• Published 30th Apr 2014
  • 3,488 Views, 70 Comments

Fall Down - PresentPerfect

Twilight Sparkle understands the value of friendship and love. She has experienced a lifetime of emotion. And she knows that whenever she falls, Rainbow Dash will be there to pick her up.

  • ...


Fall Down
by Present Perfect


Dear Twilight,

I probably shouldn't be writing this, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately. It'll still be a little while longer before I can see you again. It's nothing serious, I just can't tell you any details until it's done.

But, uh, I keep thinking about you so I wanted to let you know so you don't get worried and stuff. This relationship thing is getting to be kind of serious, right?

Anyway, don't worry about me. I'll let you know all the details once I come back, promise.

Your mare friend I guess I really am your marefriend, huh? Need to figure out a better way to end letters now.

Rainbow Dash

By the time the scroll had fluttered to the desktop, Twilight was across the room, pacing.

"Not good, this is not good."

"Twilight, calm down." Spike watched from a low stool. "Rainbow said she didn't want you to worry."

Twilight's ears splayed. "She knows I'd worry no matter what she says. That she's not saying anything and telling me not to worry means whatever she's doing, it's extremely dangerous."

Spike scratched under his chin. "Isn't it weird that she would be off doing something dangerous without you or the other girls?"

"Yes!" Twilight paused her pacing to rub her horn. "That's exactly what has me worried!" She turned to stare straight at Spike. "That letter, did you get it from Celestia?"

"Uh... Kinda?" Spike's face scrunched up. "I mean, it came in the usual way, but it kinda, uh, tasted funny, I guess?" He spread his hands and shrugged. "I can't really explain it."

He lurched back as Twilight's face loomed in front of his.

"Ahh, Twilight! Personal space!"

"I need you to remember how it felt." Twilight bored a hole through him with her gaze. "Spike, this is very important! Think back to when you got the letter. Think about how it tasted, how it felt. Think about how it was different from a normal letter from Celestia."

"Twilight, you're scaring me..."

She gritted her teeth and looked down. "I'm sorry Spike, but this is important. We just started everything, and she means so much to me. As a friend and as more than a friend..."

There were a few moments of silence before Spike swallowed. "I knew this was a bad idea." Louder, he said, "All right, Twilight. What do you need me to do?"

"Close your eyes." Twilight's voice was firm but gentle, though she didn't look at him. "Close your eyes and think about the letter. Concentrate on it, and don't resist my magic. Okay?"

As Twilight's horn flared, Spike closed his eyes. "Okay, Twilight. Thinking about it now..."

For a moment, she was lost, tumbling in the cold aether behind reality. Without warning, color and sound reasserted themselves, threatening to knock her off her hooves. For half a second, she screamed.

Somepony grabbed her, was holding her, and she stopped moving. From all around came the sound of water hitting earth. Before her was a blue face, so close she could feel Rainbow's warm breath across her muzzle.

"What--" Rainbow began, but Twilight closed the gap between them.

It was a far deeper, more corporeal kiss than Twilight had intended their first to be. It was lightning and fire. Rainbow's eyes went wide. Twilight closed hers so they wouldn't distract her from the sensation.

I'm kissing Rainbow Dash.


She knew better than to let it go for too long, but the parting was still hot regret.

Rainbow Dash regarded her with something akin to fear, setting her gently onto the marshy ground. "Celestia's gonna be so mad."

Twilight flinched, confusion stark on her face. "Hi to you, too." The warmth from Rainbow's lips and the thundering of her heart kept her voice bemused. "I got your letter and thought you might need some help."

Rainbow brought a hoof to her face. "Yeah, I... Sorry, Twilight. I'm glad to see you, of course, it's just... this mission was supposed to be secret and all. The Princess didn't want you to know..."

A nod, and Twilight stepped closer to her. "Well, I'm here now. Unless you'd rather I left..." She raised an eyebrow and tilted her head to the side.

"No, no." Rainbow's face turned to the swampy ground. "Like I said, she won't be happy, but if you're here, I'm not gonna make you go away."

As Rainbow looked up, it began to rain a thin, cloying mist, matting her mane to her head in seconds. Through her hair, Twilight smiled at Rainbow.

"And," Rainbow continued, "I'm glad you're here. Like, really glad. And not just because you're a heck of a kisser."

Twilight smiled.

"So what's this mission?"