• Published 14th Jun 2014
  • 2,687 Views, 241 Comments

Dark Souls:the descent into friendship - star dust pony

I am a undead,im not sure how i got here,who braught me here or what this this place is...but even my strange dreams...they leave me smiling compared to what i feel is ahead of me

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chapter 22:great beasts (WARNNG:not yet filtered through editor)

I look behind me and the entire town feels like its backing away as my heart feels like it stopped as my arms shake. "Knight Sparks...what is that?" Celestia turned her head to me and worries as she saw me backing away and stumbling slowly.

"No...not him...not...him." Solaire rushes to my side and draws his blade.

"STAY BACK YOU BRUTE!!!!!" His words didn't seem to affect the being at all as its hammer rose to the sky and its sick laugh filled the air.

I jumped up and grabbed my sword and shield as the hammer came down and nearly smashed Solaire flat, almost.

"SPARKS!!!!" I hadn't noticed that it had swung again until Twilight yelled my name just in time to have my face smashed and thrown into the window of a building.

A pink mare with a flower in her ear screams as I crush through her table and groan. "Sorry about that." I jumped up and ran out again as Solaire was dodging the strikes from the hammer. "COME ON YOU GIANT, TRY TO STRIKE ME DOWN!!!!" Solaire also began slashing at its legs whenever he could.

I began a sprint directly towards the cruel being only to receive yet more powerful blow than the last and i went flying through the trees and towards the way it came from.

I felt a shiver as I was sent flying into the air and landed on my back...wait...in the air? I was hit side ways and-...A-...Anor londo? what? "What on earth is this?"

I quickly got up and looked around and saw Smough's and Orenstein's lifts and the chamber of princess up above...wait...Smough was alone when he showed up...does that mean-...oh no.


I turned quickly as my Shield blocked the brutal spear of Orenstein and our eyes met...this was not a battle of hate...it was one of honor and for me...vengeance.

I looked down at where i came from and saw what looked like a gigantic humanity but with a image of a path that leads straight to the battle of Smough and Solaire's battle as it drew closer to what seemed like another portal between this world and my new home...wait...what did I just say?

"This will not be a easy battle without your friend will it?" I glared into Orenstein's helmet as he braced himself and charge-pushed me into the portal and lands on top of me only for Solaire to run over to kick him off.

"Just like old times eh?" Solaire stood next to me as I rose...the terrible duo...was back.

"Oh yes...but this time we are deadlier than ever." Solaire nodded but I had to pause for a moment to notice the purple aura inseminating from from Orenstein. "Hmmm...go after Smough first."

Again my friend nodded as we sprinted over to Smough, Orenstein not doing at thing as his fighting ally was being struck from two directions and Smough could do little but attempt to strike one of us, fail then get stunned from the strength of both our blades.

Orenstein began struggling to move,slowly beginning to move one muscle at a time. "S-Sparks...Solaire...h-hurry." Twilight's voice sounded strained in my head...she was holding him back.

I put my main sword away and with a spin I drew out a black knight's halberd which I quickly began putting to work on Smough and this proved to hurt him allot more, almost tearing apart his armor. "SOLAIRE, STRIKE HIM WITH A LIGHTNING SPEAR TO FINISH HIM OFF!!!!"

Solaire leaped back. "YES SIR, HA HA!!!" He draw his arm back as a Lightning spear formed and he threw it into Smough's head just as Twilight lost her grip on Orenstein and I leaped back before his spear could meet with me. "This shall be a easier battle I say."

Before Solaire could charge I put a hand in front of him and shook my head. "No...this would not be honorable towards someone like this."

"What?" I threw my shield on the floor and put down the halberd as Orenstein only watched.

I took a bow as Orenstein surprisingly put his spear to the side and did the same as I picked up the halberd again. "If i'm going to fight him...I want to fight him fair and at his best..." I stepped to the side, taking Solaire with me before gesturing to Smough's body...and Orenstein gave another smaller bow as he walked over to his fallen partner and put a hand on him, praying before growing to a larger state.

"But Sparks THIS IS SUICIDE!!!" Solaire got in front of me but I gently pushed him to the side.

"I know...but I want to do this...I may be a worrier of the sun but I still fight with a knight's honor." I took a deep breath and got ready and so did Orenstein.

Just as he zoomed forward and I prepared for impact...he stopped, just moments before impaling me. "DO NOT HURT HIM!!!" I heard a familiarly elegant voice just under my field of view.

"YEA, WE WONT LET YOU HURT HIM!!!!" That was Twilight's voice next to it.


I looked down and saw:Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie pie in order from left to right. "What are you three doing?"

Twilight spoke first without even turning to look at me. "We are protecting you just like any friend should, we would have done it with the big guy but he clearly shows no heart, reason or brains, this guy can therefor he knows that what hes about to to do is horrible." Orenstein surprisingly just stood their for a moment before putting his spear on his back.

Rarity levitated a rolled up news paper and...bopped Orenstein on the head repeatedly. "Bad...bad lion...bad cat." After each word she gave him another bop...Okay yea I admit that was actually silly enough to get a chuckle out of me.

Oreinstein looked at me and Solaire, returned to his normal size and held Smough's soul in his hand before giving it to me as I heard a faint whisper in my ear. "...You need him more..." As I took the soul, Orenstein dashed off into the Forrest and to the portal as I fallowed quickly and as we looked at each other through the portal...it felt like starring at a mirror.

"...Good luck..." We both reached for the portal and as our fingers almost touched the wish from both of us closed the portal and it left a small humanity speck floating on the floor as I took it.

Solaire walked up behind me and stayed silent for a moment. "...That was very honorable of you to allow that...I'm not sure how many others would be strong willed enough to face a stronger opponent alone by their own choice." I merely nodded and started walking back to the town...with my brother by my side.

Author's Note:

well that was a fun episode to write ^3^ can't wait for MY BLOODY EDITOR TO GET THE TIME IN HIS DAY TO WORK ON CORRECTING THIS but you know,beggers can't be choosers

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