Connections?! I think Maybe!

by sparkdrifter

First published

There are 12 ponies in a restaurant sitting at 6 different tables. Two ponies at each table tell each other about an insanely similar story. While telling each other these stories every pony realizes they're all telling the same story, but how?

There are 8 ponies in a restaurant sitting at 4 different tables. Two ponies at each table tell each other about an insanely similar story. While telling each other these stories every pony realizes they're all telling the same story, but how?

Spark Drifter and Cheat Code

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Spark And his step-brother-from-a-nutter-butter Cheat were sitting at a table at Hayburger waiting for Cheat's food. When his hay fries finally came he said to the pony who brought them, "Where's my oat burger? I asked for an oat burger and fries."

"Sorry, I'll cook 'em right up." The stallion left the brothers alone. The silence that had filled the area around them was broken when Spark said, "You wanna hear something weird?"

Cheat code's eyes flew up at his brother. He always enjoyed hearing his stories, even if they made jack sense.

"Yeh yeah yeah!" Cheat said like an excited puppy about to be fed.

"Alright," Spark started, "I was walking down the street earlier today when this chariot came out of nowhere! Princess Luna was sitting in it along with some strange stallion with a black coat and red mane, his horn glowed brightly. 'Get in the chariot' Luna said to me. I was only slightly nervous but I jumped in anyway. We flew for a while and I had no idea where we were going so I just went along for the ride. When we finally reached our destination I was kicked out and went flying through a window. I landed in an empty stall in the restroom and that's when I decided that I was hungry. I walked out of the restroom and realized I was already at oat burger, so I sat down and ate a serving of hay fries. That's when you came in, order your fries and burger, and sat down. Now, I'm telling you this."

Cheat code looked at his brother and laughed. "Have you been in my dreams again bro? Cause I had that exact dream!"

"Oh yeah?" Spark said, " then how come that guy over there is the... Exact... Stallion..." He trailed off of his speech while he looked at a black coated red maned unicorn walked in with a friend...

"I don't know, but here's what went down." Cheat code started telling his own version of the story, " I was sleeping last night when I woke up in the middle of the night to a loud bang outside my room. I looked out my window to see princess Luna in a chariot accompanied by a white Pegasus with a black and green mane. She called me down and I quickly followed her orders seeing as any good citizen would do. We flew around for a while but I had no idea of the destination. When we arrived I saw where we were, 'this is my house.' I said to the princess. She nodded and I was immediately thrown out of the chariot, through my open window and landed on my bed. I fell asleep afterwards. I woke up at 7 in the morning and said to myself, 'it was all a dream.' See, your story was just a different version of my dream."

Spark looked at his brother, then back at the unicorn and his friend. "Did you say white pegasus? Green and black mane?"

"Yeah, why?" Cheat code asked him, looking confused.

"Turn around." Spark said.

Cheat code turned around and saw the black unicorn Spark had mentioned, but sitting next to him was a white Pegasus, "What the hell?..."

Flame and Slash

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As Flame Trick and his friend Slash Cutter entered the oat burger they notices two strange stallions staring at them.

"Hey Slash?..." Flame said.

"Yeah?" Slash responded.

"Do we know these guys?" Flame asked.

"I know the green one but not the brown one." Slash said.

"Yeah I know the brown one." Flame said to him, "I saw him when princess Luna took me on a ride in her chariot last night. I was walking home from work when I was pulled into the chariot. I asked where she was taking me but she just looked ahead. We flew for an hour till we got to cloudsdale. When we arrived, I noticed we stopped at a house. One of the stallions pulling the chariot stopped suddenly and we crashed onto the cloud. I looked up at the small building that sat on said cloud and saw another stallion looking out the window at us. Luna called him down and he immediately did. He got onto the chariot and we flew for almost 3 hours around equestria until we came back to the cloud house. 'This is my house' I think the guy said. Luna nodded and the stallion got off. We flew for about another hour before she dropped me off at me house. I looked at Luna and she just waves me off. I thanked her for the ride seeing that she saved me taxi fare and walked inside my home. It was so strange. Don't you think?"

Slash blinked at his friend. "Lemme tell you a story. This completely true and once I finish, you'll $#!+ bricks. Earlier today I was walking around town. A chariot landed next to me and I looked at its occupant. Luna, all mighty princess of the night was riding in the chariot and she told me to get in. I didn't wanna be punished so I did as I was told. We flew for about an hour till we got here, in ponyville. I was dumbfounded. We picked up a random stallion off of the street and flew away. We flew for a few mor hours till Luna kicked, yes literally kicked, him out. He fell through an open window. We then flew away. Flying a bit more I was looking down when I saw you. 'Thats my friend flame!' Luna dropped me off across the street and before I could call out your name she flew away."

Flame's stomach growled. "Either the bricks are ready to come out now or it's time to order!" The stallions looked at each other and let out small chuckles while a stallion and a mare both walked into the restaurant.

Autumm and Octane

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Autumm saw a stallion and mare walk into the restaurant as he and his friend octane were finishing up lunch before going back to work. As Octane chewed his oat burger, Autumm stated at the mare.

"Beaver dam she is fiiiiine! Don't you think so Octane?" Autumm said.

"She's cute but really I would love to finish my food in peace if you don't mind." Octane said to Autumm.

"Suit yourself. Imma get her number." Autumm left Octane alone. Octane heard someone call Autumm a rude name but he dismissed it. He heard a few punches and ignored that too. Autumm came back with a black eye and a bloody nose.

"Did it ever occur to you that the stallion might have been her boyfriend?" Octane asked without looking up from his meal.

"Oh it occurred to me alright, but I was like 'fuggetaboutit!' and I asked her out. Then they guy called me a coglio and knocked me in the face."

"Wanna know something weird?" Octane asked.

"Sure." Said Autumm.

"That actually reminded me of a time that I went on a chariot ride with Luna."

Autumm looked shocked, "Luna."

"Yes." Octane replied.

"PRINCESS Luna." Autumm said.

"Yes!" Octane said. "Yesterday I was talking to my cousin when all of a sudden there she is. Standing in her chariot. She signaled me to get in so I did. We flew for a few hours before picking up another stallion although I couldn't see who it was. I heard his voice though. He sounded like a jerk. He kept on asking princess Luna if it hurt when she fell from the moon and stupid stuff like that. Eventually he asked her out and she said that she doesn't go on dates. He kept persisting though and eventually I guess he got to grabby cause she gasped loudly and knocked him in the jaw. His tooth came out and landed in front of me. He fell off the chariot onto a rooftop and we flew away. I still have his tooth. Look." Octane laid a slightly bloody tooth onto the table. "Basically we flew for a few hours then Luna dropped me off at my house before flying away. Bust just when they took off, I caught a smile from her."

Autumm stared at him with his mouth hanging open.

"Hey your tooth... Is... Missing..." Octane picked up the tooth and placed it in autumm's mouth. They stared at each other for a second before Autumm started talking again.

"Yesterday I was trying to pick up mares at a local bar when I got kicked out for being 'too grabby' with one of the girls. How was I supposed to know that was vinyl scratch, I don't listen to her music?! So I was sitting at the curb when a chariot pulled up on front of me. Princess Luna and another stallion were in the chariot. I tought she looked pretty cute so I started saying things like if it hurt when she fell from the moon. She just looked ahead. I started rubbing her shoulders, I had forgotten about the other stallion. I started rubbing her back, then my hooves started to go a bit, lower... I felt just the tip of her flank when she gasped and sucker punched me. I lost a tooth and I saw it land in front of the other stallion I fell down and hit the top of a building when I saw the chariot fly away. I passed out on the building and woke up at my house. It turns out I landed on the bar and the girl I was flirting with had taken me out of the area, asking ponies of they knew where I lived. Old lady ms. Crochet, my neighbor, led her to my apartment and let her in my home. Vinyl apparently took care of me while I was out. But yeah, that happened."

"Woah." Octane said. He slid the tooth back to Autumm. "You want this back?"

"Of course I want it back idiot!" Autumm and Octane laughed.

"Carp! We gotta get back to work!" Autumm and Octane left and Autumm left a three bit tip on the table.

Waker and Diamond

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Midnight Waker and his friend Diamond walked into oat burger after a young black unicorn and his white Pegasus frien left. Waker sat down at the table right after helping Diamond with her chair.

"I'm serious though! I really do like you!" Waker said to Diamond.

"No you don't. Waker were just friends and I like it that way and you know you like it that way too. You're just jealous that vinyl left that bar to help out that stallion on the roof. She didn't even mean anything by that she was just being helpful and friendly. You should have been doing that too." Diamond replied.

Waker looked at her. "I wish that we're true... I've liked you for a while now actually but I guess I've never had the guts to tell you till just now..."

"waker... waker get up... WAKER!" Diamond yelled at him.

"S-sorry what?" Waker had bags under his eyes. His mane was messed up and he had drool on his face.

"I told you not to go to that party last night but you went, didn't you?" Diamond looked mad.

"I didn't go to that party actually... I went on a chariot ride with princess Luna..." Waker said to Diamond with his head down.

"W-what do you mean?..." Diamond asked.

"Ugh... Last night I was going to go to that party but I had changed my mind right when I stepped outside." Waker wasn't looking but right when he had said that a stallion walked up and started flirting with Diamond.

"Hey artard! I was talking to her or are you deaf or something?!" Waker had yelled at the stallion.

"What are you gonna do about it?" The stallion said to him.

Waker knocked the guy in the muzzle giving h a bloody nose and then proceeded to hit the guy in the eye giving him a black eye.

"Jerk!" The stallion trotted away.

"Back to what I was saying. I went outside and I just stared at the sky. I saw a star and I started to say that star wish thing. Then I saw the star move and come closer to me. I saw it wasn't actually a star and that it was actually a chariot. A shining blue and black chariot accompanied by princess Luna. She offered me a seat in the chariot and she said to me 'do you remember me?" I had no idea what she ment so I just shook my head. 'My life had changed drastically one night and it happened to you too.' I immediately knew what she ment. 'Nightmare moon' I said. She nodded and then her horn glowed brightly. I immediately remembered my childhood. I was psychotic to say the least. I had heard all about nightmare moon and wanted to become just like her. And one day, I did. My horn started glowing with a blinding flash of light when I was being bullied by these weird kids calling me queer-fag for liking nightmare moon. I got so angry. My teeth turned to knives my eyes were like those of a snake. 'What are you?!' One of the bullies said to me. 'I am the son of nightmare moon.' Of course, I'm not... I just wanted to be cool, so badly... I pulled out of my memories and asked her 'why did you talk to me today?' She replied with 'soon those who have done you wrong will come back into light.' She taught me the spell and then said to me 'when these ponies are revealed, don't try to take revenge give them peace.' She left without a word after that. The next morning I woke up feeling hungry so I ate like a filly applejack until I couldn't eat anymore. I then left my house and realized I was hungry again so I started walking here I passed by you offered you some food and now this is going on."

Diamond looked amazed. She had never heard him open up to anypony like that before... Then she suddenly heard "that's weird. Why would Luna take you on a chariot ride? Why me?"

Diamond turned around and looked at the door. The white Pegasus and black unicorn were back and talking about the princess, then she realized, so was every pony else...

"What did you say?..."

Luna's prophecy: part 1

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Every pony stared at Diamond as she called across the room "Wait... What did you say?"

She trotted slowly across the room and stared Flame dead in the eyes "What... Did... You... Say?..."

"I s-said that Luna gave me a chariot ride... Why?" Flame responded slightly nervous...

"Who else got a chariot ride from princess Luna? Huh? Anyone?" Diamond called out looking at every pony.

Suddenly one hoof shot up in the air, then another and another suddenly all but her hooves where in the air.

"What did she do?..." Diamond asked suspiciously.

They all immediately responded with the same thing "gave us a ride then kicked us off."

Wondering how this could be, she realized one thing "Who here used to be a bully? Around grade school?..."

"Diamond what are you-" Waker was cut off.

"I was as a child." Flame looked at her with tears in his eyes. "I regret everything I ever did. One day me and a few other kids were bullying this one kid that everyone thought was weird. He liked nightmare moon so we said that he was a queer-fag. I didn't even know what it meant at the time. That kid all of a sudden seemed like a monster. We ran and so did he. If he died or moved nobody knows. But I know this, if I ever see him again, I would apologize for everything I had ever done to him."

The other ponies just stood there and watched suddenly another voice came up, "When I was a kid I didn't know better. I bullied kids left and right. One day I was with a group and the same thing happened but every pony thought he killed himself."

Out of nowhere every pony but Diamond and Waker were talking about what they did to bully kids as a child. Their stories all matched up one way or another. But they all ended with the same thing.

Waker remembered what Luna had told him, 'when these ponies are revealed, don't try to take revenge give them peace.'

Waker walked up to Flame and touched his horn to Flames's head. When the spell was complete Flame did not look back up. It seemed as if an eternity passed by. Almost as if time slowed down. When Flame finally looked up his eyes were just full of tears. "Waker? Midnight Waker?"

Waker nodded. Flame immediately proceeded by hugging Waker. "I'm sorry for everything. For beating you up. For making you cry. Everything. I wish I could take it back."

The stallions came apart from their embrace and looked at the room. Waker caused he spell in the area and everyone remembered what happened. Every pony made up and sat down with each other to eat the oat burgers. As Waker looked out the window he saw a familiar face. Luna was right outside. She smiled and flew away.

Luna's prophecy part 2

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Waker stood in his house, staring at the princess. She had helped him overcome something that had been haunting him for years. And all it took was a spell and a chariot ride.

"Why?" Waker asked her.

"I wanted to help you." She replied.

"You could have helped anyone." Waker stated.

"Yes but a troubled child with no mother to love looked up to me as a mother. Even in my darkest form. I love you Waker. Like a mother loves her son"

He ran to her with tears in his eyes and hugged her. She whispered something in his ear and took off.

Waker left his home and walked passed a bar, a cloud, an apartment, and a restaurant. A police officer stopped him and asked "What are you doing this late at night?"

"Just thinking about what some pony told me." Waker trotted off with a lone tear down his cheek and a smile on his face.