• Published 23rd Jul 2014
  • 1,429 Views, 23 Comments

What Happened Last Night!? - DemonBrightSpirit

So, I let my step-brother convince me into going to a party. It led to the worst thing I've ever experienced. I didn't get hit on or taken advantage of. No, I just ended up stranded in the freaking land of talking ponies!

  • ...

Can You Send Me Home?

I sat there, alone in a tiny pony bathroom, thinking about all the things I'd never see again for some time before a knock sounded on the door behind me.

"Hey, are you okay in there?" Twilight's voice sounded from the other side.

"No!" I bit back.

A crash sounded from behind me, then in front of me. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

I snapped up, finding Twilight standing right there in front of me. I swiped at my eyes as I shot to my feet. "How? You were just—!" I stammered, opening the door to find nothing on the other side.

"You said you weren't okay, so I teleported in," Twilight explained. Then, in a flash, she disappeared. Hearing that booming noise again, I whipped around to find her back in the hall. "Like that."

I sniffed as I rubbed my face. "Can you send me home that way? Just teleport me there?"

"Well, no," she denied, giving me a small smile. Spreading her wings, she flew up to look me in the eye. "Listen, we're going to get you home, okay? We just have to figure out how."

"Why?" I asked, reaching up and tugging the last tears from my eyes. "Why are you being so nice to me? I don't even know you. I don't even know what you are!"

"Wouldn't you do the same thing for me?" Twilight asked.

I laughed. "I would sell you to the circus for a small fortune," I bluntly replied.

She facepalmed. "Well, it's the right thing to do," she grumbled, landing and turning her... butt to me. "Besides, I'm rather interested in how to bridge the gap myself. I have... a vested interest in visiting your world again."


"Ugh," she groaned. I'm pretty sure she rolled her eyes before she turned to look back at me. "Didn't you pay any attention during the presentation?"

I shook my head. "Not really."

"Well, while Pinkie's… You know what, just, follow me," Twilight insisted, leading me out again into the bizarre pony-village.

All the way through the town, I got weird stares from those ponies. They murmured and pointed at me. Here I am, a normal girl, but, in this freak town, I'm the freak.

Finally, we wound up in front of a shop that was designed to look like it was made from cake and gingerbread and candy. It was the freaking witch's house from Hansel and Gretel! "I don't taste good," I insisted, earning a strange look from Twilight.

"This is Sugarcube Corner," she flatly said. "Pinkie says that she found you in the alley behind it."

Just a moment later, and we were in an alley next to a dumpster. "Great, I end up not only drunk and in a gutter, but drunk, in a gutter, and in crazy pony-town," I muttered, trudging after Twilight. "I didn't hit rock bottom. I fell right through it."

"You're not very nice, are you?" Twilight said.

I scoffed. "The word you're looking for is 'cynical.'"

She rolled her eyes and her horn started to glow. "The area around here is still... dissonant. I theorize that you ended up here, not through a stable portal like the one I used, but through a chaotic… event…" Twilight facepalmed. "Discord," she muttered. "I should have known."

I shook my head at her as I glanced around. For an alley I was found in, I sure don't remember it in the least. "So, can you get me home, or not?"

"I need to talk to Fluttershy," she replied, flapping her wings and taking to the air. "Why don't you wait inside Sugarcube Corner for me? The Cakes will take good care of you."

I understood maybe half of that, and Twilight was already flying away. Fat lot of good she was, anyway. Well, so long as I don't end up as food, or a slave, or… Crap. Sighing, I jogged around back to the front doors.

Ducking my head, I entered... a bake shop? They had cakes and pastries and it smelled heavenly! Behind the counter was a another of the little ponies. It had a blue coat and a pink, swirly hairdo. "Hello?"

"Oh! You must be that human everypony's been talking about! Come in, take a seat!" She rounded the corner, ushering me to a table. "My name's Cup Cake, everypony calls me Mrs. Cake."

"Uh... Twilight told me to wait for her here?" I found myself saying, not knowing what else to do.

"Can I get you anything while you wait?" she offered, smiling at me.

"I, uh…" I stammered, sifting through my pockets. All I found was my phone, my ID, and a five dollar bill. I slid the money towards her. "Whatever this'll buy. And a water."

She scrutinized the money for a moment before looking back up at me. "I'm sure Twilight has you covered, dearie. I can get you whatever you want."

"Just a-a muffin and something to drink. Something easy on the stomach," I requested, pocketing my ID and grabbing my phone. As she walked off, I turned my phone on.

I had bars.