• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 2,266 Views, 48 Comments

Blazing Dragon - Zanem-Ji

It's been over 70 years since Spike has become the Corrupted One. With the world now thrown into chaos, it's up to one mare to find the only six ponies who had dealt with this evil before, and help her defeat the Corrupted One.

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War Of The Gods and Goddesses

They could all smell the burning ozone in the air, and taste the electrical flavor of static on their tongues. Twilight and Sparks’ bodies clinked and rattled as they slowly started walking towards the Hell Prince. He smiled at them,

“Things are about to get interesting…” he stated. “Now we get to use our powers to the fullest…” he looked over his shoulders at Sombra, Trixie, and Eternal. Their horns started to glow with black magic as he nodded at them. He looked back at Twilight and Sparks, his horn glowing as well. Their bodies were engulfed in an orb-like wall of dark magic. None of the others could see what was happening inside of the black magic spheres. They could only hear the sounds of snarling and almost pained screaming. The spheres started to grow in size, before exploding into nothing. From the spheres, the Elite Hellions had grown to monstrous proportions. Fangs protruded from their mouths, and muscles rippled under their coats. Flickers of black fire hung onto their coats, manes, and tails. Their irises glowed brightly as they all stared Twilight and Sparks down,

“We’re going to grind you down until nothing remains of your corpses…”

Sparks’ jaw unhinged itself, and she let out a sound that was morphed between a roar and a shriek, that made everyone except Twilight’s ears fold down. The sound continued on, causing the ashes and dirt to rise up from the roar reverberating against the earth. It warbled out into nothingness, and her jaw clicked itself back into place. With that, she and Twilight broke into furious gallops, leaving small craters in the ground with each step they took. Pinkie looked around at the other Hellions, then at her companions,

“Well, what the heck are we standing around for?! Let’s finish smacking these assholes around!!”

The others let out war cries, before breaking off into small groups and resuming their attacks on the now surprised Hellions. Burning Sun didn’t move, but stared at the two beings that were charging at the monsters that were the Elite Hellions.

‘Oh Great One…is this the will of the gods? Do they wish for this to happen?’

The electrical hum in the air grew to deafening proportions, momentarily silencing and stopping everyone around the things Twilight and Sparks had turned into, and the Elite Hellions. Everyone stopped and turned to the two titanic forces of power that were about to clash. Time seemed to slow as the six powerful beings were moments before impact from each other. The hum died down into a pregnant silence, and then,

They collided.

There was an explosion of blinding white light, and deep, infinite blackness. Everyone was thrown off balance from the shockwave that came off of them. Dark Star felt fangs bury themselves into his shoulder. Sparks tackled him into the ground, the earth cracking under their weight.

“Really, daughter?! I figured-” he let out a grunt as she ripped a chunk of flesh off of his shoulder and clamped back down on the open wound, “You’d go after one of the others first!”

He drilled a hoof into the side of her face. She ripped off another piece of flesh as her head was snapped violently to the right. She let out another screech and snapped her teeth at his face,

“Gods, it’s like you’re teething all over again!!”

He grabbed her and slammed her into the ground. She quickly jumped to her hooves and growled. He towered over her, dodging Trixie as she flew over his head. Twilight fired a beam of magic at his face, and he roared out in pain. He blinked through the blood, and Sparks was looking up at him with sad eyes. He blinked again, and Twilight was mere inches from his face,

“I’m going to destroy you…” her voice softly echoed out.

The tip of her horn had a tiny orb of white and black magic sitting atop it. It got smaller and smaller, until it was a barely visible dot sitting on her horn. Another round of deafening electric hum rang out, before the upper half of his body was engulfed in the burning magic. He flailed his forelegs frantically in an attempt to get the acidic magic off of him. Black magic wisps poured off of him as his body started to rapidly heal itself. He wiped the blood and melted flesh away, exposing empty eye sockets and dark grey bones,

“You little shit!!”

He swiped a heavy hoof at Twilight. She slammed into the ground, loud cracking sounds resounding off of her crystal armor. Sparks moved in to help her, but was tackled to the ground by Sombra. Sparks screeched, and it was instantly cut off by a hoof to the throat. She gagged and looked up to see Trixie pinning her down. Both she and Sombra sneered down at her, exposing fangs of their own.

“You’re not the only one with a set of sharp little fangs.” Trixie stated.

“And I’ve had mine before you were even born, you little fuck.”

Her jaw unhinged itself once more, as she let out an ear piercing scream. While they were momentarily stunned, she clawed at Sombra’s face with her crystal hooves, then kicked him off to chomp down on Trixie’s snout. Trixie snarled out and thwacked Sparks off of her, smashing her into the ground with an audible snap. Sparks let out a pain-laced scream, earning Twilight’s attention instantly, and summoning her to her side. Twilight formed a dorm made of magic, and expanded it quickly, shoving the Elite in all directions. She looked down at Sparks’ body, noticing a crystalline rib bursting out from her flesh.

“Heal yourself…quickly, Bright Spark…” Twilight ordered, her voice echoing on it’s own. Sparks looked up at her,

“What’s wrong with us?” she questioned, slightly surprised that her crystalline vocal chords made a clinking sound when she spoke.

“We do not have time to figure that out right now…” Twilight replied. “However, we do know that we have the power to easily fight back against them….” She looked around as the Elite were banging against the dome shield. “So heal yourself, and let’s defeat them, for Rarity’s sake…”

Sparks nodded, “For Master Rarity.”

Twilight shook her head, “No…not ‘Master’. You are now an Element Bearer. We are equals, and she is just ‘Rarity’. Your fallen friend, and my…fallen lover…”

Sparks closed her eyes, and her rib slowly forced itself back into place, making cracking and snapping sounds as it did. Her crystalline coat closed over her wound, and she rose to her hooves. She looked over at Twilight and nodded. The Unicorn deity nodded back, and let the shield down. Dark Star and Eternal lunged at Twilight, while Trixie and Sombra went for round two with Sparks. They fought wildly at each other, tearing away at each other and ripping each other to shreds over and over again. For every bone broken in Twilight or Sparks’ body, the Elite had pieces of their body ripped off of them. And for each piece that either side loss, their god-like strength simply regenerated it. Sparks formed a blade of magic on her horn, and sliced Trixie in half. Her irises rolled into the back of her head, as her upper torso flew in one direction, while her lower half hit the ground elsewhere. The other three Hellion looked over at her, as Sparks quickly bounded up to the upper half of her body,

“Now, may your soul be cleansed from the evil that has tainted it, as I purge your mortal form from this world!”

Her body was surrounded by more black and white magic that formed a sphere around her. It expanded more and more, washing over Trixie’s body. She screamed out in agonizing pain, as her body was disintegrated into nothing. The lower half of Trixie’s body kicked violently, before exploding into black dust. Dark Star, Eternal, and Sombra looked on in shock, all three taking their eyes off of Twilight for but a moment,

And it was a fatal mistake.

Twilight rammed her horn into Sombra’s neck, and snapped her head to the side. Along with her horn, thick jugular veins tore themselves free of his neck. He gurgled out, and his forelegs buckled, forcing him to collapse. Twilight spun around, and bucked him in the jaw, propelling his body upward, and forcing him to stand on his hind legs for a second. He started to fall back again, his throat landing squarely on Twilight’s horn. She swiped her head in the other direction, this time, ripping out a portion of his windpipe. She fired up a quick burst of magic on her horn, burning away the piece of esophagus that was stuck on it. Sombra’s eyes went wide with panic, and Twilight leaned in until their snouts were nearly touching,

“May the deepest pits of Tartarus swallow you up, and rip your souls to shreds for all of eternity…”

She reeled back, then slammed her forehead into his snout. It crumbled, and he let out a gurgled wheeze. She leaned back, and did it again. Some of his teeth fell out.


What teeth remained fell down his throat.


The bones and cartilage that formed his snout crumpled.


His face was now caving in on itself.


His eyeballs popped and the juices flowed as tears.


She head butted him until his face was nothing more than mush matter. His limbs twitched a few times, before stopping all together. She reeled her hoof back, then slammed into his chest, piercing his flesh and reaching around his organs. She pulled out an onyx orb in dark violet flames and placed it on the ground. She slammed her hoof down on it over and over, until it broke into minute shards. His body then followed the same fate as Trixie’s, exploding into magic dust remnants. She looked over at Eternal, her eyes glowing with a fierce light,

“You…you were the start of all this…”

She slowly starting walking towards the Alicorn. Eternal didn’t back down, but the tinge of fear in her eyes was as clear as day to Twilight. Dark Star lunged for Twilight, but was stopped when fangs snapped onto his trachea,

“Your fight is with me, Dark Star!!”

He shook his head, but Sparks held on with a powerful vice grip. While still hanging on, she used a spell to make her density multiply over and over, and Dark Star could no longer hold his head up. She continued still, more and more of the ground turning into gravel, as the pressure in the area grew too strong. Dark Star tried to rise to his hooves, all attempts were futile under Sparks’ weight.

“Bright Spark, release me!!” he roared. “Do…do as your father commands!!”

She ripped out a hunk of neck flesh, “You killed Rarity! She wanted to give me the chance to have a parent again, and you took that from me!!” she leapt out of the hole she had made, and head butted him in the chest. His ribs crumpled inward as he was thrown into the ground,

“Why?! Why did you kill her?!” she cried out. “If you didn’t care about her, then you should have at least let her live for my own happiness!!”

She punched him in the jaw, the side of his face smacking into the ground.

“But you didn’t let her live! You killed her without a moment’s hesitation, with no remorse!!”

His vision was snapped into the opposite direction. He caught of glimpse of Twilight tearing one of Eternal’s wings off.

“What’s worse, is that you relished it!! You smiled with glee! You were happy that you killed her!!”

Another blow to the face.

“Star Blast wasn’t known as a cold blooded killer!! He was known as a kind, benevolent stallion, who would throw his life down for even the weakest fighter!!”

*SMACK!* Twilight now had her hoof buried deep into one of Eternal’s eyes sockets.

“Star Blast was my father!!! YOU’RE NOT STAR BLAST!!!”

Sparks used the spell to further intensify her weight. She raised her hooves and slammed them down on his chest, forcing all of the air out of his lungs. He flailed a bit, but he couldn’t budge under her weight. She lifted her hooves just enough for him to breathe, then leaned towards him,

“You’re a monster. And I won’t lie, you’re a terrifying one at that…” her eyes glowed bright, and she leaned just a bit closer,

“But we can be terrifying monsters too, if you force us to be…”

She grabbed the sides of his face, then forced his head to look in the direction of Twilight and Eternal. She pressed her hooves down on his face and leaned towards his ear,

“I know the Hell King can use your eyes as if they were his own…” she started. “So, let’s let him watch as Twilight destroys Eternal…”

Twilight had gouged one of Eternal’s eyes out. Eternal was screaming. She wouldn’t stop, and it was pissing Twilight off. She smacked her in the face with a heavy hoof,

“Shut up! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!” Twilight screamed, her voice booming and echoing at the same time, “YOU FORCED ME TO DO THIS!!! I DIDN’T WANT TO FIGHT ANYPONY, BUT YOU CHOSE TO SERVE THE HELL KING!!!” she quickly started raining blows on her face, “YOU BACKED ME INTO A CORNER, AND YOU ALL KILLED MY RARITY!!! SO NOW…I HAVE TO KILL YOU ALL!!!!”

Her hooves were moving at a near blinding speed. The only way Dark Star could tell that the blows were landing, was because Eternal’s head was getting flatter and flatter by the second. Eternal was no longer moving, but Twilight kept pounding away anyway. She beat her far beyond death, and until the same black orb that was in Sombra appeared from the brain matter and bone fragments that were once her skull. The crystal casing around Twilight’s maw moved, exposing a glowing lavender coat. Twilight opened her mouth, and a long, black, tendril-like tongue peeked out from glimmering hooked fangs. Her tongue wrapped itself around the orb, and her teeth bit down on it with a audible ‘click’. Suddenly, she opened her mouth, then quickly snapped down, her fangs shattering the spherical crystal into shards. Eternal’s body slowly disintegrated away as Twilight chewed on the crystal shards and swallowed them up. She looked over at Sparks and Dark Star, teleporting over to them and standing over the two Unicorns,

“Dark Star…you’re the only one left…” she pointed out in a matter-of-fact tone.

Sparks’ eyes glimmered with a bit of pity, as both her and Twilight’s horns started to form orbs of powerful, swirling magic,

“Somewhere, I pray that a bit of my father’s soul remains. And if so…I hope he understands that Twilight and I are doing this for the greater good.”

There orbs started to get bigger,

“And if he’s looking at me through your eyes, I also want him to know that I love him very much, and miss him every day…”

The orbs were now touching, melding together and growing still.

“Thank you for everything you’ve ever done, Dad…”

Just as they were about to fire off the magic, a powerful beam of sapphire colored magic collided with the side of Twilight’s face, making her stagger to the side and knock over Sparks. Dark Star slowly rose to his hooves, throwing a glance in the direction of the powerful magic. His eyes went wide with mild shock,

“How? What are you doing?”

Twilight scraped away the crystal armor that was barely hanging on, so that it could quickly replace itself. It covered her luminescent coat once more, and her glowing irises appeared back in her sockets. Sparks was looking in the same direction as Dark Star, her mouth wide and unspeaking. Twilight followed her gaze, and what she saw nearly made her irises vanish once again.

“My Gods…”

Not too far away from them, a white Unicorn mare stood. Her head was lowered, and her horn was still smoking from the remnants of magical heat it gave off from shooting. Her violet mane and tail lightly billowed in the wind. She seemed just a bit taller, and a bit more muscular, but Twilight nor Sparks paid that too much attention,

“Rarity…you’re okay…how can this be?” Twilight questioned, utter confusion on her face.

“Twilight, now’s not the time to overthink!” Sparks yelled with glee laced in her voice. She took a couple steps towards her, and Twilight followed. Neither of them even cared the Dark Star was slowly slinking away to further the already growing distance between them. But all three of them froze when Rarity fired another beam at the two mares. Now, the confusion was shining bright in both of their eyes, and Dark Star looked on with interest,

“What…Rarity, what are you doing?” Twilight asked, “I understand you getting enthusiastic and just trying to finish up Dark Star and accidentally shooting me the first time, but…” her sentence trailed off as Rarity rose her head. She opened her eyes, staring them down, and actually causing Twilight and Sparks to take a couple steps back. Both of their eyes were open wide, as sheer terror, denial, and hurt competed to portray themselves on their faces. Twilight said nothing, but Sparks shook her head just a few fractions of a degree, softly whispering a one worded mantra,


Rarity bore an iris that was a pale blue, and a lavender iris that reflected back all the emotions Sparks and Twilight were going through. But instead of her scleras being white,

They were now onyx black.

Author's Note:

Man, having to be awake for 24 hours always gives me time to spit out chapters!