• Published 1st May 2014
  • 1,123 Views, 43 Comments

Left With A Feather - Silver Octave

A husband gone after a laboratory explosion a mare must learn how to take care of a filly who absorbed the soul of a phoenix to live.

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Chapter 8: To The End Part 1

"BLAZE!" A voice shouted in his dream. "DAMMIT BLAZE! WAKE-UP!"

Blaze opened his eyes, and saw a stallion standing over him. His vision was foggy, and he could smell smoke. He studied his mane for a moment, realizing it wasn't him, he looked back at the stallion.

"Oh thank Celestia you're awake!" Sunny rushed into the room.

"Mom, what's going on?" Blaze asked. "I smell smoke."

"Look outside bud!" Cloudy pointed out his window. Blaze looked, and his jaw dropped. "That's right!"

"Why is Ponyville burning?"

"It's not!" A flash of light revealed Luna, she blasted Sunny, and Cloudy, knocking them unconscious.

"What are you doing princess?""

"You're still dreaming Blaze, these ponies aren't your family." Luna's horn glowed, ending the nightmare, and it shifted to the doors of death.

Blaze remembered his moment here with his father before he walked back in. A tear showed Luna he hadn't yet forgotten what happened over a year ago. She nudged him lightly, and smiled.

"I suppose you're wondering why you are here, aren't you?" Luna asked.

"I guess that's on my mind right now. Am I still sleeping?"

She nodded. "Indeed, but this is called an astral-projection." She explained. "You are still in your bed, but you are here as well. I'm using my magic to hold your end as well."

Blaze kicked his hoof off the ground, and felt the rocks slap his hoof. He chuckled, not really knowing why, and gave a long sigh. "So, why exactly am I here?"

"See that?" She pointed her hoof to the door, and saw that there was a crack in it. Blaze looked closer through the crack, but before he got a good look, she pulled him back. "If you wish to go mad, feel free to continue looking. That appeared last night when you went to sleep."

"Did I do this?" Blaze asked, his ears fell behind his head.

"No, you didn't, but I'm afraid somepony is pinning blame on you."

Blaze snorted. "Who would do that? Everypony is used to me, and kinda likes me."

Luna sat down, looking into his eyes. "Blaze, I'm afraid that you are in danger not even my mother can save you from." She said. "There's a dark force at work that once my parents had to face. His name is Ender, and he is the master of darkness. He's granted foes of the elements passage to the realm of the living, and has given power to Somber on many occasion."

Blaze rubbed his chin, and blinked scilently. Thoughts raced around in his head like bullets.

"So, what does this have to do with me?" He asked.

"He's after you..." Luna said. "He's made it clear to us that he only wants to restore balance."

"Are you going to let him?"

Luna sighed. "We have no say in this...However, you can choose whether or not to let him take you." Luna stood up, and her horn started to glow. "If you have any enemies, make peace with them Blaze Bolt. Believe it or not, but they may help you."

Suddenly the doors started to open, suprising Luna enough for her to drop the teleportation spell. A dark figure looked out, and smiled. The doors opened wider now, revealing two unicorns, and behind them were fertile green fields.

"This suprises us...how did you manage to convince her?" Luna asked.

The silver colored unicorn laughed lightly. "Luna, nice to see you again."

"We couldn't help but not overhearing I need some help." The black unicorn said, walking slowly over to Blaze. Their eyes met, and Blaze's eyes opened wide. "Yes, beleive it bud, I'm you."

"What?" Blaze asked. "How?"

"Come on..." The unicorn rolled his eyes. "I age in the summerlands until I don't want to. I'm like you in every way."

"This doesn't make any sense though, how did you two manage to leave?"

"It's for the fate of Equestria Blaze."

"Plus, Scootaloo wouldn't exactly want to lose her only love now would she?" Dark Wing winked. "No worries, I can't talk to anypony other than you, and mom."

"You've yet to answer my question." Luna huffed. "Answer me now."

Silver nodded. "Yes, princess." He said. "But first we must take our leave to Blaze's home."

"Fine..." Luna teleported them all out.

"As you can see, my duty is to protect the dead, and shadows Celestia."

"And my duty is to protect my ponies Ender, why are you here?" She stomped her hoof down on the table.

"Calm down, I've seen the error of my ways, and no longer grant power to those who think they can weild it without going completely mad...A ponies mind is weak, and unstable enough as is." The black alicorn said. His eyes glowed red, and his mane shifted like shadows. "Blaze, I suppose that's his name they call him now eh?"

"Indeed, he's escaped my grasp with the help of my sister, Jupiter."

"Jupiter?!" The shadow laughed so hard the walls started to shake. "That mare? She owes me quite a bit..."

"So, back to Blaze, what do you plan on doing to him? He is only a filly,"

"I understand that, but my sister has agreed with me that he must go to the underworld." Ender placed his cup of tea down after taking a long sip. "I hate to admit, but she's right most of the time about this kind of thing. And this situation has happened more times than you would've thought Celestia. All I ask is permission to take his soul."

"You are more powerful than my mother and father combined, why are you asking me for permission Lord Ender?" Celestia pointed out.

Ender laughed again, but this time it was more of a lighter chuckle. "Life magic surrounds this kingdom, and my sister has made it clear I should at least ask to kill." He smiled, and looked out the window. "Oh my...he's aware of me...and has company with him. Your sister...hisself...his father...yes...indeed." Ender stood up, and his body nearly broke the roof over him.

"Can you at least shrink to my size? I had good ponies work on this roofing."

Ender nodded, and his body shrunk down to the size of Celestia. "Does this suit you?"

She nodded. "It does, now, I need time to think on this..."

"You have three days princess...or I'll forget my sister exists for one more, and kill that hybrid."

"You'll kill him anyways?"

"If need be...balance is needed to be kept in check, or worlds will crumble into dust." Ender's body disolved into the shadows in the room, making his leave.

Celestia fell over the table, and gave a long sigh. "That was painful...just to look at him...is....horrorfiying..."

Blaze awoke from his bed bresthing heavily. He felt like he just ran a marathon in two minutes. His lungs burned, and his stomach cramped. Swiftly he fell off his bed, and began to vomit up chunks. Blaze shook violently as he puked next to his bed, away from his bedroom door.

The door shot open with Sunny screaming Blaze's name. Tears rolled down her face as she stumbled around trying to figure out what was wrong with her son. Along with vomit, blood started to make it's way out of his wimpering mouth. He cried as he puked nothing but stomach acid.

Cloudy came into the room with a needle, and pulled Sunny aside. He uncapped the needle and stuck it in Blaze's back leg. Almost immediately Blaze began to calm down, and his breathing slowed. He shook there for a moment, all of his mussels still contracting, keeping him in a tight ball.

Cloudy gave a sigh of relief, and hugged Blaze tightly. "I just met you...Can't let you die just yet."

Sunny joined the embrace. "Thanks Cloudy..."

Things calmed down, and as Blaze rested with his head on Sunny's side while they were in the living room. Cloudy sat there thinking in the silence until it was broken by the door bell ringing. Cloudy stood up, and answered it.

"Hello-?" He began until he saw that it was princess Luna at the door. He fell to the ground bowing respectively. "Princess Luna, if I may ask why are you here?"

She smiled. "You do not need to bow before me caption Skies...May I come in?"

"Of course!" Cloudy said. "But I wish of you to be as quiet as possible. Blaze was sick not to long ago."

Luna's smile dropped, and was replaced with a caring sadness look. "Oh dear, I shall see that he is well."

Cloudy nodded, and allowed the princess to enter. She walked into the house quietly as she could without knocking something over. She found herself on a love seat, and looked at Blaze as he slept.

"He's dreaming a good dream now Sunny Skies." She said softly. "He loves flying...it makes him feel free."

Sunny smiled with a nod. "Delphi loved it when I let her outside. Of course she never wanted to leave. She loved me as if I were her mother." Sunny nuzzled Blaze gently. "Blaze is alot like her in more than just one way...The only thing that's different is his blue eye. Got it from his father I suppose..."

Cloudy gave Luna a glass of water, which she had politely accepted with her magic. After taking a sip, she frowned.

"How troubling was it to see him sick?"

Sunny's ears dropped, along with her smile. "I was worried when he started puking up blood...I thought he was dying..."

"I don't think he'll be able to regenerate like most phoenixs do. It what keeps his form stable I suppose..." Luna sighed. "I'm guessing why I am here, huh?"

Sunny and Cloudy nodded. "I was beginning to wonder princess, why are you here?"

"This won't be easy, but...I'm...I'm afraid...a great foe is after your son. He claims that is all he is after...but my sister and I can't trust him." Luna closed her eyes. "Silver, Dark...come on out..."

As if on cue, two shadowy figures manifested in the room, and with Luna's magic they became solid. Sunny dropped to the floor in shock, this woke up Blaze. Sunny began to cry as Silver and Dark Wing approached her.

"H-h-how?!" Sunny cried. "How are you here?"

Silver tried to hug Sunny, but his hooves passed though her. "Sshhhh...It's okay Sunny." He said. "Luna asked me to help Blaze."

"You mean us?" Dark asked. "Sup me?"

Blaze rolled his eyes, and weakly shifted himself upright. "Oh ha-ha..."

"What's wrong with him?" Silver asked.

"He was sick, I fixed him right up!" Cloudy said proudly.

"Oh, your Cloudy right?"

"Sure am! Nice to meet ya ghost Silver!" Cloudy gave out a light chuckle.

"So, can I get a rundown on why two ghosts, and a princess is in my living room?" Sunny asked. "And who is this foe you're talking about?"

Luna stood up, and walked towards the center of the room Suddely her horn began to glow a brilliant blue. An image appeared on the floor of a demonic looking pony with glowing red eyes. Next to him was a better looking pony. It was white with blue eyes, and it had large majestic wings.

"The black one is named Lord Ender, and the white one is named Lady Trinity. They are the twins of balance, and they are the keepers of balance. It is Lord Ender we presume is the only threat as of this moment. However that does not mean Lady Trinity isn't after him as well." She explained, looking over at Blaze and Sunny. "Blaze, I'm sorry for your fate. For what I see about this. It is best to just give up.

Blaze shook his head. "I won't! I'll beat him....for...Scootaloo."

Luna smiled, and held Blazes head under his chin. "I once felt love for a pony who was lower than myself, and I ended up destroying King Somber to save him because of the love I had for him." Luna gave a weak chuckle as she looked away. "I hope you too beat who threatens your life."

"So, how come when I woke up I was over come by sickness?" Blaze asked. "Because I don't think I can fight him now."

"First time astral-projections always cause some disconfort in the stomach area. The sickness only lasts as long as ten minutes." She answered. "I now must take my leave." A swirling light started to encompass Luna as she flashed away in a instant.

Ender swirlled back into existance into front of a large castle. He snorted while he grew back to his normal size, and Ender was huge. His body was the size of fully grown wyvern. Once he stopped growing he picked up a bolder with a gray-ish aura, and threw it miles away behind him.

"TRINITY!" His voice echoed across the land, shaking nearby mountains, and created massive landslides.

In a swirl of white magic a white alicorn appeared into existence in front of Ender. It opened it's eyes, and gave a meaningful smile.

"Brother...so nice to see you." She walked forward to Ender. He stepped back, and sorted again. "Are you mad at me brother?"

"I am...Why did you let this hapoen!?" Another bolder few away from them, exploding on impact. "You could of stopped this Trinity!"

The alicorn stood there, still smiling. "I know brother, but all creatures deserve to live their lives in peace."

Ender stompped his hoof, shaking the earth under them. "Peace is a lie Trinity!" He shouted.

Trinity shook her head, and her holy smile dropped. "It is my duty to-"

"It is your duty to help keep the balance of nature Trinity!" Ender shouted. "Allowing an immortal to give its soul to another is not allowed!"

Trinity walked closer to Ender, her usual holy light that glowed off of her was now gone. Her glared at her brother angerly. "Who made the rules of life Ender? I did, you didn't..."

"I don't care! Balance is gone now! For this moment you have more power than I!"

"And look, I haven't destroyed you...yet."

"What are you saying Trinity?" Ender asked, his stance becoming more aggressive. "Are you challenging me?"

"No Ender, I'm saying that you should watch what you say." She said, turning away towards the castle. "I shall take my leave to do my duty as giver of life." She paused for a moment. "A pony calls...What does it mean to wake up?"