• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 461 Views, 11 Comments

Starting Over - AverageBrony

Being a gamer can be hard. Everyone thinks you're a low life loser who has no chance at getting anywhere in life. But one stallion dares to take a leap of faith.

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Level One

After what seems like forever, Applejack, Big Macintosh, and I finally reach my new home. It was definitely smaller than my old home back in Las Pegasus, but I'm not one to complain. It looked like every other house in this town, Hay roof, made entirely out of wood, pink tinted windows, and pink lining on the corners of it. Why pink was chosen, I will never know, but I don't care. I payed for the house, and I'm going to live with it.

Anyways, the three of us got to the house, and Big Mac placed my things down in front of my door, still with its gentle thud, causing me to pray once more that nothing was broken. I glanced at Big Macintosh, who surprisingly, didn't appear remotely tired. If I had been pulling the cart, I would've been crawling the last halfway.

"Well, here we are!" Applejack exclaimed. She seemed rather happy to be arriving at my home. "We'll letcha get settled in. Hope the house is comfy fer ya!" Yeah, I hope so too. I wouldn't be very happy if the inside of the house was completely destroyed, like a twister had came through.

"Well, thanks for uh...carrying my stuff you two. I really appreciate it. You're the first two to help me with anything since I left Las Pegasus." I concluded. And it was true. The only help I had gotten was my family helping me pack up my things and carrying them to the train station. None of my friends had helped, as they were "busy" that day and couldn't help. And by that, I mean they were probably gaming or out somewhere.

"Aw shucks, it was nothin'. We just help out everypony in this town. It's how we make friends." Well it worked. But I don't know why she would want to be friends with a loser who plays video games like me. But whatever, she and her brother were very helpful today, and I greatly appreciated it. "Enjoy yer new home!" Applejack and Big Macintosh began to walk away. "Welcome to Ponyville, High Score!" Applejack yelled back.

I turned around and stared at the vibrant pink, wooden door. The sun bounced its light off of it, practically blinding me with a pink haze. I pulled my key out of my bag that contained my clothes. I slid the key into the keyhole, hearing the satisfying clunks that came from within the door, preparing to unlock it. I felt the key stop inserting and gently turned it to the side, hearing the lock disengage, allowing me to open the door. I gave the doorknob a turn and pushed the door in. I was greeted with a very clean smell and I blast of cool air. Probably an AC unit turned on, but I'll probably turn it off and open the windows, as it wasn't too hot today. I put the key back in the bag and pushed my belongings into the house. I wasn't about to throw my back out now. Getting all of my things inside, I closed the door and took a look at my new living space.

A kitchen sat off to the side, refrigerator, stove, sink, generic kitchen stuff. What I guessed was the dining room was right next to the kitchen, with a small, round table and three chairs surrounding it. All were made of wood, which I liked. On the opposite side was the living room, with a couch and coffee table respectively. I could probably go out and buy another table to place a television on, along with my console. All in all, the place was rather cozy. Not too small, not too big, and best of all, clean.

I walked past the front of the house down a narrow hallway. About a third of the way down, there was a bathroom. Sink, cabinets, bath tub and shower, toilet, the whole nine yards. Its walls were painted white, along with everything else in there. The only difference I saw was the cabinet was lined with wood, with three mirrors resting on three small doors. I opened the cabinets doors to find them empty. I couldn't think of anything that I would put in there. The sink had some fake marble finish to it, along with two drawers on the top corners, and two doors that took up the bottom part of the sink. Opening the drawing reveled nothing, but the two doors, upon opening, contained some body wash, a couple bottles of shampoo, and some conditioner. I pick up a bottle of body wash and give a sniff. It smelled of cologne and some other stuff. Placing the bottle down, I pick up a bottle of shampoo. Giving another sniff, it smelled of, what the bottle stated, "Ocean Breeze". Smelled nice.

I stepped out of the bathroom and continued down the hall. Further down was what appeared to be a closet. I opened the two folding doors, and saw that it contained a washing machine and dryer. Both machines were made from a white metal, in the usual box shape you find a washer and dryer. Above the machines was a wire shelf that held bottles of washing soaps, some fabric softeners, and box of fabric sheets. The bottle of soap had little, black, rubber buttons to push the soap out. Other than that, there was really nothing else to look at in the laundry closet.

Closing the door, I continued down the hall. At the end of the hall was a closed door to what I assume was the bedroom. Giving the knob a soft turn, I opened the door and was correct in my assumption of it being a bedroom. I was given a queen sized bed with blue sheets and white pillows. Very good choice of colors. To the right side of the bed was a nightstand, with a lamp and a clock. Very typical. On the opposite side of the room, against the wall was both a dresser and a desk. I walked over to the dresser, which was made from mahogany wood, which was very nice. I gently rubbed the dresser, getting a feel for the smoothness of the wood. Turning my attention to the desk, it appeared to be some sort of work desk. A small drawer on the side, three shelves on the left side, another small shelf on the top right side, and topped off with a wood slab covering the top. The right side below the shelf was the perfect spot for my computer, and the space in between would be perfect for the monitor. There was also a roll-out shelf, most likely for a mouse and keyboard.

I returned to the front of my home to grab my belongings and separate them through the house. I first grabbed the bag containing my console, games, and controller and brought them over to where I would be placing the second table that would hold the TV. I made sure they would be able to be plugged into the outlet if I got the table. I returned back to the pile of luggage and grabbed my clothing, which consisted of blue pullover sweatshirts and a beanie. Not much to it but at least I wouldn't have much to wash when laundry came around. I brought the bag to my room, and carefully put the clothes in the dresser. The blue sweatshirts lined up snug in the drawers. I took the beanie and placed it on top of the dresser, making sure it was folded correctly and undamaged. I threw the now empty bag off to the side and went back to continue my moving-in process.

The next bag I grabbed contained my computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse, headphones, and microphone. I very carefully carried them to my room, be wary of the narrow hallway's walls. I entered my room and gently placed to bag on the ground. Unzipping the bag, I inspected every item in there to confirm that nothing was damaged. To my relief, that Big Mac fellow hadn't broken anything. I took out the computer and placed to on the right side on the desk, below the small shelf. I made sure all the wires and cords were all in their respective ports, and let them hang down. I went back to the bag and grabbed the monitor, mouse, and keyboard. I pulled out the roll-out shelf and placed the mouse and keyboard on it, snaking the cords back so they hung as well with the computer wires. I pulled out a surge protector from my bag and plugged it into the wall, along with all the cords for the computer.

I took each cord and had to snake them over, under, and around one another in order to plug them in. I then took the cords of the mouse and keyboard and brought them above the desk. Pulling out the computer, I was able to get a better look of the tangled mess that was my computer. Different colored cords going left, right, up, down, pretty much every direction a cord can go without being severed. I grabbed the cords that led to my keyboard and mouse and slithered them to the back of the computer and plugged them into their ports with a satisfying click to accompany it.

With everything plugged in, I flipped the switch on the surge protector and I heard the soft hum of the computer's fan start up. The small white light on top of the computer lit up, further confirming the computer's start-up. I turned on the monitor and was greeted by the password screen. I put passwords on anything I can. I don't want somepony snooping through my files and such. I typed in my password, heard the quiet ding of the computer and was brought to the desktop. My League of Legends wallpaper was sitting all pretty, with all the shortcuts that were resting on the home screen were still in their places. I took the mouse and went over the the "Start" button and clicked. Moving the mouse over, I hovered the cursor over the little arrow beside the "Shut Down" button and I'm given my usual five options. "Sleep", "Restart", "Lock", "Log off", and "Switch user". I move up a bit and select "Sleep", causing the screen to fade and the computer's fan shut down.

I switched off the monitor and walked out of the bedroom and down the hall back to the front. All that remained of my belongings was a bag containing my toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, mouthwash, and some floss. I carried the bag into the bathroom and opened it up. I took out the toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss, and tossed them in the top right drawer. Taking the comb and mouthwash, I placed them on the side of the sink where I had usually out them before I moved. Assessing my things, I threw the bag under the sink and walked back into the living room.

I sat down and felt the biggest relief I had felt all day. The couch was so comfortable. Before I knew it, I found myself laying down on the couch, stretching at comfort of the new couch. I grabbed and placed it under my head, snuggling it in the process, as if it was a mare. I suddenly felt extremely drowsy. I closed my eyes and didn't even try to stay awake. I let sleep overtake my body, cradling me in its peaceful, warm embrace. The last thing I remember before sleep dragged me down was the chirping of the birds outside my home.