• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 463 Views, 11 Comments

Starting Over - AverageBrony

Being a gamer can be hard. Everyone thinks you're a low life loser who has no chance at getting anywhere in life. But one stallion dares to take a leap of faith.

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Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Here I am. Sitting on a train headed towards Ponyville, with all my belongings sitting across from me. The ride hasn't really been a comfortable one, getting on train after train, moving my luggage, and constantly fixing the way I'm sitting. The ride's been sorta bumpy, but I can't really control that, it's a train for pony's sake. But I have been meeting some rather interesting mares and stallions on my travels. I met a blue maned mare whose profession followed along the lines of a dentist. I can't remember her name very well, but I'll get over it. I also met a stallion and mare from Apple Loosa who were on their way to Canterlot for their honeymoon. They told me stories of their past, how the met, what they did for a living, along with two fillies back home. They were the sweetest couple I had met on that train, and I would have killed to spend a bit more time with them. Everyone had either ignored me when I tried to chat with them, or just sat away from me. Who can blame them? I hadn't showered in two days, causing a foul order to rise from my body, and being a gamer isn't really something others can relate to.

After a rather boring and dirty two days, the conductor finally came into the passenger car I was placed in, and announced that we would be arriving in Ponyville shortly. With a new found cache of energy, I gathered up my belongings and prepared for my destination to appear. Looking out the window, I can see the hillsides that surrounded Ponyville, standing tall in their glory. I couldn't see much else out my window, except for the train station. The train came to a slow stop and a few ponies started to file out of the train. I grabbed my belongings and threw them on my back. Probably wasn't the smartest idea, as the heaviest items included a gaming console and a computer. I slowly and carefully started my way out of the passenger car. I was given quick ganders from those who had remained in their seats or ignored all together. Pretty damn typical for a stallion like me. It was this throughout school ever since I got into gaming. No one really cared about me, besides my parents and the few friends I actually had. But I've learned to deal with it over the years. Yes, I haven't made a ton of friends but some ponies can be a bit mean at times. And I don't mind. The characters in my games and those I meet online are nicer to me than real-life ponies.

I slowly exit the train with all my luggage on my back, braving the pain it gives me. I spot a bench off the side a bit. I give the bench a smile and work my way over to the bench ever so slowly, being careful not to drop my possessions and damage them. As I walk, ponies are busy chatting with one another, a few hugging, others looking as if they are waiting for someone.

After what seems like an eternity, I finally reach the bench and places my things down. My back immediately shoots up, like a spring, as the weight of my belongings is lifted. I take a seat on the bench, letting out a groan and rubbing my back. I began to look around to see if there was anything else I could use to carry my stuff, like a cart or somepony else. I spot a mare standing next to an empty cart talking with a stallion, probably her friend or something.

I get up and start to walk, taking a quick look back to make sure I had all my stuff. Letting out a sigh, I continued forward towards the mare and the stallion. Now, one thing I should tell you is that I'm a rather shy guy. I found talking to others rather difficult as a colt, and it didn't get too much better as I grew up, which is one of the reasons why I have a few friends in my life. My parents always encouraged me to talk to other ponies so that way I could make friends, and it sounded simple enough. But when I approached others, I would suddenly become extremely shy. Sometimes, I would find myself practicing what to say to them in the mirror, over and over to try and build up my strength. My parents would sometimes walk in on me talking to the mirror and say something about "how they're glad I'm practicing to make friends".

I approach the two and I begin to feel a bit nervous. I can't act shy now. My back is killing me and I need to move into my new home without becoming paralyzed. I take a deep breath and tap the mare on the shoulder.

"E-Excuse me....Miss?"

She turns around and has the greenest eyes I had ever seen in my life. They were almost apple green. She had a beautiful blonde mane that ended in a ponytail, with the cutest freckles and a cowboy hat to top it all off. Her coat with a lovely orange shine to it, kind of blinding. She had probably just washed herself off. That, or it was sweat. Either way, her coat glistened in the noon sun.

"Why, howdy there partner!" She said enthusiastically. Southern accent, goes well with her features. "Y'all new 'round here?"

"Y-...Yes I am. And um.... I was wondering if I could borrow your uh.... cart. I just got off the train and I have a ton of luggage to carry," Not the smoothest request I've ever given, but whatever. "If that's okay, Miss".

"Of course! My big brother would be glad to pull yer luggage. Ain't that right Big Macintosh?" She motions towards the stallion standing beside her. He's a rather built fellow. Red coat, short orange mane, and green eyes the same shade as his sister's. He just stared at me blankly, no expression or anything. I was waiting for some sort of response from him, but he wouldn't open his mouth to speak. "Don't worry about Big Mac. He doesn't really talk too much."

Isn't that obvious.

"Oh, where are my manners?" The mare grabs my hoof and gives it a rather rough shake. "The name's Applejack. Ma friends called me AJ. This is Big Macintosh, as I said. What's yer name stranger?"

I look at our hooves and I can see a bit of dirt on Applejack's hoof. I didn't mind the dirt, but what made me a bit unsettled was the fact that instead of me introducing myself, somepony introduced themselves first. I blinked as my brain tried to think of a response that was somewhat intelligent.

"Um...I'm High Score," I squeezed out. "Pleasure to meet you, Applejack."

That was a better outcome than my first attempt.

"Nice to meetcha High Score. So you needed help with some belongin's?"

"That is correct. If you don't mind." I motioned over to my baggage, which still lay untouched, amazingly if I say. Applejack turned her head gently to Big Macintosh and gave him a nudge. He nodded and walked over to the bench where my things were, throwing them on his back with ease and didn't appear to be affected by the heavy load. I watched nervously as he walked from the bench, back to the cart. I kept hoping he wouldn't drop anything, as getting another computer would be rather expensive and I don't have that much money after I bought the house here in Ponyville. Big Macintosh arrived at the cart and tilted his body sideways, letting my belongings slide easily into the cart. My bags hit the cart with a quiet thud, and I prayed nothing was damage.

Yeah, make fun of me for caring about items, but in this day-in-age, you got to be careful with your belongings. I learned that when I was young, as I broke a grandfather clock my father got as something to spruce up the living room. I remember getting an earful from him, scolding me for ruining his clock and threatening to ground me. My mother tried to intervene, trying to calm my father down, but I knew I had destroyed part of him inside.

"Well let's git goin'. You don't want to be here all day now do ya?' Applejack chirped in. She was right. I needed to move in now or risk the chance of having to carry my things on my back to my home. Big Macintosh began walking towards the town, as if knowing where to go.

"Where y'all live, High Score?'" Applejack questioned.

"'On the other side of town....uh...ya'know?" I answered stupidly.

"Oh, Big Mac and I know this town like the back of our hooves." She said with a smile. We caught up the Big Macintosh, who was focused on the path ahead, not adding into the conversation a bit. I didn't care though. I had my stuff being moved for me, I didn't have to break my back, and I figured out this Applejack is a very polite mare. Most mares I knew were either rude or shy like me. That's not to say all mares fit into those to categories, but there were some polite mares who liked me, but didn't really know me that well. All I knew was that I'm going to start my life over and try to make it in this damn town.

Author's Note:

I'm back after a VERY long hiatus. Haven't written in so long. Hope you enjoyed!