by A_guy_from_Earth

First published

A story about how one finding can change everything... By changing you!

Escaping from subspace wave, starship emerges in planet system almost at the middle of great anomalous zone, place, where physic laws are different from other parts of the Universe. Severe accident happens, and for surviving crew have to fly round one planet, almost entering its atmosphere. They had to drop their cargo to make it possible. But that planet was populated, and ship's cargo fell in place, known as Equestria there. And one local found a piece of this cargo... And adventures have begun.

Emergency and the Finding

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Sealed door slid aside, and captain stood on the bridge.

"Well, reprot to ou…" - he suddenly paused, - "Wait a sec, where is Zhao?"
“No idea.” – came the answer.
“Augusto, Josiah, Max, he didn’t say anything to you?”
"As always, Mahmoud." – Josiah sighed, - "Neither to me, the socspec*, nor to you, the captain."
“It wouldn’t be our Zhao if he warned.” – Augusto said.
"And it’s true." – captain murmured, - "Well, to pulsar with him! Report to our state!"
“Well, we already have passed the center of AZ and will leave it in five hours. And in eight, as it should be, we’ll arrive at staging post.” – Augusto reported, looking time by time on holoscreen of navicomputer.
“And how is the flight?”
"Quiet calm, and it is well." – Max answered, - "The anomaly doesn’t show itself."
“Well, in that case, gentlemen, you may start to prepare for your rest!”
"Aw yeah!" – Josiah exclaimed, stretching himself, - "Finally, after these ten weeks on the ship!"
"Million and five hundred thousand parsecs without any emerging, again…" - Max spelled, keep looking othrough windows, - "It’s madness! Especially if you never before haven’t been outside of the Local."
“You don’t say…”
"Yup, this part of the space with rare emptiness." – Mahmoud said, - "But it was order of the Corps: fly to the 2403th** and deliver the cargo… But, on the other hand, four hundred years ago we were happy that we had reached the Moon, two hundred and fifty – that we had found the subspace, and now we are organizing expeditions to the Whirlpool Galaxy!"
“But enough of that! In the end of the shift we’ll be at the base and have rest!”
“Good old “Triangle 42th”…” – Augusto sighed with light smile.
“By the way, remind me, please, what exactly we are delivering?” – Max asked.
"How such leaky head as you managed to become a pilot?" – captain exclaimed, - "Well, I’ll reply again: we are taking the diplomatic cargo – almost two thousand things what our guys were lucky to bargain."
“Forgive me and my memory…” – pilot said quietly.
"It was rather good mission." – Josiah admitted, - "For the first time we, civilization of tenth level, made contact with twelve-leveled! Twelve-leveled!"
"Yes, these Kniyrhe are awesome guys!" – Augusto said, - "They gave us so much stuff… New ansible models, nanite immunity complexes, shift-suites, transmutation reactors…"
“To us before as to the Virgo Cluster!” – socspec exclaimed.
“I think that these lads have even more hypertrophied curiosity than we, but it manifest itself in other field.” – Mahmoud said.
“I like this idea!”

In a second after this a little motor noise came, and the last member of the crew stood up on the bridge.

“Zhao, damn your tritium, where have you been???” – captain shouted.
“You can feel the Saratov school student…” – Max spelled with smile.
“I was busy with repairs!” – mechanic answered.
“You said that you had finished all works long ago yourself!” – Mahmoud continued in raised voice.
“There was final finishing! I was busy with it!”
"You and your perfectionism…" – captain sighed and placed his palm on the face, - "Okay than, sit. We’ll finish the flight soon."

Mechanic fell down in vacant chair.

“Hey, Max, why you mentioned the school?” – Augusto wondered.
"This phrase about tritium is widespread there." – pilot answered, - "After all, its specialisation is fuel masters."
“Stop, you studied in Saratov too?” – Mahmoud surprised.
“So exactly, mon capitane!”
“Max, you are German! It would be much easier to you to enter the Dresden school!”
“The same stuff is studied in both schools, but costs are different. And, yes, I’m from Germany, but I’m not from German people. I am Sorb!”
“But it’s the same state.” – Josiah said.
“Pal, it’s the the same thing for me as difference between Lozi and Zambian to you.”
“Excuse me.”
“Forget it. Let’s relax a little.”
“We support this idea!” – Zhao and Augusto exclaimed.

But only the crew sat down again and sighed with relief when the alarm sounded.

“Is it a wave?” – captain asked discompostedly.
“It is.” – navigator confirmed.
“How powerful it is?”
“Oh God… More than twelve thousand yottawatts!”
“What??? Twelve thousand?”
“Oh Allah…”
“Blessed Flatterers…” – spelled the rest of crew.
“When it will reach us?”
“In fifty minutes.”
“Dammit, dammit!”
“What shall we do, captain?” – Augusto asked quietly.

Mahmoud took a deep sigh and said:

“Prepare for the emergency exit.”
"What?" – Josiah exclimed, - "In the middle of the greatest AZ in whole Cluster?"
“If we won’t leave the subspace, this wave will split our ship and us into quarks. It would be better to have seven hours of troubles with entering, but stay alive. So, Max, get ready to escape at the nearest star.”

Pilot nodded and began the preparations. Shield was raised immediately, and in a minute, when hyperscan detected the nearest star, Max gave the command to detonate nuclear capsule before bow. Powerful narrowly localized perturbation caused the recollapse effect, and in a moment ship appeared in convective zone of the star. Shield was stable. Crew breathed freely, and pilot steered ship to surface. Driven by mighty streams, the vessel should came out from photosphere in four minutes, but before it happened, anomaly decided to show itself…

Ship’s speed rapidly increased in times. All electronics acted up. Guys got scared, but they didn’t panic. Brought together into a fist, they began to try all available methods to restore the systems. But terminals didn’t respond.

In half of a minute the ship was thrown into space. Tens of short circuits swepped through the vessel at that moment, but soon systems got reloaded.

“Zhao, Max what happened to the ship?” – Mahmoud said, having recoverd his wind.
“We moving only four times slower than light!” – pilot shouted.
“How the heck we are still safe?” – Josiah exclaimed.
“I don’t know! It’s damned anomaly!”
“What with the systems?”
"Only hyperscan, life support and navigation are functioning as they should be." – mechanic reported, - "The rest are damaged to varying degrees. Communications are off, and main reactor is shut down."
“What? Reactor is down?” – Max shouted.

Zhao silently nodded.

“Crap! Then main engines are dead too!”
“What about auxillary ones?” – socspec offered.
“They are too weak. I can launch them, but it would take hours to stop.”
“Max, activate them now!” – Augusto said loudly.
“What the problem?” – wondered others.
"There are palnets in this system." – navigator said, - "And we are moving stright to the third one!"
“Can we get around?”
“If our speed was two hundred and fiftieth of light speed, then it would be possible. Otherwise there would be no use for them.”
“When we’ll reach it?” – captain asked.
“According to my estimates, in eleven-twelve hours, if we start to slow down right now.”
“Got it.” – pilot said and launched the auxillary engines.
“How long the repair will last?”
“Fourteen hours at least.” – Zhao answered, continuing the scanning.
“Okay then. Let’s start to work!”
“Wait! – navigator suddenly shouted, - There is one more thing.”
“What thing?”
“I made some calculations and… Well, we will approach this planet too closely, but in spite of our high speed our mass would be big enough to get sucked into gravity well.”
“And we’ll be lucky if we reach two hundredth…” – Max spelled with shudder.
“Do we have any chances?” – Josiah quietly said.
"Yes, we have." – Augusto answered after short pause, - "But we have to dump the cargo if we want to implement it."
“Dump the cargo?”
“Mass reduction is our only chance.”
“It seems that we have no choice…” – captain sighed.
"Whoa!" – Max suddenly exclaimed, - "The upper limit of speed at which it’s possible to dump the cargo is two hundredth of light speed!"
“Well then we should to dump it near the planet.”
“Can containers withstand this?” – socspec asked.
“They will remain safe after emergency dropping, which was executed at planet with twice greater gravity and sevenfold denser atmosphere than on Earth.” – Zhao answered.
“But will conditions on this planet be within these limits?”
"Hyperscan shows that it incredibly similar to Earth, almost all basic parameters are equal." – Augusto said, looking on holoscreen, - "And if so, they will withstand."
"Hence, it’s determined." – captain declared, - "Zhao, Josiah with me will do the repair, Augusto – you’ll execute computer support and rate correction, Max – get ready…"

The rest of crew nodded and began the work. Long fixing and the most difficult maneuver laid ahead – they have to get around the planet.

“It was the last time when I believed Twilight’s words about her busyness…” – Spike thought, looking how heap of things slowly but surely grew before him, and was getting readry to become twice higher than little dragon. The smartest pony in Ponyville have been preparing another great research, and because of this she send her assistant to different places to get necessary stuff. And now he was sent to deliver the last “order” to Zecora.

Meanwhile zebra herself walked from shelving to shelving, holding list with her hoof, and looking for the necesary potions and drugs.

“Is that all?” – Spike asked in trembling, but full of hope voice.
“One more bottle according to sheet – and the package will be complete.” – Zecora answered with smile.
"Finally!" – dragon exclaimed, - "At least this mess will end!"

Zebra put the bottle at the top of heap and turned to him with a bit surprised look.

"It took me hours to do all the requests!" – Spike explained, - "I could run over the Ponyville for half of day, looking for instruments, books, stationery what Twilight needs. I asked, begged her to send other one or just come with me, but she always said that she can’t because she’s busy. But every time when I returned to the library, she was finishing her work or she wasn’t home at all!"
“What should you do – I cannot tell, but what you feel – I know it well.” – Zecora said after short pause.

Spike sighed.

“Well then… Thanks for the stuff and for consolation! I think I’ll go already. It’s evening, after all…”

Healer nodded and opened the door. Dragon took the heap and moved to exit.

He made only few steps, when sudden roar echoed through the house. Awful sound came from Spike’s stomach. Zecora looked at dragon, he lowered his head and quietly spelled:

“Excuse me…”
“Then I advice you to move your feet, if before night you want to eat!” – Zecora said to him with light grin.
“Thank you! Good bye!” – Spike smiled back and, having bowed a little – his burden didn’t allow more – rushed out.

Zecora waved him and watched him till junior librarian disappeared around the bend of forest track.

There were a lot of things in that package, but it wasn’t hard for Spike – when he helped Rarity, he sometimes had to move much heavier stuff. He became to get used to it, but his back after such acts of help still ached for day or two.

Dragon imagined how he, after returning, tightly dined and would read his favorite comics, lying in basket bed, when sudden bright light, which moved even faster than lightning, crossed the sky and left huge trace. Amazed, he almost dropped the package, but when muffled, like a distant thunder, sound wave came, the load slipped from his paws.

"Wow!" – Spike exclaimed, recovering after surprise, - "It was real bolide! Just like from these astronomy books! Awesome!… I wonder, did anypony else see it? I should tell Twilight and others about it!"

Little dragon enliveded, lifted dropped things and continued to walk, gradually accelerating his pace. In Equestria you would be luckly person if you see meteor twice during whole your life – bolids were detected only few times in a century. So now all Spike’s thought were about the meteor.

But approximately in a hour, when he was already leaving spooky forest, he felt something oppressive, even horrendous. Little dragon shuddered – he never before felt like this, – put the package on ground and looked around. Having turned back in direction from which (probably) the meteor came, he saw the reason of such sensations: there were more bolids in the sky. But these ones seemed to move much closer to surface than first one. Spike got scared and instinctively ducked. Fireballs with deafening sound wave swept over him and in half of minute later with loud crash fell to the ground about a mile away.

Still shivering, little dragon got up. It was quiet now. That noise surely was heard further than in Ponyville, but as meteors fell in Everfree forest, ponies, who saw the bolids, were afraid to approach. But Spike, when he calmed down, got interested. He decided to look at these meteorits. There was no smoke over forest, so there was no fire. Dragon hid the load under leaf litter and went to the crash site.

At secomd minute of wading he started to notice damaged trees. Bit by bit damages began more serious and hard: at first just plucked leaves, then broked treetops, after it – riven trunks. At last there was only deadwood, which ended at swamp. Rigth in the middle of this area were the meteorits – but not all of them: there were only five on the ground, other fell in bog and at the moment slowly submerged in quagmire. Spike took a deep breath and approached.

He looked closely and got very surprised: all meteorits were deformed, but in spite of this it was noticeable that all of them have similar shape – parallelepipeds with rounded edges, about 2,5 meters high, 2,5 meters wide and 4 meters long. They were quiet safe and with just a little traces of melting. Because of this it was possible to see narrow grooves, which formed closed loops.

Usual meteorits doesn’t have such features – Spike remembered this well since excursion to the Canterlot museum of natural history. If these rocks aren’t meteorits, then what are they? Little dragon, guessing and startingg to shudder because of fear of unknown, slowly walked from one object to other. Firth, second, third, fourth… All looked the same.

He have been nearing the fifth and was ready to bypass it, when he noticed a thing which almost made his heart stop: this one hit a rock when it fell down and because of this crackled. A hole formed – not so big, but enough wide to let few small containers fell down from it.

Wait! Containers in meteorite? It can’t be! Then the meteorite itself is a container too, but big and durable. This thing is artificial!

At that moment Spike got really scared: who or what made it? How? Why?

But curiosity didn’t leave him. Soon want to look closer overcame his fear, and little dragon came closer to the damaged container.

Little boxes appeared to be as simple as big ones, but there were inscriptions on them, and they weren’t so durable – a lot of containers got dents, and three ones remained without covers (and it was noticeable that those small grooves determined forms of covers). Without knowing why, little dragon decided to look inside. Two damaged boxes contained difficult machines, similar to ones what are used in hospitals, but they were broken – now it was only heap of plastic and metal components and some crystals. Texts on these containers were hard to see. Third one got big letters “SHIFT-” which weren’t covered with mud, and inside it was something very strange – dense, but jelly-like substance, what distantly reminiscet… fabric? Yep, fabric. Furthermore – it was clothing. Spike wanted to touch it. He slowly bowed to the box, reached out, but the substacnce suddenly moved and…

When little dragon came to his senses, first stars began to appear in the sky. Alarmed, he jumped up. He was on this deadwood at swamp’s end near damaged containers. That strange substance, which was inside one box, disappeared. But Spike was bothered not because of this:

"It’s night already???" – exclaimed he, - "No, no, nooooooo!!! I don’t want to spend night here! Run! Run!!!"

And he at full speed rushed back to the track.

Spike ran to the cache in seven minutes or so. With one move he flicked leaves off, took the package and ran to Ponyville.

But nights in Equestia come quickly. Last bright patches on the sky got lost among huge trees, dark shadows slowly crawled on the track.

Little dragon’s heart pounded. “I don’t want to stay here! – he thought, almost crying, - I don’t want to be in such dark place! I want to Ponyville! Please, let Ponyville be near!” He squinted and in a moment – as it seemed to him – something flashed right before.

When he opened his eyes, he saw outskirts of the town. Spike dropped the load. How? HOW??? It’s still late evening, and he’s in Ponyville! Little dragon got alarmed even more than then, at the swamp, but he started to look for explanation – only because this might help him to calm down. So, he’s running through the forest, and now with no reason he appears almost home! He couldn’t run so fast, he has no wings. Only possible variant is teleportation. Then how did it happen? There were only wild animals in forest near him at the moment, surely. So it seems that he executed teleporattion himself. But how?… Spike tried to look through versions, and one episode flashed in his memory – bog, containers, strange substance. That’s it! That weird thing helped him! There is no other posible explanation – at least now. Well than, this problem is solved. Then how did that substance made him tele… oooooh!

Disturbance and mad thoughts caused Spike headache. He sighed and forced himself to stop think about this – it’s enough for today: Twilight, who still is worrying for him, will provide new portion of experiences and will keelhaul him for such tardiness.

Spike lifted the package and slowly mover to the library. He decided to deal with that mystery tomorrow…

People, as other cultures, which reached interstellar flights level, have already known that there are not four fundamental physical forces, but twelve – seven “nornal” and five “anomalous” ones; the last group named so becausse these forces show themselves very differently in different parts of the Universe. Except already known electomagmetism, gravitation, strong and weak interactions there are informational, string and transmutational interactions – other “normal” forces – and reversing, differentiating, hyperchannel interactions and, the most wonderful, magic and irrealization – “anomalous” forces. Places, where these five interactions are active, were declared as AZes and closed for everyone – only rare expeditions are allowed to enter. Kniyrhe civilization, inventors of shift-suites, surely knew it too, so because of this they during the creation of these incredibly difficult devices (which, in fact, are nanite colonies, what act like parasites) made a lot of improvements to make them work properly in AZes. But they didn’t even imagine that their invention can get to place with so high level of magic activity as Equestria. There their creation, made to add strength and new possibilities to its owner, can give much better results. And now such powerful device got in paws of ordinary little dragon Spike…


* – SOCial SPECialist, crew’s medic, psychologist and captain assiatant;

** – it’s NGC 2403 Galaxy;

AZ – anomalous zone.


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Starship crew stood before huge holoscreen, what was full of hyperscan on-line data, and looked on it with distorted faces.

“Well I’ll be damned…” – Josiah quietly spelled.
“Seriously?” – Max exclaimed.
“Quietly particular planet…” – captain murmured.
"Primates are rare and somewhere almost went extinct." – Augusto rehearsed shortly the data, - "Ungulates are dominating species, and equine – at first. They are sapient and were able to create a civilization, which now can be evaluated as 7.9. level culture. Nice…"
“Spreaders?” – Zhao wondered.
"No doubt." – Mahmoud answered, - "Only they were able to create something like this!"
"Terran ungulates civilization right in the middle of greatest AZ of Triangulum Galaxy…" – Josiah whispered, - "That guys outdid themselves!"
“We had found two planets of apes, planet of bears, planet of whales and dolphines, planet of cats, planet of elephants, planet of wolves and jackals, planet of penguins, planet of eagles and owls five planets of dinosaurs, three planets of synapsids, two planets of spiders, seven planets of fishes, six planets of bugs and other insects – why then planet of ungulates shouldn’t exist?” – captain said.
“Augusto, plese, just for interest, check the degree of biological similarity. – Mahmoud asked.

Navigator nodded and quickly gave the necessary command to hyperscan computer.

“Wait… Got it! It’s varying from 34 to 97 percents.”
“Then they began approximately six hundred million years ago and stopped about two million and now just watching. It’s clear now.” – captain said.
"There is some more information!" – Augusto suddenly exclaimed, - "We got data about average sizes of domibating species They are almost twice smaller than our ungulates."
"Twice smaller?" – Max got surprised, - "Is this world still populated with hyracotherium?"
"No." – navigator answered, - "It’s more likely that the planet populated with evolved species – just sizes are different."
“So, they are ponies?”
“It seems so.”

Silence fell on the bridge, but it soon was broken with string, but full of interferences, ansible signal.

“Gieob” do you hear us? “Gieob”!”
“Yes, Base, we can hear you!” – Mahmous answered.
“What happened? Where are you?”
“We detected incredibly powerful subspace wave during the flight, so we have to emerge in the nearest star. But it was within the AZ. Anomaly showed itself, and we were thrown out in space with huge speed – only fourth from light. Our reactors and main engines failed, and our ship flew right to one local planet. We had been slowing down for thirteen hours, and narrowly escaped disaster.”
“You almost crushed? How far is this planet from its star?”
“0,98 A.U.”
“One unit? Well th… Wait! You had been slowing down, using only auxillary engines?”
“And you made it possible?”
“Yes, but we had to reduce mass of starship, so we dropped the cargo.”
“What??? Dropped the cargo?”
“It was our only chance!”
“Well then. This incident you’ll describe later, and in details… How many things are still safe?”
“Almost all of them. We got signals of all containers, but one of them is damaged. Eight things, which were in it, are broked, and one was lost.”
“Do you have second examples?”
“Yes, for all nine things.”
“Glad to hear it. And what was lost?”
“We didn’t check it yet. Zhao, take a look.” – captain asked.
"One moment!" – mechanic answered, - "Here’s the list… Aw crap…"
“Shift-suit was lost!”
"Shift-suit???" – liaison officer exclaimed, - "Was lost?"
“I’m afraid so.” – Mahmoud said quietly.
“Can you find it?”
“Out hyperscan are still working, so it’s a matter of time.”
“Matter of time?”
“Yes. You see, there is one problem here – the planet is populated, and, moreover, there is 7.9 level civilization here.”
“WHAAAAAAAT??? Civilization of 7.9 level??? No, no, no, nooooo!!! You must find it and bring it back before locals take it!”
“There will be some difficulties with this.” – Zhao spelled.
“They took it???”
“We don’t know. In spite of all tries, we can’t get beacon signal.”
“Find it at any cost! Shift-suites are too powerful technology even for us, so do your best!”
“We will.”
“And we’ll send help to you.”
“Cancel this order!” – captain said loudly.
“We are still within AZ, and no one knows what may happen during emerging with other ships if they get here. It’s too risky.”
“Will you be able to do all this yourselves?”
“Well then. Channel now is estabilished, and we’ll continue to support it. If you will need something – address. Good bye!”

Crew bowed. Liaison officer nodded, and ansible turned off.

“We got off easy.” – Max sighed.
“You don’t say!” – mechanic confirmed.
"And it’s good." – Mahmous said, - "So, folks, listen. Now we’ll land and bring back the cargo. After this we focus all our forces on searches of lost suit."
“Right now?” – Zhao got surprised.
“Yes. Containers fell in rather populated area, so we have to take them as quickly as we can, before locals find them.”
“We see.”

Guys sat and began the preparations for landing. Josiah meanwhile time by time looked on hyperscan holoscreen to check new data. And the latest information made him to choke.

“G-g-guys…” – he babbled.
“What happened?” – pilot and navigator worried.
“L-look.” – socspec whispered and poinet on few paragraphs with graphs.
"Well, what is it?" – Mahmoud spelled and approached the screen, - "Holy hell… Some of these “ponies” have wings and horns!"
"Hyperscan detected some other lifeforms." – Augusto read, - "They look just like dragons and griffins. And over forty other species! Which looked like other our mythological creatures!"
“Oh gods…”
“The shit of the Universe, where are we?” – mechanic shouted.
“In very, very, very odd place, pal.” – Max answered.
“Nice AZ, very nice!”
"Stop!" – captain said, - "W-we have to focus. Josiah, give to all of us elephant dose of sedatives. We’ll start to land in forty minutes!"

Socspec nodded and gave drugs to every one. Guys took them and flopped down in their chairs. Good Lord! Planet of dwarf unicorns and pegasuses with other mythological rag-tag! Why so ancient and wise civilization created such weird world? Yes, Spreaders did a lot of strange things at other planets of whole Greal Wall Cluster (including Earth: the only thing was that Earth was among planets of first stage – it means that only lifeforms what were brought to the planet were single-celled). But this planet… Ooh! But it’s necessary now to stop think about it – they have primary aim, and they must implement it.

Having made the last move, Spike put the broom into the closet, approached Twilight, who were preparing for learning another portion of theoretical materials, and said:

“Twi, I finished the sweeping. Do you have other requests?”

Pony took a thought for awhile:

“Hm… You know, no. Take a rest!”
“No requests?”
“Are you absolutely sure?”
“Yes, Spike yes! I have no requests to you.”
“Okay. Then I’ll go for a walk for a hour or two.”
“If you’ll get hungry, there are some sandwiches and juice in the fridge.”
“You’re welcome!” – Spike answered and, having closed the door, ran to the forest.

But now he rushed to other its part – farther from that swamp, closer to ruins of old castle of Royal Sisters.

About a hour of walking – and he will be at rather blank area, where ponies are rare guests. It will be the perfect place for field tests. And meanwhile he pondered: “Hm, this weird thing is surely some kind of tool. The tool, which allowed me to teleport, and I felt absolutely nothing during the process. It’s suspicious. But I felt nothing inside me. If this thing was a creation of some villain, a trap, it would show itself or began to show. And this one doesn’t give even a sign! I feel myself as usually, as I felt before – maybe just a bit heavier, but it doestn’t matter (maybe it’s my lunch, after all). This thing have no effect on me! If so, then it can’t be evil. It just can’t be! Then who made it?… Ah, well, I’ll find the answer later. Now – if this thing stuck in me – I have to find out what it can do and how doest it work…” Spike finished his reasonings and stopped. He was already in the depth of the forest: high, covered with mosses and lichens trees surrounded narrow track, which slowly became unnoticeable, dense crowns kept the ground in twilight. And there was a small clearing behind old trees.

“Just what I need!” – dragon said and went there.

The glade was about seventy meters long and had oval shape. Spike got out from the bushes and looked around. There was no one here – even animals were absent. Perfect! No one will see, no one will interrupt.

Little dragon grinned and immediately decided to implement teleporatation one more time. Well then, he wanted to appear in Ponyville, his imagination was paiting the town and its location, his mind was counting the distance and the necessary time, then he shut his eyes and bang! He is in Ponyville. So, if you want ot teleport, you have to imagine the place, estimate the distance and concentrate. Spike sighed, focused on the opposite end of clearing and gave mental command. And alsmost immediately something flased before him. Dragon opened his eyes and founded himself on the opposite end, but he was close to stand in embrace with a huge oak. Spike stepped back and turned round. Yes, it it the other edge of the glade. Success! Yeah! Rejoiced dragon decided to repeat the try. He painted the start point in his mind, concentrated again and voila! He was there. Elated by success, Spike ventured to move to the next level: he imagined that suspension bridge, what led to the old castle, gave the command – and in a second he was right before it. Incredible! This thing is really powerful. “I have to consolidate the success…” – Spike thought and started to jump all over the forest: former throne room, back to the glade, swamp, bushes near Zecora’s house, bridge again, railroad near the forest edge, front door of the castle… Strange device teleported him wherever he wanted in a twinlking. Little dragon liked it so much that he began to compete with himself in accuracy of jumps – that stump, this rock, the top of that fir… And he successeded.

He continued to jump for another ten minutes, until he decided to teleport in the hollow of one old tree. Spike imagined that cavity and commaned: “Transport!” Bright flash – and he disappeared. But the reapperance caused some problems: there was no hollow in the place, where Spike decided to jump – it was only a damage, caused by a lightning strike. The largest cavity there was only five cubic inches in volume, and it was in the trunk. Nanites, which performed remote sensing, had founded it, but they got the direct order. So they implemented the jump. And Spike had been begun to press in that chamber…

If you put on special protective suit, you will be able to walk on the surface of Vega. Heat won’t be able to harm you. But because of gravitation, which there is more than forty times greater than on Earth, you’ll quickly and easily hit your heels with your ears. So you can imagine, what Spike felt at that time. Since the first picoseconds nanites started to decect that host’s health deteriorates rapidly. The direct order came into conflict with the first directory – save the host at any cost. But they couldn’t ignore neither commands, nor built-in programs. They have to solve the problem as soon as possible. So they began to calculate feverishly, and soon they found the way out. As a result, teleportation was finished, and tree trunk just exploded. And dragon, safe and sound, but zonked and in a state of prostration, appeared on big pile of flinders.

In a couple of minutes he recovered and spelled:

“O-okay then, it’s enough teleporatations for today. Let’s try something else…”

Spike thought about some other possibilities and decided to stop on the increasing of physical strength. Aside from the track another small glade was situated, but there were a lot of stones on it – nice variat for the first try. Little dragon approached the nearest rock, imagined how it fell apart because of impact, concentrated and hit it. And the stone crushed. Many small pieces were thrown back. Spike was so flabbergasted that completely forgave about his starting to ache paw – but nerve signal was continuous and strong, so it reached the brain soon. And when it happened, Spike began to run across the clearing, screaming and holding his hand. But, luckily for him, pain subsided soon. When he became healthy again, he tried once more. But now he didn’t forget about own protection and created some kind of force shield for his paw. So he ran up to another stone and struck a blow. And again the rock fell apart. He hit the third one – it collapsed, he hit the fourth – only macadam remained. And now there were no injuries and no pain! He started to break two and even more stones at a time, throw them up and crush them in the air – and he successeded again. He even managed to destroy a couple of rocks without paws – telekinetically. This little training quiclkly turned the glade into covered with macadam area – just work a little with tamping machine, and you can begin the asphalting.

"AAWWWW YEAH!!!" – Spike exclaimed after destroying of the last stone, - "I got the power! May be I don’t know kung-fu, but I can do something cooler!"

After this dragon decided to try another exercise. This time the choice fell on jumping. Spike imagined how he, having jumped, overflies the nearest trees, concentrated and soared over the forest. Having swept about fifty meters, he landed on the top of old elm. He looked around, noticed another high tree, pushed away from the branch and in a couple of seconds dipped into its crown. Success again! Overfull with happines (and beginning to overfill with adrenaline), Spike bagan to jump farther and farther. Seventy meters, one hundred meters, one hundred and fifty meters… Here he jumped over that huge pine, there he skipped through the gorge, which separates the old castle from Everfree forest… Stop! The gorge???

When dragon realized this, one castle tower was already rapidly approaching him. Dammit! He got scared, but he understood that it’s necessary to tuck and teleport as soon as possible. Spike began to recall distant places in the forest and focus. But this thoughts were chaotic, and because of this shift-suit executed the order not immediately: he broke the roof – by the way, one of just few intacted plots – flew into the room and only then teleportated in the air. He didn’t hit the wall – he hit the fir, which appeared to grow near the end of his jump.

This impact was weaker than probable first one, so Spike got only few bruises, which nanites quickly cured. He unstuck from the tree, shook himself, took off tar pieces and sighed. Well, he has to be more attentive next time.

When dragon estimated the results of his jumps, he had an idea: if he skipped so easily, was like a feather in the wind, then why not try to fly?

Having imagined and concentrated, Spike soon got off the ground and slowly began to go up. When he reached treetop level, he gave mental command to accelerate gradually and then tried to turn aroud, after this – change direction a bit… Only an hour of practice – and he was hovering over the forest like a swift. From time to time he even tried to do some aerobatics. Little dragon was peasantly surprised by his great achievements in such short time, but was only slight sensation in comparison with shock what he felt when he sharply turned for the first time – he didn’t feel any increasing of g-force. Spike perfectly knew that pegasuses often face it, when they fly so fast. But he at the moment felt absolutely no air resistance. His strange finding not only made him able to fly, but also created real comfort. Spike didn’t believe his own feelings. But there it was: he, wingless creature, was flying, and was able to do stunts, which rare pegasus can repeat. Unbelievable…

“Now I understand why Rainbow loves it so much…” – Spike hought when he dissected a cloud ridge. Flight gave the incomparable feeling of freedom, width of space made him dizzy. It was amazing sensations. And little dragon got enjoyed entirely.

But during the flight he got addicted and, because of this, paid absolutely no attention on the fact that he was approaching Cloudsdale. Serenity of the calm sky made him relaxed, so he didn’t notice that he was nearing one orange pegasus, who has been known as Spitfire, and who at the moment was training. She was skilled flyer, so she quickly felt something strange. She slowly turned her head to the side, from which, as she thought, was the source, and saw the reason: a little dragon flew parallel to her. But the thing was that it was a wingless dragon. Spitfire’s face slowly began to contort, her eyes – involuntarily become larger, and her vocal folds – also involuntarily produce sounds, which formed the phrase “What the heck?” Then Spike finally realized that something is wrong. It seemed that he heard how pony’s face contorted. He turned about, saw Spitfire and felt that he became to fall into a stupor. “Dammit…” – it was his only thought at the moment. For few second they, amazed, looked at each other, and then dragon grasped that he has to undertake anything. But, as he was shoked, he found nothing better than to say: “P-pardon me…” and after this sharply turn and teleport away. That made Spifire completely stunned – her shock was so great, that she stopped to flitter, flew into dense cloud and spend some minutes there till full recovering.

Spike teleported back to the forest. He shuddered, and his heart pounded. He with great efforts tried to calm himself: “Hush, hush!… That’s better… Well, she… was surprised. If so, then… I assume that she will think about this as hallucination. Yeah, hallucination!… She won’t believe her own eyes, and accept it as absurdity… A-and that’s nice! Phew!…” It took him about ten minutes, but he recovered himself. He never learned that Spitfire really accepted the vision of flying little wingless dragon as caused by overwork hallutination and successfully forgot about it. For her own sake.

Meanwhile there was only about hour before sunset. It was enough only for one attempt. So Spike decided to try one trick what he left at last as, probably, the most impressive one. Having tightly shut his eyes, he concentrated, quietly spelled: “I want to be big and powerful dragon, with strong wings and sharp spikes!” and began to imagine all details of desired appearance. He strained for three minutes. And when he opened his eyes… He appeared to be at least twice taller that nearest trees. Spike was so happy that he was ready to scream, but he was able to stop in time: he understood the possible consequences – his cheerful roar would scare the hell out of everyone, and would cause the formation of sett in all towns and villages near the Everfree forest. So he rejoiced in silence, but actively.

Then, using the same way, he regained his normal appearance and, inspired, went home. It was incredible day: who could say that such a small thing can give so much power? This is much more like a fairy tale than reality. He still hardly believed in what had happened today, but he was glad as never before. Now he is able for something really great…

First Feats

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“Twilight, I’m home!” – little dargon exclaimed, entering the library.
"Spike? You’ve come back?" – Twilight responded, - "How was your stroll?"
“It was fine!”
“Good. And, by the way, why you drew so suddenly to these evening physical trainings?”
“It’s just… Well, I decided that it’s necessary to focus on own health, at least sometimes.”
“I see… Oh, can I join you somehow? Some workout would be good for me too.”
“Join me? Well… I’ll be glad!”
“Thank you!”
“Deal. And now… What would you like to have for dinner?”
“Oh! That salad of cauliflower!”
“That one? Twi, it’s too long to cook…”
“Pleeaaaaaaaase!” – pony imploringly-touchingly looked at her assistant.
“Fine, you win!” – Spike sighed.

Twilight smiled and hugged him. Spike He said that this not worth it and, when he was freed, went to the kitchen.

Everything went just perfect: his little secret remained secret, and he continued to reach new levels – it was only second day, but he already managed to fly near Rainbow Dash for fifteen minutes, being invisible all the time, and learned almost all kinds of telecinetic tricks. He has to preserve such pace. But now, first of all, the salad…

He got rather exhausted during cooking, but he made Twilight’s favorite dish. It was done, so now they could have rest. So librarians after two hours of talking and reading went to sleep.

But at that day one more thing had happened – Spike learned that his finding is powerful, but not almighty: when he waked up, he felt how terrible his muscles were aching. He was unaccustomed to such intensive exercises, so, as result, it seemed so that his whole body was infiltrated with lactic acid. Every move was painful.

Twilight helped her assistant, but before it she shook her head for a long time and told him to be vigilant. Special spell relieved uncomfortable burning, but made one compulsory condition: no workout today, or else it won’t be possible to recover quickly. Well, there was no choice – and, besides, it’s not pleasant to train when you are ill. So Spike spent almost whole day in the library, helping Twilight a little and having rest. Yes, it’s good to have a lot of time to read favorite comics, sleep and play, but do this for many hours – even sluggard will become bored. Unable to bear this tediousness, Spike groaned and began to ask Twilight to allow him just a little stroll. But Twilight, being very solicitous pony, stood on her ground and dissuaded Spike. But he continued to beg. Alicorn openly said: “No!” already, but little dragon’s pleas were endless. So in the evening she gave up:

"All right…" – she sighed, - "You win. If you want it so strong, then go for your walk. And nothing more! No running and no exercises!"
"I got it." – Spike answered, - "I will walk softly. Just one small circle around the town!"
“Yes, and in an hour you should be home!”
“Okay, I will!” – dragon said and went outside.

Having said goodbye and closed the door, he began to plod through the town.

Joint effect of the spell and shift-suit had already relieved the pain in his muscles – it was possible to strart training again, but Spike was an honest dragon: if you gave the word, you have to keep it. And, besides, he has only an hour, rather short period of time. So Spike, as he promised, leisurely strolled through Ponyville. Young ones ran past him, having fun after finishing their homework, grown-up ponies walked slowly as him, returning home after workday. Above him pegasuses shuffled clouds. Shopkeepers and artisans closed their counters. It was typical evening Ponyville – quiet and nice. As always. Or, well, almost always…

Spike went along the streets and saw over scenes of preparing for the night town. When he noticed acquaintances, he affably waved them. They gladly reciprocated. But he met rare ones – most ponies have already been home, dined or ensconced themselves cosily and read today’s press.

Little dragon with smile looked at peaceful views. But suddenly his gaze noticed something unusual for calm evening: very disquieted stallion stood in a phone booth. Poor fellow sweated terribly, he shivered and because of worrying his kees, teeth, hooves – in fact, all parts of his body what were able to – chattered and knocked. He obviously has big problems. But ponies will always help other ones in trouble, even if they don’t know each other. So Spike without heistation and doubt went to him.

“Excuse me, but may I help you?” – he said, having open the booth door.
"W-what?" – the stallion exclaimed, having heard a voice behind, but when he turned round and looked, he got calm and continued, - "Oh… P-please, tell me where I c-can find another phone, b-because this one d-doesn’t work."
“Another phone? Ehm… Well, I know that there is a phone in the town hall, but it is already closed, so… Here, in Ponyville, onle few ones have their own phones, but who exactly – unfortunately, I don’t know…”
“No, noooo! My whole career, my life d-depends on this call! And I have only t-ten minutes!”
"Well then… Maybe we can fix this thing." – little dragon proposed, - "What’s wrong with it?"
“It looks normally, but when you pick up the phone, only noise comes from it.”

Having made wonderingly “Hum”, Spike asked to let him take a look. As stallion said, the device looked as it should be: all components seemed to work well, all cables were safe, but only wheeze and rattle of interference were heard, and even they weren’t continuous. “Then the problem isn’t here.” – dragon said and went outside to look behind the booth.

And when he came there, he saw the reason: someone, unknown how long ago, damaged main cables. Almost all metal was ripped out – it was inexplicable what still conducted the signal there. Searches of another telephone could take an hour. Replacement of the cable will take even more time. And they needed solution right now. Thinking in feverishly pace, Spike realized that there was only one way out.

He wrested the damaged part, grabbed bare ends of wires and wheezed out:

“Call! Now!”

Stallion nodded and rushed into the booth. Spike more than clearly felt the electricity what went through his body, but he held on – shift-suit helped. And pony talked for а couple of minutes. He was awfully worried, stuttered even more and trembled like maraca, but at the other end they said “yes”. “What? Really? Thank you! Thank you!!!” – stallion exclaimed. At the other end they said that it’s not necessaty to rejoice so greatly, and it would be better to express the gatitude during the meeting. Then they said goodbye. Stallion thanked again and hung up.

After quiet ding dragon could finally release the cables. He unclenched his paws, deeply sighed and in a moment stallion appeared before him. Pony bowed to the ground and became extremely thankful. Spike was able to persuade him to stop only after several attempts. When his euphoria had passed, he modestly thanked little dragon again and, having said goodbye, ran to pack up, as tomorrow he should be in another place.

Spike saw him off and thought: “Nice guy. I’m happy for him. But I hope that I won’t execute such extreme measures again. Or else, in spite of the spell and my finding effects my recovering won’t be quick…”

It was the last time at that day when he did something that extreme, but he had to help some more times.

When he passed by the store, which was closed for coulpe of days for construction of sunshade, he saw a worker there, in spite that workday has already ended. That guy was still busy, but his mental state was hard to describe: he was obviously irritated, and at the same vexed and upset, plus mixed-up and a bit frustrated – but the last followed from his words. Spike got surprised: what could cause such kickback? It has to be really big problem. So again little dragon decided to ask the reason and again do some help.

"What happened?" – worker asked again, - "I was making the frame, welded pipes, but the machine, this… not good thing broke when only few joints to do had remained! And tomorrow another group of workers will start their part!"
“Only few joints? Well then I think that I can help you!” – Spike said.
“Thanks, pal, but I’m not sure that you won’t be able to do this.”
“Won’t be able? Why?”
“Well, I understand that you, as dragon, can use your fiery breath. But you have to direct and focus the flame incredibly carefully. Also it’s necessary to monitor the power of fire, or else you will just melt the steel.”
“I can control my fire!”
“Sorry, lad, but I can not risk.”
“Then allow me to reassure you…”

Dragon focused and strained. Veins became visible even under his thick skin, strange wheezy-gurgling sound came from his throat. Than Spike opened his mouth and spat out powerful, but very narrow and short flare. Welder, having seen this, barely managed to hold on the pipes.

"Wow!" – he exclaimed, - "It changes everything! Get up!"

Spike grinned and climbed on the sunshade. Welder reminded again about accident prevention, little dragon nodded and they began to work. Spike with focused flares heated metal near joints, and pony-worked patched the gaps with remained electrodes. It was not very comfortable to work like this, but, nonetheless, they managed to finish the construction in ten minutes. The frame was ready.

Welder briefly, but sincerely thanked Spike for help and gave him firm pawshake. After this he said that he’ll recommend little dragon as excellent helper. Spike thanked him, but said that he has job already. Worker smiled and, having wished luck to dragon, went away.

Spike grinned and continued his stroll. But he made a note for himself: if he has to turn a bit, now he knows the pony to address.

Evening Ponyville was charming and calm: rare passers, light breeze, cheerful birdsongs. Just lie down on a near bench, close your eyes and relax – it’s all what you have to do. Spike had already imagined himself doing this and broke into wide smile, but suddenly…

Angry shouts came from somewhere around corner. A couple of filthy mots followed it. Then the first one shouted again – and here we go. Calmness of small town was completely destroyed. This cross-fire made Spike to pucker. Keeping his ears closed, he rushed to the source of annoying sounds with a wish to stop it. Hundred steps and two turns to the right and he was at the place. Two stallions appeared to be the reason: they swore near the entrance to only day-and-night shop in town. These guys had already entered into a rage. To interrupt them meant not only to hear a lot of nasty things about yourself, but also get hit in the neck. But Spike couldn’t bear it, so he risked.

"Hey!" – he shouted to swearing ones, - "These your phrases make ears of hundred ponies at least sick! What’s going on here at all?"
“He moved without paying attention on anything and hit me!” – one pony said and pointed on opponent.
"Yes, I admit it. I forgot to look where I was going and didn’t notice him." – other stallion said, - "And I sincerely apologize."
“If he admits his fault and apologizes, then what’s the problem?” – Spike surprised.
“Because of him I dropped my cabbage patty in the mud!” – the first exclaimed.
“What? A patty?”
“Yes! It’s no longer suitable for food! And he refuses to indemnify!”
“Yep, this had place to be. But I won’t pay for such triffle!” – the second declared.
“You again with it!”
“I’ve said enough.”

Word for word – and they went to the second lap. Spike tried to separate wranglers, but all his attempts were unsuccessful: stallions or didn’t pay attention, or yelled at him, and after this continued to cuss.

Dragon couldn’t understand it: all this happened because of a cabbage patty? To say that they overshot will be incredible understatement. But, if you think, they are both wrong and right at the same time: the patty is a triffle, and it’s easy to forgive the opponent for such small loss, but that pony has right to demand the compensation. Although to demand it so strongly seems a bit steep. Other guy is “good” too – if you see that your opponent is difficile and stubborn, then concede and don’t cause the mess, but he seemed to be as obstinate as the first one. So they didn’t care about other poies and their ears and continued to swear.

At these minutes Spike unterstood that phrase “you must be another species”. It’s just stereotypes, but they had some base. And those two would win and outstrip all the donkeys in the world in competition of stubborn ones.

It was necessary to stop this flow of abusive language. But as all possibilities for a peaceful settlement of the conflict have been exhausted, only force using had remained. So Spike approached the stallions, then jumped and… knocked roughnecks’ heads together. Wranglers eyes started to make a bit chaotic circular movemets, and wranglers themleves quickly fell down senseless. Having sighed, dragon took them away: he left the first one near closed florist’s shop and the second one – near empty fruit shelving, in three hundred steps from the opponent. Whet this was done, Spike, quietly growling, went away. Rare eyewitnesses approved his actions.

In five minutes little dragon was in the town park. Among all places in Ponyville it was, perhaps, the most peaceful: rather large territory with very beautiful landscapes, quiet – only leaves rustling, purling of little river and birds’ voices were heard. One word – idyll.

Spike stopped and glanced at the panorama. “What a beautiful picture! It’s a pity that I have only some minutes… – he thought, - Well, then I’ll stand here and just see over for a while…” He looked around again, when loud sudden scream came from forest what adjoined the park. It was young fillies’ scream, and it was full of fear.

There was no one around – Spike was alone there at the moment. If he will move out now then he give himself away for sure. But there are fillies in danger! Who knows, what vile creature now appeared from the depth of Everfree forest! It may become his disclosure, but he has to do it. So Spike rushed to help.

When he was already near, little dragon heard dull roar and smelt out sickening odor. Timberwolves! Not this pieces of wood!

He had to act immediately. Spike dove into the thicket and began to sneak closely. Having reached the nearest glade, he hided behind the trees and carefully took a look. Two huge beasts approached Cutie Mark Crusaders. Their eyes glowed, fetid swill dropped from their mouths. With every step they drew closer to the trembling ponies, who were scared so strongly that won’t able to scream.

They have minute at least. Dragon quickly estimated time and distance, and when the wolves approached to a distance jump, shot out from bushes and shielded the fillies.

“Spike?” – Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo exclaimed.
“What are ya doin’ here?” – Apple Bloom surprised.
“No time to talk! – Spike said, - Run!”
“And what about you?”
“I’ll be fine! Run, now!!!”

Crusaders, having looked at each other and dragon, ran away.

Timberwolves got ready to jump and catch them, but Spike, having spread his arms, blocked their way. Such insolence made beasts to be taken aback and stop. But soon they shook their heads and recovered. Their growling became even more angry, and they start to approach Spike.

And Spike, having noticed that Crusaders were out of sight already, turned to the wolves and said:

“And now I’ll talk to you…”

Then he sharply rasied his hand up. And timberwolves, obeying some invisible but very powerful force, soared into the air and hung at the height of three meters or so.

All anger disappeared from their faces – sincere perplexity and surprise replaced it. They looked around, trying to understand what had happened to them, but they couldn’t neither to see, nor to feel anything. They got scared and started to shiver. Spike, having made sure that beasts are immobilazed, began:

“Mistake you made, having decided to attack.”

Wolves, still trembling, nodded. Dragon continued:

“And this again you will not do, right I am?”

Beasts nodded even more intensively.

“Good…” – Spike concluded.

And, having waved off, he left the glade. Wolves meanwhile howled and got sent to short flight above treetops and in a few seconds crashed somewhere in deadwood.

When Spike came out from the forest, he breathed deeply but easily: fillies were saved, and he kept his secret. Everything went as well as possible. Only “but”: he won’t be able to come home in time – he can’t use teleportation in town. But, according to the rules of etiquette, he can be late for fifteen minutes. It would be enough time for him. Twilight will be resent, but he will be right – such lateness is allowable.

And at the same day, few hours earlier, at the swamp…

Having landed near the edge of the bog and met a group of timberwolves with obvious consequences – “WTF is this??? KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!” – and quick vanishing of the beasts, “Gieob” crew began to bring the cargo back on board. Automatics helped greatly – especially with drawing out the load from quagmire – but the process still was rather slow: containers sank deeply, and it took sometimes about half of an hour to pull them out. But, however, the work continued.

“It’s seventeenth or eighteenth?” – Zhao asked, having stopped to pick small boxes, looking at working robots and slowly raising container, covered with ooze, which in few seconds disappeared behind camouflage hologram of the ship.
“Eighteenth.” – Max answered.
“Good. Then just a couple of hours – and we’ll finish this.”
“Hm, yup.”
“I don’t like this…” – Augusto murmured.
“What is it?” – Mahmoud wondered.
“Small inner containers are too damaged. All these cracks, breaks… I afraid that we might brought an infection here. Just remember all the incidents with Ebola-ultima…”
"Relax." – Josiah assured him, - "Small containers are as sterile as operanig rooms. If there was something, it was on the surface of big ones. And Ebola-ultima virus dies in vacuum. Other infections, if they had remained, were just burned during the passing of atmosphere."
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. This world is safe.”
“Well then, it’s good!”
“By the way, people, did you pick all the boxes?” – Mahmoud asked.
"There are only twenty five containers on the ground or so, cap’n." – pilot answered, - "They are scattered between tussocks, but we’ll quickly pick them."
“Max, our loader won’t be able to take all them.” – Zhao said.
“It will. It has no choice.”
“As you say…”
"Quiet!" – Augusto suddenly bellowed, - "Guys, activate your implanted transmitters. I detected few locals approaching us."
“What? Locals?” – pilot and mechanic exclaimed.
“They are near?” – captain asked discomposedly.

Other nodded and turned transmitters on.

«How many ones do you see and how soon they will come?» – Mahmoud asked.
«Four. They will be here in six minutes.» – navigator answered.
«Dammit! What have we do now? We won’t be able to hide all this stuff!» – Josiah worried.
«You’re right, we won’t be able.» – captain transmitted, - «So there is only one way – "Absurd".»
«"Absurd"? This crap again?» – Max resented.
«Alas, but yes. So let’s start to prepare.» – Mahmoud sighed.

Lads sithed and began the implementation of the Protocol. They were ready soon, and when navigator commanded, the action had started.

Meanwhile small group of ponyvillers, the first ones, who got brave enough to explore the crash site, approached the swamp. They actively discussed the event, spoke about how luckly they may become, how many pieces they’ll found, and the most quirky ones spoke about how many bits they will earn, selling stones from space. They barely holded their anticipation. But what they had seen in reality…

In short, when ponies reached treeless part of the bog, they saw probably the most surreal picture in the world: there were few huge blocks of building stone (at least, this stuff looked like stone blocks), and between them – five figures in biological protection suits with four paws, but which used only pair for walking. They danced hopak, disco, polka, ballet and haka when weird music somewhere had been playing – loud strange sounds, but among them it was easy to notice words “Oppa Gangnam style!” (which successfully have been giving mixed feelings to all the people for 362 years, and to aliens – for 247). Watching this, gyri of poor ponies tied themselves into knots. They looked at this mess for a minute, then their brains just boiled. Ponies could not stand this cognitive dissonance and, having turned, walked away. This scene was so unnatural that minds of explorers got overloaded, and they all fainted, not having left the forest yet. They came to their senses only in the late evening. They didn’t remember anything about what happened at last two days.

Crew continued to do this nonsense for minute or so till they got sured that locals got out of sight. Only then they stopped.

“I hate this Protocol!” – Max exclaimed angrily.
"Yup, it is very harmful thing for anyone’s mind." – Josiah confirmed, - "But it’s really effective. Always works!"
“But, on the other hand, our – now – extraterrestrial partners scoffed us, using this method, for seven thousand years.” – Zhao admitted.
“And this makes me hate it even more!” – pilot shouted.
"Forget it!" – Mahmoud said, - "We have to raise five more containers and pick other junk."
“We’ll do it, and what next? Monitoring?” – socspec asked.
"Yes, monitor everything." – captain answered, - "Turn the hyperscan on and keep watching."
“We see…”

And they continued their work.

Raising Intensifies

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Aim was taken, swing – and pebble disappeared in the sky. Spike tried to discern any trace, but all attempst were in vain. Few seconds had passed, and suddenly he heard sound of dissecting air. It came from the east, from side of Sweet Apple Acres. Soon the pebble baceme visible. Little dragon looked closer and… Dammit, it is falling ON the farm! Spike got alarmed and rushed there. But it was too late…

Hit, crackle of cloving shingle, crunch of breaking boards and rustle of falling hay – and farmer’s barn is broken through. And now there is good-sized hole in the roof.

Applejack, who at the moment was sorting out recently bucked apples, having heard the sound of crashing, left the baskets and went to the source. Having rounded the barn and made few more steps, she sighed, looked up to see the reason of noise and said:

“What in tarnation is haa-AAAA-AA-AAAA-AAAAAAA!!!” – and, stunned by the shock, froze in unnatural pose.

Panting Spike appeared soon. He slowed down, quietly sneaked to the farm and approached the barn. And there he saw that his worst fears became real: startled Bearer of the Element of honesty was staring at big dark hole in the roof. He almost immediately became limp, but somehow found some strength to restrain the shiver. Little dragon, making the most imperceptible steps what he was able for, came closer to the pony and brought her to life.

“Wh-what?” – she muttered, having shook her head, - “Szs-Spike? What are you doing here?”
“M-me? Ehmm… I heard the crash and run to see what happened.” – lied dragon.
“You heard it too?”
“I was near.”
“I see… Ghrrrr… If Ah find who made that…” – Applejack growled, - “I’ll flog this one that cutie mark won’t be visible for a month!!!”

Spike began to cover with cold sweat. He gulped and whispered in trembling voice:

“Actually… Ehm… How to say it better… Excuse me, please, but it was me who made this hole.”
“WHAAAT???” – exclaimed pony.
“Y-yes, me.”
“Ya? No way! No! To make such big hole ya had to throw a boulder or something else that big. Ya just couldn't do it!”
“But I did it.”
“Sorry sugarcube, but ya just have no strength for it.”
“Well, to be precise, I launched that stone.”
“What do ya mean?”
“Well… I was walking near forest edge and became bored. Nothing better to do, I decided to throw a boulder to that pool.” – Spike pointed to small pone near the farm fence, - “With a catapult…”
“Wait! A catapult?”
“Yep. I found a young maple and old vine. Then fixed the vine on the treetop and with it bended the tree. After it I tied a stone and launched. And, *coughed* as it turned out, I miscalculated with everything…”

Pony, having heard all that, just sat.

“I know, it’s my fault and only my. I’m sorry, very-very sorry!” – Spike blurted, - “Pease, forgive me!”

And, in addition, before Applejack said anything, little dragon declared:

“So, therefore, I accept full responsibility for what happened here and pledge to eliminate all the caused damages.”

Taken aback a bit pony exclaimed:

“Eliminate the damages?”
“Yes.” – Spike nodded, - “If you bungled, then fix the mess.”
“Eh thank… a lot… But, perhaps, we’ll fix it ourselves.”
“Sorry, Applejack, but I have to do it. It’s my Dragon Code.”
“Ah understand that it’s very important for ya, but… Pardon me, but this rule isn’t so significant as point about saving the lives?”
“Yes, it’s so, but both rules should be executed equally strict.”
“Eh… Well, in that case ya may need help!”
“We’ll find it when we see the scale of damages.” – dragon said and approached the barn. Pony followed him.

They carefully opened the door and entered. Because of new dormer it was much more lighter there than usually, although it was rather dusty. There were crackled pieces of shingle, planks and bundles of straw – insulation – on the floor. Pony and dragon came closer and inspected the foramen. Well, hole about four or a bit more steps in diamater, quite neat. Planks, what were used to fix the shingle, just crumbled, but all support beams are intact. Damages aren’t so great as they feared.

“Well, supporting structures are safe, so…” – Spike said, - “I think I’ll be able to handle all this myself.”
“What? Handle all this yourself?” – pony exclaimed.
“Yep.” – little dragon confirmed.
“Ya know, laying the roof is the job that needs several ponies…”
“Don’t worry, Applejack! Everything will be fine. And, by the way, I have paws, and they are more functional things, after all.”
“You see…”
“I know. I won’t make the same mistakes again. I swear!”
“Are ya sure?”
“Yes, that time I overshoot… A little… But now I’ll act properly.”
“Oka… Wait, ya have no experience!”

Spike sighed:

“Applejack, I know what to do. I know how to use the tools. And if I don’t – I’ll find how very soon.”
“And where did ya learn this?” – pony surprised.
“And who do you think wielded the hammer, the pilers and the cutter when the library was turned upside down?”
“I thought that Twilight fixed everything with her magic…”
“Yes, she did the main work, but now your humble servant was responsible for all the details.”
“Okay then… So you need no help and assistance?”
“Just show where I can get the tools and stepladder.”

Pony nodded and together with dragon went to the shed, where the tools were kept. En route she came to her brother and, having briefly told him what happened, asked him to bring the stepladder. Big Mac with usual imperturbability said “eeyup” and went errand.

Applejaack and Spike soon got to the shed and started to pick necessary tools and other stuff: nails, hacksaw, nail puller, hammer, knife, rope, tape-measure and construction pencil with some paper for notes and marks. Little dragon put all this in one box, took it and rushed back to the barn. Applejack, closing the door, said that now she’ll go to tell Granny Smith about the incident, but then return. Spike said “okay” and stomped to the place of work.

He returned to the barn, but pony didn’t appear. Maybe Granny Smith asked for detailed explanations. Well, in that case no wonder that Applejack didn’t come yet. Little dragon shrugged and went inside. The stepladder was already there. Spike decided not to waste time and began the work. He expanded the ladder, put it right under the hole, climbed up and began to measure length and thickness of the planks. Having finished it, he got down. And meanwhile Applejack returned. She was tired. And she brought a lot of plank and boards of different sizes.

“She just can’t act in other way…” – Spike thought, sighed and, having thanked pony, led her to the door. When he only began to close it, Applejack quickly turned about and asked:

“Do ya sure that ya don’t need any help?”
“Yep, I am.” – Spike nodded.
“Are ya absolutely sure in it?”
“More than absolutely.”

Applejack didn’t find anything to object.

“Well, then good luck!” – she said.
“Thank you!” – Spike answered, bowed and closed the door.

“So…” – dragon thought, - “I have to replace section of five-by-four. Dismantle the damaged part, then made trim insertion… If I made myself faster and stronger in three or four times, I’ll finish it in six or even five hours!” He rubbed his paws and started.

At first it was necessary to remove all the damaged planks. He climbed up again and, “walking” on the ladder, made reference marks. After this he came down, took the hacksaw and prepared to start the cutting, when suddenly barn doors opened with thuderous slam.

“Ah forgot to ask!” – exclaimed entering Applejack, - “Do ya need… other tools…”

Her words didn’t reach the ears of addressee, and her sight stopped on the hole, which got a bit bigger – loud sound made Spike to jump so high that he just flew away like launched rocket. In few seconds came a thump, typical for cases when something big and rather dense falls on haystack, and in a mute after this dragon came back, pulling out the thatch from nose, ears and spikes.

“Other tools?” – he asked, having looked at pony.
“”Y-yeah.” – Applejack muttered.
“No thanks.”
“Are ya sure?”
“More than.”
“Okay. And forgive me, please.”
“I forgive you. But next time… enter not so unexpectedly, okay?”
“Ah will. A…”
“And I didn’t change my mind.”
“Okay.” – pony nodded and left the barn. She closed the door as gently as it was possible.

Spike rubbed his aching head, sighed and returned to work.

He got up again and started to tore off the shingle and saw off the broken boards. Thanks to shift-suit he worked quickly, but the process wasn’t so fast as he wanted: he regularly glanced on the door. Knowing Applejack and her worrying, next appearance could happen anytime. But minute passed, then two, then five, ten… No one came. “Perhaps, she’s got busy again.” – Spike thought and with some relief concentrated on the job.

Soon hole turned into ready-made opening for a window. Of course, it will be patched up, but before it Spike had to do one more thing.

Little dragon took the nail puller from the box and began to get pins out from planks. He processed the boards promptly. Heap of pieces of wood grew quickly. Dragon took another plank, picked up another nail and began to pull, when pony’s voice came from behind:


Little dragon instinctively turned and said:


And at that very moment muffled crackle spread around the barn – because Spike continued to pull and didn’t look, he pressed own paw, with which he holded the plank. His eyes filled with tears, but with incredible effort he didn’t let them fall.

“Y-yes-s?” – he whispered in trembling voice.

“Ah just…” – Applejack stumbled when she saw unnatural dragon’s face expression, - “…want to know… Do ya need any food and water?”

“N-no I d-do n-not. B-but you c-can bring a g-glass in hour or t-two…”
“Eh… Okay!” – pony nodded apologetically and went away.

Spike put the puller away, took he nail and shouted.

Toes got renewed soon, and he continued. In half of an hour all planks and boards were cleaned and broken into firewood. Just and precisely broken, Spike did it with bare paws. Now it was possible to pass to the main part. From rests of shingle dragon made simple suport construction, put some brought by Applejack boards on it and, having moved to jigsaw mode, quickly sawed them. The same fate befell the other part.

Materials were ready. Now it was possible to start the nailing. Spike took an one plank, got up and began to place it. To make the fixations reliable new planks had to be longer than sawed out parts, and had to be placed with some offset. Fixing this way needed more materials, but it will make the roof more durable. Because, as sone ponies and dragons learned today, everything can happen.

Finally the board was put to the necessary place. Little dragon reached to nails and hammer what he brought here before, but suddenly barn doors swung open, and panting Applejack rushed in and shouted:


Little dragon shuddered, jumped and dropped the board what he placed so carefully. It fell stright down in nails box. With its end.

The thing what happened next can be compared with explosion of frag in miniature. A lot of nails were thrown in the air, but they didn’t fly far away and had very, very bad killability. But, nonetheless, iron fountain dewed almost half of the barn.

Having springed back and screamed, Applejack almost at the same moment started to apologize. Spike with shivering paw tried to show her shat she shouldn’t do it, but it had no effect. So he just got down and together with pony started to pick scattered nails. Soon metal wares were in box, and workplace become clean. Spike stood up, sighed and asked:

“So what did you need?”
“Ya want water, or, maybe, some juice?”

It seemd that some steam started to come out from dragon’s ears and nose.

“J-just water.” – he strained.
“Sure? Or I can…”
“Applejack, everything is fine!”
“It seems so…” – she spelled, lookeng around, - “But, listen, I may assist you. To make the process faster, so to say.”
“Applejack, if you want to help so much then tell Twilight that I am here, to make her less worried.”
“Okay, sugarcube.”

Having apologized one more time, she left. Little dragon shook his head, took the board and one more time got up. In a minute it was placed. Spike leaned a bit back to estimate the accuracy, when pony’s voice again filled the barn:

“Do ya have other requests?”

Spike hardly managed to hold on the ladder. Taken aback, he stared at smiling pony.

“D-did y-you?..” – he just spelled.
“Oh, Twilight just was near”. – Applejack answered, putting pitcher on ground, - “Here’s your water. Something else?”
“Oh, right! May be some songs? Work with music always goes better! A-khe-khem…
Raise this barn, raise this barn!
One, two, three, four…”
“APPLEJACK!!!” – Spike screamed heart-rending, - “For all Godnesses’, Gods' and Spirits’ sake, stop! I understand that you are worrying, and I am immensely grateful to you for your care, but I’m doing fine! I have no problems here!
“Yes! I you aren’t sure – check it yourself!”

Pony approached the ladder and looked around. Tools and stuff are everywhere, but it’s usual thing for the midst of working process, near the ladder prepared boards for overlaps were, aside from them – ready shingle and firewood from broken planks. One, who doesn’t know the prehistory, would say that a specialist is working here.

Applejack realized it well. But she couldn’t cope with her anxiety.

“I see that ya are doin’ well, but I’m still worryin’.” – she spelled, - “Ah just can’t sit idly by!”
“I understand.” – Spike answered, - “But I can’t work when somepony stands behind me all the time.”
“I know, I know… But may ya changed your mind?”
“No, I can’t go on…” – little dragon shook his head and started to get down.
“What ya are goin’ to do?” – pony surprised.
“I’m going to Big Mac.” – Spike honestly answered, - “I’ll ask him to keep everypony away from the barn.”
“No! Don’t!” – pony screamed.

But now she couldn’t do anything. Dejected dragon moved to where he said. Applejack treid to stop him, coaxed him, but got no results. Eventually, Spike approached Big Mac, who at the moment was transporting water tank to the orchards, and slowly, almost without emotions told him aboul all the incidents and the ask. Big Macintosh only silently nodded from time to time. And por Applejack meanwhile trembled like an aspen leaf and tried to overcome odd want to start chew own hat.

Soon little dragon finished. Big Mac turned to sister. Applejack gulped and blurted:

“Ah understood! Ah promise that Ah won’t peek again!”

“Good.” – spelled Big Mac and continued the transportation.

Spike, having shortly apologized to Applejack, returned to the barn.

He set to work again. And it slowly began to make his mood better. With time all gloom disappeared, and he started to accelerate tempo of the process. Yes, it was rather severe act, but in other case he won’t be able to work properly. It would be better for him and for her.

Soon he fixed all overlaps. The only remained thing to do was the shingles laying… Some kung-fu, which was pretty good, and planks were ready – in two minutes he made whole heap of them. More than enough, and even something will remain. As this work was easier than previous, little dragon slowly began to ease off.

And meanwhile Applejack couldn’t find a place for herself. She promised that she would not interrupt Spike again, but she also just couldn’t let him alone. Therefore, whenever she had the chance, she came to the barn. For two hours sounds what came from inside showed that there was a flurry of activity, but then general tone began to change. And now, after three hours, during the twenty-third pass, pony heard vigorous hammering and singing that it would be nice to have mounts full of gems.

Incredibly surprised, she couldn’t overcome the want and move to see what was happening. She had to know why the process changed so greatly and, the most important, where young dragon learned that song. Because in the original it was about how nice it would be to have mug full of cider. She sneaked and opened the door. There was no one inside, and the stepladder was taken. Surprised even more, she rounded the barn and looked at the roof. There Spike was hammering the last nails. The ladder was placed closely to the wall. The hole was completely sealed. Some paint – and this patch will be absolutely unnoticeable. Pony just sat down.

“Oh, Applejack!” – Spiker exclaimed, having seen her, - “Job is almost done! Only the finishing touches remained.”
“Ah can’t belive…” – pony whispered.
“I told you!” – dragon said and hamered the last nail, - “And now, please, show me where I can get paint.”

Applejack only nodded weakly and with gesture told him to follow her. Spike got down very quickly and, having put hammer in the toolbox, ran to her.

In fifteen minites everything was finished. The barn was as good as new – there were no traces of morning crash. Having brought back the tools, little dragon breathed easily and said:

“Job is done! And, by the way, what time is it?”
“Um, six o’clock.” – Applejack answered.
“Excellent! I have enough time to prepare supper and for my rest!”

And, having said goodbye, Spike ran away. Applejack silently wathced him leaving. This little guy fixed the roof alone, all by himself – though last time he caused troubles almost off the reel – and, moreover, didn’t get tired! Unbelievable change…

Having shaken her head, pony slowly returned home. Till the night she was silent – only gave short answers if she was asked and, when it was necessary, thanked. The only thing what she said on her own was the question: “What to do in case of pattern breaking?” But she got no answer.

“Well, how are you doing?”
“Everything is so bad?”
“Yep. We got nothing.”
“What? Really nothing?”
“To be honest, cap’n?”
“Go ahead.”
“Still and boring like in the core of star. Not a bloody thing!”
“Well, shit.”
“Agree, captain.”
“But, on the other hand, it’s only the first day of monitoring. Results may appear soon.”
“We hope so.”
“Well then, keep watch!”

Wathcers nodded and turned to their holoscreens. Captain quietly sighed and left the bridge.

Mice Hunt

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It was ordinary peaceful morning. Ponyville began to wake. Forests filled with light, flowers bloomed again, animals got up and moved about their business. Citizens also got out of their beds. Town gadually came into motion: first going to work ponies appeared on the streets, shops and stores began to open. And at that very time very loud scream spread around the settlement, like some not good pony tried to break a galss with own voice. Judging by the tone, it was a stallion’s voice. And it came form town mill.

Mister Millstone, the owner of the voice, was the main supplier of products for all Ponyville bakeries, was a miller in seventeenth generation and was known as rather phlegmatic pony, who almost couldn’t be scared and surprised. The only case of changing the expression on his face in the presence of witnesses was marked at last Nightmare Night, when Princess Luna by popular demand took the look of her dark incarnation and then, in this form, began to visit citizens and gave them, if they knew nothing about what is happening, mixed feelings. And it happened so that Mr. Millstone appeared to be in her list. The thing what made him scream again must be really terrible.

In truth, it was so: with so carefully preserving granaries of Mr. Millstone happened the worst possible thing that miller can imagine – invasion of rodents. But these ones weren’t usual toothy pests, they were Tartarus mice. You can guess what region is their homeland. They’re incredibly nasty creatures, behave themselves like bandits and their susceptibility to magic is low, and this makes the situation only worse. It’s also necessary to say one more thing: their generic name these creatures got from inhabitants of Tartarus, but average local from there is much bigger than average local from Equestria, so for ponies they were rats. Big – almost as Winona – and impudent rats.

And now they, all thirty eight ones, set down in the town mill bins. Mr. Millstone, having recovered from the shock, understandable got angry.The creatures had to be driven away, but, considering whom have to deal with, it’s necessary to act with caution. So miller, having taken a deep breath, dourly frowned and in terrible voice asked rats what are they doing in his bins. With some gestures rodents honestly answered that they have not so many food at home, so they came here to fill their empty stomachs. Having heard that, Mr. Millstone took normal expression and told rats that in this case he would be ready to give them some gtrain, but only if they left the bins. Rats answerd that they will leave only when they load themelves up. Except that according to the external signs these beasts had black holes instead of stomachs, and they won’t move away until they devour everything here, including equipment. The situation was rapidly approaching the stalemate. Mr. Millstone tried to negotiate. But such attemts are as productive as attempts to transport water with sieve. Rodents continued to stand on their ground and didn’t accept any other offers. Miller understood uselessness of this and, having swallowed a lump in throat, tried to threaten them. Rats as answer only threw miller away from the bins and slammed the door.

He treid everything what he could do by himself. He needed help.

Mr. Millstone went outside. Outside there was rather big crowd already, and they wanted to know what happened. Anxious ponied didn’t calm down, so miller, having sighed, told the truth:

“Tartarus mice penetrated the pantry.” – he said.
“WHAT??? Tartaus mice?” – crowd shouted.
“Yes.” – Mr. Millstone sadly nodded.

The crowd began to murmur:

"Oh no…"
“They won’t rest until they eat eveything!”
“Eat everything?”
“Yes! They are Tartarus mice! They are rare, but if they come – wait for the mayhem of the century!”
“It’s terrible!”
“Looks like we’ll spent some months without bread…”
“Mister Millstone, are you doing anything?”
“Ehm… I’m working on it!” – miller answered.

He took a thought and started to walk here and there. Meanwhile all the gathered got the proof that rodents feast is in full swing, and the situation requires immediate action: neighbourhood got shaken by thunderous burp what came from the mill.

Vibration of the porch forced Mr. Millstone to stop. He decided: it’s necessary to undertake one more attempt of negotiations. But it’s necesaary to call other pony, a true professional. Ability to enter into transactions wasn’t his forte. He never was a good trader, unlike, his grandfather – he really was a master, he was the one which without any bothering and with the most credible face sold barite as wheat flour of the highest quality. But here it was necessary not only to have the ability to negotiate, but also, if it would be possible, to show eloquence – in short, he needed a diplomatist. And there is only one professional diplomatist in Ponyville – Mrs. Ivory Scroll, mayor of the town.

Having heard about the incident, she immediatelly arrived. Mr. Millstone briefly told her about all what had happened and thanked her for help. Ivory Scroll said that time for bows hasn’t come yet and asked to lead her to the place.Miller nodded and took her to the pantry.

Rats, having heard that somepony want to speak with them, and substantially, got interested and opened the door. Ivory Scroll, trembling, slowly entered. Door was gently closed.

Thirty minutes of silence – Mr. Millstone’s bins have excellent soundproofing; because of this, by the way, he didn’t heard the coming of rats – kept everyone stressed. But then the door creaked and… At that moment miller and all other ponies learned that Tartarus mice have specific attitude to all who tries to out-talk and bamboozle them: some exiled ones didn’t forget about bad habits, so continued to cheat even there, and Tartarus mice sometimes became their victims. But rodents quickly learned how to detect such things, and now operatively prevented all attempts to affect on them. So at the moment incredibly startled ponyvillers could see how mayor of the town came out with filled with grain to the eyeballs mouth.

That was the limit. Some ones began to offer to call a magician to banish these creatures the hell out of here. The proposal was supported, and ponies rushed to the Golden Oaks library.

But when they arrived, they didn’t meet the neceaasy pony, Twilight Sparkle. There were only napping Peewee, Owlowiscious and red-eyed Spike, who tried to stare down the owl.

“And where’s Twilight?” – a bewildered voice came from the crowd.
“She was asked to come to Canterlot this morning.” – little dragon answered, rubbing his eyes, - “And what’s the matter?”

About dozen ponies sat down. “We’re doomed.” – they spelled. Puzzled Spike wondered what’s happening. Miller, sighing, told him everything.

It will interrupt the event in the capital, but they have no other choice – there is an emergency here, and help is really needed. Spike, having said others to not worry, quickly wrote a letter and sent it. The answer came even faster, but gave weak hope: help will come only in two hours.

“Two hours? There would be nothing to save by this time!” – shouted irritaded Mr. Millstone.
“No need to worry!” – dragon tried to console everypony, - “There are other ways! Um… You can ask Fluttershy!”

Ponies fell silent. Dammit, right! How could they forget? So crowd moved to the timid pegasus house.

She, having heard about miller’s trouble and having seen the faces of despair, agreed to help even before they finished the explanations. In ten minutes she together with Mr. Millstone was before the pantry door. Miller strongly knocked – to make rats hear it – and said that other pony wants to see them. She is a doctor. Rodents got surprised: doctor? Why? But they decided that they have to open. And they let Fluttershy to come in.

Having entered, pony looked around and, as she had already knew about previous failures, immediately passed to the main part and unleashed the full power of her legendary “stare”. All thirty eight rats stood at attention and froze. They were perfectly still when Fluttershy stared at them. But then she got tired, closed her eyes and lowed her head. Rats stood still a bit more, and then together grabbed their heads. Despite the fact that Fluttershy laid out in full, her “stare” only caused headache among the mice. Pegasus, having seen that her trick had no effect, began to shiver, then she just sat down and petrified. Absolutely petrified. She showed no reaction to external stimuli. But rats, seeing that pony wasn’t in normal state, acted quite equinisticaly: they took frozen Fluttershy out and seated her on a stack, having mentioned that she needs some medical care. After it they returned to the main. And witnesses remained flabbergasted.

Even the professional tamer failed. Seeing no other way out, Mr. Millstone decided to use brute force.

For this Rainbow Dash was sent to one hut, lost among the bushes near the town. Soon she returned. With ones for whom she was sent – “Mad Hogs”, as they called themselves. These stallions indeed had something what made them look like hogs – powerful jaws and coarse fur – but the main thing was that they were as strong. So miller led all six thrasher to the bins. There “hogs” looked at ecah other and, without thinking twice, broke the door and rushed in.

Fierce struggle in the pantry lasted for three minutes. And then through broken during the fight window five “hogs” were thrown away one by one. The last one fled with loud screams.

After it the most hefty rat came outside and glanced at the gathered ponies. Having finished, he lifted his left paw, quickly touched the elbow with his right and then even fasted bended the elbow. Faces of gathered got more dense red and murrey shade. Grinning rat returned to the bins.

Dumb show followed.

It lasted for rather long time, then ponies came to their senses. Ponyvillers started to say goodbye to bread and buns, and Mr. Millsome started to mourn the lost and think about new job.

Alicorns will arrive only in an hour. During this time there would be nothing in the pantry, except dust and husk. This shouldn’t be allowed. So Spike, when other ponies grieved, quietly sneaked into the pantry through other broken window.

There was a lull: rats decided to take a break from the eating. So at the moment they were lying on sacks with flour and grain which in few minutes should appear in their stomachs.

“Where is your boss?” – dragon asked, having approached the sacks.

Rather battered rat came out from behind of the heap. He was sharpening his teeth with a file. Where he got file in such place, science can’t tell.

“You?” – Spike asked to clarify

The rat nodded.

“I know what is happening here and what has already happened.” – little dragon said, - “You’re just a bunch of hooligans.”

Rodent put the file aside and stared at him with look which said: “So what?”

“Listen, if you just needed to get something to eat,” - Spike continued, - “you just could ask!”

The rat just waved away – now is not the time to ask!

“Okay…” – dragon spelled, - “Then I’ll tell you this: in several minutes my friend will be here. Recently she became an alicorn. She will do anything to save the grain and flour in this pantry. So you better leave the room, or you all will get in the neck.”

Tartaus mice only squinted, like saying: “This is bullshit!”

“I’m serious.” – Spike frowned.

Rat’s leader grinned.

“Well then… I’ll explain in another way…” – dragon quietly said, took toy smoking pipe from the same place where rat’s leader took his file and, having produced few bubbles, coughed and in low and wheezy voice spelled, - “If you won’t get away in thirty minutes, all ones who remain here will envy, heh, the dead…”

Rats got puzzled. But their boss only frowned: “You’re lying.”

“Well, maybe I exaggerated a little…” – continued Spike in voice of old pirate, - “But I assure you that ones which remain after arriving of the help will quickly catch up the ones which will decide to leave now.”

Mitigated ultimatum caused a scorn among the rats. They, having grinned, hissed on dragon and turned, like saying, get the hell out!

Spike took the pipe from his mouth and slowly spelled:

“If you don’t believe it… Then you have to deal with me.”

Rodents hickered.

“Eghkhe? Kha?” [Who? You?] – boss rat wheezed.

“Yes, me.” – little dragon said.

The leader just waved away, saying with this: “Don’t make me laugh!”

“I’m not joking. I repeat: I’m serious.” – Spike said severely.

Rats, having raised their eyebrows, with meaningful question “Eh?” turned to the dragon. And then…

Gathered near the mill ponies heard terrible and loud shout: “HOOGA-BOOGA-BOOGAAA!!!”, and then saw how all thirty eight rats with terrified squeaks jumped through the broken windows and ran away.

Hardly believing own eyes, they rushed to the bins. When they arrived, they got startled: there were no Tartarus mice, a lot of grain and flour have been saved, and in the middle of the room glad junior librarian rubbed his paws.

“Wh-what h-h-hap-pened?” – miller muttered.
“Oh, Mr. Millstone!” – little dragon exclaimed, - “Job is done, mice are banished!”
“H-how d-did you d-do it?”
“This… I made awful mug to scare them.”
“And that’s all?”
“You just made terrible mug?”
“No way!”
“I could show you, but, considering that it scared even the inhabitants of Tartarus… I would not want to do it.”
“Th-then… Where did you learn it?”

Spike quickly looked around and whispered:

“It’s because I like to read horror stories.” – he looked around one more time, - “But, plese, don’t tell Twilight about it!”

And, having winked, little dragon went away. And startled miller with other ponies remained alone with their own thoughts: “Sakes alive! Surely still water run deep…”

But with Twilight, who, as appeared, rushed to the false alarm, there were some problems.

Door to shrouded in darkness cabin slowly opened, and big shade sneaked inside. It silently approached the bed and in spooky amplifying voice spelled:

“Clock is ticking on dusty shelf, The creepy ghost will now show itself!..”
“For sake of whole humatinty! It makes mad, this punctuality!” – waked crew member muttered, - “Bastard, you know well that I had the night shift!”
“Sorry, dude, but you know the rules: you have to wake an hour before the start of shift!”
“Dammit, thirty minutes for all the preparations are more than enough!”
“Dura lex sed lex.”
“You could have done in normal!”
“Toad… Okay, I’m up!”
“And, by the way, is there some results?”
“Still nothing, although we’re keep monitoring for more than forty hours.”
“This is bad…”
“And what can we do?”

Both lads sighed and went in different directions.

Extremely Powerful Magic

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Spike plodded along Ponyville, returning from town’s market. It was afternoon, so ponies began to finish their rest and rouse up. Though for some ones it was just mid-siesta, it didn’t affect on the general background. Ponies again busily scurried along the streets, shops and stores changed sings to “Open”. School doors soon would let out the tide of happy scholars.

Simply put, the day was in full swing. “Well, it’s the last errand for today…” – little dragon thought, - “Twilight is still busy, so she won’t ask me for any other things.And if so, I have four free hours before dinner!” When Spike left, alicorn had attack of working inspiration. Attacks, what happen to Twilight, are even more serious than ones what happen to Rarity – during these minutes and hours she completely immerses in the process and becomes laid-back. These attacks are usually quiet continuous, so he can just leave the bags near her and go to get busy with some own triffles.

Little dragon already began to make plans, when series of claps spread around the town and then flashes of fireworks rose above it. After this a loud fanfare sounded.

Only one pony arrived in Ponyville with such pomp. And that mean she’s back. Again.


Citizens unhappy grumbled. After previous visits there was nothing surprising in it. But, nonetheless, they started to move to the source of lights and noise.They were just curious what Equestria’s record-holder on splurge level got now.

Spike took a thought for a while. Then, having looked in the bags and having got assured that he had no perishable stuff and things what required immediaate delivering, decided to go there and look. Just out of curiosity. Mostly…

Although it happened more than a year ago, Spike clearly remembered how Trixie played basketbal, using him as ball. Dragons aren’t vindictive and vengeful creatures, but they always remember their own mistakes and mistakes of all other to avoid them in future, and they like to pay in the same coin, which was offered to them.

“Well, let’s see what great and powerful prepared…” – Spike thought, - “And there – I’ll figure out what to do. If I have to…”

Few minutes and turns, and he was on town square. There were approximately fifty ponies at the moment. Near the closed workshop Trixie’s performance wagon was standing, already prepared. Trixie herself stood on wooden stage. But now she didn’t wear her wizard hat and cloak, what already became familiar. Spike, as other citizens, got interested and approached the stage.

Meanwhile unicorn began her show:

“Good day, Ponyville!” – she exclaimed.
“Hello to you too.” – said somepony from the crowd.
“Ehm… Hello and to you too.” – unicorn awkwardly nodded at supposed source of the voice and continued, - “Today you will see absolutlely fantastic tricks that no one had never seen before! I, Trixie, take upon myself the honor to show them to you…”
“Wait, where is “Great and Powerful”?” – wondered Lyra from the first row, where she was standing.
“Yes, and where are your hat and cloak?” – added Bon Bon.
“New policy of potential spectators attracting.” – Trixie answered shortly and quickly.
“Something really big has died in the forest if she’s acting like this.” – somepony whispered, - “Maybe it was even the Guardian of the Forest. We need to check it.”
“But she continued to talk about herself in third person.” – noticed other pony.
“And so…” – unicorn regained the initiative, - “Yes, I admit that my previous performances were… not very sucessful. But since then things have changed! And today, dear ponyvillers, you become the first ones who will see Trixie’s new trick!”

Four ponies came or flew out from the crowd – Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash.

“Listen, Trixie, ya may have changed, though it’s hard to believe in it,” – orange pony said, - “but…”
“To believe that your magic abilities have changed is even harder!” – Rainbow Dash inserted.
“Yeah!” – Pinkie echoed.
“It would be rude, but… I’ll agree.” – Rarity added.
“And I don’t think that you’ll be able to surprise us!” – pegasus snorted.

Trixie only shrugged.

“Well… Judge for yourselves!” – she spelled, got down from the stage and approached ponies.
“What are ya up to?” – Applejack wondered.
“I’ll jusr show. And you think what you want.” – unicorn answered undisturbedly.

She slowly walked along the row of Bearers of the Elements and stopped near Rarity. She looked at boutique owner and said:
“You’re a fashionis, right?”
“Yes, and what does it matter now?” – Rarity answered, holding the tone which aristocrats usually use when they have to talk with occasionally met tramps.
“I’ve been thinking…” – She whispered and looked at cutie mark of Bearer of the Element of generosity, - “Elegant mark, but a pony like you ought to have something more grandiose.”

Blue unicorn fromed a towel with her magic and seemed to whisk few motes off Rarity. But when she took away the fabric from Bearer’s cutie mark… Instead of three diamonds there was beautiful picture of several canvases what united in one magnificent dress. Gorgeous image.

“Absolutely another thing!” –Trixie exclaimed and did the same with the second mark of white unicorn.

Spectators gasped. Rarity was shocked.

“How did you do it?” – Pinkie Pie surprised.
“Did what?” – said Trixie with such imperturbable face that even Big Mac wouldn’t be able to make, took a cupcake from iterlocuter’s mane and immediately began to chew the pastry.

News that Pinke Pie also could be driven into deep stupor was as a bolt from the blue to all ponyvillers.

But blue unicorn, understanding that Pinkie will quickly came to her senses, continued:

“As I said, decide for yourselves.” – she returned to Rarity her original cutie mark and got up on the stage, - “So, do you want to see some more?”

Several ponies answered: “You convinced us. Show!” Trixie smiled and addressed to spectators:

“And now I need a volunteer.”

She looked at the gathered and stopped on Applejack, or, more precisely, on basket with apples what she brought. She approached the orange pony and said:

“Can I buy a couple of apples?”
“Okay.” – Applejack answered, keepinng the incredulous expression, but giving the fruits, - “One bit.”
“One bit for two apples? Why so expensive?” – magician resented, - “I bought four ones for one coin in Dodge City!”
“It’s high-quality good.”
“Okay.” – Trixie growled out, with her magic took a coin from behind of curtain and gave it to Applejack.

Applejack nodded and took the coin. Unicorn meanwhile with magic grabbed the apples and took one more thing from the depth of her wagon – penknife. She expanded it and said to orange pony:

“Now, please, stand near the edge of curtain, to my left.”

Bearer of the Element of honesty squinted with even greater distrust, but did what she said.

“And now put this apple on your hat and stand still.” – commanded magician and gave the apple to pony. And Trixie herself started to cut off small pieces from other apple, which immediately ate.
“Why should Ah do this?” – Applejack wondered.
“It’s necessary.” – Trixie answered, - “For the trick.”

Pony quietly growled, but stood where she was told. And unicorn meanwhile continued to eat her apple. Ten seconds passed, thirty, then minute… Trixie ate almost all the fruit. And Applejack, who stood in ridiculous pose, have been losing her patience. When she lost it completely, she strongly coughed.

“Oh, the trick… Of course!” – Trixie exclaimed like she really forgot about it, - “One second!”

She cut off the last piece and… without looking – standing with her back to Applejack – threw the kife at her with her magic.

Applejack had no time to react. She only heard a loud whistle and blinked, when the blade got to her…

In few seconds she opened her eyes. She’s in Ponyville. She sees the same ponies what she saw minute ago. If so, then she’s alive. She palpated herself. There were no terrible bleeding cuts and no knife handles that protrudes from her body. If so, then she’s safe. She touched her hat. The hat was also safe, but there was no apple on it. Surprised, she turned. Pierced through fruit was nailed to the wooden wall near the edge of curtain. Applejack, shivering and quietly getting stunned, turned to the crowd. The crowd was already stunned. And Trixie grinned.

It changed everything. Ponyvillers expected tons of boasting and mediocre magic, but got performance where every new trick was greater and more unexpected than previous. Over the next hour, the number of spectators has increased sixfold. And during this time ponies could see how Trixie almost like changeling made her coat red and gave her mane and tain shape of flames – this made a lot of stallions to think that she can be really hot girl – and then regained normal appearance, how she got taken aback Derpy from hat of one gentlecolt, how she made a duplicate of Lilly, what acted just like the “parent” pony, how she divided Bon Bon into three parts with special “magic box” (because dividing into two parts is too mainstream) and did a lot of other things.

But the most unexpected thing was next. Absolutely suddenly Trixie stopped and asked the spectators: “Do you sing, when you’re in the shower?” It caused dead silence for few moments. Unicorn frowned and continued:

“Don’t tell me thay you do not! Everypony, at least sometimes, do something weird and droll in shower! If you are not singing, using shampoo bottle as microphone, then you are dancing or do other oddities!”

Faint approvals came from the crowd.

“Yeees! That’s it.” – unicorn smiled, - “But Trixie doesn’t do that!”

Slight bewilderment appeared on the faces of spectators: then why you asked?

“Trixie imagines that she’s playing!” – magician exclaimed.

And she started to play imaginary guitar. But it sounded like real one, and sounded perfectly. At first ponies thought that it was a cheap trick, but quickly realized that sound came exactly from unicorn’s imaginary instrument. Rainbow Dash with few other pegasuses, who just couldn’t believe it, checked the wagon and found no players in it.

And Trixie meanwhile continued to play. She even managed to jump on her right hind leg and at the same time stamp her left hind hoof. Later she made a couple of other ponies to play like that. This guitar trio was just perfect.

Spectators were delighted. It was really good. Trixie really became excellent magician!

Spike also was very surprised. But he continued to think about his aim. During the performance he decided what he would do. He thought about it from the first day, but he didn’t find time and courage to implement it – to look how really powerful magic will affect his finding. And now he concentrated enough and got ready. But meanwhile he waited.

Finally, he got a chance.

“For the next trick I need a volunteer again!” – Trixie exclaimed.

Little dragon raised his paw and, using own tail, jumped over the heads of other ponies. It wasn’t so good, but unicorn saw his jump.

“S-Spike?” – she surprised a bit.
“Exactly!” – dragon answered and went out from the crowd.
“And what about… Twilight? And… are you sure?” – Trixie faltered.
“She’s busy now. And what about me – I’m just curious.”
“Oh… Okay then.”

Magician with gesture invited him to the stage. Spike nodded and got up. Trixie looked at him, scratched her chin and said:

“You know, I’ll show another trick… Stand up on this, please.” – she with magic took a wooden pallet and, having turned it over, put on the stage.

Spike went up on this improvised pedestal.

“Listen…” – unicorn began, - “You are dragon that lives among ponies. Have you ever had thoughts about becoming one of them?”
“Ehm, well…” – dragon, who didn’t expect such turn, faltered, - “Of course, such thoughts appear from time to time, but…”
“Then I’ll help you!” – Trixie exclaimed and brought down the ray of pure magic on him.

This time he was able to react. When he finished his answer, he gave command to the shift-suit to accelerate the brain processes. Nanites strained and got prepared, and in a moment magic ray hit him.

Trixie felt some resistance, but thought that it happened because of roughness of dragons’ epithelial tissues. She focused and soon that resistance disappeared. A muffled clap came, and Spike got shrouded in smoke.

Soon the smoke cleared. And when it happened, spectators saw colt with violet coat and green mane, tail and eyes. Ponies gasped. Although Spike at that moment, truly, didn’t look very good – it seemed that he took a five-hour rollercoaster ride. He tottered. But then, he suddenly stood up and… exhaled big cloud of dense black smoke – byproduct of nanites – and after this in husky voice giggled and apilogized.

The cloud covered seven ponies, including all Bearers, and stopped. In a minute it disappered, and then all gathered screamed: those ponies got transformed into dragons!

Trixie choked. The only thought what she had at that moment sounded like “Jeez…” Transformed ponies looked at themselves and shouted. And Spike noted for himself that Pinkie Pie, though she was dragon now, got few features that made her look closer to Discord, Rarity became absolutely gorgeous, and Applejack with Rainbow Dash also were quiet pretty.

Blue unicorn meanwhile came to her senses.

“I’m sorry! Excuse me, please! My bad.” – she jabbered, - “I’ll fix it!..”

Powerful magic charge returned ponies to nornal appearance. They, in turn, having changed back, got calm. A little.

“Phew!..” – Trixie muttered, scratching her head, - “ Perhaps, it happened because of differences in susceptibility. Okay, now everuthing will be fine!..”
“Um, Trixie, in that case can you change me back?” – Spike asked.
“Don’t hurry!” – magician loudly answered, - “We’ll try one more time… Dear ponyvillers, I apologize for this incident. But now everything will be fine! Now our dear Spike will become a hedgehog!..”

Trixie turned to the volunteer and again released her magic. The ray hit Spike, and experimantal immediately shrinked and grew needles.

But nanites didn’t liked this second charge. They couldn’t protect the host from it for sure, but they could redirect the energy flow, at least partially. As result Spike’s body acted like a prism: light sphere what hided him shot out another ray. It swept over the heads of shocked audience and hit a flock of pigeons, what sat on the porch roof of the house, that stood at the opposide end of the square. Another light sphere flashed, and few feathers fell down.

In a moment spheres disappeared, and when it happened, green hedgehog sprawled on the pedestal. And pigeongs grew spines too, but because of extremely bulged eyes it wasn’t so noticeable. Ponies were taken aback. Trixie coughed muffledly and fell into continuous stupor. When she came to life, she spelled:

“And I was told to not mess with hedgehogs…”

But then she roused and while spiny pigeons were on the porch roof, changed them back. After it she turned to Spike. She didn’t know why and how, but when she tried to influence him with magic, her powers failed. And because of this her amazing performance was ruined! Completely ruined!

Trixie started to get angry. She frowned, approached the hedgehog who only second ago got enough strength to stood up, and quietly roared:

“That’s it…” – and released the most powerful magic charge what she was able to made.

Pedestal got covered with smoke what was as viscosus as oatmeal. It was strongly opposed to dissipate, so it was impossible to see anything. But from the cloud sounds of claws that scrubbed wood came. According to this, they belonged to creature that was bugger than hedgehog, much bigger. Trixie breathed easily and grinned with satisfaction – now all problems were solved.

She was alreary ready to address to spectators, when something shuffled in the cloud, and then violet-gren reptile jumped from it.

But that reptile wasn’t a dragon. The last uncorn's magic charge gave him his normal appearance, but he could not help to do the last prank. So Spike transformed himself into lizard using shift-suit, when cloud covered him. And when he got ready, just jumped out and showed everypony his new groove.

Magician, having seen that she failed again, just petrified. But Spike didn’t expect this, so landed right on the nose of stunned pony. But he kept his head: before fall, he hooked claws at her muzzle. And, having remebered about the trick, in wheezing squeak shouted:

“Change me back!”

But because of suddenness and, mostly, pain – sixteen little claws that dug into your nose is rather unpleasant sensation – Trixie shouted. Loudly. And this, in turn, alarmed all the spectators. They ran away with screams. Spike managed to hold on for some time, but then fell down.

In thirty seconds or even less other citizens, including heads of the town and Princess Twilight, ran and flew to the sound. Having seen red-nosed Trixie, who was ready to burst into tears, and lizard Spike, they, with incredible efforts keeping straight faces, asked what happened here. Unicorn and almost-dragon told them. Heads of the town and Twilighed sighed and calmed Trixie and Spike.

Twilight, not easily, gave her assistant normal appearance – tired nanites now didn’t mind. Sike apologized to Trixie and said that he didn’t know that powerful transormation spells could have such consequences and effects. Trixie sulked, but forgave him. Later, when the stage was dismantled and all stuff packed, Spike and Twilight took Trixie to the hospital – to heal her nose.

In one empty hold of straship music thundered:

“…New satellite blues! (New satellite blues!)
New satellite blues! (New satellite blues!)
Yeah, yeah!
New satellite blues! (New satellite blues!)
New satellite blues! (New satellite blues!)
Can't get nothing on the dial!
The frickin' thing's gone wild!
All I get is the god damned news!
New satellite blues!
New satellite blues! (New satellite blues!)
New satellite blues! (New satellite blues!)
I got the satellite blues! (New satellite blues!)
New satellite blues! New satellite blues!
This thing's nothing but a load of crap!
I'm gonna send it right back!
You can stick it where it hurts… Mac!
Oh yeah!
I got the new satellite blues!”

But here’s the song ended, and someone’s hand, that appeared from slightly opened door, turned EMSoG (ElecroMagnetic Simulator of Gravity) on. Raving in weightlessness pilot and mechanic collapsed on the floor.

“What the heck?” – they exclaimed, when they tore off thier faces from metal.
“Enough of this!” – having come in, said the navigator, who was the one that swithced the device on, - “Follow me to the bridge!”
“What happened?” – pilot wondered.
“We got the signal.”
“What???” – exclaimed both lads.
“Yep, we got the signal, but it’s weak – we recording onle individual bursts, all other time it’s suppressed. At the moment we can’t track it exactly.”
“Yeah. And for detailed tracking you, dolts, have to be on the bridge.”
“You’re not better!” – pilot growled out.
“Who’s talking…” – mechainc snorted, - “We weren’t the ones that squandered all the medicines what Kniyrhe gave us.”
“Forget it. We need to work.”

Guys grinned and followed their friend. The real work had just begun.


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“How did you overcome them?” – sincerely wondered Sweetie Belle.
“You roared at them? Or breathed with fire?” – Scootaloo asked, - “Or roared and breathed with fire?”
“Ehm… Second variant is closer to the truth.” – Spike answered faltering.
“You burned them?” – Sweetie exclaimed.
“No, no! Although they were wolves, I couldn’t force myself to do this. But to char them a little – yes.”
“I bet it was awesome!” – Scootaloo exclaimed.
“Well, not so impressive – just few flames, that’s all.” – little dragon answered.
“Ah must say that Ah didn’t hope that help will come.” – Apple Bloom sighed.
“At that moment only I was there. I couldn’t do otherwise.” – Spike said.
“Ya might get hurt!”
“Ponies never leave each other in trouble! Even in the desperate situations!”

Crusaders smiled and exclaimed:

“Thank you! Thank you so much!” – and junior librarian appeared to be burried under grateful foals.
“You’re welcome…” – he spelled in muffled voice.

Fillies let him go, and they all stood up.

“Excuse me, but… Ah didn’t expect such resoluteness from ya.” – Apple Bloom quietly spelled.
“You know, I also didn’t.” – Spike answered, scratching his head.
“Then why you were th…” – Sweetie only started to ask, when fillies and dragon felt strong gust of wind, and bright figure swept over them, having left rainbow trace.

Flabbergasted, they stood still for a couple of seconds. Then Scootaloo, who was the first one that came to life and that realized what have just happened, joyfully exclaimed:

“Go Rainbow Dash!”

Pegasus, having heard the filly, smiled, waved her and her friends and began to do aerobatics. Barrel roll, sharp turn, spin… Exclamations of admiration came from the ground again and again, and not only from Crusaders and Spike. Glad Rainbow Dash, having made few more turns, landed near the spectators and bowed:

“Thank you! Thank you!”
“Wow! It was amazing!” – exclaimed Scootaloo and ran to her.
“I try to do my best.” – Rainbow answered and patted fiilly’s mane, - “If I’m Wonderbolt now, then I have to keep myself in good shape.”
“Oh! Oh! Can you do some more tricks?”
“More tricks? Well… Then tomorrow I surely won’t have any strength for training!”
“But you are Rainbow Dash!”

Pegasus hesitated a little. Apple Bloom exchanged glances with Sweetie Belle and addressed to rainbow pony:

“Maybe for an encore?”

Gathered ponies at first surprised, but then supported the offering.

“Well, for encore…” – Rainbow spelled, - “Then watch! Sharp turn at stunning speed!”

She flapped her wings and soared into the sky. Having reached approximaely three hudred steps height, she began to accelerate. Rapid beating of strong wings did its work – she quickly gathered speed. Soon she rushed faster than diving falcon. One more minute, and she will be ready.

Rainbow Dash focused and already started to calculate the maneuver, when suddenly big gray shade swept past her, having approached rather closely. Almost knocked off pegasus lost coordination for a moment. She hardly managed not to fall down. The shadow, in turn, having rounded the town with loud noise of dissecting air, landed, or to be precise, hit the groud of one town street and, having plowed it for twenty steps at least, finally stopped.

After it all ponies could see that it was stalwart pegasus with argent coat, lead-colored mane and tail and brown with streaks eyes and bird figure as cutie mark. He had small bag made from denim. Total look was brute, quiet impressive – as befits pegasuses-stallions. But his appearance made ponyvillers to shiver: muscles on his back, especially near the wings, were just tremendous bulks. Pegasuses that were at the South Pole and lands what lays near it had to resist extremely powerful katabatic winds almost every time when they needed to move from station to station and even around one base – although they flew rarely, as it was dangerous – returned home with relief muscles. But this guy seemed to live at those lands all his life.

“Hey! What the heck?” – shouted Rainbow that landed near.
“I beg your pardon.” – stallion answered, - “I didn’t want to hit you.”
“Damn, you almost knocked me off!”
“I apologize one more time. I got used to fly quickly, but still from time to time have some problems with distance calculation.”
“If so, then reduce the speed!”
“It’s difficult to overcome the habit, and I have to maintain the reputation.”
“What reputation?” – wondered ponyvillers together with Rainbow Dash.
“The reputation of the fastest pegasus in Equestria.”
“Listen,” – Rainbow said, - “indeed, you have no equal on the part of rushing ahead, I admit it. But on the part of speed… Everypony knows that Wonderbolts are the fastest pegasuses!”

The stallion just grinned:

“Wonderbolts… Just big name and nothing more. Real aces have no need in such stuff.”

Rainbow was stung by his words: say such things about greatest masters of flight in the history? No, this is more than just impudence and arrogance. She quietly growled and angrily looked at him. Irritation and anger began to prevail over her.

“They always win Equestria Competitions and World Championships!” – she exclaimed.
“Dozen of wonderbolts and cadets competed with me on bet and lost.” – he answered proudly.
“And who the heck are you?”
“My name is Century Falcon.”
“Well, Century Falcon, if you ar so cool then beat the best cadet of whole Academy!” – Rainbow exclaimed and, having taken wing, grinned.
“You?” – stallion wondered, paused, thought: “Jeez… Situation in Academy is even worse than I expected…” and continued, - “If so, then I agree! I don’t think that it would be hard.”
“You are only spouting. Prove it! Now!”
“You know, I don’t want to waste my time on ordinary cadet.”
“Yeah? Well then come on a bet!”
“A bet?” – he grinned.
“Rainbow, please, don’t do it! It’s not worth it!” – Scootaloo said.

Other Crusaders supported her.

“Scoot, it’s not the best time.” – Rainbow Dash told her and turned to the opponent, - “So, do you agree?”
“Me? I always agree for a bet!”
“Well then…”
“Wait!” – he raised his front leg, - “Just took off and fly? No way! Bet becomes real only when there is a thing to bet!”
“What do you mean?”
“Let’s make a deal: who will lose, will pay to the winner.”

Rainbow raised her eyebrow.

“Really? Well in that case what can you offer me?”
“I made a lot of bets and won every one.” – Century Falcon answered, - “I have sources… So, if you will win, you get five hundred bits.”

Stallion took a paper from his bag and shower it to Rainbow. She came closer and looked at it. It was check of Central Manehattan bank for five hundred bits, signed by him. Surprise appeared on pony’s face. Century Falcon grinned and put it back in the bag. Where were five other similar ones.

“I see…” – she spelled.
“I’m not lying.” – stallion said, - “And if you’ll lose, then I take your cadet uniform and all your awards!”

Gathered ponies gasped. This impudence only made Rainbow angrier.

“What do you allow yourself?” – she exclaimed.
“I already have couple ones.” – Century Falcon answered complacently, - “And I’ll be glad to get third one! It will be my precious.”

Rainbow growled and satrted to shout. Stallion continued to grin and snap. Other ponies tried to separate them, but pegausues had already entered into rage, so just drove them away.

Spike looked at this with horror. He understood: the fastest pegasus in Ponyville has not so many chances. She might reach greater speed, but she won’t be able to maintain it for a long time, and Century Falcon, in turn, seemed to be able for this. Simply put, Rainbow will probably lose.

It’s necessary to resolve the situation, and quickly as possible. Forcing himself to think feverishly, little dragon created a plan. But when he finished, the arguing between the pegasuses approached its end. He had to hurry.

As inconspicuous as possible, he made his way through the crowd and hided in the nearest back alley. There were several windows, but it’s possible to not worry – all eyes were fixed on the arguing ponies. Spike sighed and gave command to start the transformation.

In a minute he finished, and he rushed back. And he came just in time.

“Deal?!” – shouted Rainbow.
“Deal!” – barked Century Falcon.
“Wait!..” – loud voice resounded over the square.

Pegasuses, who already got prepared to start, turned. Third winged pony appeared from the crowd. He was tall, had beige coat, brown-black mane and tail and dark gray eyes. Picture of tornado was his citie mark. He was tousled, and it seemed that there were several features of albatrosses and, at the same time, swifts in his look. Contracted, paying no attention on others, he approached the wranglers.

“It’s not the way to do business, dudes.” – he said.
“What?” – growled Rainbow.
“Who the hay are you?” – stalloin exclaimed.
“I’m Vortex.” – answered masked Spike, - “But it doesn’t matter now…”
“Yeah, it does not matter!” – Century Falcon barked, - “So get out of here!”
“Actually, I wanted to speak to you.”

Stallion got surprised.

“Yep, to you.” – continued Spike, now the pegasus, - “You see, this bet isn’t fair.”

Gathered ponies shuddered – they didn’t expect such thing.

“What do you mean?” – snorted Falcon.
“Well, firstly, your opponent is a girl. And, secondly, she flies like a pheasant.”
“WHAAAT???” – Rainbow lost her temper.

Not paying any attention to this – yes, it was rude and very insulting for a pegasus, but it was necessary – Spike continued:

“So choose rival of your level.”
“If you are such one!” – Century Falcon grinned.
“I know a lot of ponies who studied in and graduated from Wonderbolt Academy. I compete with them before and during the studuing and their practice, and they all lost to me. I could also become a cadet, but I’m too lazy to study.”
“What are you talking about?” – Rainbow Dash snorted.
“Hoves off!” – changed dragon bellowed at her.
“What? It’s our arguing!”
“No longer yours!!!”

His thunderous voice forced all gathered to stand still. Falcon shuddered. Rainbow effaced herself.

“So what we talked about…” – Spike continued without any change in expression, - “Oh, yes… The arguing… So do you accept the challenge?”
“Dammit, yes! But what you can offer?”
“What can I offer? I have almost nothing right now, so it’s not the variant. So I offer next: if you will win you clip them…”

And beige pegasus spread his wings, which appeared to be rather big – about one-third bigger than average pegasus have. Crowd gasped, Falcon dropped his jaw – they couldn’t believe that pegasus can decide to do such thing.

“Are you serious?” – arget stallion exclaimed.
“More than serious.” – Spike answered, - “And what about you… If I win, you will leave this town and never again show yourself in it and its surroundings!”
“And that’s all?”
“Yeah. And that is not enough?”
“It doesn’t sound serious.”
“You just aren’t stallion enough!”
“Yep, not stallion enough!”
“You… I’ll blow your head off!”
“Will you? Come on! Now you’re just keep saying bullshit.”
“What do you allow yourself?” – couple ponies in venerable age exclaimed.
“If you don’t like it, then don’t listen!” – Spike shouted at them. If Twilight knew that he read those books about criminalsand gangs of Equestria… He would get universal scale going-over for sure.

Venerable ponies stood silent.

“One lap around the town and finish at this place. Agree?” – dragon continued, addressung to his opponent.
“Yes.” – he growled.
“Are you ready?”
“Then let’s go!”

And both pegasuses, having raised cloud of dust, rushed forward. They incredibly quickly gained altitude and gathered speed – spectators had to make efforts to follow them.

They all laid out in full, furiously flapping their wings. Bigger span made the task easier for Spike, as he needed to do less flaps. But Century Falcon flapped almost like dragonfly, opponent’s wingspan wasn’t big problem for him – he could easily get ahead. But Spike, straining all the nanites of shift-suit, kept the pace.

In thirty seconds they passed the midpoint of their route, and they only continued to accelerate. Falcon rushed forward without paying any attention to surroundings – real winged Juggernaut. Spike hadn’t such ability, so he needed to calculate the way which allowed him to keep up with opponent and round the clouds.

Few more seconds – and only quarter of the route had to be overcame. But there was one great obstacle: huge cloud ridge near the very finish. To round it would be difficult, and move through will slow him down. Century Falcon noticed that his rival was worrying and began to flitter even more strongly. He started to became the leader.

Spike was already about to make final push, when one good idea came to him. He grinned and began to gain altitude. Argent pegasus looked at him, thought: “What a fool…” and rushed to the finish.

The rounding was already finished – only homestretch remained. Gray stallion became obvious leader. He turned and prepared to pierce through the ridge. Spike turned a second later. At such speeds that difference meant unambiguous defeat, and this despite the fact that little dragon was a three hundred steps above. But he wasn’t going to give up: at the very moment of turn he dodged and, having made few powerful flaps, rushed down. He began to nosedive. The trick that Falcon should use, allowed him to accelerate in half or even more. When argent pegausus entered the clouds, Spike dived under them. He had to flew only steps above the roofs, but he did it. As result when Century Falcon apeared from the cloud ridge, Spike was ahead of him. And in two seconds he crossed the finish line. Although slowdown was rather bad – to do it he rolled head over heels over whole square – but, nonetheless, he won
Century Falcon dropeed his jaw and almost dropped own wings. His face warped, he couldn’t believe that he lost.

Struck dumb, he awkwardly landed.

Meanwhile Spike stood up and, having shook off, approached his opponent.

“We had a deal.” – he grinned, - “Get out!”

Falcon, continuing to stand with opened mouth, only blinked.

“Do I need to repeat it?” – Spike bellowed.

Roar made peegasus to come to his senses. He perplexedly nodded, took off and soon was out of sight.

“That’s better.” – dragon smiled.

And now the second phase should begin.

“Hey, you!” – Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

As he had expected.

“What?” – Spike turned.

“Don’t you mind to make another lap?” – pony said. She was smart pony, so now she rightly judged that now, when opponent got tired, she got a chance. And her jaunty character did the rest – she decided to challenge.
“And I thought that you flew away.”
“I never run away from ones like you.”
“Brave act. But senseless. I have no want to compete with you.”
“Why? Are you afraid to lose to pheasant?”

Everything went like clockwork. Now the only thing to do was necessary to play the role properly.

“Me? I’m not afraid.” – he answered in irritaed voice.
“Then why you are standing there? Let's solve it once and for all!”

They took the starting positions, casted grinning glances at each other and soared in the air.

The second race was as stressful as first one. Rainbow bended over, it was hard to keep up with her – after all, she’s the youngest flyer that broke the sound barrier. Yes, using shift-suit Spike could just switch the effect of air resistance off and reach speed of Mach ten or even more, but it would seem, to put it mildly, implausible. So he flew parallel to her, from time to time getting ahead or behind.

Spectators were shivered with worrying, some ones started to bite their hoves and soon noticeably reduced them – they were on a par! First quarter of route, half of it, two-thirds… Their hearts pounded, their knees trembled.

Flyers reached the homestretch. Century Falcon broke cloud ridge, so there were no obstacles now for them. Rainbow Dash turned to her opponent, smiled and… accelerated again, significantly accelerated. Spike and spectators gasped. Remembering that “Running of the Leaves” marathon, she made every effort only closer to the finish. For a couple of moments dragon was in stupor – agree, revealing of hidded reserves in such moments is very surprising – but, having shaken his head, he came to his senses and rushed follow the rainbow pony. He almost caught her up, but he didn’t accelerate more – the aim is reached…

Rainbow and Spike swept over the heads of gathered ponies and crossed the finish line. Bearer of the element of loyalty won with mimimum disruption. Glad and grinning, she landed. Spike got down to the ground near her.

“So, what will you say now?” – panting, but with pride, she asked.
“Well, you win, I admit it.” – dragon sighed.
“If so, then I’m faster than you, Vortex, and Century Falcon?”
“Don’t walk tall! You’re lucky that first flight exhausted me.”
“But I still won!”
“Yes, it’s so. I admit that I lost.” – he bowed, - “You’ll never see me again.”

He bowed again and, having turned, want away. Soon he disappeared behind the nearest buildings. And Rainbow Dash screamed with joy. Cusaders and other ponies began to cogratulate her.

Spike meanwhile, having sneaked into lane, changed himself back and returned to the square.

“Where have you been?” – exlaimed Scootaloo that noticed the little dragon, - “You missed everything!”
“Excuse me, but I worried so much that I got stomach ache.” – Spike answered, - “And what exactly did I miss?”
“Ya can’t even imagine!” – Apple Bloom exclaimed, - “Rainbow and that boastful stallion were ready to start when second stranger appeared…”

“We have never seen him before!” – Sweetie Belle interrupted together with few other ponies.
“Yeah!” – continued Apple Bloom, - “So he interrupted, cursed them and everyone and then overcame that argent one!”
“And after this Rainbow overcame him!” – Scootaloo exclaimed.
“I would say that I won, having made efforts.” – Dash preciesd.
“Who cares?! You won!”

Rainbow and Scootaloo exclaimed together and hugged each other.

“Well… I missed all best parts!..” – sighed Spike.
“Sorry, pal, but such thing happens!” – said Rainbow to him, having hugged.
“I understand… But I’m very happy for you!”

They rejoiced at her victory for a long time. Little dragon was told what happened and how the flights were. Spike attentively listened, and when they finished, sighed with relief and smiled: his plan worked, and he remained beyond any suspicions. Just perfect…

Ponies congratulated Rainbow Dash once more and applauded, she thanked everypony again and bowed. Clapping soon ended, and ponies began to return to their business, continuing to speak about the event.

It was incredible day.

“You found it?” – asked worrying captain.
“Well, not exactly…” – navigator answered after short pause.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s shift-suit signal, no doubts. But we are detecting only short flashes and glimpses. They didn’t allow to determine the exact location. Most of the time the signal is suppressed.”
“Suppressed? By what? Can you say for sure?”
“Hyperscan detected five extremely powerful energy sources near the crash site. Three of them have radius of influence about one hundred and twenty kilometers. Radiuses of other two are about seventy five kilometers.”
“Hundred kilometers? 7.9. level culture couldn’t buid so powerful reactors!”
“And here’s the catch. This is not the reacors – all indirect signs shows that it’s lifeforms. They are akiras*”.
“Such conclusion can be made even on the ground that they are regularly moving. Over short distances, but rather randomly.”
“Great… I can understand how akira with ten-kilometer radius can exist, but hundred-kilometer radius? This is something unimaginable.”
“Unimaginable? In that case look here, captain…”

Navigator displayed another dataset. Captain looked at it and… got startled as never before in his life. His face warped.

“We had similar expressions when we saw it.” – navigator muttered, - “Yes, it’s so. Hyperscan clearly shows that several millions there could become such akiras.”
“Well I’ll be damned…” – finally captain said something.
“That’ s what happens if civilisation develops in AZ, full of magic! And one more thing… Ehm… Cap’n, it’s not all the news.”
“And what else did you find?”
“The signature what we detected surely belongs to shift-siut beacons, we checked it more than once.” – mechanic broke in, - “But acording to it someone has put the suit on.”
“P-put on?”
“We can’t say exactly, but… It seems necessary to count on the worst.”
“Things become more and more great!” – pilot muttered.
“Okay then…” – captain sighed, - “Keep wathcing. If you determite something for sure – call me.”
“Yes, sir.” – answered the crew.

Captain nodded to them and went to his cabin. Someone probaly is wearing shift-suit now, and there are monster akiras near the host. “We’re in very big trouble.” – he thought.


* – Yep, it’s in honor of that anime. Why not?

Eyes Everywhere

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Spike was slowly sweeping the floor in library, when someone knocked on the door. Twilight again steeped in the researching process – perhaps, she didn’t hear anything at all, – so there were no other variants: little dragon put the broom into a corner and approached the entrance. He already prepared to meet the reader, but when he opened the door, there was no one. Except cardboard box, just like the ones what are using for shoes packing. Spike looked. No one around. So, having shrugged, he took the box and closed the door.

Walking down the ilbrary hall, little dragon once more inspected the “parcel”: just a carboard, not even painted, and without any inscriptions, but there is something in it, and it weights a little. Spike carefully shook the box. Only very weak and muffled sound came from inside. If so, then this something is packed tightly. Puzzled, little dragon scrathed his head. “What could it be?” – he thought, and in a moment his curiosity got the better of him: there were no words about the addressee, so he also can look inside. Spike opened slightly the cap and… A pair of toy hooves shoot out from it, grabbed dragon’s head and then springs, to which toys were attached, pulled their victim inside, towars a portion of paste and tar mix.

Spike’s face firmly stuck in the mash. Alarmed, he tried to tear the trap box off, but, having confused, couldn’t do it. He panicked and started to run around the hall, lowing, waving his paws and ruining everything on his way.

Consequences of this were noise, rumble and disgruntled owl hooting. They drew Twilight away. She quit her work and ran to the source of ruckus. Having seen what became the reason, she immediately rushed to help her assiatant. She with her magic grabbed the ill-fated box and tore it off from Spike’s head. Freed little dragon deeply inhaled and fell down. Having respired, he thanked Twilight. Alicorn was about to say that it wasn’t necessary and ask what happened, when she and her assiatant heard laughter.

For a moment, they froze in surprise. But then they came to their senses and listened. Laughter came from the street, but its source was near the library. Pony and dragon ran to the balcone and, having looked down, gasped. They saw the source, or, to be precise, sources: Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash split their sides laughing.

“What’s going on here?” – Twilight surprised.
“It was you?” – Spike surprised.
“Yeah.” – spelled Pinkie, having forced herself to stop not without efforts.
“Our best one for this month!” – Rainbow added, - “It’s a pity that we only heard its consequences…”
“Prank??? I almost suffocated there!” – dragon shouted.
“Sorry, but…” – Pinkie said, still giggling, - “This was a really cool prank!”
“Absolutely not funny!”
“If you are the pranked one.” – Rainbow said.
“Enough!” – Twilight shouted, - “Because of that your joke there is a mess in the library!”
“But it was Spike who made it!” – objected Pinkie.
“If you didn’t prank him , he wouldn’t do it.”
“Okay, we are sorry…” – sighed pranksters and lowered their heads.

Twilight looked at her assistant.

“So be it, I’ll forgive you.” – little dragon answered.
“Well,” – said glad alicorn, - “if this problem is solved, then, in that case, will you, girls, do me a fovor and clean up?”
“Excus us, but we have to go.” – jokers said in unison and scooted.

Dumbfounded Twilight about three seconds stared at the place where recently Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were. When she came to her senses, she looked forward, but could see only weak rainbow and pink traces in the air. Spike, who lookead at them too, sighed and addressed to frowned and angry alicorn:

“Forget it, Twi. They are incorrigible.”
“You are right.” – she said, having shaken her head, - “Let’s clean this mess…”

Together they quickly put all brought down things and took away all broken. Box-trap they threw out of sight.

Though it was just a joke, it spoiled librarians’ mood. They were a little upset till the end of the day. Remaining in such state, they went to beds.

Twilight, in spite of this, fell asleep quickly. But Spike couldn’t went to the realm of Morpheus: he helped Rainbow only yesterday, and today she did this! Yes, she didn’t know it, but he didn’t expect something like this from her. And Pinkie together with her… Recalling today’s events, little dragon became angry and boiled over. And gradually thoughts about retribution satred to come to him.

At first this impuls scared him, but soon he, having taken a thought, agreed that he should gave worthy answer.

But how? Spike understood that he won’t be able to prank Pinkie and Rainbow – they are masters, and he needs years to reach their level. Ponies will quickly find everything out. The most terrible thing what he would be able to do in this field is a little nastiness. It’s not serious. He needed another way.

Dragon thought tensely. He checked all ideas and variants what came to him, but every one had its own defects. But when he reduced the list in eight times, he found the necessary thing: push on ponies, affect their psyche. He regularly and successfully managed to beg Twilight, and other princesses too – only sometimes, but still… So now he had to find how to do it right.

About thirty minutes Spike pored over the insidious plan. Eventually he developed general scheme and even several its details. It was perfect.

Gladly grinning, with thoughts about fearful vengeance, Spike fell asleep.

The next day he started to implement his plan. Using the fact that he was given only few tasks, Spike quickly finished them and went outside to find Pinkie and Rainbow. It wasn’t difficult. Then little dragon waited till the moment when they met and began to watch them. Having enhanced the hearing ability, he found that they were going to visit “The Sugarcube Corner”, have a snack there and spent there about an hour. Excellent. While they would be there, it’s possible to do something really great and impressive. But before it it’s necessary to play the prelude.

Spike returned to the library and, having taken few bits, rushed to market. He chose the way on which he will meet jokers for sure.

The meeting happened near the entrance to the market. Merrily chatting ponies, having seen that victim of their yesterday prank are approaching, faltered. They felt uncomfortable.

“Rainbow, Pinkie? – said dragon when he came closer.
“S-Spike?” – pegasus mumbled, - “Eh… W-we didn’t expect that we would see you here…”
“I just came to buy some vegies. And what about you?”
“Us? W-we… Um…”
“Forgive us, Spike!” – Pinkie couldn’t stand, - “We’re sorry, very-very sorry!”
“Please!” – Rainbow Dash begged.
“Come on, girls!” – said dragon, - “I’ve already said that I forgive you.”
“Really?” – ponies surprised.
“Yeah! Especially that this prank was really good.”
“Do you really think so?”
“Devise the thing that grabs your head and then pull it towards piece of tar? This prank is worthy of Discord himself! But it’s rather unpleasant.”
“Thanks, and we’re sorry.”
“It’s not necessary. Moreover, everything will be judged in itself…”
“Oh, absolutely nothing.” – answered Spike with a smile of salesman that recently successfully sold own soul to Devil, - “It was nice to meet you!”
“We too!”

Having nodded to friends, little dragon disappeared among the stalls. And ponies, having grinned, went about their business.

Having bought all necessary food, Spike left the market and hided in the nearest dead end. When he made sure that no one watches him, he gave mental command to start the creation of dublicates and their transformation. Nanites feverishly worked for five minutes. It costed little dragon a lot of efforts, he almost fainted during the process. But soon the job was done, and six ponies, similar to each other like two drops of water – key characters of the upcoming action – stood before him. Spike, having thought: “Nughtmare Moon would be proud…” looked at them and said:

“You know what to do.”

Satllions nodded and gradually, waiting for three-four minutes for the turn, began to disperse one by one. They used different ways to remain unnoticeable. In twenty minutes they took their posotions. And gald Spike wandered home.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie spent about an hour in “The Sugarcube Corner”, eating cupcakes and muffins and chatting about own grandiose plans for tomorrow. Then Mr. and Mrs. Cake ran out of stocks – new party only recently had been put into the oven – so friends, having thanked bakers for delicious snack, went outside.

Ponies scurried around, voices and noise was everywhere, flavors of vegetable and fruit stalls mixed with smells of woodworking and metalworking workshops. Ponyville was full of life. Pinkie and Dash, looking at this, smiled. And they couldn’t but rejoice: incident was closed, they were forgiven, there’s a great holiday tomorrow, and in general today is a wonderful day! And if you refreshed your inner pony, you’re always glad.

In high spirits, they trotted along the streets, keeping talking. Soon they approached one bakery. To it a small queue was already formed. The last one in it was old stallion, quiet short earth pony. He noticed two cheerful mares, turned his head and looked at them. Rainbow with Pinkie saw it. And began to shiver: glance of old pony wasn’t empty, it was devastating. And it was very, very angry.

Friends felt uneasy: who is he? Why he loooks at them like this? What they did to him? The began to cover with cold sweat.

“L-let’s go away from here.” – Rainbow whispered.
“Agree.” – Pinkie nodded.

Ponies quickened their pace. Old stallion watched them go, and then turned away and continued to stand in the queue as if nothing had happened. Friends, having made sure that no one watched them, relieved.

“Phew!” – exclaimed pegasus, - “Did you see how he looked at us?”
“Yeah! He gave such piercing glance! Like he looked right into our souls! It was terrifying!” – answered pink pony.
“Don’t say… Still creeps.”
“Me too. I had seen many ponies, but such glance I n-n-nev-v-ver… s-s-saa…”
“Pinkie, what the matter?”

As answer she only pointed at open-air cafe. Rainbow Dash turned, and her heart sank – under awning there was the same old stallion! And he gave them that piercing glance again!

Friend’s legs began to shake. Having barely found the strength, they turned and quickly walked away.

“Why and how it could happen?” – pegasus exclaimed.
“I dunno. Maybe they are twins?” – supposed Pinkie.
“Twins? Then why both of them looked at us like this?”
“Just because they are twins!”
“Well, they might conspire.”
“Wonderful! Pinkie, you more than anyone know how to encourage!”
“You’re always welcome!”

Having run back far enough, ponies stopped to take a breath. But only they respired and decided to continue their walk… Doors of the nearest shop opened, and third the same stallion came out. And he immediately looked at the friends.

They were almost paralyzed. Scared, they for several seconds looked at the old pony, then screamed and ran away.

They rushed headlong, hardly managing not to hit anything or anyone. They were, probably, in half a mile away from the third creepy old pony when fourth “twin” appeared right before them from around the corned. Pinkie and Rainbow braked sharply and almost fainted right there. Having howled because of terror and despair, they only turned, when fifth one appared from another backstreet. Ponies, having got coat colous more similar to Rarity’s than their original, now absolutely alarmed and shuddering, began to look around for way of salvation. These creepers were at crossorads, other streeds led to dead ends. Trembling, they looked up. And their hearts almost stopped: on small hotel balcony sat sixth one. Having noticed ponies, he turned to them. Three pairs of evil eyes now stared at them.

Pinkie and Rainbow looked at old ponies and shouted:

“WHY?!” – and then earth pony graber her pegasus friend, and she flew up, having left pale rainbow trace.

When they came to their senses, they found themselves on the edge of the park. How they got there, they didn’t remember. Still shivering and recovering, they – only because it could help them to calm down – began to look for logical explanations of this event. And at that time both of them remembered words of one their good pal what they heard today: “Everything will be judged in itself…” And they thought that it was punishment from higher powers for prank on poor little dragon. So they ran to the library.

Spike meanwhile finished to cook diiner for himself, Twilight, Owlowiscious and Peewee and went outside to take a break. He only closed the door, when he appeared to be burried under pink and rainbow ponies, which immediately began to repent:

“Please, forgive us, Spike, please! We did not want to offend you, honestly! We’re sorry”
“Please! We beseech!”
“I have already forgiven you!” – dragon surprised.
“We again ask for forgiveness!!!”
“Okay, okay, girls. I forgive you one more time.”
“Thanks!!!” – ponies exclaimed and hugged Spike.
“Not… necessary…” – spelled little dragon in muffled voice.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie after this asked for forgiveness few more times. It took Spike a lot of time to persuade them that they shouldn’t act like this and that they are really forgiven. Then ponies thanked him again and left. Spike waved them and saw them off

Well, he didn’t expect such reaction. But the aim is reached, and it’s the main thing now. Spike gladly smiled and went to the center of the town.

There, in one back alley, he waited when all dublicates appearer, and executed the reverse transformations. Ponies became copies of little dragon again, and then reunited with the “parent”. Having come to own senses, Spike returned home.

“You got the results?” – captain asked.
“Yes.” – navigator answered.
“Choose, cap’n: bad one or crappy one.” – pilot added.
“If this is the choice… Bring the last one.”
“Well, our worst fears were confirmed.” – navigator sighed, - “Someone put shift-siut on.”
“Really? Maybe…”
“Sorry, cap’n.” – mechanic lowered his head, - “ I checked it six times. Signature shows that device is activated.”
“Crap! Crap!”
“Alas, but yes.”
“Okay, and what about other one?”
“We learned why the signal is suppressed almost all the time.” – pilot said.
“The reason is that host almost all the time is near one akira.” – navigator continued, - “And force field of this akira bloks the signals.”
“Dammit, nice!” – captain exclaimed.
“But the interesting is that akira’s power hasn’t changed for all the time of observations.” – added pilot.
“It’s stable? This akira doesn’t know about energy source near him or her?”
“It’s possible, but I don’ think that it’s true.” – socspec said, - “More likely that this akira just doesn’t care about it.”
“Maybe you’re right. Considering these powers… Bunch of nanites is nothing for such being.”
“Okay, now we know it. And what about location?”
“We made only first steps.” – pilot said, - “Core of akira’s influence area is blurred, and it’s very hard to find any signature in it.”
“And how big is it?”
“Four hundered square kilometers.”
“Jeez… If so, we can’t even think about the landing.”
“Yeah.” – socspec said, - “We’ll spend a week for detail scanning at least!”
“Well, gentlemen, we’re screwed.”
“It’s not the word…”
“We have no choice. We have to exploit all powers of hyperscan untill the area got reduced at least in twenty times. Only after this we can think about next steps.”
“Yes, sir.”

Captain sighed. It was a real nightmare. If the suit is already put on… They have to find it as soon as possible, before too many locals learn about it. Or else consequences will be irreparable.

How to Create a Big Mess and Successfully Put the Blame on the Other

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“Spiiiike!” – Twilight’s voice rang in the library hall.
“Yes?” – little dragon threw away his comics and jumped out of bed.
“Where did you put Paleshade’s “Illusion Spells”?”
“This? Hmm… Look in textbook section.”
“You put such book in textbook section?”
“Well, I made a mistake! It can happen to everypony!”

Alicorn went to the necessary section when suddenly something with a thud hit the door, and in a moment it swung open, having almost flew off its hinges. Fluttershy broke into the library. She looked like she just learned that the end of the world will happen in few minutes.

“Twilight, Twilight! Spike!” – she exclaimed.
“Fluttershy, what is it?” – librarians got themselves into a tizzy, - “What happened?”
“Look!” – yellow pegasus took scribbled list from her bag. Twilight took it with her magic and began to grasp the meaning of written by gnarled pawwriting words.
“Just a letter?” – she surprised.
“Read more!”

Twilight read whole letter and turned pale.

“What is it?” – aksed Spike.
“He will arrive today…” – alicorn muttered.
“Who is “he”?”
“Discord!” – Fluttershy shuddered.
“And he will arrive in a couple of hours or even faster!” – Twilight exclaimed.

Spike’s face warped. Discord, today, in All Fool’s Day, in Ponyville? It will be a doomsday! Though in miniature and rather ridiculous. But still it’s incredible problem: to imagine what would happen here is hard, frightening and almost impossible. It’s necessary to skedaddle out of town – suggestion to go to Everfree forest and kick sleeping hydra’s butt sounds much more prudent than suggestion to hide and wait until the end somewhere in the town.

“I told him to refrain, I begged him, but he didn’t listen!” – whined Fluttershy, - “He even didn’t want to listen!”
“We have nothing to do!” – Twilight said, - “But as long as we have time, we should warn other ponies!”

Fluttershy nodded, and ponies rushed to the town hall. Spike followed them, trying to keep up. Spirit of Chaos could be rehabilitated, but make him to quit joking – it’s of an impossibility. The day when Discord would agree to quit pranking would be the very day when Twilight would say “Go to Tartarus!” to her studies, Pinkie Pie would go to Trottingham University to uphold thesis on cosmogony, Rainbow Dash would openly admit that she is cute and start ask others to do it, Applejack would say to ponyvillers that they can’t even imagine what muck does she use to cultivate her famous apples, Rarity would put on sandals over socks, Fluttershy would arrange gladiatorial combat among her wards, Luna and Celestia would shave off their manes and tails, and remelt their crowns in the flame of the first wild dragon which they’ll meet. But since this won’t happen, prospects are mirthless.

So even more alarmed, they ran to the town hall. Twilight almost crushed the doors, when she broke in.

“What’s going on?” – exclaimed Ivory Scroll, - “Princess Twilight?”
“Missis mayor, we are in great trouble!” – alicorn said panting, - “Immediately call all ponies! An emergensy is brewing!”
“Monstres broke out from Everfree forest?”

Mayor nervously gulped. Worse than monster attack… She shook her head and ordered her assistant to run to the top floor and ring the bell. He nodded and rushed there.

Warning ring spread around the town. Waves of worrying and bothering started to sweep over Ponyville: what trouble has happened now? Quitting ther works and business, ponies left their houses and rushed to town hall.

Soon whole square before the building was filled. Citizens whirred and demanded explanations.

“Quiet! Qiuet!” – Ivory Scroll asked.
“Why you rang?”
“We were attacked?”
“What excatly happened?”
“It was a joke?” – voices came from the crowd.
“Now you all learn the reasons.” – said mayor and gave place near microphone to Twilight, - “Please!”

Alicorn bowed and addressed to gathered:

“Citizens of Ponyville! It wasn’t a joke! You were called because really big trouble will happen soon!”
“So what is it?”
“Discord will arrive here within minutes!”
“Discord, here?”
“Yes!” – shouted Twilight, - “That’s why we called you – to warn.”
“But he was rehabilitated!” – said few ponies.
“Yes, he was. But it doesn’t mean that he stopped to do his pranks. On the contrary – using reputation of rehabilitad one, he would joke even more!”
“He’s on our side now, but he kept his old habits. So, while we have time, go to your homes, and try not to appear on the streets, or hide.
“Hurry! Maybe only minutes are le…”

She didn’t finish, when bright flash flared up behind her. Soon light dispersed, and before dazed ponyvillers Spirit of Chaos appeared. With huge valise, covered with travel stickers like night sky with stars on a clear night.

“Hello, Ponyville!” – he exclaimed and then, having put off his sunglasses, spread in smile, - “You all gathered to greet me? Oh, it’s so lovely!”
“Actually, Fluttershy, Spike and I called everypony to inform about your visit.” – said Twilight.
“Thanks anyway!”
“It’s a bit different things.”
“What do you mean?”
“Listen, Discord, we know why you came here. So we say: we have enough our own jokes.”
“Come on…” – spirit wilted, - “Seriously, why you are acting like this? Am I not allowed to deliver joy to my friends?” – he grabbed his valise and opened it. And from its depth, like from super-big caliber party cannon, burst salvo of confetti, serpentine and sweets. Wave of tinsel covered whole square. All ponies appeared to be strewn.
“You are allowed to deliver joy.” – alicorn answered, whiskig confetti off her mane, - “But all sorts of antics won’t be tolerated!”

Spirit frowned. Then he turned to yellow pegasus:

“Fluttershy, well, maybe you will not allow such a mockery of me?”
“Sorry, but… sometimes you are really overzealous.”
“But Fluttershy!”
“I’m sorry! But it’s true!”

Discord howled:

“Aw come on, folks!”
“I you won’t put everything and everyone upside down, then we won’t have anything against you.” – said Twilight.
“Yes!” – exclaimed Fluttershy, - “If you will really entertain other ponies, then you can stay as long as you like!”
“Seriously?” – Discord surprised a bit.
“Do you really think so?”
“Yes.” – Bearers answerd and looked at the crowd. Few weak consents came from it.
“Oh thanks, thanks!” – exclaimed Discord and hugged Spike and all ponies that were on the porch of town hall.
“You are welcome…” – Fluttershy muffedly squeaked.
“But only if you will abide by the rules.” – spelled Twilight.

Spirit released the ponies.

“So, are you ready to comply with the requirement?” – asked alicorn.
“I swear!” – Discord raised his paw, and at this very moment in one house near the town edge boiler’s valve blew off, and boiler itself, having broken through the ceilings and roof, started like a rocked and flew away to wild blue, having left steam trace. No one was injured.

Taken aback ponies for several seconds watched this steam rocket, then angrily looked at Discord.

“It was an accident!” – exclaimed the spirit.

Few ponies rasied their eyebrows.

“I swear!”
“Really?” – asked Twilight.
“Upon my word of market trader!”
“Okay… You can be free.”

Discord bowed, smiled and left the porch.

Twilight bended to Spike and Fluttershy.

“Keep an eye on him.” – she said.
“We will.” – answered pegasus and dragon and left the town hall.

The question was sovled, so square began to empty – ponies returned to their business. Discord began to look for ponies who wanted to have some fun. Fluttershy and Spike meanwhile agreed: she will join the spirit and accompany him, and he will be sided impartial watcher. They nodded to each other and went in different directions.

Discord got very happy wheh he learned that Fluttershy would be with him – he got first constant spectator and, if it would be necessary, assiatant. Spike in turn hided and began to watch.

At first spirit’s jokes were really good and kind: take a donut from mane of unsuspecting passer, tickle a mare to make her – for her own surprise – sneeze out bouquet of flowers and then gave it to her, make foals laugh, having put on ridiculous costume with magic and so forth. But erelong he started to return to his usual tricks. Only after ten minutes hats of citizens started to flew away, hoofwatches – crawl away like caterpillars, coconut palms – grew up instead of ordunary flowers in pots. Especially Discord liked to fluff ponies up: one simple snap – and svelte mare became shaggy ball.

Fluttershy made him comments, tried to persuade, whished on him, but did something really effective kind pony wasn’t able. Spike looked at this and loured – if it goes on, the agreement will go kaput, and Discord will start to riot.

It’s necessary to prevent this carousing. But what can ordinary little dragon, even armed with wonderful device, do to almighty spirit? Only thought about it made Spike to shudder, but then something flashed in his memory. It’s possible to push on everyone, if you know the weak spots. And Chaos Spirit, in spite of all powers, has lack of perseverance. If Discord won’t succeed in something, he will pass to something completely different. If so, then all what he has to do is to draw few spirit’s jokes against himself.

But it’s one thing to say, and absolutely another – to implement. To interfere spirit’s prank is as safe as to fix a transformer, having absolutely forgotten about sources of protection, and being complete chump. But he has to do it. So Spike sighed, gulped and started to wait for opportune moment.

He got it in twenty minutes. Hiding behind a chimney, litttle dragon noticed that spirit had already chosen his next potential victim – one mare with very beautiful and very long mane. Similar trick he had already done: with single move took off stunned pony’s chevelure like a wig. And now, having such perfect candidate, he will do it for sure. Spike concentrated, and when spirit grabbed pony’s strands, used difficult, but amazing trick what he recently mastered – transformation of objects at distance.

He needed to use almost all his energy and energy of shift-suit, but it was worth it: it was just necessary to see Discord’s dumbfounded face when he instead of getting another wig made Rapunzel from already long-maned pony. Stunned spirit and ponies for several seconds stood without any words and moves, trying to understand what have just happened. Discord appeared to be the first one that came to own senses:

“Oops…” – he spelled.

Then other ponies did the same, spirit quickly fixed everything, and incident was closed. Fluttershy rebuked Discord one more time, but now in notably stern tone. Spirit sighed, spelled: “I understood…” and humbly tromped follow the Bearer.

But, of course, one fail won’t stop Discord. It would be necessary to interfere some more times. But he shouldn’t do it with the next tricks – to create the illusion of randomness, and because he has to replenish his energy resources.

Soon after it happened the thing that spirit himself didn’t even expect: teenager colt approached him and asked to… make a photo. Discord was surprised – and such things didn’t happen to him for very long time – so decided to do this ask immediately. Teenager gave Fluttershy his camera and stood near the spirit. Pegasus was already about to push the button, when Discord stopped her: Spirit of Chaos at ordinary picture? No way! Photo must match the reputation and status! So spirit with his magic created cool sunglasses for himself and teenager, then created big lit firecracker behind himself, and right in the moment of explosion pushed the button. Picture was awesome – just like a scene from cool action movie. But half of the street appeared to be shrouded in smoke.

Little dragon used this circumstance and added soot in the cloud.

Discord, having given the picture to teenager, gladly smiled, but when he received non-verbal reproach from Fluttershy, said “Oops!” and with a wave of his paw dispersed the smoke. The sight what opened to everyone made spirit to drop his jaw second time for today: walls, windows, doors, pot, flowers in them, bushes, streetlights, passers – everything and everyone became incredibly dark. As ponies say, even in the depth of Canterlot catacombs will be lighter. Fluttershy frowned really severely. Discord, seeing this expression and understanding that it means no good, shuddered and gibbered:

“I’m sorry! I’ll fix everything now!”

And fixed. But he remained depressed and puzzled, and started to resent. Spike grinned: the process was started. Few more fails, and job will be done.

Now Discord was in no hurry to create new pranks. He walked near yellow pegasus, was gloomy and muttered from time to time: why his jokes began to fail now? Everything was perfect only few hours before, and there was no preconditions. Having taken a thought, he slowed down. He himself can’t be the reason – he feels perfectly and looked his bet, although he is eleven thousand years old. No, it can’t be. And he will prove it!

Discord started to look around for new victim. And he noticed Trixie, who was returning from the hospital after clearing the matters with her sick-list. Spirit rubbed his paws and unleashed all his magic to unsuspecting pony, wanting to fluff her up.

Because of Spike Trixie got occupational injury, so he had to help her. He made tremendous effort to redirect the magic flow. But shift-suit powers differed greatly from spirit’s. So little dragon couldn’t protect Trixie – charge hit her, and she became spherical. But he was able to reflect some magic, and it returned to the master. As result Discord also increased in volume, but because of elongated shape of the body he began to look like puffed up cat’s tail.

Tic hit spirit’s both shoulders and all his eyelids. How? HOW??? He was in stupor for a half of minute. Then he roused, shook his head, took – relatively – normal look and bended over Trixie:

“How did you do it?” – he exclaimed.

But he got no answer – Trixie was still stunned.

Tic spread on some other parts of body. Not believing that he, greatest prank master in the history, began to fail, he started to looked around feverishly. After few turns his glance stopped on another potted flower. Well, simple transformation would never fail, he surely will do it! Spirit focused and unleashed another powerful magic charge. Spike beat him for a split second, having put all his forces for changing.

When the pot began to shudder, Discord gladly smiled: finally! Now instead of simple geranium an abaca will appear in it. But when the pot cracked… Contents of it shot out upwards and downwards. Loud crackling and rustle spread around the town. In face of shocked spirit and citizens huge tree appeared. Only fifteen seconds – and over Ponyville, just like Pharos over ancient Alexandria, eighty-meter eucalyptus towered.

Discord almosrt fell down. She was shocked so deeply that Fluttershy only with help of other five ponies was able to bring him to life. When they did it, spirit, having lurched, sat down and was silent for a couple of minutes. Then he coughed and said:

“I think I’ll quit for today. It seems that I’m unwell.”

Then he stood up and returned to the town hall. He took his valise, created a hat with his magic and, having removed it a little as a farewell, disappeared in flash. Twilight, Fluttershy and few other ponies that appeared to be near, were very spurprised for a long time: they have never seen Discord being like this.

And after ti Spike returned. For question where he have been all that time, he answered that he hided and, as he needed to remain unnoticeable and watch Discord at the same time, was busy as a bee. Twilight got suprised, but Fluttershy told her about agreement what she entered into with Spike.

After Discord’s departure life in town returned to normal. It was possible to say that the threat has passed.

But attitude which sprirt brought to Ponyville remained – citizens have never before joked so much to each other at All Fool’s Day.

“Well, do you have some progress?” – asked captain.
“Well, we somehow managed to reduce the zone to one hundered and seventy square kilometers, and hyperscan now fails every forty two minutes.” – navigator said.
“It’s already something!”
“But although hyperscan fails became stable, the device breathes its last!”
“Mahmoud, excuse us, but we can’t continue like this!” – sighed socspec.
“Zhao almost run out of swearwords.” – pilot added.
“Really? If so, then situation really is very bad…”
“We need to take a break. And give some rest to our equipment.” – socspec said, - “Or else we all will fail.”
“Well… Okay. I declare three-hour break. After it we’ll fix the hyperscan – and then continue the monitoring. Agree?”
“And tell Zhao about it. Make him happy at least once today!”

The crew answered: “Sure!” Captain nodded to them and returned to his cabin. Slowly, but they began to succeed. Keeping such pace, they will solve this problem in a week. The things aren’t so bad after all…

If You'll Find Some Courage...

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“You can do it, Spike, you can do it! How many times did you imagine this, how many times thought about? Now you only have to do the next step!..”
“Waht are you doing there?” – wondered Twilight from library hall.
“Um… I mentally prepare myself!” – little dragon walked away from the mirror in bathroom and, shivering, answered.
“And what is this terrible thing?”
“It’s not terrible. More likely it’s… difficult. Today I’m going to… Ehm… to run a cross.”
“A cross?”
“Yeah! Several thousand steps over rough terrain would be excellent test for me.”
“Well, something like that… So today I’ll return late.”
“And how exactly late?”
“I think that I will crawl here at nine or even ten o’clock.”
“What? Ten o’clock?”
“Sorry, Twi, I’m not sure that I would be able to return earlier. It would be necessary to take some rest after the scamper.”
“Okay then… Have it your way!”
“Thank you! I promise that I’ll return as soon as possible!”

Spike got down to the hall and thanked Twilight.

“Try to make it so…” – alicorn spelled, - “And good luck!”
“Thanks again!” – answered dragon, hugged pony and, having said goodbye, rushed outside.

“Still Twilight is wonderful pony. I should please her – make her a present for all this, or address to Pinkie and ask her to throw a party.” – Spike thought, - “But now…”

So, he has a lot of free time, it would be enough for several attempts, if he won’t succeed the first time. Therefore, firstly he had to disguise himself. Spike looked around and, having noticed the nearest back alley, sneaked in it. There he activated shift-suit and gave command to start the transformation. He closed his eyes, imagined his new appearance and focused. Soon the process started. It was quiet painful – strange ache throughout whole body – but he already got used to it, and if even he wouldn’t, it was worth it. In three minutes Spike opened his eyes and looked at himself. He became unicorn stallion. He was rather tall and broad-shouldered, had smoke gray coat, malachite-azure mane and tail, eyes of the same colour that the very reason of Nightmare Night celebration had and metal chain picure as cutie mark. To imitate magic would be easy. Perfect. Now the only necessary thing is to find the aim and play the role.

Having sighed, he came out from the alley and went to search. Soon he found that his aim was near.

“Ghrrr… Hpmmffff!.. Oghhh… *incredibly heavy groan* Oh, Rarity, Rarity… What on Earth made you do it?..” – repented white unicorn, - “Enough! I should quit this uncontrolled shopping!.. But now I have to take all this home… If there would be anypony to help…”
“Allow me…” – having heard male voice behind her, she shuddred, and when she turned to see the owner, all bags with bought things were in the air, and some of them moved somewhere backwards.

Rarity turned and saw friendly smiling unicorn. Some her bags he held in the air with his magic, and other part he put on own back.

“Um…” – she faltered, - “Thanks… a lot. A…”
“It’s not necessary.” – stallion answered, - “It’s just not the gentlecolt way not to offer some help to lady with a problem.”
“Ow…” – Rarity diddered a bit.
“So, where should I carry all this?”
“Oh, I beg your pardon! Please, follow me!”

And she led her sudden assiatant.

“Isn’t all this too heavy? I can take several bags!” – fashionist offered, looking at all twenty packs.
“It’s not so heavy, I’m fine.” – unicorn answered, - “To be honest, I even got used to such works.”
“Okay…” – Rarity quietly spelled, but then, having suddenly changed her expression, asked, - “…Well, in that case, may lady hear the name of her savior?”

Stallion smiled:

“Why such solemn term, “savior”? It’s just a little help… And my name is Adamant Chain.”
“I am very pleased. Well, and my name is Rarity.”
“Rarity… Wonderful name. For wonderful mare.”
“Th-thanks…” – her cheelks became rosy.
“I see that…” – Adamant Chain began, looking at bags before him, - “you are… stylist?”
“Almost. I am a fashionist.”
“Oh, pardon me.”
“No, please, it’s not necessary!”
“Well, as you say… Judging by the number of the packs you are very passionate about your work.”
“Oh, yes! It's a passion of my whole life! It’s possible to say that I’m fascinated by this since foalhood.”
“And how successfully?”
“Well… I have already taken part in several fashion shows!..”
“It’s great. My congratulations!”
“…and made few orders for princesses Celestia and Luna!”

Adanamt Chain stumbled.

“Yes. You see, it appeared so that we are… Acquainted, so to say.”
“I see…” – stallion took very respectful expression.
“Please, don’t act like this! I am the same unicorn like evrypony else, just acquainted with princesses. And that’s all!”

Helper only unsurely nodded.

“And what do you do?” – asked Rarity.
“Me? Well…” – Adamant Chain paused a bit, like he still came to his senses after fashionist’s words, - “I am a simple unicorn, from ordinary family. I have a job in my father’s workshop.”
“You are craftspony?”
“Yes. Do different metalworks.”
“O… And, please, one more question: are you a ponyviller?”
“No, I’m from Canterlot.”
“If so, then how did you get here?”
“I’m going to visit my relatives in Seaddle, and Ponyville appeared to be the station where I have to take another train.”
“I see… Oh, we have come!”
“Really?” – stallion surprised a bit, then looked at the house, - “Nice place…”
“Thank you for everything. And now you can put the bags down. I can handle with all the rest.”
“Are you sure?”
“Oh, absolutely. The problem was to bring all these thing here, to sort them won’t be so hard.”
“Okay.” – and he put all bags on the ground.
“Thank you, Mr. Chain.” – said Rarity, - “And… when did you leave?”
“Tomorrow at noon, and what the matter?”
“I just have to thank you for all the help. So… can you come here, today at evening?”
“Come to you? Thanks a lot, but… maybe it would be better to visit other place? A cafe, for example?”
“Oh no, no, no, no, no! You helped me very much, so now I need to thank you. Especially that little sister will be at other place… So, seven o’clock would suit you?”
“Seven? Yes, of course.”
“Good. See you!”
“See you!”

Rarity smiled and began to bring the bought stuff into boutique. Adamant Chain nodded and went to the hotel.

Everything was just perfect! On the first try! Incredible! Spike was absolutely delighted. His head was filled with dreams, and his herat – with feels. He was ready to explode because of energy that overflowed him and at the same time thaw because of realization that dreams began to come true.

He even was ready to soar in the clouds, but with great efforts kept himself from growing wings. He didn’t want to become a precedent.

Spike wandered around the town for a rather long time, waiting for the second meeting, but these hours passed quickly for him. All his thoughts were about upcoming.

He returned to the Earth form dream country, when town hall’s clock struck 18:30. He had to go. Spike visited flower shop, took big beautifil bouquet for Rarity and, having calmed down, rushed to boutique.

Very soon he knocked on the door.

“Yes?” – Rarity’s voice came from inside, and in a monent the door opened.
“It’s for you.” – said Adamat Chain and gave her the bouquet.
“Ow… Thank you, thank you!” – she exclaimed and kissed her guest.

Spike already began to get thrilled.

“Come in!” – said Rarity, and this made masked Spike to come to his sesnes. He nodded and entered.

There eveything was already prepared: table was placed near sofa, and it was set, candles were lit, windows were closed.

Anticipation got stronger and stronger with every second.

“Sit! I’ll return soon.” – said unicorn and went to the kitchen.
“Thank you.” – answered Adamant Chain and sat on the sofa.

Rarity returned soon. With a large platter full of small portions of different snacks and… a bottle of wine and two wineglasses.

View of all this made Spike to dither. He didn’t even suppose that something similar can happen. And it’s the first time in his whole life. But he sought to it, so he won’t even give a sign.

“Please.” – said Rarity, putting the platter on the table.

Adamant Chain thanked her and said that he will open the bottle himself. Mare, having smiled, gave him it with her magic. Few seconds of trim magic imitation, and cork was on the prepared saucer, and wineglasses were filled with sparkling red drink. Ponies took them and, having looked at each other, said:

“For our meeting!”

And drank the wine in small sips.

Conversation soon started by itself.

“So, how are they?” – impatiently asked Rarity.
“Well…” – said Adamant Chain, having eaten another canape, - “They are tasty!”
“Say honestly! I want to know! Cooking isn’t my forte, but I want to make it better, so tell me the truth.”
“Honestly, it’s very tasty! Really! But not enough…”
“Oohhh… You, stallions, are all the same!”
“I’m sorry! But the thing is that I have never been on really scale secular events! And in restaurants I was only for a couple of times…”
“You nerer have been on them?”
“It’s just happened so. Craftsponies rarely appear to be in the guest lists of such events.”
“This must be changed! I'll take care of it.”
“Um… Thanks.”
“You are always welcome.”
“Fnd, by the way, you said that your sister is somewhere else, then where are…”
“Our parents?” – Rarity interrupted him, - “They are living at other place. I live with my sister here.”
“I see… And, by chance, that white-coated filly with curled purple mane is your sister, right?”
“Yes, it’s she.”
“I saw her today when I was wandering around the town. Very cute foal! Real little light of joy and happiness.”
“Yes, that’s our Sweetie… Though this little light sometimes is rather hyperactive and importunate.”

Adamant Chain laughed. Rarity looked at him with surprise.

“You see…” – he began, - “I have almost the same situation. But age difference is less, and I have two sisters.”

Compassion appeared on her face.

“No… It isn’t so bad! As a “gang” we are united. And now they are in Trottingham, studying.”

Fashoinist smiled:

“Adamant, you are very kind pony.”

Guest got confused, but showed gratefulness with his expression.

“And…” – Rarity meanwhile continued, - “…how’s life treating you?”
“Ehm… Well…” – Adamant Chain stumbled, - “Not very active.”
“Um, what?”
“Ain’t got nobody.”
“Nobody?.. Well… and have you ever had?”
“Just a weak infatuation, that’s all.”
“Yes. A…” – he finally realized where it all leads and turned to her.

There were no need in verbal answer – her half-closed eyes and dreamy glance spoke for themselves.

“Um… R-Rarity?” – he muttered.
“Such ones shouldn’t be alone.” – she said.
“I-I und-d-der-r… It’s w-wonderful, but… It’s… surprisingly… So… quickly…”
“If there are feelings, time have no importance… And now allow me…”

Under the light of full Moon, when clock were ready to strike 23:30, Spike, staggering and, because of this, walked around the obstacles that he met in darkness with efforts, returned home with frozen expression of ambiguity. He insensibly entered the library, which had been dark for a long time already, rushed upwards and fell in his bed.

How to feel about this he didn’t know.

“Cap’n we got some reults!” – exclaimed socspec.
“And what is it?” – he wondered.
“We detected almost exact place.” – navigator reported and showed image of surface area, - “The host is in this settlement.”
“Excellent! You reduced the area in twelve times! My congra… Wait, how did you do it?”
“Well, we managed to register powerful and rather long signal from shift-suit. Only thanks to this. As there were no such events before.”
“They didn’t happen? Then what could cause it now?”
“As far as I remember…” – socspec began, - “Kniyrhe said that such bursts of activity can happen when host feels strong emotions. And it seems so that our one got enough of them.”
“I see…” – captain spelled, - “Well, now the only thing to do is to find this host among the locals… and, by the way, how many locals are there?”
“About six thousands, according to the first estimates.” – navigator answered.
“Hmm… Not so many. We’ll be able to hadle it in a couple of days.”
“Yes, sir. Especially since now we began to get markers.”
“Wonderful. Guys, keep up the good work!”

Not the Most Pleasant Evening

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“Hooray!!! Hooray!!! HOORAY!!!”
“Twilight, what happened?” – Spike asked and, having got out from chamber, saw happy alicorn that scampered around the library hall.
“They are arriving here! They are arriving!!!” – she exclaimed.
“Who’s arriving?”
“Shining Armor and Cadance! They will be in Canterlot this evening, and now they sent me an invitation letter! They wrote that they would be very happy to see me!”
“Wow, it’s great!”
“Yes!.. Oh, listen, maybe you can go there together with me?”
“Yeah. Aren’t you happy to see Shining and Cadance?”
“I’m very happy. To be honest, I even don’t remember exactly whan I saw them the last time…”
“Then why you reacted like this?”
“It’s just the offer was sudden… rather sudden.”
“Oh, okay then.”
“So, when we need to start the preparations?”

Twilight looked at wall clock:

“You know, we have to start them already.”

Little dragon nodded, and librarians entered upon.

In five hours train took them to Canterlot. And in thirty minutes after this they were in the castle and looked for guests and princesses.

“What do you think, where they may be?” – Spike asked.
“In lounge or in cabinet.” – Twilight answered, - “The question is which room did they occupy…”

After this they walked about a minute, untill they got to the gallery that connected two largest towers of the palace. There were several doors in it, and near one of them an old councillor sat.

“Found it!” – alicorn exclamed and together with assistant approached old pony and asked him to let them in.
“Pardon me, princess Twilight and Spike, but princesses Celestia, Luna and Cadance and prince Shining Armor asked to not disturb them a while.” – councillor answered, - “I understand that you are wanting to make a pleasant surprise, but now they are having very important business conversation. Wait for twenty or twenty five minutes, please. In such term they should finish it.”
“If so, then okay. Thank you very much!” – answered pony and dragon and went away.

To pass the time they decided to walk through the castle.

“I just can’t wait to see them!” – Twilight said.
“Yep, the last meeteing was a long time ago.” – Spike agreed, - “Princesses Celestia and Luna will organize whole little holiday in honor of this!”
“That’s not the word! Oh, I want to tell them so much, and we have only few hours…”

Twilight was already about to list what she’s going to tell, when librarians heard a conversation between two guards:

“And what the hay we have to do with this?”
“Yeah, for some ponies holidays really come sooner than for everypony else.”
“Is he alive at all?”
“Alive, nothing would happen to him… He’s just got titrated.”
“Titrated? Dammit, he got overtitrated, and at least twice!”
“You may be right. But enough of this. We need to take him out of here.”

Surprised and still trying to understand whole point of the words what they heard, pony and dragon rushed there, and soon were at the necessary corridor. There were two guards – one from Luna’s subdivision, – and a body between them. The body was cladded in armor, showed almost no signs of life, and reek of alcohol what it spread seemed to be able to serve as weapon of mass destruction.

“What is going on here?” – exclaimed Twilight.
“P-p-prin-ncess?” – guard from regular subdivision got confused, - “Well… um… How to say it better…”
“A little incident has happened.” – blurted Night Princess’ guard.

Alicorn looked at the body.

“You see…” – began guard in golden armor, - “He was ordered to watch the kitchens and cellars. Now these preparation has started and… he gave up the slack, in short.”
“Sugh things are very, very rare, but they occur sometimes.” – added another soldier.
“Well, then take him… to some dry, dark and cool place.” – alicorn said.
“Will do!”
“Then one more question: “titrate”? Why?”
“You see, Your Highness, it’s… a local slang, if it’s possible to say so.” – answered guard from regular subdivision, - “This phrase is used among guards since ancient times, when alchemists worked in the palace. As ponies say, when they wanted to drink a mug of cider instead of work, they said that they “are going to titrate”. And that’s the origin.”
“I s…” – Twilight began, but then her expression abruptly changed, - “Oh, brotherrrrr…” – after it she quickly returned to normal, - “Thank you, sirs. Good bye.”
“Your Highness…” – soldiers bowed.

Librarians went away, and guards began to drag their fallen pal to chambers. Spike began to mentally feel for Shining Armor.

When they returned, princesses and guests finished their conversation and left the room. Rapturous Twilight, having seen her brother and Cadance, literally jumped on them, and with this almost knocked them down. Luna with Celestia managed to move away from Twilight’s trajectory, so weren’t injured.

Seeing smiling ponies and little dragon, rejoicing the meeting, rulers of Equestria looked at each other and said:

“Well, in that case we’ll leave you alone. We will wait for you at the banquet in two hours!”
“Thank you! We will be there!” – answered ponies with dragon.

Royal sisters sedately nodded and went away. And Twilight, Spike, Cadance and Shining Armor actively began to share their experiences and exchange news. For their surprise, those two hours were enough for them – and all the remained stuff could be discussed during the banquet. They all were glad, except Shining Armor – he was shocked for a long time after the moment when his little sister boxed his ear without, at first sight, any reason at all. But soon he learned that she had reason for this, but she didn’t tell it, although he even begged her. Twilight only whispered it to surprised Cadance. Princess of love, having heard it, nodded with consent.

It would have remained a mystery to despaired Shining Armor, if Spike didn’t interfere. He explained everything in very brief and gentle form. Unicorn understood everything and forgave his sister. And Spike since that moment became one of his best friends.

Soon the invitation was brought to them, and ponies with dragon went to the banquet hall. When they arrived, all other were already there. As it appeared, it was small, quiet modest, but pleasant dinner: princesses and prince, their good friends as guests and some attendants – about thirty ponies in total.

The last incomers greeted everypony and took the places in front of princesses Celestia and Luna, which were prepared for them. The table was already set, so it was poossible to pass to the main act. Spike was about to take the first snack, when rulers of Crystal Empire stopped him.

“Spike, wait!” – Shining Armor exclaimed.
“Yes?” – little dragon turned to them.
“We suposed that you would come, Spike,” – Cadance began, - “so we prepared something special for you.”

She nodded to nearest waiter, he slightly bowed, left the hall and soon returned with big tray, covered with lid. He put the dish in front of dragon and took away the lid with his magic.

It was one of the most beautiful things that Spike had ever seen: whole composition, made from different gems – rubies, sapphires, diamonds, emeralds, topaz, turquoise, lapis lazuri, opals… and all this under sparkling sprinkles. He even let a tear. To eat this magnificence was ashamed.

“We know how you like them, so brought a little present!” – said Cadance.
“It’s just great!” – exclaimed Spike, - “Thank you! Thank you!!!”

And,having jumped down from the chair, he ran to princess and prince and hugged them.

After this banquet went as planned. Gathered began to reduce amout of food, gradually eating less and less and passing to the conversations. Spike wasn’t an exeption – except that he, unlikely many other, left empty plate after the eating. “Crystal plate” appeared to be not only beatiful, but also incredibly tasty.

It would seem that there were no signs of trouble, but it brewed, and it was very serious. The reason of this problem was the regularity that habitats have the strongest influence on organisms that live in them, especially if you are speaking about planetary scales. In particular now the most important fact was that native world of shift-suit inventors, Kniyrokh, is poor in such element as sulphur. Life on Kniyrokh had carbon base, but was able to perfectly adapt to the lack of yellow non-metal – in the compounds where all other beings used it, it was just replaced with other similar elements. So, because of this for all species that originated from the planet sulphur was rather harmful substance. It wasn’t a poison for them – more likely it was a pathogen, that cause negative consequences when the limit of concentration appears to be exceeded. Like selenium for people and ponies. Kniyrhe made shift-suit primarily for themselves, so devices remained to be tuned to their biological characteristics. And the sprinkles what was used for “crystal plate” decoration was pure chalcopyrite. That means compound of iron, copper and sulphur. Ususlly Spike would digest this without any consequences, but now there was shift-suit in him, and after the meal sulphur level in his organism increased five-fold. Nanites had to made great efforts to adapt to host’s sulphur level, but at the moment, when concentration had been grown rapidly, because of frequent contacts with molecules just began to act up.

At first there were no signs of this, but then critical mass was reached, and the mad things began to happen…

Spike listened to the conversation between Twilight and Luna with Celestia when he felt that something went wrong in his stomach. But had no time to realize what exaclty happened with him… As result stentorian rumbling spread throughout the hall. All gathered turned to little dragon. He started to get redder.

“Are you all right, Spike?” – worried Twilight.
“M-me? Why, yes!” – dragon answered, - “It’s just because I ate rather big amount of gems. I think…”

“Well, okay then…”

Junior librarian was ready to nod, when his organism kicked over the traces again. But now the problem was much more serious: his flames began to break free. Firework at the festive event is always good, but only if this event isn’t held inside a building. If you do it inside, you can just stand up and get down to the dungeon. So he had to hold the flame. But it’s necessary to put the charge somewhere, and he won’t be able to suffer even for thirty seconds.

Feverishly looking for the way out, he didn’t find anything beter than to take silver teaspoon from own cup and… put it in own mouth when no one sees. There flames found the application and melted the teaspoon. Spike was very glad, but his appearance didn’t match with his mood.

“Spike, are you sure that you are all right?” – Twilight asked again.
“It’s just because of I didn’t get used to…” – little fragon muttered with watery eyes and letting out hardly noticeable trikles of smoke from his nose, ears and mouth.

Twilight with expression that said “if you say so…” continued the conversation. And Spike, having waited a little, when all other returned to their business, took the cup and quickly spat out the melt in it. Cup covered with cracks inside, but as metal hardened very quickly, there were no damages on the outer side. Spike sighed and put the cup back.

After this his rioting organism took a break, but then it continued and decided to pass to motor tics. Left dragon’s paw began to clench and unclench uncontrollably, striving to grab someting. Before gathered looked at him, he grabbed his now independent paw and began to hold it under the table.

At first he was able to do it, but tic slowly became stronger and stronger. His paw shuddered, and because of this whole his body shuddered. Soon he hardly managed to hold his paw, and terrible thing had happened: the paw broke free. And grabbed the first thing what it met on its way. To his dismay, he found that this first thing appeared to be Twilight’s tail. He closed his eyes and prepared to hear a lot of outrages, but… nothing happened. Twilight was so fascinated by the conversation between her brother and other princesses that paid no attention to it. Rioting paw squeezed pony’s tail for a minute, then tic suddenly disappeared. Twilight showed no reaction. It remained unnoticed, so Soike breathed with relief.

But it was only the beginning. After tic other trouble occured: he felt stong headache. It seemed to little dragon that his head became cast-iron, and then something hit it like a huge bell. All what he saw became blurred, and all the sounds that filled the hall became just irritating noise.

Hardly managing to sit up straight, Spike made an effort and tried to focus. He looked at the plates what remained empty after the moment, when dish from Crystal Empire was brought to him. And right in his face one plate rolled up into a tube. Pottery! Into a tube!

He was so shocked that came to senses and began to thing as quickly as it was possibe despite his state. He looked around. All ponies were busy with their own conversations and paid no atention to him. He grabed the plate and hided it under the table. But then he realized that he won’t be able to hide it till the end of the banquet. Looking for ways out, he thought about several variants, but only one of them seemed to be reliable to him. So when no one looked, Spike ate the ceramic tube.

It was unbearable. To restrain these impusles became harder and harder with every minute. Little dragon for the umpteenth time asked Higher Powers of the Universe to help him and stop this torture. But instead of freedom only new excruciations waited for him.

This time his digestive system mutinied. But now he wasn’t able to supperess it…

Princess Luna, to numerous requests from guests and especially from her sister was telling about her already legendary searches for samples for herbarium in the forest. In the Everfree Forest

“…I don’t know what came over me then and why I decided to dot his, but now it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that it happened. So, then, I'm walking through the forest, being absolutely confident. I have already mastered magic, have already mastered flying, so there is nothing to fear. No matter that I still had a lot to learn – I knew how to do it, and that’s the main. So I without any worrying walked further into the forest. Soon I found silver maple. Great start to my collection! So I stopped, took a book from my saddlebag and with magic placed the leaf between pages. Then I put it back and continued my walk. Then was red oak, then – chestnut, then – hazel, then – tulip tree… My herbarium was getting bigger and bigger. I saw timberwolves’ pawpints on my way, glowing eyes stared at me from bushes and treetops, owls already began to fly, and I’m alone in the dusk on the ground. But nothing from it scares me! I’m bold, I’m skillful! So I went further. But the track gradually became narrower, and fallen leaves began to hide it. I started to look around, but rarely and only because I didn’t want to step on sharp stone. To leaves and sticks I paid no attention. I continued my walk. It became really dark. And then I stepped on very dry stick. It was absolutely silent for a moment, but after it… He appeared. The Guardin of the Forest. Even Celestia now is four times lower than average Guardian, then what to talk about me and then… So, he stood up, stared at me with evil eyes and roared. That sound was terrifying. It was like…”

And at this very moment whole hall shuddered because of thunderous growl that made everypony to shiver.

“…well, something like that.” – Luna continued imperturbably, - “Thanks, Spike!”
“Y-you are w-w-welcome…” – muttered little dragon.

For his luck no one guessed that in fact it was burping.

Princess continued her story, and dragon grabbed own head. How fool you sould be if fortune favors you like this?.. But it was not up to joy: first salvo appeared to be insufficient, so the second one already started to brew. But it was much weaker, so Spike managed to let it out insensibly. Gases rushed upwars, and little dragon breathed easily.

But Luna’s tale was interrupted again with another wild scream. But not from Spike – from one minister, which found big dead spider in her plate. Poor arthropod, having breathed “dragon’s exhaust”, didn’t withstand and went to the hereafter. And as it now couldn’t cling to the ceiling, it fell down. And, as appeared later, right to the plate of venerable pony.

The incident soon was over, and this occasion joined collection of Canterlot after-dinner stories. After some time Luna finished her story, guests finished to laugh and divided into small groups again.

Spike felt that chair under him began to burn. One more such occasion – and he will sink into the ground with shame.

But it still happened.

Despaired dragon suddenly felt that motor tics returned – his legs and tail wanted to dance something cool and dashing. “That’s going too far…” – Spike quietly growled, - “To dance a cucaracha in face of others…” He tried to control himself, to not let this happen, but didn’t succeed – impulses were stronger. To preserve the decency, there was only one way out.

“Excuse me, please, but can I go out?” – asked little dragon.

Ponies got surprised, but allowed him to do this. Spike nodded and quickly rushed away from the hall.

He realized that only reason of these events was stuff that he ate. So, when he finally got to restroom, he had to drink several liters of water to make himself a lavage. He didn’t come out for an hour. It felt like his body was minced again and again, but troubles ended when the organism was cleansed. Only necessary thing to do was to clean the mess: after all the procedures ceramic throne was completely melted. It would be easy to guess the very reason of this, so he crushed the rests of household ceramics and flushed the crumb away in the remained samples. The pipes he just sealed with powerful mind command. Only then he returned to the hall.

The banquet mewanwhile already finished, and guest began to went away. Worrying ponies met Spike and aked him what happened to him. Little dragon answered that he ate too much gems at one time, so his organism just couldn’t digest all of them, and now he learned that overeating is really bad thing for sure. Ponies got calm, smiled and hugged him.

The time to say goodbye had come. Cadance and Shining Armor will remail in the palace and leave in the morning, but the last train to Ponyville will leave soon. So Twilight and Spike said to everypony “See you!” and rushed to the station.

Soon they were on the road. Only then Spike really and finally sighed with relief: that nightmare ended.

“Dang it!”
“What the matter?”
“Our host moved to other settlement, to other akiras.”
“Why do you think so?”
“Ugh… Look! The signal just disappeared! It seems that it got suppressed completely.”
“Really? Well, if so, then it’s a problem…”
“And how we are supposed to work now?”
“Dude, chill out! Wait for several hours. It may appear again. Maybe host just went there for a visit?..”
“Okay, I’ll believe you…”

After seven hours:

“You were right, pal.”
“Of course I was!”
“Don’t walk tall! And, by the way, one more thing: we got almost all the markers.”
“Really? Excellent! Soon we’ll detect the exact one!”
“Yeah, soon…”

Mission: Impossible... Or Not?

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Noise from library hall caused Spike to wake up. He put away comic book from his face, stood up and went down to the first floor. There was Twilight, which leafed through seven books at the same time.

“What’s happening?” – asked dragon.
“Spike?” – she surprised, - “I’m sorry that I made you get out of bed. I just can’t find “The Luminary”, that old folio about powerful spells.”
“Oh… And did you look for it everywhere?”
“Yes. It wasn’t in the place where it should be, and where I or you could put it I’ll never know. Oh… If so, them I have to go to Canterlot tomorrow. Because today I have a lot of work that I need to do.”

She sighed and lowerd her head. Spike just compassionately nodded and went back to the second floor.

When he was ready to get in his bed again, he suddenly remembered and shuddered: Twilight can’t find “The Luminary” because that tome isn’t from here, it’s from Canterlot library, and it was returned five months ago. Alarmed little dragon was about to run downwards and tell alicorn about it, but stopped himself. No, he would do it differently: he himself will visit the capital and take the book! It will become that present to Twilight about which he thought and wanted to make. She will have no need in wasting her time and strength for it, and will be able to continue her works. She will be so glad!..

It was wonderful idea, but it may be problematic: he also can appear to be as busy as Twilight. He needed to learn more about it. He got down again and asked pony:

“Twi, is there any requests for me?”
“Hmm… No.” – answered alicorn, - “And why are you asking?”
“It’s just… Applejack asked me to help her with easy, but continuous task.” – he lied.
“Well then, you can go. But tell me, please, when you will come back.”
“Well, it will take a lot of time, so… I can return only tomorrow.”
“Yes, but, please, Twilight, don’t worry! I’ll be fine! You know me and know Applejack. I will help her, and if something will happen, take a nap at her place and tomorrow return here!”
“If so… okay then. And good luck!”
“Thanks! You’re the best!” – exclaimed Spike, hugged her, ran to the second floor, took few bits from moneybox and his cards and, having put them into a small bag, rushed outside.

In half of an hour he took train to Canterlot. “So, it’s ten o’clock.” – Spike thought, - “Then I’ll be there in three. I won’t have so much time, so I need to rush to the Star Swirl wing. As I remember, there are almost no queues in it, so I will get the book quickly. Then I will run to the station, and approximately at nine o’clock return to Ponyville. Twilight will resent, but I’ll explain the matter, and everything will be fine…”

He arrived in Canterlot in enlivened mood at the calculated time. Only having left the station, he rushed to the library. Soon he approached the entrance to its necessary wing – Canterlot library is huge, so every its wing has own entrance. He was about to open the door and ask the librarian, but… When he came closer, he saw an advertisement, which said that library administration apologizes for the inconvenience, as yesterday the wing was closed was closed for a week due to the replacement of wiring. This text was like a punch in the stomach. His plan failed. He was ready to roar out of desperation, but in the closing seconds found willpower to resist this impulse. And then he took a thought. No… It’s not the end. He still has possibilities to get the book! But the things that he has to do for it he didn’t like.

He together with Twilight and Pinkie Pie sneaked into this wing once, and this attempt was quite successful. Now he has incredibly powerful device, so he will be able to do it alone. The new plan is next: for avoiding any suspicions he will take another appearance, enter the main library hall, wait there till the end of workday, then, when all other will start to leave, he will hide in some chamber, then just turn invisibility on and, when gurads and cleanrs will finish their work, calmly take the book. After it he just will leave the library, take normal look and return to Ponyville by the first train. So Spike hided in some back alley near the palace and there gave mentls command to begin the change. Several minutes – and he was sandy yellow earth pony with brown mane and tail, green eyes and wine as cutie mark. He wore simple jacket and glasses. Usual intellectual. Little change of library card, and he will be ready.

When he entered the hall, he thought: maybe, he would be able to find “The Luminary” among the books that exhibited there? Then he won’t do anything wrongful! But he already changed his look, so it’s useless now to return to nornal. And, honestly, it’s not necessary. So Spike politely refused the offered assistance and began to search among the rows of bookshelves.

There were really a lot of book about magic and spells. Hundreds and even thousands tomes, that were published in small circulations, but all of them had been focused on wide range of readers. Specialized books, like “The Luminary”, were rare there. And that meant only one thing: the book stored in the closed wing.

But library will be closed only in two hours. So he had to play the seeking reader. And, maybe, he will get lucky.

Spike examined, probably, three hundredth shelf, when he heard beautiful voice behind him:

“You are looking for something special?”

He slowly turned and saw that his guess was right: it was voice of princess Luna. Such events aren’t rare – princesses frequented the parts of the palace that were opened for public visits to talk to ordinary ponies and learn about the situation firsthoof. And, speaking about the library, they can spend here whole their day.

“Um… Y-yes, Your Highness.” – Spike lost his courage, but answered.
“Pardon me, but it’s just unusual to see earth pony diligently looking through magic tomes.” – princess said.
“Oh, this… Your Highness, I do it not for myself, but for my good friend. She is a practicing magician, and she now needed one rare folio. So I decided to make her a little present and bring it to her.”
“Ow, that’s what… And what is the name of the needed book?”
“The Luminaty”, Your Highness.”
“Hmm… You know, they aren’t stored in here. All copies are in Star Swirl the Bearded wing.”
“I see…” – Spike sighed, - “As I feared… Oh, excuse me, but can I order this book from here?”
“Well… It’s possible, but it’s rather long procedure, and it costs a lot – about eighty bits, as far as I remember.”
“Well, it seems so that I have to return here tomorrow”.

Luna surprised a bit:

“And you are ready to do all this for your friend, mister?..”
“Grenn Wine, Your Highness. Yes, I am. We know each other since foalhood, and she is wonderful pony. In order to make her happy, I'm ready.”

Alicorn smiled and… hugged her interlocutor with own wing. Spike, after that incident with Rarity, because of such sudden act from princess almost fainted.

“We liked thee, Green Wine. Kind, responsive, tender, caring… You also are wonderful. Good luck to you!” – alicorn winked and, having smiled one more time, folded her wing and went away.

In ten minutes spike came to his senses, his legs stopped to tremble, and he sat down at the nearest table.

He sat like this till the moment when librarian said that reading-rooms will be closed in five minutes. Spike, having heard it, stood up and together with other few remained visitors rushed to the exit. But he was walinkg near walls, so when he saw the way to side corridor, he whidded into it. No one noticed it – other ponies after several hours of reading were slack. There masked dragon hided in the chamber of temporary storage of decommissioned equipment. He had to wait another three hours, till the moment when guards would finish the evening check, and janitors clean the halls.

Three hours passed. All things were set in their places, and guards made sure that there were no suspicious or overworked individuals in the rooms. So Spike, having prepared the bag and made himself transparent as pure glass, changed his hooves a bit to make the steps inaudible, and when the last guard left the hall, got out from the store.

So, he is invisible and inaudible now. It’s possible to start the quest.

Walking through the corridors, he slowly approached the necessary wing. Rooms and corridors were empty, the path was well lit through big windows by moonlight – it seemed that it would be easy to get there, but…

When he underwent third part of the way, Spike almost ran into small group of guards: he approached another turn, when they appeared from around the corner. Dragon shuddered. At first he froze, but then, having remembered that his camouflage always was qiute good, calmed himself and decided to go forward slowly. Spike insensibly sighed and began to slink, like cat that approaches sleeping mouse. Ten steps were left, five, two… His heart pounded, and he covered with sweat. One more step – and they were at the same level!.. Spike froze again. And guards noticed nothing and quietly stomped further. When they got out of sight, little dragon breathed easily. That was close, but no one noticed him! His camouflage was really incredible.

It gave him confidence, and he boldly strode forward. Now Spike didn’t slow down when he saw guards, and just came closer to walls. Insomniac councillor also didn’t notice him because his senses were dulled. When he was already near, Spike grew bolder and became inpudent, so, using own imperceptibility, began to parody guard’s walk, and in front of keeper of the repository of rare books almost danced a jig.

In short, he reached the wing without any problems. But it was necessary to get on the other side of the door, and it was firmly closed. Teleportation will be problematic – he has to become visible again to do it, and burst of energy will be so big that only unalive will not notice it. He needed another way. So, having thought: “Nightmare Moon surely would be proud!..” Spike gave mental command, became gas cloud and through thin gaps entered the room.

When he materialized again, he looked around. Everywhere were traces of repair: furniture covered with cellophane, there were several toolboxes on the floor, and walls were holed. But the hall was absolutely empty. Little dragon, trying to remember the location of the books there, started the searches.

Soon he succeeded: he lifted another sheet and saw four tomes of “The Luminary”, standing near each other. Spike smiled, took one book and put in in his bag.

Then, using the same trick, he left the wing – he had to made greater effort now, as he needed to transform the book, but it wasn’t so bad. When he got out and became material, but invisible again, dragon looked around and, having made sure that there were no one near, rushed away.

Only one thing remained – to get out of here.

One Wrong Step

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Spike wanted to leave the castle using the same path, but one problem appeared: guards gathered in one corridor, near the middle of the way out. There were only eight stallions, but dragon had to walk on the ceiling if he wanted to remain unnoticed. He didn’t want to waste his energy, so he chose the most simple way – to reach the exit using other corridors.

There were almost no patrols in them – only four soldiers, which were several hundred steps away from each other. Do not face them seemed to be the easiets task. But if there are only few guards, it doesn’t mean that watching will be less vigilant: among those four was, probably, the most particular guard in all divisions – Superior Sense. He wasn’t very good in training battles, but while on patrol he could easily replace whole brigade. Practice and training in Europonia and Eastern Kingdoms made his already well-developed senses even more susceptible. He was real live sensor, and he was able to compensate flaws of one sense organ with features of other. For example, during night watches, when he walked down dark corridors, he, unlike his friends, tried to hear, smell and feel the movement.

Spike didn’t know about this, so slowly walked as he usually did it. Superior Sense couldn’t see him, but he was able to feel. Wary guard felt weak vibration, and determined that its source was near. Judging by the characteristics of the waves, the source was rather big, and it moved – it looked just like a pony was walking near him. But he couldn’t see and hear anything. If so, then this one uses powerful magic, and he found a serious problem. But he isn’t so strong, he can’t deal with magician alone. He needs help.

And Superior Sense shouted.

He was found. There were no doubts: the only reason why this guard shouted was that he somehow detected him. Guards from all other corridors began to come running. Spike got frightened and ran away.

“What’s happening?” – exclaimed the first appeared soldier.
“There is a magician that uses invisibility spell in the castle!” – screamed Superior Sense and ran, - “We need to catch him! Run!”

Guard nodded and rushed follow him. Soon twelve other soldiers joined them. Spike looked back and shuddered: fourteen unicorns chased him! He won’t be able to hadle with all them, he have to scoot.

He accelerated, but didn’t break away: guards were trained and could run for a long time. And their loud clatter ponies could hear all over the castle. Spike did his best, used all powers of the device, but got no results – it took a lot of energy to be invisible and very fast at the same time. The distance didn’t change. Guards soon relaized that they won’t succeed if they will continue like this, so decided to use the hard way: they began to try to hit the runaway with magic blasts.

It was incredibly risky: their aim was invisible, and it’s very difficult to detect things exactly using only sounds. So blasts hit everything: they burned holes in carpets and singed the walls, broke windows and doors, damaged the paintings and split decorative ceramics. The noise was so loud that it made all other ponies get out of bed – from other guards till princesses. All ponies worried and wanted to know what is happening, so they rushed to the source of sounds.

When the fire was started, Spike, if he was visible, would became even more pale than sheet. But several little explosions that happened near him caused unexpected stimulating effect: he remembered that he’s able to teleportation now. Having cheered, he concentrated, but then one blast hit his neck. It was a miracle that he didn’t lose consciousness and didn’t fall down. But the salvo did its part: shift-suit was damaged. Spike lost almost all his energy and became visible – his silhouette that seemed to be made of smog was noticeable now.

Guards, having seen this, froze: blasts shouldn’t cause such reaction! They should neutralize the spell, but this… The thing what was before them now was manifestation of incredibly powerful magic, or wasn’t magic at all.

Spike, using this moment of confusion, ran away. Now, when he was weakened, he needed to gain some time. Fortunately, he got the possibility soon: having push away shocked keeper, dragon slammed himself into the repository of rare books.

Soon all guards-chased and about fifty other ponies, including princesses, were near the heavy door of repositary:

“Who gave the alarm?” – asked princess of the day.
“What is going on?” – exclaimed princess of the night.
“Intrusion, Your Highnesses.” – reported the senior officer, - “It’s a magician that uses powerful invisibility spell.”
“Hiding magician?”
“He is in this repositary?” – asked councillor.
“Yes.” – guards answered.
“Is he locked there?” – asked three shivering maids.
“Yes. This repository protected by special spell that doesn’t allow any teleportations, and it has no windows. This door is the only way in and out.”
“Will break?” – asked few guards.
“Wait!” – answered commander, - “This magician can do a lot of harm to us if we break in. We have to act differently: open this door slowly, and then we’ll send small group. If he will resist, we will move on.”

Other guards nodded and beagn to open the massive door.

Meanwhile Spike feverishly looked for way out. He felt that this repository was protected by spells, and he hasn’t enough energy even for small fight. Ideas zipped in his mind, but then, absolutely suddenly, he remebered one sci-fi story that he read few months ago – “Who Goes There?” It was about dreadful creature that terrorized one polar station and was able to take any possible appearance, but it wasn’t a changeling – comparing with that being changelings are noble creatures. Spike was dawned on: that’s it! He has to transform himself into a creature that will be able to break through. He imagined the figure and gave the order to shift-suit. He almost finished, when guards began to open the repository.

Black hole appeared before ponies. Darkness in it was so deep that made some ones to shudder. Guards looked at it, gulped and hesitantly stepped in. But only they entered…

Scary shadow jumped from the doorway to ceiling. Entering guards were knocked down. But other soldiers and princesses didn’t panic and lit the corridor with their magic.

The thing that appeared from the darkness made fifteen ponies to faint, and other to freeze with fear: the most terrible creature that they all, even princesses, saw in their lives – it had mutilated body that only remotely resembled a pony, with dozen of limbs, among which were ones with hooves and ones with clawed fingers, without ears, without eyes – there were only black pits instead of them – with wolf jaw, bald-pated. While ponies trembled, creature took the bag and… put it in its another mouth that appeared on its stomach. Some servants vomited. And beast, having shouted, dived into the dark.

Princesses and guards roused and rushed to catch it. Soldiers ran, alicorns flew up. And they all prepared to unleash their powers to smote the montser.

Dragon realized that he won’t be able to run away from every pony. Only chance was to do something really desperate.

The creature, clinging with its claws to ceiling, sharply accelerated, then jumped and… having broken the nearest window, swept above few small roofs and disappeared in the gloom.

Overwhelmed ponies stopped in few inches from the broken window. They weren’t able to say even a word and only looked at darkness. Only in several minutes they began to come to their senses.

In the morning Spike, rumpled and tired, returned to Ponyville. He approached the library and knocked on the door. Twilight got surprised, as her assistant promised that he will return full of energy, and when he presented her “The Luminary” tome, just was struck dumb. Little dragon explained everything: he said that he knowingly went to Canterlot to take the book, but because he missed the train, he had to wait for the next one. Pony came to her senses only after few minutes, and when she did it, she firstly keelhauled him, but then thanked her assistant.


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“Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and prince Shinig Armor will arrive in two hours, as you asked, Your Highnesses.”
“Good. Did you find what was stolen?”
“Yes, one tome of “The Luminary”.”
“Well, and what about traces? Do you have any results?”
“Then report.”
“Well, we all saw how this monster jumped out the window. But there is a mile high steep slope. Thought it was – as we suppose – a magician, but if you are falling from such height… We expected to find only a body, but, as appeared, our runaway successfully landed.”
“Yes. It seems so that he even wasn’t injured. So we immediately began to look for other traces. Soon we found them. And they are leadinng to Ponyville.”
“Hmm… Interesting… I think that in this case we should visit it.”
“Are you sure, Your Highnesses?”
“Yes, sir. We think that with help of princess Twilight we will solve this mystery quickly.”
“And what about princess and prince of…”
“Call them and tell to go to Ponyville. They have a radio on their train.”
“As you wish. Your chariot will be ready in twenty minutes.”
“Thank you.”

“Yes!” – Augusto exclaimed, - “We found it! We found it!!!”
“Really?” – Zhao and Josiah couldn’t believe that they finally got lucky.
“You detected it exactly?” – asked Mahmoud.
“Yes.” – navigator answered, - “We established a bond with only one living being. It’s definitely the host!”
“Then what we are waiting for?” – exclaimed Max.
“Yeah!” – added socspec.
“Wait!” – captain stopped them, - “You will always have time to die, lads. We have to discuss what we need to do.”
“There is nothing to discuss, cap’n.” – pilot interfered, - “We rush down there, turn masking shields on, put suits on, get off the ship, took the device, scoot away. And that’s all!”
“It won’t be so easy, pal.” – said Augusto, - “And what about these akiras?”
“The host always near them!”
“Max is right.” – sighed Josiah, - “We haven’t even a week to wait for opportune moment. We have to do it being near them.”
“So we have no choice.” – spelled Mahmoud, - “Then we’ll do the next. Now we will turn holocamouflage on and get down. We will stop near this settlement, at the edge of the forest. Then we get into “Exo-5” and go to bring the suit back.”
“Fifth? These hulks?” – exclaimed socspec.
“Yes, they are bulky, but they have the best camouflage.” – mechanic interfered.
“Okay then.”
“Well then, I think that we agreed.” – captain summed up, - “Max, take course there.”

Pilot nodded and directed the ship downwards. Completely renewed, she quickly approached the surface, passing atmosphere layers. In the area of thin air she, thanks to dampers, remained unnoticeable even when she moved at speed of Mach twenty. But when the density increased, they switched to subsonic speed, because otherwise dampers would be overloaded. In thirty minutes they reached the settlement.

“Gieob” stopped near the edge of the Everfree Forest a two hundred meters above the treetops – it was sufficient altitude, as locals almost never flew there. After it crew activated automatic control, left the bridge and moved to the main lock. There guys got into exosiuts and, having activated the gravity warp generator, got down to the surface. When the last one came out from beam, they deactivated the generator, turned on the last hiding systems and went to the town.

Although “Exo-5” itself weighted about three-quarters of ton and was almost three metes high and meter wide, it made no sounds and didn’t raise clouds of dust – whole set of devices that imitated elephant’s manner of walking and dispersed the weight, allowed this. They approached the edge, when Mahmoud stopped everyone:

«What’s wrong, cap’n?» – other surprised.
«We need at least one scanogram of local. I want to be completely sure.»
«Don’t worry.» – Augusto transmitted, - «We have already a candidate.» – and he pointed to the nearest forest path. There was lonely stallion that returned to the town.
«Great. Do it.» – captain answered.

Navigator nodded and sent handheld scanner on the pony. In a moment stallion shivered and after this froze. He was still as statue for twelve minutes, while Augusto was getting the data. Then the process finished, “Gieob” crew hided, and disgruntled because of sudded headache stallion continued his walk.

Soon infornation that they got was assimilated by exosuit’s computers, and all five men were able to understand locals. They entered the town and started to move to the place where the host was. Central streets were crowded, so they needed to go in backstreets. They have to freeze regularly to let ponies to pass and slink. But ponyvillers didn’t notice the hided hulks. So “Gieob” crew breathed easily and mover further.

In an hour they finally reached the library. But there they faced with sudded and greeat problem.

«Dammit, they all are here!» – Augusto cussed.
«And what we have to do now? We can’t wait forever!» – Zhao transmitted.
«You’re right, we can’t. So when we will see the host, we paralyze, then grab him and run away. In the forest we’ll get the thing out, erase host’s memories and free him. Then we’ll skedaddle out of here.»
«Get ready!» – Josiah transmitted, - «He’s appearing!..»

Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity gathered in the library to agree about organization of picnic near one of local lakes next weekend, when somepony strongly knocked on the door, and big shadows appeared in the windows near the door. Alicorn became a bit nervous because of sugh large number of guests, but stood up, approached the exit and opened the door. There were rulers of Equestria, Crystal Empire and ten gurads that surrounded them.

Spike since yesterday was on alert, so when he only saw silhouette of white alicorn in the door gap, realized everything, and, having blurted: “I’ll be in kitchen!”, when all other processed this information, whisked in the mentioned room.

“Princess Celestia, princess Luna, Shining, Cadance, sirs, what brings you here?” – Twilight surprised.
“We came here on a special case.” – Celestia began, - “Last night Canterlot library was robbed.” – other Bearers shuddered, - “Magician that used invisibility spell intruded the castle and took one of the most valuable tomes. And all traces lead here, to Ponyville.”
“Oh no! It’s horrible! Horrible!!!”
“We look forward to your cooperation, princess Twilight.”
“I will do everything what I can. But what exactly was stolen?”
“The Lumi…” – Luna began, when suddenly Spike’s terrified scream came from back side of tree.

Ponies, having forgotten about the conversation, rushed there. They ran around the great oak and froze in horror at what they saw: screaming little dragon was four steps above the ground and desperately floundered, like something intangible held him there. But Shining Armor, Luna and Celestia with guards didn’t panic and smote this diablery with powerful magic charges. Spike was freed, and place, where he got captured, disappeared in bright flash.

When the light dispersed, ponies saw five metal monsters. Bearers of the Elements screamed. Princesses and guards got ready to unleash their powers again, when one monster shouted in loud artificial voice:


Surprised ponies froze. Metal monster meanwhile continued:

“Listen to us, please.”
“Why do we do it?” – growled Shining Armor.
“Because we can explain.”

Ponies looked at each other and consented.

“About two weeks ago near here meteorites had fallen. There were twenty four of them. If you had seen them up close, they must have seemed very strange: just like blocks of building stone, but melted a bit. One or some ones might be damaged, crackled. Well, these thing, in fact, were containers with our cargo. And your friend,” – monster pointed to dragon, - “apparently was near the crash site, so got under influence of one device. Because we missed only one thing, when we took the containers. And we want it back.”
“Refresh your memory. Did something strange happen to your friend lately?” – added other monster.

Ponies started to recall the events of last two weeks. And they shuddered. Fixing of the roof, banishing of Tartarus mice, fails of Trixie and Discord and other things… These creatures know!

“It-t’s true?” – asked Twilight in trembling voice.

Spike got confused, looked at ponies, then at monsters behind him, grabbed his head, but then wilted, sighed and confessed:

“Yes! It’s true! Twenty four melted clumps, all with perfect form! I was in the forest when they fell into the swamp. When everything got calm and quiet, I got curious and decided to look. One of this things was broken, and several small boxes fell out of it. I approached one and… this… substance, that was in it, somehow hit me and infiltrated my body. I changed, and all these weird thing began!.. Look…”

Little dragon raised his right paw, pointed to the library, the slowly began to move his limb. And soon royal chariot appeared from behind of the oak tree. It slowly moved through the air and then landed near shocked ponies.

“Who are you?” – trembled equestrians.
“Before we answer,” – said one monster, - “allow us to do one thing. We see that it’s hard for you to perceive us like this, so…”

Then loud hissing came, and stomachs of monsters got opened. And from them bipedal creatures, that wore something like biologial protection suits, appeared.

“We don’t want to harm you.” – said figure in the middle, - “We just want to bring back the missed thing.”

Other four confirmed it.

“You will just…” – spelled Spike, - “get this substance out of me, and everything will be ended?”
“Yes.” – bipedal ones nodded.
“Well then, okay… But allow me to confess…” – little dragon gulped and continued, - “Thanks to this thing I was able to fix barn’s roof so quickly and banish Tartarus mice. And I didn’t use the catapult then, I threw that boulder with my paw. Using this thing I spoiled Trixie’s show and Discord’s jokes. Because of this thing I felt bad at the dinner. Twilight, Shining Armor, princesses Celestia, Luna and Cadance, please, forgive me. And… it was me who stole the book from Canterlot library!”
“What??? How???” – ponies exclaimed.
“I knew that Twilight badly needed it, but I didn’t know that Star Swirl the Bearded wing would be closed! I thought that the book was needed urgently, but I have no money. So I decided to do it.”
“But we all saw the silhouette of pony! And what about that monster?” – exclaimed Luna.

Spike sighed and right in face of shocked ponies and amazed bipedal ones transformed into that monster-robber. Guards helped Bearers not to faint, and Shining Armor did the sane to Cadance. Little dragon after this showed how he became invisible, then he took normal look.

“And I have to say one more thing…” – Spike spelled, - “I was Green Wine, Vortex and… Adamant Chain.”
“Wh-what? A-ad-d-dam-mant Ch-chain?” – Rarity muttered in trembling voice, - “O-o-o-ohh…” – and fainted.

Socspec appeared to be the fastest. Two jumps – and he was near pony. Then he opened his first aid kit, took silver cylinder from it and put its base to unicorn’s chest. A weak sound, just like the shot of the toy gun, came. Rarity opened her eyes and deeply breathed. Human put cylinder back to the bag and helped pony to stand up.

“Th-thanks.” – she spelled.
“You are welcome.” – answered socspec.

After this ponies changed their attitude to those bipedals. They understood that ones in suits really have no intention to harm them. But one thing remained.

“You did not answer our question…” – Celestia intervened.
“Pardon us.” – captain answered, - “Well, it’s obvious that we are very different from you. So we’ll be honest: we are from another world.”
“Another world? What do you mean? How?”

Captain didn’t say anything – instead he took a tablet from his pocket and touched several buttons. Right after this load gnashing spread over the town, which then turned into hum and soon disapered. And in few seconds “Gieob” herself, four-hundred-meter arrow, in all her splendor, appeared above the town. All ponies in the town after this just dropped their jaws.

“Is it?..”
“…yes, it’s the transport that allows to travel from one world to another.” – said captain, - “And, moreover, from one star to another. Huyndai-Daewoo EG-24 model, named “Gieob”. Excellent vehicle. And we are the crew. Max Kocor, pilot,” – he bowed, as all other will do later, - “Augusto Ortiz, navigator, Zhao Feng, mechanic, Josiah Mwila, medic and first assitant, and your numble servant, Mahmoud Rezaï, captain of the ship. We are from Terra Unity, which is 2,9 million light years away from here.”

Ponies petrified.

“H-h-how f-far?..”
“Yes, almost three milloin light years. Neighbouring large galaxy.” – Mahmoud continued.
“And one more thing. Please, don’t panic.”
“What after this would be able to surprise us?” – exclaimed Bearers with guards and pointed to the starship.

“All these days, which we spent above your planet, looking for the missing thing, we did several researches. Our instruments are precision, although we were… million steps away, we found one interesting fact: all our species originate from one planet.”
“How such thing is possible?” – exclaimed royal sisters, - “You told us that unimaginable distance separates our worlds yourselves!”
“It’s so. But ask yourselves the question: why our medic without any hesitation ran and helped your friend? Because he knew that the source will be cure for her, not venom. Thought we can’t even see your homeworld from our planet, just like you can’t see ours, but the Universe is billions and billions of stars. There are a lot of other planets in it. As other civilizations.”
“Other civilizations?”
“Yes. Whole population of your and our planets and, we’ll be honest, thirty other worlds are result of work of one incredibly ancient culture, which is known as Spreaders. They have been existing – I’m afraid to say – for six billion years.”

Ponies and little dragon felt themselves unwell, very unwell.

“Oh yes… And, by the way, the thing that was lost, was made by another civilization. They called themselves Kniyrhe.”
“Really?” – surprised gathered, especially Spike.
“Yes. We would have invented such thing only in three thousand years at least.”

Then lads, having apologized, returned to exosuits and took from their “backpacks” six small devices: five metal rings, to which cabels were attached, and some kind of metal box with display. Then they approached little dragon, put rings on his paws and waist and joined free ends of cables to the box. After this they told Spike to get ready and be patient and persistent. Little dragon nodded, and bipedal ones switched the devices on. Metal box started to hum, Spike trembled. Three minutes of work – and nanites of shift-suit were removed from his body.

Later the conversation continued. People and equestrians fell into talk rather quickly. When ponies began to introduce themselves, “Gieob” crew, which knew very well about not always successful experience of previous expeditions and contactees, having learned WHOM they met, turned white almost as fresh snow, fell prone and began to assiduously apologize and beg. Confused alicorns, Bearers of the Elements and prince of Crystal Empire had to do a lot of attempts to persuade them that they shouldn’t do this – equestrians even tried to lift the guests with their own hooves. But eventually terrans got calm and stopped to ask for forgiveness.

And the conversation soon became quite friendly and pleasing.

“Um, guys, why you still wearing these… suits?” – Pinkie Pie surprised, - “They can’t be removed or what?”
“They can be removed, but we can’t do it.” – answered Josiah.
“About three hundred years ago outbreak of very dangerous disease happened on our planet. Hundreds of species were infected, and we had to made incredible efforts to find the cure. Now all terrans have the immunity, but also we are carriers now. So for avoiding the accidents we can’t put off the suits untill new world will be immunized.”
“I see…”
“Wait, and what about containers? And other yer machines?” – Applejack exclaimed.
“Well, machines are always clear, and containers… They are sterile inside, and speaking about their outer surface – all viruses die in outer space because of radiation, and if something would remain, then it will be just burned away. Because dropped containers and ships move very quickly through the air.” – said socspec.
“And how fast are they?” – wondered Rainbow Dash.
“In the atmosphere our ship, for example, can reach seventy speeds of sound. And in the space she can be thousand times faster than here, because resistance there is almost equal zero.” – answered Zhao.

Pegasus just dropped her jaw.

“How such huge thing can be so fast?” – she exclaimed when she came to her senses.
“Well, you need very big and very powerful engine. On our ship it takes one-third of total volume.” – continued mechanic.
“Um, allow me to know, why do you need this strange metal glove, and why you are wearing only one?” – asked Rarity after rather long examining of mechanic’s right hand.
“Oh, this…” – Zhao paused a little, - “You see, it’s not a glove, it’s prosthesis.”
“Yes. We found how to make them really good in last two centuries.”
“What happened to you then?” – exclaimed Fluttershy.
“Honestly… I worked on the energy transport system, lingered a bit, then one little carelessness, and my arm was just burned away.”
“Oh, it’s terrible!!!”
“Please, don’t worry! Everything is fine now! Well, to be honest… among all of us only Josiah hasn’t any artificial parts.” – socspec waved, - “Cap’n after one accident has no own ribs, Augusto to save his eyesight had to transplant both eyes, and Max since the very birth lives with artificial heart.”

The latter appeared to be the most impressive for ponies.

“Yes, it’s so.” – pilot confirmed, - “Or else I would have not survived. But now I’m very glad: it works perfectly, so I usually more fresh and calm than other! It’s as good as native, and sometimes even better!”
“Hmm… And what if…” – Cadance began thoughtfully.
“Eh, next time, please, Your Highness.” – blurted Max as he already knew about special talents of pink alicorn.
“Tell us,” – almost at the same time began Twilight, Shining Armor, Celestia and Luna, - “How it’s even possible to travel from one star to another?”

After this questions lads paused and got a bit confused.

“You see… How to say it better… Eh…”
“It’s necessary to accelerate protected by reliable electomagnetic force field vehicle to the certain speed and submerge into convective zone of a star to cause the collapsing effect which will bring you to hyperspace.” – blurted Augusto.
“Umm… What?” – muttered almost all gathered.
“I don’t get it.” – said Rainbow Dash and Applejack.
“Explain everything again, pease, and in more simple way.” – Twilight asked politely.

Guests looked at each other, then nervously at white alicorn, gulped and finally decided to do it:

“You have to sundive…”

Celestia’s expression after these words could be interpreted in different ways.

“When you are submerging into the depth of a star, combination of colossal pressure and high speed of vehicle causes one particular effect which we called collapsing .” – navigator began to explain, - “The thing is that such combination of conditions leads to, in fact, just pressing into another dimension, where geometry of space is completely different. Moving there it’s possibe to overcome thousand light years in a day. Leave it you can if you make powerful explosion near your ship. Then the opposite effect, recollapsing, will throw away the ship in convective zone of other star. But all this possible only if you use strong protection – intensive electromagnetic field, or else the vehicle will be crushed.”
“And what next?” – Luna asked.
“Well, ladies and gentle…colts, wait for scientific expedition.” – Mahmoud answered, - “A lot of scientists will arrive to explore your world and your nations.”
“So… When all this will happen?”
“And how many ones will arrive?” – Celestia added.
“Preparations always were rather long thing, plus twenty days of flight, so… Your Highnesses, wait in hundred and seventy or hundred and eighty days.”
“But we want you to be ready, so… Zhao, bring ansible here.”

Mechanic nodded, ran to his exosuit and took from its “trunk” quite big device that looked like subwoofer.

“Via this device you will be informed about the arriving.” – Mahmoud said, - “It’s simple, works almost like usual radio.”
“Thanks!” – ponies and Spike nodded.
“Only one more warning: ship that will arrive will be… well, approximately three hundred times bigger than our “Gieob”.” – Zhao said.

Several equestrians chocked.

“Hundreds will arrive.” – Josiah continued, - “Representatives of tens of worlds.”
“Well, something like this…” – Mahmoud sighed, - “But now we have to say that we can’t stay here – our fuel reserves and food supplies are almost ran out, and we stood out from all the deadlines.”
“And stay a little bit more?” – Pinkie imploringly asked her new friends.
“We are sorry, but we can’t.” – Josiah said, - “We have to go now. But we will return – as discoverers we surely will be in the new crew.”

Ponies rejoiced.

“Thank you, friends. You are wonderful!” – exclaimed lads, - “Goodbye!”
“And thank you too! See you!” – equestrians answered.
“And, please, provide the conditions!” – asked pilot.
“We will!” – alicorns smiled.
“See you!”
“See you!”

“Gieob” crew bowed and returned to their exosuits. In a second place, where they stood, was hit by beam of gravity warp generator, and they climbed aboard. Vessel began to turn. Equestrians waved. Starship, havig given sound signal, started to gain height. Soon it become little black dot and then got out of sight.

Spike and ponies for some time stood there and looked up. Then they, still surprised, began to come to their senses and, discussing the event, return to their homes and jobs. But they weren’t sad: guests will return, and there will be a lot of them. They need to prepare for the meeting!

In a day “Gieob” reached the star and dived into it, and in due time, fourteen hours, after this arrived at staging post. They had returned.

And in six month, as it was promised, the expedition arrived. Then equestrians opened all the breadth and grandeur of the Universe, and the Universe opened itself to them.