• Published 30th May 2014
  • 257 Views, 0 Comments

Connections?! I think Maybe! - sparkdrifter

There are 12 ponies in a restaurant sitting at 6 different tables. Two ponies at each table tell each other about an insanely similar story. While telling each other these stories every pony realizes they're all telling the same story, but how?

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Waker and Diamond

Midnight Waker and his friend Diamond walked into oat burger after a young black unicorn and his white Pegasus frien left. Waker sat down at the table right after helping Diamond with her chair.

"I'm serious though! I really do like you!" Waker said to Diamond.

"No you don't. Waker were just friends and I like it that way and you know you like it that way too. You're just jealous that vinyl left that bar to help out that stallion on the roof. She didn't even mean anything by that she was just being helpful and friendly. You should have been doing that too." Diamond replied.

Waker looked at her. "I wish that we're true... I've liked you for a while now actually but I guess I've never had the guts to tell you till just now..."

"waker... waker get up... WAKER!" Diamond yelled at him.

"S-sorry what?" Waker had bags under his eyes. His mane was messed up and he had drool on his face.

"I told you not to go to that party last night but you went, didn't you?" Diamond looked mad.

"I didn't go to that party actually... I went on a chariot ride with princess Luna..." Waker said to Diamond with his head down.

"W-what do you mean?..." Diamond asked.

"Ugh... Last night I was going to go to that party but I had changed my mind right when I stepped outside." Waker wasn't looking but right when he had said that a stallion walked up and started flirting with Diamond.

"Hey artard! I was talking to her or are you deaf or something?!" Waker had yelled at the stallion.

"What are you gonna do about it?" The stallion said to him.

Waker knocked the guy in the muzzle giving h a bloody nose and then proceeded to hit the guy in the eye giving him a black eye.

"Jerk!" The stallion trotted away.

"Back to what I was saying. I went outside and I just stared at the sky. I saw a star and I started to say that star wish thing. Then I saw the star move and come closer to me. I saw it wasn't actually a star and that it was actually a chariot. A shining blue and black chariot accompanied by princess Luna. She offered me a seat in the chariot and she said to me 'do you remember me?" I had no idea what she ment so I just shook my head. 'My life had changed drastically one night and it happened to you too.' I immediately knew what she ment. 'Nightmare moon' I said. She nodded and then her horn glowed brightly. I immediately remembered my childhood. I was psychotic to say the least. I had heard all about nightmare moon and wanted to become just like her. And one day, I did. My horn started glowing with a blinding flash of light when I was being bullied by these weird kids calling me queer-fag for liking nightmare moon. I got so angry. My teeth turned to knives my eyes were like those of a snake. 'What are you?!' One of the bullies said to me. 'I am the son of nightmare moon.' Of course, I'm not... I just wanted to be cool, so badly... I pulled out of my memories and asked her 'why did you talk to me today?' She replied with 'soon those who have done you wrong will come back into light.' She taught me the spell and then said to me 'when these ponies are revealed, don't try to take revenge give them peace.' She left without a word after that. The next morning I woke up feeling hungry so I ate like a filly applejack until I couldn't eat anymore. I then left my house and realized I was hungry again so I started walking here I passed by you offered you some food and now this is going on."

Diamond looked amazed. She had never heard him open up to anypony like that before... Then she suddenly heard "that's weird. Why would Luna take you on a chariot ride? Why me?"

Diamond turned around and looked at the door. The white Pegasus and black unicorn were back and talking about the princess, then she realized, so was every pony else...

"What did you say?..."

Author's Note:

This my friends is what I call a key chapter. The climax is almost upon us and I am almost done with writing a fic in one day. Lets see what goes down in the last 2 chapters: Luna's prophecy part 1 & 2