• Published 28th Mar 2014
  • 2,513 Views, 11 Comments

Equestria's Warriors: A whole new World - Wildcard25

The human boys of light and darkness must once again reunite with their pony friends to combat a threat that found its way to their world

  • ...

Never forget who you are

One afternoon, Dustin, Alistair, their gang, and the Mane eight were on the bridge in Central Park relaxing. Dustin noticed the girls were talking to each other, so he spoke to his pals, "So guys, did they happen to get the drop on you at all since last night?" he asked, remembering about how the girls caught them spying on their girl slumber party.

Alistair spoke, "Yeah, when you guys left my apartment that night, they teleported me to Aria's and then, they put make up on my face!" he cried.

"They did that to me too!" Jethro whispered.

"Same here." Elroy put in.

"And me!" Dean spoke.

"And me as well." Wild added.

"Yeah, you wouldn't believe how they all dolled me up with bows." Spike shuddered.

"And did they happen to give any other treatment?" Dustin asked, trying to hint at them without blowing the secret of what the girls did to him.

The boys blushed, "Actually they may have done a little…" Jethro began, until Dean answered.

"Did they flirt with you too?"

"Yeah." Dustin nodded.

"Sweet." Elroy cheered softly.

They looked down at Spike who was smirking, "They gave me the best treatment I could ask for. They scratched my ears, rubbed my belly, nuzzled with me. Oh it was wonderful. Especially when Rarity did it." The boys chuckled.

"What about you, Wild?" Alistair asked, "Now that Muse let her feelings out about you there had to have been some perfect moments."

Wild blushed, "Well you see, Muse was very embarrassed when she realized I witnessed her confess. However Rainbow and Alicia gave her the little push to truly show me how she feels. And let me tell ya she kisses like wild." The guys snickered.

"Hey guys!" Ralph's voice called out, as they all saw Ralph walk over carrying multiple bags on his arms.

"Ralph!" the guys cheered, as he arrived.

"Ok guys, I got us our loot." Ralph said, before dropping the bags to reveal them to be loaded with candies.

"Ooh so delicious." Pinkie salivated, only for Rarity to grab a cloth to clean her mouth.

"Pinkie, you're drooling." Rarity said in repulse.

"Ralph, you are a saint for being related to the shops owner." Elroy said as he pulled out some sweets.

"Being the nephew of the King of confections at Candy Kingdom Candy shop has its perks." Ralph admitted with pride.

"Enough idle chatting let's dig in." Alicia said, as they started munching on the candy with Pinkie joining them.

"You know too much of that will rot your teeth." Twilight warned them.

They all looked at Twilight in confusion, as Dean spoke to Dustin, "Didn't you guys tell them about us and sugar?" he asked, before eating some gummy worms.

"Actually I might've missed that." Dustin admitted sheepishly.

"What do ya mean?" Applejack asked curiously.

"You see spirit energy and dark energy need more than just exercise and all to strengthen it." Alistair explained, before taking a bite out of a chocolate bar.

"Sugar is actually a source of fuel for our own energies," Dustin continued, "Not only can it stimulate the mind, but it also can help keep our energies up."

"Wow no wonder you'd enjoy coming down to Sugarcube corner so much." Pinkie realized.

"And trust us when I say this you wouldn't like a spirit warrior who goes for awhile without sugar. Believe us Dustin's been there." Jethro explained.

Dustin turned to Jethro giving him a firm look, "I thought we agreed never to speak of that again."

"What're you talking about, speak of what?" Rainbow asked.

Aria answered, "Well you see at one of the school's Dustin was working at one time a few years ago, he was asked to cut back on sugar. So the staff kept him off it for five days."

"Especially the soda." Alice added.

"We went to see him and we found him in a corner while in the fetal position." Eu put in.

"Dustin's lack of sugar put him on withdrawal. His body started getting weaker and weaker. He was so weak he couldn't even stand up. And his body started running old and wrinkly." Alicia added, while shuddering followed by the girls as well.

"He was lucky Dean had a spare soda bottle on him." Ralph chuckled.

"He chugged the bottle down in ten seconds flat." Dean explained.

"Good heavens." Rarity gasped.

"Due to the staff of that school not having any undercover spirit warriors like most other places in the city have, he had to go against their orders behind their backs or risk his own body losing strength." Elroy added.

"We're just lucky we or nobody saw him twisting his body up like a pretzel or do handstands while running on them." Jethro put in.

"Say what?" Wild asked with a double blink.

"Don't ask." Alicia warned him.

"Now come on people let's dig in!" Ralph ordered, as the girls and Wild joined in their little candy binge.

Muse sucked on a lollipop and spoke, "Mm, tasty."

"Ralph, ya got my prize?" Dustin asked.

"Of course, Dust-man. Here." Ralph pulled out a jawbreaker the size of a hacky sack.

"Oh yes, there you are." Dustin said, as he began sucking jawbreaker hoping it would get small enough to fit into his mouth.

"You know it takes you days before you can actually make that small enough to fit in your mouth." Alistair reminded him.

"Hey if my head was made of rubber I'd be able to fit the whole thing inside my mouth with no problem." Dustin put in.

"Well this ain't no cartoon, Dustin." Dean reminded him.

"Isn't it, Dean?" Pinkie asked, while getting into his face, "ISN'T IT?!"

"No." Dean replied, while sticking true to his answer.

"Hmm," Pinkie pondered, "I guess not."

As the pony transformed teenagers had their share of the sugar, Fluttershy had only a small sucker, "Well that's enough for me." She said.

"What?" Jethro asked in outrage, "That was only a microscopic piece."

Suddenly Elroy started stuffing some gummy bears into Fluttershy's mouth, "Come on, a little more won't kill ya!"

"Elroy, don't stuff her up!" Jade scolded him.

"Yeah, I don't think her mouth can fit any more." Dean agreed.

Fluttershy ended up swallowing the gummy bears that filled up her mouth whole. Suddenly she froze and started shaking. The group saw this and grew concerned as Rainbow asked, "Fluttershy, are you ok?"

Suddenly Fluttershy's eyes started growing wide as a smile that would make Pinkie Pie proud grew on her face. Alistair spoke in worry, "I don't like the looks of her."

Fluttershy shrieked, as she jumped up high before landing on the ground with the wide smile still plastered on her face, "MORE! MUST HAVE MORE!" she cried.

"Guys, what's wrong with her?" Spike asked feeling ready to freak out.

"Sugar rush…" Alicia feared.

"Oh boy." Ralph gasped.

Dustin creeped up to Fluttershy slowly, "Fluttershy, just relax and let us help you."

Fluttershy spoke to him in a fast tone, "SUGAR I WANT SUGAR!"

"Hold her down!" Alice called.

The guys tried to dogpile her, but she took off running like crazy, "There she goes!" Dean called.

"We have to stop her!" Twilight ordered.

"How?" Wild asked.

Aria answered, "The guys and I will concentrate our energies to our feet and race after her."

And so the warrior teens took off and found Fluttershy looting candy from little children leaving them confused, "Hey Flutters, how's it going?" Dustin asked, as he slowly approached her.

"Need sugar, must have sugar…" she answered while rocking her body back and forth.

"Oh sugar you mean like this piece of gum?" Aria asked, as she held out a piece of gum to tempt her.

"Fluttershy's eyes widened, "SUGAR!" she grabbed it and started to chew, until her eyes widened and she spat it out, "You tricked me, you said it was sugar!"

"Yeah sugar…sugar-free," Aria smirked before calling out, "GRAB HER, GUYS!"

The boys once again dogpiled her, making sure she stayed down. Alice called, "Eu, magic chains!"

Eu nodded and conjured magic chains to bind her arms and legs, "Good work, now let's bring her back to the girls." Dustin said, as they carried her back over to the bridge, where Twi and the others saw Fluttershy was still twitching from the sugar high.

"I never would've guessed Fluttershy was that sensitive to sugar." Rarity said in surprise.

"Now we know why she doesn't eat too much of it." Applejack noted.

"And I thought I was hooked on the stuff." Pinkie added.

"So what can we do now?" Muse asked the others in concern.

"I guess all we can do is wait for it to wear off." Twilight sighed, as they brought Fluttershy over to rest underneath a tree.

"Well we know exactly what she's going through." Dustin began.

"Me and Dustin once went on a sugar binge one night and engaged in all sorts of wild and crazy stuff." Alistair explained.

"We woke up the very next morning in Alistair's apartment," Dustin continued, "I woke up in his bathtub smelling like wet dog."

Spike's eyes widened at that description, while Twilight spoke sarcastically, "Thank you for sharing that disturbing piece of history with us."

"And I woke up on my couch seeing I had a tattoo on my face," Alistair added, while the girls were shocked until he continued, "Luckily it was a peel off one." They sighed in relief.

"Crazy stuff happens to someone when they're loaded up on sugar." Jethro warned the girls.

"Hey guys!" a voice called, as they saw the Baliton brothers rush over.

Belmont noticed Fluttershy's condition, "What happened to her?"

"Long story." Dustin answered.

"What's going on, guys?" Rainbow asked the twins.

"Well Burai, Xever, and us felt you've all been working hard these last few days and we've decided to award you with a little something special." Valmont began.

"Reward us, with what?" Alice asked.

"Well we were thinking something along the lines of these." Belmont flashed some kind of tickets for each of the guys.

Dustin's and Alistair's eyes widened, "Guys aren't these…" Dustin began in shock.

"Tickets to Mondo Park?!" Alistair finished in excitement.

"They sure are." Valmont answered smugly.

"We got ticks for each of you." Belmont assured them.

"What's Mondo Park?" Twilight asked.

"The greatest amusement park here in New York," Elroy began, "It's like a walk in the greatest part of your dreams."

"Sounds exciting." Rarity admitted.

"Ooh I love theme parks!" Pinkie cheered.

Ralph pulled Valmont over, "Hey listen any chance you could…" suddenly Valmont waved another spare ticket up, "Awesome! Thanks guys."

"Hey we know you much you love doing that kind of stuff with her." Valmont whispered back.

Twilight and the others saw Ralph take the other ticket, "What does he need two for?" she asked them.

"He's bringing along a guest." Dustin smirked knowing who he'd bring.

"Well girls and guys, we got us something to do tomorrow!" Elroy announced as they cheered.

That night they returned to their residence while Ralph accompanied the ponies bunking at Alistair's, "Well I guess this is where I go." Ralph said, while preparing to leave.

"Catch you tomorrow, Ralph." Alistair bid him a goodnight.

"I'll be getting there earlier, so be looking for me there." Ralph noted to Alistair, before Pinkie embraced him tightly.

"Goodnight my big gumdrop!" Pinkie squealed, as Ralph embraced her back.

"And goodnight to you too my cotton candy cloud." Ralph replied.

Rainbow's eyes twitched as she spoke to Muse, Alistair, and Rarity, "Gag me, please."

Ralph and Pinkie broke their embrace as Ralph called, "Time to fly!" he flew off into the night sky.

Pinkie sighed in bliss before skipping off into the apartment, "If I didn't know any better I'd say she's got it bad." Alistair told the three.

"And that scares me." Muse said in worry.

"Scares me in more ways than one." Rainbow added as they went inside.

Meanwhile at Felix's HQ, Clyde was sitting around while Ebon was getting agitated, "Where is Felix? He's been gone too long for comfort!"

"Got me. He could've gone anywhere to look for others," Clyde answered, as the unicorn's spirit growled in frustration. Clyde not sure what else to tell him decided to change the subject, "So Ebon, out of curiosity just how did you come to be this dark king who tried to take over this land of ponies and happiness?" he asked having never been told about his full back story and never had to chance to ask Felix if the unicorn told him.

Ebon with nothing better to do decided to enlighten him, "Well this took place over thousands of years ago when the land was still very young."

"Dusk and I were actually brothers. I was the oldest of course and naturally our parents the original King and Queen appointed me as the future ruler. However when my brother was born our parents started focusing on him more. Coddling, doting, and fawning over him while I was left in the dark. Neglected and overlooked, I grew bitter and jealous over my brother. Then one night I snuck into his room and attempted to do away with him so that I would once again become the jewel of my parent's eyes. Unfortunately my parents caught me and saw what I was attempting to do. Outraged and furious at my actions, they used their magic to strip me of my wings leaving me as a mere unicorn and declared I was unfit to become the ruler of Equestria!"

"Betrayed even more, I ran away and vowed to one day prove to them I was meant to be king. I spent years roaming the land in search of power that could help me become king. Then one day, the land started changing and I fell into a chasm far below into the earth. Beneath the layers of earth I happened upon a dark spirit who offered me power beyond all of understanding, and all I had to do was relinquish my very soul. Upon doing so I was gifted with the magic of the spirit of darkness and trained in the dark magical arts. Finally after years of training with the dark magic, I rose up form the bowels of the land to take the kingdom for my own. With my own dark minions at my side I fought my brother Dusk and his wife Queen Dawn. Unfortunately for me my brother had his own knights known as the five unicorns. Utilizing their own magic they defeated me with what would become the elements of harmony!"

"However, they merely destroyed my body while my spirit took refuge in the earth. My spirit was weakened and gave me no chance for a possible return. Fortunately as the years progressed I discovered that my spirit could feed off the fear in pony's hearts. So within the many times where harmony was threatened I would absorb that fear and get stronger. I took every chance and every opportunity to absorb the fear in pony's hearts to restore myself. Finally it happened, the creatures known as Serpentine ignited the right amount of fear in the land to strengthen me enough to emerge once again from the earth. Still only a spirit I knew I needed more energy to completely restore my bodily form. I knew I wouldn't be able to get it in Equestria now that the threat had passed. So I latched myself onto the boy known as Alistair Savage whose dark aura provided me camouflage from the magic of my brother's daughters Celestia and Luna."

"When I arrived at this new world I knew I had to acquire assistance if I truly wanted to get my body back. So one day I happened across Felix who was in fact in a battle against both boys Dustin and Alistair. Upon his defeat I went to him and offered him my service. Although he was skeptical about an alliance with me, I knew exactly what to do to bring him to my side. Power. He sought power to use to make him the strongest dark warrior in the city and to seize control over it. So the partnership was set and for three years he's been helping me collect more energy by igniting the fear in others hearts. And now that I've come this far I'm closer and closer to gaining my bodily form and my powers. But with those wielders of the elements of harmony here my plan is in jeopardy. I cannot let them interfere with my hard work!"

Clyde who had been listening to the full story, look deeply moved, "A very deep and traumatic history, Ebon. It's such a shame how everything you had was taken away from you just like that. Well your story has convinced me. I'm gonna help Felix bring you back to power for sure."

Ebon smirked in delight, "I'm delighted to hear that, Clyde." He snickered.

The very next morning, Valmont was driving a van heading for Mondo Park. Belmont rode in the passenger's seat, while Dustin, Alistair, and the others were sitting in the back on the floor of the van. Although the ride was a little bumpy they were coping with it as best as they could, "Hey, you hit that bump on purpose!" Dean called from the back.

"Pipe down, we're almost there!" Valmont called.

"Lucky Ralph isn't riding with us. It's crowded enough as it is!" Alicia said in irritation, as she was stuck in between her sister and Elroy.

Soon the van pulled up outside the park, "All right guys, this is it!" Belmont announced.

The back of the van opened up and they all piled out with their animal familiars and Spike, "Mondo Park." Dustin gasped in nostalgia, as he saw all the big time rides, booths, and snack bars.

"It's beautiful." Jethro gasped.

"This is soooooo GOOD!" Pinkie cheered, as she jumped up.

"Remember you guys, we'll be back here at seven." Valmont noted them.

"Stay together and try not to get lost." Belmont instructed.

"Yes sir!" Dustin and Alistair did a mock salute, making the twins roll their eyes as they took off.

"Ok, you guys got your tickets?" Dustin asked, as they all showed him their ticks.

"Perfect. Now let's get this fun wagon going!" Alistair announced, and they all cheered.

Spike watched, until Tricera, Domino, Fievel, McTwisp, and Salem brought him over, "Come with us, Spike." Domino began.

"Yeah, we're gonna show you how we animal folk have fun at a park." Tricera explained.

"Really how?" Spike asked curiously.

"Just follow us and be prepared." Salem instructed.

"Guys, remember to not get into trouble." Aria warned them.

"Yeah we don't want you guys getting hauled off at the pound, or worse." Alice added.

"Never fear Alice, we shall be perfectly fine." McTwisp assured them.

"Well just stay out of trouble you guys." Alistair warned the animals.

"Right." They nodded, before heading off.

"I don't know about letting Spike go off like this." Twilight said in worry.

"Don't worry he's in good hands or paws." Aria assured her.

"Well let's go!" Dustin said, as they went into the park.

They walked through the park seeing other teens and kids having fun. They looked ahead and saw Ralph was looking out on a go kart race track, "Hey, Ralph!" Dustin called.

Ralph turned and saw the group, "Guys, ya finally made it!" he cheered, as he and Pinkie hugged.

"What're you looking at?" Twilight asked, as she saw the go karts.

"I'm watching my little sis race." The big guy motioned to one of the drivers in a cart. She was eight years old and had black hair in a short pony tail, and wore a green hoody with a black skirt.

"Is that her?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah, her name's Valerie, but we call her Val." Ralph explained.

"So that's why you asked for another ticket." Wildcard realized.

"You're nice to invite her along." Muse said as Ralph smiled.

Rainbow watched the girl ride the go-kart passing up the other drivers, "She really knows how to drive one of those things."

"Just as much as she loves racing with them." Alistair added.

When the racers parked their karts, they got out and Val ran over to her brother, "Did ya see that, did ya see that?!" she asked excitedly.

"I sure did my little winner of a sister!' he ruffled her head, as she giggled. When Val noticed everyone she immediately recognized his brother's friends, but the girls and Wild were new to her, "Val, I'd like to meet some newer friends of mine. This is Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Wildcard, Muse, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie."

Val looked at them and was awed by the girl's looks, "Wow you seven are very beautiful."

Rarity smiled and lowered herself to Val's level, "Well you certainly know true beauty when you see it, darling."

"She's so cute!" Pinkie cuddled the little girl.

"This one loves to hug." Val said with her voice muffled.

Ralph chuckled, "Yeah she's a hugging machine."

"Well come on let's have fun!" Pinkie beamed, as they all agreed and headed off.

Meanwhile with the animals, they had wandered around the park with Tricera leading them, "So what're we looking for?" Spike asked.

"Scraps, kid. And this place is the mother load for finding it." Salem explained, as they searched the ground while playing casual.

"And I think my sniffer's got something." Tricera said, as he started sniffing around, following a trail.

"I hope it's not dog's butt like last time you tried sniffing out scraps." McTwisp said hopefully.

"Hey that was one time!" Tricera barked back, until they came around a corner and their eyes turned awestruck as they saw some food scraps coming out of a knocked over trash receptacle.

"Eureka, the jackpot!" Domino cawed in excitement.

"It's an all you can eat buffet!" Fievel salivated.

"Eat garbage, what do you think I am?" Spike asked in outrage.

"Trust me kid, I didn't like the idea at first," Tricera began, "But then I learned sometimes food tastes better when it's already been eaten."

"Still sounds kinda gross." Spike said feeling unsure.

"Don't knock until you've tried it my boy." McTwisp warned him.

"Yeah let's feast!" Salem called, as the animals rushed over and started digging it.

Tricera started eating the remains of a corndog, Fievel was snacking on some thrown away popcorn, Salem was licking from an opened tuna can, Domino was picking at some spare corn on the cob, and McTwisp was eating some left over salad, "Who would throw away perfectly good salad?" the rabbit asked, as he ate some lettuce.

"Well come on Spike, join us." Domino beckoned him.

Spike approached the garbage and saw a half eaten burger, "Well if you say so," Spike took a bite out of it and swallowed it, "Hey this is good!" he started eating some more.

"What'd we tell ya?" Salem asked, as he continued eating.

"Once we've had our fill here we can search for another spot." Tricera explained.

As the animals continued eating their scraps, the girl Clara who was at the amusement park was walking around, until she looked over seeing the six animals eating by the knocked over garbage receptacle. Upon spotting them, her eyes lit up and she gasped, "An entourage of animals! Aren't they adorable?!" she started rushing.

As Domino continued picking at the corn, his head shot up, "Guys, I got this strange feeling something bad is about to happen."

"What do you mean?" Tricera asked, until they looked over and saw Clara stampeding for them like a rhino.


The six animals let out screams upon seeing her, "WHAT DO WE DO?!" Salem cried in fright.

"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Domino cawed, as he flew off and the others followed him with Tricera putting McTwisp on his back.

As the animals ran from the animal obsessed girl, Fievel spoke to the others, "What is she doing here?!"

"I don't know." Salem answered in fright.

"She can't touch us if we're wearing collars right?" Spike asked, while remembering last time his fell off.

"You think that would stop her?" Fievel asked in sarcasm.

"Good point." Spike admitted.

"She's getting closer!" Salem warned them.

"Come back, we're gonna have Fundamental Friend Dependability!" she announced, making Domino caw in horror.

"I don't wanna have that with her!" Fievel cried to Tricera.

Domino as he glided looked around and spotted a house of mirrors, "Hey, in there!" The animals saw the attraction and bolted past the line and ran inside, with Clara following them in determination.

Inside the house of mirrors, the animals were running through the various halls passing numerous mirrors that casted off bizarre reflections, "Ok we're in here, but what do we do now?" Spike asked waiting for a plan.

"We use this place to our advantage." Domino explained mischievously.

Salem caught on and snickered, "Ooh, I can't wait."

"Well let's get busy." Tricera said, as Clara started running around the halls passing by the mirrors calling out.

"Come out, come out wherever you are!" she spotted Fievel, "Got you!' she ran to grab him but missed. She scowled at her lost chance, but still looked around until she heard a cats meow. She looked down another corner and saw Salem, "Found you!" she ran to grab Salem but he bolted down another hall and Clara saw multiple reflections of him, confusing her.

She was getting frustrated, until she heard more animal noises. She looked down another hall and saw all six animals standing together looking cornered off and terrified. She gasped before charging down the hall, "COME TO CLARA!" she laughed hysterically, as she was closing in on the animals that weren't even trying to find an escape route. As she was closing in on them she was ready to grab them only for her slam her body and face into a mirror wall flat like in cartoons.

Suddenly the animals peeked around the corner revealing they had been using the mirror walls to their advantage to cast their reflections and make it seem like they were cornered, "Works every time, ba-bing!" Domino cawed in victory.

"Perfectly executed." McTwisp admitted.

"Nice going, Domino." Tricera added.

"These things just come naturally." The crow admitted.

"Now let's get out of here before she comes to" Salem suggested, as the animals bolted out of the house of mirrors and decided to lay low.

Back with the guys, they were having a blast at the park. Dean, Dustin, Rainbow, and Wild were on the rollercoaster with Dustin and Rainbow up front, while Dean and Wild were behind them. When they reached the top they looked down the track seeing they were gonna be in for a wild ride, "Oh God, no! No wait stop! WHOA!" Dustin called, as the ride really started going with Wild, Rainbow, and Dean cheering and calling out in excitement.

"It's like flying in turbulence!" Wild called, as he felt like he was on the verge of a face lift.

"This is awesome!" Rainbow cheered as they were going through a twist.

After the exciting ride they were reaching the end, "Coming home!" Dean called, as the ride slowed to a halt. Dean turned to Wild as they laughed in excitement, "Was that the hottest or what bro, are you into it?"

"I loved it!" Wild admitted.

By another section of the park, Rarity, Twilight, Alistair, and Eu were on a Ferris wheel inside the booth that reached the top, "Wow we're up so high." Rarity gasped.

"Quite a view isn't it?" Alistair asked, as Eu held onto his arm while looking out the booths window.

"It's beautiful." She admitted.

Twilight looked down and thought she saw Spike and the other animals trying to find cover, "Spike?" she rubbed her eyes but saw they vanished.

Back on the ground by the petting zoo, Fluttershy, Alice, and Alicia were petting some of the animals, with Fluttershy bonding with them the most as they all came to her, "Now that's having animal magnetism." Alicia told her twin.

"She's just that good." Alice replied, as she watched Fluttershy pat some of the animal's heads.

Meanwhile, Elroy and Jade got onto the tunnel of love ride and went through said tunnel. As some things looked scary Jade latched onto Elroy who smirked seeing this was doing him some good, until she realized what she was doing and removed herself from him denying being scared, "Don't get any ideas from this!" she warned him.

"What ideas? I wasn't getting any." He smirked smugly, as Jade rolled her eyes.

Elsewhere by one of the games, Ralph was ready to partake in the High Striker challenge. Watching him from the sides was Val, Applejack chugging down some fizzy apple cider, Muse having a snow cone, Jethro eating a hotdog, Aria sipping from a milkshake, and Pinkie was having some cotton candy on a stick, "Come on Ralph, show them what you can do!" Jethro cheered.

Ralph smirked as he took the mallet and stood before the game. He raised the mallet up while concentrating some of his spirit energy into his arms before dropping the mallet down on the spot making the ball shoot up high to the bell. The slam was so hard the bell at the top exploded, surprising everyone watching, including the carnie working it, "So do I win?" Ralph asked the carnie, who awarded him with a giant sized stuffed unicorn, "Here you go, Val." He presented it to her.

"Thanks, Ralph!" she cheered as she cuddled with the prize.

"Come on, let's go meet up with the others." Muse suggested, as they went off to meet up with the rest of the guys.

Later they were sitting at a picnic table enjoying some laughs and shooting the breeze about how they were enjoying the fair, "This place is so rad!" Rainbow cheered.

"Sure is exciting." Applejack admitted.

"Yeah, I'm glad we got a chance to come here." Dustin said.

"We should send the guys a nice gift basket for springing us tickets to this place." Alistair suggested.

"Oh yeah, this place is awesome." Ralph said, as he was gorging on snacks from just about every snack bar.

"Well duh," Pinkie agreed, as she was snacking with him before seeing some spare cotton candy, "Ralph, open up." Ralph seeing where this was going allowed his mouth to hang open as the girl fed him the cotton candy piece.

"Yum!" he chuckled, as the girls were watching in awkwardness at Pinkie's actions before Ralph saw his tray was empty, "Whoop better reload. Anybody want anything?"

"Hey we'll come with you." Dustin offered, as he and the guys minus Wild stood up.

"Yeah I need to stretch my legs anyway." Jethro noted.

"Why, so your feet can touch the floor?" Dean joked, as the guys laughed.

"Ha-ha, very funny. You're off my Christmas card!" Jethro replied, as the guys went off leaving the girls and Wild to themselves.

"Oh those guys are a crack up." Pinkie chuckled, as the girls and Wild were looking at her worriedly, until Val spoke up.

"My brother told me you girls were fun and exciting, but I guess that comes with being ponies from another world." She said.

"So Ralph told you?" Aria asked.

"Yeah, and I thought he was pulling my leg. But after telling me all that's been happening since they got here. I believe him." Val admitted.

Twilight decided to speak up to Pinkie, "Pinkie Pie, we need to talk to you."

"Sure Twilight, what's up besides the sun?" she joked followed up by a giggle.

"Pinkie, we really need to talk." Twilight interrupted her joking, as Pinkie looked at her.

"We notice you've been getting along well with Ralph lately." Muse began.

"I have? Well we do have a lot in common. Candy, cake, sugar, fun…" She began a whole list, until Applejack spoke up.

"Look sugarcube, the point we're making with you is maybe you should cut back."

"Cut back?" she asked in confusion.

"Yeah, before someone gets hurt." Wild added.

"Hurt how?"

They sighed as Rarity spoke, "We think it's really sweet that you have such an admiration for Ralph, but we feel you should hold back on how close you're getting with him."

"Why do you say that?"

"Think about it, Pinkie," Rainbow began, "He's a human and you're a pony."

"Well duh, Dashie. I know that." She replied, as if being asked a silly question.

"Then you know that if you get too close to him you'll only break his heart." Alice added.

"Break his heart?" the bubbly girl was getting more confused.

"The eight of us don't belong here, Pinkie Pie," Twilight reminded her, "We belong in Equestria. It's our home."

"And the more you spend time with Ralph like this we fear the more you're forgetting about why we're really here." A.J added.

"But I do know why we're here!" She retorted, making Fluttershy nervous about where this could be heading.

"Do you?" Eu asked.

"Because ya don't seem like it." Applejack added.

"They're right Pinkie, you are not a human," Rainbow began, "You're a resident of Ponyville in Equestria. You… are… A PONY!" some of the girls were afraid she said that a little too loud, but the park tourists appeared to be too preoccupied to have heard her.

"I haven't forgotten that, Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie argued back until she froze and gasped, "Have I?" her hair deflated, surprising the human girls. Suddenly popping out from Twilight's bag was Pinkie Pie's element of harmony that attached to her. Suddenly Pinkie fell unconscious with her head lying down on the table.

"Pinkie!" they gasped, as they checked on her.

"Her element has reacted to her." Twilight reminded them.

"So now she's got a trial to go through." Wild added.

As the boys came back with the snacks, they saw Pinkie lying with her head face down on the table. Ralph in shock dropped his load of snacks without a care and ran over, "PINKIE?!" he lifted her head up, "Pinkie, Pinkie, open your eyes!"

"It's no use, Ralph." Muse began.

"What?" he asked in shock.

"Pinkie Pie's undergoing the trial to help her element of harmony reach the next level." Twilight explained.

"Pinkie." Ralph gasped, as he saw her lay her head lifelessly on the table.

Inside her subconscious, Pinkie was in the world in between like her friends were in, "Wow, where am I?" she floated around, "Wherever I am it's sure empty."

Suddenly the area shifted into a garden filled with fresh flowers and plants, "Pinkie Pie, I welcome you." A female voice spoke to her.

Pinkie looked and saw approaching her was a female unicorn, whose coat was grayish white and her mane and tail was a soft pink and a bit poofy like Pinkie's. He cutie mark was a wind blowing through a flower patch of Narcissus flowers, "Hey who're you?" Pinkie asked.

"I am Echo Wind, the pink unicorn and original holder of the element of Laughter." The unicorn explained.

"Wow, I thought you looked familiar, although last form of you I saw was just an acting pony playing you in a play my friend wrote. Boy was that a good show, wished you could've seen it." Pinkie was rambling, until Echo used her magic to calm her down.

"Ok-ok, one thing at a time." she began, as the pony turned girl calmed down.

"So if I'm here that must mean I have to learn more about my element and about you?" the pink haired girl asked.

"Precisely, and I chose now because you seem to have forgotten your true self." Echo explained.

"That's what my friends have been telling me," Pinkie explained, as the unicorn listened, "I mean when I came to this world I knew I was expecting a lot of different things and was I right. The more I've grown accustomed to Dustin's and Alistair's world the more attached I seem to have gotten to it."

"And now you fear you've gotten so attached to it, you may have forgotten who you really are." Echo deduced as Pinkie sighed.

"Yeah." She admitted in sorrow.

The unicorn stood by the girl's side, "Allow me to tell you a story of my own, Pinkie Pie."

"Ooh, I love stories." Pinkie admitted, as they started walking through the endless garden.

"During my time with the others even before then I was also curious about my identity," Echo began, "I was worried about making friends feeling I wouldn't meet up to their expectations. So I started being somepony I wasn't by pretending to be more like the ponies I associated with. I thought I was one of them, but when the day was done all I saw was just a complete stranger."

"How sad." Pinkie gasped.

Echo continued feeling happier, "Then one day I decided to show them the real me. I did have a knack for making ponies laugh and so I used my talents to bring laughter and smiles to all those who were feeling down, just like I felt. And soon I had friends all around because they saw me for who I was, not somepony I was trying to be," she explained, as Pinkie was starting to understand, "So Pinkie Pie, I leave you with this bit of wisdom. It is a joy to explore new and endless exciting places, but never forget who you really are and where you're from."

Pinkie looked into the distance and saw her pony self as happy and excited as always. Suddenly her smile returned to her face, "I know who I am. I'm Pinkie Pie!" she started glowing.

Back in the outer plane, Pinkie's element glowed as the others watched as she woke up with her hair poofed back, "Wow what a nap."

"Pinkie, are you all right?" Twilight asked in worry.

"Yeah, we were wondering when you'd wake up." Rainbow added.

"Looks like you managed to get your element of harmony leveled up." Muse put in seeing her element was powered up.

"Yeah, and I know what I have to do," She answered, as she got up and went to Ralph, "Um Ralph, we need to talk."

"About what, Pinkie?" the big guy asked curiously.

"About you and I."

Suddenly Ralph looked shocked, "What do you mean, did I do something wrong? Oh, I knew it!" he started sighing in despair.

"No-no-no silly willy, it's not your fault its mine." Pinkie assured him, while others were surprised.

"Huh?" Ralph asked in confusion.

"You know what I really am. I'm a pony." She explained.

"Yeah I know." He admitted.

"And that's what I'll always be. This form I'm in is only until I return home. It could never work out between us because we're too different," Ralph not feeling any better about this, continued looking depressed, "Don't get me wrong. I think its ok for us to be friends and I hope someday maybe I'd meet a stallion just like you..."

"One whose big and eats a lot?" Ralph asked curiously, only to receive a kiss on the cheek from Pinkie who answered him.

"That and is as sweet as cupcakes," Ralph smiled, as he started tearing up before throwing his arms around the older girl bawling up a storm. Pinkie smiled as she hugged him back, "Come on Ralph, put a smile on. You know I don't like frowny faces."

Ralph looked at her as his sadness faded and turned into a smile knowing he'll always have her friendship. Pinkie smirked at her friends and spoke, "See and you thought I'd forget who I really was. But I know who I am and that's Pinkie Pie Party Thrower Extraordinaire!" The girls smiled, seeing Pinkie understood the importance of remembering who she was.

"Well good news is that Pinkie's and Ralph's friendship are still in tact, and Pinkie's element of harmony is restored and powered up." Dustin explained.

"Yeah am I great or what?" Pinkie asked, until Ralph spun her around to face him.

"I think you're the best," he answered, making her giggle, "Come here!" he pulled the girl into a kiss which she didn't even try to break free.

The group watched in shock, while Val smirked at them expecting such a stunt, "That's my brother for ya."

Upon breaking their kiss, Pinkie started bouncing around in excitement hooting, "Woo-hoo, Woo-hoo, Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!"

"And she's back." Applejack said, as the others smirked.

Soon in the getting close to seven and the guys exited the park, "Hey where're Spike and the others?" Twilight asked, until they looked seeing the animals approach.

"Today was absolutely wild." Domino cawed.

"Did you guys have a good time?" Aria asked hopefully.

"Yup we sure did." Tricera admitted.

"You didn't get into trouble did you?" Alicia asked Salem sternly.

"Not at all, Alicia." The cat answered, as he rubbed against her leg until she picked him up to carry him.

Domino flew to Dustin's shoulder, Fievel crawled up Alistair's pants until he reached his shoulder, Alice picked McTwisp up, and Tricera stood at Aria's side. When Twilight picked Spike up, she noticed her number one assistant turned dog was smiling proudly, "You seem awfully happy, Spike."

"Do I?" he asked, "Well let's just say I got my revenge."

"Revenge, on who?" Rarity asked.

"I'll tell you all later." He promised as the Baliton's drove up.

"Well guys, better get some sleep because there's no doubt they're gonna drill us in our practice even more to make up for lost times cause of this." Dustin warned them and they trembled.

Meanwhile back at the abandoned building, Clyde and Ebon were still waiting for Felix to return. Suddenly a shadow portal opened, and out came Felix accompanied by two seventeen year old dark warriors. The first one had red hair tied in a ponytail going down his back. His attire included a tattered blue trench coat, a green shirt, black leather pants, and black boots. The second had beady little eyes, grayish hair, a nose ring stud, and appeared to be muscle bound. His outfit included a red shirt, dark pants, and black sneakers, "Hi honey, I'm home!" Felix announced.

"Felix," Clyde gasped, until he saw who was accompanying him, "You two?"

"Hey Clyde, how's it going?" the red head asked.

"Been awhile since we saw you." The grayish hair one added.

Ebon spoke up, "Felix, where have you been, and who are these two?"

"Whoa that's our new employer?" the muscle bound one asked.

"Freaky." The red head gasped.

"I told you, Ebon. I was gathering us some more followers and I happened across these two. The three of us go way back." Felix explained while putting his arms around the new two dark warriors.

"And who are they?" Ebon inquired.

"Meet my old boys, Johan," he motioned to the red head who gave him a thumb's up, "And Omaddon." He motioned to the gray haired one who nodded with a smirk.

"Two more dark warriors?" Ebon asked dryly.

"Not just dark warriors, Ebon. They're known as the Chaos Duo, a duo of dark warriors who cause chaos wherever they go." Felix explained.

"And how do you know them?"

"Years ago I sprung them from a juvenile detention center all the way in Chicago. I read up their records and felt they would make excellent dark warriors," Felix began explaining, "Johan here was put in lock up for sadism practices on animals in his basement which he would post on the internet."

Johan smirked, "I've always has a sadistic personality." He chuckled.

"And Omaddon was under lock up for blowing up a building owned by a street gang who was always giving him a hard time." Felix explained.

"They hurt me in more ways than one." Omaddon answered.

"After I busted them out I offered them a chance to be stronger so that they could really show the world how dangerous they could really be," The dark warrior yoko explained, "When they accepted I juiced them up on dark energy in order for them to become dark warriors. With that I began their training, molding them into ideal fighters through training and on the job field work. When their training was completed they said they were ready to be on their own. Since then I've kept a record of the chaos they've caused for others across the states wherever they went."

"And now you think they can help us in destroying the elements of harmony?" Ebon asked hopefully.

"I'm sure of it. With these guys at our side, the pony girls won't stand a chance." Felix answered as Clyde stood with him and the duo.

Ebon seeing the four together spoke, "Very well boys, first we'll take this city, then Canterlot, and then Equestria!" he bellowed and the five broke out into a maniacal laugh.