• Published 16th Apr 2014
  • 4,554 Views, 56 Comments

Blackest Twilight - Zanem-Ji

After Celestia and Luna's battle, a new sky was created. Twilight, loving this new sky, did whatever she could to recreate it. But when Celestia disapproves of this creation, Twilight's dark path into a twisted enemy begins...

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Twilight snapped upright from her slumber. She looked out the window, her ears swiveled vigorously as she tried to pinpoint the source of her disturbance. She jumped out of bed and trotted over to her window. Her eyes scanned over the castle grounds before settling onto the fringes of the Everfree Forest.

“They almost got killed…” she softly spoke to no one in particular.

"They should’ve been killed off already…” a voice grumbled back.

She looked over her shoulder at the vanity and walked over to it. Her dark reflection was glowering at her.

“Why do you continue to let them run freely?”

Twilight didn’t respond.

The vanity trembled from the mirror being slammed. “WHY?!”

Twilight raised a brow, “Is there any reason in particular that you’re so upset?”

The reflection sighed and crossed her forelegs, “I’m upset because I worry. I feel like you’re not going to reach your full potential because you don’t want to make the necessary sacrifices…”

“Necessary sacrifices?” the alicorn tilted her head slightly, “There’s nothing to sacrifice…”

“The ponies you call your ‘friends’ need to be disposed of in order to protect your EvenTide Kingdom.”

“My friends are causing no harm. I will not ‘dispose’ of them.”

There was a heavy pause as Twilight locked eyes with her darker self. The reflection rolled her eyes and turned away,

“You’re not fit to be a princess, Twilight Sparkle…

Twilight stomped a hoof, “Take that back!”

There was gentle rapping at the door.

“Your Majesty? Is all well in your bedchambers?”

Twilight cleared her throat, “Yes it is, thank you. You may return to your post.”

“Yes, You Majesty.”

There was a trot that faded as the guard stepped further down the hall. Twilight glared back at the mirror,

“Take that back.” She hissed.

The doppleganger turned back around to face her, “You have the entire kingdom in your hooves, and you’re going to throw it all away for five measly ponies?” she stepped closer to her side of the mirror, “Sacrificing few for the many is the logical thing to do. Something a true princess would do.”

Twilight trembled as rage built up inside of her. She snorted angrily,

“I am a true princess.” She stated in a dangerously low tone. “I can mold the world and the heavens around me. I can do anything. I will do what’s needed to make sure my kingdom remains perfect for my subjects. Anything.”

The dark Twilight sneered and leaned forward,


Twilight nodded.

The reflection extended a hoof towards the true Princess,

“Then let me help you perfect your kingdom.”

Twilight stared down her reflection. She really did want what’s best for her kingdom. She wanted to be known as one of the most successful Princess of her time. To make her kingdom prosper for as long as she would live to rule over it. It was time for her to make her next step into creating that kingdom of her dreams. She stepped closer to her vanity, and touched the hoof on the other side of the glass. Reflection Twilight smiled,

“Let us bring the end of this age…and bring forth your own…”


Cadence’s ears swiveled as she spaced out in front of the group. Shining walked up to her,

“Is everything alright, my love?”

Cadence rubbed her head, “I feel so much hatred coming from Canterlot. Something is terribly wrong…”

Applejack exasperated, “That’s what we’ve been tryna tell ya! The Corrupted One has returned, an’ we think it may be in cahoots with Twi’!”

Shining shook his head, “That could never happen. If that were true, that would mean there would’ve been something evil already lying within Twily’s heart to begin with. She may have done stuff over the years…we all have…but I’ve never seen her have any truly selfish thoughts…”

“Let us not forget that Twilight has had all of Equestria in her hooves for a few months now.” Rarity pointed out. “She hasn’t been the same ever since the Eternal Slumber Massacre. She’s gotten a bit…cold. She even pulled her royal title against us.”

Cadence focused back on the group, “There was one other pony besides myself and Twilight that could manipulate crystals in the way you described them. Only one monster we know of that could do that…”

Fluttershy stepped forward, “Do you mean Sombra?”

Shining nodded, “Perhaps he has returned to take over the Crystal Empire once again.”

“That doesn’t explain why Cadence just felt what she felt from Canterlot specifically.” Rarity countered. “Not to mention that Sombra was only a unicorn. A powerful one, but a unicorn nonetheless. That thing, that creature in the woods was far too powerful for Unicornian magic. You’re the Prince of the Crystal Empire. Do you have power like that?”

Shining snorted and turned his gaze downward, his response clear.

“It was too powerful for any of us to kill.” Dash stated bitterly. “It nearly killed Pinks and Flutters…none of us, ponies who are Element Bearers, could stop it. What certain Alicorn do we know, that has a near infinite amount of knowledge and magic?”

Cadence and Shining shared worried glances with one another. Shining spoke up again,

“Those crystals are still made from dark magic. That would mean that Twily is using dark magic. If that be the case…we will end this.”

“We wont be able to end this. There’s only one right now that stands a chance at even going hoof-to-hoof with Twilight, and that’s her.” Dash finished by pointing at Miracle. Cadence stared at her for a moment,

“Step closer please.”

Miracle obeyed and bowed before her, “It is an honor to meet you, Your Majesty.”

Cadence waved a hoof, “Worry not about such formalities. A friend of the Mane Six is a friend of mine.” She stated warmly. “As a matter of fact, you look somewhat…familiar. Have we met before?”

Miracle’s eyes dropped to the ground, “Unfortunately, I know nothing of my past…I don’t even have a true name. Fluttershy gave me mine. For now…I am Miracle, a mere soldier of Ubenox.”

Shining stepped forward, “The Great One?”

Miracle nodded. Rarity trotted up beside her,

“The one and only. She’s been selected by Ubenox himself to carry out his will of banishing the Corrupted One once more. She managed to fight off what attacked us, by channeling magic like she were a unicorn.”

Shining stepped forward and gave her a curtsy, “It’s always a pleasure to meet a fellow follower of Ubenox, and a great honor to meet one who has been bestowed to carry out his will.” He rose back up, “You spoke of the Corrupted One. If what you say is true and it has returned here, then I will do whatever needs to be done to help you.”

Cadence nodded in agreement, “You also have my word. My magic, is your magic.”

Pinkie stepped forward, brushing her now deflated mane from her face, “You know that means you’ll have to fight Twilight, right?...”

“Why do you keep bringing her into this?!” Shining shouted.

“Because she almost took Applejack away from me!” Pinkie shouted with equal ferocity. The others looked on silently. “She almost killed both of us, and Fluttershy!”

“The punishment for usage of dark magic is exile.” Shining calmly stated. “If in fact it is Twilight, then I promise will be no less just because she’s my sister.”

Pinkie’s eye twitched, “She would only be punished for the dark magic use? How about attempted murder? Oh, let’s not forget the rule she created after an attempted hit on Rarity; attempted harm of an Element of Harmony is treason against the Equestrian Crown!” she took another step forward, “She’s dangerous, and far too powerful for just exile. She will kill all of us!”

“Let’s just check up on her to prove she’s not a threat to us.” Cadence stated. She summoned a crystal from the floor, letting it rise until it towered over the group. Cadence’s horn glowed, attempting to contact to whoever was supposed to be on the other side. It continued for about a minute until Twlight’s voice could be heard,

“What do you want?”

Cadence was briefly stunned. The voice sounded like her sister-in-law…but something deeper…fouler, lingered beneath the voice. The group listened intently as Cadence began to speak.

“Shining and I just wanted to see how you were doing…are you okay? You sound a bit off, and why can’t we see you?”

“Cadence…are my friends in your kingdom?”

Cadence looked over at the group, then back at the crystal, “Well, yes, but you didn’t answer my question. What’s going on with you?”

There was no response. Shining stepped forward,


“I’m so sorry…you need to run…” the voice whispered weakly.

Shining leaned in,

“What’d you say?”

The crystal suddenly looked fuzzy and blurred. The throne room rumbled as a Eventide Crystals began to invade the space. The others started stepping back towards the guards and Crystalline Sentries rushed into the throne room. Cries of horror and agony rang out, as jagged pillars of crystal pierced the soldiers with ease. None of the pillars seemed to be aimed at the Mane Six…but no one else in the room appeared safe.

“Twilight…” Shining whispered through gritted teeth as he tried to pull one of his hind legs off the crystal that was embedded in it.

A static laced image of Twilight’s twisted form appeared in the communication crystal. Her horn was twisted and jagged, and her lips were pulled back into a sickening smile, gleaming fangs adorning her mouth. Blackened sparks of electricity arced on her body and through her veins, causing slight spasms to dance across through her body. The whites of her eyes were void black, with slitted crimison eyes boring down at them. She giggled, sending chills throught the group’s collective spine.

“You look so terrified…I love it…” Corrupted Twilight leaned closer, cocking her head sideways with a series of audible clicks, “It would see as though you all still have a bit of power within you. Enough to where if I allow you to continued to frolic freely, it may come back to bite me in the ass.” She pressed her hooves against the side of her crystal. Even with her seemingly gentle touch, hairline cracks began to dance along the crystal. “So…let’s go ahead and handle this little issue now…”

She reeled back onto her hindlegs, and slammed them down on her side. The whole pillar shattered into dust. The throne room violently rumbled, nearly knocking the group to the ground.

“We gotta get outta here!” Pinkie cried out. Cadence had formed a barrier around the group and her lover,

“RUN!” she commanded. The barriers around them flickered, “She’s…her m-magic…it’s nullifying my own!”

“So long as I live…none will surpass me…” Twilight’s voice reverberated through the EvenTide Crystals. “Cadence…measly Princess of Love, I cannot risk another Alicorn possibly challenging me again…”

Before Cadence could question the meaning of her actions, her voice was silenced by a thin spear of crystal piercing her throat. Shining cried out in abject horror as he watched his wife be executed by his own sister. The shock of the sight made it easier for Dash and Applejack to get him off the pillar and out of the throne room. They galloped as until their lungs burned, not stopping until their legs could physically carry them no more.

“No…not my sister…”

Rarity placed a hoof on his shoulder, “Shining?”

“No…not my sister…”

She shook him a bit harder, “Shining Armor, stop it!”

“No…not my sister…”

She reeled one of her hooves back, before connecting to the side of his face with a slap hard enough to cause the entire group to flinch,

“Get ahold of yourself!” Rarity snapped. “Right now, that thing is not your sister. She’s an enemy to the planet! She is now the Corrupted One, and we have to do what the Great One instructed us to do, and destroy it!” tears quickly filled her vision, “Now…you gave us your word that you’d help us stop her, and we expect you to keep that promise, do you understand?!”

Shining shoved her away from him, “It doesn’t make the news any easier to bear!” he turned away from her, “My sister just murdered my wife…she’s very clearly beyond redemption…” he took a few deep breaths, swallowing down sobs that threatened to surface. “If…If Miracle is a part of the procephy, then she must leave. Now. Once Twilight figures out she’s still alive, she’s going to rip this kingdom apart to kill her. Get her out of here.”

“What about you?” Fluttershy asked softly.

“I’m now the sole ruler of this kingdom…” he stood a bit straighter, “It is my duty to protect the kingdom and her citizens from any harm, so long as I live. I’ll let Twilight keep thinking she’s here, and hold her off for as long as I can.”

Silence fell onto the group for a moment,

“Why are you still here?” Shining snarled. “I said GET OUT OF HERE!”

Miracle turned and galloped as fast as she could, with the Mane Six in tow. They’d need to get as far as possible if they wanted to have even a miniscule chance of defeating Twilight in this form…


Twilight was sitting down, her wings protectively wrapped around her, as she struggled to understand what was going on with herself. She stared at the tiny remnants of her communication crystal as a single tear made a trail down her cheek,

“This isn’t what I wanted…”

‘This is exactly what you wanted. What you needed. I said I was going to help you make this kingdom perfect, and I will make the choices that you cannot seem to make yourself! And now that your friends know of us, there’s no turning back now…’

A large shard of crystal was laying in front of her. She was horrified by the teary eyed and twitching reflection staring back at her. She covered her mouth, ashamed by the fangs that protruded from it. She stared deep into her own eyes, where irises were an amalgamation of purple and red as her psyche warred on from within. Her cutie mark was all that remained in this form of hers. She knew that now, she truly was a monster.

She let out a cry of anguish before repeatedly stomping on the crystal. The chuckle in her head got larger as she turned to another crystal shard. The monster was looking back at her,

“You will learn to embrace this new body of yours. You think you look terrifying, but in reality, you look like a beautiful and dark princess. Hell, you look like a queen…”

“A queen…” Twilight shook her head, “What will they think of me when they see what I’ve become? There won’t see me as their queen when I look like a monster…”

“Who cares what they think?! It will be you who rules the world, not them!!”

“I just wanted to make my kingdom one of the best in the world! I didn’t want to rule the entire planet!”

The monster narrowed her eyes, “And that’s why I will be making the decisions from now now…”


Miracle’s eyes fluttered opened,

“White Pegasus…rise…”

She quickly sprang to her hooves. She heard the small grunts of effort as her friends stood up as well. Ubenox was standing before her, looking down at her with a slight displeasure in his eyes,

“White Pegasus…the forces of good and evil…they are beginning to tilt out of balance…the side of evil has grown stronger. The Corrupted One had awoken, and is starting to make its move. Something must be done, before I come and must deal with it myself…”

“Our apologies, Great One.” Rarity started, “We’re trying, but we’re not sure what to do next against her. We need more time.”

Ubenox turned his gaze onto her, “Time is something that is luxury for you mortals, and nothing for beings like myself…it is a shame that I am not the one who controls it. I am afraid I cannot give you more time…”

“Then what do we do, Great One?”

“While the Corrupted One hungers for destruction…I feel like it’s host still has some fight left…I can feel a small fragment of her soul…struggling to stay alive…”

Dash stepped forward, “Is there anyway we can save her?”

Ubenox shook his head, “I’ve never seen a host fight the Corrupted One like this for so long. Not even the Alicorn from before fought the level of mental onslaught that it is causing your friend now.” He started to turn away, “There is no more steps to this. Only the battle that lies beyond.” He looked back over his shoulder, “White Pegasus…rise…”

“But, I’m already standing…”

Ubenox gave a small smile and lightly shook his head, “You misunderstand me, White Pegasus.” He turned back to her and delicately brought the tip of his massive hoof to her chest,


Miracle’s eyes widened, as she felt more power course through her veins. She gave a small nod, and Ubenox backed away from her. He turned again from the group, fading into the nothingness. The group surrounded her,

“What now?” Pinkie questioned.

Miracle looked down at her, “It’s just like he’s said…there’s nothing left for us to do but fight her. We have to take her down.”

Applejack shook her head, “It ain’t fair…she’s s’posed ta be our friend…”

Rarity placed a hoof on the farmer’s shoulder, “She is our friend. But realize that what we’re going to fight is not our Twilight.” She looked down at the ground, “No matter how hard that fight will be…”

“We need to prepare” Miracle ordered. “We’ve seen that Twilight’s magic has the power to reach far and wide. So, let’s not keep her waiting much longer before she kills more innocent to get to us…”

The group nodded and closed their eyes, once again allowing themselves to be enveloped in the void’s light.