• Published 14th Jun 2014
  • 2,689 Views, 241 Comments

Dark Souls:the descent into friendship - star dust pony

I am a undead,im not sure how i got here,who braught me here or what this this place is...but even my strange dreams...they leave me smiling compared to what i feel is ahead of me

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chapter 10:journey towards the hive part 1(WARNING:not yet filtered through editor)

I got up from the cushions under me to gaze at the crowd of ponies looking at me. "Is their a problem?" I felt like I would regret asking that.

A hooded pony with a smirk that made me uncomfortable stepped forward and spoke. "Oh no no no, not at all, we were just going to plead that you do something for us." His voice even made me want to draw my sword but I resisted.

"...What is it?" I kept a hand close to my blade's hilt just in case.

"...You remember those insect ponies you killed not long ago?" I gave a small nod in response which caused his smirk to widen. "We need you to go to their hive and exterminate them all." Exterminate them all? I cant take a swarm of them making bad choices but a entire hive?...but I couldn't say no could I?

I took a deep breath and nodded. "Very well...just point me in the correct direction."

I saw Twilight looking worried far into the crowd and Rainbow dash was trying to take deep breath...I couldn't reach them so I looked at the hooded pony. "Its in the north...now move, knight." He demanded me to make haste so thats what I had to do, Celestia told me I would be a protector...those insect like ponies attacked...they are a threat...therefor now I must obliterate them.

I walked through the crowd as they made a path and made my way to the forest path and the very moment I entered I felt eyes of monstrosities watching me. "They are only eyes sparks...you have felt this before."

Miles into my journey I heard a loud stomping sound and as i looked up from the now heated air I saw what I felt like was a demon, its skin covered in burning flames, its mouth with no lips and stretching from one side of the head to the other with sharp teeth revealing as it stood 16 feet tall as it ran in ramming speeds with its orbs of eyes glowing.


I ducked under its claw slash and jumped over its ground sweep before rolling away from it trying to smash me into the floor. "BY THE SUN THIS THING IS QUICK!!!" I drew my swords as it roared and pounded its bulky chest like a ape, rather fitting since its muscle resembled a rather large one and whatever this demon was called, it is a quick little shit.

"NO ONE PASS, ME KILL!!!!" It jumped up and I was only left gazing up at it as it slammed down onto the floor causing a the earth to shake along with a blast of heat that spread rapidly like a explosion as it sent my flying further back into the path with a now burning sensation in my body as I laid on the floor.groaning.

"C-curses." I rose as it charged towards me yet again but as it swing its punch i ducked under it and then between its leg and sliced its shins making it kneel for a moment before kicking its ass, and im not saying I killed him i quiet literally kicked his ass so he'd fall on the floor and as it fell down I ran my sword through its chest.

"Grrrr puny sword is weak." I felt slightly insulted but I agreed when I pulled my blade it did almost nothing to it. "DIE PUNY BEING!!!" It rose both arms to smash me down but I would have none of that so as it smashed its fists down I hopped back out of the way before pulling out my back up sword...the one I consider a sin to use but love it non the less.

"Then lets see how you enjoy facing a grave lord." I honestly stopped questioning why I keep saying stuff that I remember from my dreams and frankly I came to terms that most of my life is ether a dream or I think it is.

"Ha ha ha, grave lord cute, grave lord pu-." I did not even let it finish its sentence as I pulled out my grave lord's sword... shlink

I felt the large blade rip into its fiery flesh and it looked down at my blade now impaling its shoulder. "No no, grave lord blade deadly." I smirked under my helmet as I kicked it off of my blade and put it on my back and took a swig of estus to heal myself as it returned to its feet.

"RRRRAAAAAAAHHHHH PUNY CREATURE ANNOYING!!!!" it snarled through its lizard like nostrils and got on all fours, scratching the floor like a angry bore...this will be fun.

I drew a ivory talisman and my hand began to glow as it charged. "...Goodnight." I threw the glow into the floor as 20 large orange grave lord blades rose, the grave lord sword dance, it was not just in my dream then.

As the blades rose they created a wall that it ran into and was stopped dead in its tracks as another four blades rose from under it as i heard its chokes. "N-nooooooo." Its body went limp as the blades lowered back into the floor.

I felt its soul enter my body making me feel empowered as I put my grave lord sword away and returned to using my old friend's sword...the path ahead seemed to fear me, all those eyes from earlier, they were now frightened of me...good...the evil of this world should fear me...because im coming for it.

Author's Note:

i decided not to take today off :) i love writing this too much and YAY NOW WE HAVE MORE LIKES THAN DISLIKES, THANK YOU ALL EVERYPONY

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