• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 461 Views, 11 Comments

Starting Over - AverageBrony

Being a gamer can be hard. Everyone thinks you're a low life loser who has no chance at getting anywhere in life. But one stallion dares to take a leap of faith.

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Found A Clan

I awake from my slumber to the still sound of silence that fills my home. It feels almost eery to my ears. I sit up and rub my eyes to remove the blur from my vision. I take a look around and inspect my home, seeing everything is still in its place to my relief. Getting up from the couch, I waltzed over to the ceramic fridge in the in kitchen and gave tug at the steel handle. The handle was cool to the touch and rather shiny. Good to know the constructors invested the extra few bits in a new handle. Opening the fridge sent a ripple of cool air at me, chilling my eyes and shivering me. I gazed into the white void, only to realize that I had no food. I had forgotten that I had to acquire my own food, seeing as I had just moved in. Closing the door in disgust, I started to search the cabinets for any form of food. All I found were plates, utensils, cups, bowls, but nothing resembling food.

"Well looks like I either starve, or I go out and buy food." I said out loud. Leaving the kitchen, I grab my house key from my room and proceed to the door. That's when I heard a knock at the front. I found it strange is somepony was actually visiting this early into my move. Approaching the door cautiously, I laid my ear against the door and tried to hear the visitors, but heard nothing. I grabbed the door knob with caution, slowly turning it, hearing the clicks of the knob as it turned. I opened the door slightly and poked my head out.

"Hello?....Wh-Who's there?" I called out, looking left and right, but seeing no signs of anypony in the area of my house. "Come on, this isn't funny." I poked my head out a bit more, as an attempt to project my voice. I heard a creak that sounded as if it came from above my door. Probably just the house settling as all houses do. Suddenly, a large, pink blur flung itself down in front of me. I was greeted with blue eyes, which said me flying back into my house, with my heart pounding in my chest. I held my chest, trying to figure what the hell had just occurred. Was it a cut-out? Or was it actually a pony? No, that's impossible. No pony is actually that crazy to do such a thing. That's when I heard giggling coming from the door. Looking up, the pink pony had her hooves in front her mouth, eyes closed happily. Well at least I could study this pony. Bouncy pink mane, almost like a cloud or cotton candy. The rest of her body was pink. Just pink, nothing else. One pink blob that was a pony.

"Hey there! Welcome to Ponyville! I'm Pinkie Pie! What's your name new pony?" She squeaked in a rather fast manner. "My friend Applejack told us about you and told us where your new house was and I knew I had to visit you to welcome you to your new town! We can become the best of friends and eat sweets together and play with the Cakes' foals!"

Eat sugar much?

I just stared at her, trying to decipher her energy, but I couldn't. She practically gave me a heart attack and I couldn't think straight. Too early from a nap to be doing this. At this point, the pink earth pony had gotten off the top of my house and was standing in the doorway with a goofy smile on her face, almost like she was a psycho murder about to slit my throat.

"Us?" was all I managed to choke out. "Who's us?"

"Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity and I, silly!" Pinkie Pie gleefully cheered. I got up and walked back to the doorway, causing Pinkie to back up, as well as have five other mares come out from the side. On the right stood two pegasi. One had a lovely pink mane, covering half the mare's face. Her eyes were a cute ocean green color, which looked shyly at the ground. Her yellow coat was brushed neatly and didn't have a speck of dirt resting on it.

Beside her, was a cyan colored mare with magenta eyes that sparkled in the sun. Both her mane and tail contained the colors of the rainbow. I'm guessing this was the "Rainbow Dash" one Pinkie Pie had mentioned. On the other side of the door were three other mares. The first one being Applejack, whom I already recognized by her cowboy hat. The second mare the stood beside Applejack was a unicorn, very elegant if I do say so. Her mane was a deep shade of purple, brushed and curled at the ends, showing what I assume was an hour or so of tending to the mane. Her blue eyes almost looked like crystals in the afternoon sun. Her white coat sparkled with cleanliness and grace, reminding me of a cloud or marshmallow or something of that nature. I could also see she was sporting some fake eyelashes, but that's her choice.

And beside her was.......an alicorn? No, that can't be right. Only alicorns live in enormous kingdoms with huge castles. She must be visiting Ponyville. Her coat was a cute shade of purple, her eyes matching the color. Her mane spread itself out into two colors of purple and pink. Her horn poked out through the mane, with a small crown sitting in front of it. Her wings where folded down, in a polite manner.

I still don't think she lives here.

"Um.....h-hello there...ladies," Nailed it. "It's a pleasure to meet you all." I gave a nervous look, wondering if I should shake their hooves, or bow, or kiss there hooves. I mean, for Celestia's sake, I've never talked to mares that much, so I really don't know what to do. They all stood there, waiting for me to say more. I just eyed them, hoping they would the same. I began to feel my body grow hot with embarrassment, as it always does when this sort of thing happens to me.

"Well it's very nice to meet you," Twilight chimed in, "It's always nice to have another pony join us in Ponyville." She gave me a warm smile and proceeded to walk into my home. She looked around at what little was in the front of the house, as if trying to give me a small compliment with the amount of stuff I had. She waltz over to the couch, inspecting it closely before sitting down. Well, more like plopping down and spreading herself out.

Okay hold on. A princess, living in Ponyville, who is the highest authority in Equestria, is sitting on my couch like a sack of potatoes?

"So High Score, where are you from?" Twilight asked gently.

"W-Well your majesty, I'm from uh....Las P-Pegasus," I answered in an attempted respective manner, "Like born and raised in Las Pegasus, ya'know?"

"That's nice. I haven't visited Las Pegasus yet. I hear it's hectic and what not."

"Well you'd be right in saying that." Now I'm kind of regretting moving here. But I bought the house, I can't buy much at the moment, and my old house has either been sold or is still up for sale.

"So...why did you move here?" Interjected Rainbow Dash. "Was it a bit too crazy for you? Or did you just want to move here for the hell of it?"

"Rainbow!" Rarity chimed in with and annoyed tone. "Language missy." She bopped Rainbow on the head before stepping back, "I do apologize for Rainbow Dash's rude language. She usually doesn't talk like that." Rarity shot Rainbow a dirty glare.

"Listen, it's fine," I put up a hoof, "Being a gamer, I've heard a lot worse online. A lot worse. What Rainbow Dash said is nothing compared to the amount of things I hear on a daily. But as for the answer to your question Twilight," I eyed her up, "I moved here because it was a bit loud. I've never really been much of a city guy. I like the quiet of towns. So simple." I smiled, but mainly at myself for speaking an entire an entire sentence stuttering. High hoof myself for that later. "But I think I'll like it here. Nice and simple."

"That's great to hear!" Twilight beamed, "We think you'll love it here. Everypony knows one another, so you'll never be short on friends, that's no lie." Twilight got up off the couch and motioned towards the hall. "Would you mind if we checked out the rest of your house?"

"Uh.....sure. Just...don't break anything." I smirked. The six mares eagerly walked down the hall, as if my house had some magic portal to another dimension or something. I walked past the couch and over to the TV and console. Seeing as they would be busy with the rest of the place, I could hook up the console and TV on the floor, seeing as I had yet to buy any sort of table for the two. Grabbing the bundles of cables, I began working on the connecting part of the console setup.

"HEY HIGH SCORE!" A shout came from the back, causing me to jump a bit, "WHAT'S WITH THE COMPUTER?!" Rainbow Dash yelled. A heard soft talking, then the sound of hoof meeting skull, followed up by an "Ow."

I put down the cables and cursed under my breath. "I have the computer because of gaming!" I would use it for school but graduating college called for no use of a school computer.

"WHAT DO YOU PLAY?!" Rainbow can't be serious.

"Games! Shooters, strategies, puzzles, sports, sandbox, stuff like that!" I responded. I sit there waiting for a response to come around, which it never did. Recovering from my startle, I once again began to plug every wire and plug into their ports, each with a click to accompany it. Let me tell you something, multiple wires crossing over one another is one of the most stressful things a stallion like me can face. Judge me, I don't mind.

After a few more minutes of port-plugging and plugging into outlets, I heard the girls start to come back from my room.

"So how did you girls like the hut?" I sarcastically questioned. "Everything you could imagine? Beyond your wildest dreams?"

"Oh just exhilarating," Rainbow Dash replied, in the same sarcastic tone, "I could barely stand, I was so overwhelmed by the amazing room." She snickered and walked over to the couch and sat down.

"It was nice High Score," Twilight added, "Obviously you don't have a huge house, so I wasn't expecting too much." She walked over to the door and looked, "But if you need help, we're here to help." She motioned to the others.

"Just one thing," I piped up, "I have no idea where you live. At all." I shook my head. "Well you, Twilight, you probably have a castle or something nice, so it won't be hard to find." I gave her smile, as if trying to show here I knew something about her location in town.

Twilight just chuckled and opened the door, letting the warm air from the afternoon flood into my living room. Walking out, the rest of the girls silently followed her, like they were under a spell of control. But whatever, I didn't really mind, they all probably have something to do. The door closed behind them, putting me once again into my lonely space, with nothing but a TV and console sitting next to me. Picking up a controller, I began to sift through the mountain of games that I had dumped out onto the floor.

Author's Note:

I wonder if you guys have caught onto the theme of the chapter titles ^_^ As usual, hope you enjoyed!

And I apologize for the long wait. Haven't been motivated and school stuff.