• Published 7th Jul 2014
  • 11,628 Views, 140 Comments

Princess Trixie Sparkle - Magpiepony

This epic adventure details the trials the mane 6 must face when their bodies have been switched! This story is also a mini-series musical on YouTube!

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The Pursuit of Tickets

The next morning was met with disappointment and fatigue. No pony could get a proper rest the night before; and only part of that was due to the distraction of the rooms where they were staying. Being the gracious host, Discord laid out a spread for breakfast complete with apples shaped like bananas, bananas shaped like oranges, and oranges shaped like apples. The ponies were grateful that this meal didn’t run away from them as it did the night before.

“I trust you all slept comfortably?” Discord asked with a smirk.

“I wouldn’t exactly call that comfortable. My room was swarming with fish that swam around in the air.” Rainbow said.

“You think that was bad? My room was a hologram! Everything was fake except the bed. I had to feel around for it; I finally found it in the middle of a dresser. I didn’t dare look for a bathroom.” Rarity complained.

“My bed was alive! It was like a cute little kitty, it even purred!” Pinkie Pie said laughing.

“My whole room was a bed. It was like one of those padded rooms at the hospital except it was too soft, I kept falling into the floor!” Spike said.

“Well if we’re comparing notes I guess my room didn’t seem so bad.” Applejack said, “everything was eatable ‘cept that all the fruit smelled like chocolate and the flowers smelled like pie.”

“AWWWW LUCKY!” Pinkie said in jealousy.

“What about you, Fluttershy?” Rarity asked.

Fluttershy blushed and tried to hide her face. After an awkward period of silence she answered in just a whisper.

“Well, um, my room was kind of normal. It was decorated with flowers and animals, I thought it was sweet.”

“Oh sure, YOU get special treatment.” Rainbow grumbled.

“Well!” Discord said offended. “This is the thanks that I get for opening my home to you ponies? And here I thought you were my friends.”

“Of course we’re your friends.” Fluttershy said putting a hoof on his arm smiling. “And I’m sure everypony is grateful. We’ve never stayed anywhere quite like this.” She shot a glare at her friends.

“Oh yeah… sure… of course” the other ponies answered.

“Can we get back to the task at hand?” Applejack asked in exasperation. “Twilight’s counting on us to get her out of that prison and we’re not going to let her down.”

“Spike and I can go practice flying in the southern hills; there are some awesome cliffs we can use.” Rainbow said smiling.

“Cl-cliffs?!” Spike stammered.

“Don’t you worry Spikey Wikey, I’ll go with you. I won’t let Rainbow hurt a single hair on your mane.” Rarity said smiling. She’d rather spend her day on a sunny hill than in a dusty and dirty rodeo anyway.

“And I’m going with Applejack and Fluttershy!” Pinkie announced happily. “If I’m lucky, I can get some caramel corn and peanuts and cotton candy…” she trailed off dreaming of the possilibities.

Fluttershy frowned. She didn’t /want/ to go to the rodeo, but she was the only one who could technically get in. The rodeo officials knew what Applejack looked like and wouldn’t believe her if she approached them looking like Fluttershy.

“Are we really sure it’s a good idea to split up? That didn’t work out well for us last time.” Spike pointed out.

“I know it’s not the best idea but if we don’t split up now we may not get tickets sugarcube.” Applejack answered.

“It might be a good idea to figure out a time and a place to meet.” Fluttershy suggested.

“How about the concession stand at the rodeo!?” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Pinkie, how are you still hungry?” Rarity asked in astonishment.

“Oh I’m NEVER too full for caramel corn. Or candy corn. Or regular corn… with butter!” Pinkie answered.

“How about we just agree to meet at the rodeo arena instead?” Rainbow Dash asked. “So long as Spike learns to fly quickly enough we can get Spitfire and the Wonderbolts here before it’s over.”

“Isn’t anypony going to invite me? How rude.” Discord said with a huff.

“Oh! Discord, would you like to come with us to--“ Fluttershy started.

“I’d love to my dear Fluttershy, but I’m afraid I have plans of my own and won’t have even a moment to spare.” Discord answered dramatically.

“Then what in the hoof are you going on about?” Applejack asked.

“It’s always nice to be asked.” Discord answered. The other ponies rolled their eyes.

“Alright Spike, just flap a little faster, no wait… slow down! NO! Don’t tilt like that you’ll just--“ Rainbow shouted just before Spike collided with a tree. He groaned and slid down the tree landing on his back.

“I stayed up longer this time!” He announced happily when Rarity and Rainbow Dash came over to check on him.

“Yeah, I guess so.” Rainbow said, rubbing the back of her neck. She didn’t have this much trouble teaching Twilight to fly so it was disappointing that Spike wasn’t half-way to Cloudsdale by now.

“Oh you are doing just fine!” Rarity said with a smile. She was probably just as concerned as Rainbow Dash but she knew better than to make him feel bad about it.

“I just need to get a little more speed going before I take off!” Spike decided, he sprang up and dusted himself off before racing towards the top of a small hill.

“UGH he’ll never learn to fly in time!” Rainbow muttered as she and Rarity watched Spike take off, hover for a moment, then come crashing back down rolling all the way to the bottom of the hill. Rarity turned to her and jabbed her lightly in the side.

“Of course he will! He just needs a little more encouragement.” Rarity said. She trotted over towards him with a charming smile. “You’re doing so well Spike. I’m sure you’ll be an excellent flyer in no time! Look at all the progress you’ve made.”

“Aw thanks Rarity but, you don’t have to lie to me. I know how much is at stake. I mean, what if Applejack doesn’t win the rodeo and no pony gets a ticket into the Gala and Twilight has to stay in the dungeon even longer because I can’t get to Cloudsdale to find Spitfire because I CAN’T FLY! I’m sorry you got stuck switched with me Rainbow Dash, I wish you could have at least traded with Fluttershy.” Spike said, burying his face in his hooves.

“Now what kind of attitude is that?” Rainbow Dash said sternly but with a smile. “I’m GLAD you’re the one who gets to fly up there and save the day, you wanna know why? Because you’re the most determined little pony, er dragon, that I’ve ever met! Now come on, Twilight’s not going to sit in that cell if we have anything to say about it!” Rainbow Dash concluded.

“Yeah!” Spike replied his face lit up with a smile.

“So get out there and show me some flapping!” Rainbow shouted.

“Okay!” Spike replied, running towards the hill again with a resolute smile.

“How did you do that?” Rarity asked in astonishment.

“Do what?” Rainbow wondered.

“Cheer him up like that. I’ve been trying all morning to give him some encouragement; usually he’s always so pleasant around me.” Rarity said in huff.

“Maybe he just can’t take you seriously.” Rainbow said, chuckling to herself as she looked Rarity up and down. Rarity snorted angrily and looked up at her pink bouncy mane.

“What? Not serious… Are you kidding me?!” Rarity asked, her tone of voice going an octive higher. “Pinkie Pie or not I am STILL the best motivator to my little Spikey Wikey and I’m going to prove it!”

Rarity stormed off towards Spike, who was caught in the higher branches of a tree. He spit out a few leaves and tried to pull himself free from his current predicament.

“Oh hey Rarity, I know I know: I’m doing so well and I’ll get it soon.” Spike said, almost robotically. It was like he had no idea he was even talking to his pony crush.

“Now you listen here Spikey Wikey!” Rarity shouted up to him. “You’re going to get up there and you’re going to maintain your altitude and you WILL land on the ground with grace, do you hear me?” She said.
Spike looked down at her, mouth-a-gape.

“Uhhh…” was all he could muster.

“Flying is not just about speed: it’s like a dance, there are many different factors you have to take into consideration. Use the breeze to lift your wings and allow it to carry your whole body. Flap your wings in unison, make them work together to lift you up off the ground…” Rarity said, getting a little dreamy-eyed as she talked. Spike tried flapping his wings again. He closed his eyes and put forth as much effort as he could to keep the rhythm constant and the speed in check. He only opened his eyes once he had successfully hovered above the ground for a minute and realized he wasn’t hovering at all, he was airborne! As he celebrated his victory, and teetered his balance in the sky Rainbow looked at Rarity in shock and awe.

“That’s exactly what I’ve been TRYING to teach him all morning.” She said both pleased and bitter. “How do you know all that?”

“Don’t you remember my fabulous debut in Cloudsdale with my beautiful… beautiful wings? Well, I wasn’t going to say anything but even a graceful pony like myself needed to take a few flying attempts before she got the hang of it. Honestly, I don’t see what the fuss is all about.” Rarity replied with a shrug.

“Rainbow! Rarity! Look at me!” Spike shouted, spinning around in the air.

“That’s great Spike, now it’s time to put it to the real test, let’s head on over to those cliffs.” Rainbow called up to him. Spike stopped looping and his eyes grew wide. He teetered in the air a few times before losing his balance completely and crashing to the ground again. Rarity and Rainbow exchanged concerned looks and hoped AJ and the others were having better luck.

The Canterlot Rodeo was a highly populated event held on the grounds just to the east of the castle. Brightly colored tents surrounded the dirt arena where the other nine contestant ponies were practicing their moves. Unlike in the past, the qualifying rounds were already completed from different rodeo arenas across Equestria. Even Appoleoosa hosted an event for the rodeo this year: the bronco buck. The final rodeo event was being held in Canterlot to crown the overall rodeo champion. Applejack had four gold medals from the nine previous events; a new personal record. She was one of the ponies rumored to have this “in the bag”.
On the one hand, getting past the officials was easy once Fluttershy convinced the pony judges that Pinkie and Applejack were her coaches. On the other hand, performing would be an entirely different story. Today’s event was a combination of the different activities the contestants had already faced in the weeks past. This time, however, each activity was placed on an obstacle course; the first to cross the finish line would win the gold medal and the tickets. It didn’t take long for Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy to come up with a scheme that could get them out of trouble. They decided to use the same technique that Applejack and Rarity used at the sisterhooves social. Fluttershy could start the race and perform the hay bale lasso then cake herself in mud over at the pig-catching pen where Applejack would seamlessly take her place and finish out the race.

“Ya gotta really use those leg muscles sugarcube, try aiming for that there fence post.” Applejack said. Fluttershy was having a difficult time with her lasso, despite the improved strength of Applejack’s body. She released the rope and smiled when she felt it land on something. She tugged the rope tighter and turned to see if she’d lassoed the pole.

“Good job Fluttershy!” Pinkie exclaimed happily. “You just caught an Applejack!”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Fluttershy said, helping to loosen the rope from Applejack.

“Don’t be sorry, that was great! Just gotta work on your aim a bit.” Applejack said.

“Yeah! And you’ve still got a whole ten minutes to practice!” Pinkie Pie said.

“TEN MINUTES?!” Applejack and Fluttershy shouted in unison.

“Contestants to the starting line!” An announcer pony said, their voice echoing from a megaphone somewhere out of sight.

“Oh, strike that, I guess my watch is a bit slow.” Pinkie said, holding up her right hoof where a watch had been drawn onto her fur.

Fluttershy started hyperventilating. Somehow she had managed to spend almost two hours practicing this one move and she still couldn’t get it right.

“Calm down now sugar cube, you’ll be just fine! All you have to worry about is reaching that mud pit, okay?” Applejack said calmly. Not wanting to waste any more time Applejack excused herself and ran into position on the other side of the arena.

“Oh dear, oh dear.” Fluttershy whispered, shaking on her hooves.

“Come on Fluttershy.” Pinkie Pie said, pushing her friend along with her head. Fluttershy’s hooves dug into the ground as she was pushed.

“I don’t think this is such a great idea. All those ponies watching me? Judging me?” She cried.

“Aww it’s not that bad! I have to perform in front of ponies all the time! Nothing terrible’s ever happened to me before.” Pinkie said, stopping Fluttershy on the starting mark while the other contestant ponies got into place.

“Really?” Fluttershy asked smiling timidly.

“Sure! Unless you count the time I slipped and fell into the table and had the punch bowl land on my face. Or maybe the time I accidently tripped over that tree root and I knocked over Mayor Mare just before she was about to take that first yummy bite of cake at the Ponyville Day Celebration.” Pinkie said, trailing off on the many mistakes and embarrassing moments that she had had to endure. Somehow, that didn’t make Fluttershy feel any better.

“Contestants at the ready? On your mark…” the announcer pony started.

“You can do it Fluttershy!” Pinkie Pie said with a smile.

“Get set…”

“No I can’t! I’ll ruin everything!” Fluttershy countered.

“I know you can! Besides, you’re the best-- oh hey! Look! I found the cotton candy pony! “ Pinkie Pie said distracted mid-sentence.

“The best what?” Fluttershy asked frantically.


The other ponies raced past Fluttershy leaving her behind in a cloud of dust. When the dust settled Fluttershy was shaking on the ground, her hooves over her head. Pinkie Pie was already gone, arguing prices with the vendor pony. Fluttershy squeaked and started a much slower pace towards the first obstacle: the lasso. The ponies were supposed to lasso a bale of hay and pull it towards a red marker on the ground. The weight of the hay didn’t bother Fluttershy, she knew this body was more than capable, but it just seemed so far away. This was the only thing she needed to do right, and she couldn’t let Applejack down. She picked up the rope with her mouth and reared up on her back hooves getting the lasso started. Applejack watched hopefully from her hiding place, seeing the other rodeo ponies move on to the next event before Fluttershy even had a chance.

“Go Fluttershy!” Pinkie cheered loudly from behind her, cotton candy smeared down her face. Other ponies around her looked at her in confusion; seeing a sophisticated pony like Rarity with blue and pink smeared all over her mouth was quite a sight.

Fluttershy released the lasso and completely missed the target. The crowd moaned in disappointment and Fluttershy gingerly reeled it back in. Applejack had to watch helplessly, unable to give herself up to help comfort her friend. When Fluttershy missed the hay barrel again the crowd was less than pleased, a few of the ponies began booing. Fluttershy immediately receded into herself, backing away from the crowd timidly. Before she had the chance to run away completely the rope in her mouth sprang up on its own and twirled around in the air. Fluttershy opened her mouth in astonishment and yet the rope did not fall.

“Hey I think I’m getting the hang of this!” Pinkie Pie called from behind Fluttershy. Fluttershy bit back down on the rope and turned to see Pinkie Pie using her magic to assist her. The rope landed perfectly around the bale of hay and Fluttershy smiled. She pulled against the rope and dragged the hay over to the line. She raced confidently towards the pig wrangling challenge and splashed into the mud. Applejack grabbed her hat and winked to Fluttershy as they traded places.
Applejack knew she had to make up for a lot of lost time but with each section she came to she was able to pass more ponies. Fluttershy wiped the crusted dirt from her fur. Once she was safely out of the lime light, she felt like herself again. The clock on the scoreboard showed that only ten minutes had passed and the lead pony was only on the fourth challenge. By that point Applejack was in 6th place and still finishing up the third challenge. Pinkie joined Fluttershy on the sidelines and was cheering so loudly that she had to stop and take a break just to catch her breath. So far so good!

The clock on the scoreboard indicated that it was just over forty minutes into the rodeo and the crowd was going crazy. The contestant ponies were closing in on the final challenge. Applejack was one of the four ponies in the lead, battling for first place. Pinkie Pie was so nervous that she was clutching onto Fluttershy tightly, both of them holding their breaths in anticipation. Applejack leapt over the last hurdle in the ninth challenge, now in second place, and made her way towards the bull pen.

The last challenge was the hardest of them all: bull herding. The contestant ponies were expected to guide some of the largest and meanest bulls in Equestria through a track of twists and turns quickly but without getting trampled. Each bull had been trained to react to a certain bright and blinding color and each contestant pony would wear that color on a vest to attract a bull's attention. Each bull had a different course to run; large walls of hay separated each course from the other to keep the bulls apart. The contestant from Appleloosa was in the lead. He donned his orange vest and the rodeo officials released his bull. The bull snorted angrily, his eyes growing wide at the sight of the vest and followed the pony through the twists and turns of the track towards the finish line. Applejack arrived next; donning a bright green vest she signaled to the rodeo ponies to release her bull.

"YEEEE HAW!" Applejack called happily when the gate was lifted; this was one of her favorite events and she was sure she would win. As she began the chase, one of the front runner contestants from Phillydephia decided he wasn't about to lose this race without a fight. He went off course thinking he could find a short-cut to the finish line. Unfortunately, the bull ran too fast for the contestant pony to control. The pony screamed and dodged out of the way as the bull ran into the sidelines of the course causing the wall of hay between courses to come crashing down. Now this bull had crossed into the path of a different contestant and her bull. Angry at the collision, the first bull gave out a mighty cry and chased the second rather than the pony. The crowd screamed in horror as the walls separating each bull from the other were destroyed by the fighting animals. Being very territorial, the bulls charged at each other while the ponies ran away helplessly trying to avoid their wrath.

The Phillydelphia pony laughed when he saw the chaos he'd created. He found his bull, the one who would follow his bright yellow vest, and kicked out one of his legs from under him. After the bull came crashing down he looked up at the pony in rage and charged at him. He raced towards the finish line, paying no mind to the ponies scrambling behind him. Applejack had avoided this mess and was oblivious to the chaos going on behind her. The crowd was cheering, gasping, and crying out so loudly it was difficult to understand what was going on.

"Woah nelly!" Applejack cried in shock when she saw the Phillydelphia contestant's bull zoom past her. She knew these bulls were supposed to be upset but this one seemed particularly dangerous. She turned around to see what state her own bull was in and was met with an eyeful.

Applejack didn't even have to think; she ripped off the iridescent green vest and raced to help the other ponies. Confused, her bull stopped in his tracks and trampled the vest into the dust before looking around wondering what he should do next; he eventually caught sight of the other bulls and joined their fiasco.When Applejack jumped from one course to another her wings broke free of the restraint she wore to keep them hidden. The crowd gasped in confusion when they saw them and Applejack knew it was too late to pretend anymore. She was barely able to pull a frightened pony away before a bull collided with the wall where she had been cowering. The rodeo officials were racing onto the track trying to contain the situation. Applejack wove in and out of the bulls with her sight set on a group of three ponies who needed her help.

"Hey you big BULLies!" Pinkie Pie called out. She was standing on the wall near the stampede wearing a large ridiculous rodeo clown outfit. "Betcha can't catch me!" She challenged with a giggle. The bright colors of her outfit only served to anger the bulls further and they took her bait; chasing after her and leaving the others a chance to escape. Applejack helped to get three more pony contestants over the wall to safety. She looked back into the arena and spotted five more ponies that were trapped inside. Pinkie Pie was having far too much fun leading the bulls in various directions, but as they ran past Applejack her long tail was caught under one of the bull's hooves and she fell to the ground.

"Hey! Look at me!" Pinkie Pie called out when she saw Applejack fall. She tried desperately to distract the bull so Applejack could get away.

Applejack struggled to find her footing, tripping on the dusty arena floor. Beads of sweat were pouring down her cheeks as she realized they were closing in on her and she couldn't see where to run. But before she even had a chance to scream, something pulled her up off the ground and into the air.

"Gotcha!" A familiar Pegasus pony said. The bulls that had been pursuing her collided into each other and snorted in anger when she was whisked away. It was Spitfire who had caught Applejack and she set her down safely with a smile. Applejack sighed with relief when she saw that the other Wonderbolts had rescued every other contestant pony. All that was left to handle now were the stampeding bulls below them; well out of harm's way.

"APPLEJACK!" Spike cried out, throwing his hooves around her in a hug.

"You were almost trampled!" Rarity gasped.

"I would have been if it weren't for Spitfire here." Applejack said, trying to catch her breath.

"Looks like we came just in time." Spitfire agreed.

The crowd erupted into cheers again as the Wonderbolts smiled and took a bow. The rodeo officials were attending to the pony contestants making sure every pony was alright. Applejack and the others saw pony officials leading the Phillydelphia contestant from the arena. His head was lowered and he plead for them to let him go; he claimed he had no idea what could have caused his animal to go crazy like that. Hearing this, Applejack was reminded of the state that the dragons had been in back in Ponyville… this outburst of crazed animals was a coincidence, right?

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was working with a few of the ponies that were attempting to calm the poor creatures down. She couldn't seem to get through to them, nor could she understand what they were trying to say. She exchanged worried glances with Applejack; she too saw the connection to the dragons in the Everfree forest.

"You're the only pony who even came close to the finish line... does that mean you win?" Spike asked excitedly.

"Uh… I don't think so Spike. They know we cheated." Applejack said sadly extending her wings and pulling them back in again.

"Aw come on! You should get extra points for saving lives!" Pinkie said.

"Doesn't matter, the Wonderbolts are here!" Rainbow Dash said with a grin. "We don't need the rodeo tickets, Spitfire will get us in."

The ponies all exchanged words of relief and happiness at that news.

“Yeah… about that…" Spike said awkwardly."I think we need to go somewhere a little more quiet to talk."

Spike and the others left the arena fearing the worst while the Wonderbolts stayed behind attending to the thankful and excited crowd. Spitfire caught the group leaving from the corner of her eye and excused herself to join them; she had bad news to deliver.


It had taken a few minutes but with Fluttershy’s help the bulls finally calmed down. They were collapsed on the arena floor sweaty and panting for breath. She rejoined the others just as Spitfire had pulled them aside. The group of them wandered away from the rodeo far enough to where they could hear themselves think.

“But I don’t understand, you’re the Wonderbolts!” Rainbow said defensively. “What do you mean you can’t get us in?”

“I’m afraid it’s not like that Rainbow Dash.” Spitfire said calmly. “We don’t use tickets to get into the Gala, we just join in after the performance. No pony gets through unless they’re a Wonderbolt.”

The others sighed in disappointment. It turns out that by the time Spike could reach Cloudsdale the Wonderbolts were already on their way to practice in Canterlot. If he had been there even half a minute later he would have missed them completely. Rarity and Rainbow left for the rodeo as soon as Spike had disappeared into the sky and they arrived there at the same time Spike and the Wonderbolts did. Spike’s description of their problem piqued Spitfire’s curiosity which ultimately persuaded her into going to see the others to explain.

“If you can get in the Wonderbolts and I can help you get past the phony princess. From what Spike tells me Trixie is the kind of pony that likes a lot of attention. We sure get plenty of that.” Spitfire offered.

Before any pony could respond they were interrupted by the sound of Discord’s laugh. He appeared beside them wearing a matador’s costume.

“I can’t believe how much fun it is to watch you ponies in a crisis. Priceless!” he said, waving his red cape.

“Are you telling me you’ve been watching us ALL ALONG? I thought you had more important things to do today than help us.” Applejack asked angrily.

“Well, the more I thought about it the more I didn’t want to miss out on seeing the performance you ponies gave me. I think my favorite part was watching the flying lesson for our little dragon friend. ” Discord said still laughing.

“You watched that and you didn’t even offer to go to Cloudsdale for us?” Rainbow said, her patience running thin.

“You were getting along just fine without me.” Discord countered.

This time not even Fluttershy could offer a kind word to him.

“What do we do now?” Fluttershy asked sadly.

“We’re doomed!” Rarity cried.

“Maybe we could sneak in?” Spike asked.

“It’s mighty risky.” Applejack commented. “Every guard in Canterlot will be there.”

“I find the best way to enter a party is with a ticket.” Discord said. He snapped his fingers and six golden tickets appeared fanned out in his claw.

“Are… you… KIDDING ME?!” Pinkie Pie Screamed. She ran up to Discord and pulled him down to her level by his beard. “You had these the whole time?!”

“No pony ever thought to ask me if I had a way into the Gala.” Discord said, crossing his arms.

“Why… but… when… HOW?” Rarity demanded.

“Princess Celestia gave them to me. She told me to invite you ponies while she was gone; she said you six might keep things interesting while she’s away and that somepony would need to ‘reel me in’.” Discord replied matter-of-factly.

“UGGHHHH” Rainbow Dash said, ramming her head lightly into a tree over and over in frustration. Unable to find a kind word to say everypony looked to Fluttershy. Fluttershy did nothing except stare at him unblinking in disbelief.

“If you don’t want my tickets then I can just invite somepony else…” Discord started.

“Don’t you even think about it.” Applejack said, snatching the tickets from his claw.

“Er… right… maybe I should rejoin the others, our performance is soon.” Spitfire said awkwardly. “If you need us once you’re inside come find me.” And without another word she was gone, flying back towards the rodeo.

“If looks could kill!” Discord said, amused.

“Discord, I think you need to go.” Fluttershy finally said. Discord looked over at her in surprise when he heard that.


“I think you need to go.” Fluttershy said again, more sternly this time.

“Ohhhh I get it. Every pony is mad at me, boo hoo hoo…. Does everypony really feel this way? Would you really turn away a friend who has saved you in this hour of need?” Discord asked with sarcasm.

“Don’t you lecture me mister. You’ve hurt your friends feelings and you need to give us some space until you can say you’re sorry.” Fluttershy said, looking him in the eye.

“Sorry?” Discord asked in surprise. “What about you Pinkie Pie, surely you can take a good joke?”

Pinkie Pie shot him a glare with a frightening-sounding growl.

“Alright everypony, I can take a hint. Maybe I’ll just give you all a little time to appreciate my humor. When you’re ready to be friends again you know where to find me” He said with a huff then snapped his fingers and disappeared.

“Remind me again why we continue associating with that creature?” Rarity mumbled.