• Published 30th Apr 2014
  • 468 Views, 10 Comments

Guardians of the Multiverse - Draknir

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Chapter 8: A Chance Encounter

A week has passed since Twilight was first recruited into the MGH and made a part of her current squad. Her first real mission had been underwhelming, and the following days were largely uneventful. She had gotten some enjoyment out of observing or visiting certain Universes, such as one where every noise involving an object colliding with something was that of a squeaky toy and one where every being spoke with high-pitched voices that sounded absolutely ridiculous. Her sixth full day on the job was just coming to close, with their final Universe being 4810. They had chosen to observe it and were in the core of the Universe.

“Stability point 19,” said Pinkie with a heavy sigh. With nothing even remotely standing out in any of the Universes aside from a minor repair to one earlier that took, at most, a minute to complete, she and her squad were getting quite bored.

“How many more do we have?” asked Twilight as their surroundings changed. They now found themselves in a deserted town with buildings crumbling even as they stood there. The ground was cracked from a lack of water, and dust blew as a small breeze went across it. The sky was absolutely clear with the sun hanging high above the squad.

“After this? Thirteen,” answered the Pegasus as she began to search the surrounding area for signs of trouble. As Twilight had learned, finding any problems in an area where civilization either was or used to be was far more difficult than if the stability point was in a forest.

“I just don’t see why we aren’t doing anything directly!” said a female voice from a short distance away, the being from which it originated being masked by buildings, “If we want to take them out of the picture, why are we drawing them to us and then letting them leave?”

“Because that is our orders,” replied an obviously male voice from the same area, “You would do well to remember that. Otherwise you won’t have to worry about remembering anything in the future.”

“I know full well what our orders are!” retorted the female voice, “I just don’t understand them! Plus, we’re supposed to be partners, aren’t we? What kind of partners don’t let each other voice their complaints in private?”

“I wonder what that’s all about,” said Twilight finally, “Sounds like some kind of argument.”

“Don’t forget that this Universe is one where all civilizations live like the ponies in Appleloosa do,” said Shining Armor, referring to the town they all knew that resembled one out of a film set in the western United States during the nineteenth century, “If anything, they’re just a couple of robbers who are arguing about how to deal with the authorities.”

“Perhaps,” muttered Twilight, her gaze fixated in the direction the voices had come from, “But, I can’t help but think I know one of those voices. Anypony else thinking that same thing?”

“Twilight, we’re observing a Universe that is very similar to each of the ones we hail from,” noted Pinkie, “If we don’t think we recognize at least one voice while we’re here, I would be absolutely flabbergasted. So, to answer your question, of course we’re all thinking the same thing.”

“So, should we begin our little bit of fun, or should we await our lord’s command?” asked the female voice after a minute of silence, “I’m itching to start spreading our ‘influence’ across this land again.”

“Soon, my dear. Soon,” replied the male voice, “Our lord gave me specific instructions. I am not surprised you were not given them, seeing as how you are a rather new addition to our little family.”

“I was born much earlier than you were, you dolt,” retorted the female voice, “After all, at least I’m from one of triple digits unlike you.”

“It isn’t a matter of what number you’re from,” said the male, “It’s a matter of when our lord saved you from your pitiful existence. And he saved me long before you.”

“Yeah, I get it,” replied the female voice sarcastically, “And I’m still certain my Universe was far worse than yours.”

“Did she just say…Universe?” asked Sunset Shimmer, whose attention had been elsewhere until she heard that word, “Unless I’m going crazy, they might not just be run-of-the-mill bandits.”

“To be fair, we were just speculating,” noted Pinkie, “Let’s go check it out.”

“At least we don’t have to sneak up on them,” said Twilight as the ponies started out in the direction of the voices, “We don’t, right?”

“Not unless they’re members of the Dkaowin of Dkaowinai 4,” answered the Pegasus.

“The who-what of where?”

“Can you not tell when someone’s messing with you?” asked Sunset Shimmer, “I’m surprised you weren’t already aware of the fact that Pinkie is fluent in gibberish and a master at BS.”

“On a serious note, no, we don’t have to sneak up on them,” said Shining Armor, “Remember that we’re observing this Universe.” Pinkie stopped for a second before turning around a corner, the rest of the squad following suit. Another corner, and they found the sources of the voices, who were very familiar. The one who was obviously male looked exactly like drocsiD except everything was flipped. The other, however, resembled the male but was shorter and had a few more obviously feminine features, such as a full head of long, white hair.

“So, we have Discord and…Girl Discord?” asked Twilight, “The idea seemed odd that there were versions of Discord of the opposite gender, but seeing one is just…uck.”

“Most of Discord’s female counterparts go by the name Eris,” explained Sunset Shimmer, “Whenever there’s a being causing problems, more often than not it’s one of them. But to see both Discord AND Eris here? That’s worrisome.”

“Perhaps this Universe has both of them?” offered Twilight, which was met by Pinkie shaking her head.

“Not possible. Discord and Eris are different versions of the same being. No Universe has two of them,” said the Pegasus, “Just like there aren’t any Universes with male and female versions of me or you. It just isn’t possible.”

“Then how do you explain these two?”

“We can’t, and that’s bad,” answered Shining Armor, “It just doesn’t make sense.”

“To be fair, if it involves Discord it usually doesn’t,” noted Twilight, remembering her own encounters with her Universe’s Discord.

“So, how long until we act?” asked Eris, looking to her counterpart, “Seeing as how you seem to know and all.” Discord sighed and snapped his fingers, causing a small clock to appear with a small flash.

“Not long now, my dear. What has you so anxious?”

“Two things. Number one, I’m bored to tears,” replied Eris, “Number two, I want to know that my Universe is gone. Every night I am reminded of it thanks to nightmares. I’m truly surprised I didn’t go insane.”

“Now, let’s not kid ourselves here. We’re not only draconequi, but also creations of our lord,” noted Discord with a smile, “We’re the very definition of insanity no matter how much we enjoy every single minute of it.”

“I suppose that’s true,” admitted Eris, “As much as I hate to admit that you’re right.” A sudden ringing from the clock caught the ponies who were watching off guard.

“Ah, time to get to work,” said Discord before snapping his fingers to make the clock, and the ringing emanating from it, disappear, “Remember the plan: do everything to destabilize this point until the Guardians show up. Then, I will disappear and you act as though you were working alone.”

“Got it,” replied the female draconequus before snapping her fingers. The sky became covered in pink clouds that soon let loose with a torrential downpour of, strangely, chocolate milk.

“Emergency Protocol 636, switch to Direct Visit!” shouted Pinkie once the chocolate milk rain began. Discord, true to his word, disappeared when the Pegasus had finished. Eris was obviously caught off guard by their sudden appearance and stared at them with wide eyes, “Your little plan is over, Eris and Discord!”

“D-Discord? Who’s that?” asked the female draconequus after a second, “I-I don’t know any Discords!”

“Listen, you aren’t fooling anypony, Eris,” said Shining Armor, glaring at her, “The fact that you’re aware of our existence would lead me to believe you know of our methods for maintaining the Universes. Things like being able to observe while being undetectable by anything.” Eris muttered something that was none of the squad could make out.

“What do we do now?” asked Eris looking around, “They heard what we’re planning to do here!” Discord reappeared standing next to his counterpart.

“Are you really that dumb, Eris?” demanded the male draconequus, “We retreat!” With a snap of his fingers, he was gone again.

“Call me dumb, will he? I’ll show him,” said Eris before disappearing herself. The sky returned to normal once she was gone.

“So, they’re obviously still here, right?” asked Sunset Shimmer, “They’re just waiting for us to leave before continuing on with their plan.”

“Definitely,” said Twilight as she began to look around.

“Care to confirm our suspicions, Shining Armor?” asked the Earth Pony, looking at the white Unicorn. She nodded in agreement before her horn began to glow. An energy pulse erupted from the base of Shining Armor’s horn and quickly overtook everything that was visible.

“Wait, what?!” shouted Shining Armor in surprise, “They’re actually gone! That doesn’t make sense!”

“See my comment from a minute or two ago,” remarked Twilight sarcastically, “Seriously though, if they had a plan, why would us hearing it cause them to not follow through?”

“Dunno,” answered Pinkie, “What I do know is that we need to get back to the MGH and send a report to PC-001 immediately. Return, authorization PP-073. Send report 4810-SP-19.” As they were all, including Twilight, accustomed to, the squad found themselves back in the portal room to which they were assigned. “Let’s go report to PC-001.”

“Wait, didn’t you just send her a report?” asked Twilight, raising an eyebrow in confusion, “I assume that’s what you did when you said ‘send report,’ right?”

“I did, but basically all the report said was that we encountered a problem at a stability point and that we fixed it,” explained the Pegasus, “It did not, however, include anything that we heard before the problem occurred.” Without any further words, the squad made their way to the office of PC-001 and gave her the other report.

“This is troublesome,” said the Commander once the ponies had finished, “However, for the time being it is not your concern. While I am going to issue an order to search Universe 4810 for signs of damage, until I get further information about this, you are to continue with your primary mission. Am I clear?”

“Yes, ma’am!” replied the squad simultaneously.

“Good,” said the Alicorn, “The rest of the stability points for Universe 4810 shall be covered by LH-7413 and her squad. Your shift is over for today. Dismissed!” The four ponies quietly exited the room, leaving PC-001 alone. After a moment, she tapped a hidden button on her side of the desk. A hologram appeared in front of her. It looked exactly like L-754 except as an Alicorn rather than a Unicorn.

“Yes, PC-001?” asked the Alicorn Luna.

“PL-002, we have a problem,” replied the Commander, “Take the others and search for signs of something or someone who might be trying to act against the Guardians.”

“Do you think it’s our old friend, or a new force?” asked the hologram Alicorn, “You’d think after what happened to him, he wouldn’t try anything.”

“Which is exactly why I think it’s the latter,” said PC-001, “Good luck. Report to me anything you find. PC-001, out.”

Author's Note:

Why was there a ten day gap in between Chapters 7 and 8 despite the fact that I had already started this before 7 was started? 2 words: Writer's block. Also, work and the fact that I got sick added to it, I guess. But it was mostly Writer's block.

I don't really have a whole lot to say about this other than that another Alicorn has appeared! Also, I guess it's confirmed that multiple versions of the same being are a part of the MGH sort of.