• Published 1st May 2014
  • 1,124 Views, 43 Comments

Left With A Feather - Silver Octave

A husband gone after a laboratory explosion a mare must learn how to take care of a filly who absorbed the soul of a phoenix to live.

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Chapter 6: Blazing Rescue Mission Part 2

The train slowed to a complete stop and the group of ponies set on saving Blaze stood slowly. They didn't want to rush head first into something they didn't fully understand. Twilight too was just beginning to piece together a plan that might work. Scootaloo just wanted to know if Blaze was okay. Deep down her feelings were as clear as day is to night.

She took a moment to take in the Canterlot scene bit by bit. Her mouth hung in awe. It'd changed from the last time she was in the capital of Equestria, and buildings had signs for all sorts of products. Twilight stood smiling, taking in a deep breath, and mouthed the worlds, "I'm home...", before moving on.

It was close to sunset when Twilight looked towards Ponyville. The clock tower in Canterlot had its hands on six thirty-eight, and she could see that no pony was eger to eat. Who wanted to anyways? A friend was in trouble, stress was high, Twilight didn't need magic to know this. Scootaloo was looking at the castle with pure hate, her eyes narrowed, and if she had fangs, they'd be showing.

Twilight stood next to Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack while Rarity was busy window shopping.

"It's been a while huh?" Rainbow Dash asked Twilight. "It only feels like yesterday we were defending this place with our lives."

"Them Changelings really hit us hard...Ah'm surprised we won." Apple Jack stated.

"If it weren't for Twilight, you think Crysilis would of won?"

"With out a doubt...you saw how badly she beat princess Celestia with her magic."

Twilight nodded. "Yes, but we need to hurry." She started to walk ahead. "I suppose I can convice my parents we can stay at their place."

Rainbow Dash flew up next to her. "You think they'll let us?"

Twilight shrugged. "I'm sure they'll like to seem me anyways. So I think we've got a good chance."

"I don't want to walk to far Twilight..." Rarity wined. "I just got my hooves done yesterday."

"Well prepare to get another hoof-a-cure Rarity, It'll be eight before we get to my place. Of course if we hurry..."

"Can't ya teleport us there Twilight?" Apple Jack asked, making a good point.

Twilight shook her head slowly. "I can't teleport all of us at once. Not now anyways, I'm still trying to get used to my new alicorn magic."

"No worries! I can fly Scootaloo there, ten seconds flat!"

"You don't even know where I live!" Twilight noted. "How'll you get there?!"

Rainbow's ears dropped as she laughed slightly. "Hehe...yeah...Lead the way!"

Twilight's eyes rolled as she started to walk towards the castle. Her old home wasn't more than two blocks away from the gates, and she knew that her parents still lived there from the last time they were in Canterlot. That time being Twilight's coronation to become the princess of magic.

"Then what happened Sunny?" Luna asked.

Sunny held the red stripe in her blond mane in her hooves, and sighed in dismay. "The next thing I know is that I wake up with this red stripe in my mane, and my wound was healed. I searched for close to an hour hoping it was all a dream, but Delphi was gone, leaving me this." She pulled a feather out of her saddle bags.

"A phoenix feather?"

Sunny nodded. "Yeah, it's a sign of love for most flying creatures."

Luna nodded. "Indeed, but why did she leave it?"

"I guess so I'll never forget her, but all I can do is think about that night. And what she did for me, and Blaze will stay in my head for the rest of my life." Sunny wiped away the forming tears in her eyes. After taking another moment she took in a deep breath to calm down. "I just wish I could thank her. She saved Blaze, and made him into what he is today. A smart, caring pony."

There was a knock at the door. Luna stopped Sunny from answering the door.

"I shall get it, stay here." Luna stood up and made her way to the door.

Sunny sat there with Blaze sound asleep next to her. She didn't mind that he was asleep, it made it easier to talk to the princess, and because he hadn't slept in nearly a day. But when Luna returned, she returned with a pink alicorn.

"Who's this?" Sunny asked.

The pink alicorn bowed gently as if it were her mastery. "Greetings, I am princess Cadence." The pink alicorn said with an even more gentle smile. It seemed pure, and honest which helped her relax.

"I'm Sunny Skies, but why are you here?"

"That's a good question, and I have the answer Ms. Skies."

"Sunny is fine."

"Alright, so the reasoning behind myself being here is because of something great. As we speak Celestia is talking to her parents about your son. There's a reason why he's dead, but also alive and unable to enter the land of the dead."

"Go on..."

"Sunny, this maybe hard to explain this in a easier way, so I'm sorry if this makes you cry much more then you already have." Cadence sat next to Sunny. "Y-your son, he's....already...dead."

"WHAT!?" Sunny cried, waking up Blaze.

"What's going on?" Blaze asked rubbing his eyes.

"See, Sunny," Luna started. "I lead souls to the doors of death, even while I was on the moon, I had that one duty I took the most pride in doing. I can enter and exit on a whim, and it took me a while to find your son. He's there, with your husband as we speak."

"So how is Blaze alive then!?" Sunny asked.

"That's not Blaze Sunny. That's Delphi."

"Mom?" Blaze asked. "What are they talking about? I'm me!"

Sunny bolted out of the room crying. Blaze looked over at the two princesses in the room.

"WHY THE BUCK IS SHE CRYING!!??" Blaze shouted as he flew into Luna. He hit her with such force that it caused her to fly into a nearby wall. "WHY!? WHY!? WHY!?" Blaze continuously hit the lunar princess until he was held in a yellow magical field. He cried weakly as Celestia entered the room.

"It seems Sunny has found out." She said closing the door behind her.

Luna nodded. "She has indeed sister."

"I think she took it well." Cadence said. "Most would faint hearing that."

Celestia rolled her eyes, and looked over to Blaze who was trying to calm down. His mane was dancing like fire, but was slowly stopping.

"You attacked my sister Blaze, you aren't helping your case."

Blaze snorted. "I don't care...I want to know what's going on."

Luna walked up close to Blaze, and rested her hoof around his next. "Sister, forgive his act against me. He was simply angry like a foal would be if they saw their mother cry out of a room. I think he's more of a colt then a fully grown stallion." She hugged Blaze. "Besides I remember you being this angry at father for making mother cry."

Celestia nodded. "I remember that as well, but there's a pegasus who is in the ICU because of him."

Luna stood up, her eyes narrowed as they met Celestia's eyes. "Sometimes sister, you must learn both sides of a story before you jump to conclusions."

"That's right!" Seeker said walking out of the bathroom. Her mane was wet along with the rest of her body. She wiped her face off with a towel, and cleared her throat.

"How long have you been here?" Cadence asked.

"Long enough to take a shower, and over hear Sunny screaming." She answered. "Hello, my name is Seeker, and I'm his lawyer. I saw what he did, and he didn't break any bones. However he caused the pegasus who's hurt to fly into a wall at high speeds."

Cadence and Luna nearly let out a slight laugh, only to hide it with their hooves covering their faces. Celestia raised an eyebrow.

"You were there as well?"

Seeker nodded. "I watched the whole thing while I was invisible princess." She sat down on a nearby chair. "I ran more than I had wanted to, but I was wanting to know why the pegasus was being chased. I've gathered information that could rival this case, and allow Blaze Bolt to be set free. So you can do so now. I know you've casted a spell to make him unable to leave the castle walls."

Luna shook her head. "I sense no magic on him aside from the phoenix magic."

Celestia drew closer to Seeker as the brown unicorn remained to stay calm. "How do you know this?" She asked.

Seeker winked, and gave a long sigh. "Mother sent me to help this pony."

Celestia and Luna's mouth dropped to the floor. "WHAT!?"

Seeker laughed as a ring of gray fire encompassed her revealing an alicorn the size of two Celestias.

"Can there stop being surprise guests? I'm starting to wonder if this room is secure like you said it was." Cadence said looking at the two surprised alicorns.

"Nothing can enter without us saying so." Celestia said. "Why are you hear Jupiter?"

Jupiter laughed walking around the room to hug her sisters. "I figure I wanted to see how you two were ruling Equestria. OH an the whole thing with Discord, good idea sending the god of chaos to six helpless ponies, and one of them being shy as buck." She scolded. "Celestia this young stallion is innocent, if you refuse to let him go, I do something you won't like one bit."

"I won't let him go until Twilight gets here!" Celestia shouted running up to Jupiter. She got close to her face as Jupiter gave an evil smile. "So try me!"

"Alright!" Jupiter said walking over to Blaze. She held his hoof tightly, and her horn started to glow. "You asked for it Tia..." She sighed as the vanished in a teleport.

"I'M GOING TO GET YOU FOR THIS YOU FAT BITCH!" Celestia's voice echoed throughout Canterlot.

Jupiter ran with Blaze on her back. She was fast as a pegasus flying through the air in a race. She elegantly turned corners, still keeping her speed, and dodging any remaining solar guard that hadn't been replaced with lunar guard. Jupiter kept on running even though no pony was following her. He breathing quickened as she ran faster, deep heavy breaths at every turn until she stopped in front of Sunny sitting on a bench in a park.

"Sunny Skies!" Jupiter said. "You must follow me! You maybe in danger along with your son."

"Why is he in danger?"


"That's why!" Jupiter hissed. "Follow me, I've got a plan to get to Twilight Sparkle parent's house!"

Sunny stood up, and began to run along side of Jupiter and Blaze. She watched as Jupiter ran ahead and blasted a hole through a bush to keep their pace.

"So what's your plan princess?" Sunny asked the large alicorn.

Jupiter stopped, and pulled them into a empty house.

"My plan is to turn into a form my sister won't expecting to see me in. Then I'll do the same to both of you."

Jupiter thought for a moment, and a gray flame circle encompassed her again. Sunny and Blaze coughed until the smoke cleared revealing a gray pegasus with blond mane.

"Are your eyes-?" Sunny began.

"Something she wouldn't expect me to turn into I said." Jupiter said. "My name is Ditzy!"

"Oh what about me!?" Blaze asked, he looked rather too excited to be turned into something.

"A cat!" Jupiter answered as Blaze floated up into the air. "I love a good tabby cat. So cute as kittens!" She giggled as Blaze started to shrink down into the size of a kitten.

"I'm afraid for what you're about to turn me into..." Sunny said backing up.

"Don't worry Sunny, you're going to be my mare friend."

Sunny stopped, and blinked a few times, still trying to think over what Jupiter said. She lifted her hoof without saying a word she dropped it, and walked up to the mare giving her a dead stare. She inhaled deeply and exhaled with a long sigh.

*THWAP!* Sunny punched Jupiter right in her face. Jupiter winced in pain as she dropped to the ground. Sunny lowered herself down to Jupiter and smiled as if she hadn't punched her.

"I don't like mares," She said turning to pick Blaze up. "Banish me later if need be, but I do not like mares."

Jupiter stood up trying to regain her balance she lost from the blunt force of an angry mother's hoof. "Well noted....owww....You didn't have to hit me that hard."

Sunny rested Blaze on her back, and looked back over to Jupiter. "So, what am I going to be?"

Jupiter blasted Sunny with her magic, and two wings sprouted from her back. Sunny tried to hide the pain by grinding her teeth together, but small bits of her scream escaped her mouth in tiny squeaks. Then her coat started to change color from a light yellow to purple, her mane also changed, matching the red stripe in her mane.

After a few moments Blaze spoke up.

"Are you alright mom?" He asked, his voice small, and light.

Sunny nodded. "I-I'm fine....well, I will be anyways." She cracked her neck. "So, now that we're in our new shapes, what now?"

Jupiter closed her eyes, and looked around for a moment. She opened them up, and Blaze swore he could of seen two white orbs for eyes in the flash of a second.

"She's six blocks away, past two guard patrols." Jupiter looked out the window. "Lets just hope she hasn't convinced Luna to scan me if she finds out I'm a pegasus now."

"Thanks again mom for letting us to stay for the night. We'll leave as soon as everything starts to settle down." Twilight said hugging her mom in a tight embrace.

"Oh think nothing of it hunny." Mrs. Sparkle replied.

Rainbow came down from the top of the stairs, her eyes seemed to show worry. As she approched the group of adults sitting in the living room. Her mane looked discolored as did the rest of her body. Instead of bright colors, she looked nearly drained.

"Ahre you okay Rainbow Dash?" Apple Jack asked. She placed her hoof over her head, and jumped back. "Whoah!"

"Don't worry, I feel fine." Rainbow Dash replied, giving a weak smile. "I just had a long talk with Scoots, and got a little angry."

Twilight scanned Rainbow Dash for any if at all illnesses. Rainbow was just heated up, and would go down over time or quickly with a hard cider.

"She's right," Twilgiht agreed. "She's just mad, but why are you mad?"

"Scoots is in love with Blaze."

Rarity smiled. "How cute..." She said. "Ah young love is the type of love that only remains to be true love. They don't have all those hormones teenaged ponies have."

"You're still nineteen Rarity! You're the youngest out of all of the elements."

"So?" Rarity asked.

"So you can't talk!" Rainbow Dash laughed.

"Does anypony want some cider?" Mr. Sparkle asked as the door shot open with two pegasi and a cat.

The gray pegasus slammed the door shut, and looked around for Twilight. When she found her sitting on the couch, she ran over to her.

"Princess Twilight!" She said. "I've saved Blaze and Sunny!"

"What do you mean? Who are you anyways? I didn't ask anypony to help."

"I know, but I still know that you came here not just to drink a couple bottles of cider."


Gray fire engoghed the gray pegasus revealing a large alicorn. "Hi, my name is Jupiter, princess of the solar system." She inrodused herself. "These are Blaze and Sunny." Jupiter pointed her hoof over to the cat, and pegasus. "I've transformed them into different forms to keep them hidden."

"How come she hasn't told me there were more alicorns!?" Twilight asked, waving her hooves in the air. "Wait, why is Blaze a cat then?"

"I love cats!" Jupiter answered. "How far can you teleport?"

"I don't know, maybe two miles at most by myself."

"That isn't good enough! DAMMIT!" Jupiter yelled. "We need to hurry, with my form like this, it won't be long until Celestia finds me again."

"Why is Celestia after you?" Twilight asked.

"Because I got these two out of there before she went on with the case." Jupiter said. "On the other hoof now that we're all here I'm sure you can help me deal with Celestia."

"Sorry princess Jupiter, but Ah'm not break'n any laws." Apple Jack said taking a large gulp of cider.

"I'm with AJ on this princess." Rarity added.

Jupiter rolled her eyes looking over at Rainbow Dash. "And you Loyalty?" She asked.

Rainbow Dash nodded, and Apple Jack spat out a mouthful of cider. Mr. Sparkle knocked her on the head.

"Alcohol abuse isn't allowed in my house ma'am."

"Sorry," She said looking back at Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow are you crazy?"

She shook her head. "No, if this is important to Scootaloo for Blaze to be safe, then I've got no choice." Rainbow walked over to Jupiter from the couch. She had just realize how large she was, being three times her size, Rainbow Dash's legs trembled. "I-I want to help princess Jupiter." She bowed, and Jupiter raised her head.

"I do not rule this land Rainbow Dash, there is no need to bow down to me." Jupiter said softly. "Now, Twilight Sparkle, are you willing to save them, or stay here until we arrive at Ponyville in the morning?"

Twilight felt divided by zero, unable to make a choice she couldn't accept either future. Either she could help Jupiter in to taking Blaze and Sunny back to Ponyville, or staying behind and looking like a bad friend. She could go with them, but doing that would account to breaking every law in Equestria.

She stood there, unable to move. Then her mom walked up to her.

"You should help Twilight." She said, her voice soft like clouds.

Twilight soon accepted into helping Jupiter and Rainbow Dash leading Blaze and his mom back to Ponyville. It came with no trouble to their return to the small town they lived in. Jupiter also taken the disguise of Seeker again, but with a different color scheme. Her coat was white, and her mane was blond.

"I'll remain living with my sister, and her 'husband' for the time being until my sister stops looking for me." She said standing at the door.

Sunny stopped Jupiter from walking out. "I know you turned my son into a cat, and back into his normal form but can I stay as a pegasus?"

"Sure, but do you want your mane back?" She chuckled.

"If I may, I liked the stripe."

Jupiter's horn lit up as Sunny's mane started to glow, and turn back to a lighter blond then it was before.

"I'll be across the street if you need anything Sunny." She said walking out.

Twilight stood up, and stretched her legs. "I suppose I should fly back to Canterlot and tell the others you two made it back safely."

"Thanks again princess. This whole thing was stressful for both of us." Sunny said.

Twilight nodded. "It's my duty as a princess. Come on Rainbow, lets go."

Rainbow whispered in Blaze's ear, and Blaze nodded with a smile. "I will!" He said.

"Alright, see ya bud." She flew out the door with Twilight.

Blaze sat in his spot on the couch, and smiled from ear to ear. "I'm awesome..."

Sunny chuckled flying over to Blaze. "And why are you awesome this time Blaze?" She asked.

"It's a secret...that's all."

Author's Note:

UGH! That was painful. Believe it or not, but most of this story was typed on my Kindle( which has been fucking up as of late), and it's not easy to spot a misspelled word. Here's Chapter 6, chapter seven will take more time, but not a whole week.