• Published 14th Jun 2014
  • 2,689 Views, 241 Comments

Dark Souls:the descent into friendship - star dust pony

I am a undead,im not sure how i got here,who braught me here or what this this place is...but even my strange dreams...they leave me smiling compared to what i feel is ahead of me

  • ...

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chapter 31:Nightmare's moon part 1 (WARNING:not yet filtered through editor)

My sleepy eyes were having trouble waking up, even with Solare trying to shake me awake but just as I asked for a few more minutes he threw a lightning spear into my ass "YYYEEOW!!" I leaped up involuntarily and fell down. "THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!?!"

Solare took no time to show much sympathy before grabbing my hand and pulling me onto my feat. "Listen, Sparks their is no time to explain but princess Luna...well...she isn't Luna anymore, I MAY have pissed her off slightly." My eyes blinked in disbelief.

"...Solare...how would you EVER piss someone off?" I really couldn't believe that the most optimistic person I know could actually make someone angry.

He took a moment to have a awkward cough and scratch the back of his head. "Well...uhhhh I told Luna that the sun is better than her moon....well...something like that." I felt myself pinch between my eyes under my visor.

I sighed, of course the only way Solare can make the princess of the moon angry is by insulting her moon. "Well what has happened to pri-."

"Nightmare moon..."


"Her name is Nightmare moon, that is what Celestia told me, she is no longer princess Luna." Well he could have just explained that earlier.

I nodded and looked out the window noticing that the sun seems to have vanished and has been replaced with clouds and the moon. "Ohhhh thats not good." A loud crackling laugh sounded into the castle as I instinctively drew out my sword.

"Come on brother, we have got to stop this." Solare gave me a rather worried look before I nodded and fallowed him through halls and halls of unconscious guards.

I looked at each one as we past and it looked as if they could hardly put up a fight against whatever was waiting for us.

We eventually sprinted out into the cold, dim night as a second laughter, this time much closer, caused vibrations through out my armor. "Where is she? and what did she even do?"

Solare looked up at the sky for a moment. "Uhhh...you know...eternal night and all that." ...I didn't know what I was expecting.

I saw the chilling glare of a figure standing on the roof of a tall watch tower and as soon as our eyes met the massive, dark creature spoke. "Ah look at who has awoken, the little knight that my sister hired as a mercenary to do her dirty work."

I stepped forward to at least TRY to seem challenging. "I am no mercenary and i'm not so little ether, I'm even taller than most po-." And before I could even finish, the figure known as nightmare moon flew down and landed with a thud in-front of me before rising to her full height and looking down at me with a smirk. "...Oh...well...shit."

"You were saying, Little.Knight?" She laughed at me before flying back Slightly. "You should simply return from whence you came, you cannot challenge me, petty mortal."

Solare took a look at me as I sighed and nodded, looking back at Nightmare moon. "Then at least answer me a few questions." I slowly reached for my Ivory talisman.

Nightmare moon simply scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Fine...ask quickly before I FORCE you out of Equestria."

"Why are you jealous of your sister's sun? does it really matter who is more appreciated? I am sure their are ponies out their who prefer the moon too." I gripped my talisman and took a deep breath.

Nightmare moon took a moment to think before returning her gaze to me. "I suppose it is simply my SPITE for the sun, So many ponies enjoy its rays and play during the time of day and at night they ignore the moon and sleep through its beauty and those who despise the moon greatly outweigh the ones who embrace it."

I start focusing on the spell I wish to cast as I take aim with my eyes. "Alright...and one more thing:how do you know people wont simply hate you more if you erase the sun entirely?"

This caused her to think slightly longer but even her answer seemed unsure. "Hmmm...I'll...I'll simply dispose of the rebellion." She took another moment to think and just as she did.

"NOW!!" I pulled my talisman back, creating a great lightning spear as Solare created a lightning spear as well and just before the electric bolts could strike nightmare moon she used a dark magic to whack them to the side and fire a beam of pure dark, causing me to roll away with a clank of my armor and a slight hit on my head.

"HAHAHA I KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO PULL TRICKERY!!!" She laughed yet again as if I was a joke. "I always knew that you would never give up so easily, I would have been more shocked if you simply left without a word."

"We both know I can't do that." I rolled out and stood, starring up at her. "And you and I both know...that you cannot think straight...you are overcome with dark...I can sense it in your soul, but the moon is not made of dark...are you going to betray your own moon?"

She gave a slightly concerned look to herself. "You...you don't know what your talking about."

Solare decided to step in and add to my little speech. "The moon is nothing without the sun and the sun is nothing without the moon, You cannot take one away and expect the other to rule...its allot like dealing with the dark sign...no matter how much you hate it, you cannot get rid of it because it will always come back and its your choice to ether embrace it and use it to help reach your goals or reject it and live in denial." I'm not entirely sure Solare worded that correctly but i'm just going to roll with it.

Nightmare moon simply began to growl. "I WILL find a way to be rid of the sun...but I see your point...I shall return when I find a way to destroy the sun entirely and then I shall truly be the victor." With a few strong flaps of her wings she vanished into the sky and away, the clouds leaving as the sun slowly returned upon her absence.

"...Not a permanent solution...but at least now we have time to make a plan."...Celestia is not going to be happy when she hears about this.

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