• Published 29th May 2014
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Project Accelerator - Wildcard25

A teen boy after spending three years experimented on, breaks free and using the gift the scientists bestowed upon him broke through the barrier and into a world of magic and equines. Will he find peace after living a nightmare for three years?

  • ...

A Celebration

One night later, crowds of ponies were entering Canterlot's castle to attend the anniversary held for Celestia and Luna.

In one room inside the castle, Accel who was wearing a tuxedo made by Rarity was fixing his necktie while standing in front of a mirror, "There, perfect. Sonic, what do you think?" he asked his monkey friend who was also wearing a little dress shirt and tuxedo jacket.

Sonic gave him an approving noise in his own language, "Thanks. And you look good too."

There was a knock at the door, and Twilight's voice came, "Accelerator, can we come in?"

"Sure, Twi!"

And so Twilight, Spike, and their friends entered revealing they were all dressed up for the celebration, "Looks like you're all ready." Applejack noticed.

"Yeah. Thanks again for making this for me Rarity."

"My pleasure, Accel," Rarity said, before looking concerned at Accelerator still wearing his goggles on his head, "Though don't you think your goggles clash with your tux?"

"Perhaps, but I find being eclectic is more my thing." he answered.

Rarity smiled seeing it was what made him happy, "You're right."

"And to be honest this is my first time wearing a tuxedo." he admitted.

"And how does it feel?" Rainbow asked.

"Not bad, really."

"Well, come on everypony." Applejack said.

"Yeah, we gotta get down there." Pinkie added. And so they walked out of the room to meet up with the others.

As they walked through a hall, a voice called out, "Twily!"

They looked ahead seeing Twilight's brother Shining Armor and Princess Cadence approaching, "Shining Armor! Cadence!" she galloped over and hugged the two.

Accel spoke to Spike, "So that's her brother and sister-in-law?"

"Yeah." he nodded.

"Accel, come over here," Twilight called him over. Accel zipped over to them taking the royal couple by surprise, "Shining Armor, Cadence, I'd like you to meet Accelerator. Accel, this is my older brother Shining Armor and my sister-in-law Princess Cadence."

"It's very nice to meet you." Cadence greeted him with respect.

"Twilight's told us about you in her letter." Shining add.

"And she's told nothing but great things about the both of you. I am honored to meet you two," he bowed to them, before returning to his feet. Sonic climbed up his back and onto his head, "And this here's my little buddy, Sonic."

"Oh, how cute!" Cadence giggled, as she rubbed the monkey's head.

"Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are waiting for us downstairs." Shining told the group.

"Well, we best not keep them waiting." Rarity said, as the group followed the couple.

Downstairs in the castle ballroom, the guests were enjoying themselves, until the doors opened revealing Celestia, Luna, and the others. The trumpeters played fanfare, as the guests bowed in respect.

One of the guards announced, "Their royal excellencies, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna!"

The ponies applauded upon the princesses approach, until Celestia raised a hoof and they ceased it. The princess of the sun spoke up, "Welcome Mare's and Gentlecoats. My sister and I are overjoyed you could all attend our anniversary. Five thousand years have passed since Luna and I have become the rulers of Equestria."

"And to this day we are proud to continue to watch over this land and all those in it from the dangers that threaten it." Luna added.

"But tonight there is more to celebrate than just the ascension of us," Celestia continued, "It is the introduction of a new special friend of ours who we'd like you all to meet."

The ponies were curious as to who the princess was speaking so highly of, as Luna continued, "Mares and Gentlecoats, may we introduce to you, Accelerator."

The two sisters stepped aside exposing Accel to the crowd. The guests gasped in surprise at this new being of which they've never seen before. Accel sensing they were nervous or curious about him didn't want to be intimidated by it, spoke up, "Hello, everypony!"

Celestia spoke up, "Now I know Accelerator may seem a little strange to you based off his appearance, but I assure you he is very good and kind."

Luna spoke up as well, "We also understand how hesitant and discomfort you can feel about certain creatures that are not native to your home or your own kind, but as proven time and time again by our fellow princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends you must not judge one based off their appearances."

The ponies recalling that lesson seemed less intimidated by Accelerator, which made the girls happy. Accelerator spoke up, "Well, now. Maybe I should go and greet the crowd." he zipped from where he was standing to some ponies greeting them, before zipping off to another group, and so on and so forth giving them compliments and greetings, before he zipped back over to the princesses, "Time!"

Spike who was holding a stopwatch clicked it and spoke, "Twenty seven seconds."

"Yes!" he cheered.

The girls giggled, as Celestia spoke, "And now let the party begin!" The guests applauded, as the others went to join the crowd.

As the guests were gossiping, walking around, or trying to talk with the princesses, Accel was sitting at a table while holding a cup of sugar cubes. He popped one into his mouth and ate it. He then tossed one to Sonic who ate it. Suddenly Discord appeared at the table, and was wearing a suit and tie, "Well, good evening, Accelerator, and how're we this fine evening?"

"Very well, actually. How about you, Disc?"

"I'm doing fabulous, actually. I've never been to one of these anniversary parties in all my life. What with being imprisoned in stone for a thousand years, and before that just wasn't on the guest list."

"First time at a party like this for me as well," Accel said, "Nothing like Pinkie's parties compared to these royal banquets and all." he popped another sugar cube into his mouth.

"Yes, even Celestia and Luna claim these kind of formal parties have gotten dull over the years." Discord said.

"If I lived for five thousand years attending parties like this I'd get bored with them too." Accel added, as the two laughed.

The girls and Spike approached, "Hey, Accel, there you are." Applejack said.

"What're you doing here?" Pinkie asked.

"Snacking on sugar cubes." he answered, as he popped one into his mouth.

"Well, the girls and I have thought and we'd like to get you to know more of the guests here." Rarity said.

"Well, it's better than sitting around and snacking." Accel got off his seat, as Sonic climbed onto his shoulder.

So the girls, Spike, and Discord started going through the crowd of guests, with Accel looking around wondering how they'll treat him. Suddenly a voice snapped his out of his thoughts, "Well, good evening, Rarity."

He looked over seeing an earth pony dressed like a pop star, "Why, Sapphire Shores, so good to see you here." Rarity greeted the pony.

"Sapphire Shores?" Accel asked the girls.

"She's a famous pop star pony here in Canterlot," Twilight explained, "Rarity's her best costume designer."


Rarity trotted over to Accel, and brought him over to her fave employer, "Sapphire, let me introduce you to my newest friend, Accelerator. Accel, this is Sapphire Shores; the pony of pop."

Accel being respective took Sapphire's hoof and kissed it, "A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Shores."

"Oh, let's skip the formalities, darling. Call me Sapphire," the pony chuckled, "So you're the one, that's all the talk about the castle and Ponyville for that matter?"

"Indeed I am." he answered.

"I saw one of your flyers in a shops window. So you do odd jobs?"

"If the pay is right, then I'm at your service." he said.

"Well, I do have some work I could use some help with. Would you be interested?"

Accel looked intrigued, "Fill out a request form and I'll get back to you."

"Sweet, baby!" Sapphire cheered, "Well, I best be moving along, before some paparazzi shows up."

"Yes, Sapphire. Nice meeting you again." Rarity said, as they continued along.

Accel continued to walk with his friends waving at some ponies who smiled and waved at him. He was feeling proud of himself until a voice spoke up, "Stop!" Accel froze, while the others were just as startled.

Sliding onto the scene was Photo Finish, who was observing Accel, "The poise. The masculine grace you sport. I must photograph you!" she set up her camera and took a photograph of Accelerator, "Perfect. I, Photo Finish, have captured this piece of art from this spectacular creature. You my boy have de magiks!"

"The say what now?" Accel asked, feeling confused by her accent.

"You have such potential with your exquisite look, with it and my talent I can make you a star!" the photo pony declared.

"Oh, sorry, but we must be going!" Fluttershy said, as she pushed Accel off to get away, much to Photo Finish's confusion.

"What was that about?" Accel asked the pegasus.

"Trust me, you don't wanna get involved in her field of work, it can be exhausting and life consuming." she warned him.

"Yikes." he gasped.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash!" another voice called.

Approaching them was Spitfire, Soarin, and Fleetfoot of the Wonderbolts, "Oh my gosh, Spitfire, Soarin, Fleetfoot!" Rainbow flew over to them, "It's good to see you three."

"Feelings the same." Soarin admitted.

Accel looked at them and thought, 'So these are the famous Wonderbolts Rainbow's been raving about.'

Spitfire upon seeing Accel, spoke, "Well, Accelerator, I presume?"

"That's me."

"Saw your little demonstration while greeting the guests after the princesses introduced you. You run really fast." Spitfire smirked.

"These feet were made for running," he chuckled, before realizing his cup was empty, "Darn, out of sugar cubes. Be back in a flash." he zipped off before returning with a refill of sugar cubes in his cup.

"Amazing." Soarin gasped.

"It's a shame you can't fly with that speed." Fleetfoot said.

"Well, with my ability I can hover, but not fly." he admitted.

"Well, any friend of Rainbow Dash here is all right by us." Spitfire said as she winked at Rainbow.

"Thanks. Well I'll catch you three around. Still a lot more I need to check out." Accel said, as he walked with the others.

As they walked on, Accel spoke, "You all certainly know some interesting ponies."

"Well, with all the stuff we've gone through we meet a lot of celebs." Rainbow said.

"That's for sure." A.J agreed.

Accel smiled, as he continued to enjoy his sugar cubes until a voice spoke up, "Oh, my. It's you again."

Accel stopped and looked ahead seeing a familiar white coated and pink maned unicorn he saw today in Canterlot city, "Gorgeous." he gasped, while readdressing her by what he first called her.

"Huh?" the girls and Spike looked to him in confusion.

The unicorn giggled and spoke, "Is that how you greet all the mares?"

Rarity looked between the two, "Have you two already met?"

"Well not personally." Accel admitted.

"He ran past me, but came back just to greet me. What a gentlecolt."

"Right, but could I get your real name?" Accel inquired.

"Of course. I am Fleur De Lis, and according to the princesses you are Accelerator?"


"I must say I was taken aback by your sudden appearance," she began, "Especially when you zoomed right past me, only to come right back at the same speed."

"Naturally, that's been everypony's reaction to my speed." he admitted.

"Well, I would just like to thank you for the compliment you gave me. And truth be told, you happen to be quite attractive yourself."

Accel started blushing, "You think?"

"Of course. You have such stature and form, and your mane is absolutely beautiful."

Accel started blushing by the minute, before he realized he was turning as red as a tomato, "I gotta go!" he ran off like a shot.

"What was that about?" Pinkie asked.

"Oh, dear. I hope I didn't embarrass him." Fleur said in worry.

"Don't worry, Fleur," Rarity said, "Accelerator is after all an adolescent. It's only natural behavior."

"Very true." Fleur admitted.

"Plus he hasn't really had too much contact with others for three years. But that's what we're helping him with." Twilight said.

"Shouldn't we go look for him?" Fluttershy suggested.

"I got this." Rainbow said, as she took off.

Meanwhile, Accel was hiding behind a stairwell with Sonic, as he took deep breaths, "Wow. I've never been complimented like that before, especially someone like that," Sonic made monkey noises, "I know I called her gorgeous with no timidity, but I did that in the heat of the moment. Plus I didn't think anypony here would a look like this attractive."

"Well, surprise-surprise." Rainbow said, as she flew up to him.

"How stupid did I look back there?" he asked.

"Not stupid, really. Awkward maybe, but not stupid." she admitted.

"Well, I haven't had a lot of experience with talking to women of her class. Or receiving compliments like that." he explained.

"Well, buddy if I were you you'd better get used to it. Who knows what other kind of compliments you're going to get."

"I suppose you're right," he admitted, until he heard music started playing, "Hey, about time they started playing music. Hey, Rainbow, how about we go to the dance floor?"

"What? Me dance with you? Sorry, pal, but I don't do that kind of dance." she was prepared to fly off.

"What're you scared?" he smirked.

Rainbow suddenly froze in mid flight before looking back at him with firm eyes, "What did you say?"

"Are you scared to dance?"

Rainbow got into Accel's face and said, "Nopony calls me scared of anything."

"Then I take it you'll reconsider your answer?" he smugly asked

She answered, "To the dance floor, pal." He smirked as they went to it. Sonic decided to let them be, and went back to find the others.

When they arrived on it, Rainbow flew up to Accel's level to spare him the embarrassment of squatting down. She spoke, "Just don't try to put any moves on me."

"Hadn't crossed my mind." he answered.

And when the music started playing both started slow dancing. For Accel it was party awkward since this was his first time dancing with a girl and a pegasus nonetheless. For Rainbow it was flat out awkward since she's never danced to slow music before, especially with a boy. The two however swallowed their pride and for the sake of each other continued to dance.

Watching from aside was Twilight and the girls who saw them, "Is that Rainbow Dash dancing with Accel?" Pinkie asked, as Sonic climbed onto her back.

"You're right, it is." Spike answered.

"Well, ain't that a pretty sight?" Applejack asked.

"What is?" Cadence asked, as she, Shining, Celestia, and Luna approached.

"Oh, just watching one of our friends get close to our newest one." Discord answered, as the royals looked over seeing who they were referring too.

"I never would've guessed your friend Rainbow Dash was into that." Shining told Twilight.

"She isn't. But I guess Accel got her to do it." his sister answered, as they watched.

As Accel and Rainbow continued to dance, the pegasus spoke, "You know, you're not half bad at this."

"Thanks, you too." he answered.

"How did you learn to dance like this?" she wondered.

"Well, one night while I was in my holding room there was nothing on TV, so I just left it on a choreography show. I learned some regular dance moves, including some tips on slow dancing. It wasn't as easy to learn because I didn't have a partner to learn with. But hey, if I'm doing this good with you I guess they paid off."

"Yeah." Rainbow admitted, as she continued to dance with Accel.

A few minutes later, Celestia and Luna approached. When the two saw the sisters, they felt sheepish, until Accel spoke, "Uh, can we help you two with something?"

Celestia answered, while turning to Rainbow, "Rainbow Dash, would you mind if my sister and I cut in?"

The two were surprised, as they looked at each other oddly before Rainbow grinned at him, "Not at all, Princess." she flew off.

"Rainbow!" Accel cried, before looking back at the princesses with a sheepish smile.

"Accelerator, may I have this dance?" Celestia offered him her hoof.

Accelerator seeing her gesture, felt nervous. And only got more nervous as he saw just about every guests in the castle looking at him in shock that the princess asked him to dance. Not wanting to embarrass himself or insult the princess answered, "Yes, Princess." he wrapped an arm around her, as she wrapped her hoof around his neck as they began slow dancing, with everypony's attention focused on them.

When Rainbow returned to her friends, she noticed they were all grinning at her, "What?"

"Rainbow Dash, if I didn't know any better I'd say you actually enjoyed dancing with Accel." Rarity teased.

"What? No way!" Rainbow denied it.

"Come on, Sugarcube, no use denyin' when we can all see it." A.J teased her.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Rainbow brushed it off.

"Don't you?" Pinkie sent her a look.

"I was just doing something nice for him is all." she answered.

"You keep telling yourself that, Rainbow." Fluttershy giggled.

"Hey, I'm telling ya it's not like that!" Rainbow continued to argue, as the girls walked off with Cadence, Shining, and Spike giggled., "Hey, get back here!" she flew after them.

As Accel and Celestia finished dancing, the princess of the sun passed him off to Luna, who wrapped her own hoof around his neck as they danced, "You dance rather well for a human." Luna told him.

"Thanks, you dance well too," he blushed, and thought to himself, 'Wow dancing with three ponies in one night. Though it's easy to dance with these two since they both practically meet me on eye level, but I felt dancing with Rainbow was better since we're both friends. Whoa, am I seriously choosing Rainbow over the princesses? I feel more awkward than before now. Oh well.' he continued to dance with Luna.

Outside the kingdom of Canterlot, a hole in space and time opened up and coming out from it and landing between some rocks was the same seeking probe Dr. Dagger launched in order to track the location of Accelerator. As it blended nicely into the rocks it started beeping as if giving off the signal which Dagger would eventually track.