• Published 14th Jun 2014
  • 2,689 Views, 241 Comments

Dark Souls:the descent into friendship - star dust pony

I am a undead,im not sure how i got here,who braught me here or what this this place is...but even my strange dreams...they leave me smiling compared to what i feel is ahead of me

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chapter 29:simply exhausted (WARNING:not yet filtered trough editor)

I limped up the stairs to the castle, my armor clanging and vibrating with each step as I felt my breath rapidly leaving and re-entering me, the journey back was allot more tiring than I thought. "How much...more steps...does this FUCKING place have?" My light headed-ness could no longer cope with my heavy armor and I fell to the floor like a armor wearing manikin that got bumped down.

I heard the clopping of hoof-steps descending the stares to meet me before letting out almost a brain melting giggle. "My my sir Sparks, what defeated you? is walking your secret weakness?" Normally i'd be happy to hear Celestia's sweet and elegant voice...at the moment however...I was not in the mood for jokes.

I let out a pained groan as I tried to get up only to have my back flare up in pain and my arms collapse. "S-...shut up princess...im in FAR too much pain to have any pleasant conversations at the moment." Even with my warning she still chuckled and I felt my limp body get lifted up by a warm force that didn't seem to have a physical form...telekinesis.

She began carrying me up the stares as my head and limbs hanged limp in her tight grip. "Its alright Sparks, even I occasionally have a bad day." She opened the gate with a similar telekinetic push. "Just try not to overly strain yourself in this state." She clearly has not seen me at my worst condition.

I let out a cough which burned and itched my throat and caused dust to kick out of my helmet. "Believe me princess...if need be...I can still fight." As she slowly put me down and the tight grip on my armor loosened as I slowly rose from my hands and knees.

She walked in-front of me with a slightly skeptical look in her eyes...with a little concern for me as well...how sweet. "Regardless of your fighting abilities, if someone is going to be fighting for me I don't want them to risk themselves any more than they already are, I know you have faced allot worse than what iv thrown at you but i'm positive that somewhere outside the're things that even you cant face and come out alive." As soon as those words entered my ears through my metal shell of a helmet I felt my inner barbarian punch my mental wall...and fucking sunlight spears does it hurt.

I fixed my off-hand's gauntlet before turning my head to her, slowly as the creaking of my helmet seemed to cause silence around us as with a few clanks of my armor I turned to face her. "Never doubt my princess...believe it or not but I have many things that killed me and yet I learned and I came back to fight again..." I saw her eyes flare with a worried panic as she moved her head forward to get closer to mine.

"Listen, I don't care what you say, your not in your world any more, for all we know you could die and we never see you again..." She slowly calmed down enough so that her worry let her speak elegantly again as she let out a sigh. "I know your a powerful fighter but when it comes down to it I don't want to risk having someone die because I allowed them to be reckless...to me its the same as sending someone on a suicide mission..."

I could see tears slowly welling in her eyes, it wasn't just me she cared for it was everyone who was under her rule...but I was still going to remind her of what kind of person I am. "...Do you remember our conversation princess? you said it yourself, the way I fight is brutal, reckless and I basically throw myself at the enemy and cut them down without a second thought, that itself would be a suicide mission in any condition outside of a war zone." Her eyes that were still shinning from freshly built up tears looked up at me as she blinked and some of them dripped down her cheek.

She slowly nodded and wiped her eyes clean. "True...I suppose...but still, you are a guardian of Equeastria and if it comes between risking your own life or protecting the others...pleas be careful and maintain your own life just as much as the ones you protect...if they are caught in a position where your their only position losing you may mean ponies lose their lives...and I don't want anyone to lose their lives to be honest, not even the wicked...but I suppose with you things can't be avoided." She rose her head again, allot calmer as I gave a small nod.

"Very well princess, if that is what you want then I will do so." The tightness of my helmet pressing against my rather thick yet soft scarf made it hard to bow my head but I did so regardless...aaaand then I felt my legs shake and collapse under me,making me fall over. "...Ow..."

As much as the princess tried to hold in her laughter I could still hear her chuckle then laugh for a moment. "I-i'm so sorry but that was simply too funny." She laughed a bit more and the rather elegant voice she maintained at least made her laugh lighter and more bearable than most. "Here, allow me to assist you." As she picked me up again...I felt my eye lids grow heavy and within moments...I felt myself fall into a deep...dark...sleep.

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