• Published 1st May 2014
  • 1,125 Views, 43 Comments

Left With A Feather - Silver Octave

A husband gone after a laboratory explosion a mare must learn how to take care of a filly who absorbed the soul of a phoenix to live.

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Chapter 2: Grown-Up Thoughts

One thing or another, ideas Blaze had were grown up to the point. He's just about figured out what he was, a Equininix. Due to his fusion with Delphi, he had obtained knowledge the more he grew up. A bird would leave its nest when it could fly, but he didn't. He saw that he was mostly a pony so he grew to their rate, and not a bird's growth rate. Another thing was that those fillies talked to him.

Mares, talked to him, even though he was different. What was this town he had lived in that made things nearly different aside from the strange looks he gets. As he was walking home he had a grin that reached ear to ear. His mom didn't notice that it had wasted the walk home.

"Have a good day Blaze?" She asked, unlocking the door.

He nodded. "Yeah...I've got three new friends..."

Sunny made a sharp inhale, then pushed him inside, closing the door behind them both. After taking a minute to read her son's face, she gasped.

"I can't believe you have a crush on a mare you just met....Look at you...how old do you think you are? Like right now, I know we've talked about this...."

"Twenty four mom." He answered.

"Ah, that's right! So, what's her name?"

"Huh? Oh, it's not like I LIKE like her, but I've got three mares as friends."

"Oh, then what's that look you have on your face while we were walking?" Sunny asked, sitting down. "Surely there's a reason behind that smile you have?"

"They're my first friends...They were being bullied so I stepped in."

Sunny smiled as she leaned back on her chair. "Well that's good that you've made some friends instead of enemies. Trust me, explaining to another mother about why her son is a hybrid of a Phoenix and a pony is too exhausting! So tell me their names!"

"Uh...Apple Bloom...Sweetie Bell, and....Scootaloo. They're what they call themselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders."

"Cute...What else my hero?" Sunny giggled. "I wish to know more."

"That's about it..." Blaze sighed. "They're the three who are one."


"Apple Bloom is an earth pony, not much in her other than strength. Then there's Sweetie Bell, she's a unicorn, but looks high maintenance. Lastly...Scootaloo, she's a pegasus...Can't fly yet, but is a bullet on her scooter. Call her a tom-colt if you ask me."

"Sounds like an even set of friends you got there. Maybe they can visit you when you aren't hiding away in your room."

Blaze sighed as he sat next to his mom. She looked at him with a smile on her face. "You act like a child when you think like an adult. You cease to amaze me Blaze."

"I amaze myself..." He replied. "So, what's for dinner?"

Sunny shrugged looking into the kitchen. "I was thinking on going out tonight to eat. Maybe Arnies?" She thought for another moment. She didn't have much in the house to eat. She was on a tight budget already, and was running low on bits. Sunny had refused to tell Blaze of the problem to not get him worried. Getting the colt worried was a bad thing, nearly setting the house on fire a few times. Wasn't his falt in her eyes, it was her's.

As young as Blaze was, because he was part bird, his mental age grew faster than his physical age. However he still kept the childish personality he was supposed to have for his age so he could be 'more nornal'. Normal was what he wanted to be more than being different.

"That sounds nice..." Blaze sighed again, looking over to his mom. Something in her eyes told him something was wrong. Fighting the part of him that didn't want to presue it, he spoke. "Something wrong?" He asked.

Sunny forgot about trying not to worry him, this time he did need to know of the problem at hand. "Please don't over react about this Blaze, but I'm running out of bits. We've got maybe two months before we run out of you're father's life insurence money."

Blaze sat up quickly. "What? Is that it?" He asked. "Two months is a long time. I'm sure you can find a job in that time right?"

Sunny's head dropped, and her ears fell behind her head. She had been trying since they moved into Ponyville. There weren't any jobs avaible for her in her field of expertice. Well, none that she liked anyways. There was an opening at a strip club on the west side of town she saw, but she already had a colt to take care of. Then a job opening at the nearby post office, but she didn't know the small town that well enough to get the job. Lastly some DJ was looking for a assisstant, but it was a graveyard shift she didn't want to take. She'd be asleep all day, and up all night. So she wasn't able to be around her son she loved.

"I wish I had more degrees..." Sunny let out a sigh. It had been close to ten years since she'd been in school. Slowly thoughts creeped around her, thoughts of going to those jobs she once didn't want to be a part of. After shaking them away, Blaze gave a smile.

"I think I can help mom. Just leave it to me!" Blaze ran out the door as his mom called for him to return, and explain his words. Although he was too far for her now.

"Celestia, help this colt..." She prayed looking towards the setting sun. It had been the first time he had actually wanted to help her. The thought gave her a smile, and she laid back in her chair. "He's a smart little guy." She said. "He'll be home before nine."

Blaze wasn't going to return until he found a solution to Sunny's problems. One way, or another he was going to get the bits she needed to re-enter school to earn a better degree. He didn't like it when she was sad, something deep down told him to make her happy. As if his inner bird was telling him to find a way to make her happy.

For the few years he'd been alive, he'd grown more mentally, than physically. His rapid mental growth allowed him to understand more grown up things, but some things were still under the shroud of parental guidance. He knew things that surprised his mother when he explained them to her. Even when he made up the name for his new 'race' of pony hybrid. He had a long list of failed names until he came up with Equininix. Pyro-Pony was too much like a super-pony name, and Ponix...Ponix was too cheesy to him.

As much as the town during the day confused him, the night was much worse. He glowed slightly as he walked in the dark along his road. Blaze could feel beats of loud music play from a house on the other side of the road, in his chest the beats made his heart synchronize with the music. His chest hummed with every beat, and soon he walked to it. Bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum, one, two, three, four, and each step caused him to loose track.

He found himself at the edge of town, and lost. Blaze started to feel nervous, as if something was watching him. His eyes scanned the area, but the nearest thing was in a house close by. By the size and shape of the shadow was a pony, small, like a filly or a colt. His faint glow gave him some safety, but it also gave him away. It did too when a pony walked up to him.

"Are you lost?" It asked. The pony who asked him the question was covered in a cloak, but black and white stripes were visible.

"Sort of, yeah." He replied, his voice slightly shaking.

"Do you need help?" She asked. "Because being lost on a night like this will do you no good."

"I guess I could get some help. I want to help my mom though."

The pony removed the cloak, and revealed a zebra with rings round her neck. "Come my little pony, we have much to discuss..."

"Who are you?" Blaze asked. "And how should I trust you?"

"I am Zecora the Zebra, and you can trust me. You can ask Princess Twilight." She said motioning Blaze for him to follow her. "What is your name?"

"Blaze Bolt, and you know the princess?" He asked, running up to catch up with her.

"I do, now, what are you?"

"I'm a Equininix! Made up the name myself."

"And as such, you were the first to name yourself by race, and in this case, you made it so for the future in whole."

"You talk weird..." Blaze commented.

"And you little one. I haven't in my life seen an alicorn like you before. Thankfully I was passing by when Twilight told me to get you. I am honored to meet a pony who hasn't been noted. Has Celestia, or Luna seen you before?"

Blaze shook his head. "Not yet, or that I can remember."

The Zebra looked at the Equininix with soft, but strange eyes, then looked away. "No worry, they haven't seen you yet."

That was the last thing she said as they walked to Golden Oaks Ponyville Library. Blaze didn't know why, but his heart started to sink down into his stomach. She talked in near rhyme with every word she said, and a mixed aura confused him. He didn't understand why he could see aura of other ponies, but it wasn't just sight, he could also feel.

Blaze has learned to ignore the slight glows around ponies, and only really saw the auras was when he was around a stranger that was speaking to him. This time it was Zecora, something about her seemed off, but also right, giving the mixed feeling around her. Like Blaze the Zebra was different, that was the safe feeling, but the unsafe feeling, he didn't understand where it came from.

For now however all he could do was slightly trust this pony that was leading him to Princess Twilight of the Magic of Friendship.

Meanwhile already at Twilight's house, Twilight was talking to Scootaloo. It started a few hours before, right as school ended. Scootaloo had a question if a pony like Blaze was possible, and Twilight prompted to find out. Luckily Twilight ran across Zecora while the Zebra entered town to buy some flowers she needed for a potion. Zecora nodded with a smile at the alicorn's request, and started the search for the strange looking alicorn colt.

"And you're sure you heard him say he was part Phoenix?" Twilight asked for the fourth time.

"Yes! I'm sure! He has a horn and these large wings I haven't seen before!" Scootaloo waved her hooves in the air in annoyance. .

Scootaloo was tired of explaining the same things over and over again to the princess who should've been a thousand times smarter than her. The hybrid colt that joined her class earlier today did have some aspects she really liked. Blaze looked smart by the way he stood, it was almost formal. His words were heavy, but his voice was young. And to add on top of that he had wings he could use to fly on top of trees.

Her thoughts were stopped swiftly when she heard knocks at the door.

"Coming!" Twilight called to the visitors at the door. "Stay here, I'll see who it is. Maybe it's Zecora with that pony you told me about. I asked her if she could get him for me while I spoke to you to find out more information on the topic at hoof."

After a few moments Twilight entered the room with a large smile on her face, and Blaze behind her. Blaze looked over at Scootaloo with surprise. Without Twilight noticing he trotted over to her.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I needed help...to...find out...who you are." She replied as Twilight walked over to the two smaller ponies.

"So," She said with a smile. "Lets find out who you are. If you don't mind Scoots can you go into the main area of the library? I want to ask Blaze a few questions, that's all." Twilight smiled at Blaze for a moment, then looked back at Scootaloo.

"Alright, I see you in a few I guess."

"Don't leave, because I want to talk to both of you when I'm done with him okay?"

Scootaloo nodded, walking away, and Twilight walked up closer to Blaze. "I sent a quick letter to your mom telling her not to worry about you if this takes us more time then I plan. I too want to sleep, but this is more important." She said as a quill and a scroll appeared right in front of her. "So, tell me about yourself Blaze. What do you like, eat, and-" She stopped realizing she was asking her questions too quickly. She realized this when his ears fell behind his head, and he started to hide behind his wings. She cleared her throat and began again. "Let us start over...Um....So, what's your favorite food? I'm is hayburgers and hayfries."

The colt looked from his wing at Twilight who sat in front of him smiling. "I-I like coal mostly, but I can eat most things ponies can. Eggs, hayfries, hayburgers, grits..." He trailed off for a moment, then came back. "That's about it..."

Twilight wrote down: Diet includes: Coal, and regular edibles. "Great, so what's your favorite color?" She was starting slow so he could slowly grow more into the conversation. He was a small colt after all, and unaware of what he was really like inside. So to get there starting slow on easy questions, and easing her way one step at a time closer to finding out what he was like. "I like purple, and pink the most."

Blaze thought about it for a moment. "I guess red...maybe orange too." He shrugged.

Twilight nodded. "Did you know those were Celestia's favorite colors?" She asked.

Blaze replied with his head shaking left to right. "No, I didn't. I don't know much about Princess Celestia, or Luna."

"I guess we can't talk about it later sometime with your mom then." Twilight said. "Anyways, so how long have you been flying? Scootaloo told me you flew up into a tree today and stayed there until you helped with with a couple of bullies."

Again Blaze took a moment to think. He hadn't taken the time to see how long he could fly. Maybe ten minutes, twenty at most. "I guess fifteen minutes...and I started when I was three, I saw a sonic rainboom on my birthday, and I just wanted to fly like that pony who made it."

Twilight chuckled which caused the colt to turn his head slightly in confusion. "That was Rainbow Dash, she's my best friend in the whole world. Believe it or not, she's training me how to fly. I haven't had these for long." She said pointing to her wings. "But so far I can proudly say that I can fly for just as long as you can."

"So you weren't a princess before?" He asked.

Twilight nodded. "Yeah, it's been close to a year now. But I've been getting used to the whole idea of being a princess."

"Is it hard?"

"Not really. I don't have that much to do at the moment. That's why we're talking now." She said. "Okay so next question. Since you're the first hybrid of a phoenix and a pony, I would like to ask you what you think your spicies' name should be?"

"Equininix!" Blaze smile. "I've thought about it for a while, and I like that name more than the other names I thought of..." He frowned in disgust at the last part.

Race:Equininix She wrote on the parchment. "And how long have you thought about the name?"

"A couple of months. I find that I think at a higher lever of thought than most ponies of my age, but I also find that my personality is what defines me."

Twilight was taken back in suprise for a moment. She'd been talking to a pony who thought at the same level as her. He sounded like it too. "W-where are you from, exactly?" She asked.

"Canterlot. I was born there, but moved around a bit. Manehatten, Fillydelphia..."

"You've been to major cities and the capitol, but Celesita hasn't noticed you at all?" Twilight was genuinely surprised at this. Celestia visited most births in Canterlot, but the colt nodded his head in response to her question which brought further question into if she really did visit his birth room. "She saw mine, at least that's what she told me."

There was a bit of silence before Twilight gave a long yawn. "I suggest I call Scootaloo in here." Twilight stood up and walked over into the other room. Blaze himself was starting to fall asleep. The clock was nearing ten, which was a little over an hour he was used to staying up to. Thankfully they returned and began to talk.

"So, I've got a question to ask both of you?" Twilight said after a few minutes. "Scootaloo, what do you think of Blaze? Do you think of him as a special type of pony, or a...different type." She asked trying to avoid the word 'freak' to try not to set Blaze off if he found the word insulting.

The filly thought for a moment looking at Blaze with general interest. "I guess he's cool. I mean who's as young as I am, and can fly!" She said. "I wouldn't think he's bad or good, but what he did for my friends and I, was nice. It's not everyday a pony has the guts to face Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon."

Blaze smiled at the complement. Twilight continued on. "And you Blaze? What do you think of her? Do you think she's equal to your status, or lower?"

"Status doesn't concern me, but if I cared, I'd pick equal. No pony is any better than each other." He replied. "Ponies shouldn't have to worry about another pony being higher up in the social food chain."

Twilight gave a smirk at how intelligent his answer was. "Okay, that's about it. Time for bed. Blaze you're staying here for the night. I'll take you to school in the morning, but Scootaloo, you need to go home to your parents."

Scootaloo nodded, and walked out of the door. Blaze looked over to Twilight.

"Why'd she have to leave?" He asked.

"Because, she has...very concerned parents Blaze. Your mother allowed me to keep you over here for the night. Look, here's her responce to my letter."

Princess Twilight,

Thank you for finding my little one for me, and it's quite alright that he stays at your home over night. I was actually looking for a good time to search for a job.

-Sunny Skies

Blaze put down the note with a long sigh. "Sometimes I question her ideas, but I suppose I can stay here tonight." Twilight led him up to a guest bed that was across the room from her. Soon did he realize how tired he was, and went to sleep.