• Published 25th Apr 2014
  • 1,500 Views, 37 Comments

From Ponyville With Love - Bluecatcinema

The Napoleon brothers look for love in Ponyville.

  • ...

The Bet

About a month after Caboose proposed to Daring Do, he and his brothers were at the Napoleon Manor in Bitaly, setting up the estate for Caboose and Daring's wedding, set to take place the next week. Currently, Caboose and Daring were in the dining room, making lovey-dovey faces at each other. Then, Caboose began to speak, but instead of his voice...

"Oh, Daring, my love, I am so lucky to have a beautiful and way out of my league mare like you." Murray mimicked Caboose's voice.

"Yes." Lars said in a girly voice, speaking in time with Daring. "I love you so much, even though your split personality tried to kidnap and have his way with me.

"I'm so happy, I will make references to movies hoping other ponies will understand it, maybe even break the so-called 'fourth wall'." Sonny mocked Caboose.

"I have a beautiful body and flank, but only you get to have it, even though your more handsome brothers were hospitalized trying to save me from you." Vinny imitated Daring.

"I always wonder, Daring, my love, does everypony know you're A.K. Yearling?" Salt asked, in a bad attempt at Caboose's voice. "I feel like a big plot hole has been ripped in our world or something... derp."

"Caboose, you are an ugly lookin' idiot." Slot sneered in mock-Daring's voice.

"WHOA!" The other brothers gasped. They turned and glared at Slot.

"What?!" Slot asked.

"You always take it a step too far, Slot!" Vinny groaned.

"Yeah." Salt agreed. "The point of mocking is to make fun of them, not to flat out insult them."

"Whatever." Slot pouted. "Like you don't all feel the same way. We're all sick of that mush!"

"More like you're all jealous of Caboose." Came a voice from across the room.

The brothers turned, and saw Grimoire sitting in a chair, having heard the whole thing.

"Say what, Grim?" Lars asked.

"You're jealous that Caboose has a fiancé, while you're all single." Grimoire declared.

"Please!" Murray snorted.

"Yeah, right!" Vinny chuckled.

"As if!" Salt sniggered.

"Pull the other one!" Lars smirked.

"You serious, bro?" Sonny cringed.

"Not a chance." Slot huffed.

"Is that so?" Grimoire chuckled. "Not that it's any of my business, but I haven't seen any of you going on- or even getting ready for -a date in weeks, let alone months."

"And what's that got to do with anything?" Murray asked.

"I'm just saying." Grimoire smirked. "Maybe it bothers you to see our little brother with a steady girl, when the rest of us don't have anypony."

"Oh, sure." Slot snorted. "I can't speak for the others, but I could get a date anytime I want. I'm just a little busy these days."

"Yeah. What with the whole recovering from the O'Malley incident and the 'family' business, y'know?" Vinny defended.

The other brothers muttered similar things.

"Is that so?" Grimoire grinned.

"Yeah, it is." Vinny nodded.

"Well then, how about we place a wager on it?" Grimoire suggested. "I bet that none of you six can get a date to bring with you to Caboose's wedding."

"Oh, ho, you're challenging us, bro?" Murray asked.

"I always do love a challenge." Salt said cockily. "I'm in."

"Me too." Lars nodded.

"What are the stakes?" Slot asked.

"Oh, nothing major." Grimoire declared. "The losers will have to sing a certain song of Caboose's that we all did back at my wedding."

The other brothers shuddered. What happened that day was not a pleasant memory.

"Let's go for it." Murray nodded.

"Prepare to sing like a canary, Grim." Vinny nodded.

"It's on now!" Lars cheered.

"Then let's make it official." Grimoire offered.

The seven brothers spat on their hooves, then put them together.

"Good luck." Grimoire chuckled as he left the room.

"Just you wait, Grimm!" Murray called out. "By the time this week is through, we will all have mares! Just you wait!"

Moments later, Murray and his brothers entered another room.

"Okay guys, any idea on where to get dates?!" Murray asked.

"What?!" Vinny spluttered. "What happened to that shtick you were pulling out there?!"

"I'm a prideful stallion, Vinny!" Murray shot back. "I don't back down from challenges!"

"Great." Lars groaned. "So we just accepted a wager, without any clue on how we could win it."

"And now we are faced with a problem. How can six middle-aged stallions each get a mare in one week?" Salt wondered.

"Well, we could call in a couple of favors from our 'friends' and arrange dates for us here in Bitaly." Sonny suggested.

"No, that won't do. There's no telling what they will have us do and they might not get us the mares in time, let alone ones that we can tolerate." Murray denied.

"Hey, how about those troupe mares that follows the Ponies of Anarchy?" Slot asked.

"Oh no. Those mares are loose cannons, and if we mess up with them, we will have the P.O.A. on our flanks!" Lars shook his head.

"How about mail-order brides from Russiaddle?" Vinny asked.

"We need dates, Vinny! Not wives!" Salt jabbed him in the shoulder.

"Oh my gosh, we are so boned…" Murray moaned, gripping the bridge of his snout.

"Well, we could always try to pick up the mares the old-fashioned way…" Lars hinted.

"Here in Bitaly? Fat chance!" Sonny snapped, "We can't trust any mare here!"

"Yeah. Almost every mare here could easily be a spy for another mob, out to assassinate us or steal our riches and secrets… and the fact that we are widely recognized for our… business… makes things a lot harder." Salt explained.

"So that means we would have to go out of Bitaly." Slot deduced.

"Like where? Where in the hay is there a place filled to the brim with single mares desperate enough for a stallion's touch?" Vinny despaired.

Just then, they heard voices in the corridor outside. It was one of their changeling operatives, talking to a friend, a pegasus.

"So, whatever happened to that old commander of yours back at the changeling's territory?" The pegasus asked.

"Who, Greg?" The Changeling asked. "Oh, he found thizzz cute mare named Cotton in a placzze called Ponyville!"

"Ponyville, you say? That place is teeming with mares!" His friend, a Pegasus chuckled. "It should be easy for any guy to get a date there. Especially with the 20 to 80 male-female ratio!"

That comment set off light bulbs in the brother's heads.

"You guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Murray asked.

"Oh, I think I am..." Vinny smiled.

The six shouted at once.

"We're going to Ponyville/Las Pegasus, baby!"

Murray and the others glanced at Vinny.

"What?" Vinny asked. "You guys weren't thinking of Las Pegasus?"

"Nope." Slot shook his head. "Ponyville all the way."

"Yeah…a small hick town with loads of female to swoon and little male competition…that will be perfect!" Sonny cheered.

"Sure… but won't it sound suspicious that six relatives comes to a small town?" Salt asked.

"Well, I think Daring is going to Ponyville in a day or two." Lars recalled. "She's going to see that Rarity about making some last minute adjustments to her dress and staying with Rainbow Dash till the night before the wedding. Maybe we can offer to 'help' her by tagging along."

"And while we're there, we can have our pick of the local mares." Sonny chuckled. "Smart thinking, Lars."

"I do have my moments." Lars agreed.

They waited until Daring finally pulled herself away from Caboose to talk to her.

"Hey Daring, we heard you're going to Ponyville?" Murray smiled.

"Yeah, I am." Daring nodded.

"Want us to come with?" Vinny offered. "We could help you out in whatever it is you're doing."

"Oh, I don't want to put you guys out. All I'll be doing is getting my dress adjusted and hanging out with my old friend." Daring smiled.

"Stow that attitude right now." Salt admonished her. "We're gonna be family soon, and family takes care of one another."

"Yeah. If you need a shoulder to cry on, we're there." Slot smiled, "If you need a pony to talk to, we lend your our ears. If you need to bury a dead body, we-"

"Too far, Slot. Too far…" Murray growled.

"Well, when you put it like that..." Daring mused. "I suppose I could use the extra hooves. Okay, you can come with."

"You've made the right choice." Lars beamed.

"I'm taking a carriage there tomorrow morning." Daring revealed. "See you then."

As Daring walked away, the brothers shared satisfied grins.

"We're on our way, boys." Murray smiled.

"This wager is in the bag." Slot said confidently.

"Oh, by the way!" Daring suddenly called back. "Grimoire will be coming too. Won't that be great?"

Their satisfied grins faltered.

"Yeah, great..." Sonny grimaced.

"Oh boy…" Slot gulped.

"This... complicates things." Vinny declared.

"Not as much as you think." Murray shrugged. "We just gotta make sure Grimoire doesn't catch on. We can still do this."

"I hope so..." Salt sighed. "Cuz I think I speak for all of us when I say I do not want to sing that bucking song again!"