Bound, in eternal love.


First published

when a thunderstorm forces rainbow to stay at applejacks house it all go's mane over tale.

when a thunderstorm forces rainbow dash to stay at applejack's house. however when applejack wakes up to a certain cyan pegasus kissing her she is confused about what she should do next. A huge thanks to Masako Hime for this AMAZING front cover.

chapter 1

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chapter 1: why?

"Amazing" sighed Rainbow Dash as she gazed at the Wonderbolts poster that adorned her wall, her biggest dream of all time had been to join the greatest aerial team in equestria, the Wonderbolts. Rainbow sat up brushing her untidy mane out of her face as her flight instructor walked into the room.
“Hi Coach" said rainbow, her smile fading as she saw her instructor looking constantly at the floor. "What’s wrong Coach" said Rainbow in as comforting voice as she could.
Her instructor had always been like a mother to rainbow and she was the only pony rainbow had ever told about her past.
"I’m afraid I have some bad news Dashie".
"What is it" said Rainbow staring at her teacher; it must be serious if her coach were upset.
"Dashie..." she began before looking into those quivering magenta eyes of the young filly, she cringed, and she couldn’t bring herself to say it so she just set a newspaper down onto the bed next to rainbow. The young filly looked down and tears began to well up in her eyes as she stared down at the main article on the front page as she somehow summoned the strength to let those horrible words seep through her lips.
"pegasus couple die in house fire" she kept reading, "a pegasus couple involving one Storm Dancer and one Cloud Sweeper sadly died last night as a terrible house fire burned their beloved home to the ground and..." rainbow stopped, she couldn’t read anymore she felt a sudden surge of anger bubble up inside her as she looked at the date: the 22nd, that was three days ago.
Rainbow looked up at her trainer and merely said, “how long".
"Dashie please I...”
"HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD THIS!" screamed Rainbow as she saw her trainer start to cry.

"I was trying to think of the right time" the trainer began, but Rainbow Dash intervened again.

“HAVE YOU HAD THIS SINCE THE 22nd!!" shouted rainbow even louder than she had before.

"I-I”she paused for a moment “yes I have and I’m so sorry dashie” she said reaching out a hoof to lay on Rainbows shoulder only to have it knocked away.

"YOU HAVE HAD THIS FOR THREE WHOLE DAYS AND DIDNT TELL ME" said Rainbow but before the trainer could answer the scruffy maned cyan filly had already run out of the room in tears.
for the rest of the day at flight camp all rainbow did was sit up on a cloud and cry, this was the first time rainbow had ever let her feelings out.
She had always prided herself on being a daredevil pony with no emotions, or, at least no sappy ones. Rainbow lay there sobbing for a painful two hours and not one pony asked if poor rainbow was alrite, except one.
Rainbow looked up through her mane that was in more of a state than usual and saw a bright yellow filly with a beautiful flowing pink mane and shining turquoise eyes peering down at her.
"um are you..." the yellow filly started, rainbow had seen this pony before but never spoke to her and this pony had certainly not spoken to her, or anypony else for that matter.
“Um are you ok, what’s wrong" she said in a voice so quiet that Rainbow struggled to even hear.

“Nothing" said Rainbow trying to ignore the small puddle that had formed around her in one of the few liquids that could stay on clouds...Pegasus tears.

"come now" said the yellow filly in the most soothing voice that rainbow had ever heard. nopony can get away with saying 'nothing' with a puddle of tears that big around them, now come on, what’s wrong".

"its-it’s my parents" stuttered Rainbow dash as she barely managed to speak. They-the-they gone".

"Gone where" asked the shy yellow filly.

"They are-are" Rainbow bit her lip and cringed she could hardly speak and barely spoke the words "they are dead".
The yellow filly's eyes widened as she ran over and hugged the cyan pony.

"Oh you poor thing, I’m so sorry".

After a long talk and allot of crying the yellow filly got up and after one final hug walked away.
"Wait" rainbow shouted after the yellow pegasus, "what’s your name", the yellow filly turned her head and simply said.

"I’m Fluttershy" before walking off, rainbow smiled and for a brief second forgot about her troubles, but then a small squeal caught reached her causing her eyes to stand up it seems that fluttershy had misplaced a hoof and fallen off the cloud onto one below and landing in front of two colts.

“Ha! Nice going Cluttershy" sneered one as the other one just laughed at her. Rainbow saw Fluttershy's head sink into her hooves. Rainbow forgot there and then about her parents as she felt an immense tide of anger sweep over her. She flew straight down in front of the pony that had been so sweet and caring to her and stared at the colts.

"Leave her alone!" she shouted.

"Ooooh whatta you gonna do rainbow crash" said the one on the left.

"Keep making fun of her and find out" said rainbow threateningly. The other turned and said.

"You think you’re such a big shot, why don’t you prove it."

"What did you have in mind" said Rainbow.

As Fluttershy stood on a cloud in front of the start line that the two colts and Rainbow were standing.
“You’re going down” said one colt

“in history maybe" said rainbow as they got ready to start, Fluttershy waved the flag and the racers set of at an incredible speed but they went to fast and knocked Fluttershy off the cloud rainbow stopped for a brief second and looked down ready to try and catch her but was relieved to see that fluttershy had been caught by a huge group of butterflies. Rainbow smiled and then she sped off after the two colts, one was closer than she had expected and so flew past him easily but the second one was almost too fast but the one thing that almost everyone in cloudsdale had learned overtime was that as young as she was no pony was a faster flyer than Rainbow Dash, she caught up quickly but still struggled to overtake him. Then without warning the colt butted rainbow out of the way sending her spiraling off course, she paused to look down as she gathered her breath and dive bombed towards the cloud ring near the ground smashing into the colt and sending him off course, but then as she was going down her speed was still going up and she saw a small cone form around her outstretched hooves and then all around her it slowly changed colour and then there was a massive explosion louder than anything she had ever heard as she hit that cloud ring and in its place was a shockwave of rainbow colours flowing out all over equestria.
“a soni-sonic rainboom” she gasped. The sonic rainboom also seemed to double her speed instantaneously as she shot towards the finish. When she got there it was full of ponies both full grown and filly with their jaws hanging open. as they started to cheer shortly after Rainbow felt a joy she had never felt before, the sonic Rainboom was just an old mares tale, nopony had ever pulled it off before. Suddenly rainbow felt a small hoof poke her in the ribs, it was her friend Rainy Days, Rainy Days pointed to Rainbow’s flank and when she looked Rainbow’s day just got better and better.
“MY CUTIE MARK!” shouted Rainbow dash as she looked at the stunning symbol on her flank, it was an image of a pure white cloud with a blue, red, and yellow striped bolt of lightning protruding from it.
“That was eight years ago” remarked rainbow to herself as she glared down to her flank at her cutie mark as she stared at that same newspaper clipping with the article about her parents. “I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry” she said weakly to the photo. She shook herself to clear her head and suddenly remembered.
“Applejack, oh horseapples I’m supposed to be helping out at the farm today” she gasped as she darted out the window towards sweet apple acres.

“Yer late Rainbow” said Applejack as Rainbow landed next to her.

“ aww I love that cute little accent of hers…” she thought to herself, shaking herself out of her thoughts turning her attention back to her friend “sorry AJ I got caught up in something now what was it you needed me to do?” she asked.
“Ah need ya’ll to help me with the applebuckin’ we need tah get them apples outta’ them there trees before nightfall.”
Applejack stated blankly. Rainbow let loose a small giggled at the sound of applejacks accent.

“Huh, and jus’ what is so darn funny” asked Applejack with a small grin.

“oh nothing” Rainbow answered still sniggering to herself as they got started but she couldn’t keep her eyes off of the orange earth pony for the entire day she just watched her work. She always admired a certain, gracefulness in the way her friend bucked the trunks of the trees with one swift kick and the way every single apple fell into the pre-placed baskets below not missing a single one.

“Aw come on now Rainbow I need ya’ll tah actually help and not just watch the work” said a rather frustrated Applejack.

“Alright alright I’ll help” said Rainbow

“Aint no point now” said Applejack as she looked up at the sky,Rainbow also looked up to the growing grayness above them. Rainbow felt so embarrassed about the fact that she had forgotten that the pegasi had organized a thunderstorm for tonight, they had been causing very little rainfall this month and seeing as thunderstorms included more rain than a normal shower it seemed like a good choice for the fields of the farm.
“Well now ah can’t be sending ya’ll on yer way back now can ah, it’d be too darn dangerous” said Applejack worriedly as she looked at her best friend. “so ya’ll are gonna haft to sleep in the farmhouse tonight and go back tah yours in tha mornin’” she said. As they walked into the house Applejack said briefly “ya’ll are gonna be sleepin’ in mah room tonight as we aint got no spare rooms”. Rainbow started to smile wildly at this suggestion as she looked to her orange coated friend.
As they entered Applejacks room rainbow wondered where she would sleep seeing that there was only one bed and nowhere else she assumed the floor until that cute accent breached her ears once again.
“well as much as ah’d prefer ya’ll to sleep on the floor Applebloom took the only sleeping bag to Rarity’s for a sleepover with her friends so ah guess ya’ll are gonna haft to sleep in mah bed.” As those very words hit Rainbow Applejack could swear she saw a twinkle in the cyan pegasus’ eyes as she began to smile at the orange earth pony, Applejack payed no attention to the loving smile Rainbow was giving her, she thought that Rainbow was just happy she didn’t have to sleep on the floor
The next morning arrived as Celestia’s sun rose over the mountains and breached the eyelids of Rainbow she woke up and tried to piece together a reason why she saw no clouds and then she remembered that she had spent the night at Applejack’s, Rainbow had always been quite a lazy pony and always tried to nap when possible, so she closed her eyes and rolled her head over and smiled as the scent of apples wafted up her nose “wait, apples” she thought as she opened her eyes to find her face in Applejack’s straw coloured mane and two of her hooves were stuck under applejack, she jerked her head back she tried to free her legs from her friend. Not that she didn’t love this image but she hadn’t told applejack about her feelings yet and didn’t want to lose her as a friend and wasn’t even sure if her friends in ponyville would even approve. As she continued to pull her hooves slowly to freedom Applejack slowly turned over smiling and rainbows heart melted as their lips touched, the kiss went on for what felt like an eternity until Applejack awoke and saw the position they were both in.
“Whaaa!” shouted applejack in surprise as she fell off the bed; rainbow stood up and stared at the orange mare.
“Rainbow what in the hay was that all about” asked applejack both shocked and stunned at what had just happened.

“AJ I-I please I…” started Rainbow but her nerves got the better of her and she flew away out of Applejack’s window.
Applejack went downstairs to the scent of pancakes. She sat down at the table and silently ate her food as her brother stared. When she had finished applejack went and sat in the barn trying to think of a logical reason for why what happened happened. “Uh AJ” came a voice from behind her. She turned to see her big brother standing in the door.

“Oh er hi Big Macintosh can ah help you” she said trying to make it sound like there’s nothing wrong.

“Uh actually AJ i came to help you, what’s wrong”

“Nothing’s wrong” snapped Applejack

Big Macintosh grinned, “AJ do you remember what element of harmony you represent”

“Yes” she said confused

“And that is”

“Well the element of honesty” she said

“Exactly, which makes you a terrible liar, now come on what’s wrong”. Applejack knew that there was no point in arguing with
him she sighed and began to speak.

“well ah woke up this morning to find Rainbow Rash in the middle of kissing me, ah think she loves me Big Mac”


“Didn’t you hear, she loves me”


“Well what do you think ah should do”

“I think you should give her a chance”

“And the fact that she is a mare means nothing at all”.


“Ok then, say a stallion uh Caramel for example said he loved ya’ll would ya’ll date him”

“Well I think that if he was sincere and true to what he had said I think I’d give him a chance.” Applejack sighed and looked at her big brother and she knew he meant every word he said.

“Ok ah’ll talk to her today” she said.
Rainbow was sitting up on a dark grey cloud next to her house and crying her eyes out. “why rainbow why did you run, you could have told her right then and there how you felt about her and you chickened out” she was still crying when suddenly a large orange apple landed on Rainbow’s head. She picked it up and studied it for a bit before realizing that it was a honeycrisp apple, but these were so rare and expensive in equestria and... “Wait a minute” she said to herself “were the hay did this even come from”. But then she heard a voice with a familiar cute accent calling her.

“Hey Rainbow are ya’ll coming down or do ah need to get mah rope and pull you down mahself” applejack shouted with a noticeable chuckle in her voice. Rainbow soon dashed down from the cloud.

“Applejack I am so sorry i didn’t mean to but you rolled over and your lips touched mine but I loved you so much and always have ever since I first met you your smart beautiful and athletic just like me and I really don’t want to lose you as a friend please please don’t hate me". Rainbow paused and felt like she might pass out had she not stopped when she did. She glanced up at Applejack.

“did ya’ll mean that” said Applejack

“which part” asked Rainbow

“yah feelings for me” replied Applejack”

“every Single letter” said Rainbow
Applejack stared then asked “tell me ‘bout that kiss this mornin’. Rainbow Dash sighed and said

"i woke up and turned over to find my legs trapped underneath you. But as i tried to free them you turned over and our lips met, that was the happiest moment of my life, but then you woke up and i didn’t want you to be angry or worse yet hate me for it so i flew away.”
“well Rainbow, if ya’ll mean that with all yah heart and that really is how much you care about me then i couldn’t live with mahself unless ah at least gave you a chance gave ya’ll a chance”.

chapter 2: unexpected feelings

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Chapter 2: unexpected feelings

“Wha-what” said Rainbow still trying to understand the words as they drifted through her mind. “You will” she said.

“Ah sure will” said Applejack with a small smile, as much as Rainbow wanted to be happy at this she still knew that Applejack couldn’t feel the same way about her and was just doing this for to make Rainbow feel better none the less Rainbow said trying to fake a small chuckle.

“So do you want to go for a walk in the park” Rainbow asked nervously she wanted to say the word ‘date’ but she just couldn’t. Nonetheless Applejack smiled and simply said.


“AJ?” Rainbow asked as they walked down the beautiful path with the autumn leaves in the trees.


“Do you...” she stopped knowing that she would regret the answer.

“Do ah what” asked the orange mare

“Do you like me, as in the way i like you” asked Rainbow regretting the words as soon as they had left her lips.

“Oh Rainbow why else would ah be out here with ya”

“You are not out here with me” Rainbow said flatly

“What do ya’ll mean by that” asked Applejack confused by what she had just heard.

“You are not out here with me” Rainbow continued “you are out here FOR me” she said as a disappointed look spread over her face. “I know that you cannot love me the way I do you, I have never cared about anypony else in this way”.

“oh Rainbow, listen ya’ll are right about what ya said back there about us having so much in common and i do think ya’ll are actually very beautiful and,” she stopped she couldn’t believe what she was feeling could she actually be in love with another mare. “And truth be told I’m not sure how ah feel right now but ah sure as sugar don’t hate ya sugarcube”. At hearing these words Rainbows ears picked up and she started smiling again, Applejack was the element of honesty after all and even if she wasn’t Rainbow knew she was telling the truth.

“Heh thanks AJ” said Rainbow Dash still in shock at what had just been said to her.

“now what do ya’ll say we make our merry way back t’the farm” said Applejack to the now beaming cyan pegasus in front of her, her rainbow mane flowing in the autumn breeze as they started towards th farm. When they arrived at the farm Applejack opened the door and turned to Rainbow and said, “well, this sure was fun Rainbow ah never thought ya’ll felt that way about me and ah sure do appreciate ya telling me about it”. There was a long and pregnant pause, Rainbow then turned from the orange earth pony and slowly walked away. Applejack bit her lip, she really did care about that pegasus and couldn’t bear to see her sad.

“Dash wait”, oh dear, this wasn’t good, Applejack only ever called her ‘Dash’ when she was in trouble.

“Yes?” Rainbow dash stammered turning back to the orange pony, Applejack started walking towards rainbow as the cyan
pegasus braced herself for what was about to happen when suddenly Applejack did something that she wasn’t expecting and what Rainbow certainly wasn’t expecting. The orange mare with the straw coloured mane leant forwards and planted a kiss firmly on the winged pony’s lips causing her to become stiff but suddenly relax after she had processed what was going on, Rainbow found herself lost in those big green eyes of the only mare she had ever loved and never wanted that moment to end. As Applejack pulled away she whispered into the pegasus’ ears with the most wonderful voice ever.

“see you tomorrow Dashie” she said as she walked back and smiled at the cyan pony who was still trying to understand what the hay had just happened to her, Applejack let a small giggle escape her lips as she walked indoors and slowly closed the door.
That night as Rainbow lay in her cloud house on her plush little bed she whispered to herself, “she called me ‘Dashie’ she has never called me that before, and that kiss, she genuinely meant it, it wasn’t to make me feel better it was because she wanted to do it, she-she really does like me”. As Applejacks words kept playing through her mind like a broken record she eventually became too drowsy to even think and soon, fell asleep.

As she walked through the doors of her room applejack walked over to her bed and was about to drift off into a slumber of her own until she sat up with a start, her memories had caught up to her. “whoa Nelly” she gasped as she sat there constantly replaying the events that happened not five minutes ago, “ah-ah-ah called her Dashie, ah have never in all mah life called her Dashie... ah-ah kissed her, ah kissed mah best friend but, it felt natural, like it was right but then that means that ah do love her” she let those last four words run through her mind for a good ten minutes and finaly letting out a relaxed and pleasured sigh. “ah do love her, ah do love her, ah do lo-“ she repeated these words for the rest of the night until she simply didn’t have the strength to say one last word and fell asleep.

The next day Rainbow awoke with a start as soon as she woke up she darted towards Sweet Apple Acres. She knew exactly where she was going and she immediately flew up to the window furthest to the left and gently pushed open the window. She giggled to herself as she remembered Applejack never locked her windows. She crept in and sat the as the orange mare lay in her bed fast asleep rainbow couldn’t help but let loose a small sigh. “She looks so cute when she’s asleep” said rainbow as she sat staring at the orange earth pony. the earth pony slowly opened her eyes to see two huge, gleaming magenta eyes staring at her, she knew exactly who it was,
“Morning Dashie” she said but the immediately sat up and said with a raised voice “Rainbow! How did ya get in here!”
rainbow panicked and said with a small whimper.

“you left your window open” at hearing this and the heart wrenching whimper in her loved one’s voice Applejack watched in horror as her best friend fell to the ground and lay her head in her hooves.
“i ju-just wanted to see you” snivelled Rainbow dash. “i didn’t mean to make you mad”.

“oh Dashie”, said Applejack as she walked over to rainbow, feeling a gentle and affectionate nuzzle from Applejack she looked up as the orange pony continued “ah am not mad i was just startled to see you in my room as ah woke up, ah honestly don’t mind you being here, in fact ah want you here “at hearing these words rainbow tried to process them. “Ya see, ah wanted ya’ll here because ah wanna talk to ya about that kiss yesterday” Rainbow looked up, the tears had soaked her mane and it looked worse than ever.

“did-didn’t you mean it?” asked Rainbow with a distinct hint of worry in her voice.

“Oh no Dashie ah did mean it with all mah heart and would love tah go on some more dates" smiled Applejack.

“You mean it?”

“Ah have never been so sincere about anything in mah life”. Said the earth pony as she held her pegasus closer. Ah can’t stay mad at ya’ll, ya’ll are and will always be the pony in mah heart.” And at hearing those words Rainbow Dash looked up at the farm pony and as they became lost im each others eyes once more, Applejack implanted a kiss upon Rainbows lips, they both relaxed and got swept up in the love and compassion between them, however in this amazing moment that had captivated both ponies Applejack jumped as she felt Rainbow dash’s tongue enter her mouth, as surprised as Applejack was she quickly relaxed her muscles and lovingly returned the favour, they fell upon the farm pony’s bed and snuggled close to each other feeling each other’s warmth.
“Ah love ya dashie” said applejack in a sensual and soothing manner.

“i love you too AJ” whispered rainbow dash placing a wing gently over Applejacks body as they lay there together for the rest of the morning...
Rainbow awoke to the sound of small hoofsteps coming up the stairs and she tried to wake applejack but it was too late and standing there in the doorway was Applejacks younger sister Applebloom. “hiya rainbow dash, um why are ya’ll in mah sisters bed” Rainbow froze and suddenly gave a sharp kick to Applejack’s leg.

“Huh what’s going on!” shouted applejack in surprise as she sat up.

“Um ha-ha funny story AJ, Applebloom wants to know why I’m in your bed” explained rainbow nervously. They hadn’t told anypony at all about their relationship and wanted to wait a bit longer before telling someponyanypony.

“Um well ya see sis we were um” sweat was pouring down AJ’s face and so rainbow had to think of something, and fast.

“I tried to do the sonic rainboom again AB” rainbow lied “but i couldn’t change course quick enough and crashed into my house, it didn’t hurt what with it being made of clouds and all that, they just scattered and the weather team are collecting them and putting it back together.”

“Oh yeah” Applejack chimed in “and ah couldn’t very well leave her with nowhere to sleep so ah let her sleep here. There was a long and painstaking pause until Applebloom said with a snigger

“Well that was a silly thing to do rainbow” she said merrily. “Oh oh oh ah almost forgot, lunch is ready”. Rainbow and Applejack looked at each other and let out a huge sigh of relief after Applebloom was gone.

“Wow”said Applejack “that was close, she almost found out”

“yeah” said Rainbow “i hate lying to our friends though” Applejack also hated the idea of lying but she was so worried about what would happen if anypony found out...

the next day rainbow woke up next to her marefriend as Celestia’s sun rose high in the sky bidding farewell to Luna’s moon for yet another gorgeous day, they had remembered lock the door this time and as rainbow turned to her loved one she heard her yawn and let loose a long and peaceful sigh.
“good morning beautiful” said Rainbow as her eyes met her mare’s, applejack chuckled as a small grin formed from her lips.

“yer gettin’ soft Dashie” she said nuzzling her marefriend, and placing a small kiss on the cyan pegasus’ cheek, “thank Celestia ya’ll told me how ya felt about me Dashie, ah don’t think ah’ve ever been happier”. At hearing Celestia’s name rainbow sat up with shock in her eyes. “What’s wrong hon?” asked Applejack seeing the worry in Rainbows eyes.

“AJ... what’s the date” Applejack looked at her calendar on the wall next to her, her eyes narrowed as she read out the date.

“The 30th” today was the 100th year celebration of the harmony and friendship festival and they were late.

“Im supposed to be clearing the clouds so that its sunny for the festival said Rainbow in shock.

“And ah’m supposed to be serving the food”. Applejack opened the door and darted to the town square as Rainbow shot out of the window heading in the same direction. they both arrived standing next to each other at the festival and much to their surprise they saw that their jobs had been taken care of. Big Macintosh was at the apple stall.

“but then who in the hay did my job” said Rainbow gazing up at the sky.

“well now that would be me” said a feminine voice from behind them. They turned and saw a bright yellow pony with a blazing orange mane that got darker the further out it went, she wore a bright blue suit with a lightning bolt pattern over each hoof and one straight down her chest. They were facing the one and only Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts.

“You did this for me, but why” asked Rainbow astounded to even be talking to her idol.

“Well the Wonderbolts are performing at the festival today and I thought I owed you one since you saved our lives in the best young flier’s competition.” Announced spitfire as she walked away not even giving Rainbow a chance to say thanks.
As Rainbow and Applejack walked over to where Big Macintosh was serving the food he said

“hello AJ, can i get you anything, how about you miss Rainbow dash” Big Macintosh was never informal to anyone except his sister he always referred to others as a miss or Mr.

“ah’m good” said Applejack turning to Rainbow “what about you Dashie” she saw her marefriend go a shade of red darker
than any other shade Applejack had ever seen.

“AJ what are you doing” gasped rainbow as she looked up at Big Macintosh to see a grin on his face.

“Don’t ya’ll worry dashie big Mac already knows, in fact he convinced me to give ya’ll a chance in tha first place”. Rainbow looked up at the big red stallion and said.

“thank you so much big Mac” for the rest of the festival nopony even notice the two mares walking flank by flank and by the time the festival ended Applejack and Rainbow had managed to sneak a couple of nuzzles in too.

End of chapter 2

chapter 3: never a normal day

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Chapter 3: never a normal day

As dawn rose once more over the magical world of Equestria, as Dash awoke from her peaceful slumber she turned to her marefriend and nuzzled her affectionately, Applejack awoke to this gesture and returned the nuzzle. Applejack looked at the sun out the window to the sun and noticed that it barely over the horizon. “Sweet Celestia it’s early”. She moaned as she slowly rolled over to face her lover once more “heh ah guess this is the earliest ya ever been awake ya whole darn life huh Dashie”.

“HEY! I’ve been awake earlier than this!” Rainbow protested

“Oh yeah, name ONE time before this that ya’ll have woken up this early” inquired Applejack with a distinct giggle in her tone. Dash lay there for a couple of minutes before leaning over and placing a deep passionate kiss upon the farm pony’s lips, after a couple of minutes of bliss and savouring each other’s flavour Rainbow pulled away and said flatly.

“Ok you got me there”.

“Say Rainbow, can ah ask ya’ll for a favour”.

“Can ah sleep at ya house tonight”.

“Of course AJ if you can find a way to stay on clouds”.

“Simple, ah will just ask twilight for that spell what lets us walk on clouds, ya’ll remember right? The one that she used to help us cheer ya on in the best young fliers contest in cloudsdale.” Explained Applejack.

“Oh yeah... I would love it for you to stay at my house tonight” replied Dash.

“Hey Dash are ya’ll coming to pinkie’s ‘make Monday a happy day’ party again today.”

“Um duh! Of course I am, when pinkie pie throws a party I am there... also it’s an excuse to get free cake” laughed Rainbow. It was halfway through the day when it was almost time for Rainbow and Applejack to stop the farm work and go to the party. Applejack and Rainbow were halfway to the party when Applejack suddenly gasped.

“Oh hayseed! Ah forgot to tell Applebloom, ah’d better go ge-“

Applejack was cut off by an unbelievable roar, as Applejack and Rainbow dash turned their jaws dropped as they saw a giant ruby coloured dragon with blazing orange spines running through the town, suddenly it stopped and looked at the two mares in front of it, shortly after smacks rainbow against the wall and went to snap down its massive jaws onto Applejack and without thinking Applejack jumped backwards turning on her heels and going into a full speed gallop away from the dragon, she risked a glance behind her and let out a ear piercing scream as she saw three rows of jagged yellow teeth. Dash got up and flinched at the pain in her ribs she looked around franticly for Applejack but suddenly turned in the direction of a loud scream, “AJ!!” ignoring the pain emitting from her ribs she saw Applejack being chased by the ruby scaled monster, with a single bound Rainbow was in the sky and heading towards the sound of the scream.
In front of her Rainbow could see the orange mare beginning to slow, ‘this is bad. AJ may be the fittest pony I know but even she has her limits, if I can even hope to save her then I need to something NOW!’. But there was only one way that rainbow could even think of that would even slow the dragon but even IF she could do it it could endanger her own life as well. ‘no! my life doesn’t matter without her, I have to try’ and with that rainbow soared up into the sky as high as she could climb in one go and entered a dive bomb focusing on the place that the dragon would be in roughly the time it would take Rainbow to get there and flapped her wings with all her might, sweat began to flood Dash’s face as the mach cone formed around her cyan body, she continued to dive through the air, as she felt the transparent barrier in front of her reach its maximum resistance Rainbow tried something she had not attempted before, as she pushed past the barrier she twisted through the air and pointed her rear hooves down towards the dragons head and letting out a final shout, “DONT.YOU.EVER.TOUCH.HER!”. As those last words left her mouth there was an enormous explosion of colour and a wave of rainbow flooded over ponyville, rainbow screamed in pain as her hooves connected with the dragon’s skull and they both fell the ground in an almighty thud. Applejack turned when she could no longer here the sound of massive feet chasing her. She walked over to the dragon that was now slumped on the ground and suddenly another thought popped into her mind “Dashie!” she gasped she ran around trying to find were the rainbow haired mare was and suddenly she shouted in horror at what she saw before her.
“RAINBOW! NOOOO! She ran over to the cyan pony. The top half of Dash was the only thing showing of the pegasus, Applejack rushed to her lovers side, “No, Rainbow what have ya done”.

“Ugh, you’re welcome” groaned Rainbow jokingly.

“Ya alive!?” jumped Applejack in both confusion and joy.

“Yeah but not by much, my ribs are being crushed by a fifty foot dragon, I’m not sure how lon-“ she let out a ruthless cough and a large splutter of blood erupted from her lips.

“No, just hold on Dashie ya going to be okay”. At hearing these comforting words Rainbow smiled and kissed the farm pony, closed her eyes and whispered.

“never a normal day right?”

“Dashie...DASHIE!” Applejack mustered all her strength to pull her lover out from under the now quite dead dragon and rushed her to twilight.

“Another quiet day of study” said twilight to herself as she finished yet another book in her collection before jumping as she hears somepony knock on the door, she sighed “ I had to say it didn’t I?” she muttered to herself as she opened the door to see a watery eyed earth pony run through the door.

“Twilight please ya have to help her, please help Rainbow”.

“Oh my goodness what in equestria happened”

“Well Dashie and ah were walking to Pinkie’s party when a dragon hit Rainbow into a house and chased me away from town, as ah was about to collapse from exhaustion ah hear a massive explosion, ah look up and saw that a sonic rainboom had been executed.” Twilight had seen it to from the window but had just assumed it was just a training session. “ah turn to see if the dragon is still chasing me and see that it is lying on the ground but dash is nowhere to be seen, so ah walk around the dragon and saw rainbow has under the dragon, and then she passed out... please help here twilight ah- ah love her. Placing Dash upon the table in the middle of the library. Twilight’s horn began to glow a strong violet and rainbow’s body suddenly stopped tensing.

“I only managed to heal the minor wounds, we really need to get her to a hospital” and without a second thought Applejack put dash on her back an bolted out the door.

chapter 4: a sleeping rainbow

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Chapter 4: a sleeping rainbow

"Rainbow... oh Raaaiiinnnbooooowww" whispered an eerie voice, Rainbow Dash's eyes darted around the mysterious fog that was surrounding her. She was used to weird and creepy things but this takes the cake. She craned her head back and her jaw dropped as she saw her mother hovering above her, her mom dropped down and stared at Rainbow, she edged forward and rainbow slowly started to move backwards, her mom was dead... DEAD how could she possibly be here but her mind was put to rest as her mom started to do something that she hadnt done since Rainbow was a little filly. Rainbow's mom started to do a little dance and as she did she sung rainbows favourite tune.

"Sunshine sunshine ladybugs awake clap your hooves and do a little shake" as she said the last four words she wiggled her flank which never ceased to make Rainbow giggle.

"How can you be here... its not possible"

"Oh rainbow don't you know, your dead too."

"What! but I cant be I still have so much to live for, I CANT BE DEAD!"

"Oh Rainbow what did you have to live for you useless mare" Rainbow was taken back and a tear ran down her face as she processed what her own mother had just said to her, straightening up she said.

"I have Applejack"

"Oh my I never would have thought that I raised a filly fooler, what could that pathetic mare possibly have to offer you."

"Hey! shut up you bucking feather brain" Rainbow was disgusted at this language and she never used it herself but nopony talks about her marefriend like that... not even her mother. her mother took two steps forward as her eyes started to glow blood red.

"It doesn't matter what you are Rainbow you are here with me regardless"

"Wh-why are you doing this to me" Rainbow stammered as tears flooded her eyes"

"Because you killed me" Rainbows eyes widened she knew what her mother meant.

"No! it wasnt my fault"

"You where not there to save us Rainbow, you abandoned your own mother and father, and now you must pay for what you have done to us". rainbow tried to turn and run only to come face to face with her father who was now staring at her with the same blood red eyes as her mother. They closed in on rainbow and there was a bright flash of crimson as rainbow felt extreme pain in her body, the pain shot through her limbs from her hooves to her wings.she let out a blood curdling scream and suddenly heard a loud bang the world faded away,her parents did as well and she soon found herself sitting up in a hospital bed with itchy white sheets pulled over her body. The pain seemed to be caused when rainbow sat up as quickly as she did, she looked around for the cause of the loud crash, she looked over the side of the bed to see two shining emeralds the belonged to the radiant orange farm pony that she knew all to well.

"Rainbow! y'all are awake! Ah thought ah would never see those ruby eyes again!" shouted Applejack as she lept at rainbow and gave her a big hug which caused rainbow to flinch in pain, at seeing this Applejack jumped back with tears in her eyes.

"Sorry Dashie ah am just so happy to see ya awake I..."

"Wait, how long was I asleep"

"Bout a month an' a half"

"Iv been asleep for a month and a half, how did I eat" after Rainbow was finished Applejack pointed to a number of tubes attached to several bags hanging next to the bed.

"Oh so if iv been asleep for a month and a half how have..." she cut herself off as she shook her head trying to shake that awful dream she was in not five minutes ago."

"What's wrong sugar" Applejack inquired while watching the cyan pegasus shaking her head wildly, she knew something was wrong but she didn't want to pester her lover so soon after waking up. so she just nuzzled her marefriend and sat back down, when she did Rainbow noticed a bright yellow sleeping bag with a picture of her and Applejack on the front, she thought for a moment before it hit her.

"Uh AJ how long have you been sleeping here" Applejack just looked up and smiled

"A month an' a half"

"So you slept here on the floor for a month and a half, but why"

"Ah was so worried bout ya Dashie ah didnt want to hafta leave the pony ah cared for the most on her own in tha state she was in"

"You just wanted to stay with me, oh AJ... wait where did you get that sleeping bag"

"Ah asked rarity ta make it, she doesn't just do dresses"

"But AJ she knows now!"

"Rainbow it sorta gave it away when ya broke almost every bone in ya body just to save me and ah wasn't exactly subtle when carrying you to this here hospital and told them nurses not to let the best thing that ever happened to me go away forever"

"so everypony knows?" Rainbows eyes began to tear as she remembered how her mother had made fun of her for liking other mares.

"Yep even Pinkie" Rainbows eyes narrowed, she couldn't help but think about Pinkie's negative reaction and about losing her best friend. at that very moment that same pink haired mare walked through the door but her mane was flat, this hurt Rainbow Dash on a personal as she knew that Pinkie Pie must have been extremely depressed or upset, but as soon as the pink mare laid her eyes on her best friend her hair immediately sprang back up to its cotton candy state and she jumped and to Rainbow giving her the tightest hug ever and causing more pain to shoot up Rainbow's body but she didn't even notice, she just embraced her friend and hugged her back.

"What happened to you Dashie? I want you to tell me everything."

"But didn't Applejack tell you?"

"It upset her to much so I decided not to bother her it wouldn't be right"

"But wait aren't you angry that I'm a... filly fooler" without delay Rainbow felt a slight sting in her hoof, Applejack had just hit her, not too hard but enough to show that she meant it.

"Rainbow don't ever let me hear ya say that again, why in celestia's name would ya use that word" Rainbow's eyes once again welled up with water as she looked at Applejack because my mom called me it.

"Rainbow how in the hoof is that possible y'all were here the whole time and she was never here, ah doubt she even knows ya hurt." Rainbow took a deep breath, look at her mare and sighed.

"When I was asleep I saw my mother standing in the clearing of a forest but it was weird, the fog around the area felt unnatural. I walked over to my mom and she turned to me and did the little dance and song that always brightened up my day". she then began reciting the song and did all the movements except the dance. "however she suddenly began to be really mean to me and started asking what I had to live for."

"So what did ya say" rainbow looked into Applejack's emerald eyes.

"I said i have Applejack, but then she said that she was surprised that she had raised a filly fooler, how it was my fault she and my father died how..."

"WAIT WHAT! ya parents died. rainbow why didn't ya ever tell me".

" really was my fault".

"Oh come now sugar ah'm sure it weren't ya fault... now come on, tell me what happened...please"

"I was at flight camp staring at a Wonderbolts poster on my wall when my coach walked in and put a newspaper on the bed, i read the headline only to see that it said that my parents had died in a house fire."

"Ah didn't know clouds could catch fire"

"They cant, when I was born my parents were living in a small little hut just outside manehatten, but one day I entered a rebellious phase and flew away to join flight camp because I didn't want to live by their rules any more."

"But why do you think you killed them Dashie" said Pinkie butting in, "you said it yourself it was a house fire and you were nowhere near them".

"EXACTLY! I abandoned them, I could have... I SHOULD have been there, i could have saved them". Applejack could feel Rainbows pain. after all her parents had died as well, which was why she lived with granny smith.

"Rainbow there was nothing ya could do and it sure as sugar wasn't ya fault". Rainbow looked up into those big green eyes and she knew that Applejack was telling the truth, after all she was the element of honesty. she simply smiled at Applejack to show she agreed and with that Applejack leant over and gave Rainbow a passionate kiss, Rainbow returned the favour,they sat there for ages tongues locked in a lovers dance when suddenly a little squee could be heard from behind them.

"Ohboyohboyohboy i have got to go tell the others your awake and we can have a party and cake and ice cream and punch oh this will be brilliant" and without even stopping for a breath the pink pony was out the door on her way to Twilights house to tell her the good news. as soon as Pinky had left the room there was a blinding light that engulfed the room causing Applejack and Rainbow to close their eyes tight. when they opened them they saw the royal princess Celestia standing in front of them.

"Whoa Nelly" cried Applejack as she immediately bowed to the princess.

"Princess why are you here" asked Rainbow in shock

"Oh Rainbow Dash I'm here to help you, now I just need you to relax all of you muscles and close your eyes." Rainbow did as she was told and son the princess' horn began to glow a bright and beautiful gold and the same light enveloped Rainbow Dash as she resisted the urge to open her eyes.

"Alright Rainbow Dash you may open your eyes" as Rainbow opened her shining magenta eyes she suddenly felt renewed, young and energetic. without thinking she soured out of the bed and looped around the room before stopping and giving herself time to process what just happened.

"Princess, healed me?"

"Indeed I did Rainbow dash"

"No offence meant or nothin' princess but you were here the day Rainbow way put in hospital, how come you didn't heal her then."

"Because my dear Applejack, I did try but I sensed I conflict in her mind like, like she was fighting something, any attempt to do what I just did might have endangered and possibly even wiped Rainbow Dash's mind"

"Well thanks princess ah owe ya a mighty bid favour for helping mah Dashie like ya have" Rainbow looked at the princess before her and without thinking asked.

"Celestia don't you hate me and AJ" Celestia looked confused which was certainly a first for her.

"Why on earth would I hate you Rainbow Dash."

"Well because we are in love"

"Why should gender play any part in love, true love cannot be stopped by any barrier whether that barrier be gender or something much worse it matters not. and with you two already possessing the power of the elements of harmony adding love only strengthens your bond, you two can never be separated."
Twilight was sat at home with her muzzled deep in books as usual until she heard a knock on the big oak door, at answering the door she was face to face with a bright pink mare with a huge giddy smile on her face.

"Uh hi Pinki..."


"Uh I don't follow say it again but slower this time"

"Rainbow Dash woke up Twilight we need to hurry up and prepare a party."

"Oh my gosh that's brilliant we shall have the party here pinkie hurry up and plan while i go and right a letter to the princess asking her to attend, oh and my brother and his new wife as well they loved the reception that you put on for their wedding."
in the hospital Celestia was about to speak when a letter popped out of nowhere and landed in front of her, after processing the message she simply smiled and looked at the two mares in front of her.

"I think it would be in your best interests to be at the library in 4 hours but no earlier." and with that she was gone in another blinding flash of light. Shining Armour sat up in his bed and looked down at his wife who was still sound asleep when suddenly in a flash of green a note appeared on the bed. As Shining Armour read the letter he lept off the bed and shouted with joy, waking up his wife.

"Ugh what is going on sweetie" she groaned sitting up in the bed.

"Cadence its a message from Twily, Rainbow Dash is awake and they are having a party to celebrate and we have been invited to attend."

"When is it!" shouted Cadence jumping from the bed, she was now just as excited as Shining Armour. It is in 4 hours at Twily's house.

"Oh I cant wait Pinkie always throws the best parties, oh we need to get a present for Rainbow Dash not only to say get better soon but also to say thank you for that amazing sonic rainboom that she performed at our wedding.

a familiar but unwelcome face

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Chapter 4:

"It really is amazing to see ya'll up and about again Dashie, that bed didn't look all that comfy" Applejack said cheerfully as the two mares trotted through Ponyville later that afternoon.

"How long do we have until we need to be at the library AJ"

"Uh 'bout three an'a haf hours, we could spent some time upstairs at mah house to celebrate you getting better" said Applejack with a rather cheeky smile on here face"

"That would be great" replied Rainbow with an impossibly large smile on her face. As they reached Sweet Apple Acres they stood at the door and nuzzled each other affectionately before Applejack reached for the handle, she was about to turn it when who should come running down the path shouting but Applebloom.

"Applejack quick you have to help us there's a demon and its going to eat us help help!" Applejack facehoofed.

"Just one... is it too much to ask for just one normal day, Applebloom calm yerself now what do ya mean by demon"

"Oh Applejack it was so scary. Me an' the crusaders were in the everfree forest and then we walked 'round a tree and there was a demon there and come on ah'll show ya." And with that Applebloom ran off with Applejack and Rainbow Dash in hot pursuit. After a tiresome time of non-stop gallop they finally reached the everfree forest. Applebloom was hesitant to enter but put on a brave face and showed the two mares to the tree where the so called "demon" was last seen.

"Applebloom ah think that if that demon was here when you three were here i doubt its stayed here in one place fer this long" and just as she said that they walked around a tree to see something the wished that they would never have to see again... a Changeling sat there under a tree but it didn't look fearsome,scary or even mildly spooky it was just lay there curled up under a tree crying, and Applejack could see why. The Changeling's horn was missing,snapped clean off, but then Applejack saw that it wasn't missing,in fact that was the problem it was lodged in the very tree that the miserable creature was curled under. The changeling looked up at them and tried to stand but in its efforts it just fell to the ground screaming in pain, its left foreleg was bent at an unnatural angle and when the scream was heard Applebloom shrunk to the floor and started crying. Applejack bent down to comfort her sister and Rainbow bent down to do the same and as this happened the Changeling became engulfed in green fire and shot into the air with mighty flaps of her wings.

The changeling was shocked beyond belief. "What is this, for me to get this much strength this quickly there must be a gigantic source of love nearby but there is just two mares here" and with that both Applejack and Rainbow stood up with hooves over each others backs in a hug, they looked up at the changeling and said in synch.

"Problem?" the Changeling looked even more surprised now.

"I gain strength off of love, I need it to live but that must mean that this love is true and real. I guess love really has no limits" the changeling lowered itself down to the ground but forgetting about her broken leg fell to her knees in pain. This was it this creature needed help so they took the changeling and balanced her on Rainbow's back and rushed for the hospital.

"Wait why are you helping me after what my queen and my family did to Canterlot"

"wait you were in the canterlot invasion!?" Shouted Applejack surprised

"Yes I was but it was nothing against the ponies it was for survival, argh! I will explain when my leg is better"

"Rainbow change of plan! Do you think you can carry me?" Shouted Applejack

"Yep no doubt"

"good 'cos we're goin' tah canterlot" as the trio flew to canterlot the had to be careful not to be spotted as smuggling a Changeling into Canterlot would have severe punishments for them and worse for the changeling. they flew into the throne room window and landed directly in front of the princess herself. The princess saw the Changeling had no horn and felt inclined to ask.

"Applejack why is this creature missing its horn" when the Changeling was reminded of the loss of her horn she broke down into tears. this told Celestia that a Changeling's horn must be as valuable to them as one is to a pony.

"princess we need ya'll to heal her you know, like ya did with dash". Celestia nodded and her horn began to glow the same golden colour and the room was soon engulfed in a blinding light and just as suddenly it was gone again. The changeling stood up and did a little trot on the spot to stretch her legs, she then looked up at the princess and bowed.

"thank you your highness" then Applejack remembered the changeling saying something about the invasion being about survival, she nudged the Changeling and said.

"tell here about the invasion and how it was for survival ms um, what is your name by the way"

"Call me Copy Cat. So anyway princess the invasion that happened about 2 months ago was just for survival. We live on love we need it to survive and when the residents of our previous home started having arguments and wars there was no love only hate, so as our queen Chrysalis found us a new source of nourishment, you must understand princess she just wanted to help us survive that's all! And with that she broke into tears again. "We aren't evil, we were just trying to survive" she sobbed.

"does feeding off of a pony's love hurt them." asked Applejack

"no not at all, the queen only did what she did to the captain because she needed the forcefield gone and my family can be a bit excitable" Replied Copy

"well then if that is the case then I don't see a problem with you living in ponyville" said the princess "Applejack and Rainbow Dash here will gladly show you around town"

"we sure as sugar will" announced Applejack its always good to make up with old enemies to create new friends, oh ah know, we are supposed to be at the library in thirty minutes for something big you can come tag along".

as the trio of ponies walked through the town it all seemed to be a bit too quiet, it seemed abandoned. there were no ponies at stalls, there were no fillies out playing in the street. It was only four 'o' clock PM, so where was everypony. as they reached the library Rainbow swung the door open to be met with a familiar pink face shouting "SURPRISE!!" at her as she walked in but her eyes were immiediatly drawn to Copy Cat whose eyes were glaring at the pink pony with anger.


(Author note: this was a very rushed chapter and i havent checked it. more will be added tommorow.)