• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 9,403 Views, 549 Comments

A New World, Burning an Old Way - xBUBBA1995x

John, a pokemon Officer of the law, finds himself in a world of Ponies. And to top it off, he had been changed into a pokemon. But as a Dark force falls upon the Crystal Empire, it falls to him to help save the day... A very painful day...

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Chapter 17: Mirrored Days

A New World, Burning an Old Way

Written by: xBUBBA1995x
Edited by: zeusdemigod131
Edited by: tdnpony
Edited by: Ausbrony

Chapter 17: Mirrored Days

The days that followed my visit to Yveltal were similar, if not the same as the day in question. I would wake up, go to check on Weavile, Agatha, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Then went off and ate breakfast with Holly Heart. Until I made my way to the library. It was well… routine. I learned a great deal, and expanded my research into the fields of magic that King Sombra specialized in, and those that seemed to be linked to him in some way. It was… well… a learning experience.

Magic in Equestria was a strange thing. It flowed through every living and nonliving thing. Earthpony, unlike Unicorns, could not use their magic to… levitate thing, or make something appear out of thin air. They could, however, unconsciously, use their magic to help plants grow, and make their bodies stronger. While Pegasi use what magic they hold in them to manipulate the weather, and fly faster. Unicorns… well they are complicated. Their magic comes to what they are good at. Rather it be fancy tricks, out right fireballs, or in King Sombra’s case, dark magic. While I could find no real source of what dark magic is, I do however know that it comes from hate, or at least, something like it. The Crystal Empire library may have little when it comes to it, but at least it has the basics.

“John?” I glanced up from my book to see Holly Heart. “I found some more books that may help. Most of them are about magic, one of them is a history book about Zebrica, and the last one is a Daring Doo book. Daring Doo, and The Dark Dreadlord!” She stated ominously. “It has something to do with Dark magic, and who knows. Might help.”

“I’ll put that one of the top of the list then,” I smiled at her. “Right after I finish reading… this…”

“Which one is that?”

“The Magic of Love,” I told her. “It has nothing to do with magic, and is a love novel, but it’s short, so i decided to take a break and read it.”

“So you’re taking a break from reading, by reading?” She asked. I nodded. “Alright… well, how is it?”

I chuckled, then glanced down at the book before cleared my throat. “Caramel Carmelita… my love, please, do not be angry towards yourself. You were not the one who lost my heart… No for it was I who failed to see yours. In my tragic actions I have wounded myself by staying away from you. I knew you were saddened when I left you, but please… do not blame yourself. I was being inconsiderate. I was being hateful. It was I who was wrong! Would you please, oh please, forgive me for my actions. Oh, Carmel Carmelita, would you please?” Holly Heart then broke out giggling.

“What?” I asked.

“You… *giggle* the way…” She held her hoof up to her mouth and took a deep breath. “It’s just the way you read it! Did you have to do it in a… romantic voice?”

I smiled. “Oh yes, dear Holly Heart. I did.” She then blushed.

“A-any ways-how m-many b-books have yo-you read th-thus far?” She stammered.

I glanced over to a small notebook, which I had asked for the day after I spoke with Yveltal, and flipped over to the first page. “Let’s see… Eighty-one.”

Holly’s eyes went wide. “What?!” She nearly yelled. “How is it that you even read that much?!” Earning a sssshhh from the librarian.

“It’s not that hard, it’s jotting down notes that has slowed me down. Hard to tell what I can use and what I can’t. Some of the things I have learned about are just hypothetical conclusions or theories, pin pointing the useful information is harder than stopping a rampaging Onix with your bare hands.”

“Wait! You mean you could have read more?!” She practically screamed.

“Hey! You two be quiet over there! As much as I love ponies reading, I can’t have you disturb the other readers!” The librarian yelled out.

“She does know we are the only ones in here, right?” I asked Holly Heart. Holly Heart did not answer my question. No, she just stood there gawking at me, eyes wide at the fact that I read so much. “In an unrelated note, what’s that other stack of books there?” I asked.

Blinking out of her stupor, Holly Heart glanced at the small set of books on her back. “Oh, Princess Cadance asked me to look up how they greet ponies from other countries. Well… not ponies. Zebras, Changelings, Buffalo. You get the idea. Since the World Summit is in two days, she wants to be prepared, and well… it’s hard to prepare when she has to occupy her time dealing with her ponies and the threat of King Sombra.”

“Well,” I turned my atten back to the romance novel I was reading. “Best we both get back to work,” Snapping the book closed, I placed it to the side and reached for High Level Arcane Magic Spells Vol. XXI. “We have a lot of work ahead of us, and it would be best.”

“Yeah, I have to start reading. I have to remember most of this stuff so I can explain it to Cadance later.”

“Oh, one more thing. Eclipse stopped by, told me that Volt won some money in a Poker game or something, said he wants to treat us all to something for dinner. Are you in?”

“Volt knows how to play Poker?”

“I’ll take that as a yes…” She smiled, as we both started to read our work.

Sadly, as my eyes roamed over the first few pages of the book, my mind could not concentrate. I could see the words, but could not imagine them, for my mind was elsewhere. And by elsewhere, I mean Cadance and Shining Armor. They had been quite busy, as Holly Heart had said. Ponies of all shapes and sizes had went to see Cadance, and each one had just a single question to ask. “What’s going to happen?”

I had spent very little time with Cadance since this has started. What time I did spend was when she would summon me and ask if I had learned something, or if a pony had something to ask of me. And each time I went to see her, she looked more and more stressed out. Bags could be faintly seen under her eyes, and though it was hard to tell, her voice was waning as she spoke. As if she was ready to break down and scream. But I don’t blame her. Her kingdom is her life. Her life is for the kingdom, and a kingdom is nothing without it’s people. And right now, the people feel like nothing. It was a very sad thing to see, but I did my best to help. Lie, and telling her that I found something in my studies that may help, or reassure her that thing will be fine… Though… the latter of the two was never a lie. Things would get better… We were just fighting one stallion after all… Right?

As for Shining Armor, well, he was holding out. Unlike Cadance, he did not really speak with the public. His mind was on other matters, kind of like how mine is… He mostly focused on his troop’s training. Eclipse was a great asset to him, and on several occasions I learned that he is well respected through the guard. The side effects of that respect being a large flood in the training halls, forcing the Guards to move their practices elsewhere, which was both a good and bad thing…

The only other place to train was outside. In view of the public, and though we told them over and over that Eclipse was here to help train the guards, not hurt them, ponies still gave him worried glances. As if at any moment he would turn on them… For King Sombra could be anywhere, or anyone…

I slapped myself hard, making Holly Heart jump. “Sorry,” I told her. “Got distracted, needed to knock some sense into myself…” I chuckled. She gave me a worried look, but nodded, before returning to her reading. I let out a long sigh, before glancing down at my book.

Many Unicorns believe that their role with magical properties stems from their cutie mark. This is both true and false. As long as you have the magical prowess and knowledge to perform a spell, you could perform said spell, for anything is possible. Through this theory, we have proven that Unicorns of any nature can do anything if they put their minds to it, and with training, they can reach a stronger magical prowess. Meaning nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it.

Yeah… nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it…

And that was the mentality that everyone has been in… Weavile had been… well getting better would not be the right phrase… Yes, she has gotten better, physically, but mentally she is still unstable. Doctors have told me that it would be a long time before she could fully cope with what has happened to her. But at least she had the chance to get better. Gengar, sadly, is still in the same condition, and Agatha… well she was dealing with the whole situations rather well... Gengar, the other Gengar, not the one asleep, had been… silent. He rarely speaks, and he doesn't eat. Which would be a bad thing, but he’s a ghost type. He doesn't need to eat…

As for King Sombra… I could only imagine what he is doing right now. Rather it be healing his wounds, or attacking another innocent Pokemon. Either way… Yveltal was on his tail. Only returning to the Crystal Empire to rest, while during the day he searched endlessly for that damned King Sombra.

“Oh! One more thing,” Holly started. “Princess Cadance wishes to see you. Almost forgot to mention it… seeing as… well, you, un,” Her face went red for a moment, before she smiled. “Yeah…”

“Thank you, Holly,” Standing up, I placed my book down. “I’ll be right back, please ask the librarian to not touch these books.” She nodded.


To say King Sombra was taking his loss to Yveltal well... Well, it would be a lie. King Sombra stood outside of his Pokemon slave. For the past few days, he had been in a fowl mood. His anger was visible coming off of him, in the form of a dark magical aura. His eyes shook in rage as he stared out over the Crystal Empire, for when he faced Yveltal, he did not expect to lose, and he did not expect that Yveltal would be able to cause harm appone him, through his Pokemon Slaves.

“P-please… L-let me, let me… Acc-cc-aa!” King Sombra tightened his magical grip around a near by floating Sawsbuck’s through. The Pokemon struggled in pain, before King sombra released him. Upon landing hard on the floor, the Snorlax that King Sombra had enslaved, moved to hold the Sawbuck down, so that it would not run away.

“Why don’t you be quiet like others?!” King Sombra growled. In the corner of the Sawbuck’s eye, he could see a small group of Pokemon standing at attention. Their eyes glowing a soft green, all smiling at him.

King Sombra had been busy… Over the nights since he attack, he would go out and get himself a new toy to play with. Not going out during the day, for fear that Yveltal would attack him again. But it was not the fear that drove him to hide, at least not in his eyes, no. It was the idea of revenge, that King Sombra craved. Knowing that he would need many more Pokemon under his control, King Sombra wanted to take Yveltal down with no problems. To show that even the Pokemon of death could fall prey to his will. And once he had taken Yveltal down, he would take him over… To use him to re-enslave the Crystal Empire. To use him to take over Equestria! To use him to finally kill that damned money that saved the Princess of the Crystal Empire!

king Sombra’s eyes drifted over to an going train, headed to the Crystal Empire. It was very fancy, and very royal, from the looks of it. “Now I wonder what this could be…”


“Thank you for sharing your worries about King Sombra, however we have the situation under control, please do not worry. I am sure that your farm will be there when you get back, and other than dust, you wont have anything to worry about.” Cadance stated.

The stallion standing before her looked concerned for a moment, but then shook his head in annoyance. “But I can’t Princess,” He started in a country accent. “My farm needs me, an’ I ain't goin’ to turn a profit if I can’t work! With King Sombra out there, I can’t go out an’ work without him comin’ for me! I have a family, and they need me!”

“I’m sorry to hear that, but please, understand. I know your family means a lot to you, I know your farm means a lot to you, but we can’t extend the shield to cover your farm. It’s just too far away, and we would run the risk of letting King Sombra, or one of the Pokemon he controls inside the shield. We’re already running the risk by letting Yveltal in and out, so we can’t take anymore chances.” Cadance pleaded.

The stallion looked as if he had another thing to say, but a guard stepped forward, and leaned in to say something to Princess Cadance. “Princess, we have news. The Friendship Express has arrived from Canterlot, and is awaiting for the shield to be raised so that it could dock in the station.”

Cadance smiled, before whispering back. “Allow the train to dock, but do keep an eye on the ponies that come from the Train. We don’t want King Sombra to somehow be on the train. Oh, and is John informed that I wish to see him?”

“Yes Princess. He is waiting in the side room, behind your throne, and we are waiting for Commander Shining Armor to arrive.”

“Thank you,” With that, the Stallion gave a salute, before walking towards the door. “Alright, now where were we,” Cadance started, before seeing that the farmer had left the room. “Right… Next!”


“Again!” Shining Armor stated.

Eclipse nodded, and readied himself for battle. He and Shining Armor had been at it for the entire day. Spectators, most being guards while others were civilians, watched on as the two jumped back into battle. Eclipse was, well, let’s be honest, taking it easy on Shining. The stallion was strong, but Eclipse did not want to hurt him. Shining did a number on John before, showing that he was strong, but unlike John, Eclipse's Body was durable.

Launching himself at Shining, Eclipse started to spin, twisting his body around while he lay dormant in his shell. Shining Armor rolled to the side, avoiding the attack, only for Eclipse’s arm to reach out and grab the ground beneath him, twisting his body and flinging him after Shining. He slammed into captain of the guard, knocking him to the side.

“Point, Eclipse!” A guard called out, before making a number under Eclipse name on the scoreboard. It was currently Fifty-Six for Eclipse, and Twelve for Shining. They were not really have a competition, just seeing who we get hit first. After all, ponies were not as durable as Pokemon, so Shining was learning how to dodge and evade. And because they were at it for so long, guards started taking score, while those who were not on duty… well, they gambled.

Stand up, Shining popped his back, before turning to Eclipse. “Again!” He started, taking a stance.

Eclipse frowned, but got ready. Ninety-two. He thought. He’s gotten back up from being knocked down ninety-two times. Shining took the initiative this time, and fired a blast of magic at Eclipse. He stepped to the side to avoid it, and he did evade it, but sadly it hit one of the guards in the background. Shining’s eyes widened, and both he and Eclipse moved to see if the guard was ok.

“Don’t worry,” The guard said, quickly standing up, his helmet knocked off, and mane sizzling. “I’m fine! I’m good… Just… give me a moment.” He stated before falling back to the ground, still conscious but moaning softly.

“Nice shot.” Eclipse complemented, making Shining chuckle.

“Well… I think after that, we need a break. You two,” Shining started, pointing at a pair of guards. “Help that stallion I shot, and get him to the Castle Hospital for a check up.”

“Sir, yes Sir!”

“Right away, Sir!”

Eclipse and Shining watched as the two stallions hauled the injured guard off, before turning to each other. “Again?” Shining started.

“I’m starting to get the feeling that Again is the only word you know.” Eclipse joked, again making Shining laugh.

“Sir?” A new guard started, as he approached them, before giving a salute.

Shining returned the gesture. “Yes?”

“Sir, the train has arrived from Canterlot, and Princess Cadance wishes to see you, Sir.”

“Thank you for informing me, Guard. Please return to your normal duties.”

“Sir, yes Sir!”

After a moment, Eclipse turned to Shining. “Eh, what train?”

“Princess Celestia and Luna sent it.”


“You’ve been here two weeks, and you don’t know who Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are?” Shining deadpand.

“John’s been the one learning about this new world, I’ve been the one training your guards. So no, I don’t. Care to explain?”

Shining let out a sigh. “Princess Celestia is the Princess of the sun, while Luna is the Princess of the moon. They raise and lower both the sun and the moon so that night and day.”

“Alright…” Eclipse frowned. The sun and the moon moved on their own, or at least, back on earth they did. Seems this place was more different than he first though. “And why did they send a train?”

“Because Princess Celestia is holding a world meeting, and Cadance and I have to be there. Cadance even asked John to be her advisor since he knows a lot about Pokemon, and has been so helpful.”

“Ah, so you are leaving the Crystal Empire,” Eclipse let out a chuckle. “Don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll keep it all in one peace for you while you’re away.”

Shining shook his head. “That’s what I am worried about… We have to go have a world meeting to talk about the Pokemon, but I don’t feel that it’s necessary at the moment, since King Sombra is out and about…”

“That’s understandable. These ponies are under your protections. You don’t want to leave them…”

Shining let out a long sigh. “Well… better not leave Cadance waiting. Stay here and… keep the Guards training going while I am away. Just take it a bit easier on them just in case King Sombra attacks…”

“Yes Sir,” Eclipse commented, before turning to the guards watching. “All of you that are on duty, and don’t have patrol duties, get over here! Time for a workout!”

As Shining started to walk away, all he could hear was the splashing of water, and the yells and hallers of stallions and mares who faced Eclipse’s wrath. It made him smile.


Waiting for Princess Cadance to finish her work did not take long. Her ponies were… scared, but understanding. It was something that I found most admirable about them. How they trust Princess Cadance… Then again, it would be out of fear… But I would have to speak with them to understand more... Something that I did not have the time to do, at the moment.

“John?” I smiled as Princess Cadance stepped into the room. “Ah, good. You are here. Now… where is Shining…?”

“Behind you.” Cadance jumped slightly as Shining answered her question.

“Shining, you know I don’t like it when you scare me!”

“Sorry Cadance, didn’t mean too.” Shining apologised.

“Right well… Moving on,” Cadance turned to me, before started. “John, as I have told you, I want you to be my advisor during the world summit. Have you read those books I mentioned?”

“Yes, Cadance. I have read the books, front to back.” I reassured her.

“Good… good… Now, so that you know what is going to happen, John, I shall explain what we shall be doing,” Cadance paused for a moment, as if she was thinking, then frowned. “Well… we are going to be taking a train to Canterlot. From there we shall meet up with Princess Cadance and Princess Luna, and after that we shall start the world meeting…” As she spoke, I could see it in her face that something was bothering her. It wasn’t hard to figure it out, with what is going on.

“Simple enough…” I started. “But do relax, Cadance. Everything will go fine, and while we are at Canterlot we can request help with dealing with King Sombra. We won’t have to worry about him after that.”

Cadance smiled, before Shining jumped in. “That’s what has me worried. While we are gone, the Crystal Empire would be vulnerable to an attack, and-”

“I thought I said I would take care of that.” The three of us turned to see Eclipse smiling at us, and next to him was Flash Sentry.

“Sorry, sir! I told him you didn’t want the meeting disturbed, but he insisted on coming!” Flash then apologies.

Shining Armor let out an annoyed sigh, as did I. “It’s… alright, and Eclipse, I know you said you would protect the Crystal Empire, but I am still worried. What if King Sombra would take control of you?” At this… my eyes widened.

“He can try,” Eclipse stated in a serious voice. “But it doesn't matter. As long as he is out there none of us are safe. Go to this… world summit, ask for help. Arceus has to be there. You could ask him to give more aid, than just Yveltal.”

“That was my idea, but I know Celestia and Luna would be more than willing to help… It’s just… I don’t want to leave My Little Ponies.” Cadance spoke in a saddened tone.

Eclipse was right, we had to go. This summit was a meeting about Pokemon. Arcus would be there… all the world leaders would be there… Not being there would a mistake. I could not help but snicker to myself. This situation reminded me about how I, while injured, went off to a meeting to help Pokemon. The parallels were… well, easy to see. Even though it may hurt, we had to go, and even though it would not be the safest thing to do, it is the right thing to do.

“Alright,” I said loudly, gaining their attention. “If we are going, then we at least need an idea of what we are going to do about King Sombra. How are we going to get there, are we going to Canterlot safe and sound, and what will happen here in the Empire while we are away...”

“Good idea,” Shining commented. “Coming up with a plain would help… at least, help us not worry so much...”

“Yes well… as much as I want to go, it still doesn't feel right. Seeing Celestia again, not to mention Twilight, since she is a Princess now, would be fun. Not to mention the fact that I would get to meet Arcus, as well as the other world leaders would be a honor, but leaving my ponies… How would the feel?” Cadance asked, concerned. They only just learned about King Sombra after all, and how Cadance, their Princess, their leader, was leaving. If I were in their shoes… well, I would be concerned.

“Then tell them,” I started. “Let them know that it’s for a good cause. Let them feel like it’s for the best,” I commented. “Otherwise, leaving without saying a word would be worse.” Cadance didn’t look at me while I spoke, only nodded. “And this time well don’t want another miscommunications, like how the information of King Sombra never really got out, so this time we have to make sure that they know, and that they understand it’s for the better good.”

“Perhaps one of your speeches would work?” Cadance offered, unsure about what to say about the whole situations.

“I can help you come up with something to say, but it would have to be you that said it, otherwise it won't go so well.”

“You sound like you’ve done this before, John…” Flash Sentry commented, before quickly apologized for interrupting.

“You don’t need to apologize, Flash. And yes, I have… well, somewhat. Coming up with plans to counter Team Rocket was always the easier parts of my job, back on Earth,” Turning to Shining Armor. “Moving on, we have to speak about the risk of leaving now. Make plans for different situations, while hoping King Sombra does not attack us, nore the Empire while we are leaving.”

Shining Armor nodded. “Meaning, he could attack us on the Train where we would be vulnerable!” Shining growled. “Oh, he better not! I’m going to give him what he deserves after going for Cadance! This Tirants better not try to-”

“Shining! Please, calm down.” Cadance called out, breaking her husband out of his stilly stooper. Shining fumed for a moment, before nodding.

“Sorry, it’s just…”

“You don’t need to explain, Shining. We understand,” I interjected. “Now, if he does attack the train, and I am not saying that he is, how do we defend ourselves, or stop him from attack the train outright.”

“Yveltal can fly, why not have him escort you most of the way?” Eclipse pointed out.

“That’ll work,” Cadance smiled. “Since he won the last fight with King Sombra, he may not want to attack the train.”

“Yes, well that is still a maybe… Now as for the Empire,” I glanced up at Eclipse. “You know you are not coming, right?” He nodded. “Good, because Eclipse, as he said, would be here to help defend, if King Sombra were to attack the Empire, if he can get through the shield that is.”

“You know Lex and Snow are both going to want to go with you,” Eclipse added in. “But I’ll need them here for help.”

“That reminds me,” Cadance started. “We need to know who exactly is coming with us.”

“Let’s see… Cadance, John, Flash Sentry, several Guards, Holly Heart, myself… The train conductors, as well as a small group of medical Officers…” Shining listed. “That… should be it, unless I am forgetting something.”

“What about Flubber?” Eclipse asked. “You know he hates being away from you. Truth be told, I’m surprised he spends so much time with Volt, since he normally never leaves your side, literally.”

Popping out of Cadance’s tail, Volt them screamed out in a holy voice. “Say his name and he shall appear!”

“You’re not coming.” I immediately started.

“Aaahhh, come on, John! I need the road trip! Just imagine the things I could eat in Canterlot! I don’t even know what that place is, but it sounds so fancy! It has to have something amazing to eat! You will not deny me the food, John! You Shall Not!”

No one spoke for almost a minute, before Cadance asked. “How long have you been hiding in my tail?”

“Bout’ two hours… Is that about right Flubber?” This time, popping out of Cadance’s mane, Flubber appeared, morphed into a tiny Joltik, only blue instead of yellow.

Flubber, the ever so quiet Pokemon, nodded. Cadance on the other hand, shivered.

“Moving on, when do we leave?” I asked.

“We are leaving before Eight,” Shining answered. “If you are not awake that early, we shall have somepony wake you.”

“In that case, Cadance, I shall start helping you come up with something to say to your ponies, and since we are going to be leaving so early, we may want to say it later today. We still have the afternoon on planning after all,” I placed my hand on my chin, before frowning. “Oh, yes. I have to inform Holly Heart of all this… If the two of you need me, I shall be with Holly, other in the library, or in the Cafeteria. Cadance, I recommend coming up with something to say to your ponies, so that I have something to work off of. As for now, bye for now.”

“Before you go, John. Tell me, how is Holly doing? I know you’ve been working hard lately, and are in high spirits, but she has been somewhat distant. We haven't really had time to talk in the last few days.”

“She is doing good,” I smiled, as I remembered the her bright red face as I read the love book to her.

“Oh, I know that smile,” Cadance teased, pointed her hoof at me. “You two did something naughty, didn’t you?”

My eyes widened. “Wait, what? No, no, Arceus no!” My face flushed, as I started to imagine….

“Oh? Well it seems to be on your mind, isn’t it?”

“I’m… I’m… I’m just going to g-go.” As I left the room, my dignity barely intact, I could not help but hear the sounds of Shining Armor, and Eclipse laughing.

Fallowed by Volt, asking a rather uncomfortable question. “So what are you all laughing about? I know John likes Holly, but what does him being Naughty have to do with anything?”

Author's Note:

Alright! Finished edited, and ready to read.