• Published 14th May 2014
  • 3,672 Views, 28 Comments

Perspective - Dreamscape

Twilight has thought of Rainbow Dash as more than a friend for quite some time, and, in the midst of the Equestria Games, has finally worked up enough courage to tell her. This presents her with plenty of obstacles, and a rather big problem.

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Chapter 2

“Everypony, please stay seated so our Princess, Twilight Sparkle can exit the train safely and promptly!” the conductor of the train announced as a dark gray cloud of smoke hissed from the engine’s stack into the air above the Canterlot station.

Twilight’s cheeks grew a deep shade of red as her head hung down in embarrassment. “I could have gotten off the train just as easily with everypony else,” she muttered angrily beneath her breath.

“Oh, come on Twilight, they’re just showing some appreciation,” Rainbow said with a smirk. “You deserve it.”

“Do I really?” the alicorn questioned as she brought herself to her hooves.

Dash’s smirk transformed into a genuine smile as she replied. “Of course you do! You don’t have to be so modest all the time.”

“I guess you’re right,” Twilight sighed, turning to the aisle and then nearly crashing to the floor as her hooves fumbled to quickly turn herself back to her friend. “I know it won’t be for that long, not long at all really, a few hours at the most, but I’m going to miss you,” she forced herself to push out. “I…really had a lot of fun sitting with you, really…and um…” With her body shaking ever so slightly, the alicorn leaned for and wrapped her hooves tightly around Rainbow Dash.

“My pleasure, Twi. You kept me pretty entertained too. I mean, train rides are always boring, but you made it less boring,” Rainbow said, gently patting a hoof against the mare’s back. “See ya.”

“Bye, Rainbow,” Twilight responded with a glowing smile and slight wave of her hoof as she once again turned to make her way down the aisle.

“Bye Twilight!” exclaimed the rest of her friends, who were seated in pairs in front of and beside her, in a synchronous tone, causing her to realize that she, and every other pony upon the train had been observing her rather awkward and extremely cheesy goodbye to Dash. Expelling a nervous giggle as her cheeks grew even redder, she gave another wave to the rest of her friends, and one more for good measure to Rainbow.

Politely nodding to the many ponies which bowed their heads as she walked passed, including multiple starry eyed fillies and colts who were headed to the games with their family, Twilight listened intently to the clacks of her hooves as they made contact with the floor. Besides that, all was complete and utterly silent in the cart.

As she exited the train, Twilight felt rather relieved to be greeted by the hustle and bustle of the Canterlot streets. Letting out a sigh, she gazed up at the bright white spires of the castle and buildings which surrounded it, their patterned roofs glowing golden in the intense sun. Realizing that two stoic royal guards, outfitted in golden armor stood on either side of the train doors, she quickly nodded her head at both of the stallions in respect.

The gasp of shock which she then expelled indicated that she hadn’t yet noticed the smiling pink alicorn which stood before her either. “Cadance!” she burst out, rushing forward and wrapping her hooves around the mare’s neck. “What are you doing here in Canterlot? Shouldn’t you be in the Crystal Empire preparing for the games?”

“Luckily, almost everything is complete and ready to go. There are only a couple of minor changes I would like to discuss with you, and that’s why we’ll be riding together,” the princess replied, her smile growing into a gleaming grin as she broke the embrace and motioned for Twilight to follow. “Besides, the more time I get to spend with my sister-in-law the better.”

Much more comfortable with her passage to the distant empire now, Twilight grinned back, happy to see her longtime friend once more. As the two approached the elegant, gold plated chariot, another armored stallion opened its door and aided them onto their seats before taking his place next to the second pegasus so that they could pull off into the skies. Noticing that the other two princesses sat in the chariot ahead of them, Twilight smiled and waved a hoof.

“Where’s Spike?” Cadance asked worriedly, her eyes darting back and forth around the chariot in hopes of finding the small assistant which was almost always close by when Twilight was around.

“Oh, he told me he wanted to help with everypony’s bags, so he’s riding the train,” Twilight explained.

“Hmm, well, I guess I’ll have to wait till after we arrive for his answer.”

“Answer to?” Twilight questioned as the chariot was lifted graciously into the air and they began their steady ascent into the clear cerulean skies. The constant chatter of the fashionably and expensively dressed aristocrats below was quickly replaced with the buffeting of a warm but forceful wind as the pegasi pushed ahead.

“Because Spike hasn’t returned to the Crystal Empire since he helped save it, I’m sure both you and he are unaware of what a celebrity he’s become,” Cadance said with a vivacious grin.

“Spike...is a celebrity?” Twilight asked, raising a curious eyebrow.

“Well, of course he is. Without him, I never would’ve received the Crystal Heart in time. He’s a hero. Everypony knows him by name and we have even erected a crystal statue in his honor. That’s why I want him to light the torch at the opening ceremony. He will not only be the first dragon to ever do so, but my ponies will be very grateful that he is honored as well.”

“Wow, he’ll certainly love being famous and I’m sure he’ll say yes,” Twilight said with a chuckle.

“Glad to hear it. Now, I’m sorry to say this, but you won’t be sitting with your friends at the games. There are seats delegated to each of us along with other attending royalty.”

Twilight sighed in defeat as thoughts of a certain cyan pegasus once again filled her mind. How would she get to spend any time with her if she wasn’t able to sit next to her? “It’s okay,” she whispered painfully.

“Your throne is certainly not hard to find, but security will be there to lead you anyways.”

“Okay,” the alicorn mumbled almost inaudibly in response as she leaned her head back against the soft velvet surface of the cushioned seat. Gazing down over the chariot’s rim at the few thin, wispy clouds were passing by, Twilight attempted to plan an approach to spending as much time with her love interest as possible. She noted the beauty of the bright green landscape beneath and even wondered how quickly it would turn to snow, but had little time to admire it as she planned.


“Is everything okay, Twilight? You seem extremely quiet today. I hope you’re not nervous about the games. I promise you there’s nothing special you have to do besides sit in your throne and enjoy it,” Cadance said, breaking the wordless silence and shaking her traveling companion from her thoughts.

Twilight shuddered in sudden realization at how cold the wind had grown; and blinked in astonishment at the ground below which was, in fact, now fully blanketed in white. She began to wonder exactly how long she had been consumed by her thoughts. The problem of her shivering was quickly solved when Cadance’s horn lit up with a purple aura and a barrier, similar to that which protected the Crystal Empire, surrounded both their chariot and the one ahead of them which contained Luna and Celestia.

“I’m glad I decided to come along for the ride. It looks like you hadn’t planned for snow. These chariots have no protection,” the princess stated, allotting Twilight a few more much needed seconds of thought.

“Well…I’m not going to lie and say everything’s fine, and you’re certainly the right pony to tell,” Twilight finally pushed out. “And no, it’s not about the games.”

“Then what is it about, Twilight?” Cadance asked in a comforting tone, her attention fully directed upon the pony beside her.

“Do you remember Rainbow Dash?” the alicorn responded, a weakness in her voice.

“Of course.”

“Well…I, sort of, like her…as in, I’m interested in her romantically. I’ve felt this way for a very long time, Cadance; but I just can’t seem to muster up enough courage to tell her,” Twilight stuttered out, her face growing warm and damp with perspiration, even with the torrent of cold white beyond their protective barrier.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I actually think you two would be really cute together; the classic ‘egghead and athlete’ setup that you always read about in romance novels,” Cadance said with an eager, yet caring smile. “You know, I had to ask your brother out, rather than him asking me. I think it might have to do with genetics,” she then said teasingly.

“Well, that’s exactly the problem. I feel like Rainbow and I have been growing closer and closer, especially after the way she acted around me today…that’s what brought about this whole situation. The problem is, she’s normally so blunt about things like this; so it’s bothering me that she hasn’t said anything,” Twilight said with a longing and frustrated sigh.

“Well, if she’s returning the affection, but not admitting that she has developed feelings, maybe she’s just as nervous as you are?” Cadance suggested with a slight shrug.

“Rainbow Dash, nervous? Are you joking?” Twilight expelled with a huff, rolling her eyes.

“Twilight, you have to understand that love is completely different,” Cadance responded, placing a hoof upon the pony’s shoulder. “Even if Rainbow is normally brave in the face of danger, it doesn’t mean she can’t be afraid when it comes to love.”

“Or she just doesn’t feel the same,” Twilight said in a near whimper, lowering her head and gazing down at the empty floor beneath.

Cadance rubbed her hoof gently back and forth against the fur of her sister-in-law’s shoulder. “Twilight, if she isn’t interested in you, then why would she be acting so affectionate towards you like you say? Besides, who wouldn’t be interested in a pony like you, an intelligent, brave, friendly, caring, strong hearted and headed, and all around amazing mare?”

Twilight blinked as her vision grew blurred with warm tears. “Because we’re so different, that’s why. I’m not even close to being athletic, and could never fly as fast or be as good at flying as she wanted me to. I’m an ‘egghead’.”

“So what? Are your brother and I that similar? We’re completely different ponies. Every single pony is an individual, Twilight. Our differences are what make us who we are, and relationships don’t mean we have to find somepony like us. It is a bond between two ponies in which we learn to love both each other’s similarities and differences. It also helps us realize that our partner’s flaws are complemented by our perfections, and that our flaws are complimented by his or her perfections. It’s what makes two ponies one.” Finishing her small speech, the princess removed her hoof from Twilight’s shoulder, placed it beneath her chin, and raised it up so that both of their purple eyes met. “If you want this to work, you have to believe in both yourself and the relationship which you are creating.”

“I understand, Cadance,” Twilight said, her lips still turned downward in a frown. “But how does all of this start?”

The alicorn responded with a confident nod before she spoke. “If you truly want this, and Rainbow Dash won’t step up to make the first move, you’re the pony that has to express your feelings first. You have to be brave.”

“Do you think the games would be a good time for this…or should I wait?” Twilight questioned, with an unsure shake of her head.

“The sooner the better, although I’m not sure how much time you’ll be spending with her,” Cadance said as she wiped away the remnants of tears from the mare’s eyes before lowering her hoof. Then turning away from her traveling companion, Cadance’s sitting position became slack with relaxation. “Thanks for telling me this, by the way. I’m glad you know that I’m always here for you when you need something.”

“I hope you know I’d do the same for you,” Twilight said, giving the princess a smile filled with love and adoration.

“Of course,” Cadance replied with a joyful laugh before growing quiet.

The silence and newfound confidence allowed Twilight to admire something which she hadn’t in a very long time, the nearly weightless snowflakes beyond the magical barrier. The seemingly endless droves of bright white specks streaked through the only slightly darker white skies before peacefully touching the purple aura of the barrier and then continuing on their way. She thought it odd that in the center of all this soundless, frigid white, there was a beautiful, warm, lively, and sunny utopia where one of the biggest and most celebrated events in Equestria was about to take place.

“So how’s life been going in the Crystal Empire anyways? How’s Shining?” she then asked, breaking the silence and allowing passage for a new and upbeat conversation to take place.