• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 2,263 Views, 48 Comments

Blazing Dragon - Zanem-Ji

It's been over 70 years since Spike has become the Corrupted One. With the world now thrown into chaos, it's up to one mare to find the only six ponies who had dealt with this evil before, and help her defeat the Corrupted One.

  • ...

Dance With The Devil Pt. 2

The ringing in Twilight’s ears stirred her out of unconsciousness. Through her blurred vision, she could see Pinkie giving her a crooked grin,

“Hey there, sleepy head...”

Fluttershy popped into her field of view, “We’re so glad that you’re okay!!”

Twilight sat up, but winced as pain tore through her side. She looked down to see a massive gash on the side of her barrel, where the crystal armor hadn’t formed over yet.

“I don’t know why your armor hasn’t come back yet…but I injected the wound with a coagulant and a topical anesthetic. The anesthetic should kick in soon, so you should be okay.”

Twilight glanced over at Pinkie and Fluttershy, giving them grateful looks as she slowly rose to her hooves. She suddenly felt a wave of magic wash over her. It was gentle, soothing, and had a familiar aura about it. The light scent of lilac wafted into her nostrils, and her ears perked up as she faintly heard a mare’s voice speak. She tried to take a couple steps towards the edge of the crystal, but stumbled. Fluttershy quickly walked over to support her fellow pony, as they all walked to the edge. What they saw made them smile, tear up, and their hearts pound all at the same time.

“My gods…” Twilight felt herself start to tremble in excitement. “Rarity?…”

Sparks’ grin got even bigger, “I can’t believe this…I’m so glad that you’re here, Maste-”

She was silenced as a white hoof was placed onto her lips. Rarity shook her head,

“No dear. I’m no longer your mentor.” She moved her hoof away from Sparks’ lips, “One would not even call me a pony anymore. I am the Spirit of Generosity..."

She lightly stroked Sparks’ mane, her smile turned into a motherly, protective one. She then turned and faced Corrupted Spike, all traces of gentleness voided from her face,

“I have come to learn something, Corrupted One.” Rarity started. “I’ve learned, that no matter what you do, you will never win this war.”


He reached out for the two Unicorns. Rarity dodged him with ease, while a still slightly dizzy Sparks scrambled to get away. Sparks felt hooves wrap around her torso, and looked up to see Dash had scooped her up. She dropped her onto a crystal pillar, then landed beside her,

“I can’t believe it! Look how tall she is! How is she doing this?!” Dash shook Sparks, “Or are you doing this?! Are you the reason she's tall too?!”

Sparks was still too awestruck that Rarity had returned, and slightly confused by her statement. The Spirit of Generosity? She was the previous Element’s Bearer, but that still didn’t make too much sense. Applejack hopped up to the crystal pillar they were on,

“While ya’ll are sittin’ here all willy-nilly, we got a bigger problem on our hooves!!”

Dash and Sparks looked down to see Pinkie and Fluttershy were dodging punches, kicks, and fire blasts from Corrupted Spike. Twilight focused her magic to heal her armor, before leaping onto the massive drake’s arm. He swiped at her, but missed, allowing her to leap onto his other arm and gallop up it to his shoulder. He spat out a wad ball made of molten rock onto her. It hit her with a loud *THWACK!!*, sticking to her armor and completely engulfing her. It hardened instantly, freezing her within it. He smirked and flicked the ball of molten rock off of him. The ball exploded on impact, and Twilight fell to the ground once more. She quickly leapt to her hooves, and charged towards him once more. Pinkie galloped up beside her,

“You can’t just keep trying to tackle him! Do you have another plan?!”

They saw Corrupted Spike’s fist coming for them, and began leaping up the crystal pillars. Rarity suddenly caught his eye, and he turned to pursue her. Twilight stared at the mare, entranced by her. Her coat, mane, and tail were glowing, and her eyes had a sapphire shine to them. Rarity fired off a blast of magic that seared off most of the scales on Corrupted Spike’s face. He belted out another roar of frustration and chased after her. She tore her gaze away from the scene to look back at Pinkie,

“I need to get closer to Bright Spark. If I can do a knowledge transfer spell, she can help me summon more of the crystals. That way, she and I can take turns being on the offense and defense.”

Pinkie nodded in understanding, before she jumped off of the pillar, and into the chaos in search of Sparks. Streaks of rainbow shot across the room, as Dash repeatedly slammed herself into the Dragon’s face, then zipping away before his teeth could snap down on her. Fluttershy, now further into the monstrous stages of her vampiric form, was also lunging at the dragon, spearing through his scales and piercing his flesh with her fangs. He’d swing at her, but her heightened speed made him miss time and time again. Finally, the pale grey coat of Spark caught her eyes. She was climbing higher and higher onto the crystals pillars. Rarity was close behind her, hopping from pillar to pillar. They stopped when they were once again out of Corrupted Spike’s reach. The Unicorns were exchanging a few words, before Sparks turned her head in Twilight’s direction. Rarity soon followed, before her sapphire orbs settled on Twilight’s form. Twilight could immediately feel a lump rising into her throat, and a grin spreading underneath her crystal helmet. The mare smiled at her for a few moments, before she turned and walked away from the edge. She trotted until she reached where the crystal burst from the wall, then turned back around. She lowered her head just a bit, before breaking out into a gallop. Her hooves pounded at the pillar, sending hairline fractures through it, as she raced towards the end of it. She coiled her legs tightly and leaned close to the crystal, before springing off of it. Sparks caught Twilight’s gaze for just a moment, as she leapt onto another pillar, the one that had been underneath her hooves crumbled away from the force of Rarity’s jump. Just as the glowing snow colored mare recaptured Twilight’s attention, she had recaptured Corrupted Spike’s as well. The massive dragon got a wicked sneer on his face, crouching down, and his irises turning into slits, as he honed in on her. He leapt into the air, and to the others’ horror, snapped his claws around Rarity’s body. He hit the ground with an earth shaking thud, thick torrents of smoke billowing from his mouth and nostrils. He pulled Rarity close to his face, his eyes glimmering with the blackest of desires for destruction,

“Finally…I have you in my grasp once more…”

Rarity stared back at him, not even the faintest glint of fear in her eyes. His grin got toothier and viler. He opened his mouth just a crack, and the back of his throat glowing with fire as he summoned it from his core. Rarity continued to look up at him. His mouth opened wider, flicks of flames reaching out towards her. Twilight lunged for him,


Corrupted Spike’s head snapped up towards her. A snarl rumbled up with the flames, and a roar soon followed after, as he belted out hellfire from his throat. Twilight threw all of her weight to one side to avoid the brunt of the spiraling fire attack, a few flames only licking at her armor. She slammed into his snout with enough force to hear an audible crack from both her armor, and his snout. She ‘thunked’ against his shoulder, before limply rolling off of him. Just before her irises faded, she saw Rarity staring down at her with wide eyes, screaming something out at her. Her vision completely darkened, she felt something collide with the side of her barrel, a tumbling sensation…then nothing.


"Get up…RIGHT NOW."

Twilight’s irises flashed back to life at the booming command. She knew who the voice belonged to, and wouldn’t dare to disobey. She rose to her hooves, her ears twitching as the sound of tinkling crystals reached them. She looked over to see Sparks rising to her hooves, her irises flickering, as if she were struggling to stay conscious. They both staggered a bit, as a surge of magic washed over them, filling the white void they were residing in with a soft humming sound.

“Look at me.”

They both turned to the sound of the voice. Ubenox stood before them, as proud and regal as a deity could be. His eyes however, burned with an intensity that Twilight had never seen before.

“Twilight Sparkle…Bright Spark…what have you two done?”

A chill ran through both of the Unicorns. Ubenox was never known to address a being by their name without the title of 'Follower' in front of it. Twilight knew this through the various encounters, and Sparks knew from her time reading any tomes that pertained to the arcane, and the rulers of such things. Twilight, the braver of the two, replied to him,

“I’m terribly sorry, Great One…but I don’t know what it is that Bright Spark or I have done.”

“I have gone against my code as a deity…” Ubenox started. “I showed faith in the faithless…”

“Great One…forgive me for speaking out…but what have we done?” Sparks questioned.

Ubenox’s eyes shined with a fierce light, “YOU ARE WASTING WHAT I HAVE BESTOWED UPON YOU!!!”

Sparks flinched, while Twilight continued to stare up at him. Slowly and carefully, she looked up and down his form. He was still massive, muscles rippling under his coat. And yet…

He looked just a bit smaller than she recalled.

His mane and tail still flowed, twinkling from the billions of stars within it, and the planets that floated across it, each reflected the light of their own respective suns. Still…

They didn’t seem quite as luminescent as she remembered them to be.

His coat was still cut vertically down the middle of his body. One side, a shade of deep ebony, while the other side was a shimmering ivory. But…

She knew that his coat was so much duller than she had ever seen it before.

She studied his eyes. They were still teal. They still showed knowledge that she knew most ponies couldn’t even begin to comprehend. Still shining with power that would make all ponies tremble before him. However…

There was a weight behind them...a tiredness unlike anything she had ever seen. A dark glint behind them that made Twilight’s eyes widen in realization,

“You gave us some of your own power??”

Ubenox nodded slowly, “Do you really think you both would have survived this long, with remnants of the Corrupted One’s magic within you?” Ubenox questioned. “Bright Spark's transformation was the signaling of something bigger at stake. The scale was tipping in Evil’s favor. The Corrupted One’s magic could now be transferred without it having to have taken over that being’s body. But now, I have given you so much of my strength that I do not even have any power left in my reserves.” His eyes crinkled up, and for the first time that Twilight had ever seen, he bared his teeth at her,

“YOU HAVE MADE ME INTO A FOOL!!” he roared out. His eyes shined brighter, and his mane and tail flared with angry power. Twilight stood up straighter, and stared him straight in the eyes,

“Tell us what to do, Great One.”

Ubenox snorted, “I have already told you what to do! You all had been listening to me up until this point!”

“No you haven’t. You’ve been leaving us clues and riddles, then leaving us to figure them out.” Twilight started. “You want to redeem yourself? Then help us!!”

Sparks was taken aback. It was completely unheard of to speak out without permission, but to shout back at the son of the universe? Twilight was going to die.


Twilight stomped her hoof defiantly, “You gave Bright Spark and I some of your powers. You cannot destroy me or her.” She then took her eyes off of him, and knelt before him, “But I still have much respect for you, Great One. If I speak out that is not to your liking, it is because I am simply concerned for the well-being of my family and my friends.” She then looked back up at him, still kneeling before him, “I implore you, to help us defeat the Corrupted One. You have already given us some of your power. Surely you could push the boundaries just a bit more, and just tell us what we need to do.”

The void that they were residing went completely quiet. Ubenox stared down at the Unicorns, his eyes searching them, as he contemplated his next words.

“I…cannot…” Ubenox slowly replied. “I cannot just give the answers that you seek. If I were to ever break the verbal code, I would never be able to speak to mortals again…” he looked off into the nothingness, “And by giving you so much of my magic, I have already gone against the gods. Whether or not you are able to stop the Corrupted One, I still will be punished for this misdeed.” He looked back at them, his eyes softening, “But…if you ask the right questions…then perhaps…I can help just a bit more…”

Twilight’s crystal helmet retracted back to expose her face. She smiled up at him. She quickly made it vanish, then rose to her hooves,

“Is there a way to kill the Corrupted One?”

“It's mortal form can be killed…but not his essence.”

Sparks stepped forward, “May I have your permission to speak, Great One?”

Ubenox nodded, “You may continue.”

“You have stated that there’s no way to kill it. But…is there at least a way to defeat it? Keep it from finding another host?”

He nodded, “There is…however, I cannot give the answer.”

Twilight started to speak, but Ubenox held up a hoof,

“Twilight Sparkle…for as long as your soul has been shining in this universe, you have always been one to over-analyze and worry about every single detail…” his gaze softened even more and a tiny smile appeared on his face, “There is a Spirit of Harmony that walks among you. Her purpose is to protect the Elements, and their bearers at any cost. Listen to what she has to say. Her role does not require her to make any pacts with the gods or goddesses.” He leaned down just a bit, his tired smile growing a bit bigger,

“She has free reign of her will. She can say, what I cannot…”

Twilight and Sparks smiled back up at him. The moment was cut short however, as the empty world around them started to tremble. He looked around into the nothing, then back down at them,

“I no longer have the strength to return you back to the waking world.” Ubenox stated grimly.

Sparks looked up at him, “Then how are we supposed to get out of here?!” the trembling got stronger, and they started to feel raging heat against their coats. “We have to go and help the others!!”

“Bright Spark, you are now the Bearer of Generosity! And whether you knew this before or not, you are more in tune with your Element than the other Bearers! Use the link to your advantage!!"

Twilight turned to look at the younger mare. How had the newest Element Bearer become the strongest one out of them? Her confusion rose to higher levels, as Sparks looked around in panic.

“Um! I need help, Generosity! Help us please!”

The void world around them continued to crumble into destruction.

“Nothing’s working!!”

“TRY HARDER!!” Twilight snapped.

Sparks flinched, then inhaled and took a couple of calming breaths. She opened her eyes, determination shining brightly behind them,


In an instant, a set of ocean blue eyes appeared in front of her. They glanced over at Twilight, then settled back on Sparks. They started to glow, and Twilight and Sparks were enveloped in a swirling aura of blue and violet. The last thing they felt, was a strong yanking sensation, before Ubenox and the void vanished from their sight.


Sparks and Twilight snapped their eyes open. They sat upright and looked around. The battle was still going on. They were sitting on one of the highest crystal pillars in the room. Rarity was standing in between them,

“I will always keep you safe, Bearer of Generosity, and Bearer of Magic.” Rarity stated. She looked back and forth between them, “Are you two ready to jump back into the fray?”

Twilight slowly rose to her hooves. She looked up, and stared deep into Rarity’s eyes,

“Rarity…do you…do you remember who I am?”

Rarity smiled softly at her, “You are Twilight Sparkle, The Bearer of Magic.”

Twilight averted her disappointed gaze elsewhere. Rarity gently grabbed her chin, and tilted it towards her,

“You were also the last lover I had in my mortal life. And…the greatest one that I ever had. The one that was there for me for everything. The one who I would gladly lay my life down on the line for, my mortal one and spiritual one.”

Twilight let out a tiny chuckle of relief, “Thank the gods…I thought that you had forgotten who I was.”

“Darling, I may be the Spirit of Generosity…but I will always be your other half.”

The smile on Twilight’s face got bigger and goofier. She got on the tips of her hooves, but still couldn't touch the mare's muzzle,

"Um...you're...really tall. A little help please?"

Rarity giggled, before leaning down to nuzzle Twilight's snout with loving affection. Sparks felt bad that she had to cut their moment short.

“How do we defeat the Corrupted One?” she questioned. “Surely there’s a way to keep the cycle from repeating itself.”

“The Corrupted One feeds off of the desires and weaknesses of mortals. We need someone who has no desires to weaken them. Someone who can host the Corrupted One, without having anything for it to feed on.”

“A host? So…we’ll have to sacrifice someone else, just because they’re strong?” Sparks asked angrily. “Basically turn this whole thing into a ‘sacrifice a few for the many’ type of situation?”

“No…” Twilight answered in a soft voice. “She means someone that has virtually no emotions.”

“Someone like a robot?” her eyes widened. “Oh gods…you don’t mean-”

“Burning Sun.” Twilight finished sadly.

“But…she has feelings! She cares for us, just like anyone else!!”

“Yes, she does….but CBS-01 doesn’t. If we can get her to come here, Rainbow or myself can destroy her Memory Program, so that CBS-01 Protocol will activate in it’s place. She’d be a cyborg, completely devoid of emotions…making her the perfect container host for the Corrupted One.” She started searching the room for the cyan mechanic, “My headset is gone. We have to find Rainbow. She may still have another headset on her that works. She’ll be able to get in contact with her…”

“It’s not fair to her!” Sparks argued. “She cares about us, just as much as anyone else!”

“Burning Sun is Dash and I’s greatest creation!” Twilight snapped back. “She can be cold and calculating, yet gentle and sweet.” She looked down at the battle, “We tried to make her as close to Celestia as we possibly could…”

Sparks placed a hoof on her shoulder, “I’m sorry for questioning your judgment, Twilight. I know that she’s important to you, and I’m sorry you have to make this decision…”

She leaned forward and lightly nuzzled her cheek. Suddenly, the sound of screaming drew their attention.


They looked to see Dash careening towards them. She slammed into the pillar, shattering it, and forcing the others to jump onto other pillars. She continued through the debris, and smacked into the ceiling. A few pieces of it fell from the imprint she had made, and she started to fall back to the ground. Sparks sprung into action, leaping off of her pillar towards Dash. She outstretched her forelegs, colliding into the Pegasus, and sending them towards another pillar. Sparks flipped them in mid-air, so that her crystalline coat would protect them while she was sliding against the pillar, and slamming into the wall. They laid there for a few moments, before Dash rolled out of her grasp.

“Thanks, Sparky…I owe you one…”

Sparks slightly rubbed her head, “Well, I’d like to cash in my favor now.”

Dash helped Sparks to her hooves, “Sure kid. What do you need me to do?”

“Does your headset work?”

Dash tapped her mouthpiece a couple times, then the ear piece.

“Yeah, but barely. Why, what’s up?”

“We need to get in contact with Burning Sun. We need her here.”

Dash nodded, then pressed down on her mouthpiece. “Burning Sun, please respond immediately!”

Crackle. Crackle. Static.

“I repeat, Burning Sun, please respond immediately!!”

Crackle. Static. Warbled sounds.

“This is Burning Sun. I read you, but not very well. What’s wrong, Rainbow Dash?”

“We need you at the castle pronto! When you get here, meet up with Sparky!”

“Good to go, Rainbow Dash. My ETA is 5 minutes.”

Dash clicked her mouthpiece off, “She said she’ll be here in five. Is there anything you need us to do until then?”

“We need to keep the Hell King distracted until she gets here, so that Twilight can do what she needs to do.”

Dash snapped her wings open and leaned down a bit, “Well hop on. Let’s go and make a BIG distraction for him.”

Sparks smirked and climbed onto the old Wonderbolt’s back. Dash galloped to the edge of the pillar, then dived towards Corrupted Spike. Sparks fired her horn up,

“Keep flying straight, but lower your head a bit! I don’t wanna burn off the top of it!” Sparks screamed.

Dash obeyed, and tucked her head down. Sparks reeled her head back, then shot off a beam of powerful magic, that exploded upon contact to Corrupted Spike’s face. The dragon blew the smoke from his face and smacked them out of the air. Sparks once again flipped them in mid-air, so that she would receive the brunt of the blow. They crashed into the ground, so hard, that they drilled a hole into the floor. Corrupted Spike reeled his fist back, preparing to deal a heavy blow. Sparks’ eyes snapped open, and she summoned a shield to protect them. It warped under his fist, but didn’t break. He snarled in frustration, and punched the shield again. It bent more under the weight, but still held it’s own. The dragon reeled back for the third time. Sparks looked at Dash,

“I can’t hold this up much longer! I’m going to teleport you out of here!”

“No way! I’m not leaving you in this pit!”

They both flinched when a loud crackling sound rang in their ears. They looked up to see hairline fractures all over the shield. Sparks turned to look back over at Dash,

“You will die if-”


“If I don’t get you out of here! Even if this punch doesn’t kill me, and trust me, it wont,-”


“Then Fluttershy will when she gets her hooves on me for not saving you!!”

Bits of the shield broke off and crumbled into magic dust.


Sparks teleported Dash out of harm’s way, just as Corrupted Spike’s fist broke through the shield. He drove his fist into her body. She let out a wispy screech of pain. He smiled and raised his fist in the air again.

Rarity leapt in between the fist and Sparks.

There was a blinding flash of sapphire and violet magic.

Corrupted Spike froze his eyes growing wide with surprise, as his whole arm was immobilized. Thick strands of magic were wrapped around his forearm. Rarity was standing over Sparks’ broken form, her eyes glowing with a rich, royal purple hue,

“I will not let you kill this mare!!!” Rarity’s voiced boomed out threateningly, “Not so long as I am the Spirit of Generosity!!”

The drake tried to pull his arm out of the magic, but to no avail. He used his free hand to swipe at her. She summoned a wall of purple magic and looked down at Sparks,

“Darling, I need you to stand up.”

Sparks let out a small groan of pain. She cracked an eye open and focused on Rarity,

“Rarity…you saved me…”

“Get up!”

She struggled to rise to her hooves. Her legs trembled under her weight.

“Stand up, Bright Spark!!”

A wave of willpower coursed through Sparks, causing her to rise to her hooves quickly. With newfound vigor, she stood tall beside the white Unicorn, who gave her a small smile,

“Good job darling…I’m glad to see you’re back on your hooves.” Her smile disappeared, “Now…I, am your Spirit of Harmony. Your magic is my strength, and my magic is yours. So,” she outstretched her hoof, “Let’s help the others put an end to the Corrupted One's destruction.”

Sparks smiled and touched her hoof to Rarity’s. The moment they connected, another surge of raw magic radiated through the room. Corrupted Spike was tossed to the other side of the room, and landed on his back on the floor. Rarity’s body dissipated into alabaster, sapphire, and violet magic that swirled around Sparks’ body. It continued to flow around her, forming into thick tendrils of magic that lashed out at Corrupted Spike as he rose to his feet. Dash landed beside her,

“That was freakin’ awesome!” Dash stated excitedly. “But…where’s Rarity?”

One of the tendrils wrapped around Dash’s foreleg, momentarily startling her, and earning her attention,

“I am the magic in the air that protects the Bearer of Generosity.” Rarity’s disembodied voice replied. “And I will not just protect her, but all of you.”

“Wait…you’re ‘magic’? So…are you dead or-”

Dash was cut off as Corrupted Spike charged at them, with his fangs bared and claws glimmering from the fires lit around the room. He outstretched his arm, ready to grab them. Just as his claws were about to slice them to shreds, Applejack landed in between them. She turned and coiled her hind legs back, her body glowing with a bright orange aura. Corrupted Spike was going far too fast, and sailed over her, exposing his throat to her. She smiled at the opportunity, and bucked him in the throat. The muscles in his throat contracted violently, and he grabbed his throat as pain tore through it. He fell over onto his side, his pinpricked pupils focusing on Applejack.

“You…little…shit!” he managed to croak out, before the pain in his throat was too much for him to speak. Applejack simply smirked and joined the trio, giving Dash a high-hoof as she did. She stepped closer to Sparks and lightly swiped at the magic wisps surrounding her,

What’s up with all these tentacles floatin’ around ya?” Applejack questioned as she swiped some more at the tendrils. “Are they fer some freaky fetish of yers? Ya get yer rocks off fighin’?”

One of the tendrils smacked Applejack’s hoof,

“Really now, must you be so uncouth?”

Applejack’s jaw dropped, “Rares? But…how? Not that Ah ain’t surprised that yer here already…but Ah’m so confused…”

“All will be explained in due time, Applejack. The Corrupted One’s magic is being weakened the more we attack him. I can still sense Spike from within, and we must try to reach him. Only he knows the spell to place the Corrupted One into another being.”

Corrupted Spike started to rise up, but Pinkie cannon balled into the side of his face, knocking him back to the ground. She hit the ground with a heavy *THUNK*, but quickly rose to her feet,


She turned and galloped over to the others, while Fluttershy landed down beside Applejack. Corrupted Spike opened his eye, looking over at the group of ponies,

‘How are they doing this to me?’ he thought to himself. ‘This is different than before…I can’t even heal myself like I should be able to…’

‘It’s because I’ll never let you truly have this body.’ Spike’s voice replied from within. ‘I told you from the beginning, they will do everything that they can possibly do to stop you. They will defeat you.’

‘This body is mine, whether you want to believe it or not. I’ve already taken it, and I'm not going to let you stop me from healing it. And now...I’m going to destroy them before your very eyes with it.’ Corrupted Spike let out a wheezy chuckle, earning the attention of the ponies,

“You’re never going to defeat me. Do you understand?” He slowly rose to his feet once more. “I am all things wicked. I am the despair and sorrows of the world. I am the dark desires and twisted thoughts of all beings with a conscience. I am Evil itself.”

Small pillars of black fire started to rise up from between his scales. His wounds healed, and it looked like none of them had even laid a single hoof on him,

“And I’m going to be your end…”

He was on top of them before they could even react. He swiped up Dash into his grasp, and glared down at her as she struggled to free herself from his grip. Fluttershy snarled and shot into the air, fangs glimmering, and honed in on his face. He back handed her, sending her crashing into a wall and crumpling down into a dazed heap of a pony on the floor. He smirked at her, then turned his gaze back to Dash,

“Kick my scaly ass all up and down my castle…” he tapped his chin, “I recall a certain Pegasus telling me that.” He brought Dash closer to his face, “Well?! WHY DON’T YOU KICK MY ASS?!”

Dash stared him in the eyes. She inhaled, making a big, wet, snorting sound. She pulled her lips back and hocked a loogie on his face. He roared out,


He inhaled, and fire started to rise up from his throat. Pinkie hopped onto Sparks’ back,

“Use these weird magic thingies to get me up there!!”

Sparks instantly obeyed,

“Rarity, get me up there!!”

The tendrils shot forth, wrapping around Corrupted Spike’s arm, and quickly helping Sparks make her way towards his mouth. Twilight followed suit, at near blinding speed. Her eyes went wide with horror, when she saw the color of the flames that were rising.

“The black flames…”

Twilight focused magic into her horn, and used it to yank Pinkie off of Sparks' back,

“Hey!!!” the pink pony screamed as she flew by from being tossed back to the ground by the Unicorn. Twilight used all of her strength to catch up to Sparks and yell out to her,

“Grab Rainbow!!”

Sparks galloped faster, faster than she ever had before. She saw the black fire crawling up his throat, ready to be released. She landed on his hand and fired off the beam at the back of his throat. Before her vision was enveloped by smoke, and her body was engulfed in the black fire, she heard Twilight zip by her. Corrupted Spike went into a coughing fit, while Sparks slammed into the ground, flames still licking away at her crystal coat. Her tricolor magic tendrils were lashing about, trying to get rid of the black flames. Sparks trudged her way over to the others. Twilight held up a hoof,

“Don’t come any closer!” she urged. “Those flames never stop burning. While it may not have any effect on you, if it were to touch the others, they will die from it.”

Sparks glanced over at Dash’s prosthetic wing. Her eyes widened when she saw a little spurt of black fire burning away at it. She pointed at the wing with a shaky hoof,

“She’s burning!!”

All attention was focused onto Dash’s wing, as the flames started to get bigger. They quickly swallowed up half of the wing, and were making their way towards the base of it.

“We’ve gotta get that wing offa her!” Applejack shouted.

Pinkie snapped her head in Twilight’s direction, “Twilight, make me a hatchet!”

Twilight quickly summoned an EvenTide crystal, and used her magic to mold it into a makeshift hatchet. She levitated it over to Pinkie, who quickly snatched it out of her magical grasp. She held it high in the air, and smacked the blade down where the flesh and metal met. Dash cried out in agony as Pinkie yanked what few wires still attached the melting prosthetic to her. She tossed it aside, then reached into her thigh satchel to pull out a small jar.

“This paste is going to burn really bad, really quickly.” Pinkie stated, as she popped the lid and grabbed a small hoof-ful. “Just ride out the pain, and we’ll keep you safe until it stops.” She looked over at Fluttershy, who was still rubbing her head,

“You good to fly, Fluttershy?”

“I’ll be fine…” she scooped Dash up into her forelegs. “I’ll get her out of here, then jump back right into the fight…”

She flew up to the highest pillar in the room, while the others focused on Corrupted Spike. He pounded away at his chest, coughing up blood and smoke. He finally cleared his throat, and honed in on Sparks.

You…you should be dead…my Hellfire should’ve killed you off….”

The fire continued to burn on her coat. Each crystal strand that was being affected by the black fire fell off, and was immediately replaced with another. Eventually, her old coat laid all around her, black flames still dancing around on them. She looked up at him,

“Where is the spirit of the dragon whose body you stole? I wish to speak to him!”

Corrupted Spike snorted and smirked down, “He has perished, and soon, you shall join him.”

He reeled his fist back, using his magic to engulf it in black flames. The magic surrounding Sparks peeled away from her, shaping and molding itself into Rarity. Corrupted Spike brought his fist forward,


The dragon stopped, eyes wide with rage and confusion. His massive fist was mere inches from Rarity’s face, trembling as a war broke out within him. Rarity took this opportunity to speak up,

“Spike…I know you’re still in there…somewhere…I could feel your loving aura when we were outside.” She took a couple steps forward, “We need your help, Spike. Now more than ever.”

Corrupted Spike’s face contorted with suffering, as a voice struggled to escape his throat,


Twilight’s eyes lit up, and she stepped closer to the drake, “Spike?! Thank the gods, you’re still alive!”

A pained smile made it’s way across the dragon’s lips, “I’m so glad…to see you too…”

“Spike, we need your help…we can’t truly defeat the Corrupted One without you…”

Corrupted Spike’s arm trembled violently,

“I won’t let you help them!!”

“I won’t let this go on!!”

He grabbed his wrist with his other hand, and pulled his arm back. He backed away from them in an attempt to keep them safe. The beating sound of wings in the air drew their attention, as Burning landed beside Applejack.

“Rainbow Dash summoned me here.” She started. She then looked up at Corrupted Spike, “Have I been called here to help dispose of the Hell King?”

“In a sense…” Twilight responded as she walked up to her. “We…we have a big mission for you to complete.”

“What is it?”

Twilight looked down at the ground for a second, then back up at her,

“We need your body…to use it as a container for the Corrupted One.”

Burning remained silent, her face expressionless. Twilight shifted uncomfortably,

“Please…say something.”

“That mission can be accomplished.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide, “Burning Sun…”

“Just tell me what I need to do.”

“We don’t want to have you dealing with the Corrupted One, nor do we want it feeding on your thoughts and emotions. So…we need to destroy your Memory Program, so that only the CBS-01 Protocol remains.” Twilight averted her gaze elsewhere. “I’m…I’m sorry…”

Burning tilted Twilight’s chin up, so that she was looking her in the eyes,

“Twilight…my purpose is to help in the war with the Hell King, in any way that I can. If I must be sacrificed so that the world is at peace again, then so be it. It will be but a small price to pay for the greater good.” She leaned closer to her, “I know that my spirit lies within my Memory Program…and to be honest…I would love nothing more than to be reunited with my sister in the afterlife…”

Twilight smiled softly at her, “And I would want nothing more than for you to be happy…”

Burning looked at the others, “You all have been destined for greatness from the moment you all were born.” She looked up at Corrupted Spike. “Fate has chosen to end my second life here, and help you all complete your destiny.” She looked over back at them. “Now…what else do you need me to do?”

“Stay out of sight, no matter what happens. When one of us calls for you, that’s when you show up, okay?”

Burning started to reply, but a gurgled roar emanated into the room. Twilight’s ears perked up, as did the other ponies’. They all turned to look at the dragon, who was looking at them with a pained expression on his face. His irises were no longer a crimson color, but bright emerald green, just as Twilight had remembered them to be. She took a couple steps forward,


“Spirit of o-old…to body of-”

Black electricity jumped all over his body,


“Body of new!!”

“What the hell is he talkin’ about?” Applejack questioned.

“Shut up, Applejack!” Twilight hissed. She looked up at the dragon desperately,

“Finish what you’re trying to tell me!”

“Possession…by CHOICE!!!-” he tensed up, “Is what I wish to do!!”

His massive hands wrapped around his scaly throat,


“You need me alive...to control this body...” he gurgled out.


His eyes went wide. He let out a loud hacking sound.

“Stop him!!” Twilight shouted. “If he slips into unconsciousness, the Corrupted One will gain complete control again!”

Sapphire and violet aura tendrils rose up from underneath Rarity’s coat. She galloped closer to him, and the tendrils lashed out. They latched themselves onto one of his wrists, and slowly pulled his hand away from his throat. His gasped out, still struggling to breathe. Sparks leapt up some crystal pillars, and summoned one of her own. The crystal shot out towards the other hand, and pierced his forearm. It formed a hook on the end, and soon pulled the other hand away from him. He gulped in mouthfuls of air as he tried to normalize his breathing.

“Thank…you…” he spoke out, despite the fact that his body was still struggling to break free, against his will. “And through love so strong, an-”

The electricity returned with a vengeance, making his body tremble with pain.


“And void of strife!!” his eyes went wide and he focused on Twilight,

“I sacrifice my all…”



The black electricity surged to levels unlike anything any of them had ever seen. It traveled through his fingertips, and down the crystal and tendrils. They hit Rarity and Sparks with full force, exploding on contact and sending them flying. The emerald irises vanished in an instant, replaced with the brightest shade of blood red. The purple wisps of magic were now long pillars of light that trailed from his eyeballs. He bared his fangs out at them,

“I’M NOT GOING TO PUT YOU INTO THE GROUND… OH NO...THAT WOULD BE FAR TO EASY!! I’M GOING TO TEAR AWAY AT YOUR FLESH UNTIL THERE’S NONE LEFT!!” he charged at them, “THEN I’M GOING TO GRIND YOUR BONES INTO DUST!!” he smacked Pinkie aside as hard as he could. Twilight barely heard the squeak of pain from her as Corrupted Spike still charged at her,


He grabbed Twilight and clenched his fist. Twilight’s armor crunched and crackled under the pressure. He walked up to the nearest wall and drove Twilight’s head through it. When she was neck deep into the wall, Corrupted Spike walked down the side of it, dragging Twilight through the concrete. He pulled his fist out of the wall, then chucked her into the opposite wall. The sound of the impact stirred Dash into consciousness. Her ears twitched as she heard a couple of the crystal pillars near the impact site crumble and fall.

“Don’t try to move too much…” she heard Fluttershy softly order. “You’re still badly injured…”

Dash’s eyes snapped open, and that was when she felt pain surge through her back, more so in her shoulder blade. She looked over her shoulder to see that her prosthetic wing was gone. She noticed that the base of her wing was shredded and caked with dried blood at the end.

“Geez….Pinks fucked up my wing real good…I don’t think I can even hook up any of my other prosthetics up to this…”

“I know your wings are important to you…but we have a bigger problem right now…”

Dash saw Fluttershy look down over the side of the pillar. She followed her gaze, eyes resting on the dragon who was mauling Twilight in his rage. She immediately jumped to her hooves with a new vigor,

“We’ve gotta help her!”

Fluttershy gripped her uninjured shoulder, “Wait, you can’t go down there! You’ll get killed!”

Dash pulled away from her, “I can’t just stay up here while the rest of you girls keep fighting! What do I look like, a freakin’ punk?”

“How fast are you going to be able to go on your legs?”

“I trained my entire body when I was growing up. All of it. Now, I may not be able to go as fast as I can if I DID still have both of my wings, but I know damn well I can move fast enough to where I’ll be more than able to handle my own.” She walked to the edge of the pillar, “Now, I love ya babe. Really, I do. But you’re getting in the way of me helping the others. So, are you going to fly me back down to the ground, or do I have to start hopping until I get down there?”

Fluttershy let out a sigh of defeat, before scooping up Dash into her forelegs once more. She leapt off the edge and glided down. She saw Rarity reaching into a hole in the wall, and pulling Pinkie from out of it. She flew over to the couple,

“Oh my gods, are you alright?”

A massive shard of crystal was speared into Pinkie’s side. She winced as Rarity’s magic carefully pulled the offending object from the wound,

“I’ll be alright…” she studied the area where Dash’s prosthetic should’ve been. “How about you?”

Dash flapped her nub, “I’m great...” She looked up at Fluttershy, “Put me down. I have to go help Twilight.”

The sound of crashing rang out once more, as Corrupted Spike had grabbed Twilight, and thrown her into Applejack. Pinkie and Rarity’s eyes snapped open, as they rushed over to the injured ponies. Corrupted Spike slammed his fist down in from of them and sneered,

“I have not forgotten about you…”

He smacked Pinkie and Rarity again. Rarity’s body dissipated into aura that wrapped itself around Pinkie’s body in a protective shield just before impact. The dust cleared, and Rarity’s body formed once more.

“Thanks Rarity…”

Rarity smiled at her, and started to say something, but stopped. She felt a strong tugging sensation from within her core, and her eyes went wide. She snapped her head towards Twilight and Applejack’s direction. Sparks was standing in front of them, protecting them from the enraged beast. He roared at her, and she screeched back at him. Rarity’s body dispersed once more, and the magic mist rushed over to Sparks’ side. Rarity flowed and wisped around her body,

“Bright Spark…what are you doing?”

“Get Twilight and Applejack out of the way. I’ll hold my own until they wake up.”

Rarity floated away from her, and wrapped herself around Twilight and Applejack. She whisked them off, leaving Sparks and Corrupted Spike to stare each other down.

“You took so many lives away…” Sparks started. “And the ones that were left behind, were left with an unbearable weight on their shoulders. So many without homes…without families…without hope.” Her eyes glowed bright as she narrowed her eyes, “You took everything from everypony…and now…we’re going to take everything away from you.”

Her crystal coat clasped down tightly around her body, as Corrupted Spike shot out more black fire at her. She dodged it with amazing speed, surrounded herself with the weight altering spell, and slammed herself into his chest. They slammed into a wall with enough force to shake the whole room. The rumbling woke Applejack and Twilight up. Twilight rubbed her head and slowly rose to her hooves. Applejack tried to stand up as well, only to crumple under her own weight. Twilight immediately scooped her up into her forelegs and examined her over,

“Oh no…”

Applejack saw Twilight looking at the lower part of her body, and followed her gaze. Her right hind legs was a shredded fleshy nub from the gaskin on down. The braces around it were shattered and partially melted. Her left hind leg was bent at an odd angle, parts of the leg brace bent around it as well. Her bones were snapping and cracking as her Element tried to heal it, but was unable to do it well with the warped metal surrounding it.

“Shit…looks like Ah’m out of this fight…” Applejack stated as she grimaced. Twilight started to pulled the brace off, but Applejack put a hoof on her shoulder,

“Sugarcube, there ain’t nothin’ we can do fer me…”

Rarity nuzzled Applejack’s cheek, “I’m so sorry, Bearer of Honesty…”

“Ah’m okay…” she looked over at Twilight, “Are ya gonna send CBS-01 down there or what?”

Twilight looked out into the room, “Burning Sun!!!”

There was no response for a few moments, before Burning flew up to the pillar they were on,

“Yes Twil-oh gods…” Burning gave Applejack a quick nuzzle and turned to shoot a glare at the dragon, “The Corrupted One shall pay for this…”

“Did you hear what Spike was telling us? The incantation?” Twilight questioned.

Burning nodded, “Yes, I did.”

“I need you to go dow-”

They all froze when they heard Sparks let out a horrified wail. Twilight, Rarity, and Burning ran to the edge of the pillar. The deity Unicorn was clutching onto a destroyed pink Earth Pony. She was rocking back and forth, as Corrupted Spike lumbered towards them. The dragon inhaled, preparing to belt out more fire. Fluttershy swooped in and scooped them up as he shot the fire towards them. He looked up at the Vampony,


He clamped down on her prosthetic hind leg. She felt the sudden tautness, and before her leg was ripped off, she threw the two ponies towards the closest pillar. Her legs came off, a flurry of sparks shooting off where a part of it still remained to the flesh. She screeched out in pain and spiraled into one direction. Corrupted Spike swiped at her, his claws nearly slashing her in two. The others gasped in horror as Twilight and Burning leapt into action. Burning caught Fluttershy before she crashed to the ground, while Twilight teleported Sparks and Pinkie to the pillar they were on. Corrupted Spike saw the flash of Twilight’s magic and walked towards them,

“Your end is near, Fallens. And when I kill you all off, I will finish spreading my black magic through whatever land remains untouched, and devour the souls of all who reside on it.” A vile sneer appeared on his face, “And then I will make more Elite Hellions, and send them out into the universe to destroy life wherever it may be…” he started digging his claws into the walls. “And when all life is gone…” he started to slowly climb up the wall, “I’m going to make the universe to my liking.” He licked his scaly lips, “My desires are so close…that I can almost taste them…”

Twilight looked on with sorrow and horror as she watched Applejack dragged herself over to Pinkie’s side. The pink pony face was littered with shards of black crystal. Bones were sticking out of her chest, and a slight sucking sound could be heard from the open wound. The flesh on her left foreleg and hind leg was gone, hanging together by a few thin strings of muscle. Her body was sizzling with steam and bubblegum pink colored magic. Applejack had buried her face into her neck, her own injuries forgotten, as she took in the mutilation of her wife.


Twilight turned to the source of the whispered name, to see Dash clutching onto the Vampony’s head. She was slowly stroking her cheek, whimpering as Fluttershy was trying to comfort her lover. She was still conscious, but her body was in no better condition. Her hind leg was still crackling with a few sparks from what remained of the prosthetic. A massive gash started from her shoulder, and jaggedly ran down her torso and to her right thigh. The wound was wide open, exposing organs that had also become mangled bits of flesh. Her heart was struggling to pump blood, as a bone fragment had been rammed into it. She smiled and coughed up blood, still trying to whisper sweet nothings to her loving Wonderbolt wife. The pillar started to tremble as Corrupted Spike got closer to them. Twilight got a determined look on her face and turned to Burning,

“We do this, now…”

Burning nodded, and they both galloped to the edge of the pillar. Just as Corrupted Spike showed his face, they slammed into him. They knocked him onto the ground, and Twilight summoned the weight altering spell once more. He struggled to move, and she summoned EvenTide crystals to act as wrist and ankle cuffs.

“Do it!!” Twilight ordered. “DO IT NOW!!!”

The mouth guard to Burning’s helmet retracted back,

“Spirit of old, to body of new!!”

“NO!!!” Corrupted Spike roared out. He started to gurgle up black molten lava.

“Possession by choice is what I choose to do!!”

The lava had bright flames coating it. His eyes got more feral,

“And through love so strong-”

Sparks leapt down there as he started to spit up the lava onto them.

“And void of strife-”

She summoned a small shield to push back the flames and molten rock.

“I sacrifice my all-”

He tried with all his might to spit her out. She looked back at them,


“And give you my life!!!!”

Burning’s mouth opened as wide as physically possible. Corrupted Spike’s eyes went wide, and tendrils of black magic started to crawl up his throat. They pushed Sparks out of the way and seeped into Burning’s mouth. The magic rushed into her, the force of it making her stagger. The dragon’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and he went limp, while Burning started to convulse violently. Twilight looked up at her with tears in her eyes,

“I’m so sorry, Burning Sun!!”

Burning’s lips turned up into a small smile. Tar like drool flowed from her lips as she replied,

“May the gods guide you all into eternal peace...”

“Engage Protocol PX-MPBS…”

Burning stood up straight and her body went rigid,

“Are you sure wish to permanently exterminate Memory Program Burning Sun?”

Twilight choked back a sob, “…Yes…”

“Engaging Permanent Extermination of Memory Program Burning Sun.”

Her body started to rattle a bit. The mouth guard covered her mouth again. She closed her eyes, and they disappeared in the blackness underneath of her helmet. Violet orbs appeared where they once were, that looked down at her,

“Protocol CBS-01 automatically engaged. What can I do for you, Twilight Sparkle?”

Twilight started to give the next ordered but stopped. She looked on in despair as she watched CBS-01’s orbs started to turn a shade of crimson red. She took note of the small rattles that were snaking through CBS-01’s body. She cleared her throat and tried again,

“Call the Apprentices and have them come here immediately…”

There was a small click of gears and a few blips.

“I’ve sent out a GPS signal to their headsets. They should be here within the next 5-10 minutes.”

“Thank you CBS-01…”

The trio jumped onto the floor beside the unconscious dragon. Sparks teleported to where the other Fallen were, then brought the back to where Twilight and CBS-01 were at. There was a slight rumbling as Spike came to. He slowly sat up and looked over his body. When he saw that he was okay for the most part, he smiled,

“Thank you all so much…” his smile instantly vanished when he took in all of their injuries. “Oh Gods…no…”

The other four ponies looked up at him. They all gave him smiles,

“Glad to see you’re all right, Spike. I thought-” Dash coughed up a bit of blood, “I thought I was gonna have to kick your ass to get you to stop…”

Spike wanted to chuckle, but as he stared down at Pinkie and Fluttershy, he was unable to do so. “What have I done to you…”

Pinkie outstretched her hoof towards him, “It wasn’t your fault…”

He touched her hoof with the tip of his finger. Fluttershy reached up and placed a hoof on it as well,

“It’ll be okay Spike…you did what you had to do to save us before…”

“But it backfired. By the gods, did it backfire…” he looked over at Twilight, “All I wanted to do was save you from the Corrupted One’s influence…”

“It is finally done…”

They heard the voice of Ubenox, and shielded their eyes when they turned to face him.

“It no longer matters if you lay eyes upon me. My strength…is no more…”

They moved their forelegs and looked at him. His coat was faded on both sides, and his mane and tail were hanging limply. His once bright turquoise eyes were now glazed over, barely showing any sign of life. He still towered over them, but his body had lost most of it’s muscle mass. He treaded over to them,

“You all have done so well…and now the balance shall return to the universe…”

There was the sound of slight crackling, and they looked back at Sparks. Her coat was falling off of her body in patches, and was being replaced by her familiar turquoise color. Her black crystal teeth fell out of her mouth, and her normal pearly whites poked out from her gums. Her mane and tail reverted back to their smoky grey color. She shook the last remaining shards of her crystal coat off of her body and rubbed her eyes. Her sclera flickered from black to white, then back again. Her glowing irises went back to normal, as did the whites of her eyes. Twilight felt a tingle run through her body, and the damp air hit her coat as her body armor fell off of her. She shuddered as she felt powerful magic leave her body, and blinked a lot as her eyes returned to normal. Black and white swirling magic coming from her and Sparks flowed towards Ubenox,

“Thank you for helping us out, in our greatest hour of need…” Twilight stated.

They both smiled at him, though it quickly disappeared when the magic continued on past him, and flowed into the ceiling.

“What…what’s happening?” Sparks questioned. “Where is your magic going?”

Ubenox looked up at the spot where the magic disappeared, “I gave mortals my magic…I have been deemed irresponsible to bear so much magic. I won’t be getting it back…ever…” he smiled softly as he looked back at them, “But it was for a good cause. I find your kind very…intriguing…”

Bright firelight spilled into the room, as the Apprentices rushed in. They all broke out into collective gasps and other statements of shock, as they galloped over to the group, and to the respective mentors. Pinkie was the first to speak up out of the Fallen,

“We…we’re not going to make it…are we…”

Twilight bit her lip, refusing to answer. Ubenox walked closer to them,

“I’m afraid your wounds are far too grave for the Element to heal them…” he glanced over at Fluttershy, “As it is for the yellow Pegasus…” he then looked over at Applejack, “You…you and the blue Pegasus will live…”

Applejack spat up blood and looked at him, “An’ fer what? Fer me ta be paralyzed from the waist down, an’ fer R.D, who won’t ever get ta fly again…” she placed a hoof on Pinkie’s cheek, “An’ Ah don’t wanna live without mah better half…”

Rarity floated over beside Ubenox, “I know there’s something you can do about this…”

Ubenox looked over them, “Yes…I’ve already fallen out of the gods and goddesses’ grace…” he turned his gaze to the Apprentices, “Younger generation…I think that it would be wise…to make peace with your mentors…”

The Apprentices looked at one another in confusion. Skye turned to look back at him,


“These ponies have gone through so much, battling with the Corrupted One for well over a century...They have restored balance to this world, and met their destinies. The Elements of Harmony will keep them alive for a very long time…” he looked at the older mares, “But…if they wish for it…I can help them pass on from the world of the living…”

“So you’re going to mercy kill them?!” Dee hissed. “I don’t care if you are a deity, I won’t let you kill them!!”

Rarity stepped in between them, shooting the Vampony a hardened glare, “Dead Moon…they're old…they’re tired and have been through so much, and for this to be the ending…This is not fair to them…None of them are going to want to live without their other half.” Her expression softened, “Surely this is not what you want for them.”

“Pardon me fer askin’ Miss Rarity…but why do ya keep referrin’ ta 'em like that? Are ya not…one of ‘em?”

Rarity shook her head, “No, not anymore. I have ascended to a greater plane of existence. One that allows me help you in ways that I would never have been able to accomplish before.”

“She is no longer ‘Fair Rarity’…” Ubenox jumped in and looked over at the mare, “She is the Spirit of Generosity, a being made of pure magic, with the memory of her past life. the source of power, the magic itself...that flows within the Element of Generosity…”

All of their eyes went wide. A big smile made it’s way to Rarity’s face,

“And it’s such a wonderful thing…there’s so much that can be learned from this.” Rarity walked over to Twilight and tilted her chin up, “Twilight…I know more about the Elements of Harmony than you will ever know in this lifetime…”

Purple Haze pulled Pinkie closer to himself, and then placed a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder,

“You two acted as the parents I lost long ago…” he stated softly, “I can’t bear to see you both suffering like this…”

Pinkie patted his cheek, “You’re too sweet…”

“An’ yer the weird lil’ son we never got ta have…” she looked over at Skye and pulled her close, “An’ as fer ya, mah lil’ Skye Wave…” she got a tired grin on her face, “Ah’m so proud of ya, sugarcube…”

Skye smiled and nuzzled her cheek, “Master Applejack…thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me…”

Dash stroked Fluttershy’s mane, while Dee and Patch sat next to them.

“Patch…kiddo…I’ve taught you all I know…” she started to stroke Fluttershy’s mane, “I know…you’ll be the best damn mechanic that’s ever existed. You’re gonna do wonders…”

“Thank ya kindly, Master Rainbow Dash. Ah’m mighty proud ta have been under yer tutelage…” he wrapped his massive forelegs around her, “Ya done so much…” he started to sniff a little, “Thank ya…fer everythin'…”

Dee nuzzled Fluttershy’s snout, “I’m so sorry that I couldn’t save you…why didn’t you call for me earlier, Master Fluttershy…?”

Fluttershy reached up and caressed Dee’s cheek, “Because…there’s a greater purpose…for you, Dead Moon…”

Dash chuckled and patted Patch’s head, “You got a bigger purpose too, kiddo.”

“There’s a greater purpose for all of you…” Ubenox stated. He looked up at the dragon. “Purple Dragon…you’ve done so well, through all of this. You’re one of the few souls that I’ve see managed to fight off the Corrupted One’s influence…” he looked over at CBS-01. The Alicorn was slightly trembling, her red eyes staring blankly at them as she awaited the next order, “Together…you all have done what no others were able to do…” he smiled as he scanned over them, “You’ve managed to stop the vicious, destructive cycle, that is the Corrupted One…”

The older mares smiled at him, and his eyes started to glow with a bright white light,

“And with the last bit of strength within me…I shall guide you one last time…so that you may get the peace that you so justly deserve…”