• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 2,266 Views, 48 Comments

Blazing Dragon - Zanem-Ji

It's been over 70 years since Spike has become the Corrupted One. With the world now thrown into chaos, it's up to one mare to find the only six ponies who had dealt with this evil before, and help her defeat the Corrupted One.

  • ...

I'd Give You Everything

Despite all of the injuries and she accumulated over many decades of battles, Rarity had been fortunate enough to very rarely end up in the hospital. However, as the smell of sterilizing products assaulted her nostrils, she realized very quickly that was exactly where she was. She opened her eyes, but ended up only seeing white. She knew what had happened…she knew she had suffered what should’ve been fatal injuries…

So how in the world was she still alive?

“Good Evening, Fallen Rarity.” Red Heart announced her presence in the room. “I’m Dr. Red Heart; Chief Surgeon of this facility and the main caretaker for your stay here.”

Rarity’s ears flicked and turned to the direction of the voice, “Good Evening, I suppose.” Her head turned as if she was looking around, though the cloth kept her from doing so.

“Am I allowed to remove this cloth on my face?”

Red Heart’s eyes lit up with hope, “You’re able to tell that it’s cloth? Tell me, what color is it?”

“It appears to be Cornsilk.”

Red Heart’s brows furrowed in confusion, “I’m sorry, what was that, Fallen Rarity?”

Rarity waved a hoof dismissively, “Terribly sorry. Old habits die hard…its some shade of white.”

“Well…the fact that you can determine color is a sign of a successful operation. I had actually came to check on your progress.” Rarity heard a couple of hoof steps, “Let’s take a look now, shall we?”

Rarity felt one hoof gently brush against the side of her face, and the other lightly tugging at her bandages. Little by little, her world started to get a bit brighter. She could make out the blurred silhouette of the doctor standing over her,

“Fallen Rarity, I’m going to need you to close your eyes for me. I’ll need to dim the lights, so as not to damage the optic nerves.”

“Yes ma’am, I understand.”

She was starting to get antsy. She knew she shouldn’t have been able to see. The last thing she saw was Trixie’s horn, before she felt searing pain in her eyeball. The Element for some reason, while she knew it wouldn’t restore her sight, wasn’t dulling the pain in any manner. She knew something had went wrong. The world went dim again, sending her into a slight panic. She heard the doctor’s hoof steps approach her, and the hooves once again touched the sides of her face,

“Are you ready?”


She felt Red Heart, slowly, carefully, remove the last barrier of bandages from her face. She slowly opened her eyes. She wasn’t able to see out of her right eye. Which was fine, she had gotten used to it. But as her vision cleared and returned to her left eye, she nearly wanted to cry.

“Doctor…” she sniffed, “How? How is this possible? How am I able to see again?”

“The First Fallen saw to that. She also saw to you getting your foreleg back.”

“My foreleg?”

She looked down at her right foreleg. It seemed fine. A few cuts and bruises, but fine nonetheless. It was when she looked at her left foreleg that she took a sharp inhale of air. this couldn’t be right. Her coat was white. It had always been white. White, and nothing else. But now…

It was purple. Lavender, to be exact.

“My leg!” she squawked. “Why the hell is my leg lavender?!” she tried to sit up, but pain shot through her.

“Please, Fallen Rarity, I ask that you calm yourself. You’re still trying to recover, and any stress could cause irreversible damage.” Red Heart turned when to grab a small mirror. She levitated it towards Rarity, “Perhaps you should take a look first. I’ll of course, answer any further questions you may have.”

Rarity took the mirror into her own magical grasp, and brought it to her face. She looked at her reflection. Her right eye, milky, but still blue. Her left eye…

Amethyst. A bright, sparkling amethyst.

“How…” she spoke softly. She was unable to say anything more.

“The First Fallen donated the organs necessary for the surgery.”

“Wait a minute. Twilight gave me an eye and a leg?”

“And her heart.” Pinkie added as she entered the room. Rarity looked over at her,

“She…she did what?”

“She gave you her heart.” Pinkie smiled. “In so many ways…”

“What do you mean by that?” Rarity slightly shook her head, “Nevermind. Where is she? Can you take me to her?”

“Not yet, Fallen Rarity.” Red Heart quickly replied. “We’re still unsure if the transplanted leg is fully functional. You need to heal some more before we can run begin your physical therapy.”

Rarity looked at her lavender foreleg. She carefully rose it and rotated the wrist,

“Looks like its functioning to me. Now take me to see Twilight.”

Red Heart hesitated, “Forgive me, Fallen Rarity, but-”

“She’s not going to give up, Doc.” Pinkie appeared beside Rarity’s bed with a wheelchair. “C’mon Rares.”

Rarity tilted her head up, “I’ve lost my eye, leg, and apparently my heart. I will not lose my dignity as well.”

She ripped off the bedsheets and turned to place her hind legs on the cold tile. She was a bit achy, but nothing that would keep her from seeing Twilight. She set her right foreleg down…

All was well.

She breathed a sigh of relief, then went to place her new, lavender leg on the ground. She began to crumple under her own weight. Pinkie scooped her up,

“Ready to get in the chair now?”

With her pride wounded, Rarity let Pinkie help her into the chair. Pinkie looked over at Red Heart,

“Is Twi’ awake?”

“Yes ma’am. I just came from her room about 10 minutes ago. I must warn you though, she is a bit groggy and irritable.”

Pinkie beamed, “She’ll be sure to lighten up once she sees us.” She looked down at Rarity, “Let’s get you to her room.”

She propped her forelegs on the handles and began pushing her out the door.

“Geez…I hate being in places like this. Its sooo boring and not fun. When we get outta here, we’re going straight to the colony. Locust and her parents were actually pretty nice an-…Rarity?”

She trailed off when she heard a sniffle come from the mare. She leaned down, noticing the tear trails on her eyes,

“What’s wrong?”

“Why did she do this?”

“You were on the verge of death, Rarity. Did you think she’d just let you die? Do you think any of us would?”

“But…” the Unicorn looked up at her, “She gave me her heart.”

“Well…she’s dead, so…its not like she was using it anyway.”

“But she was still using these!” Rarity used her new leg to point at her new eye, “And now she’s laying in her bed, probably-”

“Happy that you’re alive…”

Rarity fell silent, allowing Pinkie to finish taking her to Twilight’s room. She wheeled Rarity to Twilight’s bedside, and her smile disappeared,

“She’s all yours, Twi…”

Rarity looked over in confusion as Pinkie exited the room. Rarity craned her neck back to Twilight, taking in the sight before her. An IV was attached to her right foreleg. Her left foreleg…

Was nothing more than a bandaged stump.

Rarity placed a hoof to her lips as her eyes traveled up to Twilight’s face. The left eye was covered by a thick gauze patch and wrapped around her head in bandages. Her right eye was closed, and it appeared that Twilight had fallen back asleep. Rarity carefully stood up, choosing to stand on three legs as to not damage the leg that she had been gifted. Twilight’s ear twitched,

“Rarity…please sit down, before you hurt yourself…” her rasped voice ordered. Rarity leaned closer,

“Absolutely not. Scoot over.”

A soft smile appeared on Twilight’s face. She opened her eye to look up at Rarity,

“Seems like the operation was a success if you’ve already got this much energy…”

Rarity frowned, “Twilight…what did you do?”

Twilight avoided her gaze, “I…you needed it. And I…”

Rarity leaned forward even more, “You what?”

“…I…I needed…you…”

Rarity’s ears perked up and her face flushed red, “What?”

Twilight slowly forced herself to sit up. She looked into Rarity’s eyes and gently tilted her chin upward.

“I needed you.”

Rarity’s eyes went wide as Twilight closed the distance between them. Her lips were surprisingly soft, and her kiss amazingly gentle. Her lids fell shut, as she relaxed into the kiss. Her heart thundered in her chest, as she pulled Twilight closer and intensifying the kiss. When they pulled apart, time continued once more.

“T-Twilight…” Rarity stated breathlessly, the entirety of her face now bright red.

Twilight looked away sheepishly, “If I had more blood flowing, I’d probably be blushing too.”

“How long?...”

“Since we were in our 50s…”

“You’ve had feelings for me for over 70 years?”

“Yes. And I’ll have them for another 70 years, and even beyond that…” she met Rarity’s gaze and took her hoof into her own, “You were so easy to fall for, Rarity. Far too easy…and, I know I’m not a stallion…but I’d like to give and show you the love you absolutely deserve. Besides, you’re my closest friend, and I would lay my life down for you time and time again if it meant keeping your safe.” She smiled, “So giving you a couple body parts is nothing but a small price to pay for your well-being.”

“But your heart? What was wrong with mine?”

“Yours was infected with an extremely deadly virus, and would’ve kept pushing infected blood throughout your body. Giving you my eye and leg would’ve been pointless, so I simply did what was logical.”

Rarity giggled, “Giving me your heart in a literal and metaphorical sense was logical?”

Twilight groaned and dropped her face into her hoof. Rarity gave her a peck on the cheek,

“Thank you, Twilight…I’ll don’t know how I’d ever be able to repay you…”

“Well, there is something I’d like to ask…”

Rarity scooted closer, “Of course, Dearest…”

“All I ask, is for you to give me a chance. A single chance to prove that I’m worth dating, even if I’m a ‘zombie’, as Rainbow would put it.” She scratched the back of her head, “And of course, if you need time to think, or it’s something you end up not wanting to pursue further, I would understand and accept that. I will still love and care for you as my friend.”

Rarity gave her a small smile and a peck on the lips, “Oh, Twilight love…you had a chance far before this…”


Pinkie looked sadly before her best friends and her wife. Dash had gotten into one of the operating rooms first, due to the fact that Pinkie needed her help to rebuild Patch Work as well as prosthetics for Twilight. She’d also be needed in leading a group to start construction of their new headquarters at the Hybrid Hive that they’d allied themselves with. To be honest though, none of it meant much to her if she didn’t have her lovely Applejack by her side. She walked over to her bed and placed her muzzle against the farmer’s,

“Oh Jackie…I’m sorry I had to pick Dashie to get operated on first. She was in serious trouble, and we need her a lot right now. You’re both very, very important to me, and I want you to know, that even with my decision, I love you very much.”

“Ah know ya do, Sugar…an’ Ah love ya very much as well…”

Pinkie jerked her head up and looked into bright green eyes. Oh, how she loved getting lost in those emerald orbs. She loved the way they practically sparkled as she looked up at her.

Wait, why were they looking at her?

Pinkie reached over for the clipboard attached to her bed and flipped though a couple pages,

“Applejack, how are you awake? You’re supposed to be on a morphine drip right now.”

“Eh, it ran out a lil’ while ago. When the docs came in ta replenish it, Ah asked em not ta. Ol’ Honesty is healin’ me up just fine. Ah mean, at a slower pace than usual, but still gettin’ the job done.” She reached up and placed a hoof to Pinkie’s cheek, “RD’s got an role ta play. Far more important than mah own right now. So, go an’ make sure she’s alright.”

“Nah, she can stay with you, I’m good.” Dash stated in a dismissive tone as she entered the room, causing both of the Earth Ponies to snap their heads in her direction. Pinkie smiled and leapt onto her,

“DASHIE!! You’re okay!! Thank the gods and goddesses above!!”

Dash swatted at Pinkie, “Pinks, get off me!”

Pinkie kept her legendary grip on her, “I’m just so glad to see you’re alright!”

Dash looked over her shoulders. The surgery done on her real wing insured that she’d be able to use it again with time and rehabilitation. However, the cybernetic wing was gone, and the damage done was far greater than when she had lost her wing the first time. She let out an angry snort,

“Dammit…now I gotta make a whole to socket to attach a prosthetic wing to.” she rested her chin on Pinkie’s shoulder after surrendering to the powerful embrace, “It took me a year just to make that one…”

Ire crossed Pinkie’s features. It went unnoticed as Applejack spoke up,

“At least yer real wing is gonna be alright, once it heals up an’ stuff.”

Dash rolled her eyes, “Yeah, that’s great. Too bad I can’t fly with one wing!”

“You think you’re the only one that got the shit end of the stick?” Pinkie snapped as she released Dash. The Pegasus slightly flinched before glaring at up at her,

“I didn’t say that, but it does suck that I’m gonna be a clipped Pegasus for a while!” she pointed at her, “You’re perfectly fine, so what are you bitching about?”

Tears glassed Pinkie’s eyes, “Twilight…Twilight gave an eye, leg, and her heart for Rarity…”

The air was snatched from Applejack and Dash’s lungs,

“Wh…what?” Applejack questioned in disbelief.

“They had to use pieces of Twilight to save Rarity. She took a couple steps towards Dash, “And then there’s Patch, who lost every single mechanical part of his body.” She placed a hoof on the smaller pony’s shoulder,

“So, I understand that you want your wing back, but they need you.” Pinkie continued in a softer tone, “That’s why I gave the order for you to be operated on first. These doctors can make prosthetics, but they don’t come close to the mechanical miracles that you make.”

Dash looked down in shame, “Well…shit…Pinkie, I dunno what to say…”

Pinkie stood tall, the firey gaze of a leader in her eyes, “Don’t say anything. Just do what you do best!”

The sound of the door opening drew their attention. Sparks and Locust entered,

“When Sparks told me what happened, I came as fast as I could.” Locust stated. “I’m here for any assistance I can provide you.”

Dash looked at Sparks, “You brought the hybrid to one of our hospital bunkers? Why?”

“I told her to.” Pinkie stated defensively. Dash looked back at her in confusion,


“I’m in charge right now.” Pinkie stated in a matter-of-fact tone. “I told you, Twilight’s way too injured. She’s unable to lead right now. Since I was the only Fallen still conscious, she left me in charge.”

The cyan Pegasus stared at her for a few seconds, before letting a small smile creep to her lips.

Big mistake.

Pinkie leaned forward, snorting hot air from her nostrils. Despite being known as the friendliest of the Fallen, the legendary strength and intimidating posture of the Earth Pony Tribe was on full display.

“I swear to the gods and goddesses Rainbow Dash, if you make one slick comment about my current position, I will fucking break you.”

Dash was immediately unaffected by her imposing stature, “The fuck you mean-”

Applejack brayed, silencing them both. The group looked at her as she cleared her throat,

“There we go. Now, Pinkie’s in charge right now until the others wake up, ain’t nothin ta be done about that, and ain’t nothin wrong with that!” she quickly added as Pinkie shot her a look.

The pink Earth Pony returned her blazing gaze back to Dash. The mares silently burned holes into one another. Sparks took a couple steps forward,

“Um…should we take our leave, Fallen Ones?”

“Please do…” Pinkie replied, her eyes never leaving Dash’s.

Sparks and Locust hurriedly exited the room.

Pinkie’s gaze softened, “C’mon Rainbow Dash, we’ve got work to do.”

Dash pointed at her wing, “My wing’s still busted. I can’t just trot out of here,

Pinkie rolled her eyes, “Please, out of the many many times you’ve been hospitalized, you never stay the recommended time. Besides, your wing has nothing to do with your legs.”

Applejack’s bedsheets ruffled as she slowly slid out of bed. She winced as pain flared through her ribs. Pinkie turned to her with concern,

“Jackie, what are you doing, get back in bed!”

“Ah can’t let a few lil’ jacked up ribs stop me from helpin’ out.” She smiled at her wife, “After all, they ain’t got nothin’ ta do with mah legs.”

She took the few steps needed to get to Dash and outstretched a hoof,

“C’mon RD. Let’s get this show on the road. Ya got work ta do an’ yer gonna need our help.”

Dash sighed, extending her own hoof to place into Applejack’s. Her tired expression turned to one of determination,

“Let’s do this.”

Author's Note:

Sorry this is such a short chapter, readers. This was originally going to be longer, but I decided to put this in a smaller chunk due to the fact that the rest of it has a few kinks that I need to work out. I also have a few other projects I'd like to work on, and I didn't want to just leave this without adding at least SOMETHING on it for too long.