• Published 3rd Apr 2012
  • 1,137 Views, 29 Comments

Bound, in eternal love. - SCOOTALOOxDAAWW

when a thunderstorm forces rainbow to stay at applejacks house it all go's mane over tale.

  • ...

chapter 2: unexpected feelings

Chapter 2: unexpected feelings

“Wha-what” said Rainbow still trying to understand the words as they drifted through her mind. “You will” she said.

“Ah sure will” said Applejack with a small smile, as much as Rainbow wanted to be happy at this she still knew that Applejack couldn’t feel the same way about her and was just doing this for to make Rainbow feel better none the less Rainbow said trying to fake a small chuckle.

“So do you want to go for a walk in the park” Rainbow asked nervously she wanted to say the word ‘date’ but she just couldn’t. Nonetheless Applejack smiled and simply said.


“AJ?” Rainbow asked as they walked down the beautiful path with the autumn leaves in the trees.


“Do you...” she stopped knowing that she would regret the answer.

“Do ah what” asked the orange mare

“Do you like me, as in the way i like you” asked Rainbow regretting the words as soon as they had left her lips.

“Oh Rainbow why else would ah be out here with ya”

“You are not out here with me” Rainbow said flatly

“What do ya’ll mean by that” asked Applejack confused by what she had just heard.

“You are not out here with me” Rainbow continued “you are out here FOR me” she said as a disappointed look spread over her face. “I know that you cannot love me the way I do you, I have never cared about anypony else in this way”.

“oh Rainbow, listen ya’ll are right about what ya said back there about us having so much in common and i do think ya’ll are actually very beautiful and,” she stopped she couldn’t believe what she was feeling could she actually be in love with another mare. “And truth be told I’m not sure how ah feel right now but ah sure as sugar don’t hate ya sugarcube”. At hearing these words Rainbows ears picked up and she started smiling again, Applejack was the element of honesty after all and even if she wasn’t Rainbow knew she was telling the truth.

“Heh thanks AJ” said Rainbow Dash still in shock at what had just been said to her.

“now what do ya’ll say we make our merry way back t’the farm” said Applejack to the now beaming cyan pegasus in front of her, her rainbow mane flowing in the autumn breeze as they started towards th farm. When they arrived at the farm Applejack opened the door and turned to Rainbow and said, “well, this sure was fun Rainbow ah never thought ya’ll felt that way about me and ah sure do appreciate ya telling me about it”. There was a long and pregnant pause, Rainbow then turned from the orange earth pony and slowly walked away. Applejack bit her lip, she really did care about that pegasus and couldn’t bear to see her sad.

“Dash wait”, oh dear, this wasn’t good, Applejack only ever called her ‘Dash’ when she was in trouble.

“Yes?” Rainbow dash stammered turning back to the orange pony, Applejack started walking towards rainbow as the cyan
pegasus braced herself for what was about to happen when suddenly Applejack did something that she wasn’t expecting and what Rainbow certainly wasn’t expecting. The orange mare with the straw coloured mane leant forwards and planted a kiss firmly on the winged pony’s lips causing her to become stiff but suddenly relax after she had processed what was going on, Rainbow found herself lost in those big green eyes of the only mare she had ever loved and never wanted that moment to end. As Applejack pulled away she whispered into the pegasus’ ears with the most wonderful voice ever.

“see you tomorrow Dashie” she said as she walked back and smiled at the cyan pony who was still trying to understand what the hay had just happened to her, Applejack let a small giggle escape her lips as she walked indoors and slowly closed the door.
That night as Rainbow lay in her cloud house on her plush little bed she whispered to herself, “she called me ‘Dashie’ she has never called me that before, and that kiss, she genuinely meant it, it wasn’t to make me feel better it was because she wanted to do it, she-she really does like me”. As Applejacks words kept playing through her mind like a broken record she eventually became too drowsy to even think and soon, fell asleep.

As she walked through the doors of her room applejack walked over to her bed and was about to drift off into a slumber of her own until she sat up with a start, her memories had caught up to her. “whoa Nelly” she gasped as she sat there constantly replaying the events that happened not five minutes ago, “ah-ah-ah called her Dashie, ah have never in all mah life called her Dashie... ah-ah kissed her, ah kissed mah best friend but, it felt natural, like it was right but then that means that ah do love her” she let those last four words run through her mind for a good ten minutes and finaly letting out a relaxed and pleasured sigh. “ah do love her, ah do love her, ah do lo-“ she repeated these words for the rest of the night until she simply didn’t have the strength to say one last word and fell asleep.

The next day Rainbow awoke with a start as soon as she woke up she darted towards Sweet Apple Acres. She knew exactly where she was going and she immediately flew up to the window furthest to the left and gently pushed open the window. She giggled to herself as she remembered Applejack never locked her windows. She crept in and sat the as the orange mare lay in her bed fast asleep rainbow couldn’t help but let loose a small sigh. “She looks so cute when she’s asleep” said rainbow as she sat staring at the orange earth pony. the earth pony slowly opened her eyes to see two huge, gleaming magenta eyes staring at her, she knew exactly who it was,
“Morning Dashie” she said but the immediately sat up and said with a raised voice “Rainbow! How did ya get in here!”
rainbow panicked and said with a small whimper.

“you left your window open” at hearing this and the heart wrenching whimper in her loved one’s voice Applejack watched in horror as her best friend fell to the ground and lay her head in her hooves.
“i ju-just wanted to see you” snivelled Rainbow dash. “i didn’t mean to make you mad”.

“oh Dashie”, said Applejack as she walked over to rainbow, feeling a gentle and affectionate nuzzle from Applejack she looked up as the orange pony continued “ah am not mad i was just startled to see you in my room as ah woke up, ah honestly don’t mind you being here, in fact ah want you here “at hearing these words rainbow tried to process them. “Ya see, ah wanted ya’ll here because ah wanna talk to ya about that kiss yesterday” Rainbow looked up, the tears had soaked her mane and it looked worse than ever.

“did-didn’t you mean it?” asked Rainbow with a distinct hint of worry in her voice.

“Oh no Dashie ah did mean it with all mah heart and would love tah go on some more dates" smiled Applejack.

“You mean it?”

“Ah have never been so sincere about anything in mah life”. Said the earth pony as she held her pegasus closer. Ah can’t stay mad at ya’ll, ya’ll are and will always be the pony in mah heart.” And at hearing those words Rainbow Dash looked up at the farm pony and as they became lost im each others eyes once more, Applejack implanted a kiss upon Rainbows lips, they both relaxed and got swept up in the love and compassion between them, however in this amazing moment that had captivated both ponies Applejack jumped as she felt Rainbow dash’s tongue enter her mouth, as surprised as Applejack was she quickly relaxed her muscles and lovingly returned the favour, they fell upon the farm pony’s bed and snuggled close to each other feeling each other’s warmth.
“Ah love ya dashie” said applejack in a sensual and soothing manner.

“i love you too AJ” whispered rainbow dash placing a wing gently over Applejacks body as they lay there together for the rest of the morning...
Rainbow awoke to the sound of small hoofsteps coming up the stairs and she tried to wake applejack but it was too late and standing there in the doorway was Applejacks younger sister Applebloom. “hiya rainbow dash, um why are ya’ll in mah sisters bed” Rainbow froze and suddenly gave a sharp kick to Applejack’s leg.

“Huh what’s going on!” shouted applejack in surprise as she sat up.

“Um ha-ha funny story AJ, Applebloom wants to know why I’m in your bed” explained rainbow nervously. They hadn’t told anypony at all about their relationship and wanted to wait a bit longer before telling someponyanypony.

“Um well ya see sis we were um” sweat was pouring down AJ’s face and so rainbow had to think of something, and fast.

“I tried to do the sonic rainboom again AB” rainbow lied “but i couldn’t change course quick enough and crashed into my house, it didn’t hurt what with it being made of clouds and all that, they just scattered and the weather team are collecting them and putting it back together.”

“Oh yeah” Applejack chimed in “and ah couldn’t very well leave her with nowhere to sleep so ah let her sleep here. There was a long and painstaking pause until Applebloom said with a snigger

“Well that was a silly thing to do rainbow” she said merrily. “Oh oh oh ah almost forgot, lunch is ready”. Rainbow and Applejack looked at each other and let out a huge sigh of relief after Applebloom was gone.

“Wow”said Applejack “that was close, she almost found out”

“yeah” said Rainbow “i hate lying to our friends though” Applejack also hated the idea of lying but she was so worried about what would happen if anypony found out...

the next day rainbow woke up next to her marefriend as Celestia’s sun rose high in the sky bidding farewell to Luna’s moon for yet another gorgeous day, they had remembered lock the door this time and as rainbow turned to her loved one she heard her yawn and let loose a long and peaceful sigh.
“good morning beautiful” said Rainbow as her eyes met her mare’s, applejack chuckled as a small grin formed from her lips.

“yer gettin’ soft Dashie” she said nuzzling her marefriend, and placing a small kiss on the cyan pegasus’ cheek, “thank Celestia ya’ll told me how ya felt about me Dashie, ah don’t think ah’ve ever been happier”. At hearing Celestia’s name rainbow sat up with shock in her eyes. “What’s wrong hon?” asked Applejack seeing the worry in Rainbows eyes.

“AJ... what’s the date” Applejack looked at her calendar on the wall next to her, her eyes narrowed as she read out the date.

“The 30th” today was the 100th year celebration of the harmony and friendship festival and they were late.

“Im supposed to be clearing the clouds so that its sunny for the festival said Rainbow in shock.

“And ah’m supposed to be serving the food”. Applejack opened the door and darted to the town square as Rainbow shot out of the window heading in the same direction. they both arrived standing next to each other at the festival and much to their surprise they saw that their jobs had been taken care of. Big Macintosh was at the apple stall.

“but then who in the hay did my job” said Rainbow gazing up at the sky.

“well now that would be me” said a feminine voice from behind them. They turned and saw a bright yellow pony with a blazing orange mane that got darker the further out it went, she wore a bright blue suit with a lightning bolt pattern over each hoof and one straight down her chest. They were facing the one and only Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts.

“You did this for me, but why” asked Rainbow astounded to even be talking to her idol.

“Well the Wonderbolts are performing at the festival today and I thought I owed you one since you saved our lives in the best young flier’s competition.” Announced spitfire as she walked away not even giving Rainbow a chance to say thanks.
As Rainbow and Applejack walked over to where Big Macintosh was serving the food he said

“hello AJ, can i get you anything, how about you miss Rainbow dash” Big Macintosh was never informal to anyone except his sister he always referred to others as a miss or Mr.

“ah’m good” said Applejack turning to Rainbow “what about you Dashie” she saw her marefriend go a shade of red darker
than any other shade Applejack had ever seen.

“AJ what are you doing” gasped rainbow as she looked up at Big Macintosh to see a grin on his face.

“Don’t ya’ll worry dashie big Mac already knows, in fact he convinced me to give ya’ll a chance in tha first place”. Rainbow looked up at the big red stallion and said.

“thank you so much big Mac” for the rest of the festival nopony even notice the two mares walking flank by flank and by the time the festival ended Applejack and Rainbow had managed to sneak a couple of nuzzles in too.

End of chapter 2