• Published 19th Aug 2014
  • 897 Views, 13 Comments

The New Kid - Vinyl_Wubs

A young earth-pony by the name of Dusty, moves to Ponyville. He is excited to make friends and learn about his new home. Dusty learns quickly that life in Ponyville is anything but ordinary!

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Chapter 1: New School, New Friends

“Have fun at school!” Dusty’s father waved as he ushered Dusty out the front door.

Dusty walked out of his new home and into the town they had just moved into.

He sighed and ran off down the street, looking at everything as he ran. He readjusted his backpack and saw a few kids laughing as they ran by. Dusty followed the group of kids in hopes he’d be able to talk to them.

“Hey who are you?” A young, feminine voice asked from behind Dusty.

“I’m Dusty.” He said as he turned around to face the source of the voice. Dusty was greeted by a silver furred unicorn. Her hair was long and bright orange, tied in a ponytail, along with the shiny amber eyes that practically sparkled with her white teeth. He immediately saw the wide smile on her face and the orange clothes she was wearing. She certainly stood out… Dusty smiled back and attempted to continue walking back, his heel got caught on a rock and he fell flat on his back, his dark purple hair now covering his entire face.

“Hehe! Now you’re Dirty!” The girl giggled, kneeling down and holding a hand out.

Dusty grumbled quietly as he grabbed her hand with his own teal colored one. “Yeah… Thanks.” He said.

“I’m Sunset.” The girl smiled, pulling the earth pony to his feet and staring quietly at him.

“It’s nice to meet you.” He said.

“You’re funny.” She said giddily.

“Thanks?” He said uncertainly as he tilted his head slightly.

“I’ve never seen you before.” Sunset said, circling slowly around the boy.

“I just moved here… So…” Dusty said, looking at her.

“Call me Sunny. It’s what my mom calls me.” Sunny said, poking Dusty’s nose. “Boop.”

Dusty blinked and stared blankly at her. “Will you be my friend?” She asked.

Dusty was silent for another moment before he smiled widely, “Of course I will!” He said happily.

“Yay!” Sunny cheered, wrapping Dusty in a hug. “We’re going to be besties!”

Dusty went stiff and squirmed out of her arms.

“Heeeey what’s wrong?” Sunny asked, tilting her head.

Dusty was taking in deep breaths. “I don’t… like touching… all that… much…” He said in between breaths.

“Oh! I’m sorry.” She said apologetically. “Is it okay if we walk together?”

“That sounds great.” He nodded and smiled again.

“Neat!” Sunny smiled and giggled, moving closer to Dusty but making sure not to touch him as the two started walking in the direction of the school. “How old are you?”

“I just turned eight... The day we moved.” He sighed.

“Me too! Except I didn’t move. Well I move, but with my legs.” Sunny said, falling back onto her butt and kicking her legs into the air. “I move a lot! Hehe!”

Dusty laughed a little, “I do to then.” He said.

“It’d be weird if you didn’t.” She said, hopping back to her feet and hurrying back to his side. “Unless you’re lazy. Or have oreo.”

“Oreo?” Dusty asked.

“It’s a bad thing that happens to you if you don’t get a shot. I like my legs so I got one as a little baby.” She said, turning to him and kneeling down to look at his legs. “Do you have oreo?!” She said worriedly.

“Oooh… You mean polio.” Dusty said. “No I don’t. But…” He silenced himself and looked ahead.

“Oh sorry, am I too close?” Sunny asked, falling backwards and rolling away.

“No it’s um… No…” He said.

“What’s wrong then?” She asked, rolling in front of him and staring up from the ground and dirt she was lying in. She poked his shoe. “I’m not touching you.” She smiled.

Dusty smiled a little, “It’s nothing… I um…” He mumbled.

“What’s in your backpack?” Sunny asked.

“Just my food and my Gameboy.” Dusty said. He paused for a moment, “Aannnd some stuff for school.”

“You have a Gameboy?” She asked, her face seeming to light up.

“Yeah. I just got it too!” Dusty nodded. “I was begging my parents to get it for me after my brother gave me his old NES!”

“Can I play it?” Sunny asked.

“I don’t see why not…” Dusty shrugged.

Sunny opened Dusty’s backpack and dug around through it as they walked, closing it after retrieving the Gameboy. Dusty’s eyes narrowed as he heard a crunching. He turned back and saw she had a chocolate bar, half eaten with chocolate smeared around her lips. She stopped mid-chew and stared at him.

Dusty silently stared at her for a moment. “You just…” He started.

“Mmph.” Sunny said, handing the other half to him with the chocolate covered teeth in her smile staring back at him.

Dusty turned away from her and silently walked forward.

“Mm… m…” Sunny’s muffled voice grew more concerned, walking faster to catch up with him.

“You can have it.” Dusty said.

Sunny stopped walking and looked down at the ground.

Dusty stopped, “My mom decided to pack chocolate for me… I don’t like THAT kind of chocolate so it’s better that someone eats it instead of me just throwing it out.” He said, looking back at her.

Sunny looked up at him, her beaming smile returned as she was about to hug him, her arms stopping just before touching him before she jerked herself away.

Dusty chewed on his lip slightly before he smiled, “How about we get to school?” He asked.

“Huh?” Sunny said, looking up from the game boy. “Oh, sure!” She giggled.

Dusty laughed and walked beside her as the two of them continued their trek to school. They both saw the building in the distance, some kids still arriving as a couple teachers talked outside the front doors. “Ooh! Mr. Poof!” Sunny called. One of the teachers chatting turned and smiled, waving to the two of us.

Dusty looked at Sunny as they approached the teacher. His attention turned to Mr. Poof and he stared up at the teacher. “Hi…” Dusty said.

“Hey there stranger.” Mr. Poof said, extending a hand.

Dusty stared at his hand and stepped back slightly. Sunny grabbed Poof’s hand and shook it. “He doesn’t like to be touched so I’m shaking for him.” Sunny said. “His name is Dusty, he’s new in town and we’re best friends.”

“Oh really?” Poof said, raising an eyebrow and looking at Dusty.

“Yeah… We are.” Dusty nodded as he smiled a little.

“Well then I suppose you’re his guide.” Poof said, looking at Sunny.

“Yep!” Sunny nodded.

“Why don’t you show him to class.” Poof said, motioning the two past him.

Sunny stepped over to Dusty and grabbed his shirt, tugging on it and motioning him towards the doors. “Come on!” She said, the excitement in her voice obvious.

Dusty walked in with her and his smile grew even more. “Cherry!” Sunny called. Dusty looked ahead and saw a magenta colored earth-pony with a pink and white mane, looking about the same age as them. She smiled and ran over to them.

“Hi Sunny, who’s your new friend?” The girl asked.

“He’s Dusty.” Sunny said.

“He’s pretty clean to me.” The girl said, looking him up and down. Her arms were wrapped around a book, hugging it to her chest. “I’m Cheerilee. But If you really must, you can call me Cherry.” She rolled her eyes.

“It’s nice to meet you.” Dusty said.

“You must be new here. Why don’t I show you around? There’s still about ten minutes before class.” Cheerilee said happily.

“Sure?” He said, looking at Sunny. “I…”

“I’ll come too!” Sunny said, clinging as closely to Dusty as she could without touching.

“Okay.” Dusty smiled.

“Oh!” Sunny said, opening Dusty’s backpack and putting the Gameboy back in. “There! Order is restored.”

Dusty laughed a little.

“Well come on! We don’t have all day.” Cheerilee said, motioning them down the hall.


“Everyone get out your homework.” The teacher said.

There were various groans and complaints coming from some of the students as almost everyone got out the previous night’s homework. “He doesn’t have work!” Sunny shouted, pointing to Dusty. Everyone in the room turned and stared at him.

“I just…” Dusty started in a mumble.

“This is his first day here, I didn’t expect him to.” The teacher said. “Why don’t you introduce yourself.”

Dusty slowly stood up, “Hi everyone. I’m Dusty.” He said.

“Hi Dusty.” Was the response that came from most of the class.

“I’m Sunny!” Sunny said aloud.

“We know who you are Sunny.” The teacher laughed.

Sunny scooted her desk closer to Dusty’s.

Dusty looked at Sunny as he sat back down. “Yeah?” He asked curiously.

Sunny just smiled and continued to stare at him.

“What?” Dusty asked.

Sunny shrugged and looked towards the front of the class.

Dusty laughed quietly and looked towards the front too.

“Everyone open your math books to chapter three, lesson two.” The teacher said.


One boring math class later:

“Freedom!” Sunny called as the bell rang, bursting out of the room and running around the halls.

Dusty followed behind her and managed to put the stuff he had been working on during class away as he moved.

Sunny slipped and plopped straight onto her backside, staring ahead in absolute bewilderment.

“Are you alright?” Dusty asked quickly as he ran up beside her and somewhat stiffly helped her up.

“I hurt my butt…” Sunny huffed.

“Do you want to go see the nurse?” Dusty asked.

“Can you look at it?” Sunny asked.

Dusty blinked and stared bewildered at her. “Huh… Wh… What?” He asked.

“Look at it and see if it’s hurt.” Sunny said again.

“I think you should go to the nurse for that.” Dusty said as he covered his face up.

“It’s just a butt! You have one too. I think… Pull down your pants.” She said sternly.

“No!” He said.

“I have to make sure you’re not an alien.” Sunny said.

“I’m not pulling my pants down in front of you, or anyone for that matter!” Dusty said.

Sunny walked behind Dusty. “There, now I’m behind you.” She said.

“I’m not going to pull my pants down in public.” He stated.

“Okay fine… There’s a closet right there.” Sunny said, rolling her eyes.

“It’s still a no!” Dusty huffed.

“Fiiiine… But you still have to look at mine.” Sunny stuck her tongue out and bent over, looking back at Dusty and giggling.

“Whatcha doin?” An orange colored earth-pony asked. Sunny and Dusty turned, seeing the blonde hair and hat on her head.

“He’s going to touch my butt and see if it needs first aid.” Sunny said.

“I am not! I already said no!” Dusty said turning away from Sunny.

“You said no to touching yours, not mine.” Sunny said, sticking her tongue out again.

“Ehm…” The orange pony mumbled.

“I’m not going to do that! It’s strange…” Dusty mumbled as he covered his face up again.

“Okay, you do it then.” Sunny said, aiming her hips at the orange one.

“What?!” She said, stepping back against the wall.

“Go to the nurse!” Dusty said.

“Why?” Sunny asked curiously.

“She’ll be able to give you first aid if you need it.” Dusty said.

“Why would I need first aid?” Sunny questioned.

“You… I… Never mind…” Dusty sighed.

“Hey where’d cow-girl go?” Sunny asked, looking around for the earth-pony.

“I don’t know.” Dusty shrugged as he looked around too.

“I think it’s time for recess.” Sunny said bluntly.

“Let’s go then!” Dusty said.

Sunny ran to the doors and out onto the playground, seeing a few kids had already beat her there.

Dusty ran out after her. He looked around at the equipment before he walked over to a tree and sat down under it. Sunny ran over to Dusty and plopped down next to him. “Hi.” She giggled.

“Hi.” Dusty said as he started to dig in his backpack.

“Whatcha doin?” She asked, kicking her feet up and down.

“Looking for ah ha!” Dusty said as he pulled his Gameboy out of the bag.

“Ah ha!” Sunny cheered, falling back into the grass.

Dusty laughed a little as he turned his Gameboy on.

Sunny stared at the screen. “What ya gonna play?” She asked.

“Pokémon Green.” Dusty said. “It’s a special copy of a game my brother got and translated for me.”

“Ohhhh. Who’s your brother?” She asked curiously.

“I just call him Digi.” Dusty said.

“That’s a silly name. Your name is silly too.” Sunny smiled, poking Dusty’s arm.

“Why do I have a silly name?” Dusty asked.

“Because I’m not sneezing.” Sunny giggled.

“What?” Dusty asked.

“I have allergies. And you’re Dusty.” Sunny said, poking his cheek.

Dusty scooted slightly away and remained quiet.

“Oh sorry.” Sunny said quietly, looking down at the grass.

“It’s um… Fine…” He said apologetically.

“I don’t like making you feel bad, because then I feel bad… I’ll just go.” Sunny said, reluctantly standing up.

“No! Don’t go!” Dusty said quickly.

Sunny turned and stared down at Dusty.

“Please…” Dusty said quietly.

Sunny gave a small smile before sitting on the grass again, scooting next to him and bringing her knees up to her chin, staring happily at him as she hugged her legs.

“Did you want to play?” Dusty asked, offering her the Gameboy.

“Nuh uh.” Sunny shook her head. “I’ll just watch.” She smiled a little wider.

Dusty smiled back as he looked down at the Gameboy. “Out of all the friends I’ve had… I think you are the best one.” He said.

“Well duh! We’re besties.” Sunny said, rolling her eyes and laughing. She extended her hand and stuck her pinkie out. “And that’s how it’ll stay forever, pinkie swear.”

Dusty bit his lip before he stiffly extended his pinkie too. “Okay… pinkie swear.” He nodded.

Sunny wrapped her pinkie around his, her grin covering practically her whole face. He saw the small dimples on her cheeks that were highlighted by orange freckles that matched her hair and amber eyes. Her entire demeanor seemed to infect him as he smiled widely too. His jade eyes seemed to shine brightly as he relaxed slightly. She lied back into the grass, her pinkie never leaving his.

Dusty set his Gameboy in his bag and laid back with her. “I’m not sneezing, that’s a good sign.” She giggled quietly.

“Yeah that is.” Dusty nodded. “It’s a really good sign.”

Author's Note:

My boyfriend Patric and I are working on this story together. It is our first E rated story, and I am loving it! I have this story and two sequels planned. I haven't had a spark for writing something since my first story, the one that got me INTO writing! I hope you stay tuned, have a nice day!

P.S. No, she is not Sunset Shimmer, she is an OC.