• Published 1st May 2014
  • 1,124 Views, 43 Comments

Left With A Feather - Silver Octave

A husband gone after a laboratory explosion a mare must learn how to take care of a filly who absorbed the soul of a phoenix to live.

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Prologue: Sacrifices Made

As the alarm went off on a Saturday morning, it awoke two special ponies who were married. Both lived good lives, the stallion a unicorn lab technician, the mare a school teacher at the Canterlot Elementary School. Both were happy with their lives. They got good pay, so they lived close to the high life with only little time to save money to get what they really wanted. Just a little work, and they got it. Wasn't hard to live where they were.

The stallion was named Silver Bolt. He helped other unicorns create new helpful spells, and test them in the field. On average he got paid enough to own a extraordinary pet called a phoenix. Taking care of one wasn't easy in his case. Every morning he had to walk down to it's cage and feed it a bag of coal, without getting burned by the excitement the phoenix had for the flavored coal imported from the Griffins over seas.

The mare enjoyed the time with the phoenix, it being her only company she had while her husband was at work. Her name was Sunny Skies, and she loved birds. Having the phoenix had it's advantages. Like it guarded the house while they were asleep, and it kept quiet while she read a book to it everyday. She often had the idea of teaching it how to speak, and slowly it learned words like. "Hello!" or "Goodbye" when she entered or left the room. It knew more than that however, and in fact it could speak paragraphs without messing up a word.

When Silver left to go to Equestrian Labs, Sunny grunted as she slowly made her way to the couch. She heavily sighed as she sunk into the brown couch.

"Hey, Delphi!" The phoenix flew out of it's cage, and perched on her foreleg in response.

"Yes master?" It asked with a happy tone to it's voice.

"Can you hand me Daring Doo, and the Crystal Skull?" She asked nicely. "I want to finish that last chapter before the next book comes out."

The bird nodded and flew over to the book case. It searched for a few minutes before returning with the book in it's talons. Delphi dropped the book gently into Sunny's hooves, and she opened to the last chapter.

"Ready?" She asked the bird.

"I am! Please, read!" It begged for her to start.

Sunny chuckled as she pressed her hoof down on the page, then she began to read.

"Daring Doo had finally returned to Manehatten after returning from Africa, and she flew to the university to relay her adventures to her friend..." She started the long chapter. While she read Delphi stood idle, not wanted to disturb her master as she read. Unaware of her world she lived in, Sunny read with joy. After quitting her job to take care of a incoming pony to her family she started, she started to take a more relaxed life up to that point.

"And as she walked down the hall with her sister Dizty they talked about their next adventure...The end!" She closed the book, and gently placed it next to her. "What did you think?

Delphi took a moment to speak, as it took her normally to speak. "Family must be important huh?" She asked. "I wish I knew my mother..."

"I know who it is, it's Celestia's phoenix that's your mother!" Sunny replied. "I got you when you just hatched."

Delphi stood there for a moment before flying right next to Sunny. "What's she like?" She asked. "Is she wise like all phoenix? We live for thousands of years, so we learn a lot!"

Sunny laughed lightly with a nod. "Yes, yes, but most don't learn how to speak Equestrian." Sunny noted. "That's why you're smarter than her. You need to be taught how to speak at an early age, or it'll be hard to learn a new one."

It was nearly lunch time, so Sunny got started fixing up the coal for Delphi. The phoenix was filled with joy as the coal poured out of the bag it once rested in. The bag read Lord Draco's Magicly Flavored Coal: Made in Griffindale. Sunny didn't uinderstand the phoenix-as most birds ate feed or worms- because it ate the flavored coal. Although it made her life even more interesting.

She herself was feeding two in one. A little colt on the way-due in three months- she had two mouths to feed. She liked eating ice-cream, but it didn't sit right for her little one, so she went on to eating cookies. From chocolote chip, to raisn, to apple, cookies was her craving. This being her fist pony she ever had, she was going to spoil the buck out of him. She was glad she was going to have a colt and not a filly for a few reasons, the number one reason is not needing to buy extra tampons, that she was happy about most of all.

As soon as she finished eating the last of her cookies she told Delphi she would go on a walk to visit Silver to see what new spell they've created. Even though she was an earth pony, she had a slight interest in magic. Just seeing magic made her smile. The wonder, work, and practice it must of taken to properly use the spell. Just as she was walking out of the door, the clock on the wall struck three. Only six hours until Silver would clock out of work, so maybe she could catch him on his lunch break he often took around four o'clock in the afternoon.

She made her way to the lab after taking a detour around a large construction zone. And after walking for another four blocks she arrived at the Lab.

After waiting a moment to catch her breath, she walked through the entrance.

"Hello Mrs. Skies, here to see your husband?" The guard asked.

Sunny nodded. "I am, is he busy?"

"Don't think so ma'am, he should be out in a few minutes. They're work'n on a spell that'll change how spells react to new ponies ariving in Equestria for the first time. I hear most unicorns who arrive get the worst when they try to use their magic." The guard said. "Although I maybe a guard, your husband is a good pal'o'mine. Play poker a couple times a month him and I. Tells me cool things."

Sunny sat down on a bench next to the guard. "Well, at least he has friends..." She said jokingly. "How are you anyways?"

"Ah, there isn't anything really going on worthy of me sharing ma'am." The guard said as the doors from the lab opened. "After noon Silver, your wife is here!"

Silver walked out of the door way, and a wave of magic surrounded him before he completely exited. Then when he was ready he rushed over to Sunny. After smiling for a few minutes, and holding onto her stomach, Silver looked up at her.

"How's everything going?" He asked calmly.

"Alright...you?" She asked even softer. "To think we've only got just a few more months..."

"Yeah, times flies huh? Remember when we met in highschool? Oh man our parents freaked when they found out we were dating!" Silver laughed as he sat next to her. He laughed for a few more minutes. "Oh, I got something to tell you, and you may not like it."

"Oh, don't tell me he told you to stay longer?"

"Yeah, we've got a spell that's proving some difficulty in stabilizing. If you know what I'm talking about."

Sunny nudged him lightly. "I know what you mean." She smiled. "And it's alright. You're being paid for extra time you stay after your work time right?"

Silver nodded. "Yeah, but only a couple hundred for the time. I'll be home at three in the morning."

Sunny's ears dropped, and so did her smile. "Why so late?" She asked in a near whisper. "It's the fourth time this week you had to stay this late."

The stallion wrapped his hooves around his wife, and hugged her tight enough to not harm her 'carry on' as he like to call the growing bump on her stomach that would soon to become a baby colt. He sighed when he let go. His eyes looked deeply into Sunny's, meaning he was serious.

"I'll be back in time to get some sleep, and I'll take the day off tomorrow. Just you and me! We could take a train to the beach, and-"

"And I would like to do that, but I don't think your boss would like that. He is Shining Armor."

"AND he'll no longer be here in a few months. Now that he's getting married he's going to be closing down Equestrian Labs, and opening Crystal Labs. Then we can see this new kingdom his wife-to-be has been taking about." He added. "Please, I'll try to make this the last night I stay past midnight." The stallion was almost on his knees, begging.

Sunny knew her husband was a hard worker to the core, and loved helping change the world with every new spell they help create, and stabilize by making magical rules each spell had to follow. The first being: It cannot harm anypony. And the second being will it be useful when Equestria is under attack. She knew a few more rules by heart, but the rest could be found by just asking any unicorn. Having to remember all sixty rules by heart along with reciting the rules a unicorn must follow.

After giving a long sigh, she stood up. A nearby clock struck five, and she looked back at Silver who looked like he was being left.

She smiled lightly. "It's alright, it just mean I'll need to stay up until you get home!"

"Don't push yourself hun!" He called as she walked out the door.

After watching a movie, she looked at her watch she had on her hoof.

"Damn, only ten?" She asked angerly to the watch. The moon was already in the sky, the sun far under the horizon. The moon scared her, like most ponies, as nightmare moon glared from space. It looked as though she was staring right at her, sending a shiver down her spine. Walking on she tried to ignore the watching goddess of the night.

She walked closer to her house. Something caught her eyes, followed by a bright flash of light, marking an explosion. She tried to find out what it was, but guards kept shouting for her to run back to her home. She refused, walking closer to the explosion. Soon did she realize that it was Equestrian Labs that exploded.

A title-wave of sadness covered her like a wet cold blanket. She fell to the ground in shock, her jaw hit the center of the earth, and still kept going. Everything had stopped right there, her life, her reason to be happy, her lover, and her best friend, dead. Crying right where she'd meet Silver to walk him home, she stood there waiting. Silver was a smart pony, he could of seen it coming, and saved himself.

After waiting a couple of hours she started to cry harder, as she held her stomach. She was alone aside from Delphi, but that would soon end. With no more income, she'd haft to sell her, and the house. Move somewhere she can die with her new born foal of starvation. Silver was her life line after she cut her own to take care of Delphi, and her incoming colt.

Slowly, she walked back home. She wanted to take the time to remember Silver. The moment they met, their first date, their wedding, and honeymoon. Leading up to the first months of her pregnatecy. Suddenly a stallion jumped infront of her, a knife in his hold. She backed up slowly, trying to keep her distance, but another pony came from behind.

"Give us your bits!" One ordered. "I know how to use a knife!"

"Please! Don't hurt me! I don't have any bits anymore..." She begged.

"Won't do! You've got that nice necklace whorse! Give it!"

"Please! It's the only thing I have to remind me of my husband!"

The theif laughed. "You think I care about your husband? Give it or I'll tell my friend to cut your stomach open. You look due anyways!"

"No...please, just go, and I'll forget I saw you." She said, her whole body ways shaking.

The two theifs got closer, and their knifes flipped out. "One....last...chance..."

Before she had the chance to reply they jumped her, first cutting her back leg, causing her to cry out in pain, No pony was around, most were still watching the fire that was started from the explosion. She just wanted to go home and cry. Once more she was cut this time deeper but on her stomach. Blood started to flow as she held her stomach tightly, trying to stop the blood from flowing to much.

As the theifs ran off with her necklace, Sunny started to crawl home. She was only two houses away, which gave hope. Phoenix tears could heal any mortal wounds. Delphi could heal her, and save the foal. One house away now, she was starting to feel weak. Her will almost broken from Silver's death. reaching the door step she loosly opened the door. Delphi swiftly flew over.

"Master!" She cried out as she landed next to Sunny who was still bleeding. "What happened!? Where's your love?!" She asked over and over again.

"Please help me! I think he's in danger." She held her stomach tighter, making Delphi realizing it was the foal who was in danger. She looked at the wound for a moment the her head fell slightly.

"M-master...I can't save both of you...Only one...The baby....it's already dying, and you're closer." The phoenix drew closer to Sunny. "Which shall it be?"

"I don't want to lose him!" She cried. "I don't! I don't!! I don't!!!"

Delphi knew one thing from reading in secret while Sunny was out of the house. Often she would see her brother who knew their mother. He told her about a 'last resort' that could save any life that couldn't be normally saved. She would have to sacrifice her immortal soul to save them both. The life force she had was strong enough to bring them both back, and it was the only other way.

"I...I know of a way master....but you will not like it." She said. "I can die for both of you to live. It is my duty to make you happy. First master told me when he got me...to save you if things got two....rough..."

Sunny was starting to lose herself. Her eyes starting to close.

"Master....." The phoenix started to float into the air as spheres of light circled her. A tear hit the ground, but the phoenix felt like she was doing the right thing. When the spheres of light circled into her chest, Delphi flew close to Sunny, who was breathing her last few breaths. She pulled a feather out of her wing, and placed it next to her.

Once the feather was next to her former master, she started to turn into ash that flowed into the wound, closing it up. As this went on a red streak of hair flashed onto Sunny's blond mane. Her breathing regulated, and she went to sleep as a tear slid down her face.