• Published 8th Aug 2014
  • 6,790 Views, 259 Comments

The Amazing Spider-Man: The Web of Friendship - Time Pony Victorious

Peter Parker, intrepid photographer and moonlighting superhero, stumbles into the world of ponies! How will he cope being a pony... without hands?!

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The Hero, Creature, And Vampires


The castle was ridiculously over the top.

It stood as an obsidian monolith dominating the landscape with its gothic and eerie façade and solitary environment. It was built at the end of a peninsula and under the cover of night it was like an inky shadow in an otherwise lovely tropical place. Transylmania was a town lost in time, the buildings were old-fashioned, lacking a contemporary touch and other modern improvements such as a Magic Irrigation system or even a Weather Control.

A blotchy black storm front rolled in from the west, freezing winds blew through the town and the night sky was intermittently illuminated by lightning. Standing by the gates of Castle Frankenstein, the Mysterious Mare Do Well observed her magic scanner as it buzzed and glowed like crazy.

“I was almost hoping there wouldn’t be anypony here,” Mare Do Well grumbled, turning off her scanner and scrutinizing the castle. She pressed the side of her head and her eyelids in her mask glowed a dull green as it zoomed in and enhanced the image.

Mare Do Well was dressed in her traditional navy blue and purple outfit complete with her black hat and cape. Her unicorn’s horn glowed a dull blue and her wings flickered nervously on her back.

“I won’t be able to pick up any heat signatures with this,” Mare Do Well grumbled into her mic piece in her mask. “Especially if they’re bat-ponies.”

A garbled response buzzed in her earpiece but was drowned out by thunder. “Whoa!” Mare Do Well gasped, zooming in further and noticing two distinct heat signatures. “What’s that?”

A lankly unicorn flanked by a hulking horse was pacing around what appeared to be a laboratory. The unicorn was gesturing animatedly while the hulk figure stood stoic by the wall. “Okay… so this won’t be very easy…” Mare Do Well said looking at the horse and noticing the absurd amounts of blood flowing in its body. “A Monster…”

Still. Mare Do Well was a hero by any other name. She deactivated her binoculars and slunk into the night.


“You told me you would yield results!” the unicorn screeched, knocking over a table filled with books and apparatuses with her magic, a distinct yellow sickly glow of magic burned at her horn. “Yet you have done nothing! You wait like cowards in the corners whilst this… this abomination continues to exist unabated!”

The emphasize her point, she levitated a Ponyville Times newspaper upward, showing off the captured image of Spidercolt capturing a couple of bank robbers looking all heroic and stuff. Very Shelly glared at the soulless, undead creatures before her. Five bat-ponies stood before her, stoic and indifferent to the mad scientist’s rantings. They all had skeleton gray fur, firefly yellow eyes, and pointed fangs, along with black outfits that matched their purple wings.

The tallest one stepped forward, casually observing his hoof as he spoke indignantly, “The, ah, Spidercolt is under the custody of Princess Twilight Sparkle. Any efforts in… extracting him will garner unwanted attention. You understand, Miss Frankenstein.”

Don’t call me that,” Shelly growled. “We will need him if Creature shall rise to his full potential.”

She gestured to the gargantuan horse to the side. He was easily three times the height of the average pony and twice as large as Princess Celestia. His fur was translucent yellow and marred with scorch marks and raw patches so that underneath his skin was near perfectly see-through, revealing glowing sigils and wards along with neon-blue arteries and capillaries. His face could perhaps pass as beautiful if it wasn’t for the lifeless tin-color eyes and taut skin.

Very Shelly only barely passed as presentable compared to the Creature. Her lab coat was ragged and messy with various chemical spills on it and painted magical sigils as products of experimentation that peeled off the coat occasionally, morphed into whatever the sigil represented, and plastered itself back on her coat. Her fur was the color of ink and her mane and tail a tangled corn-colored mess. Thick rimmed glasses sat in front of her red eyes that burned with intense curiosity and intelligence.

“What makes you think he is what you need,” the batpony, Bran Stoker, asked, raising an eyebrow to the Creature which stood immobile. Completely inanimate.

“He is under the influence of some form of serum,” Shelly insisted. “His abilities exceed those of an average pony, even you batponies. Minotaurs, Hydras, dragons, whatever, they pale in comparison. Something modified his physiology, which is what my Creature requires.”

Shelly walked over to a far desk where a massive biomechanical mystic heart sat. Spells and charms were written on the organ’s surface but it was decidedly as inanimate as the Creature. “If your Count wishes for my assistance then perhaps you shall do as I instructed and acquire Spidercolt’s blood.”

The batponies stirred, hissing angrily as Shelly’s indigence but Bran held his foreleg up, stopping them. Barn grinned, amused by the scientist’s attitude. “How can you expect us to trust you? Without viable results, all you have are theories and conspiracies. This Monster of yours has done nothing of note—“

“He is not a Monster!” Shelly barked, shutting the batpony up. “Imperfect, sure, but that does not a monster make. You are the real monsters, glorified leeches.”

“Hm. Before we continue, shall we dispose of our unwanted guest?” Bran suggested.

Shelly raised an eyebrow. “Wha—“

Bran hissed, his fangs fully extended and the blood drained from his face as he turned and lunged toward the ceiling where Mare Do Well was cleverly concealed. Yelping, Mare Do Well dropped from the ceiling, avoiding Bran but the other two batponies charged as well. Her horn glowed brightly and she exploded in a flash of light, teleporting away. Disorientated, the batponies crashed into each other.

“Fools!” Bran cursed, pointing at Mare Do Well now charging at the Creature’s heart. “Get her!”

All three batponies charged Mare Do Well, she turned, braced herself, and fired off a blast of magic that collided within the group and sent them all flying. “Ha!” Mare Do Well cried. “Blind as a bat, not exactly an advantage.”

She turned, ready to grab the heart but Shelly had already put it into the Creature. “Aw, pony-feathers…”

The Creature’s eyes lit up a bright, unnatural blue and he moved from his rigid state. Blinking, the glow faded to a faint dim and he calmly assessed the situation at hoof… before beholding his own hoof.

But the batponies were not a patient ilk, they charged and rushed Mare Do Well. The masked hero turned, grabbing something from her belt, and threw it at the monsters. It exploded with the burning intensity of five suns, scorching and vaporizing the nearby area. The batponies screeched and hissed from the violent sunlight and evaporated into the shadows. The Creature was quick in his movements despite his heft, he jumped over Shelly and shielded her from the blast causing his back to blister and burn.

When the light died, Mare Do Well shook her head and rubbed her face. “Note to self: make the sunlight grenade easier on the eyes…”

“My Creature…” Shelly gasped as she watched the lumbering giant stand at attention. “You are injured!”

“Injuries best befit a monster,” he answered in a deep resonating voice rich with intelligence and a serenity betraying his constitution. “Of which my Lady and Queen is undeserving of such scars and marks.”

He turned, looking at Mare Do Well and his deep voice morphed into an animalistic growl. “Masked Villainess, why have you sought my Creator with such ill-intent?”

“Whoa, whoa, I wasn’t trying to hurt her,” Mare Do Well said, backing up from the giant now stalking toward her. “Well, I guess I was. She was talking about hunting down and hurting Spidercolt, so—“

“Whatever crimes thy wish to prosecute my Creator for should be done to me,” he responded, growling as his body glowed from the magical currents coursing through his veins. “For her I shall be a Guardian, a Promethean creation, a Daemon.”

He charged with unnatural speed. Mare Do Well leapt, kicking him in the face but it merely glanced off his visage. Flipping in the air, Mare Do Well landed behind him and charged a spell. Lightning shot from her horn, crashing into the Creature and he slammed into an adjacent bookshelf.

“No!” Shelly cried. “My First editions!”

That’s what you’re worried about? Mare Do Well thought but instead charged another spell. With a mighty roar, Creature shot out of the wall like a cannon and slammed into Mare Do Well. She crashed through a metal table, snapping it in town and crumbled in the corner.

Creature lumbered toward Mare Do Well, stretching his neck. Despite the perceived damage he should’ve taken, he seemed perfectly fine. “Now, the Masked Villainess shall fall, we shall see who is behind the mask.”

Before the Creature could grab Mare Do Well, however, she lashed out with a bolt of magic. It collided into Creature’s chest and from it sparked fire. The Creature was sent flying backwards while the fire collected around the room, spreading at alarming rates.

Mare Do Well seized this opportunity, ran to the window and jumped out. Spreading her wings and flying off at incredible speeds


Mare Do Well headed for her secret abode. By that, she went into an abandoned theatre and down toward the basement. Embarrassed and bruised, Mare Do Well gripped her side as pain flared up her rib cage, threatening to send her into shock.

“Not a fun night,” Mare Do Well grumbled as she pressed an inconspicuous button on a control panel. The entire section of wall lifted up and revealed a secret corridor of which Mare Do Well all but limped down and into her hideout.

“At least the wings held up,” another voice called out. As Mare Do Well stepped off the last step, a gray, blonde-maned pegasus with wayward eyes approached her, helping Mare Do Well steady herself. Her bubbly cutie mark matched her innocuous expression. “I’m surprised they didn’t break apart.”

“Don’t be too surprised,” Mare Do Well retorted, removing her hat and mask to reveal sky blue fur, a silvery mane and purple eyes. Trixie Lulamoon looked to her walleyed assistant, Ditzy Do, with an impressed, if impatient, expression. “The Great and Powerful Trixie won’t be felled by an eldritch abomination.”

“But.. you lost,” Ditzy reminded her.

Trixie ignored her, removing her outfit entirely including the cybernetic pegasus wings harnessed to her back. Combining magic and biomechanical constructs, Trixie was able to fabricate pegasus wings powerful enough to lift her off the ground and nimble enough for elaborate maneuvers.

She headed toward her wall of monitors while Ditzy complained under her breath as she applied a healing salve to Trixie’s side as she worked.

“The batponies won’t be stopped so easily,” Trixie said, pulling up images of newspaper clippings depicting vampiristic attacks on ponies recently. “But Frankenstein and his monster, I didn’t see that coming.”

“They said they wanted Spidercolt, why?” Ditzy asked, bandaging Trixie’s stomach.

“They think he’s the product of genetic engineering and that there must be something in his blood that makes him, well, him,” Trixie answered.

“That’s a crazy assumption!”

“Well for a scientist, Very Shelly didn’t seem in the right mind,” Trixie grumbled. “Either way, I think we need to pay a visit to Spidercolt and warn him.”