• Published 29th May 2014
  • 4,386 Views, 47 Comments

Project Accelerator - Wildcard25

A teen boy after spending three years experimented on, breaks free and using the gift the scientists bestowed upon him broke through the barrier and into a world of magic and equines. Will he find peace after living a nightmare for three years?

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Last time, after enjoying a relaxing day with Rainbow Dash in the form of a human, Accelerator was confronted by Dagger who was prepared to do anything to bring him back to the facility. Will Rainbow Dash and the others stop him or will Jake be doomed to return to the place that caused his suffering?

"Hello, Jake." Dagger greeted him.

"Dagger," Accel frowned, "How did you find me here?"

"It took some time, but I managed to launch a probe through the wormhole in which you left behind when you tore through the fabric of time and space," Dagger began, "It was just a matter of time before it honed in on your signature and pinpointed you here. Of course we had to rely on some equipment by one of our sister facilities to provide me with the technology to transport us here, but it was all worth it."

Accel frowned at Dagger, but gave a slight soft expression upon seeing Ashley. Suddenly Rainbow spoke up, "Whoa-whoa-whoa, time out! This is the guy who made you who you are, Accel?"

"It is." Accel nodded.

"And who might this be?" Dagger inquired, while motioning to Rainbow Dash.

"None of your damn business!" Accel shouted.

Rainbow answered regardless, "I'm Rainbow Dash, and you must be Dr. Vellian Dagger."

"You are correct." Dagger nodded.

Rainbow scowled, "I have a good mind to buck you in the back of your head for what you did to Accel." Rainbow found herself getting the blasters from the guards aimed at her. She frowned and flew back to Accel's side.

"Accel?" Dagger turned to Jake.

"Yeah. I'm Accelerator now." he answered.

"I see. But onto business. Jake, you've been a very naughty boy running away from home." Dagger lectured him.

Accel frowned, "That place was not my home. You took me from it!"

"Let's leave the past in the past and look ahead to the future," Dagger continued, "A future of wealth."

"I'm not part of your experiment anymore. I'm free. It's what I was promised, until you went back on your word!"

"I had my intention of keeping it, but when it was confirmed we needed all of you around to help stabilize the other planned test subjects with your DNA I had to make a sacrifice."

"Spare me your sob story!" Accel called him out, "You have no remorse for telling me you had to keep me around after you spent three years of my life robbing me of a normal life! Well you can find someone else to be your guinea pig because I'm through with you." he was prepared to zip off with Rainbow.

"I think not!" Dagger pulled out a tazer device that zapped Accel and he suddenly fell to the ground.

"Accel!" Rianbow flew down at him, "Are you ok?"

"My body, it feels like it weighs a ton." Accel groaned, as he laid on the ground helplessly.

"You didn't think I'd come looking for you without being prepared, did you?" Dagger asked rhetorically.

"You're mine!" Rainbow flew for Dagger, who aimed the tazer at her.

"Down, girl!" he zapped Rainbow, as she suddenly fell to the ground.

"Ok, this is stupid." Rainbow groaned.

Dagger approached Accel, and looked down at him, "I have to admit, Jake. Of all the places for you to wind up in, this is by far one of the strangest of places ever."

"There's nothing strange about Equestria!"

"A land of talking normal and mythical equines, that doesn't seem strange to you?" Dagger inquired.

"I admit, it was a lot to take in when I first arrived. But anywhere was better than being in the facility. Even a place like this. Besides I've grown to love this place. It's been my home away from my real home."

"Well, I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted, because you're coming back with me." Dagger said with his eyes narrowing.

Accel looked past him and over at Ashley, who mouthed to him, "I'm sorry." Accel was too mad at Dagger to be disappointed in her for following his orders up to now.

Dagger turned to his guards, "Grab the boy, and let's get out of here."

"What about the pegasus?" one of them asked.

"Leave her. She's no concern to me." Dagger said, without a second thought.

Accel watched helplessly as the guards were approaching him. Before they could pick him up, they were suddenly pelted with cream pies.

"What the?" Dagger gasped, as they saw the pies came from a catapult operated by Pinkie Pie.

"Gotcha!" Pinkie grinned.

"Pinkie, how'd you know to come here?" Accel gasped.

"Well, I had a little Pinkie Sense and knew something was happening here. So I grabbed some pies, a catapult and came right over. I also brought along the others and the Princesses." Pinkie explained with a grin, as Twilight, Spike, the rest of the girls, Sonic, and the Princesses approached.

"Pinkie, you're a lifesaver." Rainbow said.

"How can I be candy when I'm a pony?".

"Why're you and Accel on the ground like that?" Applejack wondered.

"Our bodies suddenly feel like a million pounds." Rainbow groaned.

Celestia turned to Dagger and his group, "What is the meaning of this?"

"And who're you to ask me such questions?" Dagger crossed his arms.

"I am Princess Celestia.

"And I am Princess Luna. We rule over the land of Equestria, that you now reside in."

"Princesses?" Dagger asked before acting sarcastic, "Well, this is a surprise. I am honored to meet you, as are my men." he motioned them to bow, which he did a mock bow.

"I will ask again, what is the meaning of this?" Celestia repeated herself.

Dagger decided to play his silver tongue thinking the monarchs could be just as persuaded like others he's talked to, "Your excellencies. I've come here strictly to claim what was mine. Namely him," He motioned to Accel. The girls wanted to speak, but Celestia motioned them to be silent, as Dagger continued, "This boy doesn't belong here anymore than me or my associates do. So I'll just take him off your hoofs and be on my way."

Celestia answered, as she stepped forward, "I'm afraid I cannot let you do that."

"What?" Dagger did a double take, as Luna spoke next.

"We cannot allow you to take Accelerator with you."

"And why not?" Dagger asked, as his patience was wearing thin.

"Accelerator is a resident of Equestria now, therefore is no longer your property." Celestia answered.

"Besides, after what we saw what happened to him at your hands we would never let him go back with you." Luna added.

"And we will fight to keep him here." Twilight took a stand with her fellow Princesses.

"Fight me? Oh, that's precious." Dagger laughed.

"Don't be fooled, Dagger," Accel warned him, "These girls are much stronger than they look."

"I don't fear equines," Dagger answered him firmly, "Guards, attack!"

The guards started blasting at the ponies, as Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy took cover, while Applejack ran around dodging the blasts. Twilight, Celestia, and Luna took it to the air and started blasting at the guards. Their magic ended up making some of their blasters disappear, but the ones who still had theirs still fired.

Accel seeing Sonic, whispered, "Psst. Sonic!" Sonic came over to his friend in concern, "I need to you to get that thing from the bad man. Can you do it?"

"Uh-huh." Sonic chattered, before sneaking around and climbed up Dagger's back were trying to grab the device.

"Stupid monkey, get off!" Dagger tried to get Sonic off, but Sonic kept moving around all over Dagger before grabbing the device. Before Sonic could do anything with it, Dagger knocked it out of his paws, and it landed in Ashley's hands.

"Ashley!" Accel called.

"Cromwell, give that to me at once!" Dagger demanded out of her.

Ashley looked at her boss, Accelerator, and the ponies who were protecting him, that Dagger was more than willing to harm. She frowned at him, "No."

"What was that?" Dagger asked firmly.


"Cromwell, you'll be fired when this is over!" he threatened her.

"No need to fire me, Dagger. I quit!" Ashley aimed the device at Accel and Rainbow throwing the affects in reverse.

Suddenly the two got back up, "Oh, yeah!" Rainbow cheered that she could fly again.

"Now that's more like it. Thanks, Ash."Accel smiled at the older woman, who smiled back. He turned to the guards, "And now to end this." he zipped around them, snatching the remaining blasters. Rainbow taking the chance tackled all of them knocking them down like dominoes.

"Applejack, throw me a lasso!" Accel ordered, as the farm pony pulled one out of her hat and tossed it to the speedster.

Accel ran around the guards in circles tying them up together, "Well done. All is finished." Celestia smiled.

"Not yet it's not." Accel replied, as he glared at Dagger. Before Dagger could run, Accel started running for him. He rushed all around Dagger at all sides delivering punches to his shoulders, arms, back, and chest.

The ponies watched in worry as Dagger kept getting attacked by Accel never seeing him do anything like this. Accelerator finally knocked Dagger off his feet and onto the ground. Accel grabbed Dagger by front collar of his coat and brought him to his face. Dagger looked frightened as he looked into the vengeful eyes of Accel.

"No, please! Let me go! I'm sorry!" Dagger pleaded.

"No you're not!" Accel once again called his bluff, "Not yet. Because I'm gonna punch you so fast and so hard, your jaws gonna get dislocated." he threw his arm back ready to deliver the impending blow.

"Accelerator!" Celestia ordered, as the speedster looked back seeing the Princess of the sun, her sister, and the others approach, "That's enough. You did what you needed. It's over."

"Over?" Accel asked in outrage, "It'll never be over. Not so long as he's still breathing!"

"Accelerator, calm down." Twilight tried to reason with him.

"I will not calm down." Accel answered, as his hateful eyes turned to her.

"Sugarcube, I know how much ya hate his guts, but this ain't the way to solve your issues." Applejack reasoned with him.

"I don't know of any other way!" he replied, as his hatred grew more.

"Please, Accelerator. Don't do it." Fluttershy pleaded.

"Fluttershy's right, darling. Don't do something you will come to regret." Rarity added.

"Give me a real good reason why I shouldn't punch this guy to a pulp!" Accel demanded.

"Because it's not like you." Ashley answered, as she stepped forward.

"Ashley?" he asked, as the ponies wondered how this would play out.

"The Jake I knew would never stoop himself to Dagger's low despite all he's done. You're better than this. I know you are. I've always known," Jake started hesitating slightly, "Your parents and siblings would not want to hear that you brought yourself down to a low like Dagger's. Just let go of that hatred, Jake. Let it stay in the past." she pleaded with him.

Accel looking into Dagger's frightened eyes could see his own reflection in them. He looked shocked seeing how angry he looked and knew this really wasn't him at all, and recalling his memories of his parents and siblings knew this was not the Jake they loved. He lowered his fist down much to the ponies and Dagger's relief.

Dagger sighed in sweet relief, "Oh, I knew you wouldn't." he said feeling grateful.

Accel gave one last frown, before he did a simple knee jab into Dagger's chest. The ponies gasped, but Dagger groaned as he was released to the ground, clutching his chest, "Oh, I think you broke a rib." he groaned.

Accel frowned, "I could've broken a lot worse than that. Even though you deserved it, I spared you from much worse."

Celestia and Luna seeing Accel was no longer driven by his hatred used their magic to cuff Dagger and strip him of both the speed force tracker and the portal device.

Luna spoke up, "Dr. Vellian Dagger, for your crimes against this one boy, my sister and I have decided you and your guards will be sentenced to Canterlot's dungeon for life."

"Life, here?" Dagger gasped in shock with his guards.

"Yes. You won't be returning to your own world." Celestia added.

"You can't do this to me! I'm a scientist! I have rights!" he demanded.

"You are not an official recognized citizen here in Equestria like we've made Accelerator. Therefore you don't have rights." Luna replied. Dagger growled as his guards looked down in defeat.

Accel with no other reason to continue watching, started walking away, "Accel?" Rainbow asked, as she flew over to him.

"I need to be alone." he said, as he took off.

"Accel!" The ponies gasped, but he already zipped off leaving them and Ashley in worry.