, glaring down at him, fury, anger, and oddly enough, intense grief in her eyes.

“HOW COULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS!” she roared at him, bringing her free hand back to slam into his face. “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO POKEMON?!”

The man grunted in pain, his vision becoming blurry thanks to the combination of the obstructing baton at his throat and the punches to the face. Unsatisfied with no response from him, Abby raised her hand to land another punch, but something wrapped around her arm and pulled back painfully, forcing a yelp out of her throat.

“ABBY TROMBLEY, STAND DOWN!” a strong arthoutive female voice shouted out to her.

Abby froze at the voice and looked down at her arm to see the end of a whip wrapped around her arm, and she followed the other end to see a tall red haired woman, dress in the typical red uniform of the Rangers standing a few feet away. Two blue eyes stared angrily down at her, full of disapproval, causing Abby to wince.

“Recall your Pokemon,” she ordered, her voice clearly indicating it was not up for debate.

“Bu-but the entrance! They-they’ll get away!” Abby protested.

“Lance has that covered,” the woman said, gesturing her head to a Bisharp standing next to Axel. “Now, get up and recall your Pokemon.” She flicked the whip in her hand and it let go of Abby’s arm, reeling it back up.

Abby looked down at the barely conscious man underneath her and got up, but not without first kneeing him in the crotch. Then she pulled out her Pokeballs and recalled Axel, Kasai, and Rill.

“Fine,” she said darkly, looking at the floor.

“Good...” the woman said before she glanced up at the rest in the room. “I am Ranger Scarlet, you are all under arrest. Do not attempt to resist or Lance will show you how bad an idea it is,” she stated loudly, the Bisharp glaring threateningly as his blade arms flex out. Scarlet then glanced at Abby and gestured her to follow her outside.

Abby did so, trailing obediently after her former teacher, head bowed.

The two step by the Bisharp and out of the basement bound brothel. Scarlet let out a hard sigh and glanced at Abby, her composer softening a bit. “What the hell were you thinking? You nearly beat that man to death, and did a whole dozen things wrong. You know you could have your Ranger Title revoked because of this?!”

Abby didn’t say anything, she just stared at the concrete floor of the warehouse.

“Abby, look at me,” Scarlet commanded.

Abby didn’t, she just stood there shaking, staring at the ground.

“Abby... if you don’t communicate with my why in Arceus’s name you did this... this could end badly for you,” Scarlet told her, a sigh leaving her lips. “Not only could you have your title revoked, but you could be sent to jail for attempted murder. And there’s nothing I can do to help if you give me the silence terement.”

“I... they deserve it,” Abby said softly, her voice shaking. “They... they all des-deserve to d-die. Th-them.” She looked up at Scarlet, her eyes full of tears. “Not... not them.”

Scarlet’s face softened as she closed the distance between them and placed a comforting hand on Abby’s shoulder. “These people weren’t the ones who killed your parents Abby... they don’t deserve the same sentence, only justice.”

“But-but they’re EXACTLY THE SAME!” the teenager shouted angrily, her right hand forming into a hard first. “They-they abuse Pokemon-hurt them-torture them and- and they deserve to die!”

“But it’s not in you hands to bring that judgement to them,” Scarlet replied. “Your job is only to find them and bring them in. Nothing more, nothing less.” She bent down on her knees so she was around eye level. “You took an oath when you joined the Ranger Corp. And that is to uphold the law and keep the peace. What you did in there was not in that oath. This was an act of vengeance and you know that won’t hold any water if this goes to court.”

Abby’s jaw tightened for a moment but it was as though the wind had been let out of her sails and she sagged forwards, leaning against Scarlet. “Sorry,” she said in a quiet voice, barely more than a whisper.

Scarlet wrapped her arms around the teen, embracing her into a hug. “I know you are...” she whispered back. They hugged for a while before Scarlet pulled back and stood up. “Now... I’ll do my best to make sure this won’t end up totally bad for you. The most I can promise is you will stuck with me for a while on missions to make sure you won’t act like this again.”

“Thank you,” Abby murmured as she hugged tighter against Scarlet’s chest and her tears began to really flow. She’d been holding them in for the last two days since she’d heard the news, and now they were an unstoppable flood.

Scarlet let out a soft sigh as one of her hands reach up to soothingly rub down her hair. “Just let it out... just let it out. I miss them too...”

Abby needed no prompting and continued weeping into Scarlet’s chest, soaking her Ranger uniform. “I’m-I’m-I’m-I’m sorry.”

“I know... I know...” Scarlet said softly, continuing to pet her reassuringly. “We can get through this Abby... I assure you in that. I promised to your father I would take care of ya, and I aim to keep that promise.”

No further words were needed between them and Abby just hugged her tighter.