• Published 14th Jun 2014
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Dark Souls:the descent into friendship - star dust pony

I am a undead,im not sure how i got here,who braught me here or what this this place is...but even my strange dreams...they leave me smiling compared to what i feel is ahead of me

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chapter 4:questions (EDITED VERION)

I felt my blurred vision return to me, though I was in a great amount of pain I reached for my flask... where it came from..? I cannot fathom but as I gulped from the neck of the small bottle I felt strength return to me. "Will you look at that, awake already?" A female voice rang through my ears and this one was simply beautiful. A soft, melodious hum that carried through the air with the gentleness to soothe a dragon. When I opened my eyes to look for the source, however...

"...Bweh?" Really Sparks? By the sun you sounded like an idiot.

The large, rather Beautiful goddess of an equine trotted towards me wearing GOLD horse shoes that ran upward to cover her entire hoof and similar regalia with a... crown? "I see you are rather tired, can you still understand me?" I gave a shaky nod which triggered a light chuckle from the female. "Do not be afraid I know we are strangers but I mean you no harm, unless you mean me harm, of course, I am princess Celestia, and you are?" I wanted to answer but my voice was- PRINCESS?!?!

I quickly jumped to my feet and bowed on my knees. coughing from the sudden burst of strain on my body "I am knight Sparks." I said each word through yet another powerful cough of pain.

"No need to bow young knight, is their a reason you are in our lands?" She was smiling at me... it warmed my heart through for some reason but perhaps its because I was a stranger and yet she was treating me kindly, and she is royalty as well.

I shake my head rapidly. "N-no I merely woke up in a forest." I slowly got up to my feet with a slight struggle. "I found myself here after a dream...I am thinking this is another one...but most people don't wake up from a dream into another dream, fall back asleep and are still in the same dream... please, tell me... is this too, a dream?"

The large winged pony I now knew as Celestia shook her head. "I am afraid not, this is all very much real." I should have known, this had to be real. "...What time is it? I at least want to know if the sun ever sets, as it was not so inclined in my homeland..."

The mare, which is what my father calls his female horses, if I am remembering correctly, looked outside at the moon. "Hmm it's almost morning... soon I shall have to raise the sun, do you have people who do that in your world?" I shook my head but I was glad their were different times of day...back in my world...time moved in circles. 'Time in Lordran is convoluted...' Rather, it did not move at all.

"Time usually seems to move in circles your majesty." I don't know why I was not shocked that I was saying these things to a horse, maybe I just got used to it after seeing four of them talk and saw that they can, frankly, kill me rather easily...now that is just embarrassing. But still something bothers me
'Right between the bloody eyes' was the response from the small voice in my head.

"I see...oh and I'm very sorry about my student, Twilight, she was merely protecting her friend, I wish she used a less painful means of getting you here but what is done cannot be undone." I wanted to say I didn't mind...but I would be lying since I could have died and there would be no bonfire to br-...bonfire...why are those important...why am I mixing up my dream with reality?
Either way; I could have died. To a unicorn.

"Its fine really, I have been through worse." I think.

Celestia turned to me and gave a smile as her horn glowed a brilliant aura and light began shining on the land as the sun rose. "My student should be waking up soon, hopefully she will apologize for harming you." I gazed in amazement, she was not lying that she could truly raise the sun.

"I am sure she will." I needed answers and I needed help, I needed to get home...but...why must I return home? What was so important there?...These dreams are truly beginning to confuse me.

"Are you...alright knight Sparks?" I had not noticed that I was clutching my own head the entire time, since I started thinking. "Did one of my student's shots hit you in the head?"

I shook my head rapidly. "No, It was in the chest and shoulder but not the head...I just...have a slight HEAD ACHE." I overheard sounds of movement from upstairs and something similar to hooves walking on wood.

"Good morning, prince-" Celestia's student had awoken, and by now she was probably thinking of a new way to silence me.

"...Oh...It's awake."

Celestia nodded and walked to her student, if I remember correctly her name is Twilight...odd name. "Yes, I have spoken with him and thus far he is peaceful, If anything the only danger he is to us is only when...well...you attack him with spells." I could see a slightly ashamed blush on Twilight's cheeks...those were her cheeks, right?

"I'm sorry princess, I did it out of panic." She scratched the back of her head with her hoof.

"Its fine my student, but first go get Rainbow dash and meet me at the castle were going to test his skills to see if he can be of assistance...and im sure through my judgement and yours perhaps presenting him to the public as a new guardian wont be a problem." Celestia looked at me and yes it was true, with her wise judgement and the seemingly importance of her student would make it ea- I'm sorry, test my skills to do what now?

Celestia trotted towards me, took a final glance to her student and nodded. "Should I be worried about whats going to happen to me?" I felt one of my eyebrows raise as her horn began glowing.

"No, we are merely going to the castle, please do not panic." I braced myself as she closed her eyes and I felt as if my body was being lifted and in a blinding flare, that I could only describe as sunlight, I was on my back, on the floor starring at the roof of a beautiful castle...it looked as if it was made of a ludicrous amount of marble and GOLD. "Welcome to my throne room, I gave everyone a day off because I had a feeling I'd have to bring you here."

I was left breathless, not even the castle I worked for had anywhere close to this much beauty all contained in one building. "...This...Is simply beautiful..." I rose to me feet and looked around. "I have never seen such a design."

Celestia let out a chuckle and a blush. "Thank you, and while were here I would actually like to see what your capable of." I looked at her, ready to see what she had...and I saw her horn glow yet again.

"Very well...what do you have in store for me?" I knew something was about to be summoned, so I gripped the hilt of my blade.
"This." She smirked confidently as out of a sudden smoke came out familiars of creatures, Equine warriors and Demons...I was trained for this...'Grip firm...'

I pulled my shield from my back, bracing it against my arm.
'Move fast...'

My feet shifted as the muscles coiled like springs in my legs.
'Strike first...'

Steel met flesh.

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