• Published 30th May 2014
  • 972 Views, 11 Comments

SHIFT - A_guy_from_Earth

A story about how one finding can change everything... By changing you!

  • ...

First Feats

“Twilight, I’m home!” – little dargon exclaimed, entering the library.
"Spike? You’ve come back?" – Twilight responded, - "How was your stroll?"
“It was fine!”
“Good. And, by the way, why you drew so suddenly to these evening physical trainings?”
“It’s just… Well, I decided that it’s necessary to focus on own health, at least sometimes.”
“I see… Oh, can I join you somehow? Some workout would be good for me too.”
“Join me? Well… I’ll be glad!”
“Thank you!”
“Deal. And now… What would you like to have for dinner?”
“Oh! That salad of cauliflower!”
“That one? Twi, it’s too long to cook…”
“Pleeaaaaaaaase!” – pony imploringly-touchingly looked at her assistant.
“Fine, you win!” – Spike sighed.

Twilight smiled and hugged him. Spike He said that this not worth it and, when he was freed, went to the kitchen.

Everything went just perfect: his little secret remained secret, and he continued to reach new levels – it was only second day, but he already managed to fly near Rainbow Dash for fifteen minutes, being invisible all the time, and learned almost all kinds of telecinetic tricks. He has to preserve such pace. But now, first of all, the salad…

He got rather exhausted during cooking, but he made Twilight’s favorite dish. It was done, so now they could have rest. So librarians after two hours of talking and reading went to sleep.

But at that day one more thing had happened – Spike learned that his finding is powerful, but not almighty: when he waked up, he felt how terrible his muscles were aching. He was unaccustomed to such intensive exercises, so, as result, it seemed so that his whole body was infiltrated with lactic acid. Every move was painful.

Twilight helped her assistant, but before it she shook her head for a long time and told him to be vigilant. Special spell relieved uncomfortable burning, but made one compulsory condition: no workout today, or else it won’t be possible to recover quickly. Well, there was no choice – and, besides, it’s not pleasant to train when you are ill. So Spike spent almost whole day in the library, helping Twilight a little and having rest. Yes, it’s good to have a lot of time to read favorite comics, sleep and play, but do this for many hours – even sluggard will become bored. Unable to bear this tediousness, Spike groaned and began to ask Twilight to allow him just a little stroll. But Twilight, being very solicitous pony, stood on her ground and dissuaded Spike. But he continued to beg. Alicorn openly said: “No!” already, but little dragon’s pleas were endless. So in the evening she gave up:

"All right…" – she sighed, - "You win. If you want it so strong, then go for your walk. And nothing more! No running and no exercises!"
"I got it." – Spike answered, - "I will walk softly. Just one small circle around the town!"
“Yes, and in an hour you should be home!”
“Okay, I will!” – dragon said and went outside.

Having said goodbye and closed the door, he began to plod through the town.

Joint effect of the spell and shift-suit had already relieved the pain in his muscles – it was possible to strart training again, but Spike was an honest dragon: if you gave the word, you have to keep it. And, besides, he has only an hour, rather short period of time. So Spike, as he promised, leisurely strolled through Ponyville. Young ones ran past him, having fun after finishing their homework, grown-up ponies walked slowly as him, returning home after workday. Above him pegasuses shuffled clouds. Shopkeepers and artisans closed their counters. It was typical evening Ponyville – quiet and nice. As always. Or, well, almost always…

Spike went along the streets and saw over scenes of preparing for the night town. When he noticed acquaintances, he affably waved them. They gladly reciprocated. But he met rare ones – most ponies have already been home, dined or ensconced themselves cosily and read today’s press.

Little dragon with smile looked at peaceful views. But suddenly his gaze noticed something unusual for calm evening: very disquieted stallion stood in a phone booth. Poor fellow sweated terribly, he shivered and because of worrying his kees, teeth, hooves – in fact, all parts of his body what were able to – chattered and knocked. He obviously has big problems. But ponies will always help other ones in trouble, even if they don’t know each other. So Spike without heistation and doubt went to him.

“Excuse me, but may I help you?” – he said, having open the booth door.
"W-what?" – the stallion exclaimed, having heard a voice behind, but when he turned round and looked, he got calm and continued, - "Oh… P-please, tell me where I c-can find another phone, b-because this one d-doesn’t work."
“Another phone? Ehm… Well, I know that there is a phone in the town hall, but it is already closed, so… Here, in Ponyville, onle few ones have their own phones, but who exactly – unfortunately, I don’t know…”
“No, noooo! My whole career, my life d-depends on this call! And I have only t-ten minutes!”
"Well then… Maybe we can fix this thing." – little dragon proposed, - "What’s wrong with it?"
“It looks normally, but when you pick up the phone, only noise comes from it.”

Having made wonderingly “Hum”, Spike asked to let him take a look. As stallion said, the device looked as it should be: all components seemed to work well, all cables were safe, but only wheeze and rattle of interference were heard, and even they weren’t continuous. “Then the problem isn’t here.” – dragon said and went outside to look behind the booth.

And when he came there, he saw the reason: someone, unknown how long ago, damaged main cables. Almost all metal was ripped out – it was inexplicable what still conducted the signal there. Searches of another telephone could take an hour. Replacement of the cable will take even more time. And they needed solution right now. Thinking in feverishly pace, Spike realized that there was only one way out.

He wrested the damaged part, grabbed bare ends of wires and wheezed out:

“Call! Now!”

Stallion nodded and rushed into the booth. Spike more than clearly felt the electricity what went through his body, but he held on – shift-suit helped. And pony talked for а couple of minutes. He was awfully worried, stuttered even more and trembled like maraca, but at the other end they said “yes”. “What? Really? Thank you! Thank you!!!” – stallion exclaimed. At the other end they said that it’s not necessaty to rejoice so greatly, and it would be better to express the gatitude during the meeting. Then they said goodbye. Stallion thanked again and hung up.

After quiet ding dragon could finally release the cables. He unclenched his paws, deeply sighed and in a moment stallion appeared before him. Pony bowed to the ground and became extremely thankful. Spike was able to persuade him to stop only after several attempts. When his euphoria had passed, he modestly thanked little dragon again and, having said goodbye, ran to pack up, as tomorrow he should be in another place.

Spike saw him off and thought: “Nice guy. I’m happy for him. But I hope that I won’t execute such extreme measures again. Or else, in spite of the spell and my finding effects my recovering won’t be quick…”

It was the last time at that day when he did something that extreme, but he had to help some more times.

When he passed by the store, which was closed for coulpe of days for construction of sunshade, he saw a worker there, in spite that workday has already ended. That guy was still busy, but his mental state was hard to describe: he was obviously irritated, and at the same vexed and upset, plus mixed-up and a bit frustrated – but the last followed from his words. Spike got surprised: what could cause such kickback? It has to be really big problem. So again little dragon decided to ask the reason and again do some help.

"What happened?" – worker asked again, - "I was making the frame, welded pipes, but the machine, this… not good thing broke when only few joints to do had remained! And tomorrow another group of workers will start their part!"
“Only few joints? Well then I think that I can help you!” – Spike said.
“Thanks, pal, but I’m not sure that you won’t be able to do this.”
“Won’t be able? Why?”
“Well, I understand that you, as dragon, can use your fiery breath. But you have to direct and focus the flame incredibly carefully. Also it’s necessary to monitor the power of fire, or else you will just melt the steel.”
“I can control my fire!”
“Sorry, lad, but I can not risk.”
“Then allow me to reassure you…”

Dragon focused and strained. Veins became visible even under his thick skin, strange wheezy-gurgling sound came from his throat. Than Spike opened his mouth and spat out powerful, but very narrow and short flare. Welder, having seen this, barely managed to hold on the pipes.

"Wow!" – he exclaimed, - "It changes everything! Get up!"

Spike grinned and climbed on the sunshade. Welder reminded again about accident prevention, little dragon nodded and they began to work. Spike with focused flares heated metal near joints, and pony-worked patched the gaps with remained electrodes. It was not very comfortable to work like this, but, nonetheless, they managed to finish the construction in ten minutes. The frame was ready.

Welder briefly, but sincerely thanked Spike for help and gave him firm pawshake. After this he said that he’ll recommend little dragon as excellent helper. Spike thanked him, but said that he has job already. Worker smiled and, having wished luck to dragon, went away.

Spike grinned and continued his stroll. But he made a note for himself: if he has to turn a bit, now he knows the pony to address.

Evening Ponyville was charming and calm: rare passers, light breeze, cheerful birdsongs. Just lie down on a near bench, close your eyes and relax – it’s all what you have to do. Spike had already imagined himself doing this and broke into wide smile, but suddenly…

Angry shouts came from somewhere around corner. A couple of filthy mots followed it. Then the first one shouted again – and here we go. Calmness of small town was completely destroyed. This cross-fire made Spike to pucker. Keeping his ears closed, he rushed to the source of annoying sounds with a wish to stop it. Hundred steps and two turns to the right and he was at the place. Two stallions appeared to be the reason: they swore near the entrance to only day-and-night shop in town. These guys had already entered into a rage. To interrupt them meant not only to hear a lot of nasty things about yourself, but also get hit in the neck. But Spike couldn’t bear it, so he risked.

"Hey!" – he shouted to swearing ones, - "These your phrases make ears of hundred ponies at least sick! What’s going on here at all?"
“He moved without paying attention on anything and hit me!” – one pony said and pointed on opponent.
"Yes, I admit it. I forgot to look where I was going and didn’t notice him." – other stallion said, - "And I sincerely apologize."
“If he admits his fault and apologizes, then what’s the problem?” – Spike surprised.
“Because of him I dropped my cabbage patty in the mud!” – the first exclaimed.
“What? A patty?”
“Yes! It’s no longer suitable for food! And he refuses to indemnify!”
“Yep, this had place to be. But I won’t pay for such triffle!” – the second declared.
“You again with it!”
“I’ve said enough.”

Word for word – and they went to the second lap. Spike tried to separate wranglers, but all his attempts were unsuccessful: stallions or didn’t pay attention, or yelled at him, and after this continued to cuss.

Dragon couldn’t understand it: all this happened because of a cabbage patty? To say that they overshot will be incredible understatement. But, if you think, they are both wrong and right at the same time: the patty is a triffle, and it’s easy to forgive the opponent for such small loss, but that pony has right to demand the compensation. Although to demand it so strongly seems a bit steep. Other guy is “good” too – if you see that your opponent is difficile and stubborn, then concede and don’t cause the mess, but he seemed to be as obstinate as the first one. So they didn’t care about other poies and their ears and continued to swear.

At these minutes Spike unterstood that phrase “you must be another species”. It’s just stereotypes, but they had some base. And those two would win and outstrip all the donkeys in the world in competition of stubborn ones.

It was necessary to stop this flow of abusive language. But as all possibilities for a peaceful settlement of the conflict have been exhausted, only force using had remained. So Spike approached the stallions, then jumped and… knocked roughnecks’ heads together. Wranglers eyes started to make a bit chaotic circular movemets, and wranglers themleves quickly fell down senseless. Having sighed, dragon took them away: he left the first one near closed florist’s shop and the second one – near empty fruit shelving, in three hundred steps from the opponent. Whet this was done, Spike, quietly growling, went away. Rare eyewitnesses approved his actions.

In five minutes little dragon was in the town park. Among all places in Ponyville it was, perhaps, the most peaceful: rather large territory with very beautiful landscapes, quiet – only leaves rustling, purling of little river and birds’ voices were heard. One word – idyll.

Spike stopped and glanced at the panorama. “What a beautiful picture! It’s a pity that I have only some minutes… – he thought, - Well, then I’ll stand here and just see over for a while…” He looked around again, when loud sudden scream came from forest what adjoined the park. It was young fillies’ scream, and it was full of fear.

There was no one around – Spike was alone there at the moment. If he will move out now then he give himself away for sure. But there are fillies in danger! Who knows, what vile creature now appeared from the depth of Everfree forest! It may become his disclosure, but he has to do it. So Spike rushed to help.

When he was already near, little dragon heard dull roar and smelt out sickening odor. Timberwolves! Not this pieces of wood!

He had to act immediately. Spike dove into the thicket and began to sneak closely. Having reached the nearest glade, he hided behind the trees and carefully took a look. Two huge beasts approached Cutie Mark Crusaders. Their eyes glowed, fetid swill dropped from their mouths. With every step they drew closer to the trembling ponies, who were scared so strongly that won’t able to scream.

They have minute at least. Dragon quickly estimated time and distance, and when the wolves approached to a distance jump, shot out from bushes and shielded the fillies.

“Spike?” – Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo exclaimed.
“What are ya doin’ here?” – Apple Bloom surprised.
“No time to talk! – Spike said, - Run!”
“And what about you?”
“I’ll be fine! Run, now!!!”

Crusaders, having looked at each other and dragon, ran away.

Timberwolves got ready to jump and catch them, but Spike, having spread his arms, blocked their way. Such insolence made beasts to be taken aback and stop. But soon they shook their heads and recovered. Their growling became even more angry, and they start to approach Spike.

And Spike, having noticed that Crusaders were out of sight already, turned to the wolves and said:

“And now I’ll talk to you…”

Then he sharply rasied his hand up. And timberwolves, obeying some invisible but very powerful force, soared into the air and hung at the height of three meters or so.

All anger disappeared from their faces – sincere perplexity and surprise replaced it. They looked around, trying to understand what had happened to them, but they couldn’t neither to see, nor to feel anything. They got scared and started to shiver. Spike, having made sure that beasts are immobilazed, began:

“Mistake you made, having decided to attack.”

Wolves, still trembling, nodded. Dragon continued:

“And this again you will not do, right I am?”

Beasts nodded even more intensively.

“Good…” – Spike concluded.

And, having waved off, he left the glade. Wolves meanwhile howled and got sent to short flight above treetops and in a few seconds crashed somewhere in deadwood.

When Spike came out from the forest, he breathed deeply but easily: fillies were saved, and he kept his secret. Everything went as well as possible. Only “but”: he won’t be able to come home in time – he can’t use teleportation in town. But, according to the rules of etiquette, he can be late for fifteen minutes. It would be enough time for him. Twilight will be resent, but he will be right – such lateness is allowable.

And at the same day, few hours earlier, at the swamp…

Having landed near the edge of the bog and met a group of timberwolves with obvious consequences – “WTF is this??? KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!” – and quick vanishing of the beasts, “Gieob” crew began to bring the cargo back on board. Automatics helped greatly – especially with drawing out the load from quagmire – but the process still was rather slow: containers sank deeply, and it took sometimes about half of an hour to pull them out. But, however, the work continued.

“It’s seventeenth or eighteenth?” – Zhao asked, having stopped to pick small boxes, looking at working robots and slowly raising container, covered with ooze, which in few seconds disappeared behind camouflage hologram of the ship.
“Eighteenth.” – Max answered.
“Good. Then just a couple of hours – and we’ll finish this.”
“Hm, yup.”
“I don’t like this…” – Augusto murmured.
“What is it?” – Mahmoud wondered.
“Small inner containers are too damaged. All these cracks, breaks… I afraid that we might brought an infection here. Just remember all the incidents with Ebola-ultima…”
"Relax." – Josiah assured him, - "Small containers are as sterile as operanig rooms. If there was something, it was on the surface of big ones. And Ebola-ultima virus dies in vacuum. Other infections, if they had remained, were just burned during the passing of atmosphere."
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. This world is safe.”
“Well then, it’s good!”
“By the way, people, did you pick all the boxes?” – Mahmoud asked.
"There are only twenty five containers on the ground or so, cap’n." – pilot answered, - "They are scattered between tussocks, but we’ll quickly pick them."
“Max, our loader won’t be able to take all them.” – Zhao said.
“It will. It has no choice.”
“As you say…”
"Quiet!" – Augusto suddenly bellowed, - "Guys, activate your implanted transmitters. I detected few locals approaching us."
“What? Locals?” – pilot and mechanic exclaimed.
“They are near?” – captain asked discomposedly.

Other nodded and turned transmitters on.

«How many ones do you see and how soon they will come?» – Mahmoud asked.
«Four. They will be here in six minutes.» – navigator answered.
«Dammit! What have we do now? We won’t be able to hide all this stuff!» – Josiah worried.
«You’re right, we won’t be able.» – captain transmitted, - «So there is only one way – "Absurd".»
«"Absurd"? This crap again?» – Max resented.
«Alas, but yes. So let’s start to prepare.» – Mahmoud sighed.

Lads sithed and began the implementation of the Protocol. They were ready soon, and when navigator commanded, the action had started.

Meanwhile small group of ponyvillers, the first ones, who got brave enough to explore the crash site, approached the swamp. They actively discussed the event, spoke about how luckly they may become, how many pieces they’ll found, and the most quirky ones spoke about how many bits they will earn, selling stones from space. They barely holded their anticipation. But what they had seen in reality…

In short, when ponies reached treeless part of the bog, they saw probably the most surreal picture in the world: there were few huge blocks of building stone (at least, this stuff looked like stone blocks), and between them – five figures in biological protection suits with four paws, but which used only pair for walking. They danced hopak, disco, polka, ballet and haka when weird music somewhere had been playing – loud strange sounds, but among them it was easy to notice words “Oppa Gangnam style!” (which successfully have been giving mixed feelings to all the people for 362 years, and to aliens – for 247). Watching this, gyri of poor ponies tied themselves into knots. They looked at this mess for a minute, then their brains just boiled. Ponies could not stand this cognitive dissonance and, having turned, walked away. This scene was so unnatural that minds of explorers got overloaded, and they all fainted, not having left the forest yet. They came to their senses only in the late evening. They didn’t remember anything about what happened at last two days.

Crew continued to do this nonsense for minute or so till they got sured that locals got out of sight. Only then they stopped.

“I hate this Protocol!” – Max exclaimed angrily.
"Yup, it is very harmful thing for anyone’s mind." – Josiah confirmed, - "But it’s really effective. Always works!"
“But, on the other hand, our – now – extraterrestrial partners scoffed us, using this method, for seven thousand years.” – Zhao admitted.
“And this makes me hate it even more!” – pilot shouted.
"Forget it!" – Mahmoud said, - "We have to raise five more containers and pick other junk."
“We’ll do it, and what next? Monitoring?” – socspec asked.
"Yes, monitor everything." – captain answered, - "Turn the hyperscan on and keep watching."
“We see…”

And they continued their work.