• Published 13th Feb 2015
  • 942 Views, 38 Comments

Too Much Love Will Kill You - A Hoof-ful of Dust

How much do you trust what you can see? What you can touch? What you experience? How sure can you be that all you have lived through, all you have loved, is not a dream that will fade at daybreak? Twilight must end the spell.

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Wake Up

the world went dark

and in darkness there is nothing

nothing but you

nothing but you and your mind

nothing but you and your own thoughts

nothing but you and the sum of all you are


alone in the void

there is no time

no meaning

no life

no death

just you

in the darkness


every living thing is alone

an alien sojourner with an infinite gulf surrounding it

grasping at faint points of light in the far distance


when isolated the mind will eat itself

consume its old thoughts

a mental Ouroboros

a starving prisoner


in darkness there is nothing else to feed on

in darkness there is only you

in darkness there is only your mind

in darkness there is only your history


the world went dark

the world went dark

the world went dark

the world went dark

Wake up.