• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 2,266 Views, 48 Comments

Blazing Dragon - Zanem-Ji

It's been over 70 years since Spike has become the Corrupted One. With the world now thrown into chaos, it's up to one mare to find the only six ponies who had dealt with this evil before, and help her defeat the Corrupted One.

  • ...

Dark Side

Sparks couldn’t believe her eyes. The First Fallen…

She had heard the stories about her. She was the Princess that had sealed away the Hell King once before, and saved her friends, but at the cost of her Alicorn magic. She started to bow-

“Stop.” Twilight commanded. Sparks froze. Twilight stared harder at her. There was a flash of lavender aura in her eyes. “You think I’m some sort of heroine?”

Sparks nodded, “Well…yes ma’am. I mean-”

“I am no heroine meant to be worshipped.”

“B-but you chased off the Hell King and-”

“Sacrificed my Alicornhood to save my loved ones.” Twilight finished before letting out a small sigh. “I know that’s the story being told but…I didn’t sacrifice anything. At least, I don’t see it that way.” She glanced around at her friends, “I repaid my debts. Everyone sees me as a heroine, as a goddess. But I am far from it. Everything you’ve been told is a lie. I was once what the Hell King is; a violent and evil monster. I simply didn’t go as far because I have an amazing found family who stopped me. A family…that I don’t deserve. Family that I murdered in a cold-blooded, tyrannical rage. Pinkie, Dash, and Fluttershy…were killed by my own hooves. I destroyed Applejack’s back, made my brother…nearly burn Rarity to death. The scars that they all bear, are because of me.” she pointed at herself. “It was the Princess of the Sun, whom I tried to kill as well, who had to nearly kill me to stop me. And she should have." Her gaze fell to the floor in front of Sparks, “Then…that dragon you know as the Hell King…took what was inside of me, and used his own body as a vessel. The very gods and goddesses themselves spared me…and in order to bring my family back…the Sun Princess and I gave our Alicorn magic to them as their life source.” She looked over at each and every one of the older mares. “The Hell King is the reason I stand here before you today...”

Sparks slowly nodded in understanding, before ignoring her order and still bowing. Twilight let out an irritated snort,

“Did I not make myself clear?”

Sparks stood straight up, “You told me the truth. And now…you are continuously striving to right your wrongs. That…that makes you a heroine in my eyes…”

Twilight gave her an unreadable gaze for a few moments. Sparks stared back. Twilight sighed before turning away from her,

“We will speak again another time…”

She walked through an open door located on the other side of the room before magically shutting it behind her. Fluttershy’s fangs protruded as she gave Sparks another small smile,

“Oh my, you made her smile…”

Sparks eyes widened in disbelief, “I mean no disrespect…but that was a smile?”

Applejack grinned, “We’ve been her with fer almost a hundred years, we can tell a smile when we see it.”

Rarity trotted up beside her, “That was wonderful darling. Nothing more charming than words spoken from the heart…”

There was a loud rapping at the main door. Pinkie turned to the door,


“Fallen Pinkie Pie…Fallen Fluttershy has been requested to come to the Meeting Hall for a Dark Hours mission. Its extremely important.”

“She’ll be right out! Thank you!”

Fluttershy sighed, “I don’t like going out at night…”

“We know, sugarcube…but until RD gets a workin’ set of night vision goggles-”

“Not really easy to do in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, AJ!” Dash shouted.

Applejack rolled her eyes, “Anyways…‘til that gets done…we’re countin’ on ya an’ the Dark Hour Brigade.”

Fluttershy hid behind her mane, and Dash wrapped her prosthetic wing around her lover, “Babe, you’re equipped for these types of mission, ya know? We need you."

Fluttershy silently nodded, and Dash nuzzled her as a thanks. Sparks stepped forward,

"Is there a way I can come with you on the mission?”

Fluttershy looked worriedly at her, “I don’t know…Dark Hours missions are very dangerous…”

“I’ve been traveling alone for almost several years now, even in the dark hours of Eventide. I’m sure I’ll be safer with a Fallen and other rebel fighters.” Sparks pointed out.

Two Fallen actually.” Rarity corrected. “Fallen never go out alone. I shall be accompanying Fluttershy on this mission.” She looked over at Fluttershy, “Besides, we could use a little bit more Unicornian magic. She’s Blast’s daughter, surely she’s inherited some of his magical capabilities. Ooh, the potential! As a matter of fact,” she placed a maternal hoof onto Sparks’ shoulder, “I shall make her my protégé! I’m sure she hasn’t encountered a Unicorn as powerful as I in quite a long time.”

Sparks eyes went wide, “Really?! Wait, is it that simple?”

Rarity arched a brow, “Who here would dare speak against any of us?”

“…Good point.”

“My my, so humble…” Applejack grumbled. Fluttershy sighed,

“Alright…let’s see what’s going on tonight…”

Fluttershy made her way towards the main door, with Rarity and Sparks in tow. They stepped out into a long, dimly lit hallway. When they stepped into an unlit portion, Sparks froze midstep as she heard the stretch of skin, the pops of bones shifting, and snarling. Rarity placed a reassuring hoof on her shoulder,

“Its only Fluttershy.” Rarity whispered. “She’s just…preparing for a Dark Hours mission.”

When Fluttershy stepped from the shadows, her coat was a paler shade of yellow. Her snout took on a more slender look, and far more fangs protruded from her mouth now. Her Pegasus wings had transformed into leathery bat wings. Tufts of fur sat atop her now larger ears, and her mane and tail took on a more feral appearance. She turned to look over at Sparks with crimson orbs,

“Let’s go.” She spoke in a deeper voice. Despite the underlying fear Sparks felt, she found the voice…sultry. “We’ll probably get a lot of enemies to sink our teeth into…”

The distraction from her voice was overridden with fear from Fluttershy’s statement. Sparks had heard the stories of Vamponies. There were even a couple that lived in her old camp. Despite the ones that had managed to ‘tame’ themselves while they were within the camp’s borders, she knew that they’d have no problem making a meal out of anyone unfortunate enough to cross them. Fluttershy tilted the younger Unicorn’s chin upward,

“We’re going into a room that will have other Vamponies in it, and they can smell fear.” Her snout scrunched up, “Calm yourself…you reek of it.”

Sparks gulped and nodded. Rarity leaned in as Fluttershy opened the door at the end of the hall,

“Forgive her…the personality change comes with the transformation…”

Sparks looked up at her, “Really? How is she able to become one at will? I thought they um…were always just like that.”

“The magic we wield allows us to use any powers we possess as we see fit. And I’d love to explain further, but we have a job to do…”

Rarity followed Fluttershy in, and Sparks trailed behind her. All of the creatures in the room were standing tall as they entered,

“Welcome Fallen Rarity, Fallen Fluttershy. It is always an honor to be in your presence.” One of the creatures in the room spoke up.

“Thank you, dear. You’re so sweet.” Rarity replied as she waved Sparks closer to her and put a hoof on her shoulder, “This is Bright Spark, and she is daughter of Star Blast.”

There were quiet whispers and murmurs of awe,

“She is also my new apprentice. With that being said, she shall be treated with respect and kindness. Is that understood?”

“Yes ma’am.” Everyone responded in unison.

“Perfect.” She outstretched a hoof to Fluttershy, “Darling, would you be so kind as to pass the files this way?”

There was no response, causing the unicorn to look over at her. A deep frown was etched into Fluttershy’s face while she was buried into a particular report. She dropped the file onto the desk and rubbed her temples,

“Goddesses above, are you kidding me? How did this happen?” she looked around at the group, “How were 14 fighters killed in a single night? Who was in charge of that mission?”

“Pitch Black was, Master Fluttershy.” A Vampony mare replied as she rose to her hooves. She was a black coated pony, with a low cut mane, save for a long strip that hung lazily over one of her amber eyes. She was covered in bandages, wraps, and gauze. A crescent moon with blood dripping from it marked both of her hindquarters. Fluttershy focused on the mare, her features softening,

“Was...was that the night-”

“Yes ma'am” the mare cut her off. “Y-you know how he was…an-and he-” she paused to bite back tears, “I'm sorry. I know its been a couple months, but its still fresh...”

“Oh Dee…” Fluttershy she got up an was at the mare’s side, “I’m so sorry…”

Sparks looked on silently, as one of the most powerful ponies on the planet comforted what she thought was one of the scariest creatures to exist.

“Go and take time to mourn, Apprentice. And I’ll make sure Dawn Breaker is pulled from further missions for a bit. Remember; shared joy is double, and shared sorrow-”

“Is halved sorrow.” Dee finished, before giving Fluttershy a saddened, but thankful look, “Thank you, Master Fluttershy.” She quickly excused herself from the room. Sparks leaned upward towards Rarity’s ear,

“Who is that?”

“That’s Dead Moon.” Rarity quietly responded. “She’s Fluttershy’s Apprentice. She took her and Pitch Black under her wings when they were younger.”

“I see…” she then looked into Rarity’s eyes, “And…I’m your Apprentice now, correct?”

Rarity gave her a small smile, “That’s correct.” She looked back up at the group, and her smile vanished,

“Can someone explain in further detail what happened that night?”

A dark brown Unicorn stood up, “Ma’am, somehow, the enemy have managed to get ahold of live ammunition, and the weaponry to use them. As much as we’ve tried to avoid using ammo on more sentient creatures…that battle has proven that we may no longer have that option. We’ll need to make more, provide them to our bases that lay further out on the map, and arm some of the posts in between them.”

“What’s the closest base from here with a lot of weapons?”

“Base A-45, Ma’am.”

“Shit…that’s a long way from here…” Fluttershy hissed.

“We didn’t have any choice, Fluttershy.” Rarity stated. “If I’m correct, that base only has Earth Ponies, Yaks, and Griffins there.”

The group sat around in silence, contemplating the safest method to get there. A soft knock at the door caught their attention. Fluttershy looked up,

“Who is it?!” Fluttershy barked out.

“Dead Moon, Master Fluttershy. May I come back in?”

“The girl never knows when to sit down and take a breather…” she stated quietly. “Come in.”

The door creaked opened, and Dee returned. Fluttershy raised a brow,

“Girl, when do you plan to relax?”

“I’m a tactician, Master Fluttershy. While I do plan to take up your offer in due time, I can still help, even in my current condition. I may have an idea to our current predicament…”


He sat upon his throne built of molten rock and bone. The smell of burning, rotten flesh and sulfur hung in the air. The screams of the tormented and damned rung in his ears. His view was nothing but near infinite blackness and hellfire.

And he loved it.

He picked up what appeared to be a pony’s skull and looked at it, “It’s a lovely day to be here, isn’t it?”

He stared expectantly at the silent skull.

“I mean, look at this view! Nothing but despair, fear, and suffering. Oh…and soldiers. Countless amounts of minions who would die for me. Not to mention the thousands of souls to play with when I’m bored. Its pretty cool, isn’t it?”

Still no response.

The massive beast rolled his eyes, “I don’t know why I talk to you. You’re such an introvert…”

“Pardon me, Great Dragon…”

He looked down at the puny thing speaking to him, “What.”

“I give you my most sincere apology to have to disturb you, but we have received news that some of the Hellions were killed off by the Fallen that were saving a Unicorn. Two of them were sighted near Canterlot.”

The drake arched a scaly brow, “Which ones?”

“The two known as Applejack and Pinkie Pie.”

‘Thank the gods and goddesses they’re still alive…’

He growled, “So why were they only ‘sighted’ and not ‘killed’?”

“We tried, Great Dragon, but-”


The tiny creature flinched and took off. The dragon clenched his fist, crushing the skull within it.

‘They’re still alive…and they’re going to win…’

“Not again. Not with this body…”

“I implore that you calm thyself, Hell King. There is no power on the planet that can even come close to challenging your own.”

Hell King still kept a frown on his face, “You say that, but those six have proven to be a pain in the ass for over a century now. I want them destroyed.”

“Rest assured, Great Dragon. It shall be so…”

Hell King looked down at the source of the voice. He could barely make out the mare’s facial features in the dim light, but he knew that she was smiling. And she was, staring back at him with a smile he knew all too well, as he had once worn that smile before.

A pillar of fire exploded beside her, briefly exposing her. She bore a burned and tattered brown cape, clasped onto the shoulder guards of her faded silver armor. Her coat was still a deep, blackish-blue, now marred by large scars gain from a battle long ago. Her mane and tail still retained the flowing night sky that had not been seen by the eyes of the last few generations. Her horn was not slightly twisted, and she missed a few feathers from her wings, but she still retained an air of regality about her. Her deep turquoise pupils were nearly drowned in a sea of black. She may have not been as strong as the current vessel, but he knew she was powerful enough to bring back from the dead.

“I figured Death would’ve taken its toll on your body after all these years. I am…slightly impressed, that you were able to retain your looks for the most part, Eternal Slumber…”

Eternal gave a pleased smile, “Alicorn Magic can do some amazing things…only a fool would relinquish it…”

Hell King chuckled, “Yes…but Dragonian Magic has now proven to go beyond that.” He turned to look back at the view he had come to love, “However, I brought you back for a reason…”

Her eyes glittered with dark desire, “Are you implying that it is time for me to enter the fray?”

The drake’s smile shrank as he rubbed his chin, “I know you want to get out there…but not yet. I need to see if those pathetic little ponies will come.” He looked down at her, “Pass the word to the others to start attacking more frequently. If two of them will come out to save on measly creature, perhaps all of them will appear if we kill off a base’s worth of them.”

Eternal nodded, “Of course, Great Dragon. I shall take my leave right away.” She turned and disappeared into the shadows. Hell King narrowed his eyes while he looked off into the distance.

‘Please…help me…’


Sparks scratched her head, “So what you’re telling me, is that she got her powers because of a spell that went wrong? But that doesn’t make any sense…surely the effects of an improper incantation would’ve disappeared by now…”

Rarity smiled, “Well…even without the amount of magic she wields, Fluttershy was already a very special pony. She had a…particular trait that allowed her to use a very rudimentary spell. Perhaps she inherited from Unicorn genes from very far into her family tree.”

“But Miss Rarity-”

“Master Rarity, dear. Remember, you’re my Apprentice now.”

“Right…my apologies…” Sparks briefly internally chastised herself. “But how did Miss Twilight’s spell come into play?”

“That is uh…where it gets a bit confusing…”

“Please, shut up! We’re supposed to be quiet!” Fluttershy hissed.

“Sorry, darling!” Rarity whispered back. “She’s just as excited as your…situation, as we were!”

A Vampony quickly trotted up next to the trio. “I’m sorry to interrupt your conversation, but we’ve got enemies nearby.”

As if on cue, they heard screeching from something not too far up ahead. The group quickly got into fighting stances in response. The screeching and snarling ceased. For a moment, a pregnant silence hung in the air. And then…the silence was broken.

They leapt out from all around.

Fangs and claws dug into flesh. Hooves, fists, and feet slammed into faces.

The sounds of battle kicked off before Sparks could fully process what was going on. Five mutated creatures lunged at her. She rapid fired beams of hot magic at them, but was pinned down by two that managed to dodge her attack. One of them clamped down on her shoulder. Rarity jousted the thing through the neck and flung it off Sparks, before kicking one that had attempted and failed to flank her. A second creature quickly flailed behind the second and leapt, but Sparks fired off a massive beam, vaporizing it. Rarity smiled as she magically lifted Sparks to her hooves,

“Quite spectacular, Apprentice!” she turned to look on at the brawl, “It seems like our fighters took their training seriously!”

Sparks followed her gaze. Zebras caved in the bodies of their enemies wherever their hooves landed, while the Vamponies showed their ferocity in full as they tore the creatures limb from limb. It seemed like this battle would be over soon. That they would be victorious.

“Fallen Rarity, LOOK OUT!” one of the fighters screamed.

Talons clamped around the white mare’s throat and plunged into her chest. She punched the side of it’s head, dislodging it from her. Without hesitation, Sparks lunged at it. It had been a long time since she had seen a Griffin, and she had never seen one mutated before. Its eyes quickly settled on her before it leapt into the sky. Sparks looked over at Rarity with horrified eyes as she assessed her injuries. Lacerations on her necks, the chest flowing with blood. Her ears pinned at the sucking sound as Rarity struggled to breathe.

“Master Rarity, we’ve got to get you somewhere safe!” Sparks shouted.

Rarity tried to reply, but was only successful in starting up a fit of bloodied coughs.

“Please, don’t talk! You might worsen your injuries!”

Rarity’s right pupil pinpricked as she focused on something over Sparks shoulder. Her horn quickly flashed blue, and Sparks reflexively ducked as Rarity's magic shot over her head. Sparks turned to see the griffin had dodged it, before digging its talons into her barrel. Searing pain tore through Sparks, as she was knocked away from Rarity and rolled across the dirt. She tried to sit up and reorient herself, but was quickly shoved back down as the griffin pinned her. Sparks looked up at it. It was a dark green furred and brown feathered creature, and while it held the same, wild eyes of the monsters she had seen before, the gleam of sentience in them stunned her. It leaned in close,

“Go back to wherever you came from, before you get involved in something you’ve got no business being in.”

Sparks was shocked. Not from hearing a female’s voice come from it, but to hear a voice at all. These things never spoke. Before she could reply however, something far more terrifying bit onto the griffin’s wing;


She snatched the griffin off her, but she quickly got back up, seemingly unaffected by the attack.

“Finally, I get to meet one of the Fallen Pegasi in the flesh.” The griffin smirked, “The name’s Shekara.”

“I don’t give a shit about your name.” Fluttershy spat. “It’s not like I’m going to remember your face, especially after I tear it off your skull.”

Shekara scoffed, “Oh yeah? With what, your pathetic dull hooves? Good luck with that!”

Fluttershy sneered as something dark started to come to the surface, “I don’t need luck…”

“NO!” Rarity rasped out with shredded vocal chords. Sparks looked at her,

“What? ‘No’ what?”

Rarity looked on at Fluttershy, “Don’t, Shy! Don’t turn into it!”

Sparks turned back to Fluttershy, “What’s ‘it’?”

Fluttershy responded with a roar, making a noise that rival the feralness of the monsters they fought. Fangs started pointing in multiple directions, and the skin around her mouth tore open as her jaw unhinged itself. Her hooves split into separate keratin digits, and claws spurt from the tips of her wings. The crimson of her irises spilled out, blending in with the vessels that had burst in her eyes. She let out another roar, her forked tongue flailing about wildly and flinging bloody spittle everywhere. Shekara looked on in terror.

“Shit…” Rarity swore as steam poured from her wounds. Sparks looked on in awe at the rapidly healing injuries. The largest laceration on Rarity’s throat shut, and she spat out the remnant of blood in her mouth.

“That was amazing, Master Rarity! How-”

“No time to explain.” Rarity wheezed out. “We have a much bigger issue that needs to be dealt with.”

“It looks like the issue is about to be dealt with though.” Sparks replied.

Shekara turned and fled to the sky. Fluttershy pushed off the earth and rocketed towards her.

“That griffin isn’t the only one in danger.”

Fluttershy reached out, latching an iron-clad grip onto one of the Shekara’s hindlegs. She divebombed back to the ground.

“She can’t control herself when she’s like this. She can’t differentiate friend from foe.”

Fluttershy slammed Shekara into the ground with enough force to shove her intestines out of her mouth.

“She becomes a true monster…”

The yellow monstress twirled the intestines around one of her fingers, and yanked them out with a slurping pop.

“And we’re all in danger…”

Though Shekara was clearly dead and defeated, Fluttershy felt compelled to rip out one of her jugulars, before spitting them out into the dirt not too far from her. Her gaze then settled on Rarity and Sparks.

“Fluttershy…” Rarity stated in a warning tone as her she began to levitate earthen shrapnel around them. “Don’t.

Sparks horn was surrounded by hazel and lavender light as she followed Rarity’s form. Fluttershy’s body slightly lurched in their direction, and Rarity fired off a volley of the rocks. The vampiric beast dodged with unnatural reflexes, and she was on top of them before they could move. Rarity shoved Sparks to the side and out of Fluttershy’s view in an attempt to gain her undivided attention. Fluttershy raised a hoof, and Rarity barely had time to throw up a forcefield before she was smacked to the side. Fluttershy sniffed the air, and smiled as she honed in on Sparks,

“You smell...of fear…delicious…”

She took off again, slamming and dragging Sparks through the gravel. Sparks looked up with terror, as Fluttershy’s jaw clicked and opened even further, ready to rip her apart.

A rumbling shook the earth, causing slight confusion between Sparks and Fluttershy.

A lavender crystal exploded from the ground, piercing one of Fluttershy’s forelegs. Another followed, and repeated the process on her other foreleg. They arched and twisted, digging back into the earth, and locking Fluttershy to the ground. Sparks’ vision took on a lavender hue, as an aura surrounded her and quickly pulled her away from Fluttershy’s vicinity. She was plopped onto the ground, and quickly got up to face whoever saved her,

“Thank you so much-”

She stopped, as she slowly looked up at the towering Twilight, who stood protectively over Rarity’s form.

“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to have to come out here.”

“I didn’t come out here for you.” Twilight responded. “Rarity sent a distress signal, and I will not have a repeat of her getting hurt like she did when…” she stopped. Lightly shaking her head, instead rediverting her attention to the feral Fluttershy. The Vampony writhed on the ground, causing the crystals to tremble, before they gave in and cracked. Fluttershy ripped the shards from her legs, and Sparks realized that she too, had the same regenerative properties as Rarity. Fluttershy leered at Twilight, snorting angrily and licking her lips. Twilight’s eyes narrowed as they glowed a bright violet,

“This will end here, Fluttershy…”