• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 1,830 Views, 99 Comments

And They Call It Puppy Love - kudzuhaiku

Screwloose has been seeing a therapist. She's getting better. The therapist suggests that she tries dating. She does.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Screwloose waited, sitting in the clearing where she had met Fleagle the night before. Once again, her frogs were sweaty and her dock itched. She was grinning, the tip of one ear twitching only slightly. Her blinking was was synchronised and in good time. She was feeling better than she had in a long, long time.

She had showered this time, cleaning herself up a bit, and Mint Jewelup had helped to tame her tangled mane. Her entire coat had been carefully brushed. She looked and felt better than she had in a long time.

The sun was setting, the shadows were lengthening, and the day was ending. Saturday had felt impossibly long. Long enough to drive a pony mad… Screwloose giggled at her inner reflection.

Tonight, if things went well, she and Fleagle would sneak their way over to Sugarcube Corner, in the back, where Pinkie would meet them and give them some food. At least that was the plan. After that, the night was open to all manner of possibilities.

She thought briefly about moving things out into the open, into broad daylight, and was interrupted by a rustle in the bushes.


She turned away from him, flicking her tail, and presenting.

She heard and felt enthusiastic sniffing. “Hi!” Fleagle said, excitement in his voice. More sniffing, closer, warm breath flowing over delicate places. She felt herself clinch and tighten, her dock twitching slightly, the tickle of hot breath causing a flood of emotions that she could not name. She felt her own breath in her throat, hot and laboured, and her tongue suddenly felt too large for her mouth.

There was a touch of a cold wet nose along the curve of her backside.

The goose sent her leaping forward with a giggle. She whirled, facing Fleagle, giggling and blushing a deep purple once again. “Hi there.” She said, offering a smile.

Fleagle turned, and she returned the favour, sniffing carefully, too shy to ‘accidentally’ goose Fleagle in return. He was wagging his tail. Screwloose found that her own tail was wagging.

Afterward, they stood, nose to nose, looking at one another.

“You pretty.”

Screwloose melted, losing her ability at coherent speech. She smiled self consciously, a broad embarrassed grin, unable to say or do anything but wag her tail from side to side. She felt the overwhelming urge to bark.

Fleagle’s canine smile didn’t bother Screwloose. His pointed fangs should have bothered her, some voice deep within her mind warned, but that voice was easy to ignore. Sanity had always been the quiet almost impossible to hear voice.

“Want something to eat?” Screwloose asked.

“We go digging in trash again?” Fleagle said.

Screwloose shook her head no. “No, tonight, if you feel safe, we go and meet a pony I know. She’s offered to give us some food.”

“Somepony knows about us?” Fleagle said, his voice full of concern.

“She figured it out somehow. Pinkie sense.” Screwloose said.

“Oh. Pink pony. Seen her. She’s nice.” Fleagle said, still looking concerned. “I think she puts extra stuff out in trash for me. Nice stuff.”

Screwloose nodded. Pinkie Pie seemed like a nice pony. Pinkie had talked to her when other ponies wouldn’t, long ago, when she had first got out.

“Fleagle, at some point, we need to be out in the open together.” Screwloose said. “In the day time. Where other ponies can see us.”

“Ponies maybe chase me away.” Fleagle said in a low worried tone.

“I’ll not let them.” Screwloose said, feeling uncharacteristically confident.

“You do that?” Fleagle asked, surprised.

Screwloose nodded.

“We start now.” Fleagle said. “No hide. We go to pink pony. Have meal.”

Screwloose nodded, feeling extraordinarily brave. “Yes. Stay close to me Fleagle.”

“How close?” Fleagle said, wagging both his tail and his eyebrows.

Screwloose almost collapsed from the giggles. “Not quite as close as earlier when you nosed me.” She willed her legs to move and she led the way, crawling through the bushes, emerging onto the path, near the brass clock.

Fleagle skulked near her, on her left, cringing. His tail was between his legs, head down, eyes darting from side to side.

Screwloose saw Bon Bon and Lyra on their bench, Lyra sitting in her most peculiar way. Both of them waved. Screwloose cautiously waved back, waiting for something, anything to happen.

And nothing did. Other than a friendly wave.

Screwloose marched forward, her legs feeling stiff, her ears laid back. The itching in her dock was enough to drive her mad. She wanted nothing more than to drag her plot along the path, hoping to be rid of that infernal itch. She ignored it and continued onward, a near maniacal grin ripping apart her face, her teeth clenched together. Fleagle fell into pace with her, walking on all fours, his long svelte beagle like body heaving with nervous breathing.

Nopony stopped to bother the pair. There were some curious stares, some double takes, a few concerned glances, but they remained unmolested as they cautiously walked through the town, in the dark, making their way to Sugarcube Corner. Halfway there, Fleagle had begun to cautiously wag his tail in a seemingly hopeful way.

This seemed almost too good to be true.

“Just stay close.” Screwloose encouraged as she led the way.

They walked past Sofas and Quills, past the spa, past a few cafes were ponies sat outside, having a late supper in the cool of the evening. Ponies pointed, some leaned over and whispered something to the pony next to them, and while others openly stared.

But nopony stopped them.

After many tense minutes, they reached Sugarcube Corner. They walked around to the rear, where Pinkie Pie was waiting for them.

“Hi!” Pinkie squealed. “I knew you’ve been around but you were hiding, and I thought that was for the best.” Pinkie said, nodding at Fleagle. “No more hiding though. We’re friendly. I think.” Pinkie added.

“This is Fleagle.” Screwloose said sheepishly.

“And this is dinner.” Pinkie said, pointing to a cardboard box, tied with string. “I packed some baked goods, some sandwiches, a few bottles of fizzy fruity soda, and some freshly made cherry turnovers.”

“Thank you Pinkie Pie. I don’t know what to say.” Screwloose whispered, feeling an odd sensation travel through her body.

“Just say you’ll be my friend and smile for me?” Pinkie returned. “Pretty please?”

Screwloose smiled. “Thank you for being my friend. I don’t have many of those.”

“Well now you have one more!” Pinkie quipped, bouncing in place.

“Thank you.” Fleagle said, his voice low and raspy, his hound dog eyes wide and full of emotion.

Pinkie Pie leapt forward and hugged Fleagle, pulling him in tight for a moment, before letting go and then hugging Screwloose. “Good luck to both of you.”

Pinkie set the box upon Screwloose’s back, allowing her to shift it around a bit to find balance, and then watched them as they went along their way. Pinkie waved one last time, watching them disappear around a corner.

A white unicorn came out from behind some crates and boxes, looking shocked and stunned.

“That is exactly what I thought it was.” Rarity said, her eyes wide. She flounced her mane away from her eyes.

“Sure was.” Said Pinkie, still bouncing around in place. “They seem so happy together.”

“They most certainly do.” Replied Rarity in cultured tones. “Look at them. I would have never believed it unless I saw it for myself. And that Fleagle seems pleasant enough, compared to the rest of those horrible diamond dogs.”

Pinkie nodded.

“Pinkie dear?” Rarity inquired.

“Yeah Rarity?” Pinkie replied.

“Little moments like these remind me of what the six of us fight for.” Rarity answered, smiling, her head held high.

The two sat eating in a quiet spot intended for picnics, neither one saying much, neither one entirely sure what to say. Both were quietly stunned at the acceptance they had witnessed, and Fleagle was stunned by his companion.

Screwloose couldn’t help but notice how Fleagle’s eyes lingered over her. It made her blush, heat burning through her features, but more importantly, she started to wonder if this is what it felt like to be attractive. Her heart thudded painfully in her chest, making it difficult to eat. Difficult to swallow.

The cherry turnovers were somewhat overstuffed, causing filling to dribble out everywhere. There was a lot of licking of chops. Screwloose couldn’t help but feel that this had been intentional on Pinkie’s part.

Screwloose froze, realising that Fleagle was inches away from her. He had leaned forward, closer, smiling at her, causing her to drop her gaze. She lifted her gaze again, and there he was, leaning closer.

“Uh… Hi…” Screwloose stammered.

“Something on snout.” Fleagle said, leaning in so close that Screwloose could feel him breathing on her. Something warm and wet pressed against her muzzle for a moment and she heard a slurp just below her ear.

Screwloose realised she had just been licked. What was the proper social etiquette for being licked? Pony society didn’t have anything that paralleled, nothing to compare to. Only a very silly pony went and licked another pony. It just wasn’t done.

Which is why Screwloose felt something in her mind pop when she licked Fleagle back, her orange tongue only barely catching a brief flick over his nose.

Fleagle seemed just as surprised by Screwloose’s response. “Something on nose?” Fleagle questioned.

“No.” Screwloose said shyly, turning away, her ears flooding with hot blood and turning a shade of puce, her eyes half opened, her nostrils flaring.

“Oh.” Fleagle said, his droopy ears perking upwards slightly, as much as droopy ears might go, his saggy hound face looking hopeful. He bit into a cherry turnover and chewed thoughtfully. After many moments of silently chewing and looking at Screwloose, he swallowed and spoke: “You licked Fleagle.”

“Yeah I did.” Screwloose said with her mouth full, feeling a shudder travel through her body that started in her dock, traveled up her spine, and escaped in the form of a nervous teehee that left her feeling breathless and weak.

“My kind not have romance.” Fleagle said abruptly. “Do not know what I am doing. We do not date like ponies do. Been watching pony dates for a long time. Very confusing.”

“How so?” Screwloose asked.

“Well, my kind, we sniff butts and make choice. Dog grabs bitch and makes puppies. Or does not. No silly dating. No meals. No chit chat.” Fleagle commented. “Very direct.”

“I see.” Screwloose said.

“I like dating. Talking. Getting to know pretty pony.” Fleagle said. “Fleagle does not belong with his kind.” Fleagle added sadly.

“You really think I am pretty?” Screwloose inquired, feeling beads of moisture breaking out on her frogs.

“Me likes you.” Fleagle said shyly. “Fleagle not like other dogs. Me clean. Keep white parts white. Take bath. Like looking nice. Ponies look nice too. But you look pretty.”

Screwloose felt sweat beginning to dribble just under her dock, in that horrible itchy place. Her tail twitched. She also felt herself sweating just behind her ears, causing them to flicker wildly. She hated feeling hot and sweaty. She was always hot and sweaty. Was it just the way she was, or was it a side effect of the medication? She didn’t know.

“I do not belong with my kind. I feel that way sometimes. I feel more like a dog. They found me one day. The ponies that is. They found me one day, chasing my tail in the woods. I don’t really remember any of that though. But I behaved like a wild dog and they worked very hard to make me a pony again.” Screwloose said. “Now, I want to be a dog again.”

“Just be Screwloose.” Fleagle said, shrugging. “Forget about dog or pony.”

“I don’t know who Screwloose is, or where Screwloose came from.” Screwloose replied.

“Forget about that. Just be who Screwloose is now.” Fleagle said, straining the limits of his intelligence, searching for words to say. “There is only now. Dog thinking. Be happy now, wag tail.”

Screwloose nodded. “I think you’re right.” She silently resolved to make a few changes.

“Fleagle says we clean this up, smile, and go chase fireflies. Not eat them, just chase them. Make troubles go away.” Fleagle said with a canine smile.

“I’d love to.” Screwloose said.

Author's Note:

Only a very silly pony would lick another pony. Who is a silly pony?