• Published 16th Apr 2014
  • 4,551 Views, 56 Comments

Blackest Twilight - Zanem-Ji

After Celestia and Luna's battle, a new sky was created. Twilight, loving this new sky, did whatever she could to recreate it. But when Celestia disapproves of this creation, Twilight's dark path into a twisted enemy begins...

  • ...

Power Of The White Pegasus

“Hey kid, wake up!”

Miracle groaned and rolled over, letting out a grunt as she felt her body hit the floor with a thud. She shook her head and opened her heavy eyelids. Dash was standing in over her with a strange expression on her face.

“Did I do something wrong?” she asked in a groggy tone. Her eyes went wide and she slapped a hoof over her mouth.

She sounded older.

She put her hoof down and looked up at Dash,

“What’s wrong with my voice?”

Dash rubbed a hoof on the back of her head, “It’s not just your voice, kid. When’s the last time you’ve looked in a mirror?”

Miracle stared up at her for a second, before bolting to the bathroom. Her wings smacked the walls, making her panic even more. That wasn’t a problem before she went to bed. She slid into the bathroom, shock covering her face as she stared at her reflection.

She had grown.

Dash followed her into the bathroom. Miracle was now a couple inches taller than her. Her mane and tail were long a slightly flowing. Her face, her neck, all of her, far more slender and mature looking.

“Who are you?!”

Miracle jumped and flared her wings open in surprise, smacking Dash into the wall and earning a grumbled curse from her. They clasped tightly around her aged form,

“I’m so sorry!” she apologized as she turned around. Fluttershy was standing in the doorway, surprise in her eyes.

“Who are you?”

Miracle pawed at the ground, “Fluttershy…it’s me…Miracle…”

Fluttershy’s jaw dropped. She stepped closer, placing a hoof on the filly-turned-mare’s cheek, and examining her.


Miracle pulled away from her and looked back at her reflection with a serious look on her face,

“My powers are returning to me, just like Ubenox said.” She looked back at them, “Along with my memory.”

Dash was about to ask what she was talking about, when a furious pounding rang through the house. The cyan Pegasus flew downstairs to answer the door. She opened it to see a panicked Rarity standing at the doorframe,

“Where’s Miracle?!” Rarity blubbered.

“She’s upstairs trying to figure something out…why? What’s up?”

Rarity didn’t answer her. Instead, she ran past her and galloped upstairs. She screeched to a halt as she took in Miracle’s new form.

“You’re getting your powers back!”

Miracle only nodded.

The Unicorn reached into her saddle pack and took out a rolled up paper, “I had been conducting one of my bi-weekly gem searches, and as soon as I stepped inside my house, I found this in the middle of the floor.” She put it on the floor and opened it. “It’s from Spike!”

The group surrounded it and began reading its contents.

“My dear friends,

Ever since the ‘Eternal Slumber Massacre’, I have been feeling…changes in the world. Forces of good and evil that are in motion for something far greater than we’ve ever faced before. When you all showed up to my home, I felt something in that filly that was brought with you. she sis powerful…a magnificent strength resides in her. And her speaking of Ubenox only solidified that thought. It was for that reason that I had begun writing this letter in hopes of helping you to the best of my abilities. I also felt that my assistance would be met with severe consequences. If you are reading this, then unfortunately, my prediction has came true. If it is indeed the Corrupted One that comes for me, I have a strong feeling that it will attempt to kill me. I ask that you stay away from my cave. Whatever has come for me, may return even if it is successful. I don’t know if whatever evil shows up will know that I have helped you, but for safety purposes…I suggest you leave Ponyville. The town is still far too small, and you will be far too easy to find. Miracle…this part is for you…”

Miracle gulped.

“As I have previously stated in this letter, you are incredibly powerful. You are strong. you have a chance to beat whatever this evil is. You are the heroine in this story. Now, etch your name into history and banish whatever this evil is once more. We may not see each other again, so I would like to take the opportunity to say that it was a pleasure to meet you.

-Spike, the ‘Dragon of Knowledge’-“

Miracle looked up at the other mares once more. Rarity had a single tear travel down her face, and the Pegasis couple were looking at each other with sad expression on their faces. Anger bubbled up inside of her,

“Its time for me to leave.”

Surprise covered the trio’s faces. Fluttershy was the first to speak up,

“B-but you can’t. Ubenox said that we needed us to help you in this!”

“Look at what ‘helping me’ did!” Miracle snapped back, “Spike only met me once. One time. And he helped me only once! And not he’s gone! The Corrupted One has gotten him, and its all my fault! So this will be my fight, and my fight alone!”

“But kid, you still haven’t found the seeds of corruption.” Dash pointed out.

“I will, but I’m going to do it on my own. I’m sorry, but I can’t and wont continue to put you all in danger.” She walked over and hugged Fluttershy and Dash, “Thank you so much for taking me in.” she looked over at Dash, “I don’t know if Fluttershy ever told you…but I never wanted to replace your daughter. I needed up, and she helped me.” she sheepishly rubbed one of her forelegs, “Even though you don’t like me, I think you’re an amazing pony, and I’m glad you at least tolerated me for as long as you did.”

She released them from her grasp and started to walk downstairs. Rarity looked back and forth between the couple and Miracle as she trotted away, stammering in confusion. She rolled her eyes and looked at her closest friends,

“Am I going to have to be the one to say something about this? Really?” she exasperated. She jumped up and followed Miracle, stopping her from walking out the front door. She jumped in front of her and kicked the door shut. Miracle’s eyes went wide,

“Miss Rarity! What-”

“No, stop. You made your point perfectly clear.” Rarity interrupted. “And now that you have, its my turn to speak. Spike helped you for the greater good. He knew what he was doing, and knew what you were. You are someone so powerful, that the Corrupted One is doing whatever it can to help you, because it knows you can stop it. Now, I’m a believer of Ubenox. I’m one of his followers. He told us to help you, and even if everyone else decided not to help you, which I’m very doubtful of…I’m not going to continue to do so.” She leaned in, “Do you understand?”

Miracle slowly nodded. Rarity patted her shoulder and called the other two to the front door.

“We need to go get Applejack and Pinkie and get out of here.” Rarity stated. The others nodded and followed her out the door.


“Ah’m not leavin’ the farm.”

Rarity started to protest, “But Applejack-”

“No!!” Applejack screamed. “There ain’t no one else now! Granny Smith died years ago, Apple Bloom because of Luna’s fucked up mind, an’ Big Mac can’t work no more. Its me an’ Pinkie, an’ that’s when she ain’t got her own job at the bakery!” she stomped a hoof, “Equestria could be goin’ ta Tartarus now fer all Ah care, because Ah’m not leavin’ mah home.”

Dash rubbed her temples, “AJ, the Corrupted One is probably heading this way to kill us. We can’t save the world if we’re dead. So…c’mon, let’s go.”



“Ah ain’t leavin.”

Pinkie took a couple steps forward, “Jackie…”


“Applejack, I’m your girlfriend, and we are going to talk about this.” Pinkie snapped, her voice changing to match her anger.

Applejack sat in silence.

“We are in danger, Applejack. We have to leave. If you stay here, and what Spike says is true, what do you think is going to happen? The Corrupted One is going to come here and probably destroy Sweet Apple Acres! Even if we did somehow survive the Corrupted One’s attack, all of this,” Pinkie waved her hooves in the air, “will be gone. Is that what you want?”

Applejack shook her head. Pinkie gently caressed her cheeks,

“Over the past couple of years, I’ve grown to call this farm a place to stay, not my home. Do you know why?”

“Why, Sugar?”

“Because silly…‘home is where the heart is’!” Pinkie giggled, “My heart is with you. You’re my home. We could always rebuild Sweet Apple Acres if something happens to it, but I can’t rebuild or replace you…”

A sweet smile formed on Applejack’s face, and she leaned forward to give her partner a kiss. Pinkie returned it with equal affection.

“But…but what about Big Mac?”

Pinkie scoffed, “You and I both know he’s got Cherilee. This will be just the reason he needs to move in with her.”

Applejack sat in silence, gathering her thoughts. She stood up,

“Ah’m goin’ ta go an’ talk ta Cherilee. Pinkie, if ya’d be so kind, can ya start packin’ fer us?”

Pinkie nodded and trotted upstairs. Fluttershy looked over at Miracle,

“What’s wrong? You haven’t said a word since we left the house.”

“I’m making you all leave your lives behind for me.” Miracle spoke softly. “Everything you all have worked for…and you just have to leave it all for me…”

“This isn’t just for you.” Dash stated, “This is big, and the Corrupted One doesn’t wanna take over the universe, it wants to destroy it. We are guardians. Usually just for Equestria…but what the hell, we do what we do, and no one does it better!” she patted Miracle’s back, “So let’s get outta here.”

Miracle nodded and smiled, “Let’s do it!”


“Why are we wanderin’ around the Everfree Forest?” Applejack questioned. “Ah don’t see why we don’t get help from Twilight. She was probably just cranky about us bein’ all up in her space.”

Miracle shook her head, “We can’t go back to the Canterlot Castle. I don’t have my memory back…but something is telling me we need to stay away from there…” she got a determined look on her face. “No…far too dangerous.”

“Danger? Inside the castle?” Rarity questioned. “That’s absurd!”

She squeaked in surprise as she tripped, her head bouncing off the ground and kicking dust up around her. She quickly sat up and patted her mane. Fluttershy was instantly beside her and helping her up,

“Oh dear, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, I’m fine.” She replied as she dusted herself off. “I seem to have stumbled over a root or rock or something…”

“Or something!” Pinkie replied. “Look!”

The group looked back over their shoulders. Pinkie was focused on a small, light lavender crystal. Rarity walked up to it and began to examine it.

“It appears to be one of Twilight’s EvenTide crystals.” Rarity started. “Although…it seems far too small to produce any adequate light or heat.”

Applejack got closer and tapped it, “Maybe this lil’ feller is just startin’ out.” She smirked, “Like an apple seed!”

“Applejack, this isn’t a plant.” Rarity replied. “Normal crystals take thousands of years to make. When Twilight makes them, they only take a few minutes for her to do so.” She leaned in closer to examine it further, “Why would she make this one this small?”

None of them responded. They had no answer to give.


All of their ears perked up.


Miracle rose up on her hindlegs, then slammed her forehooves onto the tiny crystal. A burst of magic made her stumble as it shattered into thousands of shards.”

“These crystals served no purpose to help us.” Miracle stated is a low tone. “Those things…they chased me…”

“Pardon? How in tarnation does a shiny rock get up an’ chase ya?”

“EvenTide Crystals aren’t like regular crystals. They’re alive…and dangerous…

“Twilight is definitely someone that can give life to inanimate objects.”

Fluttershy squeaked in surprise as an EvenTide crystal shot up from the earth next to her. Twilight’s face appeared in it,

“What are you girls doing out there?” Twilight questioned. “The Everfree Forest than it used to be! You could get hurt out there!” she honed in on Miracle with narrowed eyes, “…Who’s that?”

Miracle stepped forward, “My apologies, Your Majesty. I’m new to Ponyville, and they decided to be my tour guides of the surrounding area.”

“All of them?”

Dash gave a plastic chuckle, “We were bored!”

There was a heavy pause as Twilight stared at them,

“I see…well, either way, you should really get out of there. There’s plenty of things out there beside Timberwolves that would love to take a bite of you girls.”

Fluttershy nodded, “We appreciate the warning, Your Majesty. We’ll be on our way.”

Twilight waved a hoof dismissively, “Relax…I’m till your friend. That isn’t necessary.”

Pinkie arched a brow and tilted her head, “But…you yelled at us not too long ago for not saying it.” She took a couple steps towards the crystal, “Are you alright? You sick or something?”

Twilight frowned a little, “Yes…I’m fine. I was just in a really bad mood, and it pertained to this…whole situation. That’s not an excuse though, and my behavior was unacceptable…”

Pinkie gave her one of her trademark smiles, “Okie Dokie! As long as you’re feeling okay, then I forgive you!”

Twilight smiled back, “Thank you.” her smile shrank, “But seriously, get back home safely. I don’t want any of you getting hurt, or worse…”

The group nodded in unison and turned to leave. They felt the ground rumble as the crystal disappeared back into the dirt. They all turned to confirm that it was gone.

“How did she know we were out here?” Fluttershy asked. “I didn’t see any other crystals out here…”

“Except for that small one…” Dash faded off in realization. She looked at the others, “I think she’s following us…”

“Fer what though?” Applejack asked. “We ain’t doin’ nothin’ wrong.”

Rarity looked back at where the crystal disappeared, “Perhaps…Twilight is walking the same path as Luna…”

Pinkie gasped, “Don’t say that! She’s just stressed out over everything that’s happened!”

“Well, she’s up to something!” Dash snapped back. “And now, we need to go find out what it is!”

Applejack was about to speak up, but Fluttershy let out a terrified scream.

It was too late.

A mass of fur, scales, and crystal slammed itself into the orange Earth Pony. It rose up on its hind legs, it massive hooves crunching the branches beneath them. The deep violet crystals that jutted randomly throughout its body crackled with electricity, causing it to twitch occasionally. It let out a roar before leaning it’s bear-like head towards Applejack, until their snouts were nearly touching.

“GET AWAY FROM HER!!” Pinkie roared out as she broke into a furious gallop. Its tail rose up and turned to face her. Upon a quick investigation, and to her horror, she realized that there was a cobra’s head attached to that body. It let out an angry hiss, then struck. Pinkie threw as much of her weight to one side as she could to avoid a direct blow, but a curved fang still sliced the skin on her shoulder.

“Pinkie Pie!!” Fluttershy screamed. Terror replaced rage as she streamlined towards the monster. She slammed her body into its torso, knocking it off balance, and giving Applejack the chance to escape. It stood back up and swiped one of its scaled paws at her, her slamming Fluttershy into a tree with a sickening crack. Dash immediately raced over to examine her. A huge gash ran above one of her eyebrows, exposing the skull beneath it.

“Fluttershy, wake up!” Dash screamed, as she wiped the blood from her wife’s face. “We gotta get you somewhere safe! Get up!”

No response.

“Fluttershy, GET UP!” Her voice cracked in higher pitches with her panic. “Please!!

Her eyelids didn’t even flitter.

The monster lumbered over to them. Miracle landed in between the beast and the Pegasi. Her violet eyes gleamed dangerously. The thing let out a roar. She brayed back with equal ferocity.


It ignored her, lumbering towards her faster, until it turned into a full on charge.

She did too.

Her body glowed with a near-blinding golden life. She tackled the creature, shoving it through several trees before they slammed into a thick trunk. It quickly rose back to its hooves, and charged once more. Miracle’s wings splayed and took a stance, her hooves crumbling the earth beneath them. Her eyes glowed bright gold as it closed in. The animal was only a few feet away, when a golden aura surrounded it. It was trapped in a magical grasp.

Miracle’s magical grasp.

Miracle roared, and the others looked on at her in slight fear.

From nowhere, a flame burst to life on one of its arms. It tried to move to pat it out, only to realize it was immobile. It writhed and squirmed to escape, but it was futile. One by one, tiny fires appeared on its body and grew in their size. The beast let out a pained cry as its body was consumed by the fire. The flames burned away at its flesh and muscle, and it was then that the group made a shocking discovery.

Its skeleton was made of crystal.

Deep violet crystal that sparked with black electricity. It spasmed violently for a few more moments, before the skeleton turned a deep black. The magical grasp dissipated, and the crystal bones dropped to the ground. The glowing in Miracle’s eyes vanished, and she wobbled from the use of newly acquired magic. She quickly shook off the dizziness, and turned to go and check up on Fluttershy. Her Element had healed her enough to where the brain matter and skull no longer showed, but it was still deep enough to where it would cause Fluttershy great pain when she woke up. Pinkie’s wound had healed up, but she was still dizzy from some of the residual venom from the half strike. Applejack was at Pinkie’s side, nuzzling her as a few tears slipped from her eyes,

“Dammit Pinkie…don’t scare me like that…”

Pinkie weakly smiled, “This was not the kind of surprise I’d normally give…”

Fluttershy squeezed her eyes tightly, before slowly opening them. Dash gently cupped her face,

“Are you alright?”

Fluttershy gave a slight nod, “I’m okay. I just have a very bad headache…”

Rarity stepped forward, “That’s expected…considering you just suffered from massive head trauma.” She knelt down beside her, “You’ll be okay though, your Element will see to it.” She looked up at Miracle and rose to her hooves, “You though…you used magic…”

Miracle’s wings clasped tightly to her sides, “I don’t know what came over me…”

The cyan Pegasus left Fluttershy in Rarity’s care as she approached Miracle,

“You saved us from that freaky monster.” Dash began. “You cared so much, that you managed to use Unicornian magic to protect us. You looked out or me…even when I wasn’t so sure about you.” she stared at Miracle for a few moments, before gently pulling her into a hug,

“I can’t ever thank you enough, Miracle…” Dash whispered softly.

Miracle smiled as happy tears glassed her eyes and nuzzled into Dash’s neck. “Thank you so much, I can’t tell you how much that means to me…”

They embraced for a little while before Rarity had to cut it short,

“I see why Ubenox has so much faith in you. You’re not normal…” Rarity stood before the huggers, "He was right...no one can stand against the Corrupted One like you. You are the key to our salvation.”

She started to bow before Miracle, but the Pegasus ceased her actions,

“Please…don’t.” she asked. “I’m just a Pegasus, nothing more. I’m not a goddess or anything of the sort, and I don’t want to be treated like I’m anything else.”

Rarity quickly nodded., before regaining her posture, “Very well then, that’s completely understandable.”

Pinkie looked over at the crystal skeleton, “What was that thing?”

Applejack followed her gaze, “Ah don’t know, but it looks like its one of them ‘livin’ crystals’ Miracle was talkin’ about.”

Miracle stepped up to the pile, “This was a creation of the Corrupted One…soldier to do its bidding.” She looked at the others, “I’m sorry, but I believe that Princess Twilight may have something to do with this…”

Fluttershy shook her head, “The skeleton didn’t match the color of Twilight’s crystals. We fought a unicorn who used crystals similar to this, and that required dark magic. Twilight never even practiced dark magic.”

“I dunno…” Dash argued. “I wouldn’t put it past her to at least read up on it. She’s an egghead, and she’s got the power to back up any experiment she feels like doing. Who’s to say she hasn’t tried it at least once?”

“Ah can understand her curiosity about tryin’ a spell or two.” Applejack began, “But ta make a monster like that, an’ then have it attack us? Twilight may be goin’ through some weird phase right now…but she ain’t evil.”

“Not evil…but corrupted…”

They all focused on Rarity.

“We need to go see her and find out what the hell is going on.” Dash declared.

Fluttershy shook her head, “We can’t its not like we’re fighting against Luna. She’s got an Element of Harmony. She’s far more powerful than she was before, and with the way she’s been acting, there’s no telling if she’ll hold back if we try to fight her.” She rose to her hooves, “We should heed Spike’s warning and get out of here until we can figure something out…”

“But where can we go?” Miracle asked, “Princess Twilight has shown that her power reaches far and wide. Where can we hide out until we get our thoughts together and come up with a proper plan?”

There was a minute of silence throughout the group, until Pinkie started bouncing vigorously. She leapt away from the group and into the woods. They watched as she hit the dirt with an audible spring in her step,

“Sugar, whatcha doin’?”

“I know where we can go!” Pinkie announced gleefully.

Fluttershy tilted her head curiously, “Where?”

Pinkie continued bouncing away as she screamed her response,

“The Crystal Empire!!”