• Published 14th Jun 2014
  • 2,689 Views, 241 Comments

Dark Souls:the descent into friendship - star dust pony

I am a undead,im not sure how i got here,who braught me here or what this this place is...but even my strange dreams...they leave me smiling compared to what i feel is ahead of me

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chapter 16:my world coming to haunt me (WARNING:not yet filtered through editor)

I turned around and I bad already had my hand on my blade. "RRRRRRAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!" A dark wraith swings at me but just as it does I draw my blade and block it as I kick it away and leap back.

"EVERYONE GET BACK!!!!!" It had used a red eye orb...and it decided to come to me...shit.

Everyone stopped and gasped as the music halted but it seem the DJ wasn't so shocked. "...Aaaaahhh buck it, TIME TO PLAY SOME BATTLE MUSIC TO THIS SHIT!!!!" She switched the track to something that sounded like a end of the world battle...seriously?

I kept a eye on the dark wraith as we circled each other like angry doges and we both leaped at each other, I tried a back hand slash at it and it tried a downward slash on me causing our blades to collide but it did leave itself wide open for something...I don't often do this but I rammed the sharp end of my shield in its stomic, not piercing anything but stunning it.

As it was stunned I kicked it in the skull only to be greeted by a ear splitting screech. "GAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" I fell to my knees as it was about to ram its sword into me.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!" I could hear Twilight yell out just as the dark wraith gets slammed into a tree and I get up and looks at you.

"Thank you." I could spot a smile just before I looked back at the monster...and four more rose from the ground just as everypony backed away...weeeeellllll fuck. "Oh you are joking." I put my sword away and took out my ember as the dark wraiths surrounded me...this wasn't going to kill them...but. "BURN YOU SOUL SUCKING MONSTERS!!!!" I threw the building energy into the ground causing a small fire storm which scorched them and defiantly hurt them but didn't kill them, but all I needed was for them to be weak.

Their skins hissed and one leaped at me with its sword risen to the sky, by then I had already swung my shield and staggered it and rammed my sword right through its chest, little knowing that the one behind me had leaped at me and was mere seconds away from putting me on the tip of its sword.

"SPARKY WATCH OUT!!!!" That pink pony yelled at me just in time.

I throw myself back over its sword as my own gets pulled out and I roll backwards and land on my feet as it tries grabbing my face to consume my humanity...good...these things are easy as hell to dodge. "Yoohoo." I was already behind it and my sword met its heart with brute force and I twisted it in its flesh before kicking it off...two down...three to go.

I lightly panted as the other three circled me, they all decided to attack at once...I couldn't do a thing their...it was too quick and the three swords impaled me making the crowed gasp. "S-SPARKS?!?" Twilight covered her mouth with her hooves.

As my body began going cold and limp I gripped my sword again before it fell out of my hand. "...I'm not dead yet." I dropped my talisman as I used 'Force' to blast them and their swords off me and yet the wounds were still their, wide and gaping but no matter. "It takes more than just that to put a end to me." They all struck again but this time I was prepared.

I rolled out of the way causing two to miss and the last one to trip and fall as I take the chance and stab its head and I took a deep breath, the closer one to the right tried to take advantage of me not having a shield by thrusting at me but its arm was only met with cold of my blade before its neck met the same fate.

I starred down the last dark wraith. "Well? what are you waiting for? strike me already...or are you afraid hmm?" I took a step forward and it took a step back...I made a promise to make evil feel fear...I was not lying. "Oooohhh is the evil dark wraith afraid?" I kept approaching it until it was backed into a wall and it tried to use its dark and shield only for me to kick its legs and ram my elbow into the side of its head. "Good...because im letting you go...under one condition:you tell your little buddies if they ever attempt to come here again...I will obliterate them."

It was shaking by this point and it warped off as the crowed was silent for a moment then cheered...then immediately panicked again because when someone who was just stabbed falls to the floor it usually isn't a good sign...like...what happened to me.

My vision was black for what felt like forever and my body felt cold...very cold, I hardly knew what to do at this point, I could not move and I could not see...I never thought i'd call those...ponies...this but...its up to my friends now.

I started hearing faint voices. "Is he going to be alright doctor?" It was hazy and muffled but I know it was Twilight.

"It looks like he'll be fine, Hes very resilient, if I had to say I think he'd actually be able to survive far worse." I assume it was the doctor's voice, he sounded nice.


Ahem, sorry about that, anyway I felt my vision slowly return to me and most of what I saw was the comfort of my own helmet...I don't know why...I just always felt so safe in my armor, like the sun is a father and my armor is the mother who holds her children to keep the safe...by fuck that was horribly worded. "Uuuugghhh...I feel like a boulder made of swords ran me over."

I saw Celestia, Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow dash and that pink one all looking at me a I rose fro the rather nice be-...this is ether not a doctor's building or this is just how they designed it here... "Oh thank goodness your alright." Twilight smiled at me.

"Of course I am." I chuckled before looking at the princess. "Greetings princess, again sorry about the uuhhh...'snuggle session' With your sister...well technically it isn't as bad as...other things."

Celestia chuckled. "Its alright, shes the one who left, although I did have to find a punishment for her." For a moment things went silent and...the room went dark? but it was morning...wait...

I looked out the window and...the moon was...gulp, its blocking out the sun.

Author's Note:

ahhhhh I love writing this for you all :3

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