• Published 12th Jun 2014
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A New World, Burning an Old Way - xBUBBA1995x

John, a pokemon Officer of the law, finds himself in a world of Ponies. And to top it off, he had been changed into a pokemon. But as a Dark force falls upon the Crystal Empire, it falls to him to help save the day... A very painful day...

  • ...

Chapter 20: Canterlot part Two

Warning: This chapter is a bit more dark than the others. I am sorry.

Quie the emotional Rollercoaster.

A New World, Burning an Old Way

Written by: xBUBBA1995x
Edited by: zeusdemigod131
Edited by: tdnpony
Edited by: Ausbrony

Chapter 20: Canterlot part Two

I was given the rank of Captain. I was apart of the Crystal Empire Honor Guard. The only other stallion who held this rank and honor was Shining Armor… I didn’t know what to say, and I still don’t.... I was given medals back on Earth, but none of them were on this scale. I had been honored by leaders, and commended by many, many people… But back on Earth, I did those things because I cared, and I just wanted to finish off Team Rocket…

Looking back on it now, I had missed out a lot because of my drive to do so. Before Equestria, I had never loved. I had a home, but I never felt like a home. A real home, where you would come back to after a long days of work, and just relax with your family… My father, he died long ago, and I never knew my mother. Family, was a thing I didn’t really have. Blood family, I mean. It’s why I hold Eclipse, Flubber, Lex and Snow so close… But my family has grown since then.

Volt, as odd as he is sometimes, is apart of my family now. He’s a child at heart, and has his life ahead of him. Holly Heart, on the other hand, I would not consider family, but more… She is mine. I am hers… I was able to do what I had to do, just because I could not bare the thought of her getting hurt…

And now, I just sat there in the meeting as the world leaders blabbered on, my mind pondering other places… I did pay some attention though, just in case I was asked something. Cadance never did, though. She would glance at me on occasion, but never asked. She probably was looking to see how I felt on the situation we’re all speaking about.

It was, compared to the other parts of this meeting, rather black and white. Nothing to question, nothing to elaborate. Nothing to wonder on, just simple back and forths over how Pokemon could be helpful, as well as hurtful.

In the end, after I got my medals, and after everything I went through, after my outburst in past meetings, all I felt was drained, and as the meeting came to a closed, I felt myself relax.

“John,” Cadance started, pulling me to the side after the meeting. “Are you feeling alright?” Shining Armor was with her, while Princess Twilight stood to the side, waiting patiently for Cadance to finish speaking with me. From what I learned, the two of them had some dinner plans…

“I feel fine Cadance, just… drained. The past few days have been, well, stressful and emotional.”

“I understand, John… Why don’t you go relax, you deserve it!”

“I would, but I want to go and spend what little of today I have with Holly…” Cadance gave me a seductive smile… Oh, I hated it when she did that.

“Oh, Shining, look. John wants some alone time with Holly…”

“Ah, leave him along Cadance,” Shining smiled, giving Cadance a sideward glance. “I’m sure John and Holly are going to have a great time. Let’s not bother them.”

I could tell I was blushing, as there was quite the warmth coming from my checks. “Well, I, um, I wish for all of you to have a wonderful afternoon…” I stammered, before making a beeline away from them. Holly and I just started seeing each other… I could not imagine doing… her… Holding her in my arms… My hands slowly wrapping around her throat. NO! No, no, no, think about something else… Don’t think about what King Sombra made you see…

This was made horribly easy as I had walked right into Celestia’s flank... She jumped slightly, before turning back to me. “I am so sorry, Princess Celestia! I was not watching where I was going!”

“It’s um... it’s quite alright John,” she said sheepishly, a light blush in her face. “Accidents happen.”

“Again, I’m sorry. I was distracted by, um, I don’t really want to think about what I was distracted by, and, ah,” I let out a long sigh. “I’m making a fool of myself… I apologize for walking into you, Princess Celestia. Cadance and Shining Armor have been putting ideas in my head, and I was not watching where I was going…”

Celestia nodded. “Ah, I apologize for my niece, sometimes she gets a little carried away.”

“She means well though, even if she can get a little too… open about things… I would like her to slow down, and let my relationship grow some more before she… assumes things…”

“I could talk to her about it, if you want,” Celestia offered. “I had to back when she was in school, so I wouldn’t mind doing it again.”

“No, it’s not too bothersome, I’m just not used to her sometimes… Not used to have a girlfriend, I mean, marefriend. Funny how our worlds have the same language, just with small differences… Again, I am sorry for walking into your backside, Princess Celestia, but I should get going... Holly is waiting for me...”

Celestia smiled and blushed. “I hope you two enjoy yourselves.”

Walking around Princess Celestia, still a bit taken back at walking into her, I sheepishly made my way to where Holly and I were going to meet. She was the first I told about the promotion, and it was the first time that I had ever seen her squee in utter delight, and it’s why I was on my way to see her. We had a date, as I hinted earlier. A celebration, you see. Just the two of us, on an open balcony with a view of the city…

I just had to grab something before I went to see her…


Raising my hand, I knocked on Holly Heart’s room door, before adjusting my tie.

Slowly, Holly’s door opened, and she let out a squee when she saw me. “John, you’re wearing a suit!”

“I’m glad you like it, Holly, but please, no monkey in a suit jokes. The tailor made plenty as he quickly threw this together for me…”

“But you’re so cute though! Oh, and now I feel under dressed… I didn’t think to bring my dress…”

“It’s alright, Holly. I prefer you the way you are, rather you’re prettied up or not doesn't change that.”

Blushing, Holly smiled at me. “Well, shall we?”

Reaching out a hand, I took her hoof, before we started to walk down the hallway. It did not take us long to reach our destination, as I had assed to use a near by dining room. It was like the one we had used for the meeting, only was much smaller, and had a large balcony. Our table was already prepared, and a stallion was waiting for us.

“Let me help you into your seat,” I offered, pulling out Holly’s chair.

“Why, thank you John.” She smiled to me, as I took my seat across from her.

“And what would the lovely couple like to eat, or would you like to start out with some wine?” The stallion, who both Holly and I took as the waiter, smiled at us, before handing us two large menus.

“Nothing too strong this time, I don’t want to get full on drunk like last time we went out…” Holly frowned, as the thoughts of the range rover loomed in her mind.

Turning to the wine section, I started to read over what they had. “Holly, what is your favorite fruit?”

“Bananas,” She answered.

“Well they don’t have any banana wines… What’s your second?”

“That would be... peaches,”

“Then we’ll start off with a toast of Peach wine as the sun begins to set,”

“Oh, sounds romantic~” Holly started, before glancing off to the slowly setting sun. “Seems we’re going to need to start soon though, or we'll miss it.”

“Excuse me, Waiter. We’ll think about what we want to eat for now, can you please run off and get the wine? Oh, and never got your name.”

“Bow Tie, the fifteenth, Sir. And I shall bring your wine right away.”

As Bow Tie, the Earth pony Waiter trotted off, I could not help but stare at Holly. The red rays of the sunset, bouncing off of her green made her look radiant. A lovely glow, that I could not help but relaxed from.

“John,” She blushed, adjusting her Glasses. “You’re staring…”

“You know Holly, in our last date, we didn’t really speak much about ourselves… Once we decided on what to eat, why don’t you tell me more about yourself…?”

“A-alright…” She was still blushing, but pulled the menu up as to hide her face. “I… I think I’ll have the… Um, the, um…”

“You know, they have a Pot-pie… With carrots, green beans, and you can ask for extra gravy… I know it’s your favorite.”

“You… remembered that?” She asked, as she slowly lowered the menu.

“Of course,” I moved my hand forward, and slowly took the meu away from Holly. “I also know that you really like banana splits… Last time we had one you ate most of it.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about...” She stated, with a wave of her hoof. “We’ll just have to order two then!”

“Your wine,” Bow Tie the Waiter commented, startling Holly. “Allow me to pore the two of you drinks.” Screwing in a wine opener, the cork made a pop as it came off.

“Well we figured out what we’re having,” Holly started, as a glass of wine was poured for her. “I’ll have the Pot-pie, with carrots, green beans, and if I can get extra gravy, then it would be great.”

“Of course, Ma’am. And for the Gentlestallion?” he asked, before pouring me a glass.

“I’ll have the same, only with fish, instead of extra gravy. Oh, and please, leave the bottle.”

“Is that all?” He asked, after writing down notes with his mouth. I think this was the first time I had ever seen an Earth pony write something, though it didn’t surprise me.

“After dinner, we’ll have two banana splits,” Holly answered, before handing the menu to Bow Tie. “But that’s for later. Don’t want them to melt now, do we?”

I quickly did as Holly, handing over the menu, before turning my sights over the city. “Then I shall return with your meals. Please, enjoy the wine.”

“You know, Canterlot has quite the view,” I turned back to Holly, and picked up my wine. “But I prefer the sight of you, more.”

Holly Heart, who was taking a sip of her wine, quickly sprayed what she was drinking over me, her face bright red. “Oh, John, I’m so sorry!” Her horn glowed, as she picked up a napkin and started to wipe off my face. It then light on fire, as she tried to wipe off of forehead.

I could not help but start laughing. “Oh, well that’s a memory,” I took the napkin out of Holly’s magical grip, and quickly stomped out the flames.

“I’m sorry, John,” She squeaked again, hiding behind her hooves.

“Don’t get to worried, Holly,” I reached forward and placed my hands on her shoulders. “Now please, why don’t we make a toast?” She nodded by behind her hooves, and slowly lowered then, as to see me smiling at her.

Taking my glass of wine, I held it up, waiting for her to do the same. Her horn glowed white, as her glass lifted up. “To a wonderful evening, to a wonderful life, and to, hopefully, a wonderful world, and most of all,” I lowered my glass, as to look Holly in the eyes. “To the first love of my life, thank you, Holly. For just being you. It doesn't matter if you get me wet with wine, it doesn't matter if our date starts off wrong. As long as we’re happy, we’re enjoying ourselves, then it’s worth every moment.”

As I went to take a drink, Holly’s eyes started to tear up, but she was smiling. “T-thank you, John…” It was all she said, before joing me with the drink.


The date went amazingly. Holly, after the toast, had opened up quite a bit. I had learned so much about her, and I had shared so much with her. As I stood outside her door, while she was off to bed, I could not help but have a heavy heart as I walked back to my room. I was able, through the whole date, not think about anything that was bothering me. It was just… peace. An amazing thing to have, after everything that has happened. Relaxation, after all the stress. Everything was looking up, and as I pulled my makeshift suit off, and stepped into the shower, the cold water numbing my body, I could not help but feel joy.

Equus a better place than Earth. Pokemon were no longer being harmed by those who wanted to abuse them. I had found love. I had found peace. And as I drifted to sleep, after drying off from the shower, by bed soft and warm, I could not help but feel…happy. Genuinely happy, for the world I now live in.

But my dreams… my dreams told a different story…

I was on the train, again. I could see the snow covered hillsides pass me by, but unlike before, it was snowing… I could see no one else on the train, for I was alone. “Hello?” I called out, but my voice echoing off of the train walls, and the only answer I got was what I had asked.

“Hello?” My voice asked me back.

I didn’t know what was happening, so I stood up, and made my way to the end of the train card. As I opened the door, I let out a scream at the sight before me. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor lay dead on the floor, holding each other, as I loomed over them. Burns and cuts across their bodies. It took me a moment to realise that I was closer to them than before, and that their blood was on my hands.

My heart started to race.

I could hear crying… I could hear crying, and as I looked down, I saw Volt, crying over Princess Cadance’s motionless body. “Why did you do it, John?!” He wiped out. “You’re the hero! Hero’s don’t kill! Y-you’re… You’re a monster!”

I slowly walked back, realising what I had done. What he had made me do. My friends… he made me kill my friends… And there it was. I could hear his laughter fill the train cart! King Sombra’s laugh…

“Please, John…” Holly Heart started. I quickly turned around, by body moving by itself as I walked towards the mare. Holly looked beaten and bruised, as she slowly dragged herself away from me. “Please… Don’t… don’t…” I started to reach down, and grab her mane.. “Nnnooo!” She started to scream, as I dragged her off of the floor.

I tried to close my eyes, I didn’t want to see this, but King Sombra was still laughing, and I could feel him inside of me, forcing me to… to… There was a snap, followed by a thud… and a part of me died as… as… Holly was...

Holly Heart lay motionless at my feet, and the laughter became louder. “How does it feel to take the life of the one you love, John?!” King Sombra screamed into my head.

“Nnnooo!” I whimpered out, my voice cracking. Falling to my knees, I stared down at Holly… “No, no, no, no!” I screamed. I could feel heat, as the world around me turning to flame. I wanted King Sombra out of me, I needed him out of me! He had to pay for what he did! He… He made me…

“AAAAAHHHH!” I screamed, before everything turned to ash…


It was over. I lay down in a medical bed, and… it was over. The nightmare was over. I had destroyed the room I slept, in. I had been rushed off to the medical ward, and had been treated by ponies, but they could not help me in a time like this… No. I needed the aid of God.

“So… are you finished yet?” Mesprit asked.

Arceus scoffed. “I’m trying to block out the memories of the incident with Sombra, without giving him significant memory loss... I can do it, but it will take some time.” Mesprit let out an annoyed sigh.

“Alright then…” She grumbled, as she looked down onto me. “Once Dad is finished, we are so going to talk… So no running off, alright?

Mesprit, please. I need silence.

Having your memories altered was less painful, and more confusing. I could feel a slight tingle in the back of my mind, as Areus’ worked, and at points I would forget the strangest of things, only to have them return to me. But I could not relax. Not until his work was finished… Not until my memories of King Sombra were gone. No… not gone, but blocked out. With what little time Arceus had in doing this, he told me that he was not able to fully remove them, before the meeting started, but as long as I could not remember then, it was alright.

“You’re not the only one that wants to talk with him, Mesprit! I have to find out how he was able to force King Sombra out of his body! You don’t just do something like that, you have to really, really concentrate.” Azelf pointed out. From what I had learned, she had somehow caught onto my story with King Sombra. And had been… And there it was, or the lake thereof.

As I was starting to ponder how Azelf had learned about my forcing of King Sombra out of my noggin, her words not mine, the memories that plagued my mind were… gone. I remembered stepping onto the train… then nothing. Everything was blank, until I had woken up on the back of Yveltal. Somewhat… I could tell you a few things, but even then I don’t rightly know.

“Alright,” Arceus said with a sigh. “I’ve done my best to suppress the memories... I leave you in capable hands.” And that was all he said before he disappeared.

“How are you feeling, John?” Holly asked, her hoof placed firmly on my hand.

I gave her hoof a soft squeeze, before smaling. “A lot better than before…”

“This is good, this is good. Let the love flow through you,” Mesprit commented. “It’ll help with the healing process. Though you don’t feel sad anymore… Why do I feel like I’m not needed now?

“Because his emotions came from the memories Dad just blocked,” Azelf pointed out. “But unlike you, I know for a fact that I am still useful!

“Hey?!” Mesprit commented, before crossing her arms and looking away from her sister.

“Mesprit,” I started, gaining her attention. “This is… only temporary. The memories are just blocked… And one day, whether it’s in a week or in a few years, these blocked memories won’t stay locked up, and I’ll need your help…” I smiled and turned to Holly. “I’ll need your help too, Holly.”

“Well… Drat…” Mesprit drifted over to me and poked me in the head. “Become emotional so I can do my job…” *poke* “Become emotional so I can do my job…”

“Please stop,” Holly requested, in a somewhat strict tone. “We don’t need John getting hurt again.”

“Besides, I still need to figure out how he popped King Sombra out of himself! And the best way to do that is by rooting around in his noggin myself!” Azelf smiled, as she slowly floated to me.

“Definitely not!” I shot out. “You’re not going to do that.”

“Come on, don’t be like that! It’ll be easy, just try and push me out of your mind, like you did for King Sombra, and we’ll see just how ‘Willful’ you are! It’ll be fun!”

“For all we know, you being inside of John’s mind will make his memories show up, and we just got them removed!”

“Oh, then I can do my job! Alright Azelf, I’ll be your assistant in this matter. You’ll see just how ‘Willful’ John is, and if things goes south, I’ll take it from there!”

“I’m sorry, but I’m not going to stand for this-” I started, before getting cut off by Azelf.

“You’re sitting.” Azelf smiled at me.

“That’s not the point…” I shook my head, and held up the palm of my hand towards her. “You’re not going to start rooting around in my mind, just to see if I can push you out. I think King Sombra did the same, and that’s why you’re trying to do it, but you’re not going to.”

“Come on, please?” She asked, giving me puppy dog eyes.

“If you think I have a strong enough will to justify going into my mind, just to see if I can will you out, then you should know that, that,” I pointed at her. “Won’t work on me…”

“Oh, you’re no fun! Dad said we’ll take care of you, and we’re going to. Now come on, I’ll get Mewtwo, and we’ll, HEY! Where are you going?”

“John, come back! You’re in no condition to be running!” Holly yelled out after me as I hopped out of bed, and ran out of the room.

How hard is it to understand that I did NOT want them inside of my head? Apparently very hard, as Azelf started to chase me down the hall, and to the World Summit...


To see what John does after he runs away, please read Chapter 44 of


“How many of those have you had, John?” Holly asked, in an appalling voice.

“I’ve lost count.” I calmly stated, before taking a bite out of a Qualot Berry.

“Well… slow down, John!” She nearly yelled before taking a bit out of an Occa Berry. “You’re going to eat them all before I do!” If you could not tell, Holly and I were enjoying lunch.

“Don’t worry, Holly, I wont eat them all,” I started, before finishing off my berry, and getting another one from the small pile. “Just most of them. For when it comes to berries, asking me to stop is a fruitless endeavor.”

My crack at a pun made Holly choke on an Oran Berry. “Ah, damn it, John,” She stated, while still laughing, before getting oddly quiet as she watched me.


“I’m glad you’re alright,” She blushed at be, before her eyes roamed over to the Tamato Berry in my hand. “Oh, I haven't tried that one yet~” She cooed, before plucking the fruit from my hand, and I could not help but smile as she took a bit out of it. “AAaaahhhhh! Hot, hot, hot!” The berry was tossed to by bed, as Holly started to prance around my room.

I started to chuckle as I watched her. My mood had gotten better after the meeting, mostly on the fact that I could not remember all the bad memories that plagued my mind, and, well, Arceus had gave me a large amount of the Berries that he had showed in the World Summit. Since then Holly and I had been rather enjoying ourselves. You could say it was another date, but as i was currently sitting down in my new bed, while Holly sat on a near by chair, we were more or less just hanging out…

“Here, eat this. It’ll get rid of the burn,” I reached out and handed Holly a Rawst Berry.

Downing the berry after quickly chewing, Holly let out a happy sigh. “Oh, that burned… I wasn't expecting that…”

“Most don’t, however I,” Reaching out, I grabbed the Tamato Berry, before finishing off. “Find the burn refreshing.”

“You’re already on fire, John. Of course you would-” A knock at the door then cut Holly off. “Oh, I’ll get it.”

Hoping to her hooves, Holly made her way to the door. As she opened it, her eyes popped wide, and she let out a squee. “We are looking for John Williams. This is his new room, is it not?” Over the past days I’ve spent here in Canterlot, I knew that it was Princess Luna’s voice speaking.

Pulling myself to my feet, I walked over to the door. Holly Heart looked as if she saw a ghost… “Please excuse Holly, Princess Luna. She is rather shy,”

“Tis fine, John Williams. Though I am not here on a social call. May I come in?” Princess Luna asked.

“But of course,” I stepped to the side to allow Princess Luna to enter my new room, only to notice that Holly had yet to move. “Holly, are you alright?”

Letting out another squee, Holly quickly trotted out of the way. I could see her coat standing on end as she did… It was rather odd for her to be acting this way, but I would have to ask her about it another time.

“Tell me, John. How are you doing?” Luna asked, as she entered the room, flanked by two guards, before taking a seat on my bed.

“Better, though you said this was not a social call. Most people, or ponies in your case, don’t ask that when they are here for something.”

“Tis true, but it does have to do with why I am here. I am the Princess of the night, as you are quite aware, and I am here to speak to you about the dream which lead to the destruction of parts of the Castle.”

“Ah,” Nodding, I leaned against the opposite wall from Luna, as Holly sat next to me. Princess Luna, from what I had read, was Princess of the Moon, and the dream world. “Allow me to take a gander as to why you’re wanting to speak about this…” I let out a sigh, and frowned. “You want to help me so that I don’t destroy another room?”

“I can see as to why Cadance chose you to be her advisor, John. You are quite sharp,” Luna laughed, before taking a serious look. “My apologies… this is no laughing matter after all. And yes, that is why I am here. I wish to aid you, John, by helping you sleep at night.”

“I’m sorry, Princess Luna, but that would be Holly’s job.” I joked, as the green mare to my side turned red, as did the Princess. Did I forget to mention how my mood has been getting better?

“That is not quite what I meant, Mr. Williams,” Luna started, before regaining her posture. “But my point still stands. Though you have, from what I have learned, blocked your memories, they can still rise again in your sleep, and I wish to help you block them further.”

“If it means that I can rest without destroying something then it’s fine by me. What do you wish to do, Princess Luna?” I inquired.

“Tis a simple spell, it shall allow me know when you are awake, or when you are sleeping. From there, I’ll know when to keep an eye on you, so I can prevent any nightmares you would have before they start.”

“Seems simple then. Anything I should know about the spell such as side effects, and what not?”

“There is only one risk, and that is a small chance that when you sleep you’ll not dream.”

“Then there are no real negative side effects then.”

Luna sighed. “That’s one way to look at it I suppose.”

“Do you need to prepare for this spell?” I got my answer as Luna’s horn started to glow, and a soft light shifted around me.

“Tis done.”

“Well that was… simple. Is there anything else you need, Princess?”

“No, Mr. Williams. That was all I wished to speak with you about. I shall leave you and your mare Holly alone. The two of you have a wonderful day.” With that, Luna stood up from the bed, and made her way out the door. The guards with her following quickly.

Holly Heart then let out a long sigh. “Alright…” She muttered to herself.

“Are you alright, Holly? You tensed up with Luna first showed up.” She let out another squee, this time in surprise.

“Oh, um, that was, ah, nothing…” Holly lied. How did I know it was a lie? Well...

“You’re bad at lying, you know?” I moved back across the room, and took my seat on my bed. Taking another berry and throwing it in my mouth. “Why don’t you share?”

“Er, well, um… You know how she’s Nightmare Moon, right?”

“Ah, I see. Say no more Holly, I understand.” She must have been one of the many ponies that were still scared of the Night Princess. Such a shame… “Well if you wish to speak about-” Yet another knock came from the door.

Standing back up, I made my way over to the door. “Yes?” I asked as I slowly opened the door, slightly annoyed as my alone time with Holly was interrupted again.

“Hi there!” A bright pink pony stated, that I immediately know was Pinkie Pie. The mare had been quite noticeable over the past few days.

“Yes, Miss Pie, what do you need?” I asked.

“Well,” she began. “I’ve been going around, giving out invitations to Gene and Belle’s wedding. Well, not really ‘giving out’ since they gave me this list,” she pulled a clipboard out of her man to prove her point. “With everyone they wanted come on it, and I already gave one to the Princesses, and to Arceus, and to Seth, and X, and Korrina, so...” She pulled a green envelope from her mane and handed it to John. “This is for you and Holly!”

“Alright…” I slowly opened the envelope, and read it over. “Well thank you for the…” Looking up from the invite, I found that Pinkie was no where to be seen. Glancing left and right, I quickly retreated back into my room.

“So… we’re invited to a wedding?” Holly asked, surprised.

“Seems so…” I looked up and Holly and smiled. “It also seems that we’re going to have to get you a dress.”


It is a very rare thing, in ones life time, to see love in a way that makes you wish you had something like it. To make you look back on your life and wonder, why. Why did you never find love? To ask you, why did you never seek it out, to take hold of it, and make it yours?

Well, watching both Belle and Gene embrace each other on the altar, made me think of such things. And… made me think about Earth’s laws. Here where two love birds. Who had been exiled from the world for their love. Who has been chased down by the world, targeted, and attacked for their love. And I could not help but feel angry for what they had went through. But in the end, I was happy that they could now live in peace. Arceus made the right call, taking Pokemon from Earth, and moving them here.

And if there is one thing that I am starting to understand… It’s love. In the time I had been here in Equus, I had found it, or at least, the beginning of it. It was nothing compared to what Belle and Gene had, but I knew it was something.

As the two parted lips, I moved my hand to place it on Holly’s hoof. She had been crying over the two, ever since Blueblood first showed up. Honestly, I just wanted to punch him from what he was doing. Ruining a wedding? I don’t care who you are, that is unacceptable…

But do you want to know what is also unacceptable? The fact that I could not get more than three slices of Oran Berry cake…

“Sorry, John. Please, save some for the rest of the wedding guest.” Holly stated, for what seemed like the tenth time.

“But there is so much, I mean, just look at how big it is…” My mouth was already watering as I stared.

“Wow, John, you should try this cake~” Volt taunted, before taking yet another tiny bite out of his piece. “It’s amazing! It’s got Oran Berries, frosting, cake, it’s got everything!”

“You’re a monster, you know that?” I muttered, before leaning down on the table and watching the little bug eat. Flubber on the other hand, then turned into a slice of Oran Berry cake, and started to shift around getting my attention.

“I take it back, you’re both monsters...”

“Oh, don’t worry John. I’m sure we’ll have plenty more when you and Holly get married!” Volt stated proudly, and I could not tell if he said it mess with us, or if he was still just too young to understand…

I glanced at Holly, and my eyes widened. Never before have I seen Holly so red. Then… my mind decided to join in on the torment as I imagined Holly in her dress, standing before me at the alter. Then she slowly started to take off the dress… And then the only think I could think of doing was to face plant the table, and trying to think of other things. Then… lighting part of the table on fire, to which Holly then used to magic to put it out…

“I’m going to give the newlyweds their gift…” I stated, before standing up and grabbing the gift I was able to get. It was the only thing that I could think of, and even then I had to request it from Princess Cadance. So in the end it was her gift to them, but with my smile as the gift giver...

Belle and Gene… My opinion of the two was rather different, and unimportant as I didn’t really know them all to well. Gene was a Gallade, while Belle was a Gardevoir, and tho where still the center of attention. Groups of Pokemon and ponies stood in line as to give them an item of some sort, or to wish them the best of luck in their lives.

As for myself? I just wanted to get away from the thoughts of Holly in my bed, calling my name- No, bad brain… I let out a sigh, as the line moved. Love was in my mind, and Holly was my love, so Holly was in my mind…


“Do you think John noticed the spell?” Cadance asked, Cresselia.

“Nope,” Cresselia smiled.


Author's Note:

Bubba        - Welp. This was going to go out on Valentine's day, but things didn’t work out too well. Hope you liked it.
As a side, I've got a headache.
Zeus        - Knew most of this was happening when we were crossing over, but I still like seeing it... especially the wedding, I always love seeing the wedding
TDN        - An interesting chapter. I see things are still far from over in a way. Also, Volt and Flubber are just mean today.
Aus        -  Poor John, the date was cute though. Nothing says romance quite like a spittake to the face.